PART 47-IMPORTATION OF ARMS, AMMUNITION AND IMPLEMENTS OF WAR Subpart A-Scope .ceS 1.74 .lareneG 2.74 .snoitaluger dna swal rehto ot noitaleR snoitinifeD-B trapbuS 11.74 .smret fo gninaeM tsiL tropmI snoitinuM .S.U ehT-C trapbuS 12.74 .tsiL tropmI snoitinuM .S.U ehT 22.74 .seidob denihcam dna ,sgnitsac ,sgnigroF noitartsigeR-D trapbuS 13.74 .tnemeriuqer noitartsigeR 23.74 .eef fo dnufer dna noitartsiger rof noitacilppA 33.74 noitacifitoN fo segnahc ni noitamrofni dehsinruf yb .stnartsiger 43.74 ecnane tfn oisadMroce ry b sdneorsirueqper otretsiger .selcitra tsiL tropmI fo sretropmi sa 53.74 .debircserp smroF stimreP-E trapbuS 14.74 .tnemeriuqer timreP 24.74 .timrep rof noitacilppA 34.74 .timrep fo smreT 44.74 .noisnepsus ro noitacover ,lained timreP 54.74 .noitatropmI 64.74 .tisnart ni selcitrA snoisivorP suoenallecsiM-F trapbuS 15.74 .noitacifirev yreviled dna noitacifitrec tropmI 25.74 .seirtnuoc niatrec ot elbacilppa snoitcirtser tropmI 35.74 .snoitpmexE 45.74 .elbacilppani serudecorp evitartsinimdA 55.74 .detlusnoc esnefeD dna etatS fo stnemtrapeD 65.74 .sreciffo smotsuC fo ytirohtuA 75.74 .smraerif yratilim .S.U serutiefroF dna seruzieS ,seitlaneP-G trapbuS 16.74 .noitatropmi lufwalnU 26.74 .stcaf fo tnemlaecnoc ro stnemetats eslaF 36.74 .erutiefrof dna eruzieS .8772 .C.S.U 22 :ytirohtuA esiwre hstsoe l,n4u 7 ,9.51 n2,a1 J 5,9R283F3- F.T DA:.eTcruoS .deton epocS-A trapbuS .lareneG 1.74 § ehT snoitaluger ni siht trap etaler ot tahtoitrop n fo nlo o i, trtt8srtcc3moneA r po SfA,xC,ho6Edc7 ei9sdh1anwema si denrecnoc htiw eht noitatropmi fo ,smra noitinumma dna tropmI snoitinuM .S.U eht sniatnoc trap sihT .raw fo stnemelpmi dna stnemeriuqer evitartsinimda dna larudecorp sedulcni dna tsiL snoisivorp gnitaler ot noitartsiger fo ,sretropmi,stimrep selcitra ni ,tisnart tropmi ,noitacifitrec yreviled ,noitacifirev tropmi snoitcirtser elbacilppa ot niatrec ,seirtnu o,csnoitpmexe .S.U yratilim smraerif ro,noitinumma ,seitlanep ,seruzies dna .serutiefrof llA snoitangiseddna segnahc ni noitangised fo selcit ratcejbus ot tropmilortnoc rednu noitceS 414 fo eht lautuM ytiruceS tcA fo ,4591 sa e dhentta ayftroSater c eeefhScotnerruc n eoehc vt,adhednema .esnefeD fo yraterceS -F T.AD .ydTbedne ms,aa47 9, 15.2n a,J15 2R9,3F38-F T.AD.T[ ]5891 ,81 .tcO ,85124 RF 05 ,512 .snoitaluger dna swal rehto ot noitaleR 2.74 § )a( llA fo esoht smeti no eht .S .sUnoit itnruoMpmItsiL era hcihw )12.74 § ees( "smraerif" ro "noitinumma" n idenife ds a 81 .C.S.U )a(129 era tcejbus ot eht etatsretni dnangierof dna .C.S.U 81 eltiT fo 44 retpahC ni deniatnoc slortnoc ecremmoc era yeht fi dna 871 traP RFC 72 "smraerif" noitinife deh tnihti w snoisiv o erptohcttej bou ss el)raaa(5 4.8C5. S tn6.tui2Ueos fo 72 RFC traP .971 ynA nosrep degagne ni eht ssenisubfo )a( 1.2C 9 .d nSe8i.n1 Ui nfsoeaidtin u smrmmoraae rginfitropmi sn of ni oriset eaiss7e dt vnu2ha nbRoemttuoFrc,rCpi8al7P1 nd on siah ntmcffli riioilhseanha ttheiwfeirtrfhwoiepfdmi 62 .C.S.U )a(5485 tsum osla