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Preview IN THIS ISSUE: - The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam

EDITOR: ZAINAB AHMAD Islamic “To pray or IINS STUHEIS: B oaDnkywooteih tshH ini tIga sh lrtaaaomv med? o: PdairsecaSunncstdssh catohoneond s lptsre:oesn s hWelhp ttaohs tuey dgoQhuu au t tirfhmarroneom su? gh no(tin t osc hporoal)y?”mAmunodcrhe To pray or not to pray (in school) In the cafeteria in Hopewell Middle Kaitlin: What’s this about Mr. Kaitlin: So you guys are gonna School ... Vara’s room? And praying? miss lunch or advisory, and for what? To go pray.Why? What are Kaitlin (opens sandwich and Ali: Yeah. What’s the problem? you praying for? Are you guys in makes a face): Peanut butter again Kaitlin: But I thought you’re not al- trouble or something and you want ... My mom is so stupid! lowed to pray in school. to get out of it? Maryam(unwrapping her own Ali: Says who? Maryam: Praying isn’t just for sandwich): What’s wrong with when you’re in trouble. It’s a way peanut butter? Kaitlin: Says everyone. I don’t see to slow down, to meditate and anyone else pray in school. Pray- Kaitlin: I don’t like it, that’s what’s connect with God. ing is for losers. wrong, I’ve told her that somany Kaitlin: Meditating? I’ve seen some times, but she just doesn’t listen! Maryam: You thinkeverything’sfor Muslims praying on TV. They had losers, Kaitlyn! What’s not allowed Maryam: Just make your own their hands on their knees and in school is someone leading a lunch! were all bent down, and now you prayer for everyone, since we all guys are gonna do that here in Kaitlin: Seriously? I don’t have have different religions. But we can school. time for that. I wish my mom pray on our own if we want to. would just buy me something cool There’s freedom of religion after all. Ali: Yes, we are! Hey, aren’t you in for lunch, but she’s so lazy! It’s in- yoga club? Kaitlin: Obviously, but who would sane. want to pray in school? Just go to Kaitlin: Um, yeah. What does that Maryam: I think what’s insane is church on Sunday. Although, even have to do with anything? how you talk about your mom. that’s a waste of time. Ali: Yoga is meditation too. It’s a Moms do a lot for us. The least we Ali: Muslims don’t go to church on way to be mindful, just like our can do is be nice, you know? Give Sunday. We pray 5 times every prayer. Oh, I forgot. It’s so not them some respect. day, but it can be in a mosque or weird to wear a tank top, sit on a Kaitlin: Honestly, Maryam, don’t in our home, or wherever we are. mat and contort yourself. be so boring. Looks like some- Kaitlin: Oh, so you’re going to Kaitlin: Excuse me? Yoga is an an- one’s been spending a little too open a mosque in school? Wow, I cient practice. much time around their mom have to tell everyone about this. lately. Maryam: Prayer is pretty ancient They’re notgonna believe it. too. Muslims have been praying Ali (walking up and sitting down): Ali: No, we aren’t opening a like this for over fourteen cen- Hey Maryam, Yusuf and Saliha mosque. We just asked the princi- turies, and even before, people have asked Mr. Vara if they can pal for a place to pray, and he said have always been praying in one pray Zuhr in his room during lunch we could go to any classroom that way or another. We should respect or advisory. You know where his was free and had a teacher there. that. room is, right? We checked with Mr. Vara, and he Kaitlin: Still, do you reallyhave to Maryam: That’s a great idea. Do I said it was fine with him. He’s awe- do it in school? need a note or anything? some. Ali: Kaitlyn, prayer’s a part of nor- Ali: Nope, just tell your teacher Maryam: Yeah, Mr. Vara is pretty mal life, just like eating or drinking. where you’re going and ... cool. If it’s not weird to feed your body www.muslim.org at lunchtime, why is it weird to come check out yoga club tomor- Classroom with a few kids praying. feed your soul at prayer time? row morning. One says Iqama, boys stand in front, one says Allahuakbar and Maryam(glancing up at the clock): Ali: Sure, I’ve tried yoga and it was starts recitation of Surah Fatihah. Ali, we should get going before the pretty fun, although I couldn’t do bell rings. Come watch us, Kaitlyn, half the poses. Kaitlyn bows her head respectfully it’s not that strange. Seriously! and closes her eyes. Maryam: Let’s get going then. Kaitlin: Okay... but only if you guys — The End — Dig the earth Put it there, Say a prayer, Tiny seed, May you grow, This earth is loving and kind It nurtures and