Implications of the gauge-fixing in Loop Quantum Cosmology. Francesco Cianfrani1, Giovanni Montani123∗ 1Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Roma “Sapienza”, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy. 2ENEA, Centro Ricerche Frascati, U.T. Fus. (Fus. Mag. Lab.), Via Enrico Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati, Roma, Italy. 3INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Sezione Roma1, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy (Dated: November2011) TherestrictiontoinvariantconnectionsinaFriedmann-Robertson-Walkerspace-timeisdiscussed viatheanalysisoftheDiracbracketsassociated with thecorresponding gaugefixing. Thisanalysis allows us to establish the proper correspondence between reduced and un-reduced variables. In thisrespect, it is outlined how theholonomy-fluxalgebra coincides with the oneof Loop Quantum Gravityifedgesareparalleltosimplicialvectorsandthequantizationofthemodelisperformedvia standard techniques by restricting admissible paths. Within this scheme, the discretization of the 2 area spectrum is emphasized. Then, the role of the diffeomorphisms generator in reduced phase- 1 space is investigated and it is clarified how it implements homogeneity on quantum states, which 0 are defined over cubical knots. Finally, the perspectives for a consistent dynamical treatment are 2 discussed. n a PACSnumbers: 04.60.Pp,98.80.Qc J 1 1 1. INTRODUCTION Universe dynamics. These achievements have been made possible by the ] use of minisuperspace models, in which some degrees of c Thecosmologicalimplementationofaquantumgravity freedomarefrozenoutandthedimensionalityofthecon- q model represents at the same time a physically relevant - figuration space is reduced. For instance, the cosmolog- r scenario,whichdescribesthepropertiesoftheearlyUni- ical line element is described by the homogeneous and g verse, and a privileged arena where the peculiarities of isotropic Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric, in [ the full theory can be analyzed in a simplified frame- which there is an evolutionary variable only, the scale 3 work. Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) [1] constitutes factor a. Henceforth, the reduced dynamical system is v the most relevant approach in which the quantization parametrized by a function of the scale factor and the 6 of geometric degrees of freedom is performed. The def- whole space is represented by a single point on which a 4 inition of the kinematical Hilbert space[2], the descrip- 5 lives. tion of geometricalquantities in terms of quantum oper- 4 In LQC the minisuperspace approximation has been ators with discrete spectra [3, 4] and the regularization . addressed by restricting SU(2) connections to invariant 4 ofthesuper-Hamiltonianconstraint[5]arethemostout- ones through some simplicial 1-forms [13]. This way,the 0 standing achievements of such a theory and they mark 1 reducedconfigurationspaceisparametrizedbyonetime- a close distinction with respect to the geometrodynam- 1 dependent variable only, such that both the Gauss and : ical Wheeler-DeWitt approach [6]. However, the anal- diffeomorphisms constraints vanish identically. Hence, v ysis of the super-Hamiltonian operator is such an hard i holonomies are defined by considering only those paths X task that no conclusion can be inferred for the semiclas- parallel to simplicial vectors (see [14] for a discussion on sical limit and the expected quantum modifications to r thisrestriction)andquasi-periodicfunctionsaretakenas a Einstein equations. In this respect, the investigation of basic configuration variables. Finally, via the Gel’fand the full theory has been moved from the standard pro- transform the Hilbert space is developed as the Bohr cedure to implement constraints ´a-la Dirac to different compactification of the real line. approaches,both ina canonicalsetting, viathe so-called The troubles come with the super-Hamiltonian oper- master constraint [7] and algebraic formulation [8], and ator H. In fact, the standard picture to regularize H is in a covariant framework,through spin-foam models [9]. based on fixing the minimum value for the