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In vivo Incorporation of Labeled Methionine into Proteins, Vitellogenin, and Vitellin in Females of the Penaeid Shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus de Haan PDF

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Preview In vivo Incorporation of Labeled Methionine into Proteins, Vitellogenin, and Vitellin in Females of the Penaeid Shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus de Haan

Reference: Bio/, Bull 183: 242- 7. iOctober. 1992) In vivo Incorporation of Labeled Methionine into Proteins, Vitellogenin, and Vitellin in Females of the Penaeid Shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus de Haan SHAI SHAFIR1 2 MICHAEL OVADIA2 AND MOSHE TOM1 . , {Israel Oceanographic and LimnologicalResearch. P.O. Box 8030, Haifa. 31080. Israel, and2Tel Aviv University, G. S. U'ise Faculty ofLife Sciences, Department ofZoology. TelAviv 69978, Israel Abstract. ["S]-Methionine was injected into 1 1 intact Introduction vitellogenic females ofthe penaeid shrimp Penaeus sem- Crustacean vitellin (Vt) is a lipoglycoprotein that ac- isulcatusdeHaan. Levelsofradiolabeled methionine.total cumulates in the oocyte cytoplasm. Vt is used later for protein and vitellogenin/vitellin (Vg/Vt) were measured the nutrition ofthe non-feedingembryoand larval stages. in the hemolymph during 24 h following methionine in- Vitellogenin (Vg). a vitellin-immunoidentical protein, is jections. The same parameters were measured 24 h after a female-specific protein found in crustacean extraoocytic injection, in the hepatopancreas and ovaries ofsacrificed tissues and hemolymph (Meusy and Payen, 1988). Vg is females. Proteins were precipitated by trichloroacetic acid produced by the subepidermal adipose tissue (SAT) of and Vg/Vt was immunoprecipitated by anti-Vt serum. anostracanfVanBeekrtfl/.. 1987). isopod(Picaud, 1980; Hemolymphaticproteinand Vg/Vt levelswereconstant Souty and Picaud. 1981; Picaud ct al.. 1989), and am- throughout the 24 h ofthe experiment starting from the phipod (Junera and Croisille, 1980; Croisille and Junera, firstsamplingofhemolymph. twohafterinjection. Similar 1980) crustaceans before it is transported by the hemo- amounts of Vg/Vt were found in the hepatopancreas lymph into the developing oocytes. compared to the ovary 24 h after injection, and 10% of Decapod Vg is present in the SAT (Meusy et al.. 1983; Tom the labeled protein in the ovary and 6.4% in the hepato- Vazquez-Boucard. 1985; et al.. 1987), hepatopan- pancreas were Vg/Vt. Free-labeled methionine was still creas(Paulusand Laufer, 1987; Quackenbush and Keeley. present in all tissues examined after 24 h. The labeled 1988;Quackenbush. 1989a, b; Fainzilber et al., 1992) and protein and Vg/Vt in the ovary and the hepatopancreas hemolymph (Kerr. 1969; Cecalldi. 1970; Wolin ct al., could not be explained by the hemolymphatic content of 1973; Fyffe and O'Connor, 1974; Caubere et al., 1976; thetwoorgans. ThehemolymphaticVgis24-fold labeled Dehn ct al.. 1983; Durliat, 1984; Marzari ct al., 1986; over the ovarian Vt, 24 h after injection. The results in- Tom et t//.. 1987; Yano, 1987; Quackenbush, 1989a; dicate more intense involvement ofthe hepatopancreas Shafir ct al.. in prep.). A major source ofdecapod yolk is in the vitellogenic process than can be deduced from ear- Vt synthesis by the ovary itself(Lui ct al., 1974; Lui and lier in vitro studies. This study confirms the earlier defi- O'Connor, 1976, 1977; Dehn ct al.. 1983; Eastman-Reks and Fingerman, 1985; Yano and Chinzei, 1987; Quack- nition ofthe oogenic stage ofrapid Vt accumulation in theovary (AOD range of 150-250j/m) and also indicates ethnebsuisshi,n P1e9n89aae;usBjraopwodniycuctsawla..s1s9u9g0g)e.stTehdetosibtee tohfeVftolsliycnl-e a role for the hemolymph in transporting Vg between its cells(YanoandChinzei. 