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Improve your positional chess PDF

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ImprYoovuer PositCihoensasl CarstHeann sen Copyri©g Chatr stHeann se2n00 4 Ther igohfCt a rsHtaenn steonbe identaisfit ehdae u thooftr h iwso rhkas be enas sertienda ccor­ dancwei tthh Ceo pyriDgehsti,ga nnsPd a teAnctt1s 9 88. Anr ighrtesse rvTehdi.bs o oikss olsdu bjtte oct hec ondithtati oinst h anloltb ,yw ayo f trade or otherwbielse e,n rte,- shoilrdoe,ud t ootrh erwciisrec uliatnae ndfy onno fb indoirncg o voetrh er thatnh aitnw hicihit sp ubliasnhdwe idt haos uitm icloanrd iitnicolnu tdhicinosgn dibetiinogn im­ posedo nt hseu bsequpeurncth aser. A copyo ft hBer itLiisbhr Caartya logiunPi unbiglc atdiaotinasa vailfroamb lteh Ber itLiisbhr ary. ISB1N9 0460000X DISTRIBUTION: Worldwi(deex cUeSpAt) C:e ntBroaolk Lsd,t 99W aIliRsd, L ondoEn95 LN. 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GambPiut bilcatiLtod,n PsO. .B ox3 264L0o,n doWn1 4O JNE.- maiinlf:o @gambitbooks.com Orv siithte GAMBwIeTb s iatteh ttp:w/./gwawmbitbooks.com EditbeyGd r ahamB urgess Typesetb yPe trNau nn PrinitneG dr eatB ritbayiT nh eC romwePlrle sTsr,ow bridWgietl,.s 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GambiPtu bclatiioLnsl d ManagDiinrge cGtMo Mru:rr aCyh andler CheDsisr ecGtMo Jro:h Nnu nn EditoDriiraelcF tMo rG:r ahBaumgre ss GermEadni tWoFrM: PetrNa unn Contenst Symbols 4 4 Bibliography 5 ForewoarnddA cknowledgements Introduction 6 Par1t:G enerTaelr ms 1 9 UnderstandiInmgb alances 2 18 Whati st heI nitiative? 3 29 TheQ uesfto Wre aknesses Part2 :R elatViavleou feP ieces 4 45 Catasn dD ogsKn:i ghtsa ndB ishops 5 66 NotO nlyOpe n Fil-eWso rking withR ooks 6 81 TheE xchange 7 95 The Worth ofa Q ueen Par3t:De aliwnigth P awns 8 110 StructWueraakln esses 9 131 PawnS acrifices Par4t:B iDgec isions 10 142 Wherteo A ttacka ndH ow L1 YourTh m -Exercises 161 12 167 SolutitooEn xse rcises 190 Indexo fG ames Symbols + check Wcht worltde acmh ampionship ++ doubclheec k Ech Europeacnh ampionship # checkmate Echt Europeatnea mc hampionship 11 brillmioavne t ECC EuropCeanl ubCsu p goomdo ve Ct candidaetvese nt 11) interestmionvge IZ interzeovneanlt '11 dubiomuosve Z zoneavle nt ? badm ove OL olympiad '1'1 blunder jr junieovre nt +- Whitei sw inning worn womene'vse nt ± White ism ucbeht ter rpd rapidgplaamye ! Whitiess ligbehtttleyr tt teamt ournament = equaplo sition sim gamfer osmi mtualneoduiss play ;: Blacki ss ligbehtttleyr corr. correspongdaemnece + Blaciksm ucbeht ter 1-0 thgea me einnad w si nfo r White -+ Black is winning Ih-Iht hgea me einnadd sr aw Ch championship 0-1 thgea meen disna w inf oBrl ack Cht teamc hampionship (n) nthm atcgha me Wch worlcdh ampionship (D) senee xdti agram Biibolg prhay AguFr:i scHheirAs:pp roacht oC he(sCsa dog1a9n9 6) BeJiavskyc/hMiiskhShieancl:ro efCt hess Isn tu(iGtaimob2ni0 t0 2) ChessBGamsbeH C:h essMBaagsazei ne ChessBGamsbeH M:e gDaa tab2a0s0(e3C hess2B0a0s2e) DonaldsAoS nt:ra teOgpneiicnR ge pert(oIi.rCe1. 