retsiger dna yap laiceps xat ,gnisne c.hi9 cl t7u r1S Rasf7FPCno2oisiv o ertohpnttausrup noitartsige rdna laiceps xa tstnemeriuq erera ni noitiddaot .trap siht fo D trapbus rednu noitartsiger )b( ehT timr esperudecorp fo trapbus E fo siht trapera lla ot elbacilppa snoitinuM .S.U eht no selcitra fo snoitatropmi tropm ItsiL to ntcejbus o tslor trneodcnu 72 RFC traP 871ro .971 .S.U snoitinu MtropmI tsiL selcitr atcejbus otslortnoc rednu 72 RFC traP 871 ro 72 RFC traP 971 era tcejbus oteht se r stutnr dioof emip odc rtmeeofeaistrilpoorpuhtogtnpeimri e hd tesnteiithnat U tiegSwhn(tina efmo 72 RF Cstra P871dna .)971 )c( dreotfr o tptsmrii oLspnmoIit is .neneSuloh.MctU itrA foer enhotisivid bluascit i elrt o o aspyrtenoSta adteSt ienhUt sl of ro tt7t m rn 2pRote ooemFrrh8p creCfat7mtaxP1iueebra ton tpmex emo rlfort nroe cdnnouitce S,83 smr AtrolpoxrEtnoC ycn e ygsrnaeoat adteSt i enUdyhebttro psmsie l,n6u 7tf9co1A hcus llA .foereht setatS detinU eht yb detropmi ton snoitatropmi ro yna ycnega foereht llahs eb tcejbus ot eht tropmitimrep .trap siht fo E trapbus fo serudecorp ]5891 ,81 .tcO ,85124 RF 05 ,512-FTA .D.T[ snoitinifeD-B trapbuS .smret fo gninaeM 11.74 § nehW desu ni siht trap dna n id esb mirrreocdfsneurpht si ,trap erehw ton esiwre hytlotcnit sdiedsserpxe royltsefinam elbitapmocni htiw eht tnetni ,foereht smret llahs evah eht sgn idneabeimrcsa ni sih t.noitces sdroW ni eht larulpmrof gnitra psmd i rd,onawas re e cdv,inrvaalug neeihdstul clnliahs eht enilucsam redneg llahs edulcni eht .eninimef ehTsmret "sedulcni" dna "gnidulcni" od ton edulcxe rehto sgniht ton esiwre h etsrrosoa allacre nee m g e aenhhsritca idhewtaremune .foereht epocs eht nihtiw FTA .reciffo nA reciffo ro eeyolpme fo eht uaeruB fo ,lo hooccclaAboT dn asmrae r)diFeFTzAi(roht uoat mrofrepyna t snfieohmtec rn oorfionteartsi ng inoemithdtta aslneoritcnuf .trap .elcitrA s tfrnoaewme l,dpnnmoaiitin u ,my smnfemaAohrta .tsiL tropmI snoitinuM .S.U eht ni detaremune .uaeruB uaeruB fo ,lohoclA occaboT dna ,smraeriF eht .yrusaerT eht fo tnemtrapeD .enibraC Atrohs - del leelrfriarb es olhewrrab yslilareneg .thgiew thgil yb deziretcarahc si dna sehcni 22 naht regnol ton .RFC .s noitalugeR laredeF fo edoC ehT lacimehC.tnega A ecnatsbus lufesu ni raw ,hcihw ybsti yranidro dna tcerid lacimehc ,noitca secudorp a lufrewop .tceffe lacigoloisyhp .selcitra esnefeD .22.74 § ro 12.74 § ni detangised meti ynA h crues h dt,nosapuk c,osmle dsoemdul cmn rise ithT h csimhewti gn i yto latl tlaacec t er i§a1rlnd2iah.d ec7rve4oetr .§22.74 d sey,etr I s anoIryo frgoX onmpoeeXeFaremth.utuatSpinC.eU .)121 traP RFC 22( tsiL snoitinuM esnefeD .secivres )a( ehT gnihsinruf fo ,ecnatsissa gnidulcni ,gniniart ot ngierof snosrep ni eht ,ngised ,g n,itrne ee,mnnpioo gil,ntegecvnu,eidedsorsrueptccoarfpunam ,noriotaci f,iedconmane t,nr ii,aalmpuea rh,rneoviot a,reespuo setatS detinU eht ni rehtehw ,selcitra esnefed fo noitcurtsnocer ro ;daorba ro )b( ,atad lacinhcet yna fo snosrep ngierof ot gnihsinruf