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In search of affordances and visual quality PDF

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P äiv Päivi Lindberg i L in d b e r g In search of affordances Päivi Lindberg and visual quality In search of affordances and visual quality Interpreting environments of children aged Interpreting environments of children aged under three in seven Finnish day-care centres under three in seven Finnish day-care centres This study discusses the role of the visual environment in the overall well- In s being, learning and development of children under the age of three years. e a Seven Finnish day-care centres were studied through the concepts of visual r H c H quality and affordance. h C o C AR There were many well-designed features in the studied day-care centres. Yet, f a AR only a few environments provided excitement through diverse materials, ff E o E S meaningful display, or variable outdoor spaces. An unexpected result was r S d E that long-lasting creative play seemed underrated in the visual environments, a E R n R although it has been considered as a core element in Finnish ECEC throughout c e its history. An interesting result was that documentation can reveal a number s of affordances, especially concerning the social and associational aspects of a n the human– environment interaction. d v The study provides new perspectives about the meaning of the visual is u environment to be reflected upon in day-care centres, especially by discussing a the significance of the environment’s associational aspects. l q u a lit y .!7BC5<3"DFFIGM! Publication sales www.thl.fi/bookshop Telephone: +358 29 524 7190 Fax: +358 29 524 7450 132 132 132 ISBN 978-952-302-253-9 2014 Research 132 • 2014 In search of affordances and visual quality Interpreting environments of children aged under three in seven Finnish day-care centres PÄIVI LINDBERG University of Oulu Faculty of Education Academic dissertation to be presented with the assent of the Faculty of Education of the University of Oulu, for public defense in Kaljusensali (KTK 112), Linnanmaa on August 8th 2014 at 12 noon. © Päivi Lindberg & National Institute for Health and Welfare Images:Päivi Lindberg Layout: Seija Puro ISBN 978-952-302-253-9 (printed) ISSN 1798-0054 (printed) ISBN 978-952-302-254-6 (online publication) ISSN 1798-0062 (online publication) http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-302-254-6 Research 132 Juvenes Print – Finnish University Print Ltd Tampere, Finland 2014 Supervised by Professor Riitta-Liisa Korkeamäki Revised by Professor Kirsti Karila Professor Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter Opponent Emeritus Professor Philip Gammage Abstract Päivi Lindberg. In search of affordances and visual quality. Interpreting envi- ronments of children aged under three in seven Finnish day-care centres Research 132. 266 pages. Helsinki Finland 2014. ISBN 978-952-302-253-9 (printed): ISBN 978-952-302-254-6 (online publication). Academic disserta- tion. University of Oulu, Faculty of Education, 2014 Visual environment has a fundamental role in early childhood educa- tion and care (ECEC). However, visual environment has been a neglect- ed topic, especially in relation to research concerning children under the age of three. The main theoretical concept in the research is affordance, developed by James J. Gibson. Affordances are potentials for activity that the environment offers for the perceiver. Perception only becomes meaningful when there is a person–environment fit. The meanings of affordances in ECEC can derive from children’s interests or they can be tied to the cultural use of things. Other theoretical interests in the research are related to the visual quality of day-care centre environments. Visual quality of environments can be interpreted us- ing certain informants that gradually reveal the meaning of the environment. These informants are referred to as cues. The intention of this research was to interpret the visual quality and the number and type of potential affordances in centre-based early childhood en- vironments. The context in which the interpretations were made is Finnish ECEC, the focus being on environments of children under three years of age. The research data is visual, formed of digital photographs with almost no peo- ple present. A model for managing and interpreting the vast amount of information provided by the photographic data was created. It