99E8.) Dvoretsuksyu/pYPovo:so intaPill a(yBa stfo1rd99 6) Emms:S impClhees (sE very2m0a10n) "anseCnu..T: h Sec andin(aChveiBsaassn2 e 0 02) JansDay:n amoifCc hess Sst rat(eBagtsyf o2r0d 03) KarpoCv:h easttsh Teo 1p9 81-1(P9e8r4g a1m89o4n) Karpov/MazukewiSttseclh:l ungsbuenPudlr at(neSpo irtlvuenr1gl9 a8g6 ) LaskLeras:k eMra'nsu aoflC he(sDso v1e96r0 ) MariSne:c roefCt hess Dse efnc(eGa mb2i0t0 3) MatanoVvariico:vu osl umoefIns fo rma(tSaohros vkIin formator) NielsBe.An:,l 'ONnim zowi(tDsacnhSs kka kfor1l4a9g5 ) NielsPe.n",". aIn seCna,.S :i ciAlcicaenl eDrraatge(odBan t sf1or99d8 ) NunoB:e atitnhge Si2(c Biatlosirfad1n 99 0) PachmaMno:d eCmhe sSst ra(tDoevegry1 791) PinsCkfia:s sDiucta(clEhv erym2a0n0 2) Srokovsky/BBorrauslliaaMw/asksit:e rinBgi sthoPhpaie (r I EC 1999) Uhlmann/ScBhaumeirndst:c hwac(hSepornr tve1r89l3a)g Uhlmann/ScOhffmeinLdeti :n i(eSpnrot ver1l89a1g) WalsonS:e croefMt odse mC hesSst rat(eGgaym b1i99t8 ) Walson:C hesSst rateignAyc ti(oGanm b2i0t0 3) YusouvpThe: Petro(ffO lm1s99 9) PeriodicalsC:h eMsasi Nlew, i nC hess MaSgkazaiknbel1i,ad dsektfro,riftS chacSkc,ha ch. BritCihessMhsa gazCihneeMs, os n tahfnySd hakhmyaB tinu lleten Forewroda ndA cknwoledgmeenst Thanfkospr i cktinhgibo so ku pI.' m sure ctarehfautsl t wuiidtwtyh i lhle lypo uu nderstthaienn d­ tricacioefps o sitionamlu cbehct htesesr gaunidyd oeu t om akinbge tter decisiotnhse throughout courosfae l olfy ougra mes. Thep rocethseastn dewdi tthh cer eatoiftho inws o rhka bse elno nsgt,a rbtaicnwkgh enb,a rely elevyeeanr osl dIp, i ckuepda copoyfN imzowitscShy'sstMIeyd m id.n u'ntd ersetvaenrdy thing Nim20witwscrho taeb oubtu.Itc ann owse eh owi sth apmeydu nderstaonfcd hiensOgsn e.' esd u­ catiioncn h ensesv eenrd Isco ;n tintuobe ea mazebdy t hien stisbg yho thgerrea cth eassu thloirkse DvoretNsuknynS.,h ereshaenvdWs katys ont,om entibounatf ew. Manyp eopdleese rvto ebe thankmeyd mot;h er,wh o taugmhet tpol acyh esasnd; m y father. whoh elpmeedu nderscthaenbesdts t earn dh elpmeedu ndersttheav nadl oufew orkionn ygo ru gamoen y our oMwybn r.o tghaevrme e t hfeir smto tivatot sitoundb yy, winan ipnrigin azt eo urna­ menwth erIde idnw'itna n ay nhd assin cteh ebne eonn oef m yb iggseusptp orMtaenrtysh .a ntkos myc hessf rienadnsd analysis partwnietrwhsh ,o mIth oagvueent ochveerr ed semcorreeot fts h e gamteh awne c ould havoeno udorow nneA. lso thantok Sst ephawniheok. e pmte a tt hfiree and helpmee df ocusF.i namlyld ye.e pgesrta titot tuhdGeea mbtieatm M.u rrCahyandlJeorhnN, u nn anGdr aham Bufrogtrea skisn.g a ocnhm aenb caecin k 1 998a,n fdo r tphaetiirew nictmehe a nd for thweo hrtakhr edhy a vpeu itn taolp lh aseosfm yb ooks. CarsHtaenns en HackenNsaewc Jke,r sNeoyv,e m2b0e0r4 Itnorduction Tactiicwss h aytod uo w hent heirsseo metthdoi ons;grat teigwsyh ayto duo w hetnhe riens ot hing tod o. SAVIETLA LRYT AKOWER Whaits P ositiCohneasls ? Lets'tsa ortu bty d efiniwnhgaw te ar ea botuotd isciunths issbo ok. Positiocnhaesrlse fetroas l l theel emeinnct hses tsh agtoi nttohee valuaotfai p oons itainoidnn ,tt oha es sessomfwe hnitcp hl an ansdt ratiesbg eysi tna g ivpeons ition. Ik nowt,h idso esrne'atlt leyylo lum uchb,u Itj usstu ggyeosukt e etph iisnm inads y ouw ork youwary throtuhbogeoh k An. indivitdoupmaialcy l ookab iotu otf t ouwciht thh oev ersaulblje ct ofp ositiocnhaelsb sua,t s y oup