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Summer Ethnobiology 1998 AND INCANTATIONS HERBAL ALUNE MEDICINES: ETHNOMEDICAL KNOWLEDGE A CONTEXT OF IN CHANGE MARGARET FLOREY J. Department Linguistics, La Trobe University of Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia A WOLFF XENI Y. Botanical consultant MD USA 9441 Rd, Baltimore 21236, Belair ABSTRACT.—An Island, eastern Indonesia, reveals that in the pre-Christian era, healers treated made wide from range and midwifery concerns with herbal medicines a illnesses respond herbal of plant, animal, and mineral matter. a patient failed to to If mi ^ 4 M 1 ancestral misdeeds problem followed In such cases treatment required divination of the source of the by conjunction with (non-medicinal) aids. the recitation of curative incantations in suppression Conversion to Christianity early in the twentieth century led to the and many health care practices, of pre-Christian practices, including traditional abruptly interrupted transmission of such knowledge. Concomitant with social Ian Alune by and changes their recently, been protected from rapid sociopolitical linguistic mountain change. more processes of intense sites nearer to the coast and have been subject to both We patterns. In compare two these different reflecting the situation in sites of Lohiatala, the inland Lohiasapalewa and the relocated coastal village location of and pre-Christian era with the the use of herbal medicines associated is Lohiasapalewa very a transmission knowledge has greatly diminished. In of this born while villagers few incantations elderly people covertly utilize curative As a ancestral practices. following change have had restricted access to religious completely ceased at have almost result, use of curative incantations appears to A where, the absence of in outcome noted Lohiatala in this contrasting site. is environment, contemporary transmission of Alune practices and in response to the by seeking incantations younger people have transformed the form and function of community. Moluccan and such knowledge from the wider utilizing de de RESUMEN.— Un curativas entre los alune la Isla de practices analisis las curanderos trataba Seram, Indonesia revela que antes de la era cristiana los oriental, ampho de un rango compuestas enfermedades con medicinas herbarias partos y no respondio a las paciente de materiales de animates y minerales. Si el plantas, de fechonas para una represalia considero medicinas enfermedad se herbarias, la En casos, de hechiceros. tales el magia destructiva la paciente o derivada de la por sequido problema, la origen del tratamiento divinacion del se exigio la La conversion no medicinales. con auxilios recitacion de conjuros curativos junto muchas de practicas supresi6n a la cristianidad temprano por el siglo xx llevo a la WOLFF FLOREY and No. Vol. 40 18, 1 interumpio pre-cristianas, incluso a practicas curativas tradicionales, y bruscamente transmision de conocimiento. Junto con los cambios sociales, la tal tambien sucediendo cambio de idiomas hacia variedad regional de malay, esta el la malay ambonense. Se puede sacar un contraste entre los pueblos alune que el hasta recientement han sido protegido de los cambios sociopoliticos y lingiiisticos rapidos por su lejanidad en ubicaciones montanosas, y los pueblos que fueron reubicados a sitios mas cercanos a la costa que han sido sometido a los procesos y de cambio mas Comparamos de dos que intensos. las situaciones sitios reflejan En estos padrones diferentes. tanto la localidad del interior de Lohiasapalewa y el pueblo costero reubicado de Lohiatala, uso de medicinas herbarias se relaciona el con la era pre-cristiana, y la transmision de este conocimiento ha disminuido En bastante. Lohiasapalewa, unos pocos ancianos furtivamente conjuros utilizan curativos, mientras que poblanos que nacieron despues de cambios los los Como han religiosos tenido acceso restringido a practicas ancestrales. las consequencia, el uso de conjuros curativos parece haber cesado completamente casi Un en este lugar. resultado contrastante nota en donde en ausencia se Lohiatala, la de transmision de la practicas alunenses y en respuesta ambiente actual, los al mas han jovenes transformado la forma y la funcion de los conjuros por buscar y utilizar tal conocimiento de mas amplia comunidad molucana. la — RESUME. Une analyse des pratiques therapeutiques des Alune de Seram, en Indonesie montre orientale, qu'avant du guerisseurs l'arrivee christian isme, les traitaient maladies moyen les generates au de et les troubles obstetricaux medicaments a base de plantes qui etaient fabriques a partir d'une grande variete de produits un naturels. un par Si patient n'etait pas