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Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Meet the Church at Antioch newsletter staff E 2 Message from the Pastor Connecting D People 3 1st Seven Words to Christ Betty Jo Cooke of the Year award, four-time winner of the best feature writ- I 5 Trailblazers Among Us S Betty Jo has been an Antioch member ing award from the Atlanta Association of Black Journal- 9 Mt. Vernon Entrance SSpprriinngg RReevviivvaall N for forty plus years. Betty Jo has been ists and a community organizing award given in her honor 10 Youth Spotlight April 29-May 1 a member of the following auxiliaries, from the Dallas/Fort Worth Birthing Project, which works I CMA Young Adult Usher Board, CMA to lower the infant mortality rates in the African-American The Church at Antioch Psalms 150 Choir and the Tape Ministry. community. She founded the Fort Worth and Atlanta proj- Currently she is a member of the Adult ects. Choir and the newsletter staff. She’s Gracie joined Antioch 2000 with her husband of 29 years, employed at Clark Atlanta University as an Offi ce Manager, the Rev. Jimmy Staples, and their daughters, Asha and married to David B. Cooke III, one daughter and son-in-law Jamila, now grown and gone. She is editor of the Church at and the grandmother of two wonderful boys. Antioch newsletter, a member of the Adult Choir and the Bible-based, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led, Mission-bound • Fellowship, Evangelism, Doctrine, Stewardship Ministers’ Wives ministry. January-March 2015 Volume 6, Issue 5 Karen McKinney Holley Reginald Tolbert Karen, an associate professor of English Reggie has been a member of Antioch Barbara J. Alexander-Women’s Transformation Conference at Georgia Perimeter College, may be since 1990. Originaly from Williston, SC, the hardest working woman at Antioch. he’s is a Graphic Designer and owner ‘Our well has In addition to writing for the newslet- of Tolbert Graphics, where he produces ter, she serves as a Sunday School attractive print media and web sites. teacher and is a member of Christian not run dry’ He does the layout and design of The Education, Mission, and Ministers’ Church At Antioch newsletter as well Wives Ministry, and the Adult, Anthem/Acappella, and Adult as the posters, fl yers, and banners that you see throughout Handbell choirs. Karen is also active in the General Mission- For the longest time, it looked as if her the church. He also upkeeps the church web site. Reggie ary Baptist Convention of Georgia, Inc., the Board of Trust- well had run dry. and his wife, Cheryl, are the proud parents of 13 year old ees of Bryant Theological Seminary, and the National Baptist middle schooler, Samuel. But just as Jesus met the Samaritan Convention USA, Inc. She is the wife of Minister Harry woman at the well in the heat of the day Holley, the proud mother of fi ve, and the doting grandmother Pamela Ware (John 4:14), he met Sis. Sonya May Cal- of eight intelligent and talented grandchildren. Pamela has been an Antioch member vin, too. since she was 17 years old. She is the “I was so thirsty,” she said of that mo- Leslie Johnson daughter of long-time members Thomas ment. Barbara J. Alexander A native of Cleveland, OH, Leslie is new and Naomi Ware and the niece of Joan Her grandmother has passed and her to Antioch and Atlanta. She joined the Leavell. She is the god-daughter of father had been killed in a car accident. dinator at Antioch, congregation in December along with Joe and Donna Perrymon. Prior to her her daughters, Gabrielle and Ariel, return last year to Antioch, Pamela To rid herself of the pain, Calvin said she said she was eventu- and granddaughter Syelle. A native was an active member of the Adult Choir, September Birth turned to drugs. ally jailed facing 99 of Cleveland, OH, Leslie served eight Month and Women’s Ministry. She’s employed at Georgia Thus began the dehydration and her years for four felony years in the United States Air Force as Tech as a Research Faculty member and is a divorced downward spiral. charges but by that a Telecommunications Specialist and a certifi ed paralegal. mother of two daughters, Kelsi Brooks who graduates from “I lost jobs, family trust and nearly my time she was tired of In addition to serving on the newsletter staff, she and her college in May and Kaila Brooks who is a sophomore in soul but I asked the Lord has my well run feeling like she was daughter Ariel sing in the Adult Choir. “My daughter Ariel college. She’s half crazy without coffee or chocolate and her Sonya Calvin dry,” she said. on the “short” bus. has a beautiful angelic voice,” Johnson said. “I love being favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. Calvin was the keynote speaker at the “I remembered God’s grace and mer- with her in the choir because both of us enjoy singing for Fourth Annual Women’s Transformation cy,” she said. Christ our Savior. We love all the choir members.” Bethany Watson Conference held February 21. All but one of the charges was dis- Bethany began attending Antioch in The conference, which was renamed missed and Calvin was sentence to Ruth’s Gracie Bonds Staples 1990 when she came to Atlanta from the Barbara J. Alexander Women’s Trans- Place. Gracie is an award-winning features Detroit to attend Spelman College. She formation Conference this year, drew At Antioch the next Sunday, Calvin writer and columnist with 36 years has been a member of Antioch since of experience writing for daily news- 1999. Bethany has participated in past hundreds of Antioch Baptist Church said she heard Rev. Cameron Alexander papers. Before joining The Atlanta women’s culmination services and just North women who paid special tribute to preach “everybody is recovering from Journal-Constitution in July 2000, she recently joined the newsletter staff. the fi rst lady. something.” worked for fi ve other dailies, including She is married to Vince Watson, works as a senior recruiter Calvin, fi rst lady of the Solomon Tab- That was 18 years ago, she said. To- the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the for Accenture and has two boys ages 9 and 5. Photos by Jane Butler and Elizabeth Jones ernacle Missionary Baptist Church in day, every lose she suffered has been re- Sacramento Bee. Her honors include a Media Professional Vidalia and former special projects coor- Continued on page 2 12 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Continued from cover - Women’s Conf. Continued from page 10 - Youth Spotlight placed. God gave her a husband in Antioch son A Message From The Pastor Rev. J.W. Calvin. He gave her a job and friends, a Gray inducted into national honor society son and a daughter. Gerald W. Gray, III was recently inducted into Floyd Middle School’s chapter of the “He gave me another chance,” she said. National Junior Honor Society. The NJHS recognizes students who exemplify outstanding And then she was made to go back to Dublin achievement, leadership, character, and service. where “I tore my pants” and the whispers. Gerald, 12, is in seventh grade and participates in the band and the South Cobb Junior Not only did God call Rev. Calvin to pastor Eagles basketball team. He also is the sports anchor for Floyd Middle School’s student Solomon, he provided him a job, and would later My Brothers and Sisters, news broadcast, WFMS. Gerald serves on the Jr. Ushers ministry at Antioch. provide her one, too. He is the son of Gerald and Kim Gray and grandson of David and Betty Cooke. Despite the lingering felony charge, which There is nothing more beautiful or more rewarding than experiencing was later pardoned, Sis. Calvin said, the Lord the glorious jubilation of springtime in Atlanta. The city is so fragrant blessed her with a teaching position at Dia- from the countless blossoms of fl owers that announce the start of another mond Academy, where she was recently named new season. A season so closely associated with the awakening of brand Samuel, the shining star Teacher of the Month. new opportunities for redemption, rebirth, renewal, and rewards. “Don’t let the enemy stop at your well,” Sis. Samuel Tolbert, who plays the trumpet in the Stephenson Middle School Band, was Calvin told the women to applause. “Our well named section leader of the school’s Honor Band recently. Spring seems to glorify the magnifi cence of God’s creation on earth. has not run dry.” The 13-year-old seventh grader is the son of Reggie and Cheryl Tolbert. Every spring I pause and celebrate all the new life