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Index of Living and Fossil Echinoids 1924-1970 PORTER M. KIER and MARY HURD LAWSON SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY NUMBER 34 SERIES PUBLICATIONS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Emphasis upon publication as a means of "di f fus ing knowledge" was expressed by the first Secretary of the Smithsonian. In his formal plan for the Inst i tut ion, Joseph Henry outl ined a program that included the fol lowing statement: " I t is proposed to publish a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made f rom year to year in all branches of knowledge." This theme of basic research has been adhered to through the years by thousands of tit les issued in series publications under the Smithsonian imprint , commencing with Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge in 1848 and cont inuing with the fol lowing active series: Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics Smithsonian Contributions to Botany Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Smithsonian Studies in Air and Space Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology In these series, the Insti tut ion publishes small papers and full-scale monographs that report the research and collections of its various museums and bureaux or of professional colleagues in the world cf science and scholarship. The publications are distr ibuted by mail ing lists to libraries, universities, and similar inst i tut ions throughout the world. Papers or monographs submit ted for series publication are received by the Smithsonian Insti tut ion Press, subject to its own review for format and style, only through departments of the various Smithsonian museums or bureaux, where the manuscripts are given substantive review. Press requirements for manuscript and art preparation are outl ined on the inside back cover. S. Dillon Ripley Secretary Smithsonian Inst i tut ion S M I T H S O N I A N C O N T R I B U T I O N S TO P A L E O B I O L O G Y • N U M B E R 34 Index of Living and Fossil Echinoids 1924-1970 Porter M. Kier and Mary Hurd Lawson SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1978 A B S T R A C T Kier, Porter M., and Mary Hurd Lawson. Index of Living and Fossil Echinoids a 1924-1970. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, number 34, 182 P S^> 1978.—All new taxa of fossil and living echinoids described from 1924 to 1970 are listed with their age, geographic and stratigraphic occurrence, and biblio- graphic citation. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: The trilobite Phacops rana Green. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Kier, Porter M. Index of living and fossil echinoids 1924—1970. (Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology ; no. 34) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Sea-urchins. 2. Sea-urchins, Fossil. I. Lawson, Mary Hurd, joint author. II. Title. III. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology ; no. 34. [DNLM: 1. Sea urchins—Classification. 