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Preview Implications of GRB 130603B and its macronova for r-process nucleosynthesis

Implications of GRB 130603B and its macronova for r-process nucleosynthesis Tsvi Piran1,1 Oleg Korobkin2,1 and Stephan Rosswog21 11Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel 2Department of Astronomy and Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University, AlbaNova, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden (Dated: January 13, 2014) The tentative identification of a Li-Paczynski macronova following the short GRB 130603B indi- catedthatafewhundredthsofasolarmassofneutronstarmatterwereejectedandthatthisejected mass has radioactively decayed into heavy r-process elements. If correct, this confirms long stand- ing predictions [1] that on the one hand, sGRBs are produced in compact binary mergers (CBMs) andontheotherhandthattheseeventsaresignificantandpossiblydominantsourcesoftheheavy (A>130) r-process nuclei. Assuming that this interpretation is correct we obtain a lower limit of 0.02m ontheejectedmass. UsingthecurrentestimatesoftherateofsGRBsandwithabeaming 4 (cid:12) 1 factor of 50, mergers associated with sGRBs can produce all the observed heavy r-process material 0 intheUniverse. Weconfrontthisconclusionwithcosmochemistryandshowthateventhoughsuch 2 eventsarerare,mixingissufficienttoaccountforthecurrenthomogeneousdistributionofr-process material in the Galaxy. However, the appearance of significant amounts of Eu in some very low n metallicitystarsrequiresthatsomemergerstookplaceveryearlyon,namelywithaveryshorttime a delay after the earliest star formation episodes. Alternatively, an additional early r-process source J may have contributed at that early stage. Finally, we note that evidence for short lived 244Pu in 9 theveryearlysolarsystemsuggeststhatamergerofthiskindtookplacewithinthevicinityofthe solar system shortly (a few hundred million years) before its formation. ] E H I. INTRODUCTION the radioactive decay of the neutron-rich nuclei in these . h “dynamic ejecta” would produce a macronova (also re- p ferred to as kilonova): a short lived optical - IR weak Rapid neutron capture (“r-process”) has been known as - supernova-like signal. The suggested triple link between o abasicformationprocessfortheheaviestelementsinthe GRBs, heavy element nucleosynthesis and macronovae r cosmossincetheseminalworkofBBFH[2]andCameron t will be the backbone of this paper. s [3]. The question in which astrophysical environment it a actually occurs, however, has puzzled astrophysics ever During the past decade much effort has been invested [ since. Traditionally, core-collapse supernovae have been in understanding the relevance and the implications of 1 considered as the favored production site [4–8], see [9] CBM r-process. [13–35]. The picture that emerges from v for a recent review. As an alternative site, Lattimer and this wealth of studies is the following: a) the dynamic 6 Schramm [10] suggested the decompression of cold nu- ejecta with their extreme neutron-richness provide ex- 6 clearmatterejectedduringthetidaldisruptionofaneu- cellent conditions for heavy (A>130) r-process and the 1 2 tron star by a stellar mass black hole, a process that resultingabundancepatternislargelyindependentofthe . occursinasimilarwayduringthemergeroftwoneutron specifics of the merging binary system [e.g. 24]] and b) 1 stars. CBMs provide additional nucleosynthesis channels such 0 as neutrino-driven winds and the final dissolution of the 4 Eichleretal. [1]placedcompactbinarymergers(CBMs) accretiondiskwhichlikelycomplementthenucleosynthe- 1 in a broader astrophysical context. They suggested that v: in addition to bursts of gravitational waves and neutri- sis from the dynamic ejecta [e.g. 36]. i nos CBMs are the engines of a subclass of Gamma-ray On the other hand, essentially all recent studies agree X Bursts(GRBs). Estimatingtherateofmergerstheyalso that the originally favored scenario, core-collapse super- r suggested that these events could be a major source of novae, is seriously challenged, at the very least for the a r-process material. In the first detailed calculation of production of elements heavier than A = 110 [9, 37– mass ejection from a merger, Rosswog et al. [11] found 43] (An exception may possibly be very rapidly rotat- that ∼10−2 m become unbound during a merger event