around me. I am re- In addition to playing in the school band, which recently received superior scores at the minded of the presence of our God and our Creator. More importantly, I district festival, Samuel is a member of the Beta Club and the National Honor Society - two am thankful that God has given us this earth with all of its beauty for our organizations that promote academic achievement, character, service and leadership. enjoyment. He spends his free time constructing Legos and playing video games such as Minecraft. Samuel has a strong interest in astronomy and aspires to be an astrophysicist. As we see God renewing the earth from winter’s sleep and bring beauty out of the earth’s barreness, we can ask Him to do the same thing for our lives. We can and we all should ask God to use the power of the Holy Spirit to search out and renew the areas within our personal lives that Tips to help chose the right college have become cold and barren because we were caught up in the many problems associated with the winter of our lives. For years Joe Schmoke believed students were too Colleges trying to increase the amount of applicants Just as God uses the warmth of sunshine to chase the cold weather often misled by slipshod ranking systems only to end up to make money off of applications fees and make their away and bring the beauty of fl owers from the barren ground, God can overpaying for their degrees. universities appear to be more selective which may help also use the sunshine of His love to bring warmth and renewal to any cold And because the former university president under- schools rise in standings. areas in our lives. stands the fi nancial burdens associated with higher edu- (cid:129) Students that default on their loans cation, he has created University Research and Review Students may be defaulting on loans because, although As pastor, I pray that all of us will bring forth the fruit of the Holy (www.urandr.org) to help fi x fl aws in the selection pro- it is a student’s responsibility to actively search for work, Spirit into our lives as found in Galatians 5:22-23: “The fruit of the Spirit cess. the university may not be offering suffi cient resources for is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, Visitors to website take an online survey and the re- job placement. (Tip: Look up the school’s Cohort Default temperance...” sults are evaluated individually by one of URR’s advisors, Rate) who then generate a personalized report for the survey (cid:129) Decrease Rate of Enrollment So this spring, let God into your life. After all, you are His loved and taker. This may show prospective students are overwhelmed by beautiful creation. The report evaluates an individual’s unique inter- cost of education. ests and preferences, and its advisors personally work (cid:129) Schools in Financial Trouble Yours in God’s service, with students to narrow down their search to about fi ve Some schools accept a high percentage of applicants just schools, out of the more than 7,000 colleges and universi- for the money. ties in the United States. (cid:129) Low Graduation Rates Schmoke said these fi ve red fl ags are good indications A good graduation rate for a school is about 60 percent. Reverend C. M. Alexander, Pastor you and your child might be looking at the wrong college: Some colleges are more concerned with admitting stu- (cid:129) Schools charge just to fi ll out applications dents than graduating them. 2 11 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch YOUTH SPOTLIGHT JANUARY The 1st Seven Words of Jesus Christ Adam keeping positive in music and life We know him as Adam Alexander, but in music circles, the 17-year-old singer/songwriter/ At the Jan. 27 Wednesday Night Service, seven sons of Antioch delivered sermons on the fi rst seven recorded statements of producer is, well, Demo Taped. Christ. Below is a synopsis: Adam, son of Eric and Pamela Alexander, was featured recently in Daily Discovery, part of the Pigeons and blog that highlights newly discovered artists, in which he talks openly Minister Willie Rockward about his music and suffering from depression. High places are slippery places.” Satan tempts Jesus Scripture: Luke 2:49 Instead of dwelling on the negative and the dark places the illness can take him, Adam to jump off the pinnacle because he couldn’t push him Sermon: The very fi rst recorded words of Jesus are says he intends to spread love and good vibes through his music. off. “He can’t throw you down. Every man is tempted unusual in that they are questions. In Genesis, every- “I want to be able to put a smile on someone’s face, or to make someone dance,” he said. when he’s drawn away in his own lust. Don’t say, ‘the thing that God said was a statement, and whatever He Drawing inspiration from the likes of Jai Paul, Spazzkid and Flying Lotus, his debut devil did it.’ All he does is entice; he gets you off focus. said happened. “Questions are the path to knowledge CD Heart EP promises to do just that. The lead single, “I Luv U,” he said is about having We must keep our eyes on Jesus.” and the mark of change.” Jesus’s answer to Mary’s someone’s back and letting them know that no matter how diffi cult the trials are, you are always there for them. question is a question that provides confi dence and “I wrote this song for the one I love and she knows who she is,” he said. reassurance, for there is no safer place to be than “in Adam has been writing music since 5th grade, when close friends encouraged him to put pen to paper. Minister Kelvin Turner the Father’s house,” and we are all called to “be about In addition to starting his own band, Adam produces music as well, a skill he learned through trial and error Scripture: Matthew 4:7 our Father’s business, doers of the Word.” and tutorials. Sermon: “Adam was tempted in paradise, but Christ His idol? Music producer Flying Lotus. was tempted in a lone, desert wilderness. Adam was Minister Michael Price “He’s THE producer in my eyes,” he said. “He’s THE artist.” at his best, but Jesus was hungry when he was tempt- Scripture: Matthew 3:15 Still, his main inspiration, Adam said are his mother and father who shaped him into the musician and person ed. Adam sinned and lost what he had; Christ obeyed Sermon: “When Jesus comes into your life, things he’s become. and regained what Adam lost. Adam was defeated and change, you change. Vipers can become sheep; chaff “My dad would play Earth Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Curtis Mayfi eld, Parliament, and all these soulful, power- brought death; Christ was victorious and brought life can become wheat, and crooked places can be made ful groups for me when I was a child,” he said. “He also introduced me to jazz and many other genres.” to all who would trust him. Who are you like? The fi rst straight.” The fulfi llment of prophecy is wrapped up Adam said he hopes to go on tour as Demo Taped and earn a bachelor’s degree in fi lm direction in college. Adam, or Christ, the second Adam? in “Suffer it to be so,” is his statement to John the “I want to fi nd a way to create harmony between these two mediums,” he said. Baptist to let him have his way in John’s life. “Jesus (To hear Adam’s CD, log onto demotaped.bandcamp.com, Soundcloud.com/demo-taped wants to have his way in your life, too; get out of his or Demo Taped on ITunes and Spotify.) Minister Herman Cain way, and let him work.” Scripture: Matthew. 4:17 Sermon: “What time is it? It’s preaching time. Jesus Carpenter already acting the part Minister Marion Kelley began to preach, ‘Repent.’ It wasn’t an ambiguous di- Scripture: Matthew 4:4 rective; it was a defi nitive order from the lips of Jesus He is only 17 but in many ways Joshua Carpenter is already realizing his dream of becom- Sermon: “The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Christ.” Instructions on how to repent are found in the ing a writer, playwright and actor. What we have going for us is the same that Jesus instruction manual, the Bible. “The Lord Jesus Christ Antioch Baptist Church North fi rst saw his work in 2013, when he wrote a dramatization used; what is written in the Word should be our choice understood how to use Twitter before Twitter was cre- for the Youth Culmination Service based on the popular Kirk Franklin song “Lean on Me,” for battle every time.” When the devil knocks at the ated for he sums up the instructions in 140 words in and last year when he drew inspiration from DeWayne Woods’ “Let Go and Let God.” door, we should let Jesus answer the door through the Matthew 22. #Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all He won applause then and again more recently when he shared his fi rst play, “A Change Word. The Word is enduring, sanctifying, saving, and thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Within You” with Antioch. restraining, and it will do more for us than bread will Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. His message: “Believe in yourself and keep trying, never give up…keep pressing forward do any day. and follow your dreams.” Minister James Hill It is a message, Carpenter, son of long-time Antioch member Judi Rawls, lives out every day. Scripture: Matthew 4:19 The Grayson High School senior has been writing since elementary school, when his mother would assign him top- Minister Bryan Mitchell Sermon: In all of your following, fi rst of all, follow Je- ics to explore and he’d turn them into short stories. Scripture: Matthew 4:10 sus. Jesus’s invitation meant that sometimes the way “They were always so well written that even his friends enjoyed reading them,” Rawls said. Sermon: The devil comes at us when we’re at our would get hard and the road would get tough. The Lord Joshua not only writes, his passions extend to acting as well. He starred recently in his school’s Black History weakest and most vulnerable moment. “The devil told me to preach, “Follow me, and I will. Jesus has Month production, written by good friend Courtney Deckard, and appeared as an “extra” in the short fi lm “Free has a program. He often comes with temptation after an invitation and a promise tailor made for whatever Pass.” we’ve had a victory, after we’ve reached a pinnacle. you’re going through. After graduating high school in May, Joshua plans to attend Full Sail University in Winter Park, Fla., where he will major in fi lm production. 10 3 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Ministry focus of statewide conference MARCH ‘The Lord has done great things’ The General Missionary Baptist Con- in Decatur, Dr. Sam Davis, pastor of foundation. vention of Georgia, Inc. held its an- Beulah Grove Baptist Church in Au- “The fi rst footer is the preaching nual Statewide Ministers Conference gusta and out-of-state guest, Rev. Ar- of the Word,” he said. “Preaching is They made their en- Then referring to Psalm Feb. 2-4 in Macon. thur Jackson, III, pastor of Antioch the communication of divine truth trance singing “Oh, when 126, he proclaimed: God Although there is excellent preach- Missionary Baptist Church in Miami through human personality leading the saints,” as throngs of has done great things for ing throughout the conference, the Gardens, FL, each expounded on the people to Christ and transformation. Antioch Baptist Church us. emphasis is on the seminars and theme scripture, 2 Timothy 4:1-5. Christ is the centrality of the mes- North members looked Even as he read that workshops designed to help develop Rev. Jackson noted that the theme sage, and you cannot be so concerned on, beaming with joy. Psalm three weeks ago, every aspect of ministry. scripture says to build up your minis- with social justice and current events The entrance marked a Pastor Alexander said The Rev. E. Dewey Smith, pastor of try by having strong footers and foun- that you leave out Christ and the year since Mt. Mount Ver- he’d thought of this day Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church dations. The footers undergird the cross.” non Baptist Church move and how God had turned from his former location, the Falcon’s offer to pur- GMBC holds 144th Adjourned Session purchased to make room chase the old Mt. Vernon for the Atlanta Falcons Members, led by Rev. Turner, march into the new sanctuary into good. February Snow and ice caused Mission and Evangelism,” is evident professionals in Georgia. Stadium at Northside and Martin Luther King Drive. “The Lord is still the same for he has done great things power outages and the cancellation in all auxiliaries as an emphasis is Strong, biblical preaching is a It happened on Palm Sunday and while no one created for us,” he said, repeating that mantra throughout his re- of some services of the 144th Ad- placed on outreach. hallmark of each GMBC session, a carpet of palm trees for the church and its Pastors entry, marks. journed Session but it did not stop One of the major projects of the and the Adjourned Session was no the spirit was just as high, reminiscent of the day Jesus He said told the church not to make the mistake of the General Missionary Baptist Con- Laymen’s Department is to reach exception. Son of Antioch, the Rev. made his triumphant entry into Jerusa- thinking it was the Falcons but rather vention of Georgia, Inc. from doing young African-American males and Frederick Favors preached the Black lem hundreds of years earlier. God who wanted Mt. Vernon on this cor- the work of the Lord. mentor them in an effort to reduce History message, emphasizing the Inside, Pastor Cameron Alexander ner of Lynhurst Drive because he want- The two day session, held in the number who are dropping out accomplishments of African Ameri- said the grand sanctuary with its stained ed a witness. Gainesville, included courses for of school and to help prevent them cans throughout the years and the glass windows looked like heaven. “God did this,” he said. “He didn’t stop both clergy and lay people. They in- from becoming part of the judicial need to pass this information to the “It’s simply beautiful,” he said as he doing great things when he dried up cluded The Christian Message to Our system. younger generations. stood to preach the entrance service the Red Sea. He didn’t stop doing good Present World. Spiritual Maturation, The Women’s Department, which The Convention Theme,” and theme sermon on March 29. things when he shut the lions jaw. He and Developing Skills for Sharing includes the Young People’s Depart- scripture formed the underlying Minutes later, he reminded them that didn’t stop doing great things when he Your Faith. ment, has several mission projects in core of the session from the classes they hadn’t done it by themselves, that put air conditioning in the fi ery furnace. The Adjourned Session is one of place, including a coat and blanket through the music to the preached this was the work of the Lord beginning with the Rev. Rod- The Lord has done great things.” the main business sessions of the drive for the homeless. The Business word. Although the Adjourned Ses- ney Turner’s call to pastor Mt. Vernon. The grandest of those things, Alexander said, was his GMBC, and each of the auxiliaries and Professional Women, led by Dr. sion is one of the main business ses- God had orchestrated it all, Alexander said. death, burial and resurrection. meets to assess yearly progress and Mary Hicks, has been reaching out sions of the GMBC, it is the Father’s “There are a whole lot of people in heaven today who “It ain’t never over on Friday,” he said. “If you can make plan for the remainder of the year. to young women to help them obtain business, and does not resemble are happy about this occasion,” he said referring to the it until Sunday, the Lord’s got a way of showing up Sunday. The focus on the GMBC Theme, the Child Development Associate other corporate gatherings. church’s old members and pastors. “You’ve already bright- He’s got a way of making everything alright.” “Solidarity with the Savior Through Training required of early childhood ened up this corner.” GMBC holds VBS and Congress Workshop ANTIOCH FAMILY! The General Missionary Baptist Con- “Adventures at Sea: Dive Deeper.” the week of July, 13-17. Classes will Proud of the job you do or want to nominate your vention of Georgia, Inc. held its an- Hill said the goal will be to get be available for children through nual Vacation Bible School Workshop participants to dive deeper for un- adults and in all areas of ministry. sister or brother in Christ to be featured in an and Congress of Christian Education derstanding, courage, peace, healing, During the Congress, graduates upcoming issue of The Church At planning meeting March 14 at Lizzie and calling, all of which are based on from high school will be recognized, Antioch? E-mail your story idea to Chapel Baptist Church in Macon. Scripture. and GMBC Scholarship Applications Sis. Gracie Staples at Antioch’s VBS will run from June The Congress, Children’s Conven- are available from the youth ministry, 8-12, said Sis. Brigitte Hill, director tion and Youth and Young Adult Con- as are Articles of Faith topics for the [email protected]. of Christian Education. The theme is vention will be held in Albany, GA, Oratorical Contest. 