parameter µ A proper dynamical description has been given in the labeling quasi-periodic functions in such a way that the framework of Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) [10], physicalareaspectrumhasthesameminimumasinLQG whose most impressive result is the avoidance of the ini- [11]. Inotherword,thespatialmanifoldisenrolleddown tial singularity [11]. Recently, the implications of LQC from the minisuperspace approximation. But if so, one onthecosmic-microwavebackgroundradiationspectrum cannotignorethatwhenconsideringthefullspatialman- havebeenevaluated[12],soopeningupthepossibilityto ifold,theHilbertspaceisnotanymoregivenbytheBohr test experimentally quantum gravity corrections on the compactificationofthereallineandthefullSU(2)-graph structure must be considered. For instance in [15], we outlined that if one retains a local definition for reduced variables and consider the action of operators on SU(2) ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected],[email protected] holonomies, the area operator has a discrete spectrum 2 and the regularization of H in [11] cannot be justified 2. LQG AND LQC anymore. We proposed there a different approach to fix a minimum value for µ, which is related with the total The main features of LQG are the reformulation number of vertices of the fundamental path underlying of gravity in terms of a SU(2) gauge theory and the the continuous space picture. definition of the space of distributional connections. The former is made possible by the properties of gravity In this work, we are going to reformulate the steps phase space [16], which can be parametrized by the whichleadtodefinethevariablesdescribingacosmologi- Ashtekar-Barbero connections Ai and densitized triads calspace-time,inordertoachieveaquantumformulation a Ea as conjugate momenta. In particular, the smearing closer to LQG with respect to the standard LQC frame- i version of Ai and Ea (along a path Γ(s) and across work. At first we will consider the gauge fixing of SU(2) a i a surface S with normal n , respectively) are taken invariancewhichprovidesthe restrictiontoinvarianttri- a as coordinates, such that basic Poisson brackets are ads, a part for some conformal space-dependent factors. described by the holonomy-flux algebra, i.e. (we work Theassociatedconditionswillmaketheconstrainthyper- in units 8πG=~=c=1) surfacessecond-classandwewilloutlinehowthereplace- mentofPoissonbracketswithDiraconeswillallowusto [E (S),h ] = define fluxes in reduced phase-space. In particular, the i Γ DB holonomy-fluxalgebrawill be modifiedand it willrepro- −iγ oΓ,S(s )h0,sAτ hsA,1 Γ∩S ={Γa(s )}, ducetheoneofLQGonlyifholonomieswillbeevaluated = A A Γ i Γ A ,(1) alongedgesparalleltosimplicialvectors. Henceforth,the (cid:26) P 0 otherwise quantizationofthecosmologicalmodelwillbeperformed where accordingwiththefulltheoryandthiswouldbe possible in view of the local character that reduced variables re- oΓ,S(s )= na(sA)(dΓa/ds)|sA , (2) tainafterthe gaugefixing. Inparticular,stateswillhave A |n (s )(dΓb/ds)| | b A sA support on reduced paths such that the quantum space can be described as a lattice with edges along simplicial whileγ denotestheImmirziparameterandτiare(Her- vectors and the natural admissible vertices are 6-valent. mitian) SU(2) generators. We willconsiderthe actionofthe areaoperatorandout- Thedefinitionofdistributionalconnections(see[1]and line that the associated spectrum is discrete. references therein) is the basic point for a quantum rep- resentationwhichis inequivalentto the Wheeler-DeWitt Furthermore, because the gauge fixing will not select one. The relationship with the classical configuration invariantconnections, but a dependence fromspatialco- variables is established via SU(2) holonomies along Γ, ordinates will remain in reduced variables, the super- which can be embedded into the space of general homo- momentum constraint will not vanish identically and we morphisms X from Γ itself to the SU(2) group. The l(Γ) will analyze the role of the associated diffeomorphisms space of distributional connections X¯ is made of homo- generator D . In particular, the vanishing of D will a a morphisms from the set of