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Improving the Efficiency of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Wall Stress Computations Jaime E. Zelaya1, Sevan Goenezen2, Phong T. Dargon3, Amir-Farzin Azarbal3, Sandra Rugonyi1* 1DepartmentofBiomedicalEngineering,OregonHealth&ScienceUniversity,Portland,Oregon,UnitedStatesofAmerica,2DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering, TexasA&MUniversity,CollegeStation,Texas,UnitedStatesofAmerica,3DepartmentofSurgery,DivisionofVascularSurgery,OregonHealth&ScienceUniversity, Portland,Oregon,UnitedStatesofAmerica Abstract An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a pathological dilation of the abdominal aorta, which carries a high mortality rate if ruptured.Themostcommonlyusedsurrogatemarkerofruptureriskisthemaximaltransversediameteroftheaneurysm. Morerecentstudiessuggestthatwallstressfrommodelsofpatient-specificaneurysmgeometriesextracted,forinstance, fromcomputedtomographyimagesmaybeamoreaccuratepredictorofruptureriskandanimportantfactorinAAAsize progression.However,quantificationofwallstressistypicallycomputationallyintensiveandtime-consuming,mainlydueto thenonlinearmechanicalbehavioroftheabdominalaorticaneurysmwalls.Thesedifficultieshavelimitedthepotentialof computationalmodelsinclinicalpractice.Tofacilitatecomputationofwall stresses,wepropose to usealinearapproach thatensuresequilibriumofwallstressesintheaneurysms.Thisproposedlinearmodelapproachiseasytoimplementand eliminates the burden of nonlinear computations. To assess the accuracy of our proposed approach to compute wall stresses,resultsfromidealizedandpatient-specificmodelsimulationswerecomparedtothoseobtainedusingconventional approaches and to those of a hypothetical, reference abdominal aortic aneurysm model. For the reference model, wall mechanicalpropertiesandtheinitialunloadedandunstressedconfigurationwereassumedtobeknown,andtheresulting wallstresseswereusedasreferenceforcomparison.Ourproposedlinearapproachaccuratelyapproximateswallstressesfor varyingmodelgeometriesandwallmaterialproperties.Ourfindingssuggestthattheproposedlinearapproachcouldbe used asaneffective, efficient,easy-to-use clinical tooltoestimate patient-specific wall stresses. Citation:ZelayaJE,GoenezenS,DargonPT,AzarbalA-F,RugonyiS(2014)ImprovingtheEfficiencyofAbdominalAorticAneurysmWallStressComputations.PLoS ONE9(7):e101353.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353 Editor:MohammadR.K.Mofrad,UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley,UnitedStatesofAmerica ReceivedDecember2,2013;AcceptedJune5,2014;PublishedJuly9,2014 Copyright: (cid:2) 2014 Zelaya et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:ThisworkwassupportedbytheNSFDBI-1052688grantandagrantfromtheOregonClinicalandTranslationalResearchInstitute(OCTRI),National CenterforAdvancingTranslationalSciences(NCATS)NIHTL1TR000129.Thecontentissolelytheresponsibilityoftheauthorsanddoesnotnecessarilyrepresent theofficial viewsofgrant givingbodies.Thefundershad norolein studydesign, data collection and analysis,decisionto publish, orpreparationof the manuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *Email:[email protected] Introduction stresswillresultintissuegrowth(e.g.,increasedwallthickness) and remodeling (e.g., increased collagen deposition) that Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) are pathological dilations lowers wall stress to homeostatic levels; likewise, an increase of the abdominal aorta of at least 3 cm in diameter [1][2]. If in wall shear stress will result in an increase in vascular ruptured, AAAs carry a mortality rate of 90% [3], claiming diameter that will lower shear stresses to homeostatic values. approximately 15,000 American lives annually [2]. Generally, These G&R mechanisms are postulated to act during AAA reparative surgery is performed if the AAA maximum transverse expansion, explaining the possible relationship between wall diameter measured on computed tomography (CT) scan or stress and AAA progression. Thus, wall stress has been the ultrasound imaging exceeds 5.5cm or expands at a rate of subject of extensive AAA biomechanical research [13] and is 1 cm/year or greater [1]. But use of these criteria is concerning typically obtained using finite element analysis (FEA) because AAAs smaller than 5.5 cm can rupture, and larger but [8][14][15][16]. To compute wall stress, average or systolic stable AAAs may receive unnecessary surgery [3][4][5][6][7]. intraluminal pressures are conventionally applied to image- Thus, there is a need to more reliably assess the risks for AAA derived, patient-specific geometries that are assumed to be rupture andexpansion[8]. unloaded and unstressed [17][18]. In these models, the AAA Wall stress has been shown to be a more accurate predictor wallsareassumedtobenonlinearhyperelasticwithmechanical of AAA rupture and expansion than the maximum transverse properties measured from cadaver tissues or tissues from diameter [5][9][10]. This is because tissues tear apart when patients undergoing elective repair [13][19][20][21]. Incor- wall stress exceeds a threshold stress for rupture, which rectly assuming that imaged geometries are unloaded, howev- depends on the tissue strength. Recent theories of growth er, implies that application of intraluminal pressures to the and remodeling (G&R) [11][12] postulate that vascular tissues walls will result in overly distorted AAA geometries, typically grow and remodel so that homeostatic wall stresses are with overestimated wall stress distributions [21][22][23][24]. conserved. According to G&R theories, an increase in wall To resolve this problem, algorithms have been developed for PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 1 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations boundary conditions, including the