INDEX TO PAGES 1-188 (Not Including Family Section) By Helen H. Livingston Alvord, Mrs. Nathan 35 A Alvord, Jr. Nathan 33 Alvord, Selah 25, 28, 30 Abbot, Asahel 32 Alvord, William M. 27-28, 55, 83 Abbot, B.F. 39 American Fork and Hoe Company 120 Abbot, Benjamin 32, 50 "American Herald of Liberty" 58 Abbot, Levina 49 Ames, Edmond 23, 25, 33 Abbot, Stephen 32 Ames, Isaac 32 Abbot, Urial 32 Amherst, MA 48, 86 Abbott family 103 Anderson, Earl H. 144 Abbott, Madam 161 Angell, 70 Abbott, Rev. 147 Angell, Rev. 147 Abbott, Asa L. 121 Angell, James 117 Abbott, Asakel 132 Angell, Mrs. John 145 Abbott, Rev. Benjamin 50, 123 Angell, Rev. John Q. 144, 145, 150 Abbott, Benjamin P. 106 Angell, Rosalie 69, 117 Abbott, Fortis H. 82 Angell, Mrs. Ruth 174 Abbott, H.P. 155 Angevin, John 144 Abbott, Mrs. Helen 155 architecture, types of 69-88 Abbott, Irving 33, 82, 83, 161, 163 Arnold, Benedict 47 Abbott, Lydia (Mrs. Silas Braley) 178 Arnold, Francis 32, 49 Abbott, Mary 163 Arnold, Nabby (Walbridge), Mrs. Francis Abbott, Nancy Trask 92 49 Abbott, Owen W. 106 Arnold, Sprague 20, 27, 46, 56 Abbott, Royal 70, 82, 124, 161, 162 Arnold, Jr. Sprague 120 Abbott, Jr. Royal 83, 119 Ascutney, Peak 157 Abbott, W.P. 175, 176 Atkinson, Frances 180 Abbott, Winthrop Porter 83, 75 Attleboro, Mass. 162 Abercrombie, Rev. Ralph C. 94 Austin, (house in E. Brookfield) 105 Abraham, Mt. 155 Austin, Ena 20, 145, 151 Adams, Academy 92 Austin, Wallace 20, 145, 15 1 Adams, Capt's Mill 117 Ayers 2 Adams, Major 20 Ayers' Brook 2, 17, 21, 62, 119 Adams, Frances 80, 169, 170, 172 Ayers, James 32, 33, 62 Adams, Mr. 50 Adams, Luther 110 Adams, Reuben 25, 30, 33, 39, 46, 53, 54, 87,117 Addison 50 Bacon, Jim 117 Aiken, Sen. George 105 Bagley, B.C. 46, 56 Ainsworth, Ebenezer 33, 36, 40, 46, 11 7 Bagley, Benjamin 36, 41, 118 Ainsworth, Edward-24,-25, 53 Bagley-&-Calf (store) 39, 118-- - Albany, NY 170, 171 Bagley, Edward 32 Allen, David P. 152 Bagley, John 32, 36 Allen, Ethan 19, 29 Bagley, Josiah 32, 36 Allen, Gideon 32 Bagley, Samuel 33, 36, 46 Allen, Capt. J.S. 22, 34, 40, 56, 118 Bagley, Jr., Samuel 32, 36 Allen, John 41 Bahre, F.E. (Eddie and Ethel) 128, 172 Allen, Lendia (Mrs. David B.) 152 Bailey, Dr. 39 Allen, Nathan 32, 34, 36, 49 Bairds 155 Allen, Samuel 32 Baird, David 81 Allis, Andrew S. 87 Baird Foundation 81 Allis, Egbart 87, 164 Baird, Mrs. Josephine 81 Allis, Elisha 14, 16, 31, 32, 33, 39, 48, Baker, Doris Fletcher 100 52, 53, 87, 118, 158 Baker, Henry 63 Allis, Jr. Elisha 55 Baker Pond 155 Allis State Park 87, 157-158 Baker, Rev. Robert S. 144, 150 Allis, Wallace Steele 87, 158 Baker, Vicory 122 Alvord, Mr. 21, 41 Ballou, Charles 87 Alvord, Cotton W. 55 Ballou, Sherry 87 Alvord, John 15, 25, 30, 33, 47 Bancroft 124 Alvord, Nathan 32, 33, 35 Bannister (East Hill) 46 Bannister, Sanford 65 Bigelow, Edson P. 61, 70, 144, 150, 151, Baptist (see also Brookfield Baptists) 146 , 153, 159, 171 147 Bigelow, Mrs. Electa P. 51 Barcomb children 98 Bigelow, Eli 25 Banlow, Timothy 33 Bigelow, Ellen 70, 151 Barnard 19, 31 Bigelow, Frederick 151 Barre, VT 50, 83, 120, 150, 159 Bigelow, Frederick G. 39, 53, 56, 57, 151 "Barre Times" 181 Bigelow, Gilbert 40, 49 Barris, Ralph and Gloria 77 Bigelow, Josiah 25, 33, 46 Barry, William 128 Bigelow, Louise L. 151 "Barter Barn" 172 Bigelow, Louise M. 3, 155 Bartlett, Rev. Jane 147 Bigelow, Mary E. 151 Batchelder, Mrs. Emily 155 Bigelow, Penn 175-176 Batchelder, Eri 155 Bigelow, S. Milton 64, 151 Batchelder, Harry 159 Bigelow, Samuel M. 51, 56 Batchelder, Marian 138 Bigelow, Seth 153 Bates, Samuel 55 Bigelow, Seth G. 39, 46, 52, 83 Bates, Deacon Thomas 50 Bigelow, Stephen 33 Bates, Samuel 50 Bigelow Store 20, 85-86 Battes, Joseph 32 Bigelow, Timothy 24, 25, 33, 118 Battles, Joe 179 Bigelow, Zelotes 24, 33, 46, 51 Beach, Harlan W. 144 Biglow (see Bigelow) Bean, Father 36 Billings, Candace 37 Bean, Albert 136 Bissell, Elias 153 Bean, Folsom 32 Bixby Place 22 Bean, Joseph 62 blacksmith shop 113, 119, 121 Bean, Rev. Peter 39 Blair 109, 163 Bear Hill 5, 20, 61, 62, 63, 87, 98, 123, Blair, Addie 138 157-158, 164 Blair, Theophile 138, 161 Bear Mountain(see Bear Hill) Blaisdell, Rev. 147 Bear's Den 158, 164 Blake, Joseph 32 Beard, Charles 159 