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Preview IN COSMETICS Hambourg

FRENCH PAVILION IN COSMETICS Hambourg 1-3 April 2014 - hAll A3 and hAll A1 « Fragrance in Cosmetics » Zone Experience French Excellence floor plan Hall 3E 70 Hall 3F 10 interAxion A3 - 3e72 mérieux lAborAtoires pierre nutrisCienCes Anios FAbre A3 - 3F71 A3 - 3F70 A3 - 3g69 FrAnCe mAo3n -o 3ie t7i0ki vmi AA3l C- o3ogl1s9 sysgrove Ced A3 - 3F20 sAint-gobAin A3 - 3F69 ies lAbo A3 - 3g67 A3 - 3e68 Argile du A3 - 3F68 Adeirnl lyy ionnv est pArFums A3v e- l3AFy6 7 A3 - 3g65 polymerex- longpre pert A3 - 3e66 pleCers CotoxlAb A3 - 3g17 A3 - 3F65 interpolymer biosynthis A3 - 3F16 heliosCreen skinlAbs A3 - 3F62 A3 - 3g63 Alkion A3 - 3e62 A3 - 3F63 biophArmA A3 - 3F14 sednA terrAmAter Hall 3E 50 biodiversite A3 - 3g15 inAbAtA setAlg CosmACt plAnt sFA romAni A3 - 3F12 A3 - 3e60 A3 - 3F61 AdvAnCed A3 - 3g59 teChnologies (pAt) A3 - 3F60 novACyl bretAgne miChel A3 - 3g11 CommerCe bertin Ae3p -h 3yel5A8 idnitAeAnr3An -p A3ltFAi5o9nntAsl An3A -o 3lgy5s7 A3 - 3F10 sCienCes quAntiFiCAre A3 - 3F57 A3 - 3F56 Cbb A3h -it 3eex5 6 de/ vCAeA3lpo -bp 3pioFet5m5eekn t insmtiotnuoti du pAko3rl -yA m3tgoe5nr5 s "FRaGRaNCE IN COSMETICS" zONE: Hall a1 st mAlo A3 - 3F54 ubiFrAnCe AgromerAtion grAe3 e-n 3peh54yt A3 - 3F53 uAb3iF -r 3AFn5C2e nA3o v- A3sge5p3 bo1Fnrt o0u7x 1Fr 06 1mFArn 0e5 Av1liFebrile 0lr4et 1sForZ i0o3 1Fr 06 ArdoiF1mFFArut s0iqi1oune s CimAprem AAg3 r- i3mee5r0 A3 - 3F51 lAAbs3oo -rn A3iAFtmo50r ie Aq3u -im 3dg5is1 1Fr 08 Hall 3E 30 Hall 3F 30 1Fr 09 spinControl A3 - 3e40 FruitoFood orion A3 - 3F41 AA3i g- l3oFn40 CAo3 n- C3egp39t 1Fr 10 eoteCh A3 - 3g37 lAborAtoires ConCept sCienCes & AromAtique mer puriFunCtion 1Fr 11 A3 - 3e36 A3 - 3F37 syres A3 - 3F36 totAl CosmetiC Fluides vAlley CosmetiCs A3 - 3e34 A3 - 3F35 in AquitAine lAborAtoire A3 - 3g35 bio-eC A3 - 3F34 ebAi/3e -b 3ine3n2ov vAe3g e- p3oFl3y3s sAA3s -g 3eFn3e2x glyCodiAg minAsolve id bio toyAl europe A3 - 3g33 A3 - 3e30 A3 - 3F31 A3 - 3F30 greenphArmA A3 - 3g31 SUMMarY paGES Hall a3 paGES Hall a1 FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S 4 aDErlY InVEST lYon 42 KraTon polYMErS 5 aGrIMEr 43 laBoraToIrES anIoS 6 aIGlon 44 laBoraToIrE BIo-EC 7 FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S alBErT VIEIllE 45 laBoraToIrES SCIEnCES ET MEr 8 alKIon BIoCoSMETICS 46 laBoraToIrE SonIaM 9 arGIlE DU VElaY 47 FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S ManE 10 BErTIn 48 MÉrIEUX nUTrISCIEnCES 11 BIoSYnTHIS 49 MInaSolVE 12 FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S BonToUX s.a. 50 MonoÏ TIKI 13 BrETaGnE CoMMErCE InTErnaTIonal 51 naolYS 14 CBB DEVEloppEMEnT / CapBIoTEK 52 noVaCYl 15 CED 53 noVaSEp 16 CEnTrE loISIr VallEY rEGIon 54 orIon ConCEpT/ orIon TECHno laBT.M 17 CIMaprEM 55 parfUMS lonGprE 18 CIToXlaB 56 pEClErS parIS 19 FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S ConCEpT aroMaTIQUE 57 pIErrE faBrE ConTraCT 20 CoSMaCT s.a.s ManUfaCTUrInG 21 CoSMETICS In aQUITaInE 58 planT aDVanCED TECHnoloGIES p.a.t 22 CoSMETIC VallEY 59 polYMErEXpErT 23 DIanaplanT SCIEnCES 60 pUrIfUnCTIon 24 FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S DIffUSIonS aroMaTIQUES 61 QUanTIfICarE 25 EBI / EBInnoV 62 QUIMDIS 26 EoTECH 63 SaInT-GoBaIn SpECIalITY GraInS 27 EpHYla & poWDErS 28 franCE alCoolS 64 SaInT Malo aGGloMEraTIon 29 frUITofooD 65 SEDna / BIoDIVErSITE TErraMaTEr 30 GEnEX laBoraTorY 66 SETalG 31 GlYCoDIaG 67 Sfa roManI 32 GrEEnpHarMa s.a.s 68 SKInlaBS 33 GrEEnpHYT 69 FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S SoZIo 34 HElIoSCrEEn 70 SpInConTrol 35 HITEX 71 SYrES 36 ID BIo 72 SYSGroVE 37 IES laBo 73 ToTal flUIDES 38 InaBaTa franCE s.a.s 74 ToYal EUropE 39 InSTITUT DU