2. Paleontology. Wl SM454G no. 34 / QL382 K47i] QE701.S56 no. 34 [QL384.E2] 560'.8s [593\95] 77-608074 Contents Page Introduction Class ECHINOIDEA Leske Subclass PERISCHOECHINOIDEA M'Coy Superorder MEGALOPODACEA Durham Order BOTHRIOCIDAROIDA Zittel Family BOTHRIOCIDARIDAE Klem Order ECHINOCYSTITOIDA Jackson 2 Family ECHINOCYSTITIDAE Gregory 2 Family LEPIDESTHIDAE Jackson 2 Family LEPIDOCENTRIDAE Loven 3 Family Uncertain 4 Order PALAECHINOIDA Haeckel 4 Family PALAECHINIDAE M'Coy 4 Family CRAVENECHINIDAE Hawkins 5 Order CIDAROIDA Claus 5 Family ARCHAEOCIDARIDAE M'Coy 5 Family MIOCIDARIDAE Durham and Melvile 6 Family CIDARIDAE Gray 7 Subfamily HISTOCIDARINAE Mortensen 7 Subfamily CTENOCIDARINAE Mortensen 7 Subfamily GONIOCIDARINAE Mortensen 8 Subfamily STEREOCIDARINAE Lambert 10 Subfamily RHABDOCIDARINAE Lambert 1 Subfamily CIDARINAE Gray 14 Family PSYCHOCIDARIDAE Ikeda 18 Family DIPLOCIDARIDAE Gregory 19 Order Uncertain 19 Family Uncertain 19 Subclas EUECHINOIDEA Bron 19 Superorder DIADEMATACEA Duncan 19 Order ECHINOTHURIOIDA Claus 19 Family ECHINOTHURIDAE Thomson 19 Subfamily ECHINOTHURINAE Thomson 19 Subfamily PHORMOSOMATINAE Mortensen 20 Order DIADEMATOIDA Duncan 21 Family DIADEMATIDAE Gray 21 Family MICROPYGIDAE Mortensen 2 Family ASPIDODIADEMATIDAE Duncan 2 Family Uncertain 2 Order PEDINOIDA Mortensen 2 Family PEDINIDAE Pomel 2 Family Uncertain 23 in i v SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY Page O r d e r PYGASTEROIDA D u r h a m a n d Melvi l le 23 Family PYGASTERIDAE L a m b e r t ^ S u p e r o r d e r E C H I N A C E A Claus O r d e r SALENIOIDA Delage a n d H e r o u a r d Fami ly ACROSALENIIDAE Gregory Fami ly SALENIIDAE L. Agassiz Subfamily SALENIINAE L. Agassiz O r d e r H E M I C I D A R O I D A B e ur l en 27 Fami ly H E M I C I D A R I D A E W r i g h t Fami ly PSEUDODIADEMATIDAE P o m e l ~", O r d e r P H Y M O S O M A T O I D A M o r t e n s e n 30 Fami ly P H Y M O S O M A T I D A E P omel Fami ly STOM E C H I N I D A E Pomel Fami ly U n c e r t a i n O r d e r ARBACIOIDA Gregory ! Family ARBACIDAE Gray '_ 3 O r d e r T E M N O P L E U R O I D A M o r t e n s e n ' 37 Family G L Y P H O C Y P H I D A E D u n c a n Family T E M N O P L E U R I D A E A. Agasiz 38 Family T O X O P N E U S T I D A E T r o s c he l 43 Family U n c e r t a i n 4 O r d e r E C H I N O I D A Claus 45 Family E C H I N I D A E Gray 45 Family E C H I N O M E T R I D A E Gray 46 Family STRONGYLOCENTROTIDAE Gregory 46 Family PARASALENIDAE M o r t e n s e n 47 Superorde r U n c e r t a i n ( E C H I N A C E A or D I A D E M A T A C E A ) 47 O r d e r O R T H O P S I D A M or tensen 47 Family O R T H O P S I D A E D u n c a n 47 D o u b t f u l G e n e r a of R e g u l a r Echino ids 48 Superorde r G N A T H O S T O M A T A Zitel 49 O r d e r H O L E C T Y P O I D A D u n c a n 49 Sub o r d e r H O L E C T Y P I N A D u n c a n 49 Family H O L E C T Y P I D A E L a m b e r t 49 Family A N O R T H O P Y G I D A E W a g n e r a n d D u r h a m 49 Family DISCOIDIDAE L a m b e r t 50 S u b o r d e r E C H I N O N E I N A H . L. Cla rk 50 Family E C H I N O N E I D A E Agasiz a n d Desor 50 Family C O N U L I D A E L a m b e r t 51 Family GA L E R I T I D A E Gray 52 Family U n c e r t a i n 52 Suborder C O N O C L Y P I N A Haecke l 52 Family C O N O C L Y P I D A E Zit tel 52 Family OLIGOPYGIDAE D u n c a n 53 S u b o r d e r U n c e r t a i n 5 Family U n c e r t a i n 5 O r d e r CLYPEASTEROIDA A. Agasiz 5 S u b o r d e r CLYPEASTERINA A. Agasiz 5 NUMBER 34 Page Family CLYPEASTERIDAE L. Agasiz 5 o u Family ARACHNOIDIDAE Duncan Subfamily ARACHNOIDINAE Duncan fid Subfamily AMMOTROPHINAE Durham fin Suborder LAGANINA Mortensen fifl Family FIBULARIIDAE Gray Family LAGANIDAE A. Agassiz Family NEOLAGANIDAE Durham fifi Suborder SCUTELLINA Haeckel fifi Family SCUTELLIDAE Gray Family PROTOSCUTELLIDAE Durham fifi Family EOSCUTELLIDAE Durham Family DENDRASTERIDAE Lambert fiQ Family ECHINARACHNIIDAE Lambert • 71 1 Family MONOPHORASTERIDAE Lahile ' Family MELLITIDAE Stefanini Family ASTRICLYPEIDAE Stefanini Family ABERTELIDAE Durham ' 4 74 Family SCUTASTERIDAE Durham ' * Suborder ROTULINA Durham ' 74 Family ROTULIDAE Gray ' Suborder Uncertain ' 4 74 Family Uncertain ' [ _. . 