1987). No Vgsynthesisoccurred processing sites. in //; vitro incubated SAT ofPenaeussemisii/catus(Fain- zilber ct al.. 1992); however, three studies have reported Vg synthesis in the decapod hepatopancreas: Quacken- ARbebcreeivvieatdio4nsF:ebAruOaDry 1A9v9e2r;agacecoeopctyetde2diJaumleyte1r9;92d.pm disintegrations bush and Keeley ( 1988) in L'ca pugi/ator; Quackenbush perminute; Mw Molecularweight;SAT Subepidermaladiposetissue; ( 1989a) in Penaeus vannameiand Fainzilberctal. (1992) TCA Trichloroacetic acid;Vg Vitellogenin; Vt Vitellin. in Penaeus semisulcatus. 242 SYNTHESIS OF YOLK. IN SHRIMPS 243 Vtendocytosisbytheovariesofseveraldecapod species, Materials and Methods including penaeids has been reported by Beams and Kes- sel. 1963; Hinsch and Cone. 1969; Wolin ct ai. 1973; Duronslet el ai. 1975; Zerbib, 1979; Schade and Shivers, AdultsofPelicanssemisulcaluswerecollected in Haifa 1980; Zerbib and Mustel. 1984; and Jugan and Soyez, Bay, Israel. Thirty shrimp were held in a 3000-liter sea- 1985. Vg receptors were found and isolated from the oo- watertank. Watertemperature ranged from 18C(winter) cyticcytoplasm membrane oftwodecapod species(Jugan. to 27C (summer). Water was replaced at a rate of300%- 1985; Laverdure and Soyez. 1988; Jugan and Van Herp. per day. Animals were fed daily with defrosted Anemia 1989). and a mixture ofdefrosted shrimp, fish, and squid. Fe- The penaeid ovary isawell established majorsynthetic maleswere individually tagged byclipping their uropods. siteofVtcompared totheminorquantitativecontribution Theiroogenic stage was monitored periodically by visual ofthe penaeid hepatopancreas to Vg production, as was examination of the ovaries according to the method of revealedby in vitroincubationsofpenaeid hepatopancreas Browdy and Samocha (1985). Ovarian developmental and ovariesin the presence oflabeled amino acids. Yano stages were determined more accurately after sacrificing and Chinzei (1987) found no Vg synthesis at all in P. the females, by measuring the average oocyte diameter japonicushepatopancreasincontrasttoahigh Vtsynthesis (AOD) as described by Shlagman et al. (1986). Molting in the ovary. Two additional studies, carried out in P. ofindividual femaleswasrecorded dailyby identification vannamei (Quackenbush. 1989a) and in P. semisulcatus oftheclippedcodsonthe uropodsofthecollectedexuviae. (Browdyetal., 1990; Fainzilberric?/.. 1992)revealedlower rates ofyolk synthesis in the hepatopancreas compared Chemicals totherespectiveovarian rates. TherateofVgproduction, normalized per mg protein, in the hepatopancreas ofP. [35S]-Methionine, 300 mCi/mMol was purchased from vannamei was around 10% ofthe ovarian value at early Amersham, U.K. All other reagents were of analytical and mid vitellogenesis. An apparent increase ofthis per- grade. centageto 50% at late vitellogenesis ofP. vannainci. isan artifact caused by the normalization method, as the ac- [JfS]-methionine labeling andsampling cumulation ofyolk in the ovary duringvitellogenesis adds oflabeledtissues protein that does not contribute to Vt synthesis but re- Labeled methionine was injected through the thin cu- duces the rate ofsynthesis per mg protein. A further re- ticle connecting the thorax and the abdomen using 1 ml duction ofthe contribution ofthe whole hepatopancreas disposable syringes. Samples ofhemolymph from live in- versusthewholeovaryisduetoitssmallerproteincontent. dividuals