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IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SECOND APPELLATE DISTRICT, DIVISION EIGHT JAMES D. MCGEE, Court of Appeal No. B252570 Plaintiff and Appellant, [Related Appeal Pending, 5th Civil No. F068477] v. Los Angeles Superior Court Case TORRANCE UNIFIED SCHOOL No. YC068686 DISTRICT, and BARNHART- BALFOUR BEATTY, INC., dba BALFOUR BEATTY CONSTRUCTION, et ai., Defendants and Respondents. Appeal From The Judgment Of The Superior Court, County of Los Angeles Hon. Stuart M. Rice, Judge APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE Kevin R. Carlin, Esq. (SBN 185701) CARLIN LAW GROUP, A.P.C. 4452 Park Boulevard, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92116 Telephone: (619) 615-5325 Facsimile: (619) 615-5326 [email protected] Attorney for Appellant James D. McGee Pursuant to rule 8.54 of the California Rules of Court, Evidence Code section 452 and 459, Appellant James D. McOee ("Appellant") moves for judicial notice of the following documents: Exhibit Entry Date Page 1 California Education Code Sections 1/01/98 AMJNOOI 17400-17429 2 Opening Brief of Appellant Howard 2/19/14 AMJN008 Contracting, Inc. in the matter of Los Alamitos Unified School District v. Howard Contracting, Inc., Case No. 0049194 in the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District, Division Three 3 Respondent's Brief of Los Alamitos 4/08/14 AMJN049 Unified School District in the matter of Los Alamitos Unified School District v. Howard Contracting, Inc., Case No. 0049194 in the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District, Division Three 4 Reply Brief of Appellant Howard 4/23/14 AMJN108 Contracting, Inc. in the matter of Los Alamitos Unified School District v. Howard Contracting, Inc., Case No. 0049194 in the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District, Division Three 5 Decision of the Court of Appeal of the 9/10/14 AMJN124 State of California, Fourth Appellate District, Division Three, in Los Alamitos Unified School District v. Howard Contracting, Inc. (2014)_ Cal.App.4th_, 2014 WL 4638855, published on September 17, 2014 -1- 6 Text of predecessor statutes of 1957, AMJN137 California Education Code Sections 1959, 17400-17429: Stats. 1957, Ch. 2071; 1976 Stats. 1959, Ch. 2; Stats. 1976, Ch. 10 7 Infonnation filed in the case of United 4112/13 AMJN148 States v. Cervantes, United States District COUli, Southern District of California, Case No. 3: 13-CR-01345- AJB 8 Judgment Returned Executed in the 9110114 AMJN149 case of United States v. Cervantes, United States District COUli, Southern District of California, Case No. 3:13- CR-01345-AJB 9 Infonnation filed in the case of United 8/20114 AMJN153 States v. Paul, United States District COUli, Southern District of California, Case No. 3:l4-CR-0235l-WVG 10 Criminal Docket for the case of United 10/7114 AMJN156 States v. Paul, United States District COUli, Southern District of California, Case No. 3:l4-CR-0235l-WVG 11 Guilty Plea in the case of People v. 3/21112 AMJN159 Amigable, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, Case No. CD238163 12 Guilty Plea in the case of People v. 12118/13 AMJN164 Ricasa, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, Case No. SCD235444 13 Guilty Plea in the case of People v. 3118/14 AMJN169 Quinonez, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, Case No. SCD235444 -2- 14 Guilty Plea in the case of People v. 4/4114 AMJN173 Sandoval, Superior COUli of California, County of San Diego, Case No. SCD235444 15 Guilty Plea in the case of People v. 4/4/14 AMJN177 Gandara, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, Case No. SCD235444 True and conect copies of all of these documents are attached hereto in Appellant's Motion for Judicial Notice as Exhibits 1 through 15, respectively, starting on the page numbers indicated above. MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES A. Standard Under subsection (a) of California Evidence Code section 452,judicial notice may be taken of "[t]he decisional, constitutional, and statutory law of any state of the United States and the resolutions and private acts ... of the Legislature of this state." (Cal. Evid. Code §452(a).) And under subsection (d) of that statute, judicial notice may be taken of "[r ]ecords of (1) any court of this state or (2) any court of record of the United States .... " (Cal. Evid. Code §452(d).) These statutes apply to reviewing courts such as this Court of Appeal. (Cal. Evid. Code §459(a).) This motion