InDe fenosfe Anarchism RoberPta ulW olff UNIVERSITYO F CALIFORNAI PRESS Berkel•e Lyo sA ngel•e sL ondon � . UniversoiftC ya lifornPirae ss Berkelaenyd L osA ngeleCsa,l ifornia UniversoiftC ya lifornia PressLt,d . LondonE,n gland FirsCta lifornPiaap erbaPcrki ntin1g99 8 LibraroyfC ongreCsast aloging-in-PubliDcaattai on WolffR,o berPta ul. Ind efenosfea narchiIsR mo berPta ul Wolf. p. cm. Originalpluyb lishNeedw:Y or:k Harpe&r Row,1 970i,ns eries: HarpeTro rchbooTkBs ,1 541Wi.t h newp ref. Includbeisb liograprheifcearle nacnedsi ndex. ISBN0 520-21573-7 1.A uthorit2y..D emocracy3.. An archism.4 .S tatTeh,e . I.T itle. JC571.W861 998 335.'8 3 dc21 98-16131 CIP Copyrig©h 1t9 701,9 9b8y R obert PWaoullff . Al righrtess erved. Printiendt heU nitedS tatoefsA merica 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 Thep apeurs edi nt hipsu blicatiisbo ont ha cid-free andt otalclhyl orine-(fTrCeFe)I .tm eettsh emin imum requiremeonfAt mse ricaSnt andafrodr I nformation Sciences PermaonfeP nacpee rf orP rinteLdi brary MateriaAlNsS,I Z 39.48 1998 4. Contents Prefatcote h 1e 99Ed8i,t ion vi Preface xxvii ONE!T HE CONFLIBCETT WEEANU THORITYA ND AUTONOMY 1.T heC onceopfAt u thority 3 2. TheC onceopfAt u tonomy 12 3.T heC on1lBiecttw eAeunt horaintdy Autonomy 18 TWO: THES OLUTIOONFC LASSICAL DEMOCRACY 1.D emocyr atIchsOe n lFye asiSbolluet ion2 1 2.U nanimDoiurseD cetmc oracy 22 3.R epresenDteamtoicvrea cy 27 4.M ajiotrarDieamno cracy 38 THRE:E BEYONTD HEL EGITIMASTTEA TE 1.T he Qfuoetrsh tLee g itimSaatttee 69 2.U topian ofaW orlWdi thoSuattt e7s8 Preftaotc hee Edition 1998 Moret hana quartoefra centuargyo I, publislhietdtb loaeo k InD efeonfAsn ea rchism. witthh ep rovocattiivtel e, Theb ook conformeIdl ,i kteo t hinkt,oB ertraRnuds selplr'ess cription fora n "ideafolr mo fa worki np hilosophy("q uoting Arthur Dantino theN.o vembe1r7 1,9 9i7s suoeft heN atio"Inst)h :ou ld begiwni thp ropositnioo onnse w ouldq uestiaonnd c onclude with propositnioo onnse w oulda cceptT.h"e p remiseo ft he iis bookw asq uitien disputEaabclheo :f hasa no verridoibnlgi gatitoonb em oralaluyt onomo�unsd;t hec oncluswiaosnq u ite outrageoAu mso:r allleyg itismtaatteie sa logiciamlp ossibility. They eawra s1 970ri,g hitnt hem iddloefw hath asc omet o bec allesdo,m ewhaitn accurat"etlhySe,i xtieasn,d"t heb ook receivae gdr eadte aolf n otifcoer a philosophicalv ierstsuay, allayl ol fi tn egatiEvvee.r syi ngrleevi ewer-antdh erwee re ma�y-saitdh atth ea rgumenotf t heb ookw asf atallflya wed. JeffrReeyi maenv enw rotae s horbto oki nr esponaspep,r opri InD efeonfPs oel itPihciallo s,o phy atelcya lled inw hichhe u n dertootko d emonstrtahteef alsiotfym y thesiTsh.e o nly persoinnt hep hilosophwiocralwldh oa greewdi tmhe ,t ot he �esotf m y knowledwgaes,a younggr adua.tset udaentFt l an dersU niversiintA yu stralPi.aD ,.J ewellw,h od efendmeyd positiionhn i sd octordailse srtatiaonnd,t henp ublishetdh e viii Prefatoct eh 1e9 9E8d ition resulint sa b ookc allBedy W haAtu thorAint�yr?c hitshme, Stataen.dt hIen dividual. Nevertheleevsesr,y oniets, e emedr,e adt heb ookif, onlyt o disagrwieteh itA.n othedro ctorsatlu denTta,n yaS negirova, thitsi mien M oscowm,a dei tt hef ocuosf h erdi sserta[tailon thougahs,s het olmde whens hev isitmeed i nN orthampton, Mass.s,h eh adt og ets pecipaelr missfiroonmh ers upervisors tor eadi t] ase venr equirreeda difnogr a whiloen the Moral SciTernicpeoa st C ambridUgnei versIi htayv.e a