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Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 © Department of Treasury and Finance March 2010 > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 10 Balanced Scorecard Approach 12 Program Governance 22 Project Framework 26 Business Change 28 Communications Plan 30 Implementation Schedule 31 Reporting 32 Appendix 1: Master Balanced Scorecard 33 1 > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 Executive Summary This Implementation Plan outlines how the Building Section 4 introduces the PRINCE2 project Management and Works (BMW) business of the methodology to support Project Managers in Department of Treasury and Finance will implement, delivering and reporting on the 26 Works Reform evaluate and report on the Works Reform program projects. articulated in the Business Solution Plan, released Section 5 highlights the change management by the Treasurer in June 2009. principles considered in implementing the Works Section 1 provides a brief introduction and Reform program. Both project management and background to the Works Reform program and its change management will support BMW move from importance to Government. a current state (how things are done today), through a transition state to a desired future state (the new Section 2 is the main focus of this plan and provides processes, systems, organisation structures and job the detailed approach that has been taken to roles defined by ‘the change’). realising benefits for the program and the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard framework, which will Section 6 describes the communication and be conveyed in an annual Works Reform program engagement methods for liaising with a number of Benefits Realisation report. key stakeholders and outlines the strategies that will be adopted to ensure an appropriate level of Section 3 of the plan details the governance consultation is maintained throughout the program. framework that has been adopted to oversee the program. BMW has chosen to use the Managing Section 7 provides the estimated timeframes for the Successful Programs approach, developed by the Works Reform program, with a commencement date Office of Government Commerce in the United of June 2009, and a projected closeout of the formal Kingdom as a framework for governance of the program at the end of the 2012/13 financial year. Works Reform program. Section 8 outlines the proposed approach to The 55 recommendations in the Business Solution reporting progress and benefits realised from the Plan have been grouped to form 26 projects, Works Reform program. which will be overseen by four project boards. The following chart (Figure 1) provides a detailed breakdown of the governance structure, including the board membership and a matrix outlining the recommendations contained within the 26 projects and the Project manager’s allocated. 2 > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 y e ger d 4 Senior SuppliersD HaynesJ LimP Murray SCrouchl ProjectManager P Birch PMurray PMurray a rs n am rk siness Change MaM Elliot Project BoICT Syste ExecutiveSponsorSenior J TondutUsers(Chair)M IntiniM Sharpe Reform Facilitator Project XBMW Transition to Shared Services YCore BMW Systems ZWhole-of-government asset information o u B m Governance Framew r and Under Treasurer) m Board le Owner (J Tondut) Manager arpe Project Board 3BMW Organisation ExecutiveSponsorSenior Senior J TondutUsersSuppliers(Chair)R AldertonS JonesD HaynesP MurrayA TaylorM Sharpe CDobbReform Facilitator ProjectProjectManager OM IntiniRegional PD HaynesOrganisational Structure QLPageSkills & Career Paths RP MurrayBMW Accommodation SP YorkSupport CEIID TV WillmottRelationship Management UA RechichiIndustry Training Business Case VD HaynesBuilding Commissiontransition WM SharpeWorks Reform Business Case & Reporting orks Reform Progra Sponsors (Treasure Progra Senior Responsib Program M Sh Project Board 2Planning, delivery and managementof buildings for governmentExecutiveSenior Senior SponsorUsersSuppliersR Mann(Chair)S HackettT BudrovichA TaylorT GrovesJ TondutGM ID (TBA)G McLean(Deputy Chair)K Schmidt S PaulReform Facilitator ProjectProjectManager GDJonesSupporting Agencies with Strategic Asset Plans HG McLeanSupportingAgencies with Business Cases IJ GartnerPortfolioapproach to maintenance JWCarterNewprocurement strategies KCBromleyPortfolioapproach to Government office accommodation LD HaynesFundingthe BMW organisation MR SmithHeritageBuildings NG McLeanStrategicStrategic Projects W Project Board Chairs A Kannis, R Mann, J Tondut Project Board 1Strategic Asset Managementframework and practiceExecutiveSenior Senior SponsorA KannisUsersSuppliers(Chair)R AldertonS HackettD TylerR MannS WoodlandJ Tondut CRayReform Facilitator ProjectProjectManager Review& update SAM AP Methvenframework BM PearsonPublicWorks Act review CPGilliesLand Assembly Business Case DG McLeanSAM procedures and implementation fornon-residential buildings EM PearsonProject management and procurement proceduresfor BMW M PayneDesign StandardsF Figure 1: Works Reform Program Governance Framework 3 > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 ment framework and practice mendati ons That the SAM Framework be used at all levels