provides, Little seed, don’t be shy, Send your roots down, Arms up to the sky Plant It seems hard a Seed To open up, Reach out, In the dark, scary earth But just think There is sunshine up above Maybe petals, maybe flowers, Maybe fruits, sweet and soft Who knows what you will be But first, tiny seed Stretch yourself, Drink the water And be ready to Be yourself www.muslim.org Ramadan Awakenings 4am 9am “Raafe, pancakes for you, dear, or I don’t remember which stair is Breakfast time in the Khan house- a fried egg?” creaky, the last or the one before hold is busy, really busy. I can hear “Nothing, thank you. Not hungry.” it, so I tiptoe over them both and the noise before I can smell the head to the kitchen. Eating at this food. My stomach grumbles as if Mama stops beating the eggs and hour without waking anyone is to remind me that I usually eat comes over to me, feeling my fore- going to be a challenge. I turn on around this time. I pat it as if to re- head. She looks at me over her the exhaust in the kitchen to muf- mind it, that I just ate a couple glasses. fle the noise, and decide that oat- hours ago at suhoor. meal will be a better choice than crunchy cereal. Besides, I need something that will stick in my tummy, as Zahid would say, though I doubt anything will stick for 15 hours ... Two bowls of oatmeal, one peach, one cookie and a glass of milk later, I check my watch and pray Fajr, food and water sloshing around inside me. I think of all the people around the world who are fasting today, feeling a little stronger, a little less lonely. I yawn and head back upstairs, this time leaping over those last two creaky stairs. www.muslim.org “Not hungry? You’re always hun- gry. Are you feeling ok?” “Yes, hmmm ... I’m fine, Mama. Are you home today?” “No dear, I have to go, Nina will be here soon, so be good and watch out for your brothers until she comes.” My mother is a realtor, and I have twin brothers. Nina is our babysit- ter. Watching my brothers can be ex- hausting, and Mom knows I won’t morning or evening. Oh no, I’m brother, even though they grew up do it, but she always asks me any- late for Zuhr, as in reallylate. It together. My mom isn’t Muslim, way. sure isn’t easy, praying five times a though, so maybe that’s why there I sit there and stare at the glass of day! You really have to watch the isn’t much religion in our house. orange juice, deep in thought. clock. I stumble over to the bath- I never realized how much I What does a fasting person do the room and make wudzu. Right after missed that until I went to stay with entire day? Well, Zahid said I had I finish praying, I’m so tired that I Uncle Akram and my cousin Zahid to conserve my energy, so I won’t fall asleep again, almost instantly. for a month last year. At first, I did- head to the pool. I should probably n’t want to go, thinking that Zahid read some Quran and find my li- 6pm would be a spoilt only child, but it brary books. I hope Rayyan can “Dad’s home”, yell Zahir and Tahir was great. Staying there was like come over for some chess. together, jolting me out of my being in a different world, one that peaceful nap. Ugh. Something wet and gooey makes a lot more sense to me. bounces off my forehead. I look up By now, I feel limp and really There are parts of my family that and see Tahir giggle and Zahir lonely, wishing I had a regular fam- just seem nonsensical. They tell wave at me. I hope Nina gets here ily like Zahid’s. I remember him me not to eat pork without really soon. I can already tell that this is telling me how everyone ate to- saying why. We don’t celebrate ei- going to be a longday. gether at sahoor, and during the ther Christmas or Eid properly, but day, the kitchen was deserted. we get presents without knowing 1:30pm Then, before iftar, everyone why those days are special. I al- I have read two books, played two helped make something to break ways wish my parents would talk rounds of “Raider Tom”, and lost the fast with, and it was always about religion to me, explaining three games of chess. My head Zahid’s job to peel the potatoes. things and answering all of my feels sore and my stomach is beg- His mom said that it was the least questions. My life seems shallow ging for food. tempting thing, because he can without knowing why I do the hardly pop a raw potato in his things I do. “Lunch time, Raafe,” Nina calls mouth. out. The smell of roasted chicken waft- I wonder how two people can be ing up the stairs jolts me from my “I’m taking a nap,” I yell back, put- so different. My