lways beenc onvinctehdat th er easle croefti tssu ccelsasyi nt hef act thaittw asa perfeocnte -weaesks ignmienna t c oursoet herwise devottedom ainstrepaoml ititchaelo rNyo. p rofesisnoh ri so r herr ighmitn d wouldde votae s ubstanptoiratli oofna semester toa works os ubversainvdeu nAmericnano,tt os ayu ndemo cratibcu,ta ftesro ldiertihnrgo ugHho bbesL,o ckeR,o usseau, and Kanto ns ocicaoln tratchte oriytw, a sr athefru nt os pend a fewt hrowawsaeys siboenast iunpgo nW olff. Therwee res omfea nso,fc oursAef.t etrh eb ooka ppeareId , receivae ndu mbero fw arm,a pprecialteitvteef rrso mr ight wingl ibertarai afnasct,th agta vem e greatpearu seI, m ust confestsh,a na lolf t heh ighltye chniccoauln ter-arguimne nts thep hilosophjiocuarln aBlust.w itht hea pplicaotfia o cne r taianm ounotf d ialectliocgaiIlcm ,a nagetdo r eassumryes elf thaItw asr ealnloyta closreeta ctionary. Sot hel ittbloeo kh ass urvivaendd,n ow,t hanktsot heg ra ciougse nerosoiftt yh eU niversoiftC ya liforPnrieas si,st o havey eta nothleirf Teh.e P ress's PapEedribta,ocC rkh arlene Woodcochka,s i nvitmeed t ow ritae n ewP refafcoer I nD e fensseug,g esttihnagIt mighlti kpee rhaptso s ays omething aboutth er elationosfht ihpie ss satyo m orer ecenatc ademic worki np olitipchaill osopIwh iyl.hl a vea goa tt hata, b ilta ter Preftaotch 1ee9 9E8d itioix n oni nt hiPsr efacbeu,tfi rsts,i ncteh ilsi ttbloeo kh asa rather oddh ist,o rwilyIl teltlh es tor'Oyfh owi tc amet ob e. InD efeonfAs nea rcahcitusamllhya di tsst aritn1 96as0Ii reactitoont hep ersonal emotionawla ss suftfreersisbn egI causoef tchaem paiaggna innsutc lewaera ponasn dn ucledaer terrenTchee.n a younIgn strucitnPo hri losoapnhdyG eneral EducatiaotnH arvardI, h ad/becodmeee pliyn volviendt he rl!-thedre speraetfef omratn yo fu sw erem akintgo p ersuade Americaonfst hei nsaniotfty h en ucleaarrm sr aceT.h em on strousnoefts hsed angeorfsn uclewaera ponasn dt heb lindiless ofo ure lectaendd u nelectleeda dedrrso vael lo fu sa little crazyF.o rm e,t heb reakipnogi ncta meo nea fternoiontn h e HarvarUdn ionw,h ereI begaanil a rgumentw iths omeH ar vardl uminatrhya rta piddleys cendiendta o s houtimnagt chI. cannorte canlolw w hom y opponenwta s,b uti tc oulhda ve beena nyo fa numbero fp eoplHea.r vartdh ena,s n ow,w as fulolf a mbitious, scellefv-esra,t miesnfiw ehdo sbee liienft he infalliobfit lhietioyrw ni ntellleecdtt hse md ownt hep atht o succeasnsd f ollHye.n ryK isisngeMrc,G eorgBeu ndyZ,b igniew Brzezinosnkt ih,e iwra yt oW ashingtmoans,sm urde,ra ndt he � NoblP eacPer ize. Ata nyr atet,h ea rgumenitn t heU niognr ewm oreh eated, andI musth avew iggeodu tb,e cautshee n extth inIgk newI, waso runnidnogw nM assachusAevtetnsu et owarHda rvard Squaraes f asats I couldi,nt het hroeosfa full-sacnaxliee ty attacWkh.e nI recoverIe dde,c idetdh aIt hadi ob acko ff somehofwr omt hei ntensoiftt yh ed ailfyr,u straetfifnogtr ot persuaddeea fe arst hatth eyw erel eadiunsgt od estruction. y My-waofp reservmiyn sga nity-raat choepr- oIut th ougahtt thet ime-watso r etreiantt poo litictahle orayn,d spemnyd timteh inkianbgo utth ei ntellecftouuanld atiooftn hsem adness ... x Preftaoct eh 1e9 9E8d ition thapta ssefdo ro fficiUa.l S .p olic,yS.oI spenat g oodm any tranquhiolu rmsa steriGnagm eT heorayn dC ollectCihvoei ce Theorya,s w elals t hep hysiocfsf allosuhte lteBrust.I also launchaendi nvestigianttitooh nef oundatiooftn hsel egitimacy oft hea uthoroiftt yh es