all piecewise analytical paths imply the invariance under translations along simplicial of the spatial manifold (which can be seen as a tame vectors. By adopting the standard LQG tools to imple- subgroupoid[17])intothetopologicalSU(2)group. This mentdiffeomorphismsinvarianceona quantumlevel,we spacecanberealizedastheprojectivelimitofX ,from will outline how translational invariance will impose ho- l(Γ) whichitcanbedemonstratedthatX¯ isacompactHaus- mogeneity on a fundamental level. Then, given the form dorff space in the Tychonov topology. This construc- of the vertex structure as a 6-valent one, it will be dis- tionisparticularlyuseful,becausestartingfromtheHaar cussedthepossibilitytoregularizethesuper-Hamiltonian measure of the SU(2) group, one can define the regular operator without any external assumption. Finally, we BorelprobabilitymeasuredµonX¯. Attheend,thekine- will investigate how the variables of LQC arise within matical Hilbert space can be introduced as the space of this scheme and we will find the same duality condition square integrable functions over X¯, i.e. A¯ = L2(X¯,dµ), between simplicial fluxes and curve length discussed in and essentially self-adjoint momentum operators can be [15]. implementedstartingfromtheholonomy-fluxalgebra(1) The manuscript is organized as follows: in section [18]. Thanks to the relation (1), the action of E (S) i 2 LQG and LQC are reviewed and in section 3 the can be described via the left invariant vector field of the SU(2) gauge fixing underlying the LQC formulation is SU(2) group. Basis vectors are invariant spin-networks, discussed. Then, section 4 is devoted to define the im- such that the quantum space is endowed with a combi- plications of such a gauge fixing in LQG kinematical natorial structure, given by the edges and the vertices Hilbert space, while in section 5 a consistent way to im- of the fundamental paths underlying the continuous pic- posethe remainingdiffeomorphismsinvarianceofthe re- ture, which, together with the compactness of the gauge duced phase-space is presented. In section 6 the bridge group, is responsible for the discreteness of geometrical with LQC phase-spaceis established via a proper reduc- operators spectra [3, 4]. tion of configuration variables. Finally, brief concluding LQC [10] performs the quantization of a cosmological remarks follow in section 7. model via LQG-inspired techniques. The line element of 3 a FRW space-time is given by is the replacing of the initial singularity with a bounce [11]. ds2 =dt2−a2 1 dr2+dΩ2 , (3) In[15]ithasbeenoutlinedhowtheoriginoftheparam- (cid:18)1−kr2 (cid:19) eter µ¯ can be traced back to the combinatorialstructure ofthefundamentalpathunderlyingthecontinuousspace k being 1,0,−1 for a closed, flat and open space, re- (µ¯ = (V /N)1/3, N being the total number of vertices), 0 spectively. thus to the foundation of LQC. The starting point of such an approach consists in adopting invariant Ashtekar-Barbero connections [19] and densitized triads, which read as follows 3. SU(2) GAUGE FIXING Ai =c0ei, Ea =p0ea, (4) a a i i In LQC, SU(2) gauge invariance and the graph struc- where |p| = 0ea2 and c = 1(k + γa˙), while 0ea and turearelost,suchthatthetoolsadoptedinLQGtoinfer 2 i discretespectraforgeometricaloperatorsandtoregular- 0ei denote the so-called simplicial 1-form and vectors, a izethesuper-Hamiltonianarelost. Wearenowproviding respectively, with 0e=det(0ea). i analternativereductionofLQGtoacosmologicalspace- Hence, reduced phase-space is parametrized by c and time which is able to maintain these two properties and p, while holonomies are restrictedto those edges parallel thusitcangiveabetterperspectiveonaminisuperspace tosimplicialvectors0ei,suchthattheytakethefollowing a model for LQG. expression In a FRW space-time one can perform an arbitrary h =eiµcτi, (5) spatialrotation,dependingbothonspaceandtimecoor- i dinates, without changing the space-time geometry (3). µbeing theedgelength. Poissonbracketsaregivenby This is the case because in the minisuperspace approx- imation the form of the metric is fixed and one is free γ [p,h ] =−iµ h τ , (6) to make arbitrary transformations in the tangent space. i