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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PAMPHLET NO. 108-1 INDEX OF ARMY MOTION PICTURES AND RELATED AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS EACH TRANSMITTAL OF THIS DOCUMENT TO REPRESENTATIVES OF FOREIGN GOVERN- MENTS MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL, US ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND, DIRECTORATE FOR INSTALLATION AND SERVICES (AMCIS-CA). t I HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY COPY FILE *PAM 108-1 PAMPHLET) No. 108-1 ) INDEX OF ARMY MOTION PICTURES AND RELATED AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS Paragraph CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope _. 1 Restrictions on Release of this Publication 2 Arrangement of this Pamphlet 3 Historical Films 4 Transparencies, GTA Charts, and Slides (TGS) ....... 5 Conditions of Loan __ 6 Tips for the Instructor 7 Classified Films 8 References 9 Submission of Comments 10 CHAPTER 2. RELEASE NUMBER INDEX SECTION I. PREFIX NUMBERED TRAINING TYPE FILM MATERIAL (TF, FB, MF, FS and SFS, TGS) 3-series; Chemical - . 11 5-series; Engineers _ . 12 6-series Field Artillery 13 ; 7-series; Infantry _ 14 8-series; Medical ... -- 15 9-series; Ordnance (See also 25-series) 16 10-series; Quartermaster . _. 17 11-series; Communication-Electronics . . 18 12-series Adjutant General 19 ; 14-series; Finance -- .. 20 15-series; Judge Advocate General (See also 27-series) - 21 16-series, Chaplain .. .... 22 17-series, Armor ... 23 19-series, Military Police .... -- 24 20-series General Safety, Countries, Miscellaneous 25 ; 21-series; Individual Soldier . .. . - 26 22-series Leadership and Instructing 27 ; 25-series; Machine Shop Practice (See also 9-series) 28 27-series; Military Law (See also 15-series) 29 30-series; Military Intelligence 30 31-series; Special Operations _ - 31 32-series Security 32 : 33-series Psychological Operations 33 ; 35-series; Women's Army Corps - 34 38-series; Supply, Shipping and Logistics Management (See also 54-series) . 35 39-series; Nuclear - - 36 41-series Civil Affairs/Military Government - - 37 ; 44-series; Air Defense __ ._. - 38 45-series Public Information - 39 ; 46-series; Army Aviation 40 64-series; Logistical Operation (See also 38-series) 41 55-series Transportation - 42 ; 57-series; Airborne (See also 7-series) ... .. . 43 *Thi$ pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 108-1, 15 May 1969, including all changes. Pam 108-1 Paragraph CHAPTER 2. SECTION I. PREFIX NUMBER TRAINING TYPE FILM MATERIAL Continued 60-series; Amphibious Operations . ADP 44 61-series Supervision, Office Operations, Management, 45 ; 101-series; Staff Officers Field Manual (Includes New Weapons Employment) .. 46 140-series Reserves 47 ; ROTC 145-series; 48 SECTION II. ALL OTHER MOTION PICTURE FILM SERIES AFIF: Armed Forces Information Films 49 AFMR (Also includes AFSM) Armed Forces Military Reports 50 ; AIF: Army Information Films 51 Combat Films, World War II and Korea: 52 CB Combat Bulletins CHR; Combat Historical Reports CMF; Combat Miscellaneous Films ; CR; Campaign Reports DDCP (formerly DOD-CD and DDCD) : Defense Civil Preparedness Films 53 DDIS (formerly DOD-IS) DOD Industrial Security 54 ; GS; The Green Scene 55 IESR (formerly AFIF and I&ESR); Information and Education Sports Reels .. 56 PMF; Professional Medical Films 57 RD (formerly R&D) Research and Development Films 58 RDPR (formerly R&D; PR) R&D Progress Reports 59 ; RF; Recruiting Films 60 SB; Special Bulletins . 