receptif a traitement les plantes, maladie comme la etait consideree repression d'un comportement la ou individuel etait attribuee a la sorcellerie malefique. Dans de traitement tels cas, le une exigeait action divinatoire pour reveler source du probleme, suivie la d'incantations curatives de La recitees concert avec l'emploi de produits naturels. conversion au christianisme au debut du XXe des entraina disparition siecle la pratiques therapeutiques traditionnelles mit brusquement transmission et fin a la d'un tel savoir. Parallelement a ces changements on egalement a sociaux, assiste un deplacement de langage vers une malais variete regionale de malais, le On ambonais. peut contraster les villages alune qui, jusqu'a tout recemment, ont ete a l'abri des changements de linguistiques et sociopolitiques soudains a cause leur eloignement dans relatif des emplacements montagneux qui villages et les ont ete reinstalls plus pres de la cote s'exposant a un processus de changement plus intense. Cette etude compare deux la situation de deux sites qui refletent ces modeles examine et dans quelle mesure ethnoecologique le savoir linguistique et peut etre modifie a travers un de processus de deplacement linguistique et changement Dans social. communaute la de Lohiasapalewa, la interieure connaissance Tandis que gens les plus ages se souviennent ces ^.^ incantations, vilWpnic n^e les i~- ^i limite aux pratiques un ancestrales. La situation apparait a Lohiatala, differente village qui a ete reinstalle dans un de environnement en l'absence cotier. Ici, transmission des pratiques alune en reponse jeunes et a l'environnement actuel, les gens ont transforme forme en la et la fonction des incantations en cherchant et l.**— ft 1 * 1 r- -\ »-* • *i -• communaute JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY Summer 1998 41 INTRODUCTION Alune an Austronesian language spoken in 26 villages in west Seram, in the is eastern Indonesian province of Maluku. During this century, and particularly during the 50 years, rapid sociocultural and economic changes resulting from increased last Dur- contact with non-Alune peoples have occurred in the majority of these villages. ing period extensive changes have also occurred in health care practices. this which two The Alune assert that there are primarily sources for illness - those and which from malevolent are attributed to a physical cause those result the ac- tion of humans or supernatural beings practicing destructive magic. In earlier times, made from medicines Alune use herbal healing practices involved either the of with (non- plants and other matter or the recitation of incantations in conjunction medicinal) aids made of animal, plant or mineral matter. Illnesses attributed to a some by physical cause could be treated by herbal medicines or, in cases, the reci- midwifery drew on the use of herbal practices tation of incantations. Similarly, from medicines and the recitation of incantations. However, illnesses resulting the by incantations magic were amenable only to treatment practice of destructive following the divination of the source of the illness. with conversion Calvin- Contemporary Alune overtly Christian, to society is pre-Christian Protestantism having occurred throughout this century. In the ist such and nature Alune cosmology focused on placating ancestral local spirits, era, as Tuale, the sun god, Dabike, the moon goddess, and spirits of the earth (tapele) world was regarded as necessary for and sky The goodwill of the spirit (lanite). environ- and productivity of the ensuring the health and of the living the vitality through the and maintained, in part, ment. This goodwill could be achieved who could ancestors or deities chanting of incantations to invoke the spirits of the active human change has resulted in mediate on Religious behalf of beings. including practices, pre-Christian and suppression by ministers of missionaries involves and today largely injury those relating to health care. Treatment of illness Western medicines with combination prayer, either as the sole healing tool or in Ambonese (known in which by health practitioner are administered a regional Alune revealed two villages Malay However, undertaken in as mantri). research There and incantations. medicines a substratum knowledge about both herbal of present-day a role in retain evidence some pre-Christian healing practices is that members among of knowledge such Alune although distribution of the society, changed. community have the and patterns of use clearly methodology. We and our research two research sites will describe the first the describing We medicines, ill- herbal using will then discuss healing practices and forms of treatment. the