Blakebrough, William 136 Beard, Esther 163 Blanchard 125, 155 Beard, Lizzie 138 Blanchard, Amos 36 Beard, Rev. 147 Blanchard, Barnard 32 Bedell, Gertrude 181, 182 Blanchard, Polly 36 bee-keeping 130 Blanchard, Smith 95 Beer's Atlas 87 Blodgett, Loran 119 Beldan, William 147 Blodgett, Mrs. Mabel 155 Belding, Chester 32 Blodgett, Mrs. Sarah P. 155 Belknap 41 Blodgett, William J. 106, 155 Belknap, Daniel 111 Boardman, H.E.J. 38 Benham House 51, 107, 126 Bogue, Charles and Catherine 80 Benham sisters 126 Boone, Daniel 129 Benham, Edward 107 Boright, Edith 133 Benham, Ella 97 Boston 50, 58, 82, 85, 118, 128, 130, 131, Benham, Mrs. John 163 132, 134, 137, 171 Berlin, VT 62, 84 Boston - Montreal Turnpike 82, 117 Berlin Pond 64 Boston Sunday Globe 126 Bernald, Edward 144 Bott's_Plumbing and Heating 128 Bethel 1, 31, 45, 50, 122 Bottum, Joseph 54 Beverly, MA 38 Boudro 166 Bigelow 136 Bowen, Alice (Mrs. Faxon B.) 166 Bigelow Ledger 117 Bowen, Daniel 7, 9, 14 Bigelow Store 126 Bowen, Faxon 166 Bigelow, A.G. 138 Bowen, Helen 124 Bigelow, A.W. 39, 53, 56, 106 Bowman, Mrs. Carl 125 Bigelow, Abel 51, 53, 56 Boyce, Alden 103 Bigelow, Amasa 24, 25, 33, 46, 53 Boyce, Clarence 95 Bigelow, Asa 32 Boyce, Henry 178 Bigelow, Ashbel 32 Boydeen, N.L. 154, 155 Bigelow, Barna 32, 33, 39, 48, 51, 52, 54, Boynton, Rev. George E. 149, 150 55, 84, 85, 118, 122, 151 Brabazon, Thomas 80, 169 Bigelow, Charles 163, 179 Bradford, Robert 32, 33 Bigelow, Charles A. 151 Brainerd, Rev. Elijah 26, 36, 139 Bigelow, Charles H. 63, 119, 122, 136, 151 Braley, Alvin 178 Bigelow, Mrs. Charles H. 155 Braintree 2, 6, 31, 35, 44, 102, 178 Bigelow, Daniel 32, 46 Braley, H. 48 Bigelow, David 15, 24, 25, 28, 30, 33, 46, Braley, Horace and Mercy 178 52, 53, 54 Braley, John 178 Bigelow, Jr. David 55 Braley, Lydia (Abbott) (Mrs. Silas B.) 178 (cid:9) Bigelow, Mrs. Edith 155 Braley, Silas 178 The Branch (see Second Branch, White Brookfield - Mill Village (see also Pond River) 34, 36, 39, 41, 61, 68, 85 Village) 45, 47, 49, 50, 62, 85, 118 Branch Road 64 Brookfield Mining 125-126 Brassard, Henry 98 Brookfield Ministerial Committee 24-26 "Breck-Neck" Hill 63 Brookfield, Ministerial Lands 9, 14 Breck, George 7, 9, 14 Brookfield Ministers 39 Breth, James 171, 172 Brookfield Moderator 23 Breth, Louise 169, 170, 171, 172 Brookfield Old Home Sunday 169, 171 Brewster, Ebenezer 7, 14 Brookfield Parsonage 140 Bridge Hill 61, 172 Brookfield Petit Jury 30 Brigham, Paul 8, 11, 12, 14 Brookfield physicians 39 British Army 58 Brookfield Pond 161, 162, 180 British Invaders 19 Brookfield population 132 Brook Road 62, 90 Brookfield Post Office 83, 103-106, 120, Brookfield Baptists 36, 37, 39, 140, 146 123, 175 Brookfield Canal 68 Brookfield pound 23, 24 Brookfield cattle marks 24 Brookfield Pound Parties 136 Brookfield Cemetery 159, 17 1 Brookfield Probate Court 84 Brookfield Cemetery Hill 68, 70 Brookfield Proprietors 8-11, 12-17, 24, 31, Brookfield Center 33, 39, 45, 49, 82, 83, 62, 117 85, 92, 95, 97, 104, 109, 117-118, 124, Brookfield Prudential Committee 10, 12, 13 132, 139-141, 145, 151, 160, 161-163, 172, Brookfield Publishing Co. 70, 99, 127, 139 175, 180 Brookfield Rake Shop 121 Brookfield Center Cemetery 15 1 Brookfield Representative to Congress Brookfield Center Church 140, 141, 146, 30-31 161, 175 Brookfield Road Commissioners 65, 67, 166 Brookfield Center First Congregational Brookfield Roads 9-11, 12-13, 23, 30, Church 33, 45 (see also Brookfield 61-68, 133 Center Church) Brookfield Rum Factory 179 Brookfield Charter 7-8, 23 Brookfield Second Congregational Church Brookfield Cheese Manufacturing Co. 119 35, 109, 140, 142, 144, 145, 159, 179 Brookfield - Chelsea Road 62-63 Brookfield Selectmen 23, 26, 27, 64, 111 , Brookfield Church of Christ 85, 139 151 Brookfield, Church horse sheds 159 Brookfield shops 140 Brookfield Churches 139-150, 161 Brookfield Storekeepers 39, 105, 118-120, Brookfield Congregational Churches (see 126 also First and Second Cong. Churches) Brookfield South Church 140, 142 35, 36, 39, 42, 51, 70, 121, 145, 172, 173 Brookfield Survey 13-17, 62 Brookfield Congregational Society 31, 44, Brookfield Surveyors 23, 24, 25 140 Brookfield Tannery 121 Brookfield