ehT .daorba ro setatS detinU eht ni rehtehw .rotceriD ehT ,rotceriD uaeruB fo ,lohoclA occaboT dna .62202 CD ,notgnihsaW ,yrusaerT eht fo tnemtrapeD eht ,smraeriF detucexE rednu eht seitlanep fo .yrujrep dengiS htiweht debircserp noitaralced rednu eht seitlanep fo yrujrep sa ded in vo,, o nmtrro rc poihoer rttfpooeaisth cweteirohltppa tnemuc o,dro erehw on mrof n ofiota r,a dlsecibeidrhctsiewrp :noitaral ceehdt t ayhrtu j srfeeoiptla nerehe ptdenrual cIe"d siht __________ tresni( epyt fo tnemucod hcus sa,tnemetats ,etacifitre c,noitacilppa ro rehto ,)tnemucod gnidulcni eht dyeebnmim an x ese,eafbhoer ethrto p dpneuitstim bsutsnemucod ,d n , oa tt,tdescf n geee,dfasdbrienoierl ualoeyrwcbmtonk ”.etelpmoc .smraeriF A,nop ad enswat nle lnd,aon rpasomtforecarpeht ton revo 05. rebila chcihw lliw ro si dengised ot ro yameb ylid adeertrevnoc ot lepxe a elitcejorp yb eht noitca fona elz z du,nmsa ntuegl l deeBnpdBaul c tnloiln a th,usebvisolpxe gnid akocla l)br ( esgdmnwrioadpeurlic fnyin(a mraeri fhtiwa ,kcolhctam ,kcoltnilf noissucrep ,pac ro ralimis epyt fo noitingi )metsys ro smraerif derevoc yb yrogetaC )a(I .8981 erofeb ro ni derutcafunam neeb evah ot dehsilbatse .noitat rt orrpoompimI msoe rtdfa e totgeStinhnnitiUg nirB anygriten ruyoonfca fo seehltci tnroa e httr o,ptmsIiLtub llahs ton edulcni ,tisnartni yraropmet tropmi ro yraropmet tropxe snoitcasnart tcejbus ot tnemtrapeD fo etatSslortnoc .snoitalugeR laredeF fo edoC ,22 eltiT rednu t.rtospimLI dee hnt Tissnaiei tllfncoo i c§t1r2a.d7n4a niereht deifitnedi ."tsiL tropmI snoitinuM .S.U ehT" sa e.nniuhgcaM enihca m,b"uls o"etnsii hp ,ce"annmiu" hgAcam" ,"nug ro c"ietlafmiortua" d esynilglio ast mnearidageirriof el gyy nlbailsacitamo tyula lduef rginf iefelobba p,raeocrif .reggirt eht fo llup .timreP ehT emas sa "esnecil" rof sesoprup fo 22.C.S.U .)c(4391 .nosreP ,noitaropro cr o,n oitaicoss a,ynapmo c,pihsrentra pA .nosrep larutan a sa llew sa .lotsiP Adnah detar emproa-eri fgnivah a rebmahcni larget .erob eht ,htiw dengila yltnenamrep ro ,htiw . )le acrnnooatiicgleeprRmiodc( e hlTapicni rFpTAlanoiger .trap siht ni snoitaluger gniretsinimda rof elbisnopser laiciffo .revloveR Adnah red ngi nlmhiyrtv cai ldewaoervtieafrrepo- .segdirtrac laudividni rof srebmahc gniniatnoc .elfiR A redluohs mraerif gnigrahcsid stellub hguorht a delfir lerrab ta tsael 61 sehcni ni ,htgnel gnidulcni .snug gnillird dna noitanibmoc gnitropS epyt thg igsnidu.llacnciitpo A cipocselet thgis elbatius rof thgilyad esu no a ,elfir ,nugtohs ,lotsip ro .gnitoohs tegrat ro gnitnuh rof revlover .retpahc sihT retpah C,s noitaluge Rlarede Ff oedo C,7 2eltiT .)I retpahC RFC 72( I .setatS detinU sedulcn i,esne slacihpargoe geh tn ides uneh W ralusni eht ,ociR otreuP fo htlaewnommoC eht ,setatS lareves eht d,naaibm u tlfcooiCrt se,ihsDtet adteSt isefnnhoUotissessop sre wysonepasicr esxeet adteSt iehnhcU tir heywvrootir ryenta .noitcidsiruj dna ,noitalsigel ,noitartsinimda fo A8 65(0 8.7C.S .6U2( 1s.8at9a t 9S 54.0(C2. S,7.)2U 