was connected to the view- points and the ethos of the Finnish ECEC as defined by the National Curric- ulum Guidelines on ECEC (VASU). The model comprises three levels, i.e. the categories, the affordances, and the cues supporting the affordances. The cat- egories were formed in relation to VASU taking into consideration the affor- dances and the visual elements in the day-care centres. The affordances and the environmental cues in the model were formed during the process of ini- tially interpreting the data. 4 THL – Research 132 • 2014 The empirical results from the study showed that visual environment is an undervalued area in Finnish ECEC. Although VASU is a commonly used framework in Finnish ECEC, the contents and the other argued elements of VASU had not been translated into the visible environments in the study cen- tres. Homeliness of the environments was a dominating perspective in most of the centres. Although play is an emphasised value in Finnish ECEC, toys and objects and their meaningful organisation had not been given much at- tention. Furthermore, a kind of emptiness was rather typical in the environ- ments. An interesting result was the importance of documentation in reveal- ing the number of affordances. Documentation proved especially relevant in the context of affordances based on the social aspects of the human environ- ment interaction. This study has been an important engagement in a dialogue looking at ways to develop ECEC environments of children under three years of age. It contributes to the discussion about the role of the visual environment in the overall well-being of children. By illustrating what kinds of cues are impor- tant, how they provide potential affordances for children, and what affects the visual quality in the environments, the study contributes also to the ECEC quality discourse. Further research needs are connected to the actualisation of affordances. For this, other research methods such as observation are needed. Keywords affordance, children, cue, curriculum, early childhood education, environ- ment, visual quality THL – Research 132 • 2014 5 Tiivistelmä Päivi Lindberg. In search of affordances and visual quality. Interpreting en- vironments of children aged under three in seven Finnish day-care centres [Tarjoumia ja visuaalista laatua etsimässä. Tulkintoja alle kolmivuotiaiden las- ten ympäristöistä seitsemässä suomalaisessa päiväkodissa] Research 132. 266 sivua. Helsinki Suomi 2014. ISBN 978-952-302-253-9 (printed): ISBN 978-952-302-254-6 (online publication). Väitös. Oulun yli- opisto, Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta, 2014. Visuaalisella ympäristöllä on suuri merkitys varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tästä huolimatta erityisesti alle kolmivuotiaisiin kohdentuvassa tutkimukses- sa visuaalista ympäristöä on tutkittu hyvin vähän. Tutkimuksen tärkein teoreettinen käsite on James J. Gibsonin tarjouma. Tarjoumat ovat ympäristön havainnoitsijalle tarjoamia toiminnan mahdol- lisuuksia. Havaitsemisen edellytyksenä on, että havaitsijan ominaisuudet so- pivat ympäristön ominaisuuksiin. Tarjoumien merkitykset varhaiskasvatuk- sessa voivat olla lähtöisin lasten kiinnostuksesta tai ne voivat olla kytköksissä asioiden kulttuurisiin merkityksiin. Muut teoreettiset lähtökohdat tutkimuk- sessa liittyvät päiväkotiympäristöjen visuaaliseen laatuun. Ympäristöjen visu- aalista laatua voidaan tulkita ympäristön merkityksiä avaavien tiedonvälittäji- en kautta. Näitä tiedonvälittäjiä kutsutaan johtolangoiksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tulkita päiväkotien visuaalista laa- tua sekä potentiaalisten tarjoumien laatua ja määrää. Tulkintojen konteksti- na on suomalainen varhaiskasvatus, erityisesti alle kolmivuotiaat lapset. Tut- kimusaineisto on visuaalinen muodostuen digitaalisista valokuvista, joissa ei ole ihmisiä. Valokuvat tuottivat suuren määrän tietoa, jonka tulkitsemiseen luotiin malli. Malli kytkettiin valtakunnallisiin Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perus- teisiin (VASU), joissa on määritelty suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen näkökul- mat ja eetos. Mallissa on kolme tasoa, eli kategoriat, tarjoumat sekä johto- langat, jotka tukevat tarjoumia. Kategoriat muodostettiin VASUn mukaisesti siten, että niissä otettiin huomioon tarjoumat ja päiväkotien visuaaliset ele- mentit. Tarjoumat ja ympäristön johtolangat muodostettiin aineiston alusta- van tulkinnan