effects of internal and external structures (thrombus and external organs), are unknown and frequently neglected or approximated. For AAA wall stresses to become a useful clinical indicator and be applicable in a clinical environment, a more efficient and robustmethodologyisneededforestimatingwallstressesfrom patient-specific geometries. In this study, we propose modeling AAAs using FEA linear models as a means of obtaining equilibrium stresses in a more robust and computationally efficient way. Because linear models assume infinitesimally small displacements and strains, the approach preserves the integrity of the imaged geometry, and the application of intraluminal pressures achieves equilib- rium of forces and wall stresses directly in the patient-specific geometry. We assess the accuracy and effectiveness of our proposedapproachusingidealizedmodelsandpatient-specific models of AAAs. We also explore the effect of employing different nonlinear wall material properties and residual stresses on wall stress computations in idealized models and compare results with those obtained from linear models. Problem Formulation and Equations Employed Todeterminetherelativeaccuracyofthelinearapproachto Figure1.SchematicshowingtheAAAmodelsemployed.Inall compute AAA wall stresses, we employed three models: a models, an internal pressure is applied to an initially unloaded, reference model, a conventional model, and our proposed undeformed configuration. Differences between models are in the linear model (see Fig. 1). The reference model (Fig. 1A) was choice of the wall material properties and initial configuration used as a reference for wall stresses (see below for a more employed. (A) Reference model: the walls are characterized by hyperelastic nonlinear material properties; the initial configuration, detailed description of the model). In the reference model, which is assumed to be known, represents the clinically unknown initial conditions and tissue properties are assumed to be unloadedandunstressedwallconfiguration,andthedeformed(loaded) known. The conventional model (Fig. 1B) represents the most configurationrepresentsthedeformedgeometrythatisimagedfrom commonly used approach to computing wall stress, in which the patient. (B) Conventional model: the walls are assumed to have the patient deformed configuration is used as an unloaded, hyperelasticnonlinearproperties;theinitialconfigurationischosenas the deformed configuration obtained from the reference model (but unstressed initial configuration and walls are assumed to have this configuration is assumed to be unloaded and unstressed). After nonlinear, hyperelastic material properties. The linear model applicationofaninternalpressureintheconventionalmodel,theinitial (Fig. 1C) also uses the patient deformed configuration as an configuration further deforms into a loaded configuration. (C) Linear unloaded, unstressed initial configuration, but solution of the model: the walls are assumed to have linear elastic properties, with model does not change the wall geometry, and equilibrium infinitesimallysmalldeformationsandstrains;theinitialconfigurationis chosen as the deformed configuration obtained from the reference stresses are obtained in the patient geometry. Wall stresses model (as in the conventional model). Because of the assumptions obtained using the linear and conventional models were made in the linear model, the initial configuration barely deforms, compared to stresses obtained using the reference model. preserving the geometrical characteristics of imaged patient geome- Comparisonswereperformedfirstusingidealizedmodels,such tries. as straight tubular models representing the arterial wall and doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353.g001 idealized curved axisymmetric models of the AAA. Compar- isons were then extended to a subject-specific AAA geometry. Forthetubularmodels,wefurtherexploredtheeffectsofusing approximating the tissue unloaded configuration from avail- different reported nonlinear tissue mechanical properties and able loaded CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) theeffectsofresidualstressesonwallstress.Wethencompared geometries [18][22][23][25]. Applying intraluminal pressures wall stresses obtained with nonlinear models to thoseobtained to these computed unloaded geometries results in wall using the linear model approach. deformations that closely approximate the original loaded AAA geometry and more accurately predict wall stress. Model Formulation Although some of these promising methods have been For all models considered, we solved the equations of validated, they are difficult to implement and are computa- equilibrium tionally intensive [18]. This is because computation of the undeformedunloadedconfigurationinvolvesthesolutionofan inverse nonlinear problem. In fact, given the nonlinear +:s~0 inV ð1Þ properties of AAA walls, even calculation of wall stresses from a known unloaded, unstressed configuration is involved and requires extensive computations. Even when using methods to with boundary conditions recover the unloaded geometry, limitations of current models include: residual stresses, which are characteristic of vascular tissues, are neglected; spatial changes in aneurysmal tissue s:^n~{p^n onC, s:^n~0 onC ð2Þ properties along and across the wall are neglected; and ‘‘true’’ l o PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 2 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations where s is the Cauchy stress tensor; p is the intraluminal blood We extensively employed the population average mechanical pressure and was chosen here as the systolic pressure (0.016 N/ propertiesfoundbyRaghavanandVorp(RVinTable1)[19], mm2=120mmHg) unless otherwise stated; ^nn is a unit vector as these properties are widely used. To assess the