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AnnMathArtifIntell(2011)61:125–154 DOI10.1007/s10472-011-9235-0 Improving the anytime behavior of two-phase local search JérémieDubois-Lacoste·ManuelLópez-Ibáñez· ThomasStützle Publishedonline:1June2011 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaB.V.2011 Abstract Algorithms based on the two-phase local search (TPLS) framework are a powerful method to efficiently tackle multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems.TPLSalgorithmssolveasequenceofscalarizations,thatis,weightedsum aggregations, of the multi-objective problem. Each successive scalarization uses a differentweightfromapredefinedsequenceofweights.TPLSrequiresdefiningthe stopping criterion (the number of weights) a priori, and it does not produce satis- factory results if stopped before completion. Therefore, TPLS has poor “anytime” behavior.ThisarticleexaminesvariantsofTPLSthatimproveits“anytime”behavior by adaptively generating the sequence of weights while solving the problem. The aimistofillthe“largestgap”inthecurrentapproximationtotheParetofront.The results presented here show that the best adaptive TPLS variants are superior to the “classical” TPLS strategies in terms of anytime behavior, matching, and often surpassing,themintermsoffinalquality,evenifthelatterrununtilcompletion. Keywords Multi-objective·Anytimealgorithms·Two-phaselocalsearch MathematicsSubjectClassification(2010) 68T20 J.Dubois-Lacoste(B)·M.López-Ibáñez·T.Stützle IRIDIA,UniversitéLibredeBruxelles,Brussels,Belgium e-mail:[email protected] M.López-Ibáñez e-mail:[email protected] T.Stützle e-mail:[email protected] 126 J.Dubois-Lacosteetal. 1Introduction Two-phase local search (TPLS) [19] is a stochastic local search (SLS) method for tackling multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems in terms of Pareto- optimality[20].TPLSisanessentialcomponentofstate-of-the-artalgorithmsfora numberofproblemssuchasthebi-objectivetravelingsalesmanproblem(bTSP)[17], its variant with three objectives [21], and the bi-objective permutation flow-shop scheduling problem (bPFSP) [5, 8]. In these algorithms, the solutions obtained by TPLSarefurtherimprovedbyapplyingaParetoLocalSearch[22]. The central idea of TPLS is to start with a high quality solution for a single objective (first phase) and then to solve a sequence of scalarizations of the multi- objective problem (second phase). In TPLS, each successive scalarization uses a slightly different weight and starts from the best solution found by the previous scalarization.Originally,thesetofweightsand,hence,thenumberofscalarizations, is defined before the execution of TPLS in order to equally distribute the compu- tationaleffortalongtheParetofront[19].ThisstrategyimpliesthatstoppingTPLS atanarbitrarytimebeforeithasperformedthepredefinednumberofscalarizations would produce a poor approximation to the Pareto front in some regions. In this sense,TPLSdoesnothaveagoodanytimebehavior. Anytime algorithms [24] aim at producing an as high as possible performance at any moment of their execution, without assuming a predefined termination criterion. Recently, we proposed two variants of TPLS that improve its anytime performance [6]. The first variant, Regular Anytime TPLS (RA-TPLS), uses a regular distribution of the weight vectors, equally distributing the effort in all directions of the objective space. We tested this variant on two bPFSPs, where the objectivesresultinadifferentalgorithmbehaviorfortheunderlyingsingle-objective algorithms.Fortheseproblems,wefoundthatanadaptiveTPLS,whichadaptsthe weights in dependence of the shape of the Pareto front, performed better than a regularstrategy. Inthispaper,were-examineRA-TPLSandtheadaptiveTPLSalgorithmsforthe bTSP and the bPFSP. In addition, we propose new design alternatives of adaptive TPLS.First,westudytheeffectofperformingoneortwoscalarizationsperweight (withdifferentseeds),andwegiveevidencewheneachapproachmaybebeneficial. Second,weproposeanewmethodtochoosetheregionoftheobjectivespacewhere thesearchshouldbeintensified,thatis,howtodefinethelargestgapinthecurrent approximationoftheParetofront.InsteadofusingtheEuclideandistancebetween solutions[6],thisnewmethodisbasedonanoptimisticestimateoftheimprovement in the hypervolume indicator. Our experimental results show that the new method further improves the results of the adaptive TPLS strategy in the bTSP, no matter theshapeofthefront. ThemainconclusionofourstudyisthattheadaptiveTPLSvariantsshowamuch betteranytimebehaviorthantheoriginalTPLSalgorithms,andthebestperforming adaptivevariantstypicallyreturnbetterqualityapproximationstotheParetofront, asindicatedbythehypervolumeindicator. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some formal definitionsonbi-objectiveoptimizationandwepresenttheoriginalTPLSalgorithms. In Section 3, we present our first proposal to improve the anytime property of TPLS.InSection4,weproposeanadaptiveTPLSframeworkthatnotonlysatisfies Improvingtheanytimebehavioroftwo-phaselocalsearch 127 the anytime property, but that also adapts to the shape of the Pareto front to maximizetheperformance.WeperforminSection5adetailedstatisticalanalysisto compareallstrategies.InSection6,weproposetheuseofanoptimisticestimation of the potential hypervolume contribution to direct the search of adaptive TPLS, and we show that it leads to further improvements in the bTSP. In Section 7, we graphically examine the differences in quality of the algorithms. We conclude in Section8. 2Preliminaries Inthispaper,wefocusonbi-objectivecombinatorialoptimizationproblemsandhere wedescriberelevantbackgroundfortheremainderofthepaper. 2.1Bi-objectivecombinatorialoptimization Inbi-objectivecombinatorialoptimizationproblems,candidatesolutionsareevalu- atedaccordingtoanobjectivefunctionvectorf=(f , f ).Assuming,withoutlossof 1 2 generality,thatbothobjectivefunctionsmustbeminimized,thedominancecriterion definesapartialorderamongobjectivevectorsasfollows.Giventwovectorsu,v∈ R2,wesaythatudominatesv(u≺v)iffu(cid:4)=vandu ≤v, i=1,2.Whenu⊀vand i i v⊀u, we say that u and v are mutually non-dominated. For simplicity, we extend the dominance criteria to solutions, that is, a solution s dominates another one s(cid:6) iff f(s)≺f(s(cid:6)). If no s(cid:6) exists such that f(s(cid:6))≺f(s), the solution s is called Pareto- optimal.Inabi-objectiveoptimizationproblemwherenoaprioriassumptionsupon the decision maker’s preferences are made, the problem becomes to find a set of feasiblesolutionsthat“minimize”finthesenseofParetooptimality.Hence,thegoal istodeterminethesetofallPareto-optimalsolutions,whoseimageintheobjective space is called the Pareto front. Since this goal is in many cases computationally intractable[9],inpracticethegoalbecomestofindthebestpossibleapproximation totheParetofrontwithinaspecifictimelimit. 2.2Two-phaselocalsearch Two-phaselocalsearch(TPLS)[19]isageneralalgorithmicframeworkthat,asthe name suggests, is composed of two phases. In the first phase, a single-objective algorithm generates a high-quality solution for one of the objectives. This high- qualitysolutionservesasthestartingpointofthesecondphase,whereasequenceof scalarizations,thatis,weightedsumaggregationsofthemultipleobjectivefunctions into single scalar functions, are tackled. Each scalarization uses the best solution found by the previous scalarization as the initial solution. TPLS will be successful if effective single-objective algorithms are available, andsolutions that areclose to eachotherinthesolutionspacearealsocloseintheobjectivespace. The advantage of considering weighted sum scalarized problems when tackling a multi-objective one is that an optimal solution for the former is also a Pareto- optimalsolutionforthelatter.Differentscalarizingfunctionsmaybeused,suchas