myötä. Empiiristen tulosten mukaan visuaalinen ympäristö on suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa aliarvostettu voimavara. Vaikka VASU on laajalti käy- tetty toiminnan kehys suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa, VASUn sisällöt 6 THL – Research 132 • 2014 tai muut näkökulmat eivät olleet siirtyneet tutkimuspäiväkotien visuaaliseen ympäristöön. Vallitseva näkökulma useimmissa ympäristöissä oli kodinomai- suus. Vaikka leikin arvoa korostetaan suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa, le- luihin ja tavaroihin sekä niiden merkitykselliseen järjestelyyn ei oltu kiin- nitetty kovin paljoa huomiota. Lisäksi ympäristöissä vallitsi melko yleisesti jonkinlainen tyhjyys. Kiinnostavana tuloksena nousi esiin dokumentoinnin merkitys tarjoumien näkyvyydessä. Dokumentointi osoittautui erityisen mer- kitykselliseksi silloin, kun kyseessä olivat ympäristön ja ihmisen vuorovaiku- tuksen sosiaaliset tekijät. Tämä tutkimus avaa keskustelun löytää keinoja kehittää alle kolmivuo- tiaiden varhaiskasvatusympäristöjä. Tutkimus ottaa kantaa visuaalisen ym- päristön merkitykseen lasten kokonaisvaltaiselle hyvinvoinnille. Osoittamal- la millaiset ympäristön johtolangat ovat merkityksellisiä, miten ne tuottavat lapsille potentiaalisia tarjoumia, sekä mitkä asiat vaikuttavat ympäristöjen visuaaliseen laatuun, tutkimus osallistuu myös varhaiskasvatuksen laadusta käytävään keskusteluun. Jatkotutkimuksen tarpeet liittyvät tarjoumien toteu- tumiseen. Niiden tutkimiseksi tarvitaan toisenlaisia tutkimusmenetelmiä ku- ten havainnointia. Avainsanat tarjouma, lapset, johtolanka, opetussuunnitelma, varhaiskasvatus, ympäristö, visuaalinen laatu THL – Research 132 • 2014 7 Acknowledgements Looking way back I can see a long and sometimes lonely journey. Given the hermeneutic nature of this research, I cannot say the journey has now ended, but definitely it has come to a halt. Over the years this journey has provided me with joy, anguish, inspiration and a good deal of new ideas and learning. All these I have had the privilege to share with a number of people I now want to acknowledge. My greatest depth of gratitude goes to Riitta-Liisa Korkeamäki for her hu- mane attitude and her tireless support. She has given me enough academic freedom and trusted my intuition for using photographs as research data and for focusing on the visual environment. I have enjoyed our discussions con- cerning the current state and the future prospects of Finnish early childhood education and care. I want to thank my pre-examiners Kirsti Karila and Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter for their valuable and exact comments that helped to significantly improve the quality of the work. My gratitude goes to the second supervisor, and the opponent of my work, Anna-Maija Puroila, whose perspective could always be trusted. I also want to thank Pauliina Rautio as the second opponent for her precise and critical, but very useful comments. I am grateful to Mark Phillips for his exact proofreading and valuable comments. I especially want to thank Anna-Leena Välimäki for helping me to find my topic, and for her enduring interest towards my work throughout the years. As my immediate superior for many years she gave me the opportunity to partic- ipate in the national development of ECEC in Finland. She also encouraged and enabled my international perspective to evolve. I am grateful to my friends and colleges for their belief in this work even when I did not. I am thankful for my current superior Anneli Pouta for her patience towards my everlasting PhD process. She made the thesis sound a natural and an ordinary step in one’s professional path. I am also indebted to my colleges at the Unit of Child, Adolescent and Family Services at THL. Over a period of years they have remained interested in my research process. I heartily thank my friend and my student fellow Hannakaarina Sarvela, who would share the umbrella with me. Her sense of humor helped me to car- ry on during the hardest phases. I also want to thank Tuula and Juha Niiniran- ta and Ulla Haltia for enjoying culture with me, and thus helping to keep my feet on the ground. 8 THL – Research 132 • 2014

(e.g. Clitheroe, Stokols & Zmuidzinas 1998; Stokols 1987; Wapner Independent of whether the environment is formal or informal, children's par- print, and, through listening, develop their phonological awareness and
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