7.1t9atS 28( 629 .C.S.U 81 ,)dednema tropxE smrA ,83 .ces dna ,)959 .tatS ))447 .tatS 09 ,8772 .C.S.U 22( tcA lortnoC ,82 .tpeS ,04855 RF 44 ;8791 ,13 .raM ,53531 RF 34 ,84-FTA .D.T[ ,9791 sdaedne myab ,.2D0.2T- F0T5A R F,28 3.4r1pA ,21;5891 ]5891 ,81 .tcO ,85124 RF 05 ,512-FTA .D.T tsiL tropmI snoitinuM .S.U ehT-C trapbuS .tsiL tropmI snoitinuM .S.U ehT 12.74 § ,etatS fo tnemtrapeD eht yb delipmoc tsiL snoitinuM .S.U ehT htiw ,1.121 RFC 22 ta dehsilbup dna ,lortnoC snoitinuM fo eciffO ,d e st d aasenhcn teio n pedieosobnthiadiettalfa eorndeamune tsr c lesse. odeijtor nlhbrtteuctua nsisp eonthcertfaeehdT s isfheotsop r eu rhp,otlfl a,hwso l te tub,eots sdieltagrupxe :tsiL tropmI snoitinuM .S.U eht sa nwonk eb ,trap TSIL TROPMI SNOITINUM .S.U EHT SMRAERIF-I YROGETAC )a( r,e0s b5moi.rtl aacecirtiafmot uc aiditnmaaemsotuanoN ta b,meovcisulcni n sasshletel r hrstanibuwg t,dosnhnasugtohs 81 sehcni ni ,htgnel dna lla stnenopmoc dna strap rofhcus .smraerif )b( hcus rof strap dna stne nopmoc lla dna smraerif citamotuA .evisulcni 05. rebilac ot smraerif )c( ycnegrusnI ycnegrusniretnuoc- epyt smraerif fo rehto snopaew gnivah a laiceps yratilim noitacilppa .g.e( esolc tluassa snopaew )smetsys sseldrager fo rebilac dna lla .smraerif hcus rof strap dna stnenopmoc )d( smraeriF srecnelis dna srosserppus , gnidulcnihsalf .srosserppus )e( sndointaaci fdyiercr aeotputtiscli asfmeupnoacmselfiR .rofereht stnenopmoc deifidom ro dengised yllacificeps :ETON ,s r , e,sdvs l nle,oao nstvrioeseebtlirbrfpiai0lcR5a.c n sasshletel r hrstanibuwg t,dosnhnasug ttoah bs,meovcisulcni y r s o8e drg1h heeecnt ddtnigeunainrluCeaclni .)a(I enihcaM ,snug enihcambus ,snug enihcam slotsip dna yllufcitamotua selfir ot rebilac 05. evisulcni era dedulcni rednuyrogetaC .)b(I SROTCEJORP YRELLITRA-II YROGETAC )a( snuG revo rebilac ,05. ,sreztiwoh ,sratrom dna .selfir sselliocer )b( .srotcejo rp dna sreworhtemalf yratiliM )c( sretohnftemhc a,dtsnteaaiross e,csc ta,rsatpneno pmoC sshe pl)a carni (gitdarnra aag)pnbi (d, uyflr ocosngiiehttac .selcitra eseht rof segairrac dna stnuom ot detimil ton tub NOITINUMMA-III YROGETAC )a( s en ior rioesotfhm gitrne naituamCmA I dn aII fsoiht .noitces )b( ,stnenopmoC ,strap ,seirossecca dna stnemhcattarof selcitr anhiparga r)aap( fo s,giynhritodguel tctanucibton detimil ot egdirtrac ,sesac redwop ,sgab ,stellub,stekcaj ,sretsoob ,selitcejorp ,)sllehs nugtohs gnidulcxe( sllehs ,seroc sezuf dna stnenop m,orcofereh t,sremirp dna rehtognitanoted .noitinumma hcus rof secived )c( .senihcam gniknil dna gnitleb noitinummA )d( gnidaol noitinumma dna senihcam gnirutcafunam noitinummA .)seno gnidaoldnah tpecxe( senihcam :ETON egdirtr adCna lle hssgnisac er adedul crneidynruogetaC dered nn eeer evyb ae,hhntoitatro prm i ireooh tit,rspse lInIuI sselesu dnoyeb eht ytilibissop fo noitarotser rof esu sa a ,tnemta eerm ta,lgfni t saf ne ogahynebim sla l ceerghodsirtrac .gnippop ro ,gnittuc ,gnihsurc ,gnilgnam CATEGORY IV-LAUNCH VEHICLES, GUIDED