Tchebychefffunctions,butthepropertymentionedabovedoesnotnecessarilyhold. Inabi-objectiveproblem,anormalizedweightvectorisoftheformλ=(λ,1−λ), 128 J.Dubois-Lacosteetal. Algorithm1Two-phaselocalsearch 1: π1 :=SLS1() 2: π2 :=SLS2() 3: Addπ1,π2toArchive 4: if1to2then π(cid:6) :=π 5: 1 6: else π(cid:6) :=π 7: 2 8: endif 9: foreachweightλdo 10: π(cid:6) :=SLS(cid:4)(π(cid:6),λ) 11: Addπ(cid:6)toArchive 12: endfor 13: RemoveDominated(Archive) 14: Output:Archive λ∈[0,1]⊂R, and the scalar value of a solution s with objective function vector f(s)=(f (s), f (s))iscomputedas 1 2 fλ(s)=λ· f1(s)+(1−λ)· f2(s). (1) Depending on the sequence of weight vectors considered, there are two main TPLSstrategiesintheliterature: Single direction (1to2 or 2to1) The simplest way to define a sequence of scalar- izationsistousearegularsequenceofweightvectorsfromthefirstobjectivetothe secondorfromthesecondobjectivetothefirstone.Wecallthesealternatives1to2or 2to1,dependingonthedirectionfollowed.Forexample,thesuccessivescalarizations in 1to2 are defined by the weights λ =1−(i−1)/(N −1), i=1,...,N , i scalar scalar where N is the number of scalarizations. (For simplicity, we henceforth refer scalar toweightvectorsbytheirfirstcomponentonly,sincethesecondcomponentcanbe easily derived from (1).) In 2to1 the sequence is reversed. Two drawbacks of this simplestrategyarethat(i)thedirectionchosencangiveanadvantagetothestarting objective,thatis,theParetofrontapproximationwillbebetteronthestartingside; andthat(ii)oneneedstoknowinadvancethecomputationtimethatisavailablein ordertodefineappropriatelythenumberofscalarizationsandthetimespentoneach scalarization.DifferentfromtheoriginalTPLSproposal[19],inourimplementation we first generate a very good solution for each single objective problem because wehavehighperformingalgorithmsforthemandwewanttobeconsistentwithour otherTPLSvariantsinSections3,4and6.However,weuseonlyoneofthesolutions as a starting solution for further scalarizations. Algorithm 1 gives the pseudo-code of the single direction TPLS. We denote by SLS and SLS the SLS algorithms to 1 2 minimize the first and the second single objectives, respectively. SLS(cid:4) is the SLS algorithmtominimizethescalarizedproblem. Doublestrategy WedenoteasDoubleTPLS(D-TPLS)[19]thestrategythatfirst goessequentially fromoneobjective tothe other one,asin theusualTPLS. Then, another sequence of scalarizations is generated starting from the second objective Improvingtheanytimebehavioroftwo-phaselocalsearch 129 backtothefirstone.Thisis,infact,acombinationof1to2and2to1,wherehalfofthe scalarizationsaredefinedsequentiallyfromoneobjectivetotheother,andtheother halfintheoppositedirection.Thisapproachtriestoavoidthebiasofasinglestarting objective.Tointroducemorevariability,inourD-TPLSimplementation,theweights usedinthesecondTPLSpassarelocatedin-betweentheweightsusedforthefirst TPLS pass. D-TPLS still requires to define the number of weights, and, hence, the computationtime,inadvance. 3RegularanytimeTPLS TheoriginalstrategyofTPLS,whichisbasedondefiningsuccessiveweightvectors withminimalweightchanges,generatesverygoodapproximationstotheareasofthe Paretofront“covered”bytheweightvectors[19,21].However,ifTPLSisstopped prematurely,itleavesareasoftheParetofrontunexplored.Inthissection,wepresent ourfirstproposaltoimprovetheanytimebehaviorofTPLS. 3.1Regularanytimestrategy WehaveproposedaTPLS-likealgorithm,calledregularanytimeTPLS(RA-TPLS), inwhichtheweightforeachnewscalarizationisdefinedinthemiddleoftheinterval oftwopreviousconsecutiveweights[6].Thisstrategyprovidesafinerapproximation totheParetofrontasthenumberofscalarizationsincreases,ensuringafairdistribu- tionofthecomputationaleffortalongtheParetofrontandgraduallyintensifyingthe search.Thesetofweightsisdefinedasasequenceofprogressivelyfiner“levels”of 2k−1 scalarizations(atlevelk)withmaximallydispersedweights(cid:5) inthefollowing k manner: (cid:5) ={0.5}, (cid:5) ={0.25,0.75}, (cid:5) ={0.125,0.375,0.625,0.875}, and