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FILED 17-0281 4/11/2017 5:48:01 PM tex-16407938 SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS BLAKE A. HAWTHORNE, CLERK No. ______ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS In Re ARTHUR J. "AJ" LAWRENCE Relator On Petition for Writ of Mandamus From the 353rd Judicial District Court of Travis County, Texas The Honorable Orlinda Naranjo, Respondent PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS RECORD Douglas M. Becker State Bar No. 02012900 Monte L. Swearengen State Bar No. 18871700 Gray & Becker, P.C. 900 West A venue Austin, Texas 78701 [email protected] [email protected] Tel: (512) 482-0061 Fax: (512) 482-0924 ATTORNEYS FOR RELATOR PLAINTIFF'S EXHIBIT NO.4 ··· ···· ············~~ . EXHIBIT A·4 I MR210 From: Arthur Lawrence Jr. <[email protected]<mallto:[email protected]» Date: May 12, 2012 6:16:51 PM CDT To: "Byrne, Dan" <Dbyrne®fbhh.com<mallto:[email protected]» Subject: Re: MAnERS I Mr. Byrne, False allegations made In your last e-mail conjured up by Jlmmy.or Drew Treybfg are unacceptable. Considering your profession, you know that 'evidence' Is crucial when confllcllng arguments are made by opposing·p arties In order for a neutral party suoh as a judge or jury to make a fair verdict. I do not plan on consciously communfcallng with any member of the Treyblg family unless they decide to communicate with me first. Ills apparently noticeable to me that the Treyblg family does not want me communicating with any member of their Immediate famNy In any way. I completely understand. Please be sure to notify the Treyblgs that I may have to take legal action as weU to protect myself II they continue to make false accusations against m~. my ollenla, or anything pertaining to my business. As the altorr.e~· that 1e representing the Treyblgs concerning these matters, please enlighten the Treyblgs ol lawsuits concerning "defamation of character." At the present time, I am not taking action to file such suits associated with 'defamation per ae' as long as they agree to carry and conduct themselves accordingly. All of lhasa 'potential' legal actions made by the Treyblgs personify my statements I addressed to Jimmy In the last1Wo letters to be true and accurate. Maybe some day we might be able to communicate again wHhout legal assistance, but tor now, this Is not the case. I understand that you are being compensated to represent the Treyblgs concerning lhasa matters ancll consider the way you have represented them to be very professional. Thank you for your time. Arthur J. Lawrence Jr. On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Byrne, Dan <[email protected]<mallto:Dbyme®fbhh.com» wrote: Mr. Lawrence, This Is your last opportunity to avoid Immediate legal action by my clients. II is obvious that you are still stalking their son, and your actions will not be tolerated. To be clear: o The Treyblg family Instructs and demands that you Immediately discontinue an communication to Drew, Jimmy or Davis, to Cady directly, or to Cody or about Cody Indirectly through third parties. Speclflcally, you are to slop all communication with Cady's friends about Cody. This means everything, Including ostensibly casual Inquiries. o Your Input on Cody Is not wanted and not appreciated, and In the judgment of his parents Is detrimental to Cody. a It you do not adhere to these demands, the Treyblga will uaa all legal means available to them to prevent such communlcalfan and Interference with Cody. a You should be aware that all of your communications with the Treyblgs, and your communication ab others, are being forwarded to law enforcement authorities. MR211 o The Treyblgs believe that your actions toward Cody and their family constitute actions which are or could be felonies In the state of Texas. o Your business and personal relationships with ALL the Treyblgs have been discontinued since February. Your persistent failure to accept this and dlsoontlnue communications will not be tolerated. Please conduct yourself accordingly. Dan Byrne Fritz, Byrne, Head & Harrison, PLLC 98 San Jacinto Boulevard, Suite 2000 AusUn, Texas 78701·4288 Telephone: (512) 476-2020<tet:%2B512o/o29%20476-2020> Direct Line: (612) 322-4722<tel:%26512%29%20322·4722> Telecopler: {512) 477-5267<tel:%26512%29%20477-6267> [email protected]<lllallto:[email protected]> FBH &H Fritz, Byrne, Head & Harrison, PLLC Attorneys at Law • CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication Is Intended only for the use of the Individual or entity to which It Is addressed and may contain Information that Is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable Jaw. It you are not the Intended recipient of this Information, you are notified that any usa, dissernfnatlon, distribution, or copying of the communication Is strictly prohibited. P Please consider the environment before printing my email From: Arthur Lawrence Jr. [mallto:[email protected]<maflta:512teachme®gmall.com>] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 9;35 I'JA To: Byrne, Dan SubJect: Re: MATTERS! Hi Mr. Byrne, I know you stated that you 'received' my last e-mail but Is there any way you can assure me that you "DELIVERED" it to Jimmy along with the one In the attachment In thla email? It also has the same password. I would greatly appreciate It If you do read It unless given autho~atlon by Jimmy. I presenUy do not plan on writing any more of these letters to Jimmy because I know he would rather forget I exslst but this letter should solidify things wlth him and Cody. In addition, I am going to email Jimmy theses exact words, ''Your.attomey has to two EXTREMELY IMPORTANT emalls and the password Is on the back of the sliver mercedes." Mr. Byrne please don't feel offended by this. !Just need confirmation for Cody sake that Jimmy received these smalls. Once again thanks for all your paHence and understanding. • Arthur James Lawrence Jr. 512TEACHME On Mon, Apr 16,2012 at 9:45AM, Byrne, Dan <Dbyme®lbhh.com<mallto:[email protected]>>Wrote: received Dan From: Arthur Lawrence Jr. [mallto:[email protected]<lllallto:[email protected]>] Sent: Monday, Aprll16, 2012 9:40AM To: Byrne, Dan Subject: MATTERS! Attention Mr. Dan Byrne, In this e-mail Ia a letter concerning Jimmy Treyblg and the real of the family. Please do not feel that Jimmy Is communicating with me without your legal guidance because he Is not. I bellave that tlmlng Is crucial so I have finally been led to write him the letter In the MR212 attachment. The latter Is In a pdf form and requires a password that Jimmy knows. I ask that you forward this amalllo him that will aid In bringing closure to the matters at hand, Even If you feel as though you know the password please do not allampt to open the file unless Jimmy gives you authorization to do. Once again, this Is extremely personal to him and the family. Thanks. Arthur J. Lawrence Jr. Jimmy, in lhe attachment is the letter. II !s a pdf file whloh !e Adobe. If you do not have n, please download It for free oft the Internet. in addition, the password Is CASE SENSITIVE. In short, Its all caps. Obviously the password is on the back of the silver Mercedes end you have bean using It your entire life. I also ask that you get something to snack on before viewing lt. AJ Lawrence MR213 107 1 STATE OF TEXAS 2 COUNTY OF TRAVIS 3 I, Cathy Mata, Official Court Reporter in and for 4 the County Court at Law No. 1 of -Travis County, State of 5 Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains a 6 true and correct transcription of all portions of 7 evidence and other proceedings requested in writing by 8 counsel for the parties to be included in this volume of 9 the Reporter's Record, in the above-styled and numbered 10 cause, all of which occurred in open court or in 11 chambers and were reported by me. 12 I further certify that this Reporter's Record of 13 the proceedings truly and correctly reflects the 14 exhibits, if any, admitted, tendered in an offer of 15 proof or offered into evidence. 16 I further certify that the total cost for the 17 preparation of this Reporter's Record is $610.50 and was 18 paid/will be paid by Mr. Daniel Byrne. 19 WITNESS MY OFFICIAL HAND this the 15h day of June, 20 2016. 21 22 /s/ Cathy Mata Cathy Mata, Texas CSR No. 6126 23 Expiration Date: 12/31/17 Official Court Reporter, County Court at Law No. 1 24 Travis County, Texas P.O. Box 1748, Austin, Texas 78767 25 Telephone (512) 854-9252 MR214 CAUSE NO. D-1-CV-16-001856 CODY TREYBIG, § IN THE DISTRICT COURT Plaintiff, § § v. § TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS § ARTHUR J. "AJ" LAWRENCE, § Defendant. § 3'53'd JUDICIAL DISTRICT 1. DECLARATION OF CODY TBEYBIG THE Sf'A TE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § I, Cody Treybig, am the plaintiff in the above referenced cause of action, and I am duly qualified to make this declaration. All factual information and statements