uncle, who lives in reverie. My stomach gives a loud ting a pillow over my head. A little Pakistan, is very religious. His fam- gurgle, and I lick my dry lips. sleep will help pass the time, and ily prays at home together and then I’ll pray Zuhr. “Raafe, come for dinner!” often discuss verses of the Quran. All of them seem to know a lot I slouch down to the table, feeling 4pm about Islam. Dad isn’t like his like an oddball. How pathetic, I I wake up in a daze, not sure if it’s www.muslim.org think, a misfit in my own family. and wipes his eyes, all the while you stop fasting and praying, and coughing hard. all that religious stuff. We are Mus- Mama passes me a plate of lim, right?” chicken with potatoes and broc- “Dad ... you ok?” I say, feeling like coli. Right now, even the broccoli laughing for some strange reason. Dad stares into his plate as if looks good. My stomach gives an- words of wisdom might appear in it “Hrmph ... yes, yes, I am fine. other loud gurgle and I wonder if at any moment. He seems to be What did you say, Raafe?” everyone can hear it. going back in time and I’m pretty “I said that it’s Ramadan. The sure he hasn’t heard my question. “Start eating, son!” Dad claps me month of fasting, remember! Why I feel an arm on my shoulder. on the back and spoons a huge isn’t anyone fasting?” bite of chicken into his mouth. “I think I can answer that one,” My parents look at each other. It’s Mom says. “What happened was Suddenly the sight of everyone one of those looks that means, that your Dad married me, and eating as if it were a regular day is how are you going to handle this then when we had you, we more than I can bear. I think Zahid one? couldn’t decide which religion to mentioned something about this ... teach. As a result, we ended up hunger makes us irritable. I decide Dad clears his throat. “Well, teaching you guys ... nothing much I can’t go the whole month fasting Raafe... I kind of forgot that it was about religion. We tried to teach in secret. I want some answers, Ramadan, already... I remember I you good values, but not more and I want them now. used to do that back when I was than that. I can see you are curious about Islam, Raafe. I was too, once.” “Then what happened? Didn’t you like what you learned?” “The problem is that I didn’t get a chance to learn very much in the first place. We both got so busy in our lives that I forgot how impor- tant religion is. I always felt I was missing something, but then the twins came along and life got even busier than before. But that’s no excuse.” While Mom had been talking, Zahir was mixing stuff vigorously in his glass of water. He picks out some- thing with his hand and stuffs it in his mouth. “Yummy,” he declares, and wipes his hand on his hair. Dad clears his throat and speaks a little hoarsely, “Actually the fault is mine. I thought I would share my your age ... actually a bit older. “Dad ... isn’t it Ramadan ... aren’t religion with you and show you Akram was always the one who you supposed to be fasting?” how beautiful it is. Then other woke me up and we would play things got in the way, and I forgot Dad chokes on his broccoli. Mama many long games of chess to get the most important part of life. reaches over and thumps him on through the day.” How did I let that happen?” the back. Dad removes his glasses “So then what happened? Why did www.muslim.org Dad bows his head and covers his “Actually, Mom, I’m fasting today. face with both hands. You go ahead.” “Are you okay, Dad?” I ask wor- “Fasting!!” both my parents stare riedly. at me, wide-eyed. “My dear Baba,” says Dad in a “Super Raafe,” yells Tahir, offering very low voice, “he always worried me a carrot stick out of his mouth, about me and my family. He kept dripping with drool. saying he was afraid we would get “Tahir, I’m fasting. Remember what lost in this world, be too busy to I said a second ago?” remember Allah, and he was right.” “Oh,” says my younger brother. “It’s okay, Dad.” It’s hard for me to “It’s okay, Dad”, says Zahir, and “Well, me going fast too!” see my cheerful father with such a Tahir launches some flying kisses sad expression. “Uncle Akram said into the air. “That’s the spirit,” Mom says. it was never too late to start. He “Let’s all wait for Maghrib time to Mama moves over towards Dad said Allah always gives us one eat.” and puts an arm around his shoul- chance after the other. I can help ders. And so we wait. And we talk. And you learn. He and Zahid taught me when we finally do eat all together, how to pray, and