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SUMMER •2012 $4.00 In the latter days, the sun shall rise from the west • Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) In Defense of Islam: Confronting the Critics 14 Geert Wilders 31 Rush Limbaugh 18 Pamela Geller 34 Salman Rushdie 21 Robert Spencer 38 Terry Jones 24 Wafa Sultan 41 Irshad Manji 27 Daniel Pipes 45 Bill Maher The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community T he Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organization, international in its scope, with branches in 195 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australasia, and Europe. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in 1889 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas (1835-1908) in Qadian, a small and remote village in the Punjabi province of India. He claimed to be the expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions (The Mahdi and Messiah). The Movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam – peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to the Will of God – in its pristine purity. Hadhrat Ahmadas proclaimed Islam as the religion of man: “The religion of the people of the right path” (98:6).The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was created under divine guidance with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values. It encourages interfaith dialogue, diligently defends Islam and tries to correct misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It firmly believes in and acts upon the Qur’anic teaching: “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:257). It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason. After the passing of its founder, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been headed by his elected successors. The present Head of the Community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, was elected in 2003. His official title is Khalifatul Masih V or Fifth Successor of the Promised Messiah.. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) Editor The Muslim Sunrise is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905, Phone 301.879.0110, Fax 301.879.0115, Falahud Din Shams under the auspices of Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer and National President. The views and opinions expressed by individual contributers in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA. Editorial Board The Muslim Sunrise welcomes letters to the editor, questions and submissions. Email Imam Mubasher Ahmad us at [email protected] or go online to www.MuslimSunrise.com. Dr. Shanaz Butt Hasan Hakeem Library of Congress Call Number BP195.A5 M8 Mailing Address: The Muslim Sunrise, 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD Staff Editors 20905, Phone: 301.879.0110, Fax: 301.879.0115. Maham Khan Muslims follow the name of God’s prophets with the prayer alaehis salaam or ‘may Atif Mir peace be upon him,’ and for the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alaehi wasallam or Naser Shams ‘may peace and blessings of God be upon him.’ Companions of prophets and righteous personalities who have passed away are saluted by radhi-Allaho anhu/a or ‘may Allah Staff Writers be pleased with him/her.” While such salutations sometimes are not set out in the text for readability, we encourage readers to offer these prayers as if set out in full. Lubna Malik Dr. Zia H. Shah Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (1872-1957) was the first Ahmadiyya Muslim missionary to arrive in America. In 1921, he founded the Muslim Sunrise, which stands today as the Shazia Sohail longest running Muslim publication in America. The magazine seeks to open discussions on Islam and topics relating to religion in general. It highlights the role of Islam in an ever changing global society. It provides a platform for public opinion on contemporary Religion & Science Dept. issues and presenting their solutions from an Islamic perspective. Dr. Zia H. Shah www.muslimsunrise.com Hasan Hakeem, Design/Layout Muneeb Ahmad, Website Mubashar A. Khan, Circulation Editor’s Notes: 2 MuslimSunrise Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of QadianAS In This Issue Features Summer 2012 • Volume 92 • Issue 2 14 Geert Wilders 18 Pamela Geller A Special 21 Robert Spencer 24 Wafa Sultan Invitation to 27 Daniel Pipes 31 Rush Limbaugh the Critics of 34 Salman Rushdie Islam 38 Terry Jones 41 Irshad Manji see page 6 45 Bill Maher Departments 6 Editorial For More Information on 7 Letters from His Holiness Islam/Ahmadiyyat: Mirza Masroor Ahmad to World Leaders 44 Poetry Corner: “Jihad” Alislam.org 48 Religion and Science Ahmadiyya.us 51 From the Archives – 1932-33 or The Tragedy of Prejudice by Sufi M.R. Bengalee 1.800.Why.Islam 53 Questions & Answers 54 News, Views and Reviews “He Was Trying to Find His Way” 58 Perspective: “The News Wrestlers” Summer 2012 3 From the Holy Qur’an Chapter 28, Surah Al-Qasas, 56-57 And when they hear vain talk, they turn away from it and say, ‘Unto us our works and unto you your works. Peace be to you. We seek not the ignorant.’ 