PB i i 3V0 Hence, in order to work with invariant connections and triads (4) a fundamental gauge fixing of the SU(2) sym- V beingthevolumeofthefiducialmetric. Holonomies 0 metry must be performed. In particular, the generic ex- (5) are determined by linear combinations of quasi- pression for Ei can be obtained from (4) by a rotation, periodic functions N = eiµc, thus N themselves a µ µ i.e. are taken as basis elements of the configuration space. The algebra generated by {Nµ,p} plays the role of the Ea = pΛj0ea, (9) i i j holonomy-fluxalgebraofLQGandbytheanalogouscon- Xj structionof the generalcase one finds that that X¯ is the HBoilhbrerctomsppaaccetiisficgaivtieonnboyftHhe=reLa2l(lRinBeoRhrB,odhµrB.oHhre)n,cwe,htehree asΛsojiobneiansggaauggeenienrvicarSiaOn(c3e)ismpartersixer,vwedh.icThhies caornbditirtaiorny the measure reads Λj =δj is fixed by i i <Nµ′|Nµ >=δµ′,µ. (7) χi =ǫijk0ejaEka =0. (10) Themomentumoperatorisimplementedasessentially Indeed, the relation above is solved by self-adjoint from the relation (6). Ea =p (x,t)0ea, (11) Once the super-Hamiltonian operator is rewritten in i i i terms of this set of variables, it takes the following ex- wherewehavethreedifferentp whicharefunctionsof pression in a particular operator ordering i all space-time variables. At this level, let us choose 24i H= lim Hµ¯ = lim sign(p) sinµ¯c p1 =p2 =p3 =p(x,t). (12) µ¯→0 µ¯→0(cid:20) 8πγ3µ¯3l2 P Hence, we have not performed yet the full reduction µ¯c µ¯c µ¯c µ¯c sin V cos −cos V sin sinµ¯c , (8) to invariant triads (4). However, the relation (10) fixes (cid:16) 2 2 2 2 (cid:17) (cid:21) completely SU(2) gauge freedom. This can be seen from µ¯ being the length of edges entering the definition of the fact that the Poissonbrackets with the SU(2) Gauss H, while V = V p3/2. The limit above does not exists constraint, i.e. 0 andH is evaluatedby fixing a minimum µ¯ in sucha way G =∂ Ea+γǫ kAjEa, (13) thattheoperatorp2hasthesameminimumeigenvalueas i a i ij a k theareaoperatorofLQG.Suchadescriptionofacosmo- donotvanishontheconstrainthypersurfaces(11),but logical space-time leads to a difference equation, whose they give associated dynamics is not equivalent with the Wheeler- DeWitt one. The major achievement within this scheme [G ,χ ] ≈−2γ0epδ , (14) i j PB ij 4 for which det[G ,χ ]6=0. i j As a consequence, the full system of constraints is [E (S),h ] = i Γ DB second-class and two different quantization procedures can be adopted: i) to work with reduced phase-space −iγ oΓ,S(s )h0,sAτ hsA,1 Γ∩S ={Γi(s )}, A i A Γ i Γ A variables;ii)to describetheconstraintshypersurfacesvia = PCihΓ(0,s)τihΓ(s,1)ds Γ⊂S (,21) thefullsetofphase-spacecoordinates,implementingnon R e 0 otherwise commuting conditions through the replacement of Pois- son brackets with Dirac ones. where LQC is based on i). Here we are going to fix the re- n (s )0ea(s )(dΓb/ds)| 0ei(s ) lationship between reduced and unreduced variables via oΓ,S(s )= a A i A sA b A , (22) theevaluationofDiracbracketsonthehypersurfaces(11) i A |nc(sA)(dΓc/ds)|sA| with the condition (12). e while C is a factor, which would need to be regular- The Dirac brackets between unreduced phase-space i ized. variables are given by Theexpression(21)givestheholonomy-fluxalgebraas 1 soonasthe gauge-fixingcondition(10)holds. Itisworth [Ai(x),Aj(y)] = (Ei(y)Aj(x)−Ej(y)Ai(x)+ a b DB 2 b a a b noting how the algebra undergoes a significant change, +2δijδ Ek(y)Al (x))δ(3)(x−y)− such that it is not possible to represent the action of kl [b a] fluxes in terms of left-invariant vector fields as in LQG. 1 ∂ − ǫij Ek(x) δ(3)(x−y)+ Furthermore,thereisalsoadivergingcontributioninthe 2γ k(cid:18) a ∂xj case when Γ belongs to S. ∂ This issues can be avoided by restricting the class of +Ebk(y)∂yaδ(3)(x−y)(cid:19),(15) paths to those ones along simplicial vectors, i.e. dΓi [Ai(x),Eb(y)] = 1(δiδb +0ebi(x)0e (y))δ(3)(x−y), ds ∝0eic. (23) a j DB 2 j a aj (16) In fact, in this case the factor oΓ,S(s ) coincides with i A the one of LQG oΓ,S(s ), while C = 0 for Γ ∈ S. In [Ea(x),Eb(y)] =0. (17) A i i j DB other words, the holonomy-flux aelgebra after the gauge It is worth noting that connections do not commute