Congregationalists 146 Brookfield Taverns 39-40, 45, 46, 58, Brookfield Congressional District 3 1 117-118 Brookfield Constable 23, 24, 26, 31, 46 Brookfield Tax Collector 23-24 Brookfield Cornet Band 136 Brookfield taxes 8-9, 31, 60 Brookfield Creamery 132 Brookfield Telephone Office 107, 134, 159 Brookfield Divisions 12-15 Brookfield Town Clerk 23, 24, 36, 46, 48, Brookfield East Ridge Union Meeting 119, 123, 154, 160, 175 House 148 Brookfield Town Garage 66, 122 Brookfield Female Seminary 38, 92, 95 Brookfield Town Hall 3, 13, 123, 154, 156, Brookfield First Congregational Church 160, 169, 170 (see also Sec. Church) 39, 51, 106, 124, Brookfield Town Office Building 51 140 -144, 147, 154, 161,163 171, 175 Brookfield TownMeetings 24, 140 Brookfield Fork Company 50 Brookfield Town Report 65 Brookfield Freeman Meeting 24, 25, 30, 32 Brookfield Town Representative 45 Brookfield Freewill Baptist Church 36-37, Brookfield Treasurer 23, 24 145, 147-148, 151 Brookfield Union Store 39 Brookfield Grand List 27, 153 Brookfield Universalist Society 31, 35-36, Brookfield Grange 155, 156, 169 140 Brookfield Grange No. 98 155 Brookfield Village 5, 6, 15, 41, 47, 112 Brookfield Gulf 65, 102, 157 Brookfield Village Store 175 Brookfield Historical Society 65, 83, 92, Brookfield Women's Association (Second 118, 119, 121, 123, 162, 169, 170, 181 Cong. Church) Brown, Ephraim 33 Brookfield Ladies Sewing Circle 140 Brookfield Lawyers 39 Brown, Gaylen 169, 170 Brown, Geraldine 132 Brookfield Library 3, 38, 51, 87, 108, 139, 154 Brown, Homer 67 Brookfield Listers 23, 24 Brown, Thomas F. 144 Brookfield Manufacturing 119-125 Brownson, Timothy 7, 14 Brownstein, Shale and Rachel 74 Brookfield Meeting House 5, 25-26, 30, 31, 50, 62, 84, 85 Bruin, Father Zehrin 150 Brush, Nathaniel 7, 14 Brookfield Methodist Church 145 Buck, Daniel 30-31 Brookfield Methodists 36, 39, 140, 145, 146 (cid:9) Buermann, Hank 128 Catton Rev. Robert 147 Buckley, Charles 19, 57 Century Farms of Vermont 131-132 bull rakes 122 Chadwick, Mary Rachel 95 Bullard 161 chair shop 121, 123 Burgoyne, General 48 Chamberlin, W.E. 53, 56 Burlington, VT 58 Champlain Valley 153 Burnham, Ariel 53, 56 Charleston, N.H. 45 Burnham, Elijah 32, 33 Charleston, S.C. 41 Burnham, Justus 33 Chase Farm (West St.) 70 Burnham, Walter 30, 32, 33, 36, 39, 49 Chase, Alton 63 Burnham, Dr. Z.P. 39 Chase, Carrie L. 154, 155, 173 Burow, Kathy 150 Chase, Ellsworth W. 106, 138 Burr, Sam 75 Chase, Rev. Leland G. 150 Burroughs, Timothy 36 Chase, Merton 138, 154, 155, 173 Burroughs, Jr., Timothy 32, 36 Chase, Rev. Philip 144 Burton, Levi 32 Chase, Ursula 155 Burton, Esq., Elisha 12 Chase, Zolva 154, 155 Burton, George 144 Chautauqua Programs 135 Bushee, Rev. and Mrs. George 170 cheese factory 123, 125, 131, 164-165 Bushee, Rev. William A. 140, 142, 144 Chelsea 2, 28, 35, 39, 44, 64, 107, Bushey, Jr., Carl 62, 77, 117 137, 147, 153, 184 Bushey, Carl W. 86 Chelsea Baptist Soc. 44, 147 Bushey, Orville and Abbie 86 Chelsea Cong. Soc. 44 Bushnell Rev. 149 Chelsea ministerial lands Bushnell, Samuel C. 150 Chelsea Road 67 Butler, Loren 183 Chelsea West Hill 138 Butter, Richard and Joyce 74, 172 Child's Gazeteer 85 butter factory 125 Childs, Rachel 126 Butters, Marion 126, 169 Childs 83 Buxton, Benjamin F. 121, 176 Childs, Rev. Arthur W. 144, 150 Buxton Boot Drier 121` Chittenden, Thomas (Gov.) 7, 8, 14, 30, 31 Buxton Clothes Dryer 121 Christensen, Richard 144 Buxton Sawmill 176 Churchill Farm 96 Buxton Step Ladder 121 Church Hill 68 Bygosh Music Corporation 128 Churchill, Ad 161 Churchill, Margaret 87, 98, 172 (Mrs. Bob) Churchill Ray 172 Churchill, Robert 87, 99, 172 Civil War 95, 131, 152, 161, 162, 164, 178 Cady, Mrs. of Royalton 45 Civilian Conservation Corps 158 Cady, Irene (Mrs. Leon) 87 Clarke, U.A. & Co. 120 Cady. Leon 87 Claflin, Carl 95 (illus) Calagan, Terence 132, 160 Claflin, Clarenda 36 California 165 Claflin, Daniel 36, 37, 49 Carl, Rufus 34 Claflin, Jr., Daniel 37, 56, 57 Call, Tenney 181, 187 Claflin, E.F. 39, 57, 118 Calligan 161, 163 Claflin, Ephraim F. 57 Camel's Hump Mt. 157 Claflin, Foster 125 Cameron, Douglas & Donna 73 Claflin, Jehiel & Rev. 37, 39 (Rev.), 149 Camp 121 Claflin, Mamie 95 (illus) Canada 