effects of normaltothewallsurface;Visthebodydomaininthedeformed patient-specific tissue mechanical properties, which are not configuration;andC andC refertothelumenandoutersurfaces known in clinical practice, we varied the values of a and b l o of the deformed configurations of the AAA models, respectively. (c=0)andalsousedcoefficientsobtainedbyPolzeretal.from Notethatthechoiceofusingsystolicpressureisarbitraryanddoes twodifferentpatient-tissuesamples(P1andP2;seeTable1)in not affect the results presented, since the hypothetical reference the reference models. models are alsoassumed tobesubjected tosystolic pressure. In the linear model, the wall was assumed to be an almost The reference and conventional models assumed nonlinear, incompressible, linear elastic material, characterized by an hyperelasticwallmaterialproperties.Specifically,AAAwallswere arbitrary, albeit high, Young’s modulus E (which ensures assumedtobealmostincompressible,homogeneous,andisotropic infinitesimal deformations without compromising wall stress with an energydensity function Wof theform[19][21] values,seeResults).Linearconstitutiverelationsweregivenby W~aðI {3ÞzbðI {3Þ2zcðI {3Þ3 ð3Þ B B B s~Ce ð5Þ wherea,bandcarecoefficientsthatdenotethepropertiesofthe tissue;I isthefirstinvariantoftheLeftCauchy-Green tensorB whereCisthestiffnesstensor,which,foranisotropicmaterial, B (I =trB)withB=FFT;andFisthedeformationgradienttensor. depends on E and the Poisson’s ratio n, and e is the B Theconstitutiverelationscorrespondingtothenonlinearmaterial infinitesimal strain tensor. Unless otherwise stated, we used represented inEq.3 are describedby E=8.46109 N/mm2andn=0.4999incomputationsusingthe linear model. Differences among the reference, conventional, and linear models were in the choice of material properties and initial LW s~{HIz2 B ð4Þ configurations (see Fig. 1). In all models, the initial configu- LI B ration was assumed to be unloaded and unstressed. For the where Histhehydrostatic pressureandIistheidentity tensor. reference model, the initial configuration was chosen arbi- The values of coefficients in Eq. 3 were determined from trarily and represented the unstressed and unloaded configu- human tissue samples subjected to tensile tests. Material ration of the tissue that was assumed to be known in our properties of AAA tissues have been measured in different models (but which is unknown in clinical practice). For the studies with varying degrees of accuracy [19][21][26]. One of conventional and linear models, however, the initial configu- the pioneering studies, by Raghavan and Vorp [19], assumed ration was taken as the deformed configuration of the that W (Eq. 3) had two terms (c=0) and fitted stress-strain reference model. This choice of initial configuration intended resultsfromuniaxialtissuetensileteststofindthecoefficientsa to simulate the use of the loaded geometry obtained from CT and b for each tissue sample. While the study found that the scans or other imaging techniques as an unstressed, unloaded coefficients vary from sample to sample, it provided a configuration,bothintheconventionalandlinearapproaches. population average, which is frequently used in the AAA The reference model, conversely, simulates the loading of literature to represent the material properties of AAA tissues. tissues from the unknown unstressed configuration, and thus More recently, Polzer et al. [21] measured AAA patient tissue represents a more accurate model of wall stress. samplesusingbiaxialtensiletestsandfittedtheresultingstress- Once the stress distributions were computed for all models, strain curves to an energy-density function similar to that of the wall stresses obtained from the conventional and linear Eq.3butconsistingof5terms,i.e.,W=a(I 23)+b(I 23)2+ modelswerecomparedtothestressesfromthereferencemodel B B c(I 2 3)3+f(I 2 3)4+g(I 2 3)5, where f and g are also in order to determine the degree to which conventional and B B B coefficients that denote the properties of the tissue. The study linearapproachesapproximatedreferencestresses.Theanalysis found that even though W was assumed to be isotropic, it was performed on both idealized and patient-specific models of approximated the mechanical behavior of the tissue well. The AAAs, which are described further below. For idealized thick- study also found striking variations in mechanical properties wall tubular AAA models, analytical expressions exist for linear among sampled tissues. Here, for comparison, we used models and were derived in what follows for the hyperelastic mechanical properties obtained in the Raghavan-Vorp and tissue models. Polzer studies (see Table 1, f=g=0 for the two patient- specific tissue material properties selected from Polzer et al.). Table1. CoefficientsofAAAtissue materialproperties used inthisstudy (see Eq.3). MaterialModel a(N/mm2) b(N/mm2) c(N/mm2) Reference Raghavan-Vorp(RV) 0.174 1.881 0 [19] Polzeretal.sample(P1) 0.0145 0 2.259 [21] Polzeretal.sample(P2) 0.022 1.461 1.0 [21] doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353.t001 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 3 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations whererandRaretheradiiofthedeformedandinitial(unstressed) configurations, respectively (see Fig.2). Thus, for the thick-wall tube model considered here, F and B are 0 1 l 0 0 hh F~BB 0 lrr 0 CC, @ A 0 0 l zz ð10Þ 0l2 0 0 1 hh B~FFT~BB 0 l2 0 CC @ rr A Figure 2. Thick-wall cylindrical model with applied internal 0 0 l2 pressure used for the derivation of analytical solutions. The zz undeformedconfigurationisassumedtobeunstressedandunloaded; the deformed configuration is obtained after applying an internal pressurep.A,BandRrepresenttheinternalwallradius,externalwall 0s 0 0 1 hh radius and radial coordinate, respectively, in the undeformed config- ands~B 0 s 0 C~2Bðaz2bðI {3ÞÞ{HI ð11Þ uration; a, b, and r, represent the internal wall radius, external wall @ rr A B radius and radial coordinate, respectively, in the deformed configura- 0 0 s zz tion. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353.g002 Replacing intoEq. 6 resultsin Analytical Expressions for an Axisymmetric Thick-Wall Tube under Internal Pressure Consider an axisymmetric thick-wall tube as a simple Lsrr~1(cid:4)2(cid:2)l2 {l2(cid:3)(cid:2)az2b(cid:2)l2 zl2{2(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:5): ð12Þ Lr r hh rr hh rr representation of a blood vessel (see Fig. 2). Initially, the vessel is assumed to be undeformed, unloaded and unstressed with an inner radius, A, and outer radius, B. In addition, the Further, foran incompressible material [12], vessel is assumed to be constrained at both ends in the longitudinal direction, and a uniform internal pressure p is l l l ~1 ð13Þ applied on the luminal surface. Application of the internal rr hh zz pressure results in a deformed geometry with inner and outer and, therefore, usingEqs. 9and 13and solvingforr, radii a and b, respectively. Employing cylindrical coordinates, the equilibrium equation r Lr (Eq. 1)for thiscasereduces to ~1 ð14Þ RLR Ls s {s rrz rr hh~0, ð6Þ Lr r pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r~ R2zb2{B2, ð15Þ whereristheradiusofthedeformedconfigurationands ands rr hh are the Cauchy radial and circumferential stresses, respectively [12]. r 1 The boundary conditionsfor theproblem (Eq.2) become l ~p , l ~ : ð16Þ hh ffiBffiffiffi2ffiffi{ffiffiffiffibffiffiffi2ffiffizffiffiffiffiffirffi2ffiffi rr lhh s ðr~aÞ~{p, ð7Þ rr Using Eqs.8, 12and16andsolvingfors thenyields rr s ðr~bÞ~0: ð8Þ rr s ðrÞ~ð2b{aÞln(cid:7) B2 (cid:8)za(cid:2)B2{b2(cid:3)(cid:7)1{ 1(cid:8) A.AnalyticalSolutionsforNonlinearHyperelasticTissue rr B2{b2zr2 r2 b2 Model. Weassumethewallpropertiestobeincompressibleand (cid:7)b(cid:8) nonlinear hyperelastic with a parabolic strain energy density z2ða{2bÞln ð17Þ r function W as proposed by Raghavan et al. [19], see Eq. 3 (with c=0)andconstitutive equations givenby Eq.4. "b2{B2 b2{B2 (cid:2)B2{b2(cid:3)2(cid:7)1 1(cid:8)# If lhh, lrr, and lzz represent the stretch ratios in the z4b 2B2 {2ðB2{b2zr2Þz 4 r4{b4 , circumferential, radial, and longitudinal directions, respectively, thenfor atube underinternal pressure, andusing Eq.7, r Lr l ~ ,l ~ ,l ~1 ð9Þ hh R rr LR zz PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 4 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations weincludedtheequationstogetherwithsomeofthestepsrequired in the derivation of equations. The constitutive relations for a {p~ð2b{aÞln(cid:7) B2 (cid:8)za(cid:2)B2{b2(cid:3)(cid:7)1 { 1(cid:8) lmineenatrs ienlapstoilcarmcaotoerrdiainl,ataesss,uamrein[g27i]nfinitesimally small displace- B2{b2za2 a2 b2 (cid:7)b(cid:8) z2ða{2bÞln ð18Þ a E s ~ ½ne zð1{nÞe (cid:2), "b2{B2 b2{B2 (B2{b2)2(cid:7)1 1(cid:8)# rr ð1znÞð1{2nÞ hh rr z4b { z { : 2B2 2ðB2{b2za2Þ 4 a4 b4 s ~ E ½ne zð1{nÞe (cid:2), ð23Þ hh ð1znÞð1{2nÞ rr hh s ~nðs zs Þ, In order to solve Eq. 18 for a and b, an additional equation is zz rr hh needed. Since the cross-sectional areas of the undeformed and whereEistheYoung’smodulusandnisthePoissonratio,ande rr deformed configurations areequal due toincompressibility, and e are the radial and circumferential strains, respectively, hh with e =0. zz Foralinearaxisymmetrictubewithinternalpressure,thestrain- p(cid:2)b2{a2(cid:3)~p(cid:2)B2{A2(cid:3), or a2~b2{B2zA2: ð19Þ displacement relations inpolar coordinates are Lu u By substituting the equation for a in Eq. 19 into Eq. 18 and err~ Lrr, ehh~ rr, ð24Þ numericallysolvingforb(givena,b,AandB),thevaluesforband a that satisfy the boundary conditions (Eqs. 7 and 8) can be where u istheradialdisplacement. r obtained. Substituting Eqs. 23 and 24 into Eq. 6 results in the following Onceaandbarecomputed,Eqs.6and17areusedtoobtainan differential equation: expression forthecircumferential stress, " # Eð1{nÞ L2u 1Lu u rz r{ r ~0: ð25Þ {2ð2b{aÞr2 4b(cid:2)b2{B2(cid:3)r2 a(cid:2)B2{b2(cid:3) ð1znÞð1{2nÞ Lr2 r Lr r2 s ðrÞ~ z { hh ðB2{b2zr2Þ ðB2{b2zr2Þ2 r2 zb(cid:2)B2{b2(cid:3)2(cid:9){3{ 1(cid:10){2ða{2bÞ The solutionof Eq.25is r4 b4 ð20Þ 1 zð2b{aÞln(cid:7) B2 (cid:8){a(cid:2)B2{b2(cid:3) ur~c1rzc2r, ð26Þ B2{b2zr2 b2 wherec andc areconstants.Usingtheboundaryconditions(Eqs. z2ða{2bÞln(cid:7)b(cid:8)z2b(cid:2)b2{B2(cid:3){2b(cid:2)b2{B2(cid:3): 7 and81),wall2stresses areobtained: r B2 B2{b2zr2 {pa2b2 (cid:9)1 1(cid:10) s ðrÞ~ { , rr ða2{b2Þ b2 r2 ð27Þ To solveforszz,wefirstfind an equationforH usingEq. 11, {pa2b2 (cid:9)1 1(cid:10) {2npa2 s ðrÞ~ z , s ~ : hh ða2{b2Þ b2 r2 zz ða2{b2Þ H~2al2z4bl2(cid:2)l2 zl2{2(cid:3){s : ð21Þ rr rr hh rr rr Notethat,duetotheassumptionofsmalldisplacements,while displacements are computed, the geometry is assumed to remain SubstitutingEq.21intotheexpressionfors fromEq.11then unchanged(sothata=A,b=B,andr=Rindependentofp).Thus, zz yields, stresses depend on pbut not E. s ~2az4b(cid:2)l2 zl2{2(cid:3){2al2{4bl2(cid:2)l2 zl2{2(cid:3)zs :ð22Þ Effective Stress zz hh rr rr rr hh rr rr TheeffectiveorvonMisesstressisameasureoflocalmaximum stressesthattakesintoaccountthecontributionofnormalstresses Thustheanalyticalsolutionsforwallstressesinatubularmodel in addition to shear stresses and is extensively used to report when tissue properties are assumed to be nonlinear hyperelastic stresses in the AAA literature [16][23][28]. However, it is worth (Eq. 3 with c=0) are given by Eqs. 17, 20 and 22, once the mentioningthatothermeasuresofstressorperhapsstretchmight deformedinternalandexternaltuberadii,aandb,arecalculated be more relevant in determining AAA risks of expansion and of using Eqs.18and19. rupture [13]. Because of their wide use, however, we chose to B. Analytical Solutions for the Linear Tissue reporteffectivestressesinthismanuscript,andforidealizedAAA Model. Analytical solutions for the case of a thick-wall tube geometries circumferential and radial stresses were also consid- under internal pressure with linear wall properties under small ered.Notefurtherthat,forthepurposeofthismanuscript,weare deformationscanbefoundelsewhere(e.g.