to read a little of “I think it’s beautiful that God sent the feeling of joy inside me is in- Quran ... I remember Gramps us guidance through our own son. comparable. taught me a little of the Quran There is always time to fix our mis- when I was younger ... “ takes, but let’s eat first, alright? We Thank you, Allah, I think. can start fasting tomorrow.” www.muslim.org A Prayer for Tough Times By Sarah Ahmad You may have heard this well-known dua from the Inshallah, you will find your task to be easier. Finding it Holy Quran; some of you may even remember it by hard to make your parents understand your point of heart. But how many of you know its meaning and un- view about something? Surprise your friends and fam- derstand how it can help us in our lives today? ily with your eloquence when you have beseeched Allah to loosen the knot in your tongue and to make This beautiful prayer is related in the Holy Quran them understand your word! within the story of Prophet Moses. After he was granted Prophethood, Allah wanted him to go to No kidding, give it a try! Before you freak out next Pharaoh’s court and invite him to the worship of one time, remember to ask help from the Almighty and see God. Moses was nervous about his ability to convince how your troubles fade away. Just entreat Him from the the mighty Pharaoh, so he sought Allah’s help in these core of your heart ... rabbi shrahli sadri, wa yassirli amri words. As a result, he emerged as the clear victor in ... my lord, expand my chest for me and ease my work his encounter with the Pharaoh. for me ... wahlul uqdata mil lisaani, wafqahu qauli ... and loosen the knot from my tongue and make them You can use this dua when you are faced with a tough understand my word. task, like preparing for a math test, or making an im- portant speech to a crowd of people. When you ask Aameeen! Allah to expand your chest and ease your concern, ‘My Lord, expand my chest for me And ease my work for me, And loose the knot from my tongue, (That) they may understand my word’ 20:25 www.muslim.org Public or Islamic Schools? A Discussion between Youth and Parents Teen: those students have known each and making friends with people My mom has recently been trying other for a really long time. There there. Islamic schools also claimto to convince me to go to an Islamic are only a handful of people in have very high standards, but school. I know bad influences are each grade, so there aren’t many when I go to websites and look at rampant at many high schools, but options for friendship. It would be test scores, they are nowhere near mine isn’t like that. At my school, pretty awkward if there was a close as good as in highly ranked public all we do is study and do home- group of friends and then I had to schools. I think we should strive work because we want to get good tag along with them and get left for a high level of achievement grades. The bad influences exist out. rather than accepting a lower level there too, but they’re not my with a “better” environment. Also, Islamic schools are often friends and aren’t in my classes, chosen by parents of troubled chil- Fifth, some may say that Islamic since I’m in advanced courses. dren in the hopes that the schools schools have a “positive environ- Maybe I spend too much time on will have a miraculous effect on ment”. That’s definitely a general- homework and not enough on them, meaning that bad influences ization. Some of the girls I know Quran. But I’m trying to fix that. Is exist there too, and I don’t want to who go to Islamic school seem no sending me to an Islamic school have to be friends with them just better than the other girls in my really the solution? I honestly don’t because we’re in the same grade. school in the way they talk and act. think so. I’m sure they teach character and My school already has an amazing Firstly, I will be forced to wear an morals and all that, but if there are and challenging academic pro- abaya and hijab, even though I’m such positive influences there, gram. I love being in hard classes pretty sure I already dress mod- then what am I going to do when estly. A blackabaya! That’s incredi- I’m in college, out of the shelter of bly heat absorbent, and in the Islamic school, and having to deal South, there’s plenty of heat to ab- with bad influences? For those sorb. Also, I don’t think it’s fair to who’ve always gone to Islamic force the girls wear hijabs because schools, it’ll be hard to deal with each person is ready for it at a dif- the real world. In my