61 SFR; Staff Film Reports 62 TAR; The Army Reports 63 TV; Television Big Picture Films 64 VTR Vietnam Training Reports 65 ; SLIDES AND RECORDINGS III. SL; Slides 66 AVK; Audio-Visual Kits 67 R Recordings 68 ; CHAPTER 3. ALPHABETIC INDEX OF MOTION PICTURE FILM TITLES Pom 108-1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose and Scope (5- series) TF 5-; FB 5-; MF 5-; FS and SFS TGS This pamphlet is a catalog of official DA motion 5-; T5F-; picture films and related Audio-Visual mate- (6- series) 6-; etc. rials, primarily intended for use by instructors, (2) The abbreviations indicate the follow- information officers, and other film users of ing material: the active Army and Civilian Reserves. It lists (a) TF: Training Films doctrine. both classified and unclassified film materials (b) FB: Film Bulletins information which have been given a general distribution and guidance (not generally doctrine). throughout the Audio-Visual Support Center (c) MF: Miscellaneous Films infor- System in CONUS and overseas. Included are: mation and guidance (not generally doctrine). 16mm motion picture films (cO FS and SFS: Filmstrips and Sound 35mm filmstrips, sound and silent Filmstrips doctrine, except adopted commer- 35mm slides in 2 x 2 inch mounts cial fil(mes)triTpGs,S:whTircahnspaarreenicnifeosr,matGiTonAalC.harts, Transparencies, 8 x 10 inch and Slides doctrine, except adopted commer- Sound Recordings; 33Vs RPM Phono discs, cial transparency subjects, which are informa- and !/4 inch tape tional. j GTA Charts, 44 x 33 inch, available from ALL OTHER MOTION Training Aids Centers only. PIc.CTSUecRtEionFILIIMI SERIES are listed alphabet- ically, then numerically within each film series 2. Restrictions on Release of This Publication (AFIF, AFMR, AIF, etc.). This caDtaAlog, film bulletins, and other consol- d. Section IV SL, SLIDE KITS; AVK, idated film listings are authorized for re- AUDIO-VISUAL KITS; AND R, RECORD- lease only to US Armed Forces, including INGS are listed in the order shown. reserve organizations. These listings should not be released to individuals, or to foreign e. Section V ALPHABETIC INDEX OF nationals, military or civilian (para 2-5e, AR MOTION PICTURE FILM TITLES. 380-10). (1) This section lists all material in sec- tions II and III, except filmstrips and trans- 3. Arrangement of This Pamphlet parencies, alphabetically by title. In alphabet- a. Section I INTRODUCTION izing, the following principles are followed: PREFIX NUMBERED (a) Articles (a, an, the) at the begin- b. Section II ning of a title or subtitle are ignored. (Exam- TRAINING TYPE FILM MATERIAL. ple: THE EYE OF THE STORM is filed under (1) The material in this section is ar- "E"). ranged according to prefix number, and within (b) All punctuation marks are ignored. GUNNER'S QUADRANT prefix numbers as follows: (Example: is filed (3- series) TF 3-; FB 3-; MF 3-; FS and SFS as GUNNERS QUADRANT.) 3-; TGS 3-; (c) Numerals are filed before letters, Pom 108-1 i.e. 1-9 are before A; numbers spelled out in or professionallv interested groups, are avail- the title are filed as if they were numerals able at Audio-Visual Support Centers (AVSC). (ONE is filed as 1, FIRST is filed as 1st.) The film user must check with his AVSC to determine the clearance of a film if he intends 4. Historical Films (Hist) to show it to an audience other than those listed in (1) above. Films designated "Historical" do not reflect DA current National or policies or programs, e. Film users will furnish exact number of but do have historical significance. Before all showings and total audience count for each showings, the audience should be advised that film borrowed (items 11 and 12, fig 1) on the these films are historical documents, and are copy of DA Form 11-44 which is to be re- not intended to reflect current doctrine, poli- turned with the film. cies, or plans. 5. Transparencies, GTA Charts, and Slides 7. Tips for the Instructor (TGS) a. Get to know your AVSC and the films GTA available for your use. Be cooperative charts (G) are 44 x 33 inches and may be obtained only from Training Aids Centers; (1) Order films early on DA Form 11-44 they are not distributed through AVSC's. The (Audio-Visual Loan Order) (fig 1). prefix "TG" indicates that both 8 x 10 inch (2) Return films promptly in the proper transparencies and GTA charts are available. film cans after use-date, so that the next film "TGS" indicates that the subject is available user's program will not be disrupted. as transparencies, charts and as 35mm slides (3) Be sure to report your "Showings" in 2 x 2 inch mounts. Transparencies and slides and "Attendance" on copy of DA Form 11-44 are available through AVSC's. which must be returned in film shipment. 