19, 29, 58, 120, 140 ClaflinP-olly 36 cant hooks 120 Claflin, Mr. Squire 49 Canterbury, Conn. 44, 46 Clark, family 155, 169 carding mill 125 Clark, Alan & Kathleen 70 (house) Carleton, Richard 152 Clark, Anna 169 Carlton, Samuel 32 Clark, Clarence 3 (illus) Carley, Ichabod 12, 25, 35, 36 Clark, Mrs. Eleanor T. 155 Carley, Polly 45 Clark, Eli 37, 149 (Elder) Carpenter 155 Clark, Rev. James S. 144._ Carpenter, Abiel 36 Clark, Levina (Abbot) 49 Carpenter, Austin 40 Clark, Mrs. Louise (Urial) 165, 169 Carpenter, Comfort 32, 33, 49, 162 Clark, Luke 33, 49, 55 Carpenter, Harriet 161 Clark, Minnie L. 154, 155, 165 Carpenter, Hazel 138 Clark, Noah 20 Carpenter, Ira 161, 162 Clark, Samuel 7, 14 (spelled Clerk) Carpenter, Lillian (Mrs. Azel Hall) 161 Clark, Sarah (Smith) 49 Carpenter, V.B. 138, 139- Clark, U.A. 49, 120, 169 Carpenter, Warren 136 Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William 80, 164165 Carpenters 119, 130 Clark, William C. 120, 155 Carley, William 20, 23, 31, 33, 46 Clark, Zerviah (Cushman) 49 Carr, Rev. William 144 Cleaveland, Rev. of Braintree, 35 caskets 124 - - _ _(cid:9) (cid:9) Cleaveland, A. 39 Cleaveland, Aaron 50-51 Crane, family 155 Cleaveland, Jr., Aaron 53, 56 Crane, Elijah 152 Cleaveland, Abigail 44 Crane, George 121 Cleaveland, (Mrs. Aaron) Creamery 123-126 Caroline (Wilson) 50 Crescent Chapter #37, O.E.S. 154-155 Cleaveland, Enoch 36 Crocker, family 155 Cleaveland, J.R. 53, 57 Crocker, Mr. 121 Cleaveland, Judge J.W. 123-124 Crocker, Charles 155 Cleaveland, James 21 Crook, Rev. Malcolm 139, 144 Cleaveland Store 123 Cross, Mrs. Hepzibath 9, 10, 11, 18-19, 58 Cleaveland, Zenas 21, 46 Cross, Joseph 7, 9, 14 Cleaveland, Mrs. Zenas 35 Cross, Shubael (Lt.) 7-11, 12, 14, 18-19, 20, Cleveland, A. 119 21, 23, 24, 25, 53, 62, 82, 117, 132 Clevelancj,;-Aaron 119-121 Cross-country skiing 127 Cleveland, John A. 153 Crossover Road 70, 160 Cleveland and Van Ornum 120 Currier, Rev. 147 Clifford, David 32 Curtis, Abel 8 Clough 68 Cushman, Nathaniel 33 Clough, Maxwell 150 Cushman, Jr., Nathaniel 25 Clover mill 121, 123, 124 Cushman, Mrs. Zerviah 49 Coburn, Rev. 39 Cutler, Nellie 96 Coburn, Clarinda 37 Coburn, Ira 37 Coburn, James 93 D Coburn, Jesse 32 Cochrane, George 120 Daly, George F. 170, 171-172 Coffins 124 Daly, Helen 169, 171-172 Cogen, David and Dove 77-78 dancing 138 Colas, Stanley 33, 70 Darmouth College 139 Colchester, CT 46 Davenport, Daniel 118 Cold Harbor, VA 152 Davenport, Dr. George 39, 53 (no Dr. ref), Collins, Moses 32, 33 57 (no Dr. ref), 106 Postmaster no Dr. Colt 45, 155 Davis, Doc. 184 Colt, Benjamin 7, 8, 12, 14, 30, 33, 36, 47, Davis, Bernice M. 105, 106, 169 79 Davis, C. 25 Colt, Daniel 7, 14, 47, 56 Davis, Caroline 178 Colt, Lucretia 7, 14 Davis, Col. Jacobs 58 Tavern in Montpelier Colt's Pond (see also Sunset Pond) 1, 2, Davis, Levi 37 41, 45, 47, 117, 119, 127 Davis, Marshal P. 56, 57 Concord, N.H. 58, 122 Davis, Perley 105, 169 (Mrs.), 177 Conger 67 Davis, Philip 40 Congregational Church of Christ in East Davison, Alba 32 Braintree and West Brookfield 149 Davison, Paul 7, 14, 25, 33, 35, 35, 45, 53 Congregationalists 146, 147 Davison, Jr., Paul 32 Congress 19, 30 Davison, Mrs. Paul 35 Connecticut 20, 129, 153, 158 Day, Heman 7, 14 Connecticut River Valley 1, 73, 129 Dean, Annah 7, 9 Converse, James A. 32, 36 Decker, Robert & Virginia 81 Cook 26 Deerfield, MA 86 Cook, Samuel 7, 14 DeForge, Robert 58, 70 (house) & Beth, Cooke, Ruth and Vincent 170 89 (Beth article) Cooley, Doris 171 --(cid:9) DeMerritt, Rev:John P:-144 - Cooley, Walter 150 Dempsey 166 place Cooper 119 Dennison, Rachel (Miss) 38, 92 Copp and Graves 39 Derry, NH 92 Copper mine 125 Dewey, Mr. 180 Cornwallis 46 Dewey, Elijah 7, 14 Cossett, Ethel 64 Dewey, Eugene 97 (illus), 180 Cotton, Mr. 92 Dewey, Frank S. 97, 180 Cotton, John 37 Dewey, Wayne 97` (illus) Cotton, Simon 32, 151 Dibbles, the 169 Cotton, Sophronia 37 Dickerman, 39 Coult, Benjamin 118 Dickinson, Elihu 7, 14 Council of Churches 145 Dickinson, Elijah 7, 14 Covell, Rev. Charles H. 150 Dickinson, Estella 150 Coventry, CT 46 Dickinson, Obadiah 7, 14, 84 Cowles, Timothy 20, 23, 24, 25-26, 28, 33, Dickinson, Jr., Obadiah 7, 14 46, 52, 53, 151 