MonoÏ 75 VEGEpolYS 40 InTEraXIon 76 VMI 41 InTErpolYMEr Hall a I I l a3 derly nvest n yon 3G65 place de la Bourse ConTaCT 69289 lYon CEDEX 02 - franCE Nathalie laURENT Tel: +33 (0)4 72 40 57 50 project advisor fax: +33 (0)4 72 40 57 35 [email protected] www.investinlyon.com ADERLY invEst in LYon is thE LYon AREA Economic AgEncY. ACtivities ADERLY is one of the first economic ADERLY introduces you to venture capital development agencies created in France. firms and the local network of lenders to help Founded in 1974, ADERLY will accompany you successfully start up and develop your and advise you throughout your projects to biotech business in France, in Lyon. set up or expand your business in Lyon or its The Lyon metropolitan area offers a vast surrounding area. range of business properties suited to the Relocate to Lyon, ADERLY will support your needs of the life sciences companies looking relocation project every step of the way with to set up in the region. tailor-made services. ADERLY assists you with the set-up and Based on your specifications and depending facilitates access to subsidized sites at on the size of your project, ADERLY organizes competitive rates. The agency’s recruitment for you one-to-one business meetings with service can help you find the qualified staff potential customers and R&D partners. you need, in a job market that is less costly ADERLY connects you with R&D funding than Paris. sources and facilitates the development of For your R&D project, ADERLY connects you your business: government, local authorities to key opinion leaders in the biotech field. and the Innovation Agency. ADERLY will act as headhunter to find the best staff possible for your company and will organize hiring interviews for you. 4 Hall agrImer Finr acogsrmanetciec s a3 3E50 B.p. 29 - prat Menan ConTaCT 29880 ploUGUErnEaU - franCE Noël GUElENNOC Tel: +33 (0)2 98 04 54 11 Sale Manager fax: +33 (0)2 98 04 55 15 [email protected] www.agrimer.com PRivAtE LAbEL AnD ActivE ingREDiEnts mAnufActuRER. ACtivities ingredient list For more than 20 years AGRIMER has been • ALGAE: Ascophyllum nodosum, Chondrus the first French group able to manage the full Cripus, Fucus vesiculosus, Himanthalia process of marine cosmetics, from fresh algae elongata, Girgatina stellata, Laminaria digitata, to the finished product. Lithothamnium calcareum, Palmaria palmata, Our marine expertise makes us a privileged Porphyra umbilicalis, Spirulina maxima, partner in the development of your marine Ulva lactuca, Undaria pinnatifida. • MARINE cosmetic products, providing you with a full PLANTS: Aster maritima, Critmum maritimum service in formulation, regulation or marketing (Sea fennel), Immortal, Limonium latifolium, aspects. Salicornia herbacea • AQUACTIFS: Cytoplasma, Polymarines • BODY: Bath/Shower, Scrub, new produCts Serums/activators, Massage, Body wrap, Body Active ingredients: For five years, AGRIMER, care • FACE: Exfoliator, Serums, Massage, associated with the “Pôle Mer Bretagne“, Mask, Peel-Off Mask, Face care, Make up a maritime competitiveness network of remover. researchers, has launched the research program AQUACTIF, aiming to discover new CertiFiCAtes/regulAtion species of seaweeds and new performing active • Good Manufacturing Practices ingredients. This very successful program • Organic products certification: ECOCERT allows us to present, as a first step, two active ingredients issued from the red algae Calliblepharis jubata, and showing objective dermo-cosmetic activity on collagen synthesis, anti-inflammatory response and cell protection. 