case, even if I ferent age. transferred to an Islamic school, I don’t think a few years of a “posi- Secondly, I will have to say good- tive environment” would leave me bye to all of my friends, those “bad too sheltered from the real world. influences” who spend all their time doing homework or com- Mother: plaining about it. I’ve known them Okay, I don’t think that Islamic for 4 years now and I would really schools are a one stop solution to miss them if I have to leave. Yes, every problem under the sun, but maybe an Islamic school has a when I go and visit these schools or more family-like environment, but learn about the activities they have, www.muslim.org e.g. Quran competitions, girls bas- ketball with modest clothes, com- munity service projects, I feel as if my kids are missing out on this good environment where they can participate in allthe activities that the school has to offer. In public schools, Muslim kids are often the odd ones out, since in middle and high school most activities seem to be centered around dances and proms and all that stuff. I think the kids themselves take it more in stride, knowing they shouldn’t do this or that activity, but it bothers me and makes me worry that Mus- lims kids might not feel as if they really belong. I am not in favor of forced abayas and hijabs, but Adjusting to a new environment is hard, and it may be when the other options are microscopic shorts harder if the class sizes are small and there are not and strappy, tight tops, I don’t need to wonder what is many people to choose from. I think that if we take a better. I am sure Muslim kids are now relatively im- leap of faith, things work out, and if they do not, there mune to seeing half dressed people around them, and are always other options. that is what I am worried about. It should not seem One point seems to have been overlooked: the influ- normal. Do you even remember to avert your eyes? Is ence of a positive home environment. If a child is it the end of the world to have to wear an abaya? I being taught Islam at school, they can thrive in a pub- don’t think so, especially if there is air conditioning, lic school and safeguard their faith. If the child does and many abayas are thin and airy, much like a judge’s not have a stable home environment, even an Islamic robe. It may actually be nice to not have to worry school might not be enough to keep them strong in about wearing the cool brands, coordinating your out- faith, and a public school would be very hard for them fit, and worrying about how your hair looks. to thrive in. I agree that since Islamic schools are relatively new and less established, other schools may have a better Conclusion: standard of education. However, we are supposed to Islamic schools can be a good option if they have a balance our religious and worldly development. How high standard of education and are inclusive and mod- many Muslims kids get lost in the public school sys- ern in their approach. They offer Muslim youth an en- tem and loose or feel ashamed of their Islamic iden- vironment where there is less conflict in the choices tity? I think you can also go to a good college from an they have to make to stay true to Islam. Public schools Islamic school if you work hard and obtain extra with high standards offer more opportunities for aca- credit. demic excellence to students, and the Islamic educa- tion aspect can be managed at home with regular I also agree that one does need to be exposed to the Quran studies and discussion with parents. Most of all real world. Kids from Islamic schools still get exposed it is important for parents and kids to have open and to the popular culture in their neighborhoods, TV, in- honest communication, so that if the child faces a ternet etc. It is not as if they are living in a bubble, but problem in public school, they know how to ask for I feel they may benefit from having been taught a help. Parents should not only ask kids how good their more Islamic perspective during most of the day. They grades are, but also how strong their faith is, and what get to pray on time, and attend juma prayers. The ex- obstacles they face in school. posure to culture is balanced out by Islamic activities. www.muslim.org

ISSUE: Boko Haram: Does it have anything to do with Islam? Islamic. Schools: Parents and Pray- ing is for losers. Maryam: You think everything's for losers, Kaitlyn! What's not .. or Islamic Schools? A Discussion between Youth and Parents
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