Dimmick, Russell 165 Crafts, F.A. 119 Disbrow, Clarkson 62 Craig, Polly 117, 169, 172 distilleries 118, 119, 125 West Brookfield Crain, Nancy (Mrs. Elijah Crane) 152 Ditty, Leon 136 Cram Hill 63 Doane, Ashley 144 (cid:9) Dog River 1, 20 Easton, Carol 157 article Doty, Miss Caty 89-90 Ecclesiastical Council of 1848 140 Doughty, Stephen V. 144 Edgerton, Benjamin 153 Doyle, Eugenie 75 (place) Edgerton, William 32, 153 Doyne, Francis 32, 33 Edson, Col. (1815) 121, 123 store, 179 dragrakes 122-123 Edson, Mr. 124 Dresden, NH 10 Edson Cottage 70, 164, 172 DuBois, Bob 169 Edson family 155, 169 the Duffany, Joe 136 (illus) Edson A. & O., Tavern 40 Duke of Kent 58 Edson, Abbot & Co. 39 Durkee, Clara, bride of Dr. Elmer Ellis 179 Edson, Amasa 40, 44-45, 54, 62, 83,92, 98, Durkee, Florence 179 109, 117, 118, 151 Durkee, Horace 179 Edson, Andrew 159 Durkee, Lucretia 179 Edson, Freedom 32 Durkee, Marian 179 Edson, Harris 20, 46, 48 Durkee, Oliver 25, 33 Edson, Jerah 119, 151, 163 Durkee, Philip S. 144 Edson, Jonathan 32, 41, 49 Durkee, Samuel 32 Edson, Justus 39, 52, 53, 55, 56, 106 Durkee, Vine 32, 33, 46 Edson, Mary 151 Durkee, William 32, 33 Edson, O. 40 Dutton, Albert 95 Edson, Salmon 32, 49, 55 Dutton, Arzo 158 (illus), 160 (illus) Azro, Edson, Timothy 32, 50 161 Azro Edward, Prince of Eng. 28-29, 58 Edward Dwinell, Hester 169 Augustus Duke, Rev. Samuel N. 150 Eleanor and Mabel Van Alstyne Collection of American Folk Art 84 Elks Organization of VT 81 Ellen Mt. 157 Ellis, Mrs. Clara 107, 179 Eagle Peek Road 77 Ellis, Dr. & Mrs. E.E. 41, 107, 134, 138, East Bethel 142 159, 174, 179 East Braintree 102, 103, 125, 149 Ellis, Elisha 53 East Brookfield 15, 20 (illus), 42 (illus), 62, Ellis, Jr., Elisha 7 64, 65, 68, 84, 105, 107, 122, 123, 124, Ellis, Erma 134 126, 128, 134, 135, 145-147, 151, 166, Ellis, Madaleen J. 179 169, 171, 172, 181 Elzey, Ted & Ruth 74 East Brookfield Cemetery 62, 84, 151 Emerson, Rev. Charles W. 144 East Brookfield choirrehearsals 174 Empire Washer 119 East Brookfield Church 76, 145-147, 148, Enfield, NH 120 174 England 130 East Brookfield Church of Christ 147 Erwell, William 150 East Brookfield Congregational Church Eshland wood gun heating 78 145-147, 146 (horse sheds), 146 (illus) Essex Fells, NJ 80 East Brookfield Congregational Church 146 Estabrook, Nehemiah 32, 33 East Brookfield Ladies Society 146 Evans, Rev. David 147 East Brookfield Diane's Hairstyling 128 Evans, Rev. John 147 East Brookfield Baptist Church 145 Evans, Nathan 153 East Brookfield Old Home Sunday 147 Exeter, NH 58 East Brookfield Post Office 103, 105 East Brookfield St. Edward's Chapel 171 F East Brookfield Sawmill 118. (illus) East Brookfield Religious Society 145 East Brookfield Universalist Society 145 Fairfax Courthouse, VA 152 East Brookfield Religious Society 145, 146 Falvella, Father 150 East Hill 20, 22 (illus), 34, 37, 39, 45, 46, farming 129-135 62, 64, 66, 70, 98, 105, 118, 124, 125, Farnsworth, Leonard 118 (bldgs. illus.) 128, 130, 138, 145, 146, 147-148, 174 Farr, Glayds 145 (illus) (road) Farr, Volney 145 (illus) East Hill Baptist Soc. 146-148 Farrar, Fred 138 East Hill Cemetery 63, 148 (illus), 151-152 Fassett, Jr., John 7 East Hill Church 22 (illus) Fay, Joseph 8 East Hill Church of Christ 147 fence viewers 23, 24 East Hill meeting house 148 (illus) Ferris, Oscar 64 East Montpelier 178 Ferry, Leman 32, 33 East Randolph Store 170 Field, Elder 179 East Roxbury 65, 178 Field, D. (Rev.) 39 East Roxbury Grammar School 101, 102 Fish, S.N. & Son 119 East Street 58, 70, 77, 84, 95, 98, 117, 160 Fisk family 155 East Westmoreland, NH 149 Fisk, Mr. 41, 136 Eastern Star 156 . Fisk, Adell L. 80 Eastman, John 7 Fisk, Artemas 20, 22, 39, 45, 48 Eastman, Timothy 7 Fisk, Clayton B. 96, 98, 103, 104 (illus), Frink, Mr. & Mrs. Milo 183 106, 1 Frink, Noah 97 (illus) Fisk(e), Mrs. Clayton 163 Frink, Norman W 106 Fisk, Experience 32, 33, 39, 48, 52, 53, 64, Fullam, family 155 117-118 Fullam, Calvin 119, 155 Fisk, Jr., Experience 41 Fullam, Jr., Calvin 121 Fisk, Fred Clayton 80, 97 (illus), 163 Fullam, Clarence 159-160 (place) Fisk, Jessie 80, 98, 104 Fiske, 126-7 Fiske, Fullam, David 119, 121 163 Fullam, Mrs. Frances E. 155 Fisk, Olive Lillian (Gage) 