28:56 Surely thou wilt not be able to guide all whom thou lovest; but Allah guides whomsoever He pleases; and He knows best those who would accept guidance.28:57 4 MuslimSunrise In the Words of the Promised Messiahas drawn toward this beloved like a G od, in whose lover and find no rest elsewhere, and meeting is hearing a plain and clear directive man’s salvation from it, they listen to nothing else. and eternal They accept joyfully and eagerly h a p p i n e s s , every verity contained in it. In the cannot be found end, it becomes the means of illu- without following the Holy Quran. mination of the heart and lighting Would that people could see that up the conscience and of wonderful which I have seen and they could disclosures. It leads everyone to the hear that which I have heard and give heights of progress according to up following stories and run towards their capacities. The righteous have reality. The means of obtaining perfect always been in need of walking in knowledge through which one can the light of the Holy Quran. see God, the cleansing water which removes all doubts, and the mirror Whenever Islam has been con- through which one can behold that fronted with any other religion in High Being, is the converse with consequence of some new condition God which I have just mentioned. He of the age, the sharp and effective whose soul seeks the truth should arise instrument that has immediately and search for it. come to hand is the Holy Quran. In The Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi the same way, whenever philosoph- I say truly that if souls were in- ic thought has been given publicity spired by true search and hearts felt “Alaysa Allaho be-Kafen Abdahoo” in opposition to it, the Holy Quran true thirst, people would look for Is not God sufficient for His servant? has destroyed that poisonous plant this way and would search for it. I and has so humiliated it as to pro- The straight path and the principal assure the seekers that Islam alone vide a mirror to its students which means which is full of the light of cer- gives the good news of this way, for shows up the true philosophy which tainty and constant experience, and is other people have since long sealed is contained in the Holy Quran the perfect guide for our spiritual wel- up the possibility of revelation. Be alone and nowhere else. fare and our intellectual progress is the sure that this seal is not set by God, Holy Quran which is charged with the but as man has deprived himself of In the modern age, when Chris- settlement of all the religious contests this favor, he seeks excuses for its tian missionaries started their pro- of the world. Each and every word of absence. As it is not possible that we paganda and made an attempt to it consistently carries thousands of should be able to see without eyes, draw away unintelligent and igno- repeated confirmations and it contains hear without ears, or speak without rant people from the Unity of God a large quantity of the waters of life a tongue, in the same way, it is not and to make them worship a humble for us and comprises many rare and possible that we should be able to creature and employed every kind priceless jewels which are hidden in it behold the countenance of the sweet of sophistry for dressing up their and are being displayed every day. It Beloved without the Holy Quran. I doubtful ideas and thus created is an excellent touchstone whereby we was young and now old, but I have a storm in India, it was the Holy can distinguish between truth and false- found no one who might have drunk Quran which repelled them so that hood. It is the one bright lamp which of this clear understanding without they are not now able to face a well- shows the way of truth. Without doubt, this holy fountain. informed person and their extensive the hearts of those who have a relation- apologetics have been folded up like ship with the straight path are drawn The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, Ruhani a piece of paper. Khazain Vl. 10, pp 442-443) to the Holy Quran. Gracious God has so fashioned their hearts that they are Izala-e-Auham, Ruhani Khazain Vol 3 PP 381-382 Summer 2012 5 Editorial coincided with a 50% rise in re- basis in the religion of Islam. In ported anti-Muslim hate crimes.1 doing so, the Ahmadiyya Mus- Does such violence serve your lim Community defends Islam A Letter to purpose, or are you simply a not just against your misinforma- truth-teller? tion, but also from the misguided the Critics If your cause is just and true, ulema who pass off their own join us in a public debate. If you twisted beliefs as Islamic. of Islam are right, the people shall see it Indeed this is the reason God firsthand and join you in your en- raised Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas mity toward Islam. If, however, Dear Critics, of Qadian as the Reformer of As-salamu alaikum. it is proven that your criticisms this age. His Community, which are based on lies or hate, then Peace be upon you. practices and preaches the motto we shall have accomplished our of “love for all, hatred for none,” purpose in defense of Islam. With this issue, we actively promotes the true teach- Although you should not invite you to debate ings of Islam, and wishes you hesitate to accept our invitation, the criticisms you peace, no matter how you feel you may take six full months to levy against the peaceful religion about us. decide, and we shall publish your of Islam. We recognize you have strong responses (or lack thereof) in our We applaud your self-pro- feelings against Islam (or profess