contained herein are within my own personal knowledge and are true and correct 1. The document attached as Exhibit A·l to Plaintiffs summary judgment response an~ response to the Defendant's plea to the jurisdiction is a true and correct copy of an essay that I wrote about the Defendant Arthur J. "AJ" Lawrence when I was in the fourth grade in which I called Lawrence my hero. 2. The documents attached as Exhibit A~2 (pp. 1-25) to Plaintiff's summary judgment response. and response to the Defendant's plea to the jurisdiction are true and correct transcripts that accurately reflect communications that I had with Lawrence over Skype at or about the date and time reflected on each communication. These, along with the transcripts of the Skype communications between Lawrence and my friend (Exhibit A~2, pp. 26-29) are the Skype communications that my parents discovered at or around February 2012. My name is Cody Treybig, my date of birth is 5/3/96, and work address c/o Fritz, Byrne, Head & Gilstrap, PLLC, 221 W. 6"' Street, Suite 960, Austin, Texas 78701. As authorized by section 132.001 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. · Executed in Harris County, Texas on January 'a.~ 2017. c~~ EXHIBIT 18 . MR215 CAUSE NO. D-1-CV-16-001856 CODY TREYBIG, § IN THE DISTRICT COURT Plaintiff, § § v. § TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS § ARTHUR J. "AJ'' LAWRENCE, § Defendant. § 353rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT DECLARATION OF DANIEL H. BYRNE THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § I, Daniel H.· Byrne, am an attorney licensed in Texas, and I represent the Plaintiff, Cody Treybig, in the above referenced cause of action. I am duly qualified to make this declaration. All factual infonnation and statements contained herein are within my own personal knowledge and are true and correct. 1. The document attached as Exhibit A-4 to Plaintiffs summary judgment response and response to the Defendant's plea to the jurisdiction is a true and correct copy of a series of email exchanges with the Defendant, Arthur J. "A.J." Lawrence. Each of the emails in Exhibit A- 4 was sent or received, as applicable, personally by me at my then current email address (d [email protected]) at or about the date and time reflected on each ez:nail. 2. The document attached hereto as Exhibit A-3 to Plaintiffs summary judgment response and response to the Defendant's plea to the jurisdiction is a true and correct copy of a letter that was attached to the email appearing on the last two pages oft he above referenced Exhibit A-4 dated April 16, 2012 which Defendant Lawrence sent to and received personally by me at my then current email address at or about that date and time reflected on that email. My name is Daniel H. Byrne, my date ofbirth is 3/29/57,and my work address is 221 W. 6th Street, Suite 960, Austin, Texas 78701. As authorized by section 132.001 ofthe Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Travis County, Texas on Januaiy 24, 2017. EXHIBIT <! I MR216 1 1 REPORTER’S RECORD VOLUME 1 OF 1 VOLUME 2 TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-16-001856 3 CODY TREYBIG ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT 4 ) ) 5 VS. ) TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS ) 6 ) ARTHUR J. LAWRENCE ) 419TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 7 8 9 10 _______________________________________________________ 11 12 PLEA TO JURISDICTION 13 14 _______________________________________________________ 15 16 17 18 19 On the 2nd day of February, 2017, the following 20 proceedings came on to be heard in the above-entitled and 21 numbered cause before the Honorable Orlinda Naranjo, 22 Judge Presiding, held in Austin, Travis County, Texas: 23 Proceedings reported by machine shorthand. 24 25 MR217 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 FOR THE PETITIONER: 4 MR. DANIEL H. BYRNE AND 5 MS. LESSIE GILSTRAP Fritz, Byrne, Head & Gilstrap 6 Suite 960 221 West Sixth Street 7 Austin, Texas Phone: (512) 476-2020 8 9 FOR THE RESPONDENT: 10 MR. DOUGLAS M. BECKER 11 AND MR. MONTE SWEARENGEN 12 Gray & Becker, PC 900 West Avenue 13 Austin, Texas Phone: (512) 482-0061 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR218

I wrote about the Defendant Arthur J. "AJ" Lawrence when I was in the fourth grade in which . hiring Mr. Lawrence as a basketball coach, basically, a.
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