[27]).Forcompleteness notemployingeffectivestressesasarupturecriterion,butonlyasa PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 5 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations convenient way of reporting wall stresses. In cylindrical coordi- Wefurtherexploredtheeffectofresidualstressesonwallstress nates theeffective stress iscalculated as follows: distributions. Residual stresses are the stresses that remain on a vascularwallafterloadsimposedonthetissuehavebeenremoved. They manifest in blood vessels as a shrinkage in the axial length s ~ eff when vessel segments are cut longitudinally (axial stresses) and as sffiðffisffiffiffiffiffiffi{ffiffiffiffiffisffiffiffiffiffiffiÞffiffi2ffiffizffiffiffiffiffiðffisffiffiffiffiffiffi{ffiffiffiffiffisffiffiffiffiffiffiÞffi2ffiffizffiffiffiffiffiðffiffisffiffiffiffiffiffi{ffiffiffiffiffisffiffiffiffiffiffiÞffiffi2ffiffizffiffiffiffiffi6ffiffi(cid:2)ffiffisffiffiffi2ffiffiffizffiffiffiffiffisffiffi2ffiffiffizffiffiffiffiffisffiffiffi2ffiffiffi(cid:3)ffiffið28Þ anopeningoftheunloadedcircularcross-section,characterizedby rr hh rr zz hh zz rh rz hz an opening angle [30], when vessel segments are cut radially 2 (circumferential stresses). To model circumferential residual stresses in tubular models of AAA, we started from a 2D open sectorintheinitialconfiguration(seeFig.3A).Thedimensionsof the sector were determined so that the closed unloaded Models of AAA configuration was the same, independent of opening angle. The opensectorwasmodeledasaplanestrain2DprobleminADINA, The specific geometrical models of AAA considered and andsymmetry was consideredbymodeling halfof thesector (see strategies employed to solve for the model wall stresses are Fig. 3B). The open sector was then closed by imposing a described below. displacementinthedirectionofclosureononeendofthesector. Note that this way of modeling residual stresses cannot be Axisymmetric Thick-Wall Tubular Model of AAA implementedinpatient-specificmodelsoftheAAA.Oncethe2D The arterial wall was first modeled as an axisymmetric, thick- segment was closed, an internal pressure (p=0.016N/mm2) was wall, straight circular tube with applied internal pressure and no imposed to obtain the distribution of wall stresses. The obtained longitudinal strain. To determine how geometry affects stress deformedconfigurationservedastheinitial,unloaded,unstressed distributions, wall stresses were computed from the analytical geometryofthelinear model,andwall stressesobtainedwiththe solutions using different initial configurations (i.e. initial tube linear model and nonlinear models with varying residual stresses dimensions,seeFig.2).Theseinitialconfigurationgeometrieswere were then compared. Different hyperelastic material properties employed in the reference model, and the resulting deformed (RV, P1 and P2; see Table 1) were employed to determine the configuration of the reference model was used as the initial effectof tissuemechanical propertieson residualandloaded wall unloadedconfigurationintheconventionalandlinearmodels(see stresses.Thegeometrywasdiscretizedusingmixed9/3elements, Fig. 1). Additionally, an array of material property values was andconvergenceofresultswasachievedusing180elements,with testedtoassesstheeffectoftissuemechanicalpropertiesonstress 3 elements spanningthewall thickness. distributions.Tosimulatetheclinicalsituationinwhichwalltissue propertiesarenotknown,weallowedthevaluesofaandbtovary Idealized AAA Models with Non-Uniform Wall Thickness inthereferencemodel(c=0),whileusingRVpopulationaverage We implemented idealized geometrical models of AAAs with values in the conventional model (see Table 1) and a constant non-uniform wall thickness to explore the effect of varying elasticity (E=8.46109N/mm2)inthelinear model. Wallstresses thickness on wall stress computations. To this end, we started from the linear and conventional models were then compared to using a thick-wall tubular model of the AAA with no residual corresponding reference stresses. stresses, in which wall thickness varied longitudinally. We also We also studied the effect of using different AAA tissue simulated a model in which the wall thickness varied circumfer- properties (RV, P1, and P2, see Table 1) on wall stresses. Since entially, assuming plane strain conditions. Analytical solutions analytical expressions were not available for all material proper- were not available for these cases; therefore, the analysis was ties, we employed FEA implemented in ADINA (v8.8.3, ADINA performedusingFEAinADINA.Mixed9/3elementswereused R & D, Inc., Watertown, MA) to solve for wall stresses in an to discretize the geometries. RV material properties were used idealized 2D axisymmetric tubular model. To discretize the 2D here for the reference and conventional models. Reference, geometry,weusedoptimal9/3axisymmetricelements,whichare conventional,andlinearmodelsweresimulatedwiththedescribed quadrilateralmixeddisplacement/pressurebasedelements(with9 non-uniform wall thickness. Wall stresses were then compared to displacement degrees of freedom and 3 pressure degrees of establish the accuracy of the linear model in accounting for freedom) that satisfy the inf-sup condition, ensuring numerical changes inwallthickness. stabilitywhensolvingproblemsinvolvingincompressibleoralmost incompressible media such as the AAA wall tissue [29]. In our Idealized Curved Axisymmetric Model of AAA models, we used six elements spanning the thickness of the