ultlhet hreadst ogetihsteh ro,u hlodp efmuallkysee n se. So whaatr wee l ookiatn?g Thinfkoa rl itwthlieal boeu wth icfha ctyoorucs o nsiwdheeryn o ue valuaap toes itHioowmn a.n y oft hfeo olwlinegl ememnatdsie it n tyoo umre ntcahle cklist? MaterBialaaln ce/Imbalance • Pawn-Structure • PawnD istribution • IsolaPtaedwn s • BackwardlHangPianwgn s • PassePda wns • PiecCeo ordination • PieDcies tribution • KinSga fety • Development • WeakS quares • WeakC oloCuorm plex • OpeFni les • ControofRl a nks/Diagonals • Goovd sB adP ieces • Initiative • ControofCl e ntre • KingsPiodtee ntial • QueensPiodtee ntial • More cboeum ledn tiobnueItds ,h asltloh pe rEev.e inyf o uh adm osto ft hem,Iam suret here are �titlhli ntgols e arno rt ob ei mproovneE.dv etnh setr ongpelsaty keereswp or kinognt heuinrd er­ �tandoiftn hgge a meI.fy oua rseer ioaubosu tg ettbeitntge wrh,i cIha ssuymoeu a rsei nycoeu boughtth iboso k, wyiouln le etdod ot hsea meH.o ws troynogub ecomen ootn ldye penodnhs o w mucthi maen de ffoyrto up uitn tiotb ,u atl shoo ww elylo uu nderswthaanytdo uh ave woornk ed and hyoowua ppilttyo y ougra me wyhoenup lay. INTRODUCTION 7 Int hibsoo kI shgaotl hlr oualg ohot fe xampilletlsru astaiv nagr ioefet lye metnhtesm,ie sd,e as, etcIs. u ggthate syto ud onr'uts thhr ougthhee x amplbeurtsat ,h etra ktei mteoe valueaacthpe o si­ tioann dm akuep y oumri nasd tow hoh ast hbeet ter poasniwdt hiaoytno ,uw oulpdl aiyfy ouh ad thpeo sitiinoo nneo f y ouorw ng ames. Chesiss9 9%T actics Thicsl aiwas m firsmta deb yR ichaTreidc hmaannndh, a ss inbceee rne peatheudn droefd s timeisna v arioeftb yo okosfa lslo rbtysa lkli nodsf authoIrs sh.aa llYlel tom yws etlodf i s­ agreaesI, t hiintik, s a tb esmti,s ugideTdh e reIast ohni snoki sb ecautshteea cctsni ormally exibsetc auosfae ni mbalainnoc neeo r m orpeo sitifoaoncrtaNsl.i mzowiotnseccw hr ot"eP:o ­ sitipolnaaayln cd ombinatpilyvah ea vteos uppeoarctoh t hearn;hd'e c ontuie:ns" Top lapyo si­ tinoaclhe sisst om akaec laoifmt hfeo llokwiinn'dgI: ' bme ttceern tratlhiazmney od p ponent' or' myo pponieswne ta okn t hlei gshqtu araenssd' oo nB.u otn et hiinstg o m akteh cel aiamn,­ othiestr o p rovietA .n dn owi sth oubleda, s s omkei nodfp ecurliitoayb,s ertvheadpt,o sitional pladyo estan l'wahyasv teh seu fficcaipeanctti omt ayk eth per ooOff.t en eniotwu iglchlo me abouwti thoauntyd ifficeug.l.tt hyce:e ntraliwzialftloi rotcnhe oe p ponteons te etkol ighten thper essutrher ou'grhe streaxicnnhegade'as s:a r esusletv,e treamlpa irl eo satn tdh cee ntral­ izepda rwtiyl olb taais nu pereinodrg a.m.be.u t th earreae l soot hcears wehse rteh peo sitional supericoarnniottb yed emosntrabtyep do sitipolnaIayntl. h ecsaes tehsce o mbinaptliawvyie l l havteoa sstiI.sn t hiwses eteh dee epiemrp ortoafnc ceo mibnatipvleai ys;tn i 'tw ondertfhualt combintaivpel adye,s piittesexp losdiyvnea mitec-ofilnlteeidnna t w ,a ys tialplp ltioep so si­ toinapll ay!" The2 ndW orlCdh ampiEomna,n uLeals keorn,c wer ot"eB:yc ombinatthimeoa ns teari mtso show upa ndde fetahftea lvsea lutehste;r uev alues gsuhiahimdl eli np ositipolanwyah,li cihnt urn shablrli tnhgo vsea luteohs o nour:' It hitnhkac th eissas t l eas90t% baseodnp