6. Conditions of Loan b. Audio-Visual Support Centers (AVSC) are the only organizations authorized to stock Film users agree to the following conditions and loan official DA films including motion when borrowing films from the Audio-Visual pictures, filmstrips and slides, transparencies Support Center (AVSC) : and recordings (phono and tape). AVSC's also a. Films will be returned to the AVSC on furnish the following services: or before the "Due In" date shown on the (1) Advisory services in film program- Audio-Visual Loan Order, DA Form 11-44 ming, film selection, and proper use of films (item 9, Fig. 1). for instruction. b. Films will be shown only by a qualified (2) Loan of projection equipment. projectionist. (3) Training and licensing projectionists c. Films will be returned to the AVSC tails for using units. out (NOT rewound). c. Films are excellent instructional media d. Films will be shown to authorized person- use them properly. Films are produced by qual- nel only. ified and recognized authorities in the field, (1) This pamphlet lists films which are and are high quality instructional material for available for US Armed Forces audiences, in- standardized Army-wide training. fcolrudiofnfgiciRaelsemreveetsi,ngsN,atiaonndalDOGuDarCdivialnidansR.OTC motd.ioRneqpuiecsttusrefofrilmprsoudbujcetcitosn sohfoulndewbeArsumby- (2) Some of the films are cleared for pub- mitted through appropriate command or tech- lic exhibition. Lists of films cleared for public nical channels following procedures outlined nonprofit exhibition, nonsponsored television, in AR 108-6. Recommendations for revision Pom 108-1 AUDIO-VISUAL LOAN ORDER FOR AVSC USE ONLY Foruseofthis form, see AR 108-5; the proponentagency is Office AVSCREQUESTNUMBER ofthe Assistant ChiefofStaffforCommunications-Electronics. NAMEOFISSUINGAUDIO-VISUALSUPPORTCENTER ' " SHIPPING DATES J//sts/tt . 30330 Q METHODOFSHIPMENT ISSUE TO: [PEIXCPKRUEPSS | [MOATIHL.ER RIENGS.URNOA.NCEOR I I I CONFIRMATION MAILED INITIALS RECORDOFRETURNEDITEMS RECEIVED BY PRINTRECORDCARDPOSTED CHECKMETHODOFDELIVERY ACTUALDATES MSWILLBESHOWN INSPECTED BY I |PICKUP J^^MAIL Q3EXPRESS OTHER | 1 Instructorisresponsible/orinsuringthatlicensedpro/ecfionisteonly TO BE COMPLETED BY USER (DAForm11-78)willoperatel/.S.ArmyProjectionEquipment. mIeNtShToRdUCoTiIdOeNliSv:eryLisatnditaecmtunaulmbsehroswianngddtaittelses.inShsippapciengprtoivmeidweidllabboevea.lloInwdeidcabtye REPQ^UEt^^TtINGJDFFICfR{Signature,GradeandT8itle) Center. AFTER SHOWING, COMPLETE PROJECTIONIST'S REPORT and return err, copy of this form to AVSC with items indicating showing and attendance infor- REQUESTER'STELEPHONENO. DATE mation as required by DA Forms 11-174, 11-174-1 and 11-174-2 (fleports Control SymbolSig-12 (R3)) andAR 108-30. Damaged items should be returned immediately to the AVSC with full report of RECEIVED(SignatureorAuthorizedRepresentative) circumstances on reverse of this form. Items MUST BE RETURNED AT AGREED UPONTIME. DONOTREWIND FILMSAFTER LAST SHOWING. NOTE: Showing*andattendanceinformationandprojectionist'sreportwillbecompleted. DA,25*. 