seeks judicial notice of fifteen documents that meet the statutory criteria. -3- B. Statutes First, this motion seeks judicial notice of a printout of the accumulated statutes in Califomia Education Code sections 17400 through 17429, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. These statutes together constitute Title 1, Division 1, Part 10.5, Chapter 4, Atiic1e 2 of the Califomia Education Code, an entire statutory scheme the individual statutes of which must, pursuant to well-established Califomia law, be interpreted so as "to achieve harmony among the parts." (People v. Shabazz (2006) 38 Ca1.4th 55, 68, citing Robert L. v. Superior Court (2003) 30 Ca1.4th 894, 903.) The ClUX of this Appeal involves the interpretation of various provisions of this statutory scheme. Appellant contends that Respondents' proposed interpretation of Education Code section 17406 will render related provisions - in particular Education Code sections 17407 and 17417 -null and of no effect, in violation of statutory interpretation principles elucidated time and again by the Supreme Court of Califomia. (E.g., Shabazz, supra, 38 Ca1.4th at 67-68 ["An interpretation that renders related provisions nugatory must be avoided; each sentence must be read not in isolation but in light of the statutory scheme."]; People v. Craft (1986) 41 Ca1.3d 554, 561; In re Catalano (1981) 29 Ca1.3d 1,10-11.) In order to streamline the Court's review of the statutes and Appellant's contentions, Appellant offers this printout of the entire -4- statutory scheme, judicial notice of which is pennissible under Evidence Code section 452(a). In addition, to aid the Court of Appeal in its consideration of the proper interpretation of the statutory scheme at issue in this Appeal, Appellant offers as Exhibit 6 attached hereto the text of predecessor statutes to this statutory scheme now codified as California Education Code Sections 17400-17429. Exhibit 6 includes Chapter 2071 of the Statutes of California, 1957 Regular Session, the relevant pOliions of Chapter 2 of the Statutes of California, 1959 Regular Session, and the relevant portions of Chapter 10 of the Statutes of California, Statutes of 1976. These documents, true and correct copies of the statutes passed by the California Legislature peliaining to this statutory scheme, will allow the Court to independently review the development of Sections 17400 through 17429 in order to detennine proper interpretation of the statutes and to allow full consideration of the parties' arguments as to legislative intent and history. Judicial notice of these statutes, offered to aid the Court in, is pennissible under Evidence Code section 452(a). C. Documents Related to the Case of Los Alamitos Unified School District v. Howard Contracting, Inc. Second, Appellant offers four documents, attached as Exhibits 2 through 5, related to the case of Los Alamitos Unified School District v. Howard Contracting, Inc., Case No. G049194 in the Court of Appeal of the -5- State of Califomia, Fourth Appellate District, Division Three: the COUli's decision published on September 17,2014, as well as the Appellant's Opening Brief, Respondent's Brief and Reply Brief submitted in the matter. The Los Alamitos USD case involved a challenge to another school district's use of Education Code section 17406 to award a construction contract without competitive bidding. On September 17,2014, after the Appellant's Opening Brief and Respondents' Brief in this matter were submitted, the Los Alamitos USD Court issued its decision upholding the District's decision to enter into the lease-leaseback arrangement. Appellant offers the decision for this Court's consideration. Appellant also offers the briefing in that case to highlight the fact that the Los Alamitos USD matter did not involve all of the issues present in this Appeal and did not address all arguments presented here by Appellant. All of these documents constitute records of a COUli of Appeal of this state and are properly subject to judicial notice under Evidence Code Section 452(d). D. Documents Related to Public Corruption and Bribery Cases as Described in Third, Appellant offers nine documents, attached as Exhibits 7 through 15, various records of the United States District Court, Southem District of Califomia, and the Califomia Superior COUli, County of San Diego. The documents pertain to criminal cases brought in those jurisdictions related to corruption and bribery in the award of public contracts, including in some -6- cases the award ofp ublic