fixingofSU(2)symmetryisstilltheoneofthefulltheory anymore and this reflects the fact that on the constraint if holonomies are restricted to those ones along edges hypersurfaces the components Aa are not independent. parallel to simplicial vectors, which can be written as i We can select as independent variable ci = Ai0ea, whose Dirac brackets are given by Pa a i hΓi =eiRci(s)dsτi. (24) [ci(x,t),cj(y,t)] =0, (18) Inthefollowing,wewillconsiderthosepathsΓi whose DB edges are straight along 0ei and we will denote them as a reduced paths. [ci(x,t),Eb(y)] =0eb(y)δiδ(3)(x−y). (19) j DB j j Therefore,the restrictionto reducedpaths canbe mo- tivatedwiththerequirementtoreproducetheholonomy- Thefirstrelationintheconditionaboveensuresthatci flux algebra of the full theory, which will allow us to de- arepropercoordinatesonthehypersurfacesG =χ =0. i i fine the action of variables associated with fluxes as es- These coordinates are precisely the set of variables on sentiallyself-adjointoperatorsinthekinematicalHilbert which the quantum formulation should be based on. In space. fact,thesubstitutionofPoissonbracketswithDiracones is not enough in order to perform a gauge fixing on a quantum level. One should also modify the scalar prod- 4. KINEMATICAL HILBERT SPACE OF uct in order to select proper coordinates on the con- GAUGE-FIXED LQG straints hypersurfaces [20]. Thebrackets(19)willallowustodeterminetheaction Because of the local character of reduced variables of un-reduced momenta after the gauge fixing, so fixing ci =ci(x,t), the graphstructure properofLQGmustbe the spatial geometric structure of a cosmological space- retained, the only restriction being that reduced paths time. The holonomies along a generic path Γ evaluated must be considered. onconstrainthypersurfacestakethefollowingexpression The definition of the space of distributional connec- hΓ =eiPiRΓci(x(s))0eiaddΓsadsτi. (20) tions is made via the projective limit of Xl(Γ), in which the paths enter merely as a label and the only require- Hence, the holonomy-flux algebra after the gauge ment for them is that they form a partially oriented fixing reads set. This means that arbitrary paths can be replaced 5 withreducedonesandthedefinitionofreduceddistribu- The brackets between p and cj can be inferred from i tional connections can be carried on as in the full the- p = Ea0ei, such that one can evaluate the expression i i a ory. Henceforth, the configuration space associated with above finding a cosmological space-time can be developed as the pro- jective limit X¯C of homomorphisms from each reduced [D[ξ~],cj(x)]=[ξa∂acj +cj0eja0ebj∂bξa]|x, (28) path Γ to the SU(2) group and the associated Hilbert space is the one of square-integrable functions over X¯ , andthefiniteactiononreducedholonomiesissuchthe C i.e. A¯ = L(X¯ ,dµ). Basis vectors are given by spin- following C C network functionals defined on reduced paths only. [D[ξ~],h ]=h −h , (29) The action of momenta operators follows from the Γi φ(Γi) Γi expression (21) and it is given by wherethepathφ(Γi)isobtainedfromΓi bythetrans- lationxi →xi−ξa0ei. Inotherwords,inthephase-space Eˆ (S)h = a i Γj parametrized by holonomies over reduced paths, full 3- diffeomorphismsinvariancereducestothe invarianceun- = γ AδijoΓjS(sA)hΓ0,jsAτihΓsAj,1 Γb∩S ={Γj(sA)},(,25d)er translations along simplicial vectors. This feature (cid:26) P 0 otherwise can be implemented as in LQG, by taking functionals in the dual space defined over “reduced knots”, i.e. the The relations above are crucial, because they demon- equivalence class of reduced paths under translations. stratethatthe operatorsassociatedwithEi areoriented Let us now consider the action of finite diffeomor- a along the simplicial 3-bein 0Ei. Therefore, only by tak- phisms in the kinematical Hilbert space. Each reduced a ing properly into account the gauge fixing the resulting path is the direct product of 1-dimensional paths along geometric structure reflects the one proper of simplicial each simplicial direction. 