ing,highlymagnetizedprogenitorstarsthatcanalsopro- (cid:12) due to gravitational torques and hydrodynamic interac- ducefavorableconditionsforr-process[45].). Despitethe tion (this is referred to as “dynamic ejecta” in the fol- growing consistency among different theory/simulation lowing). In their follow-up work [12] they performed the results – in favour of CBMs, against core-collapse su- first network calculations based hydrodynamics simula- pernovae – some reservations against the neutron star tions which showed that the resulting abundance pat- mergerscenariohaveremained,mainlyduetotheunset- terns agree well with the observed solar system abun- tledquestionwhetherornottheyareconsistentwiththe dances for A > 130 and, folding the ejecta masses with chemical evolution of galaxies [46–48]. the estimated merger rates, this indicated that, indeed, Studies of macronova evolution [13, 30, 49–53] revealed CBMscouldrepresentamajorsourceofcosmicr-process. itsprospectsfordetectability. Mostnotableistherecent At the same time Li and Paczynski [13] suggested that realization[29]thattheopacityoftheejectawillbefairly 2 large as it will be dominated by Lanthanides. This has agreement with various estimates of the macronova light lead to a qualitative shift in the expected light curve. curve [30, 52, 53]. It is subject only to uncertainties in While earlier estimates, based on iron group opacities, the estimates of the radioactive heating rate and of the predicted a UV-optical signal at around half a day [13, fraction of energy that is captured and re-emitted. At 49–51], recent ones used opacities of Lanthanides and the maximum only about half of the mass contributes to obtainedaweakerIRsignalpeakingataweek[30,52,53]. theemission,thereforeweuseinthefollowing0.04m as (cid:12) OnJune3rd2013theSwiftsatellitedetectedarelatively an estimate for the ejected mass. nearby sGRB [54] at a redshift of 0.356. With a du- The radiation escape condition is m κ /(4π(v t)2) ≈ ej L ej ration of 0.18±0.02s and with a hard spectrum GRB c/v, where κ is the opacity and v is the typ- L 130603B is a genuine non-collapsar [55]. It had a regular ical velocity of the ejected material. This optical and X-ray afterglow with some X-ray excess at yields v = 0.2c (m /0.04m ) and a size of ej ej (cid:12) >1day[56],perhapsindicatingafallbackaccretion[57]. 3 · 1015(m /0.04m ) cm. The corresponding black ej (cid:12) Later radio afterglow observations suggested a jet break body temperature ∼ 1500oK with a peak emission [56]. At 9 days after the burst (≈ 6.6 days in the lo- at ∼ 2µM, is consistent with the observed nIR peak. cal rest frame) HST [58, 59] detected a nIR point source The peak time would have been at approximately with an apparent magnitude of H = 25.73±0.2 4.5(m /0.04m )1/2(κ /10gm/cm2)1/2(v/0.2c)−1/2 160,AB ej (cid:12) L (M ≈ −15.35), corresponding to an intrinsic lumi- days, suggesting a lucky coincidence in the choice of the J,AB nosity of ≈ 1041erg/sec. The upper limit on the R observing epoch. band emission at the same time, R > 28.5, sug- 606,AB geststhattheregularafterglowhasdecayedbythistime. The IR excess at 9 days after the burst was interpreted III. R-PROCESS NUCLEOSYNTHESIS by both groups as tentative evidence for a Li-Paczynski macronova. Inthefollowingweconsidertheimplications Assuming solar-system abundances [65] everywhere the of this interpretation for the r-process nucleosynthesis. Milky Way contains MA>130 = 1.6·104 m in “heavy” (cid:12) If this interpretation is correct it has several interest- (A > 130) r-process material. We assume that a) all ing implications. It provides the first direct1 evidence mergersejectacomparableamountofr-processmaterial that sGRBs arise from CBMs. Furthermore, within the to the one observed in this event and b) only CBMs are macronova model the IR emission arises from the com- responsible for the heavy r-process. With m =0.04m ej (cid:12) bination of the heating of the neutron star debris via (cid:18) MA>130 (cid:19)(cid:18)0.04m (cid:19) radioactive decays [13] and the large opacity dominated N =4·105 (cid:12) (2) byLanthanides[29]. Thus,theobservationsindicatethat 1.6·104m(cid:12) mej (i) CBMs indeed power sGRBs and (ii) they are also the mergers should have taken place in the Galaxy. The cor- sources of a substantial fraction of the heaviest r-process responding merger rate, nuclei. This provides the impetus to revisit the role of