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Independent Ukraine: Nation-state Building and Post-communist Transition (Contemporary Ukraine: Dynamics of Post-Soviet Transformation) PDF

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Preview Independent Ukraine: Nation-state Building and Post-communist Transition (Contemporary Ukraine: Dynamics of Post-Soviet Transformation)

Contemporary Ukraine This page intentionally left blank Contemporary Ukraine Dynamicso f Post-Soviet Transformation Edited by Taras Kuzio RO Routledge U T L ED Taylor & Francis Group G E LONDON AND NEW YORK First published1 998 by M.E. Sharpe Published2 015 by Routledge 2 Park Square,M ilton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OXl4 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017,U SA Routledgei s an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Copyright© 1998 Taylor & Francis.A ll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprintedo r reproducedo r utilised in any form or by any electronic,m echanical,o r other means, now known or hereafteri nvented,i ncluding photocopying and recording, or in any information storageo r retrieval system, without permissioni n writing from the publishers. Notices No responsibilityi s assumedb y the publisherf or any injury and/or damaget o personso r property as a mattero f productsl iability, negligenceo r otherwise,o r from any use of operationo f any methods, products,i nstructionso r ideas containedi n the material herein. Practitionersa nd researchersm ust always rely on their own experiencea nd knowledgei n evaluatinga nd using any information, methods,c ompounds,o r experimentsd escribedh erein. In using such information or methodst hey shouldb e mindful of their own safety and the safety of others,i ncluding partiesf or whom they have a professionalr esponsibility. Producto r corporaten amesm ay be trademarkso r registered trademarks,a nd are usedo nly for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of CongressC ataloging-in-Publication Data ContemporaryU kraine: dynamicso f post-soviett ransformation/ editedb y TarasK uzio. p. cm. Papersp resenteda t the conferenceh eld at the University of Birmingham,J une 13--15, 1996. Includesb ibliographicalr eferencesa nd index. ISBN 0-7656-0223-7( cloth: alk. paper).- ISBN 0-7656-0224-5( pbk.:alk. paper) I. Ukraine--History-1991--Congresses. I. Kuzio, Taras. DK508.846.C66 1998 947.08'6--DC21 97-36023 CIP ISBN 13: 9780765602244(p bk) ISBN 13: 9780765602237(h bk) Contents List of Tables,F igures,a nd Maps vii About the Editor and Contributors IX Preface xi Acknowledgments xvii Part A. Nation and State Building Introduction PeterF erdinand 1 1. State,N ation, andE lites in IndependenUt kraine AlexanderM otyl 3 2. The Post-SovietT ransitioni n Ukraine: Prospectsfo r Stability RomanS olchanyk 17 3. Statea nd Institution Building in Ukraine Marc Nordberg 41 Part B. National Identity and Regionalism Introduction Judy Batt 57 4. Regionalisma ndE thnic and Linguistic Cleavagesin Ukraine Valeri Khmelkoa ndA ndrew Wilson 60 5. Civil Societya ndN ation Building in Ukraine Mykola Riabchouk 81 6. Identity, Language,a ndT ransformationin EasternU kraine: A CaseS tudy of Zaporizhzhia LouiseJ ackson 99 y vi CONTENTS Part C. Politics and Civil Society Introduction Marko Bojcun 115 7. The Politics of ConstitutionM aking in Ukraine Kataryna Wolczuk 118 8. Party SystemF ormationa nd Voting Behaviori n the Ukrainian ParliamentaryE lectionso f 1994 Sarah Birch 139 Part D. Economicsa nd Society Introduction Neil Malcolm 161 9. Ukraine: A Four-ProngedT ransition Taras Kuzio 165 10. Ukraine: The Legacieso f CentralP lanninga ndt he Transition to a Market Economy Paul Hare, Mohammed/s haq, and SaulE strin 181 11. Ukraine'sE conomy:S trategicI ssuesf or SuccessfuRl ecovery John E. Tedstrom 201 Part E. Foreign and DefenseP olicies Introduction RoyA llison 219 12. National Identity and ForeignP olicy: The EastS lavic Conundrum Taras Kuzio 221 13. Ukrainian SecurityP olicy: The Relationshipb etweenD omestic and