iMProviNG LiveS... Hikma PHarmaceuticals Plc annual rePort 2012 Hikma PHarmaceuticals Plc annual rePort 2012 who we are... Hikma PHarmaceuticals Plc Since hikma was founded, it has rapidly grown to become a successful multinational pharmaceutical group with operations across the Middle east and North africa, the United States and europe. our business has a broad product portfolio, selling a wide range of branded and non-branded generics as well as innovative, patented products under license. our robust and diversifed business model has quality at the heart of everything we do and will enable us to maintain our track record of strong growth. For more inFormation, visit our website www.hikMa.coM how & where we are 2012 contents improving Lives improving Lives. overview strengthening our 02 / how we performed in 2012 leading position 04 / Chairman’s statement in the mena region strategiC review See page 12 07 / BUsiness modeL 08 / groUp at a gLanCe improving Lives... 10 / Chief exeCUtive offiCer’s review Developing our global 17 / Key performanCe indiCators product range in growing therapeutic areas BUsiness and finanCiaL review See page 18 21 / Branded improving Lives... 26 / injeCtaBLes 30 / generiCs extending our 34 / groUp performanCe reach and diversity 38 / prinCipaL risKs and UnCertainties through partnerships See page 24 sUstainaBiLity 41 / e nsUring the sUstainaBiLity of oUr BUsiness improving Lives... increasing the scale of our�specialty Corporate governanCe injectables business 56 / aBoUt this governanCe report 58 / governanCe report See page 28 72 / Committee reports 82 / remUneration report improving Lives... 104 / direCtors’ responsiBiLities leveraging our expertise and capacity finanCiaL statements in the us market 112 / independent aUditor’s report 113 / ConsoLidated finanCiaL See page 32 statements 118 / n otes to the ConsoLidated finanCiaL statements improving Lives... 157 / Company finanCiaL statements Building on our world-class 160 / n otes to the Company finanCiaL manufacturing and statements aPi sourcing capabilities 164 / sharehoLder information iBC / p rinCipaL groUp Companies – advisers See page 52 Hikma PHarmaceuticals Plc / annual rePort 2012 1 how we performed in 2012 another sUCCessfUL year hiKma deLivered exCeLLent revenUe and earnings growth 2012 2007–12 2012 rEvENUE rEvENUE CAgr ADjUSTED OPErATINg MArgIN $1,108.7m +19.8% 17.5% 2012 2012 2012 PrODUCTS MArkETED OPErATINg CASH fLOw EMPLOyEES 826 $182.2m 6,649 2012 REVENUE BY SEGMENT (%) 2012 REVENUE BY REGION (%) 4 1. Branded 47.7% 1. MENA* 55.8% 3 1 2. Injectables 42.4% 3 1 2. US 36.1% 3. Generics 9.4% 3. Europe 8.1% and the rest 4. Others 0.5% of the world 2 2 * Middle East and North Africa region (“MENA”) 2 HIkMA PHArMACEUTICALS PLC / ANNUAL rEPOrT 2012 2012 highLights ADJUSTED1 OPERATING PROFIT REVENUE ($ MILLION) ($ MILLION) +20.8% +32.9% 12 1,108.7 12 193.8 11 918.0 11 145.8 PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO EBITDA2 ($ MILLION) SHAREHOLDERS ($ MILLION) +35.9% +25.2% 12 225.2 12 100.3 11 165.7 11 80.1 DIVIDEND PER SHARE (CENTS) EARNINGS PER SHARE (CENTS) +23.1% +23.8% 12 16.0 12 51.1 11 13.0 11 41.3 1 Before the amortisation of intangible assets (excluding software) and exceptional items 2 earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation Hikma PHarmaceuticals Plc / annual rePort 2012 3 Chairman's statement an exCeLLent performanCe we deLivered very strong growth in 2012, with revenUe Up 21% and eps Up 24% samih darwazah Non-Executive Chairman 4 HIkMA PHArMACEUTICALS PLC / ANNUAL rEPOrT 2012 TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURN FROM JANUARY 2007 (%) HIKMA PHARMACEUTICALS PLC 200 +123% 150 F PTHSAER 3M5A0CEUTICALS & BIOTECHNOLOGY 100 50 0 -50 FTSE 250 -100 JAN 07 JAN 08 JAN 09 JAN 10 JAN 11 JAN 12 JAN 13 our robust business model continues to our us oral Generics business performed client leadership award for our sustainable drive high growth as we leverage our diverse below our expectations in 2012, due to development initiatives, excellence in geographic presence, broad product portfolio ongoing compliance work at our eatontown corporate governance and commitment to and high quality manufacturing facilities. facility. towards the�end of the year, the Board local communities. We were also awarded our business in mena grew by over initiated a review of the strategic options for Healthcare company of the Year by arabian 20% in 2012. We are seeing the results of this business, which has now been completed. Business achievement awards, where we our steadfast commitment to the region, Following this review, remediation of the were chosen from among 900 candidates. demonstrated by the ongoing investment eatontown facility remains the priority, as this award was presented in recognition we�have been making in these markets. does�bringing the facility back to pro�tability. of�Hikma’s performance and growth as We�continue to be the leading regional at the same time, we have initiated strategic a�listed company. manufacturer in mena and we remain focused discussions with