1-dimensional paths over the vectors. same reduced graph are a partition of the same line, on The area operator of a surface S intersecting Γ in s whichedgebase-pointsdefinealattice. Admissiblepaths A canberegularizedasin[4]andthefinalexpressionreads are associated with all the possible lattices one can re- alize. Let us denote by PI = {eI} a certain partition A Aˆ[S]h =|γ| n (s )0Ea(s )h |τ |. (26) of the line. A generic state is the direct sum over each Γi a A i A Γi i XA partition PI of reduced spin networks along edges eIA, i.e. This result emphasizes how the action of the area op- ψ =⊕ d ⊗ c Tj , (30) erator is determined by the SU(2) generators associated I I A A,I,j eI withthe consideredholonomy. In particular,Aˆ[S ]is en- Xj A i dowed with a discrete spectrum in view of the presence c , d being generic coefficients, while Tj denote of |τ |. A,I I eI i A the reduced j-spin-network along the edge eI. The ac- A tionofa finite smoothdiffeomorphismsmaps a partition PI intoapartitionPJ,I 6=J,suchthatthetotalnumber 5. RELIC 3-DIFFEOMORPHISM INVARIANCE of edges is preserved. This way, a solution can be devel- oped in the dual space by taking a sum over the orbit. TherestrictiontoEa =p (x,t)0ea andAi =ci(x,t)0ei i i i a a This means that physical states do not depend on which implies that the supermomentum constraint does not particular partition is chosen. The resulting picture is vanish identically. In fact, there are some residual co- that of cubical knot. ordinate transformations which leave the fiducial metric However, there also exists a class of diffeomorphisms invariant.Thesetransformationsaregeneratedby0ei and a preserving a generic partition I, which are those trans- wearegoingtodiscussthekindofrestrictiontheyimpose lations mapping one-to-one all edges eI into eI with on a quantum level. A B B 6= A. The invariance under this class of transfor- Inordertoanalyzetheresidualsymmetriesofacosmo- mations implies that c = c . In other words, A,I,j B,I,j logical model, one must evaluate the action of the gen- thequantumstateassociatedwithanygivenedgeA, i.e. erator of 3-diffeomorphism with Dirac brackets, which c Tj ,mustbethesamealongthewholepartition coincide with workinginreducedphase-space. Inpartic- j A,I,j eIA PI. ular, one finds As a consequence, the emerging spatial manifold ex- hibits a fundamental homogeneity along each direction. D[ξ~]=Z [ξaEjb∂aAjb−ξa∂b(AiaEjb)]d3x= This is due to the fact that the whole diffeomorphisms group has been reduced to the invariance under trans- = [ξap ∂ ci−ξa∂ (p ci0ei0eb)]d3x, (27) lations along each simplicial direction, which act on 1- Z Xi i a b i a i dimensional paths only. In order to implement isotropy, the additional condi- ξa being arbitrary parameters. tion (12) must be imposed. This can be done simply 6 by identifying the quantum states along different direc- Therefore,thelengthofcurvesandthefluxacrosssur- tions, so realizing the cosmological principle on a quan- faces in the simplicial manifold are related and the pa- tum level. rameterµdoesnotenterthespectrumoftheareaopera- What remain to be done is the description of 3- tor. Accordingwiththeresultsof[15],thispointsuggests dimensional vertices via a proper reduction of invariant thattheregularizationofthereducedsuper-Hamiltonian intertwiners imnpqrs. In fact, given the vertex structure, operator can be performed fixing µ¯ = (V /N)1/3, N be- 0 the expression of the un-reduced super-Hamiltonian op- ing the total number of vertices. Henceforth, as far as erator can be regularized according with the procedure LQC variables are identified, the origin of the minimum described in [5] for the full theory, the difference being µ¯ value can be traced back to the existence of a funda- that reduced paths have to be considered only. Such a mental path underlying the continuous picture and, in procedure is based on introducing a path-dependent tri- particular, to the number of vertices of such a path. In angulation of the spatial manifold and on defining H as this respect, it is worth noting that in the previous sec- anoperatoractingatvertices. Theresultingexpressionis tionwe found that the number ofedges,thus ofvertices, automatically regularized without any external assump- labeled different superselection sectors under the action tion, as the imposition of a minimum value for the pa- of reduced diffeomorphisms. rameter