ingredients, nesses amenable such treatment, the to we Third, We midwifery practices. medicines in also discuss the use of herbal sources healers, the describing incantations, consider healing practices involving we examine Finally, methods treatment. and of of knowledge, illnesses treated, changing health factors in several of the processes change, analysing the role of knowledge. of and distribution transmission care practices and in changes in the ^ FLOREY WOLFF 42 and Vol. No. 18, 1 RESEARCH SITES was Research undertaken two Alune in Lohiasapalewa and villages, Lohiatala Lohiasapalewa is located in the central mountain range West Seram, of an at alti m tude of approximately 650 sub-montane The in complete rainforest. territorj owned (tapel and lalei) occupied by the village comprises primary forest at vary ing altitudes, secondary varying bamboo forest at stages of regrowth, thickets planted groveland, garden land, dry swamps, rice fields, sago grassland, and tht settlement site of the village By Ellen (cf. 1993a). far the largest portion of village territory primary and mature is secondary forest. km from the north coast of Seram. ) Manusa Ririne, Manue, and Buria Alune century, have come villages The primary // pacifi- — cation" by the Dutch first colonial and by authorities Indonesian later the — government make in order to the more villages government accessible au- to and thority thus to enable the government While to exercise greater control. a considerable number Alune of succumbed villages and to the pressure relocated to either the north or the south coast, the villagers of Lohiasapalewa have success- resisted fully all attempts impose to upon relocation them. and In the 1950s early iVbUs a guerrilla was conflict fought Maluku in Central between Republik the Maluku Selatan (RMS) movement separatist and the Indonesian military forces. ™ £ear ot the on forces both sides of the caused abandon conflict the villagers to their nouses throughout the thirteen years of however gov- this conflict, they rejected ernment pressure move to to the coast and remained within their in the forest village The territory. villagers also resisted an attempt by government au- local r OCate the §e " villa in 1970. The has relative isolation of their location meant that all generations of villagers in Lohiasapalewa remain Alune speakers .Tl^ Z hmited fc^ledge has few bel of * pre-Christian practices been retained. In 1998, Lohiasapalewa had a population 244 32 households. of in Te VlUa§eS TT ° Lohia and one f tala Lohiasapalewa were formerly vi)ulT^ I e ° Slte Lohiasa f Palewa. According (Makerawe «^ %^J^£™?™^ to local history and IriS „ Q Nfi 1 ^departu* within of Lohiasapafewa led to in km to the south. The name The Lohia. of the v ana & 1U11 lllc Acud rne bapalewa, marks ' ; gnificant bond and — remains between Lc ilewa its h now there C ~" " and tne i' s littttllec «co*nut»accit bDeetiwweeeenn rne vmages, maioritv of will § n0t Visited the Tl f the other Lohiasapalewa, Unlike site- villagers of ^ f a a Were ^ Unable t0 relocate resist the government's to efforts Murine hp p . h wl? 2 t Sf 0nfliCt oSrn 1952 the were moved en masse the south y to u * dwdt the non- Alune Hatusua thirteen for village of **Z ars ? L "f^ ° ° was the f hiatala following established 1964 in itorationl T located 1S km approximately south coast ^r!T' six inland from the western u ^ ° Uthem km m S b° some rrmer^ rder of Lohiatala's land and 20 <m us rormer i mountain *__.,.! l, ocation *, ^ii»«»of Tfo ., . Summer JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 1998 43 Waihatu, comprised people from Lombok and who moved Seram of Java as to part of the central government's transmigrasi program which aims to relocate populations to reduce pressures on the more overcrowded Indonesian islands. Waesamu Further south are the non-Alune villages of and Hatusua. Bordering Lohiatala's territory to the north are the Alune villages of Rumberu and Rumba tu. had In 1992 Lohiatala a population of 728 in 110 households. Unlike Lohiasapalewa, which located within sub-montane rainforest, the people is of Lohiatala occupy lowland territory largely comprising secondary forest at varying swamps, and stages of regrowth, planted groveland, garden land, sago grassland, the settlement site of the village. While dry rice fields were planted in this location, the practice has been abandoned in recent years due to introduced pests from transmigrant wet lowland primary rice fields. Lohiatala's former village site largely consists of for- bamboo and mature secondary planted groveland, grassland. est, forest, thickets, by Products are harvested from this particularly older villagers. still site, In