3 new products: enzymatic peeling wax: This wax has a comfortable, efficient and multi-functional texture for immediate beauty results on the skin complexion. oily peel-offs: These specific gels, shaken with water, create uniform and comfortable peel-off masks for nourishing, soothing or anti-ageing skin cares. mousse masks: 3 items based on a powder having the ability to absorb 40 times its volume in water or lotion. With only 4 g of powder, you prepare a fresh and airy Mousse with soothing, anti-ageing or brightening properties. 5 Hall a a3 Iglon 3f40 B.p. 107 - route de Boran ConTaCT 60460 prECY SUr oISE - franCE lindsay WOODHEaD Tel: +33 (0)3 44 27 66 93 Export fax: +33 (0)3 44 27 60 55 [email protected] www.aiglon.eu gmP mAnufActuRER of high PuRitY vAsELinEs foR PhARmAcEuticAL AnD cosmEtic inDustRiEs. ACtivities ingredient list Established in 1901, AIGLON manufactures • Phamaceutical Codex petroleum jellies, petroleum jellies according to the norms of • Synthetic based jellies, the French Pharmacopeia Codex, the strictest • Paraffin & microcrystalline waxes, reference regarding impurities content. • Mineral oil, In addition to unequalled purity AIGLON • Cosmetic gels. proposes an unbeatable variety of tailor made textures: from “classic” petroleum jellies to CertiFiCAtes/regulAtion easy spreading, beautifully glossy and pearly Our certifications: products providing a pleasant skin feel. • ISO 9001: 2008 • European GMP part II (Good Manufacturing new produCts Practice for pharmaceutical active principles). AIGLON complements its product catalogue with the AigloSyn range, an alternative to traditional petroleum jellies for mineral-oil free formulations. 6 Hall albert vIeIlle FINR aCOGSRMaNETCIEC S a1 1fr04 629, route de Grasse ConTaCT 06227 VallaUrIS CEDEX - franCE Christophe DElaHaYE Tel: +33 (0)4 93 64 75 59 Sales Manager www.albertvieille.com [email protected] moRE thAn 200 ARomAtic RAw mAtERiALs 100% PuRE & nAtuRAL foR YouR cREAtions! ACtivities ingredient list For nearly a century, ALBERT VIEILLE has More than 200 aromatic ingredients 100% specialized in 100% pure & natural aromatic pure & natural shipping from the entire world, raw materials. We produce and distribute a wide including: range of essential oils, absolutes, concretes, • Centifolia rose, resinoids, gums and floral waters. • Damask Rose, Our vast nestwork of producers in the entire • Neroli, world offers us traced essential oils and • Iris pallida, guaranteed pure and natural qualities. • Jasmine grandiflorum, • Jasmine sambac, new produCts • Tuberose, 3 new products from our commitment to • Osmanthus, responsible sectors: • Lavender, • Balsam of Peru Essential Oil Salvador, • Everlasting. • Balsam of Peru Resinoid Salvador, • Vetiver Essential Oil Haïti. environmentAl As we are keenly aware of the responsibilities we have upstream of our supply chains, we seek trade with agricultural partners that is more just, more sustainable, all while helping preserve biodiversity. Our values are based on respect for cultures, traditions, nature and biodiversity of local communities. We ensure transfer of our agronomical, technological and project management skills to serve communities. 7 Hall a b a3 lkIon IocosmetIcs 3f14 4, rue pierre fontaine ConTaCT 91058 EVrY - franCE Franck pRaDIER Mob.: +33 (0)6 19 70 71 78 Managing Director www.alkion-biopharma.com [email protected] DEvELoPmEnt & PRoDuction of oPtimizED PLAnt cELLs (cALLus / unDiffEREntiAtED / stEm cELLs, hYPERActivE ExtRActs / DiffEREntiAtED cELLs). ACtivities ingredient list Development & Production of tailored-made • Stem cells, optimized plant cells (callus / undifferentiated, • Hyperactive Extracts, hyperactive extracts / differentiated). • Plant extracts. Exclusive service of R&D (development of callus / hyperactive extracts, search of actives, CertiFiCAtes/regulAtion optimisation of the compounds). Products can be certified: Portfolio of marketed plant cells. • ECOCERT, • COSMOS. new produCts Hyperactive Extracts (Edelweiss, Gardenia,…). environmentAl Technology using a sustainable lifecycle production. 