74 Superorder ATELOSTOMATA Zitel ' Order CASIDULOIDA Claus ' Order GALEROPYGOIDA Mintz ' 4 Family GALEROPYGIDAE Lambert ' 4 Family CLYPEIDAE Lambert ' 5 Family NUCLEOLITIDAE L. Agasiz and Desor ' " Family ECHINOLAMPADIDAE Gray ' 8 Family FAUJASIIDAE Lambert Family ARCHIACIDAE Coteau and Triger 83 Family CASIDULIDAE L. Agasiz and Desor 83 Family CLYPEOLAMPADIDAE Kier 86 Family PLIOLAMPADIDAE Kier 87 fifi Family APATOPYGIDAE Kier • fifi Family Uncertain Order HOLASTEROIDA Durham and Melvile 89 Family COLYRITIDAE d'Orbigny 89 Subfamily COLYRITINAE Beurlen 89 Order DISASTEROIDA Mintz 89 Family DISASTERIDAE A. Gras 90 Family ACROLUSIDAE Mintz 90 Family TITHONIDAE Mintz 90 Family HOLASTERIDAE Pictet 90 Suborder URECHININA H. L. Clark 94 Family URECHINIDAE Duncan 94 Order POURTALESIOIDA Mintz 94 Vi SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY Page Family PORTALESIDAE A. Agasiz 94 Family STENONASTERIDAE Lambert 94 Family SOMALIASTERIDAE Wagner and Durham 94 Family Uncertain 95 Order SPATANGOIDA Claus "^ y s Suborder TOXASTERINA A. G. Fischer Family TOXASTERIDAE Lambert 95 Qfi y o Suborder HEMIASTERINA A. G. Fischer Qy foi Family HEMIASTERIDAE Clark 1 no 1UA Family PALAEOSTOMATIDAE Loven Family PERICOSMIDAE Lambert "^ 3 Family SCHIZASTERIDAE Lambert I " Suborder MICRASTERINA A. G. Fischer * *•" Fami ly MICRASTERIDAE L a m b e r t *•*•" Family BRISIDAE Gray * Family UNIEASCIDAE Coke 120 Family SPATANGIDAE Gray 120 Family LOVENIDAE Lambert 121 Suborder ASTEROSTOMATINA A. G. Fischer 12 Family ASTEROSTOMATIDAE Pictet 12 Suborder Uncertain 124 Family Uncertain 124 Order NEOLAMPADOIDA Philip 125 Suborder NEOLAMPADINA Philip 125 Family NEOLAMPADIDAE Lambert 125 Superclas GNATHOSTOMATA or ATELOSTOMATA 125 Order Uncertain 125 Doubtful Nominal Genera of Echinoids 125 Literature Cited 126 Index 148 Index of Living and Fossil Echinoids 1924-1970 Porter M. Kier and Mary Hurd Lawson Introduction The present list is arranged by taxonomic hier- archy with the geological time sequence indicated Fifty years have passed since Lambert and Thiery by headings at the generic and specific levels. compiled their list of living and fossil echinoids. Within a generic or specific entry, brackets enclose Since that time many new species and genera have locality information and parentheses enclose fur- been described. The result has been an increasing ther levels of geological time or stratigraphic infor- need for an update to this compilation. T o satisfy mation. this need we have prepared this supplement to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.—We wish to thank the staffs Lambert and Thiery's work. of the Smithsonian Institution and the United The list was prepared from the citations in the States Geological Survey libraries—in particular, Zoological Record from 1924 to 1970. Citations be- Mrs. Carolyn Hahn and Mr. Jack Marquardt for fore 1924 are included if they were absent in Lam- their invaluable assistance in locating many hard- bert and Thiery. In every case we saw the original to-obtain books. We also thank Ms. Donna Cope- reference and checked for species that might have land for typing this paper. been missed. Where possible we have brought up to date the stratigraphic information; in particular Class ECHINOIDEA Leske we have tried to find the latest age determinations for the stratigraphic occurrences of