contrast Lohiasapalewa, Lohiatala has undergone dramatic sociocultural to Ambonese and The language linguistic changes since the 1950s. process of shift to Malay advanced and generational differences well in Lohiatala, there are clear is in knowledge and use of the Alune language and Alune practices (Florey 1991, 1993, 1997). METHODOLOGY The conducted by Florey in the lowland village of goal of research initial was and language obsolescence (Florey 1990). Lohiatala study language the of shift and changing Alune language During and the course of learning analysing the its _ & 1 -* _ m I * -a. _^m M_ _>_ _^h_ i ^ information in Lohiatala, Alune information and was during this period, their uses not undertaken systematically in ethnobotanical could research build. The investigation of incantations Information comments While community. members advertently, through discussions with of the d were quite frequent, rect alluding to the role of incantations in pre-Christian life i met were alwavs information them more knowledgeable Ma community Alune of noted the Smit for (1992) the and in the village was expressed perspective and However another methods. pre-Christian healing man how instead God, but trust to use incantations: "They don't trust in tations." Statements we choose human, can't // tween WOLFF FLOREY and No. 44 Vol. 18, 1 we ways and must throw [knowledge] away. be in certain that If not, will // ruined, ruined! However, after working in Lohiatala for approximately five months, an eld- erly villager expressed his willingness to discuss the use of curative incantations. During one research session, six incantations were recorded and a description was way given of the the incantations were used in conjunction with aids such as oil, water, or mineral lime. These data formed the basis for future exchanges of knowl- edge with other villagers. Florey found she was, in effect, able to trade this information concerning incantations family veral incantations as In these ways, a corpus gifts. compiled, together with 15 incantations concerning t present paper (such as hunting, harvest increase destructive medicine). moved In 1992 research to the hiehland villaee of Lohiasaoalewa. The in two became • • ethnobiolo became and commenced in 1993, Wolff 1994. uuuuuLdi researcn oegan by checking with the principal research assistant, Wempi Mr. Manakane, the lexical database of botanical terms previously recorded in Lohiatala and We Lohiasapalewa. made work a plan each evening for the fol- lowing day based on information already gathered and information targeting the we were seeking. now still Information concerning herbal medicines largely is restricted to a small number knowledge of older Such villagers Lohiasapalewa. in has been acquired by who only a very few younger Lohiasapalewa villagers in continue to value ways the of their elders. Hence our work plan entailed deter- mining toe location of people with knowledge and of specific specialist the location We plants. worked with thege people around nearby gar- the village settlement, in locations Manakane it further afield in primary and secondary forest. isits to villagers in their gardens and accompanied Wolff and Florey to field sites. throughout rainfall m the afternoon and evening. we loca- Therefore out our planned research set for tion shortly after sunrise and usually worked afternoon. the until early at site(s) each l^or plant, Wolff collected situ, relevant samples, photographed plant in H^ the r r & r and j_-^^_ recordpH c,,„u „„ i„_r .,., m...easurement . . . . nons ot tlowers and names and Alune fruits, agricultural Florey recorded practices. ana descriptive terminology stages for the plant, with morphology, respect to its or growth, agricultural Malay Ambonese practices, Data were etc. also recorded in and indonesian when known. includ- Extensive ethnographic notes were taken, known ing uses of each We plant and discussed importance Alune its in life. agricultural practices, garden techniques and site selection and preservation lavout. JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY Summer 1998 45 We villagers in urgi situ. We medicinal purposes. sam ng and /or p Ethnograph community members her in midwifery knowledge speakers. Work from people with continued gathering information also in the village, specialized healing knowledge. Florey worked extensively with an elderly man who Lohiasapalewa had retained the knowledge and practice of healing in- Due work was undertaken cantations. to the sensitivity of this information, the in be cross-checked private. Incantations recorded previously in Lohiatala could not were there because of the demise of the elderly consultants. Therefore, these data