4 9 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Seay named Legislator of the Year BLACK HISTORY MONTH The trailblazers among us State Senator Valencia Seay (D- Riverdale) recently received the 2015 AKA Capitol Legislator of the Year During the Month of February An- Company, a technology business. la Choir & Antioch Shape Note Sing- Award as part of the annual Alpha tioch Baptist Church North youth in- He has served in numerous civic ers and Co-chairs the very successful Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority Day at troduced the congregation to church and community organizations, includ- Antioch’s Scholarship Ministry. the State Capitol. members who have not only made ing the Board of Opportunity Funding Harding is the wife of the late Wil- commitments to serve God but also Corporation, the Maynard Jackson liam “Bill” Harding, former chairman “I have long admired the commit- ment and dedication AKA’s have for commitment to their communities, Youth Foundation, and the Woodruff of the Deacon Board, and mother of leaving a lasting positive impact on the corporate world, the arts and Arts Center. He was a charter mem- two daughters and three grandchil- their communities,” said Sen. Seay. entertainment, and the Civil Rights ber of the 100 Black Men of Atlanta dren. “It was an honor to be joined by so Movement. and served on the board of the Na- Her daughter, Wanda Harding, is many outstanding females who share tional Consumer Cooperative Bank a technical director with the National the same goals and values as I do. I Abbreviated versions of their biogra- and the U.S. Small Business Admin- Oceanic & Atmospheric Administra- look forward to continuing my work phies are below: istration in Washington, D.C., with tion in Washington, DC and Tonja with this organization for years to appointments from President Jimmy Harding Ward is a promotions and Valencia Seayd receives award during Sorority Day at the State Capitol. come.” Deacon Joseph Beasley Carter. community outreach consultant with AKA Sorority Inc. noted her longstanding commitment as her work with the National Organization of Women Legis- Clement is also a co-grantor of the Christian Radio Based in Texas. to the people of the 34th Senate District and her tireless ef- lators, Women in Government and the Women’s Legislative Beasley has dedicated his life to forts to make portions of Clayton and Fayette County a bet- Caucus. being a public servant and an inter- Brown-Clement Endowed Scholarship ter place for all Georgians in their selection process. They Sen. Seay was presented her award at AKA’s annual lun- Fund at Morehouse College. national humanitarian; working for also recognized her distinguished committee work, her role cheon where she was joined by numerous state legislators At Antioch, he is a member of the Herman Cain more than 50 years to uplift the less as Vice Chair of the State Senate Democratic Caucus as well and other members of AKA Trustee Board and Care & Comfort fortunate. A history maker in his own right, Ministry. 5th District holds As head of the church’s AMUI min- Cain grew up in Georgia and in 1967 Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority istry, he has directed the shipping of graduated from Morehouse College fellowship service medical equipment and supply relief with a Bachelor of Science degree in makes donation to AUMI Wendolyn Harding program, economic development for mathematics. He earned a Master of The fi rst quarterly fellowship service of the 5th District of emerging countries and promoted A woman who has dedicated her Science degree in Computer Science The Antioch women of Alpha the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia Inc. and organized trade missions. life to teaching, Harding is consid- in l971 at Purdue University before Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. cel- was held March 3 at the Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church. A respected leader with the Nation- ered a servant leader at Antioch and joining the Pillsbury Company in Min- ebrated their 107th anniver- The quarterly fellowship service was instituted in lieu al Association for the Advancement throughout the state of Georgia. neapolis where he became vice presi- sary during Antioch’s morning service on January 11. of one monthly business meeting by the Rev. W. J. Lawson, of Colored People and Regional Vice Born in Augusta, she was baptized dent. district president, to bring members together through wor- Sorors Jennifer Ste- President with PUSH, Beasley is no by her minister father and attended During the 1980’s his success as vens and Jenan McNeal- ship and provide more opportunity for them to experience stranger to us, Fulton County, Geor- Spelman College where she earned a a business executive at Burger King ey presented a love of- each other’s music ministries and preaching. gia, Africa, Brazil, Haiti nor Colum- Bachelor of Arts degree and a mas- prompted the Pillsbury Company to fering to Antioch Baptist Lawson also announced a new mentoring ministry for bia. ter’s degree in Kindermusik from At- appoint him as chairman and CEO of Church North’s Co-Pastor youth between the ages of 8-18, calling district churches to lanta University. Godfather’s Pizza, where he provided Rev. Kenneth L. Alexander to help shore up their academic performance and behavior to Harding spent 45 years as a senior leadership from l986 to 1996. benefi t Antioch Urban Ministry Inc. hopefully stem the tide of youth incarceration. William Clement teacher with assignments in Thom- All the while he was a member of AUMI, founded in 1990, is a non-profi t charitable orga- In a sermon titled “You Can Stand Up,” the Rev. Karl D. A native of Atlanta, Clement earned asville and Atlanta, where she has Antioch nization which provides comprehensive substance abuse Moore, pastor of Clarkston First Baptist Church, preached his Bachelor of Arts Degree from had a special kinship with young Cain served two years as chair- recovery services to the homeless, low-income, those re- from Luke 13:10-17 cently released from incarceration and/or are living with Morehouse College and his MBA from children and their parents. She has man of the Federal Reserve Bank of For the woman who had been stricken for 18 years, Moore HIV/AIDS. The agency also provides essential services to the Wharton Business School at the maintained her Kindermusik Studio Kansas City, Omaha Branch, and Dep- said, Jesus did three things: “He put his eyes upon her, he families throughout metropolitan Atlanta and surround- University of Pennsylvania. for more than 14 years. uty Chairman and later chairman of spoke to her, and he touched her.” ing areas through its food and clothing bank, internet ac- A former President and CEO of In 1970, Harding joined Antioch the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas. He said that Jesus will do the same for each of us, but cess, job search and other social support services. the Atlanta Life Financial Group, and has served in several rolls in the In 1995, he was appointed by The AKA donation was in keeping with the sorority’s he expects us “to look upon the overlooked, speak to those Inc., Clement is founder and former Music & Mission ministries. She is mission: “Service to All Mankind.” unspoken to, and reach out - with helping hands- to those chairman and CEO of DOBBS, RAM & the Director of the Anthem/Acappel- Continued on next page who are untouched.” 