wall. Toassesstheeffectofwallcurvatureonthestresses,thearterial Simulationswereperformedsuchthatthedeformedconfiguration wall was modeled as a curved axisymmetric structure. The outer ofthehyperelasticmodels,usedhereasreferencemodels,wasthe wall radius B of the 2D axisymmetric initial configuration was same regardless of the specific nonlinear material property specified by thefollowing equation: employed. This deformed configuration, further, was used as the initial unloaded geometry for the linear model. Wall stresses obtained from the reference models were then compared to pZ stresses fromthelinear model. B~7:5cos( )z17:5, Z[½{65,65(cid:2), ð29Þ 65 For the nonlinear FEA models presented here and throughout thestudy,theconvergencecriterionforequilibriumiterationswas whereZis the height, and B andZare in mm. The height was specified by energy. The convergence ratio for out-of-balance chosentobe130mm[31].Themaximumdiameterwas50mm, energy was set to a tolerance value of 0.001. The nonlinear andthewallthicknesswas1.5mm,thereportedmedianthickness iteration scheme used was the full Newton method, and the [14][19]. The model was constrained at both ends in the maximum number of iterations implemented for every time step longitudinaldirectionbutwasallowedtomoveanddeformfreely was set to 15. Convergence was achieved for non-linear models intheradialdirection.Theanalysiswasperformed usingFEAin using 15to60time steps. ADINA,withtheAAAwalldiscretizedusing9/3mixedelements. PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 6 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations For these models, we further incorporated an intraluminal the MPR determines differences in stresses between the wall and thrombus(ILT)inourFEAsimulationsandcomparedresultswith ILT, the linear models that included a thrombus were imple- andwithoutthethrombus.WhentheILTwasmodeled,thelumen mentedassuminganMPRbetweentheelasticmoduliEofthewall radius, L,was specified by, and ILT. MPR was first set at 6.7, which is the ratio of the populationaveragevaluesofthewallandILT,i.e.,a=0.174 N/ mm2/D =0.026 N/mm2. In order to determine how implemen- 1 tation of different MPRs affected the distribution of stresses, we pZ L~1:25cos( )z8:75, Z[½{65,65(cid:2), ð30Þ varied MPR in our computations and compared computed wall 65 stresses.TheAAAwallmaterialpropertiesweremodeledusingthe and the ends of the thrombus were fixed in the longitudinal energy-densityfunctionWproposedbyRaghavanandVorp[19], directiononly.Thethrombuswasalsodiscretizedusingmixed9/3 Eq. 3 with c=0. Varying MPRs were obtained by changing the elements. coefficient of the thrombus D1 and the coefficient a, for the wall. Like the AAA wall, the thrombus was treated as a nonlinear, ValuesofMPRconsideredwere4,6.7,and10.25.AnMPRof4 homogeneous, isotropic, incompressible material but with the wasachievedbymodelingaweakwallstiffness(a=0.144N/mm2, following energy-density function: b=1.152N/mm2) and relatively stiff thrombus (D1=0.036 N/ mm2, D =0.0356N/mm2). Conversely, an MPR of 10.25 was 2 achieved by modeling a relatively stiff wall (a=0.204N/mm2, W~D1ðIIB{3ÞzD2ðIIB{3Þ2, ð31Þ b=2.61N/mm2) and weak thrombus (D1=0.0199 N/mm2, D =0.0216N/mm2) [19][32]. For the linear model, the wall 2 where D1 and D2 are coefficients [32], and IIB is the second elasticitymoduluswassetatavalueofE=8.46109N/mm2,and invariant of the Left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor B different MPR values were generated by varying the elasticity (II =0.5 [(trB)2-tr(B)2]). The ranges of measured values for D B 1 modulusofthethrombus.Forthemodelsexcludingandincluding and D2 (95th percentile confidence intervals) obtained from theILT,convergencewasachievedwith390and1,690elements, patients undergoing elective repair were as follows: D1=0.0199– respectively,with3and10elementsspanningthethicknessofthe 0.036 N/mm2andD2=0.0216–0.0356N/mm2[32].Ingeneral, wall andthrombus,respectively. thethrombusismorecompliantthanthetissuewall.Thestiffness ratio between the wall and the ILT, which we refer to as the Subject-Specific Model of AAA materialpropertyratio(MPR),wascomputedfromthenonlinear To assess the effect of AAA geometry on wall stress models using the ratio of the wall coefficient a (Eq. 3) and the distributions and the degree to which the conventional and intraluminalthrombuscoefficientD (Eq.31),i.e.,(a/D ).Because 1 1 linear models correctly capture these distributions, a patient- specific model was implemented. The initial configuration of the patient-specific AAA had no ILT and was extracted from contrast-enhanced spiral CT scan images of a de-identified patient. The images for this retrospective study were provided by the Oregon Health & Science University Department of VascularSurgeryfollowingOHSUInstitutionalReviewBoard (IRB) protocols. Patient consent has been waived by the OHSU IRB, as this retrospective study constituted a minimal riskchartreview.ThisstudywasapprovedbytheOHSUIRB. Extraction of the AAA geometry from CT scan images was achieved by using a semi-automated custom-made segmenta- tion program. The segmentation of the vessel lumen com- menced below the aortic-renal intersection and ended at the aortic-iliac bifurcation. The first contour was manually traced aroundthecontrast-enhancedlumenoftheimage.Subsequent contours were automatically obtained along the AAA midline and around the contrasted lumen. Automatically segmented contourswereexaminedandcorrectedmanuallywhenneeded. Smoothing algorithms were applied to reduce surface-extrac- tion noise. Contours were then ‘‘stacked’’ to generate the Figure3.Modelingofresidualstressesinatubularvessel.