so on. 1 2 3 Successivelevelsintensifytheexplorationoftheobjectivespace,fillingthegapsin the Pareto front. The two initial solutions minimizing each objective could be seen aslevel0:(cid:5) ={0,1}.OnceRA-TPLScompletesonelevel,thecomputationaleffort 0 has been equally distributed in all directions. However, if the search stops before exploring all scalarizations at a certain level, the search would explore some areas of the Pareto front more thoroughly than others. In order to minimize this effect, RA-TPLSconsiderstheweightswithinonelevelinarandomorder. In order to be an alternative to TPLS, RA-TPLS starts each new scalarization from a solution obtained from a previous scalarization. In particular, the initial solutionofthenewscalarization(usinganewweight)isoneofthetwosolutionsthat wereobtainedusingthetwoweightvectorsclosesttothenewweight.Thealgorithm computestheweightedsumscalarvaluesofthesetwosolutionsaccordingtothenew weight, and selects the one with the better value as the initial solution of the new scalarization. The implementation of RA-TPLS requires three main data structures: L is the i set of pairs of weights used in previous scalarizations, wherei determines the level ofthesearch;Sdisasetofpotentialinitialsolutions,eachsolutionbeingassociated withthecorrespondingweightthatwasusedtogenerateit;Archiveisthearchiveof non-dominatedsolutions. Algorithm 2 describes RA-TPLS in detail. In the initialization phase, an initial solutionisobtainedforeachobjectiveusingappropriatesingle-objectivealgorithms, 130 J.Dubois-Lacosteetal. Algorithm2RA-TPLS 1: s1 :=SLS1() 2: s2 :=SLS2() 3: Adds1,s2toArchive 4: L0 :={(1,0)};Li :=∅ ∀i>0 5: Sd:={(s1,1),(s2,0)} 6: i:=0 7: whilenotstoppingcriterionmetdo 8: (λsup,λinf):=extractrandomlyfromLi 9: Li := Li\(λsup,λinf) 10: λ:=(λsup+λinf)/2 11: s:=ChooseSeed(Sd,λ) 12: s(cid:6) :=SLS(cid:4)(s,λ) 13: Adds(cid:6)toArchive 14: Sd:=Sd∪(s(cid:6),λ) 15: RemoveDominated(Sd) 16: Li+1 := Li+1∪(λsup,λ)∪(λ,λinf) 17: ifLi =∅theni:=i+1 18: endwhile 19: RemoveDominated(Archive) 20: Output:Archive SLS ()andSLS ().Thesenewsolutionsandtheircorrespondingweights,λ=1and 1 2 λ=0,respectively,areusedtoinitializeL andSd.Inthenextphase,thewhileloop 0 is iterated until a stopping criterion is met. At each iteration, a pair of consecutive weights (λ ,λ ) is subtracted randomly from L and used to calculate the new sup inf i weightλ=(λ +λ )/2.Then,procedureChooseSeedusesthisweightλtochoose sup inf a solution from the set of initial solutions Sd. To do so, first ChooseSeed finds the two non-dominated solutions that were obtained from scalarizations using the weightsclosesttoλ: (cid:2) (cid:3) s = s | max {λ :λ <λ} inf i i i (cid:2) (si,λi)∈Sd (cid:3) (2) s = s | min {λ :λ >λ} . sup i i i (si,λi)∈Sd Next, ChooseSeed calculates the scalar value of s and s according to the sup inf new weight λ following (1), and returns the solution with the smaller scalar value. This solution is the initial solution for SLS(cid:4), the SLS algorithm used to tackle the scalarizations. This algorithm produces a new solution s(cid:6), which is added to both theglobalArchiveand(togetherwithitscorrespondingweight)tothesetofinitial solutions Sd, from which any dominated solutions are removed. Finally, the set of weightsforthenextlevel Li+1 isextendedwiththenewpairs(λsup,λ)and(λ,λinf). This completes one iteration of the loop. If the current set of weights L is empty, i a level of the search is complete, and the algorithm starts using pairs of weights from the next level Li+1. In principle, this procedure may continue indefinitely, although larger number of scalarizations will lead to diminishing improvements in theapproximationtotheParetofront. Improvingtheanytimebehavioroftwo-phaselocalsearch 131 3.2Experimentalanalysis Intheoriginalpublication,weappliedRA-TPLStotwobPFSPs[6].Inthispaper,we performamorecomprehensivestudybyrepeatingtheexperimentsonalargersetof instancesforthebPFSPsandincludingresultsonthebTSP.Thelatterallowsusto showthattheshapeoftheParetofrontplaysafundamentalroleintheperformance oftheRA-TPLSstrategy. AllalgorithmsevaluatedinthispaperwereimplementedinC++,compiledwith gcc4.4,andtheexperimentswererunonasinglecoreofIntelXeonE5410CPUs, running at 2.33Ghz with 6MB of cache size under Cluster Rocks Linux version 4.2.1/CentOS4. 