the fossil species. Subclass PERISCHOECHINOIDEA M'Coy No attempt has been made to revise the taxonomic assignment of the species because we felt it would Superorder MEGALOPODACEA Durham have been necessary to see the type specimens. Time did not permit this. Our index has strictly followed Order BOTHRIOCIDAROIDA Zittel the classification of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology even where we disagree with it. Family BOTHRIOCIDARIDAE Klem Within five years we intend to publish a supple- mentary revision that will include all the new taxa Genus Bothriocidaris Eichwald for the years 1971-1975. For this reason we ask all users of this work to inform us of any errors, dele- UPPER ORDOVICIAN tions, or additions. B. eichwaldi Mannil, 1962:152-156, 187-189, figs. 3b, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14-17, pl. 1: figs. 6-9, pl. 3: Porter M. Kier and Mary Hurd Lawson, Department of Pa- leobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian figs. 1-4, pis. 4, 5. [Baltic States, U.S.S.R.] (Pirgu Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560. Stage.) SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY B. parvus Mannil, 1962:156-160, 187, 189, figs. 3v, Genus Jacksonechinus Lambert 8, 9, pl. 2: figs. 3-4, pl. 3: fig. 5. [Baltic States, In the Treatise, Kier (Durham et al., 1955: U302) U.S.S.R.] (Vormsi Stage.) provisionally considers this genus a subjective synonym of Proterocidaris de Koninck. Genus Neobothriocidaris Paul ORDOVICIAN PENNSYLVANIAN Neobothriocidaris Paul, 1967:535. Type-species: N. Jacksonechinus Lambert, 1935e:39-40. Type-species: peculiaris Paul, 1967:528-531, 535, fig. 3, pl. 84: / . andrewi Lambert, 1935e:40, pl. 1: figs. 1-3. figs. 1-4, pl. 85: figs. 9-11. [Ayrshire, Scotland.] [Egypt-] (Middle and upper Ashgill.) N. minor Paul, 1967:531-533, 535, figs. 2, 4, pl. 85: Genus Pholidocidaris Meek and Worthen figs. 5-8. [Ayrshire, Scotland.] MISSISSIPPIAN Order ECHINOCYSTITOIDA Jackson P. tornacensis Jackson, 1929:64-66, pl. 5: fig. 7, pl. Family ECHINOCYSTITIDAE Gregory 1 0: figs. 3-6. [Belgium.] (Tournaisian.) Genus Pronechinus Kier Genus Rhenechinus Dehm UPPER PERMIAN LOWER DEVONIAN Pronechinus Kier, 1965:461-462. Type-species: P. anatoliensis Kier, 1965:462-463, figs. 23-24, pl. Rhenechinus Dehm, 1953:88-93. Type-species: R. 58: fig. 4, pl. 59: fig. 3. [Turkey.] hopstatteri Dehm, 1953:88-94, figs. 1-2, pl. 5. [Germany.] Genus Eupholidocidaris Kier In the Treatise, Kier (Durham et al., 1966:U302) Family LEPIDESTHIDAE Jackson considers Eupholidocidaris Kier a subjective syno- nym of Proterocidaris de Koninck. Genus Lepidesthes Meek and Worthen MISSISSIPPIAN PENNSYLVANIAN Eupholidocidaris Kier, 1956:15. Type-species: E. L. grandis Kier, 1958a:20-23, figs. 21-22, pl. 8A. brightoni Kier, 1956:16-17, figs. 1-2, pl. 1. [Ire- [Texas, U.S.A.] land.] L. alta Kier, 1958a: 17-20, figs. 15-20, pl. 7. [Ten- nessee, U.S.A.] (Meramecian.) L. formosa Termier and Termier, 1950:99, 102, pl. PENNSYLVANIAN 231: fig. 21. [Morocco, North Africa.] (Upper E. belli Kier, 1957a:326-328, fig. 1. [Texas, U.S.A.] Visean.) L. howsei Jackson, 1926:529, pl. 30. [England.] L.} martini Spreng and Howe, 1963:937-938, figs. Genus Fournierechinus Jackson 6E-I. [Missouri, U.S.A.] MISSISSIPPIAN MISSISSIPPIAN to UPPER DEVONIAN Fournier echinus Jackson, 1929:67. Type-species: F. deneensis Jackson, 1929:67-72, pl. 9, pl. 10: figs. L. warrenensis Cooper, 1931b:532-538, figs. 1-2. 1-2. [Belgium.] (Lower Visean.) [U.S.A.]

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