tate. As a studeonftt hep hilosoopfhI ym manueKla ntI, n atu rally contcheeiq vueeds tioofsn t atlee gitimaastc hye p roblem ofm akintgh em oraalu tonomoyft hei ndividualc-etnhtee r piecoef K ant'est hictahle ory-compawtiitbhtlh ee a uthority claimtsh aMta x Weberh adi dentiafiset dh eh allmaorfkt he statSeo.m y firsetf forwtesr e tihnef ormo fa ne ssaeyn titled "TheF undamentParlo bleomf P olitiTchaelo ryI. r"e adt hat essahye rea ndt herien,C ambridagned t heni nC hicagfoo,r severyaela rsu,n tiiln 1 964I waso fferae dP rofessorasth ip Columbia UnivBeyrt shiittsiy m.e I,h adg rowwne aroyf r ead inga papeirn w hicIh p osead p robleomn ltyo c onfetshsa It coulndo tfi nda solutisoonI , h adt aketno c allintgh ep aper, "TheI mpossiboifla i Stoyl utitootn h eF undamentParlo blem ofP olitiPchaill osophy." When I arrivaetdC olumbiian t heF allo f1 964,I was greetbeydA rthuDra ntoa,l reaad mye mbero ft heP hilosophy Departmewnitt,ah p roposition.h aAdr'tbheureren c ruibtye d Harpe&r Rowt oa ssembal ceo llectviovleu moefo rigineasls ays tob ec alleTd heH arpGeuri dteoP hilosHoaprhpyecr.o nceived thiass o neo fa serioefsh andsomveo lumebso,u ndi nh alcfa lf, tob ec alled colltehceHt airvpeelGryu ides-Haa rpeGru idteo Arta, HarpeGru idteo M usiacri ds of ortAhs.o nee diteoxr plainteodm e somey earlsa tewrh,e nI a skehdi mw hoo ne arth wouled verre adt hesveo lumeHsa,r pewra s" aimingm orea t theb ookb uyintgh ant heb ookr eadipnugb licA.t"a nyr ate, Arthuhra dr oundeudp a stellaasrs emblaogfae u thors for thesees saybsu,tI saiBahe rlihna dj usttu rnehdi md ownf or Preftaoct eh1 e9 9E8d itioxni theP olitiPchaill osocpohnyt ributainodhn e,w asa bidte sper ateW.o uldI writiet W?e llI, w asa boutto b egian f ull-scale four-times-pas-ywceheoka nawiltyhsa insU pperE astS idaen alysattt hef orbiddpirnigco ef$ 25an h our( myw holaen nual salartyh atfi rsty earw as$ 1l,00s0o)m y onlyq uestitoon Arthuwra s," Howm uchi st hea dvanceF?i"v eh undredh,e saida,n dI w asi nT.h atw asfi vew eekosf a nalysis. Then exstu mmerw,h ilIew ast eachisnugm mesrc hooIls ,a t downt ow ritteh ee ssayA.r thuhra ds aids omethivnagg ue [vaguenewsassA rthurc'hsa ractermiosdteio cf discourse] aboustk etchwihnagt w ash appeniantg" thfeo,r efroonftt hse field,b"u tI d ecidteodi gnotrhea atn ds implsye fto rtmhy own politipchaill osopOhvye.rt hec oursoefs everwaele kdsu ring thes ummerI, w rotaen eightpya gee ssaeyn,t it"lPeodl itical Philosopwhhyi,c"lh a iodu tt hef ull-svcearlsei oofnt hea rgu mentI h adb eenr etailfionrfig v ey earnso wo n� e incompati biliotfyi ndividmuoarla alu tonoll).wyi tha nys tatcel aimtso authorwihtayt soever. WhenI w rotteh ee ssaiyn 1 965th,eF reeS peecmho vement hads tartaetdB erkelbeuyt,t heV ieNta m Warw ass tiilnli ts vereya rlisetsatg easn,dt hec hallengteoas u thoroifta yn ys ort, whicwhe ret op latyo l argae p aritn A mericpaunb lliicf wee,r e stiilntl h ef uture. TneH arpeGrui del anguishaessd u,c ht hinogfst edno .T he origiendailt oFrr,e dW ieckw,a sr eplacfeodra bibty AI Pret tymana,n dt henb y HughV anD usent,h eg enereadli toorf HarpeTro rchbooaknsd s tial sle nieodri taotrH arperCollins ' [asit isn owc alleBdy] .1 970I ,ha dp ublishae ndu mbero f � tiilgisn w hicIhh adr atheorp timistirceaflelryrt eotd h ee ssay as" forthcomibnugtt, h"e b ookm arkehta dc hangeadn,d i t wasp rettcyl eatrh eH arper Guiwdeersen evegro intgo a p pearS.o met imien e arlSpyr ingo ft hayte a,r cIa lleHdu ghV an