within government and the Treasury and BMW businesses within the DTF work together to promote and educate all Government agencies to uti lise the SAM Framework. That the DTF reviews the Strategic Asset Management framework to help support the Works Reform program. That BMW and Treasury ensure asset disposal opti ons are addressed in the development of strategic asset plans and business cases for capital investment. That strategic maintenance planning with a whole-of-life cycle view be strengthened and updated accordingly within the SAM framework, with agencies required to prepare a 10-year maintenance investment plan. That a review of the Public Works Act (1902) be undertaken to clarify legislati on on the procurement of works, land, goods and services. That BMW prepares a business case for the establishment of a Land Assembly unit to facilitate land acquisiti on for public buildings in liaison with the Department for Planning and Infrastructure and the relevant agencies. That the SAM Framework be used at all levels within government and the Treasury and BMW businesses within the DTF work together to promote and educate all Government agencies to uti lise the SAM Framework. That the SAM framework be adopted across all functi ons within BMW as the foundati on of the Works Reform program. That BMW develops guidelines to help integrate whole-of-life maintenance thinking into the planning stage of the procurement of new buildings. That BMW develops greater skills in the applicati on of the SAM framework as it applies to building assets and adopts the framework as the foundati on of all policy and practi ce processes. That BMW liaises with the DTF Government Procurement business to develop a common policy suite for all procurement. That BMW develops procedures and guidelines for building works procurement and project management that establishes best practi ce standards. That BMW engages with the new Government Architect to develop design standards to meet the objecti ves of government buildings and provide advice and support for the Works Reform program. age Recom 1(a): 2: 13: 14(a): 41: 44: 1(b): 3: 12: 48: 40: 49: 47: n a M nt and cer egic Asset Project Manager Project Manager TreasuryPhillip Methven Director Policy and Practi ceMichael Pearson Project DevelopmeManager Peter Gillies Director Standards Practi ce Strategic ProjectsGraeme Mclean Director Policy and Practi ceMichael Pearson Principal Policy Offi Melinda Payne d 1 — Strat Project A: Review and update SAM framework B: Public Works Act review C: Land Assembly Business Case D: SAM procedures and implementati on for non-residenti al buildings E: Project management and procurement procedures for BMW F: Design Standards r 4 Project Boa Project Board Executi ve Sponsor Executi ve DirectorInfrastructure and Finance TreasuryAnthony Kannis(Chair) Senior Users Executi ve DirectorStrategic Projects Richard Mann Executi ve Director BMW John Tondut Executi ve Director Government ProcurementRod Alderton Senior Suppliers General ManagerPlanning and Delivery Steve Hackett Director Infrastructure PlanningTreasuryDoug Tyler Government Architect Steve Woodland > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 management of buildings for government mendati ons That DTF works with owner agencies to help prepare their 10-year strategic asset plan, and then select potenti al projects for a business case. That strategic maintenance planning with a whole-of-life cycle view be strengthened and updated accordingly within the SAM Framework, with agencies required to prepare a 10-year maintenance investment plan. That agencies be required to include a 10-year offi ce accommodati on plan as part of their annual capital investment plan. That business cases for new buildings be prepared collaborati vely between the owner agencies and BMW and the fi nal business case jointly signed. That BMW be given a new leadership role in supporti ng agencies in the development of their business cases for maintenance programs on government buildings. That BMW be given a new leadership role in the development of business cases and offi ce accommodati on programs, using a master planning approach. That BMW becomes a leader in the development of business cases, and the applicati on of supporti ng tools (such as Investment Logic mapping and Value Management). That BMW takes on a whole-of-government portf olio management role and provides advice to Government on how agencies are managing the maintenance of their buildings and property portf olio. That BMW develops a new approach to the planning and funding of maintenance and refurbishment programs for government buildings. That the current regionally based faciliti es management role be retained and enhanced, and the building maintenance planning and procurement strategies integrated into a State-wide portf olio approach. That DTF explores new, innovati ve and non-traditi onal models of procuring new buildings. That BMW explores new, innovati ve and non-traditi onal modes of procuring building maintenance services. BMW mandates the use of central procurement frameworks for building maintenance. That BMW strengthens its capability in accommodati on planning and procurement. m nd Reco 4: 14b: 19: 5: 10: 20a: 50: 11. 