ositifaocntaolr s. Whiltea ctarei csc ondseirerde lateiavsetylos y t udpyo,s itciohneshas asla na ltogether different standiinmn ogs pte oplmei'nsdT sac.t iccanse asibelp yr atcismeosdt;c hemsasg azihanveeas r eg­ ulafrea tuwriet cho mbinaptuizoznlt esos olvbeu,ft o pro siticohneassnlo thing cans ibmei lar founYdet h adi tno bte efno ther positiiombnaalla nacnewdse aknesisnae g si vpeosni titohne, combinationno etwx oiuSosl twd h iwleea reb einsgpo on-fweidt ehx ampolfev sa ricoomubsi na­ tiopna ttearnnstd h emleist,itspl ases eodnt ou sa bohuotw w ec amno seats ideltye rmwihnee thae r combinactaibno een x pecttobe edf ouonrdn ot. Int hibso okIs, h aslhlo ywo uw hattol oookufto tor h elepv alupaotsei tions qrueilcaktliyv.e ly Thisw inn ootn lhye lp yoyuo uwporis tiht ional plaanydp, l asntnrbiauntatgel ,gst yoh t ea ctical sidoefy ougra me. Is haglelbt a ctkot hasth orBtlufyto. n rowl,e tl'osoa kl itftolrew aarthd o wth ibso oikso rga- niz,ea dndwh ayto ucan expefrocmt thceh aeprts. Thebo oki sd iviidnetdfo o urp arts: Part 1:G enerTaelr ms Part 2: RelativVael ueo fP ieces Par3t:De alinwgi tPha wns Part B4i:Dg e cisions Eacpha rcto ntatihnrstee o f oucrh apteearcsch,o evriand gi fferteonptiI sc h.a elxlp ltahien theorayn udn derstaonfdtithnoegp i inqc u estiboasend o ng ametsa kfreonm c ontempomrastaerry plaTyh.eg ameisn clsoumdeeb yp layersa sKs ruacmhn Kiakr.p oPve,t rosiLaanr,sA ennd,e rsson ansedv eroatlh oefmr y f avourpiltaey ebruastl, sa lo o otfg amefesa tuprel ayyeorums a yn obte s o familwiiatrh . Attheen odf e acchh apttehrew,rei lblea n umb0ef re xercfioseyrso uto s olTvhee.s oluttioo ns theseex ercicsaebnse f ounidnt hleas cth apotfet rh beo ok. 8 IMPROVYEO URP OSrrJONALC HESS AT oofloY ro u Int hec ourosfae g amteh eirsae r elatsiivmeplflyo er lmuat hawti ll ghueilydpoe ut om aket he rigdhetc isibotho nssh,o rt-atnedlr omn g-tTehrefm o.r muislb aa seodna n umbere loefm etnhtast wes halloolk a tth roughout twhihse nmb aokionkgt he decasi tsoiw ohinc h course the game shoutakle.d T he elements are: 1K.i nsagf ety 2.P awntru-csturaen dd istribution 3.P iecocoer ditniaoann dd istribution 4.U nprotepcatwenadsn dp ieces 5.W eaks quares 6.W hatw ould oypopuorn deoni tfi wt e rhei tsu rn(?p ropahxyils) Whenevieitr sy o utru rny,o us houglotd h rotughh ilsit ltilIsetts .o unadb sit ted iobuusot,n ce thep roceisssst arititers de ,l ateiavsetylof y o llaso mwo,s etl emernetmsa tihnse a mfer ommo ve to movaned t hefroered onha'vte to plaayni mmediraotlieent hed ecisioinn-gHm.oakw evieyfr o,u r opponmeankte asm ovoer s taarp tlsa wnh ersee veorfta hlee l emewnitlcslh antghee,yn o uk now thayto ua raeta c ritpiocailin ntt h gea maen ydo uc atna ktehn ee cessatriym toe m akteh rei gdhet­ cision. Thesee lemearnetn sot o nluys efwuhlem na kipnogs itdieocnsiai lob nusat,l swoh eyno hua vae highly tpaocstiitocintao hlnboare d . Crittiacaclt diecacli sairoeena ss iteomr a ke wyhoeuhn a vae cleiadrea o ft hbaes ifce atuorfye osu pro sitainodyn o ud onh'atv aeh ordoefl oosep awnasn d pieceusn accoufnoaterld ol v etrhbo ea rdI ndeceod,m binawtiilaolln ssbeo detewcitteghdr eater ease.

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