were collected from the same site with 1 ml The Vg rate ofsynthesis in the whole hepatopancreas of syringes containing a premeasured volume of the anti- P. semisulcatus reached 4.35% ofthe Vt rate ofsynthesis coagulant 10% tri-sodium citrate. Hemolymph from sac- in the whole ovary. The percentages of synthesized Vg rificed females wascollected in a premeasured volume of from total protein synthesis in the hepatopancreas were 10% tri-sodium citrate through an excision cut in the an- also low in both P. vannamei and P. semisulcatus (1 and teriorpartofthecephalothorax, atthebaseoftheeyestalk. 14.4%. respectively) compared to similar percentages in Theovaryandhepatopancreasweredissectedfrom each the ovary (8 and 40%, respectively). ofthe sacrificed females and weighed before a portion of The small contribution of the //; vitro incubated he- the ovary was fixed in 4% formaldehyde in seawater for patopancreasto Vgsynthesisshould be furtherestablished themeasurement ofoocytediameters. The remainingpart by complementary //; vivo methods, having better resem- ofthe ovarywasthenweighed again. The hepatopancreas blanceto the natural vitellogenic process. An appropriate and ovary from each of the females were homogenized M method for examination ofthe hepatopancreas share in separatelyin0.1 phosphatebuffer. pH 7.4. Hemolymph yolk synthesis is the identification of Vg-mRNA in the samples and homogenized tissues were centrifuged and penaeid hepatopancreasand ovary, astudyyettobedone. thesupernatantswereused fortheTCA precipitation and Anotherapproach, theone taken by thepresent research, radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP). includes determination of the presence of radioactively labeled Vg and Vt in the hemolymph. hepatopancreas. TCA precipitation and measurement ojtotal and the ovary of vitellogenic penaeid females following labeled methionine injection oflabeled amino acid. It is aimed at validating the overall involvement of the hepatopancreas and the Four 50 n\ aliquots taken from each supernatant were ovary (not distinguishing between production and pro- pipetted onto Whatman 3 mm filterpaperdiscsanddried. cessing ofVg/Vt) and at examining the dynamics ofcir- The proteins were precipitated onto two of the discs in culating Vg. 10% TCA according to Mans and Novelli (1961), and all 244 S. SHAFIR ET AL. fourdiscswere radioactivelycountedin scintillation vials Table I with4 ml Aquasol-2 (NEN)inaKontron Betamaticliquid Incorporation of[35S]-methionineni/o TCAprecipitableproteinsand scintillation counter. ]g/Vt in litehepatopancreasamiovary<>tPenaeussemisulcatus 24 halterinjection Radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP) Radioimmunoprecipitation wascarried out by mixing Parameters Ovary Hepatopancreas 25 ,ul samplesofeach supernatantwith unlabeled purified Total ['5S]-methionine vitellin (15 /ug in 25 /il) and 200 /ul ofanti-Vt serum. The TCA precipitahle protein anti-Vt serum was prepared and examined for Vt speci- tmmunoprecipitable Vt ficity according to Browdy el al. ( 1990) and Tom el al. (1992). Control samples contained normal rabbit serum (NRS) instead ofanti-Vt serum. The total volume in the M reaction tube was adjusted to 0.5 ml with 0.4 NaCl and was mixed thoroughly before overnight incubation at 4C. Following incubation, samples wereMcentrifuged and the pellets washed three times with 0.4 NaCl. Fi- nally, each pellet was dissolved in 75 jul of0.5 A/ NaOH by vigorous shaking for '/: h at rMoom temperature and was neutralized with 25 ^1 of 2 HC1 before it was counted. Complete immunoprecipitation ofthe labeled antigen was achieved with an adequate antigen-antibody ratio. The determination ofsuitable amounts ofreactants was carriedoutbyreactingfixedamountsofunlabeled Vtand labeled sample with increasing amounts ofanti-Vt serum, followed by washing and counting the pellets. 