8 Hall argIle du velay Finr acogsrmanetciec s a3 3f67 Z.a. de nolhac ConTaCT 43350 SaInT-paUlIEn - franCE Marina ValENTIN Tel: +33 (0)4 71 02 41 37 Export and Development Manager www.argileduvelay.com [email protected] fREnch ExPERt in thE ExtRAction of cLAY. ACtivities environmentAl ARGILE DU VELAY has its own clay deposit in Our green clay is a natural resource of France. With its strong experience in the field astonishing value. It is a wonderful gift from of clays, Argile du Velay is a reference. The nature. Consistent with this, ARGILE DU company provides expert advices and offers a VELAY delivers the natural benefits of green range of very high purity clays. clay to markets worldwide while making sure From its quarry, ARGILE DU VELAY extracts an production processes are environmentally exceptional green clay, but offers also (thanks friendly and sustainable. Some of the ways we to strong partnerships) colors clays carefully have gains for the environment include: carbon selected. Its innovative and efficient industrial footprint measurement, water management process allows the company to offer mastered and conservation, solar energy, reduction of particle sizes in order to supply fine and fossil fuel use. In 2008, ARGILE DU VELAY reproducible French mineral powders. won the French environment and energy We developed a laboratory in order to be able management agency’s eco-efficiency award for to help and advice our customers in their its development and use of efficient and clean formulations. technologies. We work in a perfect transparency with our customers worldwide. ingredient list Made in France: new produCts • Velay Green Clay, Launching of new references exclusively • Red clay, dedicated to the cosmetic market. We improved • Yellow clay, our offer in order to meet specifications of • White clay, cosmetic regulation (even if this regulation • Kaolin clay, mainly concerns finished products). This • Blue clay. exhibition will be an opportunity for us to decline our offer accurately and clearly. CertiFiCAtes/regulAtion Furthermore, we will show you how to prepare All our products have been registered with: a pink clay, and you will discover all our ECOCERT. references. 9 Hall b a3 ertIn 3f10 B.p. 20051 Z.I. la Couture lagny le Sec ConTaCT 60674 lE plESSIS BEllEVIllE Gaëlle lE CROUEROUR franCE r&D Manager Tel: +33 (0)3 44 60 89 27 [email protected] fax: +33 (0)3 44 60 80 76 www.huiles-bertin.com PRoDucER of vEgEtAbLE oiLs AnD nAtuRAL sPEciALtiEs foR cosmEtic AnD nutRAcEutic inDustRiEs. ACtivities ingredient list Production of vegetable oils (virgin, refined and Conventional and organic oils, waxes, natural Organic), natural butters, blends, Macerates, butters, powders. Flowers Essential Waxes, natural actives, and powders (exfoliates, mask) for cosmetic CertiFiCAtes/regulAtion applications. • Organic certification (ECOCERT), • Reach exempted. new produCts • Papamiel Nectar, • Blue Lotus Flowers Essential Wax, • Magnolia Super-Extract, • Virgin Hibiscus Oil, • Sandalwood Nut Oil, • Desert Date Tree Oil, • Oryzanoil. 10

in AquitAine. A3 - 3g35. pArFums longpre. A3 - 3e66 greenphyt. A3 - 3e54 ebi/ebinnov. A3 - 3e32. miChel bertin. A3 - 3F10 bontoux. 1Fr 07. mAne naturally exist in the root. Secondary metabolites are extracted from roots - polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids. environmentAl. PAT plant milking®.
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