AAnnddrreewwss UUnniivveerrssiittyy DDiiggiittaall CCoommmmoonnss @@ AAnnddrreewwss UUnniivveerrssiittyy Dissertation Projects DMin Graduate Research 2013 IImmpplleemmeennttiinngg aa PPrriissoonn MMiinniissttrryy aass aann AAccttiivvee FFaaccttoorr ttoo RReeffrreesshh tthhee SSppiirriittuuaall LLiiffee aatt tthhee SSaalleemm SSeevveenntthh--ddaayy AAddvveennttiisstt CChhuurrcchh Florin Liga Andrews University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/dmin RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Liga, Florin, "Implementing a Prison Ministry as an Active Factor to Refresh the Spiritual Life at the Salem Seventh-day Adventist Church" (2013). Dissertation Projects DMin. 72. https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/dmin/72 This Project Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Research at Digital Commons @ Andrews University. 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ABSTRACT IMPLEMENTING A PRISON MINISTRY AS AN ACTIVE FACTOR TO REFRESH THE SPIRITUAL LIFE AT THE SALEM SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH by Florin Liga Adviser: Erich Baumgartner ABSTRACT OF GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH Project Document Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Title: IMPLEMENTING A PRISON MINISTRY AS AN ACTIVE FACTOR TO REFRESH THE SPIRITUAL LIFE AT THE SALEM SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Name of researcher: Florin Liga Name and degree of faculty adviser: Erich Baumgartner, Ph.D. Date completed: February 2013 Problem With a history of almost 70 years of Adventist presence in Marion County, Illinois, the church had gradually shifted from a church growth focus to a survival focus. The Adventist traditions had been kept faithfully, but the people in the church suffered because their witnessing didn’t impact their community and neighborhood anymore. While they were ready for new outreach tools they were hesitant to try such a new approach that challenged the status quo and ultimately created a demand for spiritual renewal in their personal and church life. Prison ministry to a population group the church had previously not ministered to was introduced as an avenue to break out of this pattern of self-absorption. Method The task of this project is to describe the prison ministry strategy we employed to inspire and motivate members and non-members attending our church as an active factor of refreshing their spiritual life. The theological foundation along with a literature review provided the framework for developing and implementing a prison ministry to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Salem, Illinois. In addition, four training sessions were developed for the church leaders interested in implementing the prison ministry strategy in their own context. Finally, the impact of this ministry on member involvement and its influence on the congregation were evaluated. Results The10 participants who accepted to be part of the implementation training for prison ministry were very positive about their experience. The perceived impact of the jail and prison ministry in the Salem Adventist Church was assessed with a survey given to a group of 12 members who volunteered to participate in the survey. These 12 included five members who did not participate in the jail and prison ministry project. The survey assessed the spiritual satisfaction of the church members, based on two essential Christian values: evangelism and community outreach. Overall the evaluation showed a clear difference in the level of satisfaction members reported in their spiritual life when participating in jail and prison ministry compared with those who did not participate. Direct involvement seemed to improve or keep the level of spiritual satisfaction high. This spiritual satisfaction score not only reported personal growth, but also extended a beneficial influence into the entire local church. Thus the implemented ministry reported in this study can be considered as the catalyst for the refreshing of the spiritual life of the church. Conclusions Prison ministry can be a successful way to lead a church beyond its crippling focus on self to practical engagement in a world disabled by dysfunction. This ministry results in transformed lives. Prisoners residing in correctional facilities today touched and transformed by the power of God experienced through this ministry returned to their families as role models, to the church as a gift to the Body of Christ, and to the community as evidence of the love, power, and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Although I need to emphasize that prison ministry is not for everybody and not for every church, I am confident that the present model can be a source of inspiration for many churches. A jail and prison ministry can empower any pastor, educator, or lay leader to do effective ministry. Prison life provides a ready-made context in which the story of our salvation fits well and is often welcomed by those seeking for a change in their lives. For this reason I recommend to the Seventh-day Adventist church and its leaders, from the local to the national level, to support and encourage every initiative of believers for starting a jail and prison ministry in their local churches. Rediscovering evangelistic success and finding fulfillment in outreach will provide vision and empowerment in mission to any church who experienced failure in the past. In this way I sincerely hope that this project will make a cherished contribution to the church I love and to its members preparing themselves and the world for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary IMPLEMENTING A PRISON MINISTRY AS AN ACTIVE FACTOR TO REFRESH THE SPIRITUAL LIFE AT THE SALEM SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH A Project Document Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Ministry by Florin Liga February 2013 IMPLEMENTING A PRISON MINISTRY AS AN ACTIVE FACTOR TO REFRESH THE SPIRITUAL LIFE AT THE SALEM SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH A project document presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Ministry by Florin Liga APPROVAL BY THE COMMITTEE: ________________________________ ______________________________ Adviser, Director, DMin Program Erich Baumgartner Skip Bell ________________________________ ______________________________ Romulus Chelbegean Dean, SDA Theological Seminary Denis Fortin ________________________________ ______________________________ Walt A. Williams Date approved © Copyright by Florin Liga 2013 All Rights Reserved To my father, Enoh, who was imprisoned for 4 years by the Romanian Communist Government for his faithfulness to the Christian values. By his model, I was encouraged to stand up for mistreated and oppressed people neglected or abandoned by their family, friends, church and the entire society. & To my gracious wife, Livia, and children, Michael and Joseph, who sacrificed many days and hours apart which would have otherwise been spent together, but who along with me, long to see a better world impacted by our loving ministry. iii