25 Figure 1. Twenty-tourhtimecoursepresentationof(A)hemolymph total-labeled methionine, (B| labeled protein, and (C) labeled Vg nor- malized bythecountsoftotal-labeled methioninein thehemolymph 2 h after injection (TC2h) in Penaem semisulcatiis. Vertical lines show standarddeviations. SYNTHESIS OF YOLK IN SHRIMPS 245 Table II .Iirrdv'""'"I" =H) oflabeledproteins inthehepatopancreas i ovarv10labeledproteinsfoundinan identicalhemolymph volume in Penaeussemisulcatus 246 S. SHAFIR ET AL. thedataofShafirc: i'ep.)whoshowedthatoocytes should have been seen in both the ovary and the hemo- ofthissizeare > -nulating Vt. The reduced per- lymph. m centage ofIn1- the labeled protein found in In conclusion, evidence from this and previous studies thepreset e vitellogenesis(4.4%, Fig. 2)when supports the hypothesis that the hepatopancreas has a combin slow increase ofaccumulated Vt in moreintenseinvolvement inthevitellogenicprocessthan AOD ovaries ime range (Shafir et a/., in prep.) could be deduced from earlier in vitro studies, but is not indii 'iion of Vt accumulation in the ovary of necessarily the only site of Vg synthesis. The rapid ac- the intact female at AOD > 250 /urn. In contrast, ovaries cumulation ofVtthatoccursearly in vitellogenesis(AOD incubated in vitro showed no inhibition of Vt synthesis range of 150-250 /urn) and the arrest ofVt accumulation at any stage of vitellogenesis although a decrease in the later (AOD > 250 urn), first found by Shafir et al. (in percentageofsynthesized Vtwasobservedat AOD> 350 prep.), isconfirmed by the present findings. Furthermore, ^m, presumably due to increased synthesis ofother pro- the present study shows that circulating Vg is not a de- teins (Browdy el a!., 1990). graded Vt which issecreted unselectively from the ovary. The amount of labeled Vg and its percentage of the total labeled protein in the hepatopancreas were similar Acknowledgments to the corresponding values of labeled Vt in the ovary after the 24 h experiment (Table I and Fig. 2). These la- Wethank Ms. Alisa Hadani forherdedicatedtechnical beled Vg/Vt amounts can not be explained by the hem- assistance. This study was supported by the Israeli Min- olymphaticVgcomponentofthetwoorgansalone(Table istry ofEnergy and Infrastructure through their support II). Theyareprobablytheresultofanequilibrium between ofresearch projects in mariculture at IOLR and also by theinflux ofcirculating Vgand thecontribution ofinsitu grant No. 1-1435-88 to Dr. M. Tom from the U. S. produced Vg and Vg secretion during the 24 h of the Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development experiment. These findings strongly suggest that the he- Fund (BARD). patopancreashasa moreprominentroleinthevitellogenic process than could be deduced from the results ofearlier Literature Cited comparable in vitro incubations (Browdy el a/.. 1990: Fainzilber el al., 1992) (see also Introduction). The /// Beaomns,deHv.el\o\p.i,nagndcraRy.fiGs.hKoeoscsyetle.s1w9i6t3h.speEclieacltrreofnermeinccreosstcooptyhesotruidgiiens vitrostudies favorthe penaeid ovary asthe major Vt syn- ofyolk.J. CellBiol. 18: 621-649. theticsite, aconclusion supported by otherstudies(Yano Browdy, L. C. 1988. Aspects ofthe reproductive biology ofPenacus and Chinzei, 1987; Quackenbush. 1989a). The differences semisculcatus de Haan (Crustacea; Decapoda; Penaeidae). 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