MISSILES, BALLISTIC MISSILES, ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, BOMBS AND MINES (a) Rockets (including but not limited to meteorological and other sounding rockets), bombs, grenades, torpedoes, depth charges, land and naval mines, as well as launchers for such defense articles, and demolition blocks and blasting caps. (b) Launch vehicles and missile and anti -missile systems including but not limited to guided, tactical and strategic missiles, launchers, and systems. (c) Apparatus, devices, and materials for the handling, control, activation, monitoring, detection, protection, discharge, or detonation of the articles in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this category. Articles in this category include, but are not limited to, the following: Fuses and components for the items in this category, bomb racks and shackles, bomb shackle release units, bomb ejectors, torpedo tubes, torpedo and guided missile boosters, guidance system equipment and parts, launching racks and projectors, pistols ( exploders), igniters, fuze arming devices, intervalometers, guided missile launchers and specialized handling equipment, and hardened missile launching facilities. (d) Missile and space vehicle powerplants. (e) Military explosive excavating devices. (f) Ablative materials fabricated or semifabricated from advanced composites (e.g., silica, graphite, carbon, carbon/carbon, and boron filaments) for the articles in this category that are derived directly from or specifically developed or modified for defense articles. (g) Non/nuclear warheads for rockets and guided missiles. (h) All specifically designed components or modified components, parts, accessories, attachments, and associated equipment for the articles in this category. NOTE: Military demolition blocks and blasting caps referred to in Category IV(a) do not include the following articles: (a) Electric squibs. (b) No. 6 and No. 8 blasting caps , including electric ones. (c) Delay electric blasting caps (including No. 6 and No. 8 millisecond ones). (d) Seismograph electric blasting caps (including SSS, Static-Master, Vibrocap SR, and SEISMO SR). (e) Oil well perforating devices. NOTE: Category V of "Munitions List" deleted as inapplicable to imports. CATEGORY VI-VESSELS OF WAR AND SPECIAL NAVAL EQUIPMENT (a) Warships, amphibious warfare vessels, landing craft, mine warfare vessels, patrol vessels, auxiliary vessels and service craft, experimental types of naval ships and any vessels specifically designed or modified for military purposes. (b) Turrets and gun mounts, arresting gear, special weapons systems, protective systems, submarine storage batteries, catapults and other components, parts, attachments, and accessories specifically designed or modified for combatant vessels. (c) Mine sweeping equipment, components, parts, attachments and accessories specifically designed or modified therefor. (d) Harbor entrance detection devices (magnetic, pressure, and acoustic