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Improving the Properties of Permanent Magnets: A Study of Patents, Patent Applications and Other Literature PDF

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IMPROVING THE PROPERTIES OF PERMANENT MAGNETS A Study of Patents, Patent Applications and Other Literature IMPROVING THE PROPERTIES OF PERMANENT MAGNETS A Study of Patents, Patent Applications and Other Literature Edited by G.H.M. KOPER and MARTEN TERPSTRA The Hague, The Netherlands ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LONDON and NEW YORK ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD Crown House, Linton Road, Barking, Essex IGll 8JU, England Sole Distributor in the USA and Canada ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING CO., INC. 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA WITH 13 TABLES AND 63 ILLUSTRATIONS © 1991 ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Improving the properties of permanent magnets. I. Magnetic properties I. Koper, G. H. M. II. Terpstra, Marten 538.3 ISBN 1-85166-610-9 Library of Congress CIP data applied for No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Special regulations for readers in the USA This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (Ccq, Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the USA. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside the USA, should be referred to the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. v PREFACE The present study complements the study on patents, patent applications and other literature on rare earth metals based permanent magnets by Frits Andriessen and Marten Terpstra, published by Elsevier Applied Science in 1989, and complements in part the book on Nd-Fe permanent magnets edited by LV. Mitchell, which was the result of a workshop organized by the Commission of the European Communities and held in Brussels on 25 October 1984. The difference between the content of the first book and that of the present study is that the first is more specifically directed to various kinds and compositions of alloys used in newly developed magnets, while the present book emphasises the improvements obtained when using particular alloys. The study edited by Mitchell deals more specifically with the economic, physical and chemical aspects of rare earth metals based magnet alloys, their properties compared with the more common and classical magnets such as ferro-cobalt alloy magnets, and their applications to various fields of technology. From the present study it has become apparent that there exist only a few patents and patent applications covering a specific use of particular magnets having specific properties to a circuit, arrangement, device or electric motor. This appears to be due to the fact that every manufacturer of such circuits or arrangements applying magnets naturally wants to employ the most effective magnets. Such a consideration, however, cannot be the subject of a patentable invention. In connection with their high energy product, hysteresis properties and their relative low specific gravity, magnets of the Nd-Fe family seem to be preferred to other magnets used in high power electric motors, but because of their low Curie point (± 350 K) such motors have to be cooled extremely, and that implies a substantial increase in manufacturing cost. As a consequence, the trend in the application of rare earth metals alloy magnets to high power devices looks to be directed to the employment of Sm-alloyed magnet materials. The three studies discussed above, either apart or in combination, provide a comprehensive review of the state of the art on permanent magnets, particularly rare earth metals based magnets, and may be a contribution to the labour of all scientists and technologists who are trying to develop new materials for and to improve the properties of permanent magnets. MARTEN TERPSTRA Vll CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Methods to Enhance the Magnetic Properties of Magnets and Magnetic Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.1 Improvement of magnetic characteristics in general. 10 1.1.1 By specifically providing magnetic anisotropy . 10 1.1.2 By using specific compositions. . . . . 19 1.1.3 By providing a low average crystal grain size 20 1.1.4 By heat treatment or by hot-working 26 1.1.5 By other measures. . . . . . . 32 1.2 Improvement of coercivity, remanent flux density and energy product . . . . . . . . 40 1.2.1 By hot working and/or heat treating 40 1.2.2 By addition of specific elements 43 1.2.3 By other measures. . . . . . 44 1.3 Improvement of coercivity and energy product 46 1.4 Improvement of coercivity, saturation magnetization and squareness of hysteresis loop . . . . . . . . 49 1.5 Improvement of coercivity . . . . 50 1.5.1 By addition of specific elements 50 1.5.2 By other measures. . . . . 57 1.6 Improvement of remanent flux density and energy product 60 1.7 Improvement of remanent flux density . . . . 64 1.8 Improvement of energy product and square ratio 66 1.9 Improvement of magnetostrictive response 69 2. Methods to Improve the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Magnets and Magnetic Materials. . . . . . . . . 70 2.1 Improvement of corrosion resistance and thermal stability 70 2.2 Improvement of corrosion resistance 75 2.2.1 By using specific compositions 75 2.2.2 By applying a specific coating . 79 2.2.3 By other measures. . . . . 83 2.3 Improvement of temperature characteristics 91 2.3.1 By using specific compositions. . . 91 2.3.2 By addition of specific elements or compounds 97 2.3.3 By other measures. . . . . . . . . . 101 3. Methods to Improve Other Properties and Characteristics of Magnets and Magnetic Materials . . . . 104 3.1 Improvement of workability 104 viii 3.2 Improvement of sintering characteristics 105 3.3 Improvement of dimensions IlO 3.4 Improvement of mechanical properties . III 4. Methods to Lower the Production Costs of Magnets and Magnetic Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4.1 By using commercial manufacturing processes • . . • Il2 4.2 By eliminating specific costly production steps • • • • 120 4.3 By substituting inexpensive materials for expensive materials 128 4.4 By other measures. • • • • • • • • • • • • 137 5. Methods to Prevent Risks During the Production of Magnets and Magnetic Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 5.1 To prevent the formation of poisonous volatile boron compounds. 