µ¯ in LQC. Moreover, the fixed 6-valent vertex structure is expected to provide a sensible simplification of the analytic treatment, such that the issues ofthe full 7. CONCLUSIONS theory can be overcome. Therefore, the description of a cosmological space in In this paper, we investigated the foundation of LQC terms of a cubical knot with a fixed quantum state and the fate of SU(2) degrees of freedom in the associ- attached to each edge will allow us to discuss a self- atedgauge-fixedformulation(4). We analyzedthe Dirac consistent cosmological implementation of LQG and to bracketsemergingby the restrictiontoconstrainthyper- investigate the foundation of LQC. surfaces and the non-commutativity of connections has been pointed out. Then, we determined the holonomy- flux algebra in the gauge-fixed formulation and we out- 6. FUNDAMENTAL LQC VARIABLES lined that it coincided with the one of the full theory as far as the restriction to edges parallel to simplicial vec- The configuration space of LQC is derived from torstookplace. Henceforth,wecouldquantizethewhole holonomies (24) as soon one imposes that ci does not systemasinLQGbutonaspecialclassofpaths,charac- depend on spatial coordinates, such that terizedbya6-valentvertexstructure. Asaconsequence, h =eiµcΓτi, (31) the areaoperatorwasdefinedandthe discretenessofthe Γi corresponding spectrum has been emphasized. where c can be written as c = cdt/µ. Once the Γ Γ Γ The diffeomorphisms group reduced to translations independence fromspatialcoordinateRsis assumed,Dirac alongsimplicialvectors. Byworkingwithreducedpaths, brackets with 3-bein densitized vectors (19) becomes we could solve the associated constraints by using the 10Ej(y)δ(2)(Γ(s)−y), y =Γ(s) same techniques adopted in full LQG. In particular, we [cΓ,Ebj(y)]DB =(cid:26) µ b 0 y ∈/ Γ . concluded that quantum states in the physical Hilbert space were defined on the direct product of the equiva- (32) lence classes of reduced paths under translations. This The resulting holonomy-flux algebra is still the same factimpliedthatalongeachsimplicialdirectionalledges as in LQG and the discretization of the area operator wereassociatedwith the same quantumstate. This way, spectrum follows as discussed in the section 4. homogeneityhadbeenimposedonthepathstructure. As Thevariablepcanbe definedfromtheactionoffluxes soon as the restriction to FRW variables took place, the (25) and a possible definition is the following one resulting picture of the fundamental cosmological space 3 was that of a homogeneous and isotropic cubical knot. 1 p= p , p =Eˆ (S )/∆, (33) Finally,therelationshipwiththestandardLQCformu- i i i i 3 Xi=1 lation has been inferred by defining the operator p from fundamentalfluxes. This analysisprovidedthe samedu- S being the surface whose normal vector is 0ei, while i a alityconditionbetweensimplicialfluxesandcurvelength ∆ is the associatedflux in the simplicial metric (we take as in [15] and it posed serious doubts on the viability of thesame∆ineachdirection). Thisway,theDiracbrack- the super-Hamiltonian regularization procedure proper ets between p and holonomies gives of LQC [11]. γ [p,h ] =−i h τ . (34) However, here the possibility to describe a cosmolog- Γi DB 3∆ Γi i ical line-element by a path having all edges parallel to In order to reconcile the expression above with the simplicial vectors and a fixed vertex structure opens up analogous one in LQC (6) one has to fix ∆µ = V , so the perspective to address the dynamical behavior di- 0 finding the same duality condition as in [15]. rectlyfromtheactionofthesuper-Hamiltonianoperator 7 regularized as in LQG [5]. This point is currently under dation, received in the framework of the Research Net- investigation [21], because it is expected to provide non- workingProgrammeon“QuantumGeometryandQuan- trivialresultsonthequantumevolutionofacosmological tum Gravity”. space-time and,at the same level, itcangive us hints on the dynamics of the full model. 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENT TheworkofF.C.hasbeensupportedinpartbyanex- changevisitgrantfundedbytheEuropeanScienceFoun- [1] C. 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