Winter 2012 issue, God-willing. fessed commitment to freedom to, for personal gain), but when and equality – indeed we stand you inspire fervent praise from To our readers, we hope you for the same – but in attacking people like Anders Behring shall consider our replies to the Islam, we question your tactics. Breivik, the Norwegian terror- critics with an open heart and The religion of Islam stands for ist arrested for killing more than mind. We hope that, at the very truth, peace and justice, and is in 70 people in an effort to prevent least, you will come to realize need of revival, not destruction. a “Muslim takeover” (in par- that the profit-driven, anti-Islam In this issue, we have chosen ticular, Robert Spencer, Pamela campaign of vilification and 10 of you – from a diverse group Geller and Geert Wilders), do misinformation serves only to of widely recognized politicians, you not see the ramifications of spread hatred and violence, not pundits, pastors, professors and your hate speech? The Southern truth and understanding. May authors – and respond to your Poverty Law Center writes that God bless you and may peace be criticisms of Islam. We expose the growth of an anti-Muslim upon you. them as either baseless, dishon- movement, which began in 2010 est, or criticisms of practices and was “almost entirely ginned The Muslim Sunrise which, although present in Mus- up by political opportunists and Footnotes) 1 “Thirty New Activists Heading up the Radical Right,” lim-majority countries, have no hard-line Islamophobes,” has Splcenter.org. Last accessed May 28, 2012. 6 MuslimSunrise Love, Affection, Brotherhood and Peace The world must come to recognize its Creator At the recent 9th Annual Peace leaders…upon observing that Symposium organised by the hostilities between Iran and Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Israel were boiling over to a Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba an audience including Government very dangerous level, I sent Ministers, Ambassadors of State, a letter to both Israel’s Prime Members of both the House of Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, written to, but whatever their Commons and the House of Lords, and Iran’s President, Mahmud reaction, an attempt has been the Mayor of London and various Ahmedinejad, in which I urged made by me, as the Khalifa and other dignitaries and guests from them to forsake all forms of spiritual leader of millions of all walks of life joined together to haste and recklessness when Ahmadi Muslims worldwide, to discuss the means of establishing making decisions, for the sake convey their feelings and emo- international peace. In the keynote of mankind. I have also recently tions about the perilous state of address Hadhrat Mirza Masroor written to President Barack the world. Let it be clear that I Ahmadaba, Khalifatul Masih V, Obama and Canada’s Prime have not expressed these senti- Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Minister, Stephen Harper, call- ments because of any personal Muslim Community, warned that ing on both of them to fulfil fear, but instead, I am motivated the perilous state of the world their roles and responsibili- out of a sincere love for human- appears to be leading us to a ties towards the development ity. This love for humanity has nuclear conflict in the shape of a of peace and harmony in the been developed and instilled in Third World War. During the course world. I am also planning to all true Muslims by the teach- of his address, His write and warn other Heads of ings of the Holy Prophet Mu- Holiness stated: State and leaders in the near hammad (peace be upon him) “One way in which I have future. who, as I have already men- tried to promote peace is I do not know if my letters tioned, was sent as a means of through a series of letters that will be given any value or weight mercy and compassion for all of I have written to certain world by the various leaders I have mankind.” Summer 2012 7 Khalifatul Masih V - Letter to Pope Benedict the XVI The letter from Hadhrat Khali- rights of others or should act cruelly. Thus, the actions of a minority of misguided Muslims fatul Masih Vaba, Head of the should not be used as a pretext to attack Islam Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, and its Holy Founder(pbuh). Islam teaches us to respect the Prophets of all religions and this was delivered personally by the is why it is essential for a Muslim to believe in President of the Ahmadiyya all of the Prophets who are mentioned in the Muslim Jama’at Kababir, Mu- Holy Bible or in the Holy Qur’an, until and including Jesus Christas. We are the humble hammad Sharif Odeh, who met servants of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw the Pope as part of an official and so we are deeply grieved and saddened by the attacks on our Holy Prophetsaw; but we delegation from Israel con- respond by continuing to present his noble sisting of renowned religious qualities to the world and to disclose even more of the beautiful teachings of the Holy scholars of various faiths. A Qur’an. copy of the Holy Qur’an with If a person does not follow a particular translation was also gifted to teaching properly whilst claiming to subscribe to it, then it is he who is in error, not the the Pope. teaching. The meaning of the word ‘Islam’ itself means