ones) and controls and components therefor. (e) Naval nuclear propulsion plants, their land prototypes and special facilities for their construction, support and maintenance. This includes any machinery, device, component, or equipment specifically developed or designed or modified for use in such plants or facilities. NOTE: The term "vessels of war" includes, but is not limited to the following: (a) Combatant vessels: (1) Warships (including nuclear-powered versions): (i) Aircraft carriers (CV, CVN) (ii) Battleships (BB) (iii) Cruisers (CA, CG, CGN) (iv) Destroyers (DD, DDG) (v) Frigates (FF, FFG) (vi) Submarines (SS, SSN, SSBN, SSG, SSAG). (2) Other Combatant Classifications: (i) Patrol Combatants (PC, PHM) (ii) Amphibious Helicopter/Landing Craft Carriers (LHA, LPD, LPH) (iii) Amphibious Landing Craft Carriers (LKA, LPA, LSD, LST) (iv) Amphibious Command Ships (LCC) (v) Mine Warfare Ships (MSO). (b) Auxiliaries: (1) Mobile Logistics Support: (i) Under way Replenishment (AD, AF, AFS, AO, AOE, AOR) (ii) Material Support (AD, AR, AS). (2) Support Ships: (i) Fleet Support Ships (ARS, ASR, ATA, ATF, ATS) (ii) Other Auxiliaries (AG, AGDS, AGF, AGM, AGOR, AGOS, AGS, AH, AK, AKR, AOG, AOT, AP, APB, ARC, ARL, AVM, AVT). (c) Combatant Craft: (1) Patrol Craft: (i) Coastal Patrol Combatants (PB, PCF, PCH, PTF) (ii) River, Roadstead Craft (ATC, PBR). (2) Amphibious Warfare Craft: (i) Landing Craft (AALC, LCAC, LCM, LCPL, LCPR, LCU, LWT, SLWT) (ii) Special Warfare Craft (LSSC, MSSC, SDV, SWCL, SWCM). (3) Mine Warfare Craft: (i) Mine Countermeasures Craft (MSB, MSD, MSI, MSM, MSR). (d) Support and Service Craft: (1) Tugs (YTB, YTL, YTM) (2) Tankers (YO, YOG, YW) (3) Lighters (YC, YCF, YCV, YF, YFN, YFNB, YFNX, YFR, YFRN, YFU, YG, YGN, YOGN, YON, YOS, YSR, YWN) (4) Floating Dry Docks (AFDB, AFDL, AFDM, ARD, ARDM, YFD) (5) Miscellaneous (APL, DSRV, DSV, IX, NR, YAG, YD, YDT, YFB, YFND, YEP, YFRT, YHLC, YM, YNG, YP, YPD, YR, YRB, YRBN, YRDH, YRDM, YRR, YRST, YSD). (e) Coast Guard Patrol and Service Vessels and Craft: (1) Coast Guard Cutters (CGC, WHEC, WMEC) (2) Patrol Craft (WPB) (3) Icebreakers (WAGB) (4) Oceanography Vessels (WAGO) (5) Special Vessels (WIX) (6) Buoy Tenders (WLB, WLM, WLI, WLR, WLIC) (7) Tugs (WYTM, WYTL) (8) Light Ships (WLV). CATEGORY VII-TANKS AND MILITARY VEHICLES (a) Military type armed or armored vehicles, military railway trains, and vehicles specifically designed or modified to accommodate mountings for arms or other specialized military equipment or fitted with such items. (b) Military tanks, combat engineer vehicles, bridge launching vehicles, halftracks and gun carriers. (c) Self-propelled guns and howitzers. NOTE: Category VII (d) and (e) of "Munitions List" deleted as inapplicable to imports. (f) Amphibious vehicles. (g) Engines specifically designed or modified for the vehicles in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (f) of this category. (h) All specifically designed or modified components and