97 (illus) Fullam, Frank 136 Fisk, Stephen 40 Fullam, George 80, 97 (illus) Fisk, Rev. W. 36, 39, 145 Fullam, Gerald (farm) 98 Fiske House 125 Fullam, H.H. 138 Fiske Jessie (see also Fisk, Jessie) 126-127, Fullam, Mrs. Ida 99 138, 169 Fullam, Mary Tewksbury 99 (illus) Fitzgerald, George E 11 8 Fuller, Squire 56 Flagg, Josiah 119 Fuller, Buckminster 170 Fleming, Rev. Archibald 335, 144 Fuller, Dana 178 Fleming, Rothia 171 Fuller, Foster 178 Fletcher, Ethel 165 (article) Fuller, Rev. George P. 150 Fletcher, Guy 145 (illus) Fuller, Harris B. 125 Fletcher, H.A. 167 (illus) Fuller, Lydia 37 Fletcher, H. Guy 138 Fuller, Martin 178 Fletcher, Harvey 167 (illus) Fuller, Zadock P. 57 Fletcher, Margaret 145 (illus) fulling mill 121, 123 Flint, Burton A. 151 Fullington, George 117 Flint, Carrie A. 151 Flint, Doug 68 (illus house), 117 Flint, Hermon 124 Flint, Lotta 95 (illus) Flint, Perk 179 Gage, Mrs. Clarice 126 Floating Bridge 13 (illus), 41, 61, 80, Gage, Clayton (see also Kit Gage) 126 110-114, 113 (illus), 114 (illus), 115 (illus), Gage, Deborah 180 134, 160, 161, 177 Gage, Dorcas 103, 104 Flood of 1827 104, 124-175 Gage, Harold 99 (home), 103, 106, 126, 170 Fobes, Solomon Gage, Kit 98, 110 article Fogg, Fred A 120 Gage, Olive 80 Follansbee 160 (place) Gala Day 1974 169 Follansbee, A.L. 138, 155 Galusha, Jonas 7, 11, 14 Follansbee, Sophia E 3 (illus), 155, 155 games 135-136 (Mrs. article) Gay, Rev. Joshua S. 144 fork shop (factory and restaurant) 6 (illus) , Gay, Rev. William M. 144 13 (illus), 27 (illus) The, 83, 112 (illus), Gaylord, Arthur 166 119, 120-121, 126-127 (The), 128, 160, Gaylord, Colin 66, 166 169, 179 Gaylord, Earl 166 foundry.(Pond Village) 13 (illus) Gaylord, Haydon 166 place Fourth of July Celebration 135 Gaylord, Hezekiah 12, 20, 23, 24, 33, 36, Fox, Julie (Mrs. Neal) 70 (house) 46, 53 Fox, Neal 20, 70 (house) Gaylord, Jr., Hezekiah 32, 33 Free Turnpike 79, 80 Gaylord, Ivah (Mrs. Arthur) 125 (place), Freeman, A.W. 121 166 __ Freeman, Calvin 20,_ 45_ Gaylord, Luna 166 ---- Freeman, Henry, Post 154 Gaylord, Jr., Samuel 7, 14 Freeman, Loren 179 Gaylord, Thomas 20, 33 Freeman, Marshall 119, 124 Gene's trees 128 Freeman, Samuel 32, 33, 46 George III 28-29, 58 Freeman, Mrs. Samuel 35 Gerard, James 70, 169 Freeman, Jr., Samuel 32 Gilbransen organ 147 Freeman, William 119 Gillispie, Rev. Arthur 147 French, family 161 Glastonbury, CT 46 French, Fred 155 Goellner, Catherine M. 170 French, John 32 Goellner, Howard C. 170, 171 French, Samuel 32 Goffin, John W. 150 French, Indian War 2 Goldman, Bruce 37 (house illus) French neighborhood 161 Good Templars, the 154, 155 French, Van Ornum Co. 120 Goodales, the 169 Frink, Burton 136 (illus) Goodale, Normus 40, 119 (N.) Frink, C.T. 161 (Mr. & Mrs.), 164 (father Goodman, Stephen 7 of Elliot) Goodrich, Prof. J.E. 109 Frink, Charles Dexter 97 (illus) Goodrich, Vernon C. 106 Frink, Clarence J. 97 (illus) Gosh, Bobby 128, 172 (family) Frink, Eliot H. 97 (illus), 138, 164 Gould, Daniel 32 Grand Lodge of Vermont in 1797 Hall, Robert Stoughton 97 (illus) (Masonic) 153 Hall, Ruth 161 Grand Lodge of Vt. Proceedings in 1820 Hall, Ruth Anna (Stone) 97 (illus) 153 Hall, Dea. Silas 28, 90 (house), 93, 98, 99 Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry 155 Hamblin, James 152 Grant, Zilpah (Miss) 92 Hamblin, Joel 32, 55 Grants Island, in Conn. River 130 Hamblin, Oliver 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, Graves family 155, 159 (house) 23, 25, 33, 45 Graves, Deacon 160 (illus) Hamblin, Mrs. Oliver 27 Graves, Selah 82 Hamilton, Dr. 21 Gray, Elinor, 103 article, 106, 107 article Hancock 31 Gray, John 166 Hand, Ira 32, 33 Gray, Ruby (Mrs. John G.) 166 Hand Road 77 Green family 155 Hanks, Ruth 138 Green, John 32 Hanover, NH 47, 50 Green, Rev. James 147 Hanson, Mrs. Grace 65 Green Mountain Boys 19 Harford, John 47, 66, 104, 167 (illus), 170, Green Mountain potatoes 87 174 Green Mountains 1, 157, 171 harness maker 119, 123, 159 Green Trails 51 (illus), 69, 73, 75, 79-80, Harrington family 155 111, 126-127, 128, 169 Harrington, Elizabeth D. 106 Greenfield, MA 47, 83 Harrington, John 33, 39 (Dr.), 41 (Dr.) Greenwood (Mrs.) 99 Harrington, Marguerite 138 Griffith, J.C. 