third parties to evaluate the Board is recommending a �nal on strengthening our presence in our key alternative options for the business. dividend of 10.0 cents per share (approximately markets through capital expenditure and as part of our strategy of investing in� 6.7 pence per share), which will make a acquisitions. our investment has continued in our people and in recognition of the importance dividend for the full year of 16.0 cents per 2013 with the acquisition of the egyptian of having highly trained and dedicated share, an increase of 23% on 2011. company for Pharmaceuticals and chemical employees, we are focused on ensuring the�proposed �nal dividend will be paid on industries (“ePci”), which adds new products that middle management take on greater 23�may�2013 to shareholders on the register and manufacturing capabilities in egypt. responsibility and authority. in 2012, we on 19�april 2013, subject to approval by During 2012, we made excellent launched a leadership training programme for shareholders at the annual General meeting. progress developing our global injectables middle managers with the american university From 1 January 2007 through to the end business. We achieved strong revenue growth of Beirut (auB) to provide them with the of 2012, we have delivered a total shareholder and delivered transformational improvements knowledge and skills required for current and return of 123%. We are delighted with this to our manufacturing operations, enabling a future positions within Hikma. performance, which exceeds that of the step-change in the pro�tability of this business. as we train and empower our managers, Ftse 250 index and the Ftse Pharmaceutical We maintained our track record of excellent we ensure that Hikma’s values continue index, which gave a total shareholder return regulatory compliance in our injectables to be well communicated and understood of 31% and 41% respectively, over the facilities and proved ourselves to be a reliable by all of our people. During 2012, the Board same period. supplier of high quality injectable products initiated a�comprehensive review of our our ongoing commitment to our mena during a challenging time in the us market. code of conduct. We have since adopted business and the investment we have made We are encouraged by the prospects for the and published an enhanced code that in�our global injectables business means we global injectables market and�believe our demonstrates our commitment to upholding are�well positioned to drive continued growth injectables business is well positioned for strong the highest standards of integrity and in 2013 and beyond. growth over the medium and long-term. transparency across the Group. i was extremely pleased that our commitment to our local businesses and sustainability was recognised when we received the 2012 iFc samih darwazah Non-Executive Chairman Hikma PHarmaceuticals Plc / annual rePort 2012 5 strategiC review a diversified BUsiness modeL and proven strategy for deLivering growth and Creating sharehoLder vaLUe 6 HIkMA PHArMACEUTICALS PLC / ANNUAL rEPOrT 2012 strategiC review BUsiness modeL oUr aim is to improve the Lives of oUr patients aCross oUr gLoBaL marKets We achieve this through our robust and diversi�ed business model. By selling both innovative and generic products�and establishing a unique and differentiated market position, we are able to drive strong and sustainable�growth, increase patients’ access to high quality, affordable medicines and create shareholder value. how we Create vaLUe our aim is to... We acHieVe tHis tHrouGH our... We aim to DeliVer... HiGH QualitY, aFForDaBle Generics HiGH QualitY manuFacturinG Patient innoVatiVe in-licenseD ProDucts BeneFits BroaD r&D caPaBilities ProDucts tailoreD to Patient neeDs improve Lives eXPerienceD sales & marketinG teams aCross oUr stronG PartnersHiPs WitH licensors gLoBaL marKets DeDicateD emPloYees sustainaBle GroWtH estaBlisHeD local Presence BFiennaenFcitisal stronG ProFitaBilitY sHareHolDer Value Hikma PHarmaceuticals Plc / annual rePort 2012 7 groUp at a gLanCe what we do & where we deveLop, manUfaCtUre and marKet a Broad range of Branded and non-Branded generiC pharmaCeUtiCaL prodUCts aCross the middLe east and north afriCa, the United states and eUrope. we are aLso a Leading LiCensing partner in the mena region. oUr operations span over 45 CoUntries and are CondUCted throUgh three BUsiness segments COrE BUSINESS DIvISION: gEOgrAPHICAL ArEA: US generiCs TOP PrODUCTS: SELLINg OrAL gENErIC PrODUCTS ACrOSS THE US Amoxicillin Doxycycline Isosorbide mononitrate Methocarbamol Prednisone 2012 rEvENUE: LUoSn ogr-aslt agnednienrgic ps rmesaernkceet in the $ –3130.30%.7m faoncdu hs iognh qseuravliictey mlevaen lus facturing Strong emphasis on niche products, including controlled substances Leveraging our effcient and lower fcaocsitl itUieSs fiDn Ajo ardpapnro avned Smaaundui fAarcatubriaing M ore information see page 30 41 products in 103 dosage View our business model on page 7 forms and strengths1 8 HIkMA PHArMACEUTICALS PLC / ANNUAL rEPOrT 2012