3.2.1Casestudy:bi-objectivetravelingsalesmanproblem(bTSP) Given a complete graph G=(V,E) with n=|V| nodes {v ,...,v }, a set of edges 1 n E,andacostassociatedtoeachedgec(v,v ),thegoalinthesingle-objectiveTSPis i j tofindaHamiltoniantour p=(p ,...,p )thatminimizesthetotaltourcost: 1 n (cid:4) (cid:5) (cid:6)n−1 (cid:4) (cid:5) minimize f(p)=c v ,v + c v ,v pn p1 pi pi+1 i=1 ThesingleobjectiveTSPmaybedirectlyextendedtoamulti-objectiveformula- tionbyassigningavectorofcoststoeachedge,whereeachcomponentcorresponds tothecostofeachobjective.ThegoalthenbecomestofindthesetofHamiltonian tours that “minimizes” a vector of objective functions, where each objective is definedasabove. Herewefocusonthebi-objectiveTSP(bTSP).Weassumethatthepreferencesof thedecisionmakerarenotknownapriori.Hence,thegoalistofindasetoffeasible solutions that “minimizes” the bTSP in the sense of Pareto optimality. The bTSP is frequently used for testing algorithms and comparing their performance [9, 21]. Moreover,TPLSisamaincomponentofthecurrentstate-of-the-artalgorithm[17] forthebTSP. IsometricandanisometricbTSPinstances Wecreated10EuclideanbTSPinstances by generating for each instance two sets of 1,000 points with integer coordinates uniformlydistributedinasquareofside-length105.Wecalltheseinstancesisometric becausebothdistancematriceshavesimilarrange. In addition, we generated other bTSP instances, where the first distance matrix (correspondingtothefirstobjective)isEuclideanwhereasthesecondmatrix(corre- spondingtothesecondobjective)israndomlygeneratedwithdistancevaluesinthe range [1,max ], with max ∈{5,10,25,100}. Given the different range of both dist dist distancematrices,wecalltheseinstancesanisometric.Wegenerated10instancesof 1,000nodesforeachvalueofmax ,thatis,40anisometricbTSPinstancesintotal. dist ExperimentalsetupforthebTSP Theunderlyingsingle-objectivealgorithmforthe TSPisaniteratedlocalsearch(ILS)algorithmbasedonafirst-improvement3-opt algorithm [13].1 In order to speed up the algorithm, we compute a new distance 1Thisalgorithmisavailableonlineathttp://www.sls-book.net/ 132 J.Dubois-Lacosteetal. matrixforeachscalarizationandwerecomputethecandidatesetsusedbythespeed- up techniques of this ILS algorithm. For each scalarization, ILS runs for 1,000 ILS iterations(equaltothenumberofnodesintheinstance).Withourimplementation andcomputingenvironment,1,000iterationsrequirebetween0.5and1CPUseconds dependingontheinstances.Eachofthetwoinitialsolutionsisgeneratedbyrunning ILSfor2,000iterations.Finally,eachrunofthemulti-objectivealgorithmsperforms 30scalarizationsaftergeneratingthetwoinitialsolutions.Thenormalizationofthe objectives, necessary when solving a scalarization or calculating a weighted sum of the objectives, is performed by normalizing the two distance matrices to the samerange. We measure the quality of the results by means of the hypervolume unary measure [10, 25]. In the bi-objective space, the hypervolume measures the area of the objective space that is weakly dominated by the image of the solutions in a non-dominated set. This area is bounded by a reference point that is worse in all objectives than all points in all non-dominated sets measured. The larger is this area,thebetterisanon-dominatedset.Tocomputethehypervolume,theobjective valuesofallnon-dominatedsolutionsarenormalizedtotherange[1,2],thevalues corresponding to the limits of the interval being the minimum and the maximum values ever found for each objective. We use (2.1,2.1) as the reference point for