150 Hartford, CT 80 Gristmills 10, 11, 21, 62, 118, 119, 121-123, Hartland, VT 50 125 Harvard Univ. 48, 58, 87 Griswold family 155 Hastings, Leroy 144 Griswold, Mrs. Annette 155 Hatch, A. 89 (farm) Griswold, Frederic 33, 50,, 52, 54, 55, 98 Hatch, Asner 87 Frederick Hatch, Asshur 32, 33, 39, 48, 53, 54 Griswold, Howard 108-109 Hatch, Darius 125 Griswold, Joseph 11 Hatch, Esq. Homer 48, 53, 55 Griswold, Lois 49 Hatfield, MA 48 Griswold, M.L. 124 Hatlie, Rev. Daniel 147 Griswold, Marcia (Mrs. Merton) 169 Hawes, Elijah 185 Griswold, Dr. Merton 169 Hawes, William 32 Griswold, Selinda 108-109 Hawley, John, S. 144 Griswold, Sylvester 32, 50, 55 Hawley, Joseph 7, 14 Grout, Eva 145 (illus) Hayes, Daisy (Washburn) 97 Grovenor, Rev. Charles H. 150 Hayward, see also Howard 19, 22 Grover, Amaziah 33, 36, 46 Hayward, Mr. 87 Grover, Ashur 32 Hayward, John 7 Grover, Francis 32, 36 Hayward, Ruth Angell 87 Grover, Mrs. 27 Hayward, Debbie 185 Grow, Edward 32 Hazen, Rev. C. Arthur 150 Guptil, E.T. 122 Heath, John 20, 162 Gwhalp, Mr. 58 Hebard, Roger 152 Hebard, William 65 Helsteins, The 169 Hemenway, Abby 58 Hemenway_Ls Gazeteer 61 Hadley, MA 47, 48 Henry, Sylvester 32, 33 Hadley, Theodore 150 "The Herald and News" of Randolph 111, Haggett house 126, 140 (barn), 160 (place) 120 Haggett, Bill 160 Herrick, family 155 Haggett, Will & Jessie '8 (house illus), 80 Herrick, David 32, 49 Hale, Richard & Betsy 73 (house) Herrick, Rev. E.E. 147 Half-way brook 64 Herrick, John 55, 57 Half-way Brook Rd. 64 Herrick, 2nd, John 56 Halifax, Nova Scotia 58 Herwigs, the (Wesley 181' Hall home 92 Hewitt, Joseph 165 Hall Mr. & Mrs. 159 parents of Alfred H., Hibbard family 155 161 farm West St. Hibbard, Edwin S. 152 Hall A.J. 87 Hibbard, Franklin 152 Hall, Alfred 159 & 160 (article) 161, 163 Hibbard, Gordon P. 57 (article) Hibbard, Gurdon 130 Hall, Azel Storrs 97 (illus), 159, 161 Hibbard, Gurdon H. 130 Hall, Bill & Van 169 Hibbard, John 32, 34, 49 Hall, George 88 (illus) Hibbard, Oliver 32 Hall, George B.J. 3 (illus), 87 Hibbard, Jr., Roger 32 Hall, Gertrude 140, 172 Hill, Arthur & Doris 73 (house), 146 Arthur Hall, Jeremiah 98 Hill, Julian 105, 106 Hill, Steve & Joyce 77 (house) Humphrey, Jr., Nathaniel 7, 9, 14, 25, 30, Hill, Thelma 123, 137 article 34 Hilton Head, SC 152 Hunt, Jonathan 30, 31 Historic Sites and Structures Survey 81, 82 Huntington, Asa 24 Hitler 171 Hutchinson, Jerome 25, 34 Hodges, Bertha 95 Hutchinson, Lucian 163 Hodges, Jasper 185 Hutchinson, Luke 163 Hog hayward, the 24 Hyde 45 Holden, Frank 122, 123 Hyde, Mrs. Abbie 155 Holland, Tim house 64 Hyde, Amasa 7, 9, 12, 14, 20, 23, 25, 26, Homes, Clara 145 (illus) 27, 46 Holmes, Cruden 174 Hyde, Benjamin 25, 34 Holmes, Fred 145 (illus), 174 Hyde, Cyril 32 Holmes, Lydia (Mrs. Cruden) 174 Hyde, Elisa 64 Holt, Mrs. 138 Hyde, Henry 155, 159 (house) Holt, Stanley 144 Hyde, Ichabod 7, 9, 14, 31, 34 Homes, Herbert 138 Hyde, Jared 32 Hood, Chrit 160 Hyde, Jedediah 7, 14 Hooper, Donald 174 farm Hyde, Joshua 32, 34 hop fields 125, 130 Hyde, Jonathan 32 hop kilns 125 Hopkins, John W. 52, 55 Hopkins, Mary 47 Hopkins, Rev. Samuel 7, 14, 47 Hopkins, Stephen 30 lannucci, Ralph & Victoria 70 (house) Horsman, Ruth 144 ice harvest 123, 128 Hovey, Mrs. of East Hill 37, 147 Illsley, Sybil Snow 165 (article) Hovey, Abigail 152 India 128 Hovey, Abigail (Cleveland) 148 Indians, attacks 19-20, 27 Hovey, Alvin 32, 44 (Deacon), 55 Infurna, James 77 (home) Hovey 2nd, Alvin 56, 57 Ingalls, Harvey 32 Hovey, Caroline 152 Ingalls, W.W. 56 Hovey, Charles 152 Ingham, Micajah 34, 36 Hovey, Ebenezer 152 Ingram, Philip 12, 20, 23, 24, 25, 34, 35, 48 Hovey, Elizabeth Perkins 130-13 1 Ingram, Mrs. Philip 35 Hovey, Ella 152 Ingram, Jr., Philip 24, 25, 26 Hovey, Emily 152 Ipswich, MA 38, 92 Hovey, Grace 37 iron factory 125 Hovey, Rufus 34, 152 iron mine 125 Hovey, Samuel 32, 39, 44 (Elder), 90 Irons, Rev. John 147 (Mrs.), 147 (Elder), 151, 152 Hovey, Jr., Samuel 32, 37 Howard, see also Hayward 19, 20 Howard, Benjamin 7, 9, 12, 14, 22, 24 Jacobs, Stephen 30 Howard, Charles 32 Jackson, Ellet 131 Howard, Mr. 62 Jarvis, Jerry 164 Howard, Henry C. 150 Jarvis, Tom 164 Howard, John 12, 14, 25, 26 Jarvis, William 130 Howard, Jonas 