(A) three-dimensional AAA lumen geometry in the form of a Schematics of the physical tissue configurations: an initial unloaded, surface mesh. The mesh coordinates were imported into a unstressed and undeformed circular section (with radii A and B) is custom-made MATLAB (vR2010b, MathWorks, Inc., Natick, closed,whichgeneratesresidualstressesintheunloadedconfiguration. MA) program written to uniformly displace each vertex Thisclosedconfiguration(withradiia andb)isloadedtogeneratethe 0 0 1.5 mm radially outward to generate the AAA outer wall finaldeformedandloadedconfiguration(radiiaandb)thatrepresents geometry. This geometry was used as the unloaded configu- arterialtissuesunderload.Theopensectorschematicsalsoshowthe definition of the opening angle, Q, in relation to the angle h. (B) ration of the reference model. The deformed configuration Schematics of the FEA model implemented to compute residual obtained from the reference model, assuming RV material stressesandtheireffectsontheloadedconfiguration.Wefirstmodeled properties, was subsequently employed as the unloaded an unstressed, unloaded and undeformed open sector. We then configuration for the conventional and linear models, as done imposedahorizontaldisplacement ontheopenendofthesectorto with theothergeometrical AAA models describedbefore.The closethesegmentandgenerateresidualstresses.Theclosedsectorwas patient-specificAAA geometrywasimportedinto ADINAand then loaded with an internal pressure to compute the loaded configurationandresultingwallstresses. discretized using 3D, 27/4 hexahedral mixed elements with 3 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353.g003 elements spanning the wall thickness. The 27/4 mixed PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 7 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations displacement/pressureelementsarethe3Dcounterpartsofthe of elasticity modulus, the wall displacements computed for 9/3 mixed elements (with 27 displacement degrees of freedom the idealized and patient-specific AAA models were negligible and 4 pressure degrees of freedom) and also satisfy the inf-sup (,1.361029 mm). condition[29].Theendsofthemodelwereconstrainedin the longitudinal direction, and selected end-nodes were con- Axisymmetric Tubular Model of an AAA with Parabolic strained in all directions to prevent rigid body motion. Energy-Density Function Convergence of results was achieved using 4,800 elements. Wall stress versus normalized wall thickness plots were initially generated for the axisymmetric tubular model to determine how Wall Stress Comparisons the wall stresses of thelinear and conventional models compared Wallstressesobtainedfromtheconventionalandlinearmodels tothoseofthereferencemodel(seeFig.4).Here,conventionaland werecomparedtostressesobtainedfromreferencemodels.Point- reference models used the RV material properties (see Table 1). by-point differences instresses were computedas follows: Compared to the radial (s ) and axial stresses (s ), the rr zz circumferential stresses (s ) had larger magnitude values, hh Ds{s(cid:3)D contributing the greatest weight to the calculation of effective i i ð32Þ Ds(cid:3)iD stresses (see Eq. 28). Values of shh computed using the linear model were closer to those obtained from the reference model where s is the stress of interest (conventional or linear model; than values obtained using the conventional model. A similar i circumferential, radial or effective stress) and s*i is the findingwasobservedfortheeffectivestress.Ontheotherhand,srr corresponding stress in the reference model. Eq. 32 was also wasalmostthesamethroughoutthewallthicknessforallmodels, usedtocalculatedifferencesinmaximumeffectivestresseswith representing the effect of the pressure boundary conditions on respect to those in the reference model. For models solved radial stresses. using FEA, stress differences with respect to the reference model were plotted for the whole model and over the wall thickness. These analyses allowed for an objective comparison of wall stress. To facilitate comparisons of solutions over a range of tissue mechanicalproperties(characterizedbyEq.3withaandb;c=0), differencesinstresswereintegratedoverthenormalizedthickness and normalizedtothereference stress integral, (cid:7)ð1 (cid:8) (cid:11)(cid:11)si{s(cid:3)i(cid:11)(cid:11)dr0 0 ð33Þ ð1 (cid:11)(cid:11)si{s(cid:3)i(cid:11)(cid:11)dr0 0 wheredr’isthenormalizedthicknessdifferential.Forconvenience, this calculation was employed only for the axisymmetric tubular models usinganalytical solutionsof stresses. Results Convergence of Linear Model to Equilibrium Stresses To ensure that the linear model with applied internal pressures achieved the same equilibrium stresses independent oftheYoung’smodulus,E,employed,aconvergencestudywas first performed. Analytically, for the axisymmetric tubular model,wallstressesdependedontheradiusandwallthickness of the initial, undeformed configuration and the applied internal pressure. Further, wall stresses depended on wall material properties in the case of hyperelastic tissues (see Eqs. 17, 20 and 22) but were independent of wall mechanical properties when tissues were assumed to be linear and elastic with infinitesimally small deformations and strains (see Eqs. 27). As expected, when the linear axisymmetric models were Figure 4. Stress comparisons among the reference, conven- implemented using FEA (assuming small displacements and tional,andlinearmodelsofanaxisymmetricthick-walltubular strains), wall stresses did not vary significantly (,0.1%) as E geometry.