contracts for construction work at California schools. All of these documents constitute records of courts of this state or of the United States, and are properly subject to judicial notice under Evidence Code Section 452( d). All of the documents attached as Exhibits 7 through 15 peliain to cases that were discussed in newspaper aIiicles as to which Appellant sought judicial notice when opposing Respondents' demurrer in the trial cOUli. In a motion for judicial notice at the trial court, Appellant offered the articles as evidence of the potential impact of bribery and conuption in the award of public contracts in order to provide context for the trial cOUli's interpretation of the statutes at issue. Appellant argued the statutes should be interpreted so as to minimize the likelihood of misuse of public funds, fraud, favoritism and conuption and so as to stimulate advantageous market place competition in the expenditure of school construction bond proceeds. The articles demonstrated not only the possibility of fraud, favoritism, conuption and misuse of public funds where competitive bidding is removed, such that competitive bidding should be required unless a statute clearly and unequivocally removes any requirement for competitive bidding, but also the deleterious effect that even the appearance of fraud and conuption can have on the public trust in its officials when awarding public contracts. -7- The trial cOUli denied Appellant's motion for judicial notice as to the newspaper atiicles. Appellant asselis the trial cOUli abused its discretion in making that ruling. Respondents stated in their briefs that the newspaper atiicles should not be admitted because they constitute only reports of "alleged corruption by public officials" (Respondent's Brief of Torrance Unified School District, p. 8) and reflect merely the "reporters' opinions and conclusions regarding the investigations" (Respondent's Brief of Barnhati Balfour Beatty, Inc., p. 9). Appellant notes that the newspaper articles provide context and thus are properly subject to judicial notice not because the articles prove the truth of the actual corruption in those cases - which admittedly do not involve the patiies to this case - but because they highlight the increased possibility of fraud and conuption where competitive bidding, encouraged by the California Constitution, is removed as well as the diminution of public trust in government officials when such fraud or corruption occurs or even is merely alleged. That said, to the extent the Court is inclined to believe judicial notice should not be granted as to those newspaper articles, Appellant offers the documents attached as Exhibits 7 through 15 to establish the existence of the conuption alleged in several of those articles. All of the documents are records of courts of the State of California or the United States District Court. -8- Exhibits 7 and 8 pertain to United States v. Cervantes, United States District Court, Southem District of Cali fomi a, Case No.3: 13-CR-0134S-AJB. Exhibits 7 and 8 detail that Natividad Cervantes, a Department of Defense supervisor, pled guilty to bribelY of a public official and conspiracy to bribe public officials related to his receipt and acceptance of substantial sums of cash in exchange for assisting a contractor in obtaining a flooring contract at Camp Pendleton worth approximately $4,000,000. On July 2S, 2014, Cervantes was sentenced to two years in prison. Exhibits 9 and 10 pertain to United States v. Paul, United States District COUli, Southem District of Califomia, Case No. 3:l4-CR-023Sl-WVG. Exhibits 9 and 10 detail that in that case, fonner superintendent of the San Ysidro School District Manuel Paul pled guilty to a federal count of deprivation of benefit for political contribution under 18 U.S.C. section 601. Paul's plea agreement is not publicly available, but the docket repOli for the case details the August 20, 2014, guilty plea as to count one of the Infonnation that is attached as Exhibit 9. Paul has not yet been sentenced. Exhibits 11 through IS all pertain to a substantial corruption case involving the Sweetwater Union High School District in San Diego County. The exhibits consist of the guilty pleas of five defendants: Henry Amigable, a construction company employee; Jesus Gandara, Superintendent of -9-

Oct 10, 2014 Opening Brief of Appellant Howard State of California, Fourth Appellate . State of Califomia, Fourth Appellate District, Division Three: the
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