Implementing a Design to Cost Strategy in a Complex Aerospace Design Project Sebastião Pedro Arrais Ivens Collares Pereira Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Fernando José Parracho Lau Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha Supervisor: Prof. Fernando José Parracho Lau Member of the Committee: Prof. Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças March 2015 ii Dedicatedtothe”A320/A330PAXO2Containers”Team iii iv Acknowledgments For this dissertation and during the course of a 6-month final studies’ internship at Zodiac Oxygen Systems(ZOS)Iwouldliketomakethefollowingacknowledgements: I would like to thank all the ZOS team that welcomed me in an impeccable way. I got the chance to understand, in first hand, why Zodiac Aerospace is one of the most important companies in the Aeronautical sector: It is a company of inspiring people with a passion for Aeronautics, fully dedicated todevelopthebestproductsinthesector. Inparticular,IwouldliketothanktoAndreasJauslin,mysupervisorandmentorduringmyinternship atZodiacOxygenSystems. Icouldn’thaveaskedforabettersupervisor! Youarebrilliantineverything youdoanditwasapleasuretoworkwithyou. Youmademefeelwelcomefromtheveryfirstday. Thank youforyourpatienceandthankyouforsharingwithmeyourpassionandknowledgeintheartofproject management. I also would like to thank to Professor Philippe Girard (ISAE - SUPAERO) for the guiding, compre- hensionandadviceontheinternship. ToProfessorFernandoLau(IST)forallthehelpandadviceincompilingandrevisingthiswork. To all the members of the ”A320/A330 PAX O2 Containers” project team without whom this work wouldn’t be possible. Notably I would like to thank to: Pierre-Antoine Muller, Antoine Lehoux, Jeroen VanSchaik, Benoit Le-Lie`vre, Susann von Wolffersdorff, Frederic Raoul, Baptiste Jarrassier, Sylvain Marmoiton,EtienneMorvanandChristopheDolle. Finally,Iwouldliketothanktomyfamilyforthecontinuoussupportandaffection,alwaysmotivating meinthepursuitofmydreams. v vi Resumo O aumento da competitividade no mercado da aviac¸a˜o comercial, juntamente com a necessidade do cliente (companhias ae´reas) em reduzir custos operacionais, levaram a uma mudanc¸a na forma como osprodutossa˜odesenlvolvidosnaindu´striaaeroespacial. Osectoraerospacialtemprocuradoadoptar novas estrate´gias de desenvolvimento de produtos de forma a alcanc¸ar designs de qualidade a custo reduzido. Uma destas estrate´gias e´ a a estrate´gia “Design to Cost” (DTC) que tem por objectivo o desenvolvimento de um produto segundo um conjunto de requisitos, sem ultrapassar um determinado custoobjetivo. Este trabalho abordara´ o processo de implementc¸a˜o de uma estrate´gia DTC no contexto de um projeto aeroespacial complexo – o novo sistema de oxige´nio de emergeˆncia para os passageiros de- senvolvidopelaZodiacOxygenSystems(filialdogrupoZodiacAerospace). A implementac¸a˜o da estrate´gia DTC foi ajustada a`s necessidades do projeto e foi resultado da adaptac¸a˜o de um me´todo cla´ssico de ”Design for Manufacture” (DFM). Um conjunto de ferramentas bemcomoumme´todopra´ticoforamdesenvolvidosparagarantirosucessonaexecuc¸a˜odaestrate´gia implementada. Finalmente, demonstrar-se-a` que o me´todo DTC implementado resulta numa reduc¸a˜o de custos substancial para a empresa e, que pode ser facilmente adaptado para o controlo de outras varia´veis de importaˆncia no sector aerospacial como a massa, despesas de capital e o tempo de montagem do produto. Palavras-chave: Design to Cost, Projeto Aeroespacial Complexo, Custo Objetivo, Zodiac OxygenSystems vii viii Abstract Theincreasingcompetitivenessinthecommercialaircraftmarket,alongwithanexplicitneedofthecus- tomer(theairlines)forreducedoperatingcostsandlead-time,makeforashiftonthewayproductsare developed and designed by aerospace Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). In order to achieve cheaper and more affordable designs that don’t compromise reliability and quality, the aerospace in- dustryhasadaptedcoststrategieslongusedinothersectors/industries. Oneofthesestrategiesisthe DesigntoCost(DTC)approachthataimstoprovideadesignthatsatisfiestherequirementsforagiven costtarget. ThisworkwilladdresstheprocessofimplementationofasuccessfulDTCstrategyinthecontextof acomplexaerospaceproject–thenew60-minoxygensupplyunitsbeingdevelopedbyZodiacOxygen Systems–abusinessunitoftheZodiacAerospacegroup. The implemented DTC strategy was adjusted to the needs of the project with the adaptation of a classicalDesignforManufacturemethod(DFM).Apracticalmethodforimplementationoftheapproach wascreatedaswellasasetofprojectmanagementtoolstogovernthestrategy. Finally, it will be shown that the implemented DTC method can result in significant cost gains for the company as well as be easily adapted to control and provide gains on other important aerospace variablessuchasmass,CapitalExpenditure(CAPEX)andassemblytime. Keywords: DesigntoCost,ComplexAerospaceProject,Costtarget,ZodiacOxygenSystems ix x