11-44 BEISSUEDANDUSEDUNTIL.1 AUG 67 UNLESSSOONER EXHAUSTED. Figure 1. DA Form 11-44; Audio-Visual Loan Order. Pom 108-1 or obsolescence of an existing film should be b. AR 108-5, Army Photography and Army forwarded through the same channels. Film Distribution. c. AR 108-6, Department of the Army Mo- 8. Classified Films tion Picture/Television Production. The handling and control of classified films and FM other materials will be in accordance with the d. 21-6, "Techniques of Military In- provisions of AR 380-5, other pertinent AR's, struction" covers the advantages of films, and and local security regulations. The screening the proper preparation and presentation of room to be used must be secure, and the follow- film programs as well as followup activities. iofngDcAerFtiofricmat1e1-s4h4o,ul(dAubdeioi-nVcilsuudaeldLoonanthOerdfearc)e e. Training Film TF 21-2305, "Military In- struction, Part III, Training Aids." and signed by appropriate authority: FM In acceptingthe loan ofthe film(s) listed here- /. 11-41, "Audio-Visual Support Center on, which are classified, I will comply with the Operations." AR provisions of 380-5 to insure its (their) safeguarding. Personnel to view the film(s) ( are cleared to have access to 10. "Submission of Comments insertclassification and have a "need-to-know" regarding the in- Users of this publication are encouraged to formation contained therein. submit recommended changes and comments to improve the publication. Comments should 9. References be keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and a. Instructor's Film References (FR TF) are line of the text in which the change is recom- available from Audio-Visual Support Centers mended. Reasons will be provided for each com- for most films in the TF series. They contain ment to insure understanding and complete information useful to the instructor in prepar- evaluation. Comments should be prepared using ing for the film presentation. Normally, this DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to information includes a detailed synopsis of Publications) and forwarded direct to the Com- the film, its usage and audience, suggested in- mander, US Army Audio-Visual Agency, troductory and closing remarks, a quiz, and ATTN: CEPA-POD-F, Tobyhanna, Pennsyl- other pertinent film utilization data. vania 18466. TF 3 Chemical CHAPTER 2 RELEASE NUMBER INDEX Section I. PREFIX NUMBERED TRAINING TYPE FILM MATERIAL MF AND (TF, FB, f FS SFS, TGS) 11. 3-Series; Chemical tect and correct leakage safe stor- TF 3-2245 Mixing and Evaluation of Flam* Fuel* age practices. (Color 22 Min 1956) TF 3-2809 CBR Protective Shelters-Part l-Field Feature and use of thickened Shelters and unthickened fuel rule of thumb (B&W 14 Min 1961) and weight formula for mixing Construction and protection af- safety factors testing of fuel. forded by unventilated and venti- TF 3-2653 Prot(ecBDti&ovneWnMians5gkMFitihtnteingM1995A9)1 protective lcCaoBtneRtdamdienstaheencltttsieornscoenrqdeuuqicuptimreewnmitetnhtiasnndshfdeoel-r- ter. mask, adjusting and tightening the straps, and testing for proper fit TF 3-2977 CBR Protective Shelters-Port Il-S.mi- stress on masking in nine seconds. Permanent and Permanent Shelters TF 3-2654 Protective Mask Inspection (B&W 18 Min 1961) (B&W 8 Min 1959) Construction locations, and con- Disassembly of the M9A1 into ditions for ventilated semiperma- its three major components canis- nent, and permanent shelters de- ter, facepiece and carrier inspec- contamination procedures before tion of each component for leaks and after entering shelter. and damage. TF 3-3018 Mechanical Smoke Generator, M3A3, TF 3-2661 Use of Field Impregnation Set Assembly (B&W 9 Min 1958) (B&W 10 Min 1960) Composition of M3 impregna- Assembly and installation of tion set preparation of chemical the three major components en- mix and impregnation of clothing gine head assembly, float bowl as- composition of Ml test kit testing sembly, and fog oil pump assembly. impregnated clothing and restoring TF 3-3019 Mechanical Smoke Generator M3A3- its protective quality. Disassembly TF 32663 Handling and Storage of Equipment for (B&W 10 Min 1960) Chemical Agents Disassembly of major compo- (B&W 8 Min 1958) nents for inspection and repair Three types of one-ton storage engine head assembly, float bowl as- containers equipment for trans- sembly, and valves