computingthehypervolume. Experimental evaluation of RA-TPLS on bTSP instances We first study how the differentTPLSstrategiessatisfytheanytimepropertybyexaminingthequalityofthe Paretofrontas thenumber ofscalarizationsincreases.ForeachTPLSstrategy,we plotthehypervolumevalueaftereachscalarizationaveragedacross15independent runs.Figure1showsfourexemplaryplotscomparingRA-TPLS,1to2andD-TPLS on two isometric bTSP instances, and two anisometric bTSP instances. We do not show the strategy 2to1 for isometric instances because it performs almost identical to 1to2 w.r.t. the hypervolume; however, for anisometric instances we include 2to1 due to its rather different behavior when compared to 1to2. These plots are repre- sentativeofthegeneralresultsonotherinstances;thecompleteresultsaregivenas supplementarymaterial[7]. For isometric bTSP instances, according to the top plots in Fig. 1, the three strategies reach similar final quality. However, there are strong differences in the development of the hypervolume during the execution of the algorithms. The hypervolume of the Pareto front approximations generated by RA-TPLS shows a quick initial increase, and for few scalarizations a much higher value than D-TPLS and1to2.Hence,ifthealgorithmsareinterruptedbeforecompletingthepre-defined numberofscalarizations,RA-TPLSwouldclearlyproducethebestresults. ForanisometricbTSPinstances,wherethefirstobjectivecorrespondstoaEuclid- eandistancematrixandthesecondobjectivecorrespondstoarandomlygenerated matrixwithdistancevaluesintherange[1,max ],thebottomplotsinFig.1show dist acleardifferencebetweenstrategies1to2and2to1.Moreover,thesmallerthevalue ofmax ,thelargeristhedifference.Thevalueofmax alsoaffectstheanytime dist dist behavior and final performance of RA-TPLS. For small max , both 1to2 and D- dist TPLS seem to outperform RA-TPLS at various times. This can be explained as follows.Smallervaluesofmax resultinaverylargenumberofoptimalsolutions dist for the second objective. In such instances, the first scalarization of 2to1, which Improvingtheanytimebehavioroftwo-phaselocalsearch 133 1 1 1. 1. ume 0.9 ume 0.9 ol ol v v Hyper 0.7 Hyper 0.7 1to2 1to2 0.5 RDA−T−PTLPSLS 0.5 DRA−T−PTLPSLS 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of scalarizations Number of scalarizations (max = 5) (max = 100) dist dist 2 1. 1 1. 1 ume 1. ume 1.0 ervol 1.0 ervol 0.9 p p y y H 9 1to2 H 0.8 1to2 0. 2to1 2to1 D−TPLS 7 D−TPLS RA−TPLS 0. RA−TPLS 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of scalarizations Number of scalarizations Fig.1 Developmentofthehypervolumeoverthenumberofscalarizationsfor1to2,D-TPLSand RA-TPLS for two isometric (top plots) and two anisometric (bottom plots) bTSP instances. For anisometric instances we also plot the results of 2to1, since they differ strongly from 1to2. For isometricinstances,thereisalmostnodifferencebetween1to2and2to1.Anisometricinstanceswith intermediatevaluesofmaxdist(equalto10or25)showacompromisetrendbetweenthetwoextreme values5and100(seesupplementarymaterial[7]) uses a nonzero weight for the first objective and a large weight for the second, generates a solution with a value of the second objective being still optimal and a good value of the first objective. This translates into a huge initial improvement of the hypervolume. The underlying reason is that the initial solution minimizing the second objective is weakly dominated by the solution returned for solving the firstscalarization.Severalsubsequentscalarizationsof2to1improveonlyslightlythe valueofthefirstobjective,whilekeepingtheoptimalvalueofthesecondobjective; therefore,thehypervolumeimprovesveryslowly.Onlywhentheweightforthefirst objective grows large enough, a solution with a non-optimal value of the second objective is chosen, and the hypervolume starts improving in larger steps. On the other hand, when starting from the first objective in 1to2, every scalarization finds non-dominated solutions