compactbinarymergersfortheformationoftheheaviest R =300(cid:18)0.04m(cid:12)(cid:19)(cid:18) MA>130 (cid:19)Gpc−3yr−1(,3) elements in the Universe. CBM m 1.6·104m ej (cid:12) Inthefollowingwederivelimitsontheamountofejected should be compared with the sGRB rate [66] R = material in §2. In §3 we discuss the implications for cos- SGRB 6±2 Gpc−3yr−1 which agrees within a factor of 2 with mochemistry, in §4 theimplication tothe composition of variouspreviousestimates[62,63,67](whichisinversely the early solar system and in §5 those for the CBMs. proportional to a lower sGRB luminosity limit, here taken as 5 · 1049 erg/s, roughly the lower value of lu- minosity for all sGRBs with known redshifts). This im- II. LIMITS ON THE EJECTED MASS pliesthatonly1outof50mergersproducesanobservable sGRB,whichcouldariseeitherfromsomemergersfailing The nIR luminosity and the late time heating rate [64] toproduceadetectableburstorfromafinitebeamingan- yield a lower limit on the ejected mass: gle. The latter is consistent with the estimated beaming correction of ∼ 100 for this burst [56], but this number m >0.02((cid:15)/0.5)−1m , (1) ej (cid:12) is not very well constrained. Estimates based on the ob- servedbinarypulsarsintheGalaxyarehighlyuncertain, where (cid:15) is the fraction of radioactive energy in electrons withvaluesintherangeR =20−20000Gpc−3yr−1 or positrons and γ-rays. We assume conservatively that pulsars this fraction is converted locally to heat and radiated as [68–72]andacanonicalvalueof≈800Gpc−3yr−1. These nIR.Whileconservativethisstrictlowerlimitisinrough values are consistent with the above rates. Turning now to cosmochemical evolution we note that there exists an observed correlation between abundances of r-process elements and Fe at [Fe/H] > −2.5 [73–75]. 1 SofarthereisonlyindirectevidencethatshortGRBsarisefrom Since Fe enrichment is controlled by type Ia SNe occur- mergers: nature of hosts, position within the hosts and overall ringatamuchhigherrate,widelyvaryingdegreesofmix- rate,[60–63]. ing of the r-process ejecta in an already existing merger 3 remnant with Fe produced by fresh SNe would result in ity. For typical ns2 parameters a modest variation by a large scatter in the r-process abundances over a broad factor of 7 in the initial separation (from 2·1011 cm to range of [Fe/H]. 3·1010 cmwouldchangethemergertimeallthewayfrom By comparison with supernovae Qian [46] argued that 3Gyrto1Myr,whichispracticallyinstantaneous. Even the dynamic ejecta from a single event cannot mix the larger separations, that correspond to long merger with more than m ≈ 3·104m material. If the times of several Gyr are significantly smaller than the mix (cid:12) ejecta are all r-process this would lead to a fraction of two original stellar radii. This implies that the system 3·10−7(m /0.01m )(3·104m /m ) which, as he ar- must have undergone a common envelope phase and the ej (cid:12) (cid:12) mix gues, would strongly disfavor neutron star mergers since initial separation of the binary (and hence the merger this fraction is much larger than observed. Furthermore, time delay) depends critically on this poorly understood as one expects only about 5·105 mergers in the Galaxy phase. Most observed sGRBs are at relatively low red- and there are about 107 “cells” of 3·104m not all ma- shifts. Conditions could have been different at earlier (cid:12) terialwouldbemixedwithr-processproducts. Argastet epochs, where low metallicity may have lead to shorter al. [47]carriedoutadetailedsimulationandreachedthe delays. Notethatsuchlowmetallicitysystemscouldhave same conclusion on the basis of similar ideas. arisenwithoutcontaminationbytheSNethatformedthe We argue here that substantial mixing could resolve this neutrons stars as some neutron stars (e.g. J0737-3039B) problem. This could arise simply due to galactic rota- formed in a collapse with practically no mass ejection tion, which leads to significant mixing on a rotational [44]. Alternatively it is possible that a second channel time scale of ∼200 Myr, due to Rosetta-type or volume- of special rare type of SNe [45], that can operate only filling orbits of stars/debris, not uncommon in a typical at very early times, produces the earliest A>130 mate- galaxy, and due to turbulent diffusion. For the latter, rial. However,astheseSNerequireveryfastrotationand with a typical turbulent velocity v ≈ c ≈ 106 cm/s hence can operate