peace, love and security. There els of tolerance. There is a need to stand in To His Holiness Pope Benedict the XVI, should be no compulsion in matters of faith is defence of the respect and reverence of each a clear injunction of the Qur’an. From cover other’s Prophet. The world is passing through It is my prayer, that may Allah the Al- to cover, the Holy Qur’an teaches love, af- restlessness and unease and this requires that mighty bestow His Grace and Blessings fection, peace, reconciliation and the spirit of by creating an atmosphere of love and affec- upon you. sacrifice. The Holy Qur’an states repeatedly tion, we remove this anxiety and fear, that we As Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya that one who does not adopt righteousness is convey a message of love and peace to those Muslim Community, I convey to His Holiness far removed from Allah, and therefore, is far around; that we learn to live with ever greater the Pope the message of the Holy Qur’an: Say, removed from the teachings of Islam. Hence, harmony and in a way better than before; and ‘O people of the book! Come to a word equal if anybody portrays Islam as an extreme that we recognise thevalues of humanity. between us and you – that we worship none and violent religion filled with teachings of Today, small-scale wars are erupting in the but Allah, and that we associate no partner bloodshed, then such a portrayal has no link world, while in other places, the superpowers with Him, and that some of us take not others with the real Islam. are claiming to try and bring about peace. It for lords beside Allah.’ The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is no longer a secret that on the surface we Islam, nowadays, is under the glare of the practises only the true Islam and works are told one thing, but behind the scenes their world, and is frequently targeted with vile purely to please God Almighty. If any Church real priorities and policies are secretly being allegations. However, those raising these alle- or other place of worship stands in need of fulfilled. Can peace in the world be established gations do so without studying any of Islam’s protection, they will find us standing shoul- in such circumstances is the question. It is real teachings. Unfortunately, certain Islamic der to shoulder with them. If any message with regret that if we now observe the current organisations due only to their vested interests resonates from our mosques it will only be circumstances of the world closely, we find have portrayed Islam in a totally wrong light. that of Allah is Great and that we bear witness that the foundation for another world war has As a result, distrust has increased in the hearts that there is none worthy of worship except already been laid. If after the Second World of the people of Western and non-Muslim Him and Muhammadsaw is the Messenger War a path of equity leading to justice was fol- countries towards Muslims, to the extent of Allah. lowed, we would not witness the current state that even otherwise extremely well-educated A factor playing a major role in destroy- of the world, whereby it has again become en- people make baseless allegations against the ing the peace of the world is that some gulfed in the flames of war. As a consequence Founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muham- people perceive that as they are intelligent, of so many countries having nuclear weapons, madsaw. well-educated and liberated, they are free to grudges and enmities are increasing and the The purpose of every religion has been to ridicule and mock founders of religions. To world sits on the precipice of destruction. If bring man closer to God and establish human maintain peace in society it is necessary for these weapons of mass destruction explode, values. Never has the founder of any religion one to eliminate all sentiments of hostility many future generations will never forgive taught that his followers should usurp the from one’s heart and to increase one’s lev- us for having inflicted permanent disabilities 8 MuslimSunrise upon them. There is still time for the world to a wonderful example of justice. I frequently brotherhood to be created. It is my prayer pay attention to the rights of the Creator and remind the world that these excessive enmi- that we all understand our responsibilities of His Creatures. ties towards others are completely usurping and play our role in establishing peace and I believe that now, rather than focusing on human values and so are leading the world love, and for the recognition of our Creator the progress of the world, it is more impor- towards obliteration. in the world. We ourselves have prayer, and tant, indeed it is essential, that we urgently As you have an influential voice in the we constantly beseech Allah that may this increase our efforts to save the world from world, I urge you to also inform the wider destruction of the world be avoided. I pray this destruction. There is an urgent need for world that by placing obstacles in the way of that we are saved from the destruction that mankind to recognise its Creator as this is the natural balance established by God, they awaits us. the only guarantor for the survival of human- are moving rapidly towards annihilation. This ity; otherwise, the world is rapidly moving message needs to be conveyed further and Mirza Masroor Ahmad towards self-destruction. If today man really wider than ever before and with much greater Khalifatul Masih V wants to be successful in establishing peace, prominence. Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim then instead of finding fault with others, he All the religions of the world are in need Community International should try to control the Satan within. By re- of religious harmony and all the people of moving his own evils, a person should present the world need a spirit of love, affection and Khalifatul Masih V - His Excellency Nicolas Sarkozy Dear Mr. President, Unfortunately, we can only see a small minority of Muslims continue to present an In view of rapidly changing circumstances entirely distorted picture of Islam and act on in the world, I must send you this letter be- their beliefs. The love I have for the Holy cause as President of the French Republic, Prophet Muhammadsaw, who was a Mercy you have the power to make decisions that for all mankind, compels me to tell you that will affect not only your nation, but the you should not believe that their actions are world as a whole. In my opinion, the world’s the true Islam and that you keep using their governments should be extremely concerned misguided acts as a pretext to undermine the about the current state of things in the world. feelings of the majority of peaceful Muslims. Injustices and hostilities among nations are Recently, a person without pity or heart shot about to switch to a global conflict. of French soldiers in the South of France for The last century witnessed two world tions of children born with severe physical no reason; few days later, he entered a school wars. After WWI, the League of Nations was and genetic defects. We know that in Japan, and killed three innocent Jewish children created, but the demands of justice were not the only country to experience the devastat- and their teachers. We observe such cruelty so far honored and, consequently, this led to ing destruction of nuclear war, though seven regularly in Islamic countries, so much so World War II, leading ultimately to the use decades have passed, the effects of atomic that all these acts give the opponents of Is- of atomic bombs. Subsequently, the United bombs continue to occur in newborns. lam as well fuel their hatred to express that Nations was created for the protection of So I humbly ask you to do everything you can a base from which to pursue their objectives human rights and to maintain peace on earth. to extinguish the enmity and mistrust that persists on a large scale. However, if the means to avoid war have been between the Muslim and non-Muslim world. As a Muslim, I want it absolutely clear that considered, the fact remains that today we Among European countries, there are those Islam does not allow cruelty or oppression observe that the foundations for World War who misinterpret the teachings and traditions in any form. The Holy Qur’an says that the III has already been laid. Many nations, large of Islam and have imposed certain restrictions killing of an innocent person is tantamount and small, now have atomic bombs. What is based on their fears and misunderstanding. Some to killing all mankind. This is an injunction worrying is the fact that some of the nuclear other countries may follow suit. The Muslim which is absolute and without exception. The powers of the least important are irresponsible extremists’ animosity against the West would be Qur’an also declares that, even if a country and ignorant compared to the devastating further inflamed by any inappropriate action by or people vow of enmity towards you, this consequences of these weapons. In the event the Western countries leading to even more re- should not prevent you from acting in a totally that nuclear weapons are used, it is not at all ligious intolerance and discord. Islam, however, fair and equitable to them. Animosities and inconceivable that what occurs immediately is a peaceful religion that teaches us not to use rivalries must not lead you to take revenge after is horrific and that day is apocalyptic in evil to fight evil. We, the Ahmadiyya Muslim or to act disproportionately. If you want the nature. The weapons available today are so Community, follow this principle, we believe in conflicts are resolved in the best way, try to destructive they could lead to several genera- finding peaceful solutions to all problems. search it for amicable solutions. Summer 2012 9 I understand that many Western countries The humble petition that I make to you, contrary, our future generations will suffer have generously allowed the inhabitants of as well as all world leaders, is that instead the horrible consequences of our actions poor countries and underdeveloped to settle of using force to suppress other nations, and our children worldwide are born with on their respective territories, among whom have recourse to diplomacy, dialogue and deformities. I pray that God Almighty will are Muslims. It is a fact that many Muslims wisdom . The major world powers, including help you, and all other world leaders, to live in your country and are citizens. They are France, must play their role is to establish understand this message. mostly law-abiding and sincere. Indeed, Islam peace. They should not use the actions of Please accept, Mr. President, the