8 5 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch IN THE NEWS BLACK HISTORY MONTH... continued from page 5 Newt Gingrich to the Kemp Com- nati Reds and Xavier University bas- African American named head coach Leona Barr-Davenport mission and was a senior economic ketball. in Fort Lauderdale/Broward County In celebration of Women’s History Month, The Atlanta City Council honored Barr-Davenport, advisor to the Bob Dole presidential After leaving the AJC, he worked school district. The two of them were president & CEO of the Atlanta Business League, Atlanta’s oldest minority business develop- campaign. two years as a columnist for AOL Fan the fi rst African Americans to inte- ment and advocacy organization. The next year, he was named CEO House. grate the movie theaters and char- of the National Restaurant Associa- In 1999, Moore was honored ter fi shing boats. They organized tion, a position he held until 1999. by the National Association of Black and chartered the Urban League of Cain is a syndicated op-ed col- Journalist as the longest-running Afri- Broward County. And along with now Candy Moore umnist, and a radio talk show host can American Sports columnist in the U.S. Congressman Alcee Hastings, Moore, senior vice president and Southeast community development manager for Wells Fargo, known for his speaking and singing history of major newspapers. they helped organize a bi-racial group has been named a 2015 Super woman by Atlanta Tribune magazine. She was honored March abilities. But he’s not just a sports journal- called Action Committee to Involve 12 along with Letty Ashworth, director of Global Diversity for Delta Air Lines; Patrise Perkins In May of 2011, he announced his ist. Moore is also a college professor. Our Neighbors, which helped to fos- Hooker, vice president and general counsel for the Atlanta Beltline; and Daphne Nicely, execu- presidential candidacy and later be- Moore was born in South Bend, ter peaceful integration of Broward tive director of the Atlanta Pregnancy Resource Center in a ceremony at the commerce club. came the front-runner, leading Presi- Indiana, but graduated high school in County. dent Obama in the polls. Milwaukee where he starred in base- The Pinkstons sponsored the A long-time member of Antioch, ball and football and was news editor NAACP’s ACT-SO (African-American Dea. Calvin Booker Sr. Cain was ordained to preach earlier of the high school newspaper. Cultural Technological Scientifi c Booker, corporate vice president of Public Affairs for Waste Management, Inc., was recognized this year. In 1978, he earned a bachelor’s Olympics), a group focused on devel- March 13 by the Georgia Senate for his community service. A long-time member of Antioch He is married to Gloria Cain and degree in business at Miami Univer- oping the talents of high school stu- Baptist Church North, Booker teaches the Men’s Sunday School class and is vice chairman of has two children and four grandchil- sity in Oxford, Ohio. dents. They were named the Broward the Bethursday Development Board. He is a former president and vice president of the Univer- dren. At Antioch, Moore is a member of County Family of the Year through an sity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Atlanta Alumni Chapter and the university’s Foundation Board. the Anthem Acappella and the Note initiative sponsored by former First Last year, the National Black College Hall of Fame Foundation awarded him with the National Terrence Moore Singing choirs. Lady Nancy Reagan. Alumni President of the Year award. Alfreda worked for 40 years as A sports journalist, Moore writes Dea. Frederick a media specialist and senior tech- columns for national internet sites and Sis. Alfreda Pinkston nology specialist. Frederick worked and has appeared on national and for 45 years as a teacher, counselor, Antioch Panthers enjoy winning season local television shows including This husband and wife team’s administrator and highly success- CNN, ESPN, the Oprah Winfrey show work in the Civil Rights Movement ful track coach. He was selected to and WSB’s “Sports Zone”, the most began in their central Florida home- The Panthers of Antioch The team played vari- the Florida Track and Field Hall of watched ABC affi liate in the country. town, where their parents were active Baptist Church North re- ous metro Atlanta church- Fame. He also has a high school track Moore, a staff member of the At- in the church, the NAACP and other cently ended the season es, including Wieuca named in his honor. lanta Journal-Constitution for nearly civic organizations. undefeated. Road Baptist Church and In Fort Lauderdale, they were 25 years, has covered more than 25 While a student at South Carolina Jimmy Thompson, who Chamblee United Meth- members of the New Mount Olive Super Bowls, numerous World Series, State University, Sis. Pinkston partici- Baptist Church under the pastorate coached members 17 odist Church. The Pan- Olympic Games, NBA Finals, India- pated in the mass meetings, sit-ins, of Rev. George E. Weaver. They also and under, rallied play- thers were supported by napolis 500’s, Championship fi ghts, and demonstrations in Orangeburg taught Sunday School and were a ers against teams in the cheerleaders, directed by major Golf Tournaments and other where she was water-hosed and ar- part of the Music Ministry and other all parks leagues in East Sister Julia Byron. sporting events. rested along with other students. auxiliaries. Point’s Jefferson Park, The team, along with the Prior to joining the AJC, Moore After graduating, she moved to In 2005 the couple, which this while the Rev. “Skip” Walk- Antioch Panthers scramble for the ball against Chamblee coaching staff – Bro. Ken- spent fi ve years at the San Francisco Fort Lauderdale where she met and year celebrated 54 years of marriage, er coached those 14 and under in the North Atlanta trell Porch and Bro. Fred and Sister Paulette DeVaughn, Examiner covering the San Francis- married Frederick. While teaching in co Giants and Oakland Raiders and the Broward County Florida School moved to Atlanta and united with Christian basketball league. were recognized during the 11 a.m. service March 1. Antioch Baptist Church North where three years at the Cincinnati En- System, they continued their involve- Sis. Lynn Roberts worked with those eight and under “Without this team effort and the support of the An- they are active members of the An- quirer where he covered Indiana and ment in the civil rights struggle. at Sandtown recreation center. Youth age 10 and under tioch family, parents and friends, we couldn’t do it,” Bro. them Accapella Choir. Purdue University sports, the Cincin- Frederick would become the fi rst were led by Bro. Andre Stevenson at Welcome All Park. Fred DeVaughn said. 6 7 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch IN THE NEWS BLACK HISTORY MONTH... continued from page 5 Newt Gingrich to the Kemp Com- nati Reds and Xavier University bas- African American named head coach Leona Barr-Davenport mission and was a senior economic ketball. in Fort Lauderdale/Broward County In celebration of Women’s History Month, The Atlanta City Council honored Barr-Davenport, advisor to the Bob Dole presidential After leaving the AJC, he worked school district. The two of them were president & CEO of the Atlanta Business League, Atlanta’s oldest minority business develop- campaign. two years as a columnist for AOL Fan the fi rst African Americans to inte- ment and advocacy organization. The next year, he was named CEO House. grate the movie theaters and char- of the National Restaurant Associa- In 1999, Moore was honored ter fi shing boats. They organized tion, a position he held until 1999. by the National Association of Black and chartered the Urban League of Cain is a syndicated op-ed col- Journalist as the longest-running Afri- Broward County. And along with now Candy Moore umnist, and a radio talk show host can American Sports columnist in the U.S. Congressman Alcee Hastings, Moore, senior vice president and Southeast community development manager for Wells Fargo, known for his speaking and singing history of major newspapers. they helped organize a bi-racial group has been named a 2015 Super woman by Atlanta Tribune magazine. She was honored March abilities. But he’s not just a sports journal- called Action Committee to Involve 12 along with Letty Ashworth, director of Global Diversity for Delta Air Lines; Patrise Perkins In May of 2011, he announced his ist. Moore is also a college professor. Our Neighbors, which helped to fos- Hooker, vice president and general counsel for the Atlanta Beltline; and Daphne Nicely, execu- presidential candidacy and later be- Moore was born in South Bend, ter peaceful integration of Broward tive director of the Atlanta Pregnancy Resource Center in a ceremony at the commerce club. came the front-runner, leading Presi- Indiana, but graduated high school in County. dent Obama in the polls. Milwaukee where he starred in base- The Pinkstons sponsored the A long-time member of Antioch, ball and football and was news editor NAACP’s ACT-SO (African-American Dea. Calvin Booker Sr. Cain was ordained to preach earlier of the high school newspaper. Cultural Technological Scientifi c Booker, corporate vice president of Public Affairs for Waste Management, Inc., was recognized this year. In 1978, he earned a bachelor’s Olympics), a group focused on