closer to each other, and the hypervolume grows initially slower than what is observed for the first huge step in 2to1. However, as soon as the weight of the second objective is large enough that only optimal values of the second objective solutions are accepted, the hypervolume quickly reaches its maximum. Finally, D-TPLS obtains better results because it progresses faster towardsthesecondobjective.Allthesebehaviorsshowthatequallydistributingthe computationaleffortinalldirectionsdoesnotpayoffintheseinstances.Itleadstoa wasteofscalarizationswhenbeingclosetotheoptimumofthesecondobjective,and 134 J.Dubois-Lacosteetal. veryslowprogresswhenbeingclosetotheoptimumofthefirstobjective.Thiseffect willbeevenstrongerinthecaseofthebPFSP. 3.2.2Casestudy:bi-objectivepermutationflow-shopschedulingproblem Theflow-shopschedulingproblem[14]modelsaverycommontypeofenvironment in industry and it is therefore one of the most widely studied scheduling problems. Inthe flow-shop schedulingproblem,asetof n jobs(J ,...,J ) is to beprocessed 1 n onmmachines(M ,...,M ).Alljobsgothroughthemachinesinthesameorder, 1 m i.e., all jobs have to be processed first on machine M , then on machine M , and 1 2 so on until machine M . A typical additional constraint is to forbid job passing, m and, as a result, the processing sequence of the jobs is the same on all machines. Thus,anypermutationofthejobsisacandidatesolution.Thisformulationiscalled permutationflow-shopschedulingproblem(PFSP). InthePFSP,allprocessingtimes p forajob J onamachineM arefixed,known ij i j in advance, and non-negative. Furthermore, we assume that all jobs are available at time 0. C denotes the completion time of a job J on the last machine M . The i i m makespan(C )isthecompletiontimeofthelastjobinthepermutation.ThePFSP max withmakespanminimizationformorethantwomachinesisNP-hardinthestrong sense[11]. The other objectives studied in this paper are the minimization of the sum of completiontimesa(cid:7)ndtheminimizationofthetotaltardiness.Thesumofcompletion times is given by n C. The PFSP with sum of completion times minimization is i=1 i stronglyNP-hardalreadyfortwomachines[11].Eachjobmayhaveanadditional associatedduedatedi.Thetar(cid:7)dinessofajobJiisdefinedasTi =max{Ci−di,0},and thetotaltardinessisgivenby n T.ThePFSPwithtotaltardinessminimizationis i=1 i stronglyNP-hardevenforasinglemachine[4]. Asacasestudy,inthispaperwefocusontwobPFSPvariants: (cid:7) 1. PFSP-(C , C) denotes the minimization of the makespan and the sum of max i completiontim(cid:7)es,and 2. PFSP-(C , T) denotes the minimization of the makespan and the total max i tardiness. ExperimentalsetupforthebPFSP Recently,wedevelopedanew,hybridstate-of- the-artSLSalgorithmforthesetwobPFSPs[5,8].Acrucialcomponentinthishybrid algorithm is TPLS using effective iterated greedy (IG) algorithms [23] adapted to each objective and combinations thereof. We use here the same IG algorithms to implement the various TPLS variants. Concretely, each TPLS algorithm generates twoinitialsolutionsforeachobjectivebyrunning1,000iterationsofthecorrespond- ingIGalgorithm.Then,itperforms30scalarizations,eachscalarizationrunning500 iterationsoftheIGcorrespondingtothecombinationofobjectives. Wegenerate10benchmarkinstanceswithn=50andm=20(50 × 20),and10 instanceswithn=100andm=20(100 × 20),followingtheproceduredescribed by Minella et al. [18]. These instances are available as supplementary material [7]. Giventhelargediscrepanciesintherangeofthevariousobjectives,allobjectivesare dynamicallynormalizedusingthemaximumandminimumvaluesfoundduringeach run for each objective. We compute and plot the evolution of the hypervolume as doneearlierforthebTSP.

Ann Math Artif Intell (2011) 61:125–154 DOI 10.1007/s10472-011-9235-0 Improving the anytime behavior of two-phase local search Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste·Manuel
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