assur- clearly states that the love for his country is an small countries as a pretext to disturb the ance of my best wishes and my most sincere integral part of faith. The Ahmadiyya Muslim harmony of the world. Also, do I ask you prayers. Community is on this principle, and does ev- once again you try to do everything in your erything to promote this message throughout power to prevent the powers large or small the world. This is the message I send to you to trigger World War III. There should be also, that if the authentic teaching of Islam no doubt in our minds that if we fail in this Mirza Masroor Ahmad has spread in all directions, requirements that task, the effects and implications of such a Khalifatul Masih V make love for the nation and peace and will be war will not be limited only to poor countries Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim honored at national and International. in Asia, Europe and the Americas, on the Community International Khalifatul Masih V - Letter to the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will come to be counted amongst those who This is because undoubtedly, such a war will Dear Prime Minister, hearken to God’s Call, and who successfully involve atomic warfare. find the right path; that path which is in accor- Hence, it is my request to you that instead I recently sent a letter to His Excellency dance with the Guidance of God the Supreme, of leading the world into the grip of a World Simon Peres, President of Israel, regarding the the Master of the heavens and the earth. War, make maximum efforts to save the world perilous state of affairs emerging in the world. We hear reports in the news nowadays from a global catastrophe. Instead of resolving In light of the rapidly changing circumstances, that you are preparing to attack Iran. Yet disputes with force, you should try to resolve I felt it was essential for me to convey my the horrific outcome of a World War is right them through dialogue, so that we can gift our message to you also, as you are the Head of before you. In the last World War, whilst mil- future generations with a bright future rather the Government of your country. lions of other people were killed, the lives of than ‘gift’ them with disability and defects. The history of your nation is closely I shall try to elucidate my views based linked with prophethood and Divine revela- on the following passages from your teach- tion. Indeed, the Prophets of the Children of ings, the first extract being from the Zabur: Israel made very clear prophecies regarding ‘Do not fret because of evil-doers. Do your nation’s future. As a result of disobe- not envy those who do wrong. For they dience to the teachings of the Prophets and shall soon be cut down like the grass, and negligence towards their prophecies, the wither like the green herb. Trust in God, Children of Israel had to suffer difficulties and do good. Dwell in the land, and enjoy and tribulations. If the leaders of your na- safe pasture. Also delight yourself in God, tion had remained firm in obedience to the and he will give you the desires of your Prophets, they could have been saved from heart. Commit your way to God. Trust enduring various misfortunes and adversi- also in him, and he will do this: He will ties. Thus, it is your duty, perhaps even more make your righteousness go forth as the so than others, to pay heed to the prophecies hundreds of thousands of Jewish persons were dawn, and your justice as the noon day sun. and injunctions of the Prophets. also wasted. As the Prime Minister, it is your Rest in God, and wait patiently for him. Do I address you as the Khalifa of that Prom- duty to protect the life of your nation. The not fret because of him who prospers in his ised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (peace be upon current circumstances of the world indicate way, because of the man who makes wicked him), who was sent as the servant of the Holy that a World War will not be fought between plots happen. Cease from anger, and forsake Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of only two countries, rather blocs will come into wrath. Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing. Allah be upon him); and the Holy Prophet formation. The threat of a World War breaking For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) out is a very serious one. The life of Muslims, wait for God shall inherit the land. For yet a was sent as the Mercy for All Mankind amongst Christians and Jews are all at peril from it. If little while, and the wicked will be no more. the brethren of the Children of Israel in the such a war occurs, it will result in a chain reac- Yes, though you look for his place, he is not semblance of Moses (peace be upon him) tion of human destruction. The effects of this there. But the humble shall inherit the land, (Deuteronomy, 18:18). Hence, it is my duty to catastrophe will be felt by future generations, and shall delight themselves in the abundance remind you of God’s Message. I hope that you who will either be born disabled, or crippled. of peace.’ (Zabur, 37:1-11) 10 MuslimSunrise

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organization, . A Letter to the Critics of Islam. Dear Critics,. As-salamu alaikum. Peace be upon you.
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