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 23, 24, 25, Jerd, Laura 95 (illus) 30 John, Norman 37 (house illus) Howard, Walter 155 Johnson,_ Rev. H. 39 Howe, Alton 124 --- Jones, Anna Clark 109, 169 Howe, Ara 123 Jones, Elmer E. 120 Howard, Mrs. Adda 155 Jones, Harry, 138 Howe, Dan 65 Jones, Ralph 169 Howe, Rev. George C. 144, 150 juryman 24 Howes, Elijah 124 justice of peace 23, 26, 28, 46 Howson, Prof. J.H. 150 Hubbard and Chamberlain distillery 11 8 Hubbard, Edmund 7, 14 K Hubbard, Moses 7, 12, 14, 34, 36, 48, 52, 53, 108, 153 Karal, George and Connie 127 Hubbard, Jr., Moses 32, 52 Keeler, Charles 166 (farm) Hudson, MA 169 Keeler, Rev. & Mrs. Martyn D 169 (place) Huggards, the 159 Keeling, Rev. 147 Humphrey, Amos 20, 23, 24, 25, 30, 34, Keith, John 74 (house) 39, 46, 117 Kellogg, Dea. 45 (home), 48 Humphrey, James 32 Kellogg, Horace 32 Humphrey, Lewis 32, 34 Kellogg, Phineas 34, 47-48 Humphrey, Nathaniel 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, Kellogg, Jr., Phineas 32 14, 20, 23 (Lieut.), 24, 25, 26, 34, 53, 62; Kendall, Hallis 125 140 Kendall, Samuel 152 Kendall, Timothy 152 Lathrop, Rev. Joseph 7, 14 Kennedy, Father 171 Lathrop, Jr., Joseph 7, 14 Keyes, Alice 25 (house illus), 137-138, 182 Lathrop, Samuel 7, 14 Keyes home (Arthur) 95 Lathrop, Seth 7 Keyes, Bill 137-138 Lavender, Harriet 165 Keyes, Fred 66, 67, 137, 138 Lawler, Joe 136 Keyes, Ira 160 Lawless, Robert 169 Keyes, Perley 123, 138, 160 Lazelle, Dr. Wm. F. 39 Keyes, Wayne 99 Lebanon, NH 50, 82, 130 Keyes, Willie W.O. 104-105, 106, 160, Lee, David F. 129 article 174-175 Lemery, Phyllis L 106 Kibbee neighborhood 70, 97, 98, 128 , Levine Road 125 161-162, 165-166, 179 Lewis, Cliff 162 Kibbee, C.J. 49 Lewis, Robert 138 Kibbee, Curtis 88 (illus) Libbey, Simeon 64, 65 Kibbee, Josiah 31 Light House Hill 66 Kibby, Richard 105 Lillie, Rufus T. 32 Kidder, Frank 87 Lincoln Mt. 157 Killington 157, 171 Lines, Ebenezer 32 Kimball, Frank 178 Lines, John 32 Kimball, Rev. John 147 Linton, George 165 King, Elder Nathaniel 36, 37, 147-148, 149 Linton, Nora 165 Kingsbury, Abigail 43 Livingston, Elizabeth 64, 84, 86, 169, 172 Kingsbury, Alice M. (Keyes) 182 Livingston, Helen 64, 86, 169, 172 Kingsbury, Daniel 15, 25, 30, 34, 46, 52, Lisbon, CT 43 53, 54, 56, 79-80 Locke, Edmund 122 Kingsbury, Daniel 55 Locke, Rev. J. Frank 144 Kingsbury, George 119 Loomis neighborhood 64 Kingsbury, J.B. 119 Loomis, Alexander 34 Kingsbury, Joseph 123 Loomis, Amos 34 Kingsbury, Mabel 138 Lord, Rev. S.J.M. 35, 144 Kingsbury, Nathaniel 32, 55 Lordship, CT 140, 141, 146 Kingsbury, Thomas 52 Lordship Community Church 142 Kingsbury, William 32 Louisiana Exposition 120 Kingsbury, VT 31 Loveland, Alice M. 131 Kirby, Naldo 95 (illus) Loveland, Charles H . 151, 163 (place) Klemme, Huber 150 Loveland, Lydia (Mrs. Nathaniel Wheatley) Knight, Beatrice (Mrs. Fred) 165 82 Knight, Donald R. 77 (house) Luce, Bertha 100 Knight, Fred 165 Lund 41 (house, illus), 107 (house, illus), Knowles farm 90 140 (house) Knowles, Herbert 178 Lyman brothers 22 Koren, Ed 51, 76 (house) Lyman, Abel 15, 24, 25-26, 27, 28, 30, 34, Krook, Rev. C.N. 150 45, 52, 53, 54, 55 Lyman, Jr., Abel 32 Lyman, Azel 32 Lyman, Elias 36 Lyman, Elijah 26, (minister), 35 (minister), Ladd, A.J. 155 37 (Rev.), 39 (Rev.), 43, 44, 51 (Rev.), Ladd, Fred 15 139_,4_4_ Ladd, Mrs. Lucy 155 Lyman, J.B. 47, 53, 57 Ladd, Mrs. Mary 155 Lyman, J.R. 57 Lake Champlain 58 Lyman, John 8, 9, 11, 12 (Lieut.), 20, Lakeview Players 137, 138 23-24, 34 Lamson farm 90, 132, 133 Lyman, Louisa 51 Lamson, Arthur 134 Lyman, Phinehas 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 19 Lamson, Carolyn 138 (Phineas) Lamson, Frank P. 106 Lyman, Timothy 7, 14 Lamson, Franklin 132 Lyme, NH 21, 44 Lamson, Howard 62 Lynde, Cornelius 30 Lamson, J.L. 56 Lyon, Marshall 92 Lamson, John 57, 120, 132 Lyon, Mary (Miss) 38 Lamson, Oscar 145 (illus), 174 Lyons 20 Lamson Pond 2 Lamson, Ralph 98 (place), 174 Lanphear, O.T. 38 LaPan, P.C. 138 LaPerle farm 73 MacAskill, Deborah Gage (Mrs. Roy) 99, LaRose, Harry 138 103, 105, 106, 110, 126 Lasella, William F. 106 MacAskill, Roy 63, 64, 117, 124 Laskowski, Gene 144 __ MacDonald 62 Last Chance Farm 75 MacKenzie, Rev. 147