ExternalF actors JamesS herr 245 Bibliography of SelectedS econdaryS ources on ContemporaryU kraine 267 Index 279 List of Tables, Figures, and Maps Tables 2.1 ParliamentaryB locs and Factions( April 1996) 24 2.2 ParliamentaryB locs andF actions( February1 997) 26 4.1 ParliamentaryS eatsW on in 1994b y Representativeos f the Main Left-and Right-Wing Parties,b y Region 64 4.2 FactorL oadingso f RespondentsE' valuativeJ udgmentso n SelectedS ocial,E conomic,a ndP olitical Issues 67 4.3 Indiceso f Voter Orientationsi n the Four Ukrainian Regions 69 4.4 Supportf or Leonid Kravchuk as a Candidatef or President amongt he Main Linguistic and Ethno-LinguisticG roupsi n Ukraine in 1991 and 1994 76 4.5 Linguistic and EthnolinguisticG roupsi n Right-Bank Ukraine and Left-Bank Ukraine 77 6.1 ZaporizhzhiaO blast:N ationality andL anguage 100 6.2 Percentageo f SchoolchildrenS tudyingi n Ukrainian lOS A6.1 EmploymentS tructure,Z aporizhzhiaO blast 111 A6.2 EmploymentS tructurei n Industry (town, 1993) 111 7.1 Breakdowno f the Ukrainian Parliamenti n December1 994 126 7.2 Breakdowno f the Ukrainian Parliamentin May 1966 128 AS.1 CompetitiveC haracteristicso f the Parties 151 A8.2 RegionalD istribution of Candidates": Major" and "Significant" Parties 152 AS.3 RegionalD istribution of CandidatesP: artyC amps 154 vii viii LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES, AND MAPS A8.4 RegionalD istribution of Vote Sharea mong" Major" and "Significant" Parties ISS A8.5 OLS Regressionfo r Turnout 156 A8.6 OLS Regressionfo r Party Camps 157 A8.7 OLS Regressionfo r Major Parties 158 11.1 Ukraine: Basic EconomicI ndicators,1 99(}-1995 203 11.2 Outputo f Energy,b y Source,M arch 1996 and First Quarter1 996 204 11.3 Ukraine: The Paceo f Privatization,1 992-1995 206 A 12.1a Native LanguageP referencesin Ukraine andB elarus 239 A 12.1b Votes forlndependence 239 A12.2 Attitude of Ukrainian Political Partiest o the CIS 240 A12.3 The (Belarusan-RussianC) ommunityo f Sovereign Republics( SSR) 241 Figures 11.1 M2 andC PI Indexesf or Ukraine 205 Maps Ukraine: Territorial AdministrativeS tructure xviii Referendumo n Independence XIX Ethnic Ukrainians xx Ukraniana s Native Language xxi 4.1 The Variation of Kravchuk'sV ote acrosst he Different Regionso f Ukraine (December1 991) 62 4.2 The Variation of Vote for Ukraine Independence (December1 991) 63 4.3 The Four LargestR egionso f Ukraine 65 4.4 The Variation of Kravchuk'sV ote acrosst he Different Regionso f Ukraine (July 1994) 72 4.5 Ukrainian-speakersa,s a Shareo f the Popuialtiono f Ukraine 73 About the Editor and Contributors Taras Kuzio is a researchf ellow at the Centre for Russiana nd East Euro- peanS tudies,U niversity of Birmingham, and formerly seniorr esearchf el- low of the Council of Advisors to the Ukrainian parliament.H is previous posts include researcha ssociatea t the International Institute for Strategic Studiesa nde xecutive directoar t the Ukraine BusinessA gency. He was editor of Ukraine BusinessR eview( 1994-1996),e ditor of Ukrai- nian Reporter( 1990-1992),a nd deputy editor of SovietN ationality Survey (1983-1989).H is books and monographsi nclude Ukraine: Perestroikat o Independence,w ith Andrew Wilson (1994), Ukrainian Security Policy (1995), Ukraine Under Kuchma: Political Reform, EconomicT ransforma- tion, and Security Policy in IndependentU kraine (1997), and Ukraine: Statea ndN ation Building in Ukraine (1998). Dr. Roy Allison is director of the Russiana nd EurasiaP rogramme,R oyal Institute ofInternationalA ffairs. Dr. Judy Batt is a senior lecturer at the Centre for Russian and East EuropeanS tudies,U niversity of Birmingham. Dr. Sarah Bireh is a lecturer in Ukrainian studies at the Departmento f Government,U niversity of Essex. Dr. Marko Bojeun is a seniorl ecturera t the University of North London. Saul Estrin is associatedw ith the EconomicsD epartment,L ondon Busi- nessS chool. Dr. Peter Ferdinand is director of the Centref or Studiesi n Democratiza- tion, University of Warwick. IX

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