only in low metallicity stars, they are turb s oneexpectssignificantmixingona∼200Myrtimescale. unlikely to produce the bulk of the r-process material. This depends critically on the size of the turbulent cells. We have conservatively assumed a size of 1 pc. Diffu- sion will be much more effective, like the square root of IV. IMPLICATIONS TO THE EARLY SOLAR this quantity, if these cells are larger. At early times SYSTEM galaxies were more turbulent and [76] observe turbulent motion of up to 150 km/sec in milky way like galaxies Evidence for 244Pu, with a half life time t = 81 Myr 1/2 at z ∼2, with a corresponding diffusion length of a kpc. (τ= 117 Myr) in the Early Solar System [89] provides Thiscouldeasilyleadtosignificantmixingwithinoneor further independent evidence for the rarity of formation two rotations. Finally, if the neutron stars in compact episodes of r-process material. This shows actinide pro- binary systems receive, like single neutron stars, a kick duction in the vicinity (in time and space) of the Solar at birth, they may travel a few kpc out of the midplane Systempriortoitsformation. However, searches[90,91] [seee.g.77–80],consistentwiththeobservationofthelo- for traces of 244Pu isotope in deep-sea crust and sedi- cations of sGRBs [81]. This would mean that the ejecta ment accumulated over the last ∼ 25 Myr have found aresprayedoveralargervolumeandcaneasilymixwith none. The current limits on deep-sea crust and sedi- a substantially larger amount of mass. ments are that the 244Pu abundance is lower by a factor Thus a uniform distribution of r-process material can 30-200 than expected from a uniform production model, be established. The observations of a large scatter in assuming actinide production in SNe and reasonable as- [Eu/Fe] abundances at low metallically stars are consis- sumptionsoninterstellarISMdeposition. Thesefindings tentwiththispictureinwhichheavyr-processmaterialis suggestthat: (a)formationof244Puandheavyr-process produced in rare events and in large amounts. At early in general occured in rare episodes such as CBMs, and times some material was exposed to such events while (b) one of CBMs took place in the vicinity of our early other material was not. Solar system less than a few hundred million years just Abundances of r-process elements have been observed in prior to its formation. haloanddiskstarscoveringametallicityrange[Fe/H]≈ −3.1−0.5 [82–87]. This requires a significant fraction of r-processnucleosynthesistotakeplacewithinafewMyr. V. IMPLICATION TO COMPACT BINARY Some population synthesis models [88] suggest such a MERGERS rapid population of mergers. However, this requirement is in a direct contrast with estimates of the time delay The derived lower limit on m is consistent with the ej between sGRBs and the SFR [e.g. 66]. Typical delays models of [30] and [52]. But at least if we take all cur- are found by all groups to be of order of 3 Gyr. The rentnumbersattheirfacevalues,thiswouldmakeadou- distribution around this time delay is rather narrow, not ble neutron star merger as somewhat unlikely “engine” larger than 1.5 Gyr. for this sGRB and the subsequent macronova emission. Can one resolve this inconsistency? The in-spiral time is Differentgroupsfindthefollowingnumbers fromnumer- very sensitive to the initial orbital period and eccentric- ical simulations: m < 0.04 m , [32]; m < 0.02 m , ej (cid:12) ej (cid:12) 4 [33]; m < 0.02 m [92]. The lower limit that we find stage. They also indicate early deposition of such mate- ej (cid:12) here is just at the upper end of those estimates, and it rial. The observed uniformity can be obtained if mixing ignores additional mass loss due to the nuclear energy within the galaxy is rapid enough. This is plausibly me- release. Mergers of neutron star black hole systems, in diatedbyturbulentmixing,differentialrotation,andthe contrast, could comfortably eject such large amounts of fast motion of some binaries within the Galaxy. One has mass [16, 34, 92–94]. Dynamic collisions between black to recall that the early galaxy was much more erratic holes and neutron stars that may occur in globular clus- than the Milky Way we observe today and that turbu- terswerealsofoundtoejectmassesintherequiredrange lentvelocitiesof150km/sechavebeenobservedinz ∼2 [31, 95]. The involvement of a black hole would also be galaxies. The various mechanisms could easily mix the consistentwiththelargeestimatedejectavelocityaround galaxy over a few rotational periods. 