141 5.2 To prevent the risk of explosion . • . • • . . . . . • . 145 References 146 Abbreviations Used 147 List of Patentees . 149 INTRODUCTION The present literature study is the result of a comprehensive literature analysis of united states, Japanese, British, French, German, European (Munich) and PCT (Geneva) patents, patent applications and other technical and scientific lite rature, published since January 1986. For conducting the analysis documents classified in accordance with international patent classes (I.P.C.) H 01 F 1/04 through /09 relating to magnetic materials for magnets and magnetic bodies, metals and metal alloys, were studied, and copies of the documents were supplied by the Patent Information Service, TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands. From the study it came apparent that the last years particu larly Japanese technologists and magnet manufacturers have made an intensive research in composing rare earth alloys. Out of the original patents and patent applications discussed in the present survey, the Japanese cover 67%. Obviously this is due to the explosive development of the Japanese electric and electronic industry in the last three decades. Though, due to the language barrier, Japanese patents and other technical specifications are hardly accessible to West ern researchers, fortunately the Japanese Patent Office is providing extensive English language abstracts of the contents of Japanese patents and patent applications, and as a result the Japanese section of the present study has been mainly based on those abstracts. 2 since more than 90% of the documents studied for this survey deal with rare earth metal - iron - boron permanent magnets and their production, as to the grouping in chapters of this literature study has been chosen for methods to improve cer tain properties and production processes, rather than for a grouping according to composition. HISTORY The development of permanent magnet materials can be said to have started around the beginning of this century. However novel in appearance, permanent magnets gave a relatively low performance at that time and in most technological applica tions use was made of electromagnets. Owing to the steady increase in their quality and performance, permanent magnets have gradually superceded electromagnets for most applicat ions. Nowadays permanent magnets are so widely used that one could consider them as indispensable prerequisites of modern technology. By far the largest application of permanent mag nets is in motors and generators. Next in importance are applications in telecommunication, data techniques and measur ing and control devices. Substantial numbers are also used in acoustic devices and magnetomeqhanical applications. -1200 kA/m -800 -l.00 1I .. I Tesla 12 "Tico~al"X) y y 10 8 V NdFe!LtSm~ / 5 B /;V~o t r-- I.. / 2 V / VFxd3~ o -16000 oers ted -8000 -1..000 -H G U 00 DE) e e 2 3 l. 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 The schematic representation on the previous page may serve to illustrate the progress that has been made since the change of the century. The figure shows a number of permanent magnet bodies, the volume of which has been chosen so that each of them represents the same total magnetic energy. Furthermore, the cross-sectional area (~) of these magnets is smaller the higher the magnetic induction (B) so that the magnetic flux (~) is the same for all of them. Finally the different lengths L of the magnets reflect their ability to produce the same magneto-motive force, which is proportional to HL [5]. There are three important classes of permanent magnets: alnicos, discovered in the 1930s, ferrites, invented in late 1940s, and rare earth transition metal alloys, found in the 1960s. These three classes constitute the bulk of the perman ent magnets produced in the world., though their relative share has varied from time to time over this period. Other types of permanent magnets, e.g. Pt-Fe, Fe-Cr-Co, single domain particles etc. are essentially specialty materials [6]. Rare-earth elements is a general term for the 15 elements between lanthanum, with atomic number 57, and lutetium, with atomic number 71, and yttrium, which has similar properties. - Sm2Co17 family - r-- R-Co family - SmCos family Rare earth magnet I- r-- Nd-Fe-B sintered - - R-Fe family Nd-Fe-8 rapid ...... solidification The above table shows the classification of rare earth magnets [7] • 4 NEODYMIUM MAGNETS Neodymium magnetic material is an alloy with boron and iron discovered by a team at the GM Research Labs in the 1970s. Neodymium magnets generally have cost more than samarium cobalt devices because of high neodymium and fabrication costs. Neodymium ore is plentiful - more so than lead, and about the same as tin. But demand has been low, so it has been refined in only small quantities. The ores, which are plenti ful in the U.S. and many other regions, are widely mined and refined as catalysts of petroleum cracking, as misch metal (an alloying agent in metal industries), as flint for cigarette lighters, and as reagents for the glass and ceramic indust ries. But because there has been little demand for pure neodymium, the metal remains combined with other elements in the refined products. Neodymium can be cheaply refined in large volumes when demand justifies it [4]. New magnet manufacturing methods are now being developed as alternatives to sintering. They include rapid quenching of Nd-Fe-B, which can be followed by hot pressing and die-upsetting. Bonded magnet types are being rapidly intro duced that have relatively low energy products. Extrapolating from the commercial success of "rubber ferrite", such products should have a bright future [10]. Much of the work that was originally devoted to optimizing the properties of Sm-Co magnets has been transferred to magnetic materials based on alloys containing neodymium and iron. Ideally, a cheap high performance magnet should be iron-rich. Neodymium has the additional property of being able to contribute axial anisotropy (directional properties) in a suitable crystal structure. For technical and metallurgical reasons, it is necessary to use a small amount of a third element, boron, in order to stabilise useful phases [9].

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