who eleven addi- checked with the Lohiasapalewa consultant, also contributed and tional healing incantations descriptions of their use. photo- samples, Following the research period, the collected data (plant field by Wolff. Sources for formed graphs, notes) the basis for plant identification Herbarium Bogoriense, the identification included collections held in the As plants Smithsonian Herbarium, and relevant published materials. the Institution database were names were incorporated into a larger collat- identified, the Latin corpus This each plant. ing and ethnographic information for linguistic, botanical, forms the basis the present paper. for AILMENTS TREATMENT OF MEDICINES: WITH common common illnesse which considered to re- and ailments are are perceived have physical cause, to a m the male\ everyday neaitn the indicate destructive magic. Ailments the former category in wounds, burns, colds from bleeding concerns of the community. They include: eye infection, fever, and ear infection, cough and diarrhea, influenza, sore throat, ... wounds, intestinal parasites, goiter, headache, head and dandruff, infected lice nn in<4cnalphitp :r««; mu plants or insects, runjs** reactions to skin complaints scabies, irritant (ichtyosis, Appendix describes and urinary tract infection. 1 infections), smallpox, toothache, these diseases. treatment of medicines the in detail the preparation of for con- add issues ot Women midwifery ress practice with the inherited right to post-partum range of a ception, contraception, and delivery as well as treating prevent con- conditions: to following provided the conditions. Treatments for are unwanted pregnancies, to assist end ception, regulate menstruation, to to speed expressed desire), to parents' per the conception of a male or female child (as woman to following birth, and/or strengthen a slow a or cleanse difficult labor, to and to treat swollen belly, post-partum remove post-partum blood heal a clots, to WOLFF No. Vol. 18, 1 46 medicines of names Alune Where midwives. available, The appendices. headings the in name and Latin identificatior ish plant — The ailments midwifery practices. which and conditions within a are diagnosed as having a physical cause, the fall made from animal, or min- with medicines plant, midwife's can be treated care, medicines minimally contain found All herbal matter in the village territory. eral were may Sixty-two plants iden- and contain other ingredients. plant material also which diagnosed as medicines used ailments are as ingredients in to treat tified having a physical cause, and a further 15 plants were identified as ingredients in medicines used in midwifery practices. Villagers in Lohiasapalewa asserted that, were planted which could be used healing 'watai) in earlier times, plants for (ai This Western medicines In In were extensive use of plant material in healing, very few medicinal recipes re- corded which use animal products. These animal products are mineral lime, turtle mus and The most commonly from freshwater egg, honey. lime extracted shell, is which and pounded. sel shells (lopon inai) are dried, baked, — var medicines Preparation and application medicines. The application of herbal of medicine ies according to the nature of the ailment and the ingredients used in the The may on massage medicine be rubbed as a applied as a poultice or compress, spe ointment, drunk as a potion, or infused. Very few treatments require eating eaten as cific foodstuffs; however, the banana tema 'watnabane (Musa fehi) is < treatment and for jaundice bladder for infections While an may illness or injury treatment made from one of Bleeding injuries. staunched with is the application of a poultice number village a of plants, primarily grasses which are readily available in the may which residential area, as well as in gardens and secondary in villagers forest be working stimu- or hunting. Nausea application of through treated the external is (Syzygium tobacco lants: (Nicotiana tabacum), nut palm clove betel (Areca catechu), plants aromaticum). Oily substances certain are applied reactions to to treat irritant from Cocos nucift Burns Medicines influenza are treated by rubbing the head with medicinal shampoos. Urinary infections tasting drinks. tract urine Medicinal have properties.