of fog oil pump ferring agents from one container assembly. taogeanntosthferromeoqnueipamreenattotoantortahnesrp.ort TF 3-3036 CBR Permeable Protective Outfit Part I Donning Procedure TF 3-2664 Chemical Agents, Storage Methods and (B&W 8 Min 1961) Techniques Protection afforded against (B&W 6 Min 1958) toxics, predressing inspection appli- Layout and operation of storage cation of protective ointment to site for bulk toxic agents require- worn areas and skin donning pro- ments of site methods used to de- cedure final inspection of outfit. TF 3 Chemical TF 3-3037 CBR Permeable Protective Outfit Part II humidity, cloud, rain and micro- Removal Procedure weather elements on chemical (B&W 7 Min 1961) agents effects of terrain on mete- Removal of individual equip- orological elements. ment and decontamination of mask and boots removal of each item of TF 33338 Basic Principles of Radiac Instruments outfit decontamination and moni- (Color 16 Min 1963) toring of personnel provision of Functions and principles of first aid and new clothing to per- measure of radiac instruments de- vices to measure dose rates and sonnel. total doses application and con- TF 3-3038 CBR Impermeable Protective Outfit Part I cepts of various instruments now in Donning Procedure use in army. (B&W 10 Min 1961) Protection afforded against TF 3-3371 Introduction to CBR Operations toxics predressing inspection an^ (B&W 17 Min 1964) preparation of hood and mask Hazards of CBR attack how donning of each item of outfit agents enter and effect body pro- stress on airtight fit for maximum tective measures and equipment cover. available to soldier how agents are delivered and detected prepar- TF 3-3039 CBR Impermeable Protective Outfit Part II ation for CBR operation stressed. Removal Procedure (B&W 8 Min 1961) TF 3-3372 Masking Procedures in Combat (M17 Preliminary decontamination Protective Mask) of outfit in field undressing proce- (B&W 7 Min 1963) dure and disposition of each item Importance of mask in chemical at personnel decontamination sta- or biological operation steps in tion decontamination and monitor- masking procedure circumstances ing of personnel provision of first under which automatic masking is aid and new clothes. required. TF 3-3173 The Chemical Biological and Radiological TF 3-3432 Nerve Agents Element (B&W 28 Min 1964) (B&W 20 Min 1962) Features and tactical use of Role of CBR element in tac- GA, GB, and V nerve agents how tical situation involving infantry agents enter body and symptoms of division in offense how CBR in- poisoning protective and first-aki formation is collected, evaluated and measures against them. transmitted to commander for use in executing mission. TF 3-3463 Accessories for Use With ABC Ml7 Field Protective Mask TF 3-3203 Protective Mask Fitting and Drill (B&W 15 Min 1964) (B&W 10 Min 1962) Methods for attaching to M17 How to select mask proce- mask and use of: M6 Hood, winter- dures for fitting, testing, and ad- ization kit, waterproofing bag, and justing mask steps in executing protective mask spectacle inserts. mask drill importance of drill for quick masking for survival. TF 3-3464 Removal and Replacement of the Filter Elements for the ABC Ml7 Field TF 3-3204 Protective Mask Inspection (Ml7) Protective Mask (B&W 9 Min 1962) (B&W 19 Min 1964) Components in M17 mask as- Design and protection provided sembly four steps in first echelon by filter elements removal proce- maintenance of mask procedure dure and method for inserting new for inspecting, removing, cleaning elements final checkout procedure and replacing the M17 components. for testing the mask. TF 3-3247 The Effects of Weather and Terrain on the TF 3-3569 Radiological Surveys Ground and Air Field Behavior of Chemical Agents (B&W 32 Min 1965) (B&W 22 Min 1963) Shows how ground and air ra- Effects of wind, temperature, diological surveys are carried out

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