devel- March 13 by the Georgia Senate for his community service. A long-time member of Antioch He is married to Gloria Cain and degree in business at Miami Univer- oping the talents of high school stu- Baptist Church North, Booker teaches the Men’s Sunday School class and is vice chairman of has two children and four grandchil- sity in Oxford, Ohio. dents. They were named the Broward the Bethursday Development Board. He is a former president and vice president of the Univer- dren. At Antioch, Moore is a member of County Family of the Year through an sity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Atlanta Alumni Chapter and the university’s Foundation Board. the Anthem Acappella and the Note initiative sponsored by former First Last year, the National Black College Hall of Fame Foundation awarded him with the National Terrence Moore Singing choirs. Lady Nancy Reagan. Alumni President of the Year award. Alfreda worked for 40 years as A sports journalist, Moore writes Dea. Frederick a media specialist and senior tech- columns for national internet sites and Sis. Alfreda Pinkston nology specialist. Frederick worked and has appeared on national and for 45 years as a teacher, counselor, Antioch Panthers enjoy winning season local television shows including This husband and wife team’s administrator and highly success- CNN, ESPN, the Oprah Winfrey show work in the Civil Rights Movement ful track coach. He was selected to and WSB’s “Sports Zone”, the most began in their central Florida home- The Panthers of Antioch The team played vari- the Florida Track and Field Hall of watched ABC affi liate in the country. town, where their parents were active Baptist Church North re- ous metro Atlanta church- Fame. He also has a high school track Moore, a staff member of the At- in the church, the NAACP and other cently ended the season es, including Wieuca named in his honor. lanta Journal-Constitution for nearly civic organizations. undefeated. Road Baptist Church and In Fort Lauderdale, they were 25 years, has covered more than 25 While a student at South Carolina Jimmy Thompson, who Chamblee United Meth- members of the New Mount Olive Super Bowls, numerous World Series, State University, Sis. Pinkston partici- Baptist Church under the pastorate coached members 17 odist Church. The Pan- Olympic Games, NBA Finals, India- pated in the mass meetings, sit-ins, of Rev. George E. Weaver. They also and under, rallied play- thers were supported by napolis 500’s, Championship fi ghts, and demonstrations in Orangeburg taught Sunday School and were a ers against teams in the cheerleaders, directed by major Golf Tournaments and other where she was water-hosed and ar- part of the Music Ministry and other all parks leagues in East Sister Julia Byron. sporting events. rested along with other students. auxiliaries. Point’s Jefferson Park, The team, along with the Prior to joining the AJC, Moore After graduating, she moved to In 2005 the couple, which this while the Rev. “Skip” Walk- Antioch Panthers scramble for the ball against Chamblee coaching staff – Bro. Ken- spent fi ve years at the San Francisco Fort Lauderdale where she met and year celebrated 54 years of marriage, er coached those 14 and under in the North Atlanta trell Porch and Bro. Fred and Sister Paulette DeVaughn, Examiner covering the San Francis- married Frederick. While teaching in co Giants and Oakland Raiders and the Broward County Florida School moved to Atlanta and united with Christian basketball league. were recognized during the 11 a.m. service March 1. Antioch Baptist Church North where three years at the Cincinnati En- System, they continued their involve- Sis. Lynn Roberts worked with those eight and under “Without this team effort and the support of the An- they are active members of the An- quirer where he covered Indiana and ment in the civil rights struggle. at Sandtown recreation center. Youth age 10 and under tioch family, parents and friends, we couldn’t do it,” Bro. them Accapella Choir. Purdue University sports, the Cincin- Frederick would become the fi rst were led by Bro. Andre Stevenson at Welcome All Park. Fred DeVaughn said. 6 7 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Seay named Legislator of the Year BLACK HISTORY MONTH The trailblazers among us State Senator Valencia Seay (D- Riverdale) recently received the 2015 AKA Capitol Legislator of the Year During the Month of February An- Company, a technology business. la Choir & Antioch Shape Note Sing- Award as part of the annual Alpha tioch Baptist Church North youth in- He has served in numerous civic ers and Co-chairs the very successful Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority Day at troduced the congregation to church and community organizations, includ- Antioch’s Scholarship Ministry. the State Capitol. members who have not only made ing the Board of Opportunity Funding Harding is the wife of the late Wil- commitments to serve God but also Corporation, the Maynard Jackson liam “Bill” Harding, former chairman “I have long admired the commit- ment and dedication AKA’s have for commitment to their communities, Youth Foundation, and the Woodruff of the Deacon Board, and mother of leaving a lasting positive impact on the corporate world, the arts and Arts Center. He was a charter mem- two daughters and three grandchil- their communities,” said Sen. Seay. entertainment, and the Civil Rights ber of the 100 Black Men of Atlanta dren. “It was an honor to be joined by so Movement. and served on the board of the Na- Her daughter, Wanda Harding, is many outstanding females who share tional Consumer Cooperative Bank a technical director with the National the same goals and values as I do. I Abbreviated versions of their biogra- and the U.S. Small Business Admin- Oceanic & Atmospheric Administra- look forward to continuing my work phies are below: istration in Washington, D.C., with tion in Washington, DC and Tonja with this organization for years to appointments from President Jimmy Harding Ward is a promotions and Valencia Seayd receives award during Sorority Day at the State Capitol. come.” Deacon Joseph Beasley Carter. community outreach consultant with AKA Sorority Inc. noted her longstanding commitment as her work with the National Organization of Women Legis- Clement is also a co-grantor of the Christian Radio Based in Texas. to the people of the 34th Senate District and her tireless ef- lators, Women in Government and the Women’s Legislative Beasley has dedicated his life to forts to make portions of Clayton and Fayette County a bet- Caucus. being a public servant and an inter- Brown-Clement Endowed Scholarship ter place for all Georgians in their selection process. They Sen. Seay was presented her award at AKA’s annual lun- Fund at Morehouse College. national humanitarian; working for also recognized her distinguished committee work, her role cheon where she was joined by numerous state legislators At Antioch, he is a member of the Herman Cain more than 50 years to uplift the less as Vice Chair of the State Senate Democratic Caucus as well and other members of AKA Trustee Board and Care & Comfort fortunate. A history maker in his own right, Ministry. 5th District holds As head of the church’s AMUI min- Cain grew up in Georgia and in 1967 Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority istry, he has directed the shipping of graduated from Morehouse College fellowship service medical equipment and supply relief with a Bachelor of Science degree in makes donation to AUMI Wendolyn Harding program, economic development for mathematics. He earned a Master of The fi rst quarterly fellowship service of the 5th District of emerging countries and promoted A woman who has dedicated her Science degree in Computer Science The Antioch women of Alpha the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia Inc. and organized trade missions. life to teaching, Harding is consid- in l971 at Purdue University before Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. cel- was held March 3 at the Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church. A respected leader with the Nation- ered a servant leader at Antioch and joining the Pillsbury Company in Min- ebrated their 107th anniver- The quarterly fellowship service was instituted in lieu al Association for the Advancement throughout the state of Georgia. neapolis where he became vice presi- sary during Antioch’s morning service on January 11. of one monthly business meeting by the Rev. W. J. Lawson, of Colored