0.2c, which naturally occurs in both mergers and colli- The CBM r-process model requires rapid mergers took sions involving a black hole, while a typical nsns merger place at a very early stage. Such a population of rapid only leads to v ≈0.1c, see Tab.1 in [32]. However, this ej merger has been suggested by population synthesis [88]. interpretationofbhnsmergerisinsometensionwiththe However,theobservedredshiftdistributionandluminosi- factthattheneededrates,aswellastheestimatedsGRB ties of sGRBs suggest a typical spiraling-in time of 2-3 ratesagreeroughlywiththeobservation-basedestimates Gyr. A possible way to reconcile the two observations is of Galactic ns2. thatanearlierstellarpopulation(e.g. oflowmetallicity) had somewhat lower initial separations. The required change in the initial separation is only moderate. Alter- VI. CONCLUSIONS natively it is possible that the earliest r-process material is produced via another channel [45]. The tentative identification of a macronova following a It is interesting to note that evidence for 244Pu in the sGRBs has numerous far-reaching implications. It pro- Early Solar System [89] and with lack of evidence for vides a direct proof that sGRBs arise from compact bi- deposition of this isotope from the ISM during the last nary mergers, as [1] suggested long ago. The late IR sig- 25Myr[90,91]suggestthatthisisotope,aswellasother nal clearly indicates high-A material and demonstrates heavy r-process elements are produced in rare episodes. that these events are associated with the production of If heavy r-process material is indeed produced in CMBs r-process material. The assertion that they are indeed this implies that such an event took place in the vicinity the sources of most of the heavy r-process material has of the solar system just prior to its formation. additional implications. It narrows down both the mass To conclude we note that the idea that the recently ob- ejection from these sources as well as their rate and servedGRB130603Bwithamacronovawasaccompanied cosmic evolution. (i) The lower limit on implied mass by a significant mass ejection could possibly be tested if m >0.02m , which is only subject to errors in the es- ej (cid:12) thesurroundingdensityisnottoolow(currentestimates timated radioactive heating rate is at the very high end of ns2 mergers [see e.g. 32, 51]. Together with the large are ≈ 5·10−3 −30 cm−3, [56].). In such a case we ex- pectasignificant(afewtensofµJy)radiosignaltoarise estimated ejecta velocity, this points to the involvement fromtheinteractionofthisejectawiththecircum-merger ofablackhole,eitherinamergerorinadynamicalcolli- matter [51, 96]. This signal would rise on a time scale sion [31]. (ii) The required rate is consistent with sGRB of months or a year and should be detectable by the Ex- rate estimates with a reasonable beaming factor of order tendedVeryLargeArray(EVLA).Adetectionwouldbe 50. This is consistent with current estimates of beaming a direct confirmation. However, even if for some reason of sGRBs [56]. (e.g. low circum-merger density) this signal should not Favorable indications towards this idea include: (a) uni- bedetectablewecanexpectadetectionofanothersGRB formity in abundances, suggesting a regular source - at a comparable distance within a year or two. This sce- freely expanding neutron star material is natural (b) nario has a clear prediction and the identification of the problems with SNe nucleosynthesis (c) large fluctua- accompanying IR macronova is expected. tion at early times - indicating a rare process that pro- duces a significant amount of material at each episode. TP thanks M. Paul for helpful discussions. The research In the past arguments against compact binary mergers was supported by an ERC advanced grant (GRBs) and as sources of r-process material have been mostly based bytheI-CORE(grantNo1829/12)[T.P.],byDFGgrant on indications from chemical evolution of the Galaxy. RO-3399, AOBJ-584282 and by the Swedish Research Observations suggest that the distribution of heavy r- Council (VR) grant 621-2012-4870 [ S.R. and O.K.] and processmaterialbecomesratheruniformataratherearly by Compstar [S.R.]. [1] D. Eichler, M. Livio, T. Piran, and D. N. Schramm, [2] G. Burbidge, R. Burbidge, W. Fowler, and F. 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