(A)Circumferentialwallstress;(B)effectivewallstress;and was increased from 1 to 1010 N/mm2. Similarly, wall stresses (C)radialwallstressdistributionsareplottedacrossthenormalizedwall did not vary significantly with varying values of E (,0.2%) in thickness. For the reference model, the inner and outer radii in the deformedconfigurationwere14.8mmand16.1mm,respectively;for linear idealized and patient-specific models of an AAA. the conventional model, the inner and outer radii in the deformed Estimation of equilibrium stresses using the linear model configuration were 16.27mm and 17.53mm, respectively; applied was therefore effectively independent of the E employed. internalpressure,p=0.016N/mm2(120mmHg);RVmaterialproperties WechoseanarbitraryhighYoung’smodulus(E=8.46109 N/ wereusedforboththereferenceandconventionalmodels. mm2) to use in our linear models. In applying this choice doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353.g004 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 8 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations Figure5.Relativedifferencesineffectivewallstressdistributionsforthecaseofatubulararterialmodel.Thefigureshowsdifferences ofeffectivewallstressdistributionsobtainedfromtheconventionalandlinearmodels,withrespecttothestressdistributionsfromthereference model,computedusingEq.33.TosimulatetheclinicalsituationwherethematerialpropertiesoftheAAAareunknown,thematerialconstantsaand b(c=0)werevariedinthereferencemodel(a andb reportedvalues),whereaspopulationaverageaandb(a=0.174N/mm2,b=1.881N/mm2; ref ref RVmaterialproperties)wereusedintheconventionalmodel,andconstantelasticity(E=8.46109N/mm2)wasusedinthelinearmodel.Further,the initial geometry was varied to represent different aneurysm sizes and wall thicknesses. In all cases, applied internal pressure was 0.016N/mm2 (120mmHg).Reportedgeometricalmodelexternalradius,B,andwallthickness,h,correspondtotheinitialconfigurationofthereferencemodel. 0 Thedashedlinesindicatethephysiologicalrangeofthematerialpropertyvaluesfora . ref doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353.g005 Forathick-walltubularmodelunderequilibrium,thefollowing conditions were the same. The integral, however, was larger for condition issatisfied, the conventional model (0.26N/mm), reflecting the additional radial expansionof thewallunder theconventionalapproach. ð1 To assess how closely the linear and conventional approaches h shhdr0~pa, ð34Þ approximated reference stresses under different conditions, com- 0 putationswereperformedforarangeofaandbvalues(c=0)and where h and a are the wall thickness and lumen radius of the differentinitialgeometries(seeFig.5).Toeffectivelycompareand deformed configuration, respectively; dr’ is the normalized visualize stress differences (with respect to reference stresses) as a thickness differential; and p the applied internal pressure (see functionoftheparametersaandbinthereferencemodel,weused Fig.2).Theintegralofs overthethickness(lefthandsideofEq. Eq.33sothateachcase(linear,conventional)wasrepresentedby hh 34), was about 0.24N/mm for both the linear and reference onevalue,whichwechosetoreportasapercentstressdifference. models.Thiswas expectedsincethedeformed wallconfiguration We found that, irrespective of the tissue properties used in the was practically identical for both models, and the boundary reference model, stresses obtained using the linear model were PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 9 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353 LinearModelofWallStressComputations Figure6.Relativedifferencesinmaximumeffectivewallstressdistributionsforatubulararterialmodel.Modelssimulatedarethe sameasforFig.5,butdifferencesinmaximalwallstresseswithrespecttoreferencestresses,computedusingEq.32,arereportedinstead.The reportedmaterialcoefficientsa andb correspondtothoseofthereferencemodel.RVmaterialproperties(a=0.174N/mm2,b=1.881N/mm2) ref ref wereusedintheconventionalmodel,andaconstantelasticity(E=8.46109N/mm2)wasusedinthelinearmodel.Appliedinternalpressurewas 0.016N/mm2(120mmHg).Theinitialgeometrywasvariedtorepresentdifferentaneurysmsizesandwallthicknesses.Thedashedlinesindicatethe physiologicalrangeofthematerialpropertyvaluesfora ref. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101353.g006 closertothestressesinthereferencemodelthanwerethestresses 5D; 5E and 5F). In general, however, the linear model obtained using the conventional model (see Fig. 5). Differences approximated reference stresses better than the conventional withrespecttoreferencestressesdecreasedforboththelinearand model. conventional models as a increased. Increasing b, however, had To determine how well the maximum effective stress is only a small effect on stress differences. Increasing the model approximated by the linear and conventional approaches, we external radius, B, while keeping a constant wall thickness, h , examined our previous results (Fig. 5) but reported differences in 0 resulted in increased stress differences between the conventional maximum effective stress (see Fig. 6). Maximum stresses were and reference models and decreased differences between linear generally overestimated in the conventional model and underes- andreferencemodels(compareFigs.5A,5Cand5E;and5B,5D timatedinthelinearmodel(seeFig.4)whentissuepropertiesfor and 5F). Both B and h0 correspond to the initial configuration of the reference model were within physiological range. We found the reference model. Increasing h0 while keeping B constant that in most cases, the linear model approximated the maximum resulted in decreased stress differences between the conventional stressbetterthantheconventionalmodelwithinthephysiological and reference models but an increased difference between the range of a and b, and the difference gap between linear and linear and reference models (compare Figs. 5A and 5B; 5C and PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 10 July2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101353

Improving the Efficiency of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Wall Stress Computations. Jaime E. Zelaya1, Sevan Goenezen2, Phong T. Dargon3, Amir-Farzin Azarbal3, Sandra Rugonyi1*. 1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United States of
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