People and Regional Vice Born in Augusta, she was baptized dent. district president, to bring members together through wor- Sorors Jennifer Ste- President with PUSH, Beasley is no by her minister father and attended During the 1980’s his success as vens and Jenan McNeal- ship and provide more opportunity for them to experience stranger to us, Fulton County, Geor- Spelman College where she earned a a business executive at Burger King ey presented a love of- each other’s music ministries and preaching. gia, Africa, Brazil, Haiti nor Colum- Bachelor of Arts degree and a mas- prompted the Pillsbury Company to fering to Antioch Baptist Lawson also announced a new mentoring ministry for bia. ter’s degree in Kindermusik from At- appoint him as chairman and CEO of Church North’s Co-Pastor youth between the ages of 8-18, calling district churches to lanta University. Godfather’s Pizza, where he provided Rev. Kenneth L. Alexander to help shore up their academic performance and behavior to Harding spent 45 years as a senior leadership from l986 to 1996. benefi t Antioch Urban Ministry Inc. hopefully stem the tide of youth incarceration. William Clement teacher with assignments in Thom- All the while he was a member of AUMI, founded in 1990, is a non-profi t charitable orga- In a sermon titled “You Can Stand Up,” the Rev. Karl D. A native of Atlanta, Clement earned asville and Atlanta, where she has Antioch nization which provides comprehensive substance abuse Moore, pastor of Clarkston First Baptist Church, preached his Bachelor of Arts Degree from had a special kinship with young Cain served two years as chair- recovery services to the homeless, low-income, those re- from Luke 13:10-17 cently released from incarceration and/or are living with Morehouse College and his MBA from children and their parents. She has man of the Federal Reserve Bank of For the woman who had been stricken for 18 years, Moore HIV/AIDS. The agency also provides essential services to the Wharton Business School at the maintained her Kindermusik Studio Kansas City, Omaha Branch, and Dep- said, Jesus did three things: “He put his eyes upon her, he families throughout metropolitan Atlanta and surround- University of Pennsylvania. for more than 14 years. uty Chairman and later chairman of spoke to her, and he touched her.” ing areas through its food and clothing bank, internet ac- A former President and CEO of In 1970, Harding joined Antioch the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas. He said that Jesus will do the same for each of us, but cess, job search and other social support services. the Atlanta Life Financial Group, and has served in several rolls in the In 1995, he was appointed by The AKA donation was in keeping with the sorority’s he expects us “to look upon the overlooked, speak to those Inc., Clement is founder and former Music & Mission ministries. She is mission: “Service to All Mankind.” unspoken to, and reach out - with helping hands- to those chairman and CEO of DOBBS, RAM & the Director of the Anthem/Acappel- Continued on next page who are untouched.” 8 5 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Ministry focus of statewide conference MARCH ‘The Lord has done great things’ The General Missionary Baptist Con- in Decatur, Dr. Sam Davis, pastor of foundation. vention of Georgia, Inc. held its an- Beulah Grove Baptist Church in Au- “The fi rst footer is the preaching nual Statewide Ministers Conference gusta and out-of-state guest, Rev. Ar- of the Word,” he said. “Preaching is They made their en- Then referring to Psalm Feb. 2-4 in Macon. thur Jackson, III, pastor of Antioch the communication of divine truth trance singing “Oh, when 126, he proclaimed: God Although there is excellent preach- Missionary Baptist Church in Miami through human personality leading the saints,” as throngs of has done great things for ing throughout the conference, the Gardens, FL, each expounded on the people to Christ and transformation. Antioch Baptist Church us. emphasis is on the seminars and theme scripture, 2 Timothy 4:1-5. Christ is the centrality of the mes- North members looked Even as he read that workshops designed to help develop Rev. Jackson noted that the theme sage, and you cannot be so concerned on, beaming with joy. Psalm three weeks ago, every aspect of ministry. scripture says to build up your minis- with social justice and current events The entrance marked a Pastor Alexander said The Rev. E. Dewey Smith, pastor of try by having strong footers and foun- that you leave out Christ and the year since Mt. Mount Ver- he’d thought of this day Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church dations. The footers undergird the cross.” non Baptist Church move and how God had turned from his former location, the Falcon’s offer to pur- GMBC holds 144th Adjourned Session purchased to make room chase the old Mt. Vernon for the Atlanta Falcons Members, led by Rev. Turner, march into the new sanctuary into good. February Snow and ice caused Mission and Evangelism,” is evident professionals in Georgia. Stadium at Northside and Martin Luther King Drive. “The Lord is still the same for he has done great things power outages and the cancellation in all auxiliaries as an emphasis is Strong, biblical preaching is a It happened on Palm Sunday and while no one created for us,” he said, repeating that mantra throughout his re- of some services of the 144th Ad- placed on outreach. hallmark of each GMBC session, a carpet of palm trees for the church and its Pastors entry, marks. journed Session but it did not stop One of the major projects of the and the Adjourned Session was no the spirit was just as high, reminiscent of the day Jesus He said told the church not to make the mistake of the General Missionary Baptist Con- Laymen’s Department is to reach exception. Son of Antioch, the Rev. made his triumphant entry into Jerusa- thinking it was the Falcons but rather vention of Georgia, Inc. from doing young African-American males and Frederick Favors preached the Black lem hundreds of years earlier. God who wanted Mt. Vernon on this cor- the work of the Lord. mentor them in an effort to reduce History message, emphasizing the Inside, Pastor Cameron Alexander ner of Lynhurst Drive because he want- The two day session, held in the number who are dropping out accomplishments of African Ameri- said the grand sanctuary with its stained ed a witness. Gainesville, included courses for of school and to help prevent them cans throughout the years and the glass windows looked like heaven. “God did this,” he said. “He didn’t stop both clergy and lay people. They in- from becoming part of the judicial need to pass this information to the “It’s simply beautiful,” he said as he doing great things when he dried up cluded The Christian Message to Our system. younger generations. stood to preach the entrance service the Red Sea. He didn’t stop doing good Present World. Spiritual Maturation, The Women’s Department, which The Convention Theme,” and theme sermon on March 29. things when he shut the lions jaw. He and Developing Skills for Sharing includes the Young People’s Depart- scripture formed the underlying Minutes later, he reminded them that didn’t stop doing great things when he Your Faith. ment, has several mission projects in core of the session from the classes they hadn’t done it by themselves, that put air conditioning in the fi ery furnace. The Adjourned Session is one of place, including a coat and blanket through the music to the preached this was the work of the Lord beginning with the Rev. Rod- The Lord has done great things.” the main business sessions of the drive for the homeless. The Business word. Although the Adjourned Ses- ney Turner’s call to pastor Mt. Vernon. The grandest of those things, Alexander said, was his GMBC, and each of the auxiliaries and Professional Women, led by Dr. sion is one of the main business ses- God had orchestrated it all, Alexander said. death, burial and resurrection. meets to assess yearly progress and Mary Hicks, has been reaching out sions of the GMBC, it is the Father’s “There are a whole lot of people in heaven today who “It ain’t never over on Friday,” he said. “If you can make plan for the remainder of the year. to young women to help them obtain business, and does not resemble are happy about this occasion,” he said referring to the it until Sunday, the Lord’s got a way of showing up Sunday. The focus on the GMBC Theme, the Child Development Associate other corporate gatherings. church’s