— onl; -Most of the plants used healing are held to for medicinal multiple property. However, from our corpus eight plants serve poses and indicate wider their utility in healing (see Table 2). JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY Summer 47 1998 CURATIVE INCANTATIONS known and Despite the wide range of plant, animal, and mineral matter avail- med herbal in which which they can the Alune acknowledge that there are ailments injuries treat, physical remain resistant to a medicinal cure. If an injury or disease attributed to a members community cause persisted despite the application of herbal medicines, powers were upon divine the source of the ailment, with healing called to special having been caused by destructive magic. which might then be rediagnosed as Some such ailments were diagnosed as deriving from ancestral spirits in reprisal who norms by commit- the behaviour of an individual had contravened social for matale) example, adultery (soune) or theft (mleane). Ancestral spirits (ttitu ting, for through example, might also exact retribution for the contravention of custom: for custom- who according marriage between two people were too closely related to a made dying person. Alternatively, ary law, or through failure to keep a promise to a might be diagnosed as arising an // sending" who harm ings could a (lita) chosen or iniurv to a victim. were rediagnosed ailments or injuries magic application of an the however were regarded as aid in animal products, the latter have been practices Similar incantations and were not held to be herbal medicines. 1993b, Ellen Bolton 1994, Austronesian region widely reported throughout the (cf. incantations attempts environment .— knowledge of curative in- with Healers knowledge if known Alune ma'aleru as in lerue knowledg knowledg «*mi oen ve could The ma'aleru accompanying of incantations. the recitation very and, given as a gift were occasionally from Incantations several sources. ! or incantations The of selling practice could be bought from a practitioner. y, be a were considered to uncommon incantations because them was le as gifts knowledge Valeri (cf. 1990). «^™»^~^ or parents from More were learned commonly, incantations fron then healing study members could However, while younger family cestors. pa rents life during their knowledge fully elders, they were unable utilize the to mcantehons own healing owned their family person or times. each Historically, young one case of the dream, as in Transmission could occur through a ^£^7 from incantations who knowledge of healing Lohiatala, received his reccn e ngerous da to potentially man ceased) grandparents. This asserted that it is a drea! informahon ,n the receive knowledge but that to from other people, directly WOLFF FLOREY and 48 Vol. No. 18, 1 way parallels the that biblical personages received divine inspiration. In his dream, man transmission occurred at Lohiatala's former village site. Another young in this He village also received his healing knowledge from a dream. dreamt he had book a with healing charms and woke and found was Once he had this real. learnt the incantations the book disappeared. Some knowledge was of incantations received from non-human According Alune mythology sources. to historical narrated in common Lohiasapalewa, the palm gave some civet (lau, ti'luline) healers of their knowledge and of healing, they from are prohibited eating animal. this There two are categories of practitioners of midwifery in Alune society: the biane and who who 'midwife', the tna'selu, literally 'one sees', a healer assisted after childbirth by inspecting the newborn and child repairing physical problems, emng crooked The limbs. i woman and newborn her The family. Alune midwifery knowled on prohibitions eating animal this Ailments treated by .—The curative incantations corpus of incantations contains cures for the following ailments: bleeding, breathing centipede stom- difficulties, bite, ach ailment, fever (including fever caused by being caught which occurs in rain while the sun shining), is a convulsive disease (possibly epilepsy), and headache Commonly, stomach ailments are thought be caused by to eating or tealing — i protected by an incantation {'mate known Ambonese Malay in by sed machete a some charm. In c, the may Midwives irce. j-^v^ungcu emu " problems '& uiiricuir laoor childbirth tne lr considered to derive from sorcery. Divination .—The first stage in healing an presumed have been caused by illness to sorcery determining is the source by of the ailment, a task which undertaken is ma and aleru tna'selu (cf. Ellen 1993b and Bolton 1994 for a discussion of divina- tion in healing among Nuaulu the One man of south Seram). asserted: // ^^^v — sorcery Wwee buuat c^aauus&ec would [to mnessj. seeK ine ->' i>u illness!. an lr ot by illness] using a length wood. was of Probably person be- the ill /he sinned illness meant and later the would patient what tell the healer s/h sorcery ft The process of divination known A Alune is in ma' as 'nan. aleru exam stem length of (punale), a in ailment

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