old members and pastors. “You’ve already bright- He’s got a way of making everything alright.” “Solidarity with the Savior Through Training required of early childhood ened up this corner.” GMBC holds VBS and Congress Workshop ANTIOCH FAMILY! The General Missionary Baptist Con- “Adventures at Sea: Dive Deeper.” the week of July, 13-17. Classes will Proud of the job you do or want to nominate your vention of Georgia, Inc. held its an- Hill said the goal will be to get be available for children through nual Vacation Bible School Workshop participants to dive deeper for un- adults and in all areas of ministry. sister or brother in Christ to be featured in an and Congress of Christian Education derstanding, courage, peace, healing, During the Congress, graduates upcoming issue of The Church At planning meeting March 14 at Lizzie and calling, all of which are based on from high school will be recognized, Antioch? E-mail your story idea to Chapel Baptist Church in Macon. Scripture. and GMBC Scholarship Applications Sis. Gracie Staples at Antioch’s VBS will run from June The Congress, Children’s Conven- are available from the youth ministry, 8-12, said Sis. Brigitte Hill, director tion and Youth and Young Adult Con- as are Articles of Faith topics for the [email protected]. of Christian Education. The theme is vention will be held in Albany, GA, Oratorical Contest. 4 9 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch YOUTH SPOTLIGHT JANUARY The 1st Seven Words of Jesus Christ Adam keeping positive in music and life We know him as Adam Alexander, but in music circles, the 17-year-old singer/songwriter/ At the Jan. 27 Wednesday Night Service, seven sons of Antioch delivered sermons on the fi rst seven recorded statements of producer is, well, Demo Taped. Christ. Below is a synopsis: Adam, son of Eric and Pamela Alexander, was featured recently in Daily Discovery, part of the Pigeons and blog that highlights newly discovered artists, in which he talks openly Minister Willie Rockward about his music and suffering from depression. High places are slippery places.” Satan tempts Jesus Scripture: Luke 2:49 Instead of dwelling on the negative and the dark places the illness can take him, Adam to jump off the pinnacle because he couldn’t push him Sermon: The very fi rst recorded words of Jesus are says he intends to spread love and good vibes through his music. off. “He can’t throw you down. Every man is tempted unusual in that they are questions. In Genesis, every- “I want to be able to put a smile on someone’s face, or to make someone dance,” he said. when he’s drawn away in his own lust. Don’t say, ‘the thing that God said was a statement, and whatever He Drawing inspiration from the likes of Jai Paul, Spazzkid and Flying Lotus, his debut devil did it.’ All he does is entice; he gets you off focus. said happened. “Questions are the path to knowledge CD Heart EP promises to do just that. The lead single, “I Luv U,” he said is about having We must keep our eyes on Jesus.” and the mark of change.” Jesus’s answer to Mary’s someone’s back and letting them know that no matter how diffi cult the trials are, you are always there for them. question is a question that provides confi dence and “I wrote this song for the one I love and she knows who she is,” he said. reassurance, for there is no safer place to be than “in Adam has been writing music since 5th grade, when close friends encouraged him to put pen to paper. Minister Kelvin Turner the Father’s house,” and we are all called to “be about In addition to starting his own band, Adam produces music as well, a skill he learned through trial and error Scripture: Matthew 4:7 our Father’s business, doers of the Word.” and tutorials. Sermon: “Adam was tempted in paradise, but Christ His idol? Music producer Flying Lotus. was tempted in a lone, desert wilderness. Adam was Minister Michael Price “He’s THE producer in my eyes,” he said. “He’s THE artist.” at his best, but Jesus was hungry when he was tempt- Scripture: Matthew 3:15 Still, his main inspiration, Adam said are his mother and father who shaped him into the musician and person ed. Adam sinned and lost what he had; Christ obeyed Sermon: “When Jesus comes into your life, things he’s become. and regained what Adam lost. Adam was defeated and change, you change. Vipers can become sheep; chaff “My dad would play Earth Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Curtis Mayfi eld, Parliament, and all these soulful, power- brought death; Christ was victorious and brought life can become wheat, and crooked places can be made ful groups for me when I was a child,” he said. “He also introduced me to jazz and many other genres.” to all who would trust him. Who are you like? The fi rst straight.” The fulfi llment of prophecy is wrapped up Adam said he hopes to go on tour as Demo Taped and earn a bachelor’s degree in fi lm direction in college. Adam, or Christ, the second Adam? in “Suffer it to be so,” is his statement to John the “I want to fi nd a way to create harmony between these two mediums,” he said. Baptist to let him have his way in John’s life. “Jesus (To hear Adam’s CD, log onto demotaped.bandcamp.com, Soundcloud.com/demo-taped wants to have his way in your life, too; get out of his or Demo Taped on ITunes and Spotify.) Minister Herman Cain way, and let him work.” Scripture: Matthew. 4:17 Sermon: “What time is it? It’s preaching time. Jesus Carpenter already acting the part Minister Marion Kelley began to preach, ‘Repent.’ It wasn’t an ambiguous di- Scripture: Matthew 4:4 rective; it was a defi nitive order from the lips of Jesus He is only 17 but in many ways Joshua Carpenter is already realizing his dream of becom- Sermon: “The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Christ.” Instructions on how to repent are found in the ing a writer, playwright and actor. What we have going for us is the same that Jesus instruction manual, the Bible. “The Lord Jesus Christ Antioch Baptist Church North fi rst saw his work in 2013, when he wrote a dramatization used; what is written in the Word should be our choice understood how to use Twitter before Twitter was cre- for the Youth Culmination Service based on the popular Kirk Franklin song “Lean on Me,” for battle every time.” When the devil knocks at the ated for he sums up the instructions in 140 words in and last year when he drew inspiration from DeWayne Woods’ “Let Go and Let God.” door, we should let Jesus answer the door through the Matthew 22. #Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all He won applause then and again more recently when he shared his fi rst play, “A Change Word. The Word is enduring, sanctifying, saving, and thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Within You” with Antioch. restraining, and it will do more for us than bread will Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. His message: “Believe in yourself and keep trying, never give up…keep pressing forward do any day. and follow your dreams.” Minister James Hill It is a message, Carpenter, son of long-time Antioch member Judi Rawls, lives out every day. Scripture: Matthew 4:19 The Grayson High School senior has been writing since elementary school, when his mother would assign him top- Minister Bryan Mitchell Sermon: In all of your following, fi rst of all, follow Je- ics to explore and he’d turn them into short stories. Scripture: Matthew 4:10 sus. Jesus’s invitation meant that sometimes the way “They were always so well written that even his friends enjoyed reading them,” Rawls said. Sermon: The devil comes at us when we’re at our would get hard and the road would get tough. The Lord Joshua not only writes, his passions extend to acting as well. He starred recently in his school’s Black History weakest and most vulnerable moment. “The devil told me to preach, “Follow me, and I will. Jesus has Month production, written by good friend Courtney Deckard, and appeared as an “extra” in the short fi lm “Free has a program. He often comes with temptation after an invitation and a promise tailor made for whatever Pass.” we’ve had a victory, after we’ve reached a pinnacle. you’re going through. After graduating high school in May, Joshua plans to attend Full Sail University in Winter Park, Fla., where he will major in fi lm production. 10 3

well had run dry. But just as soul but I asked the Lord has my well run dry .. Jim coach and ers a all pa. Point' while er coa. Christ. Sis at San were l.
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