18: 35b: 8: 15: 16: 22b: a r e y g d ning, deliver Project Manager Principal Project ManaAsset PlanningDavid Jones Director Standards anPracti ce Strategic ProjectsGraeme Mclean Assistant Director Portf olio PlanningJohn Gartner Director Planning and Delivery Group 2Wayne Carter n a ch nt rd 2 — Pl Project G: Supporti ng agencies with Strategic Asset Plans H: Supporti ng Agencies with Business Cases I: Portf olio approato Maintenance J: New procuremestrategies Project Boa Project Board Executi ve Sponsors Executi ve DirectorStrategic Projects Richard Mann(Chair) Executi ve Director BMW John Tondut(Deputy Chair) Senior Users General ManagerPlanning and Delivery Steve Hackett General Manager Building ManagementAlex Taylor General Manager Infrastructure Delivery Group 1 or 2TBA 5 > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 mendati ons That BMW reviews the governance of the Offi ce Accommodati on Advisory Committ ee with a view to enhancing consultati on and representati on. That BMW be given a new leadership role in the development of business cases and offi ce accommodati on programs using a master planning approach. That BMW reviews existi ng government offi ce accommodati on policies and develops a policy suite that aligns with the total portf olio approach. That BMW reviews the approach to non-offi ce property leases and develops a more comprehensive database. That BMW be given control over project management of all new building procurement through direct appropriati on of that part of project budgets. That the ‘fee for service’ funding model for BMW maintenance and minor works services be replaced with direct appropriati on. That BMW, develops an asset register of all government building assets with heritage values, and pursues sustainable management regimes for these buildings. That BMW prepares a business case for the future management of Fremantle Prison, including the appropriate funding model for its ongoing conservati on and acti vati on. That Strategic Projects conti nues in its current role and grows its experti se as an integral part of the new BMW business m Reco 23: 20b: 21: 24a: 7: 17: 45b: 46: 26: n ) Project Manager Manager Policy and Planning Claire Bromley Director Business Planning and Coordinati oDarral Haynes Assistant Director Heritage Properti es Ross Smith Director Standards and Practi ce Strategic Projects Graeme Mclean d d 2 (cont’ Project K: Portf olio approach to Government Offi ce accommodati on L: Funding the BMW organisati on M: Heritage Buildings N: Strategic Projects r a 6 Project Bo Project Board Senior Suppliers Director Planning and Delivery Group 1Tony Budrovich Director Maintenance ServicesTina Groves Director Standards and Practi ce Strategic ProjectsGraeme Mclean Director Government Offi ce Accommodati on Karen Schmidt > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 mendati ons That DTF regional procurement staff from both BMW and Government Procurement be integrated into four regional teams, with offi ces located across 13 towns. That the current regionally based faciliti es management role be retained and enhanced, and the building maintenance planning and procurement strategies integrated into a State-wide portf olio approach. That project management capability be strengthened in regional centres to enable more regional capital works projects to be managed locally, rather than from Perth, including temporary relocati on for specifi c projects. That the new BMW regions take on additi onal responsibiliti es in offi ce accommodati on planning and procurement, integrated into the proposed total portf olio approach. That the resources within agencies that now undertake new building project management be re-badged to BMW. That BMW implements a new organisati onal structure that will grow its leadership and project management capabiliti es. That BMW builds its capability in asset planning, and its experti se in business case development. That BMW strengthens its capability in accommodati on planning and procurement. That BMW grows its pool of highly skilled Project Managers, (as permanent public servants) to reduce the reliance on consultancies for major infrastructure projects. That a new career path for Project Managers be established – equivalent to the specifi ed callings arrangements available to other professionals – to help att ract and retain staff required to deliver these reforms and ensure a sustainable workforce for the delivery of buildings for Government. That BMW establishes new skills development programs for Project Managers. That BMW accommodates all its existi ng metropolitan planning and project management people (apart from any re-badged employees) at one locati on. That the DTF conti nues to support the objecti ves of CEIID, acti vely parti cipati ng and working cooperati vely to progress its objecti ves, to share knowledge and deliver tangible benefi ts. That BMW establishes a strong partnership with its key client government agencies (including a Client Council). That BMW ensures eff ecti ve liaison is maintained with key building industry associati ons. m Reco 34: 35a: 36: 37: 9: 27: 6: 22a: 29: 30: 31: 28: 25: 38: 39: n W Organisatio Project Manager Director Regional Programs Mino Inti ni Director Business Planning and Coordinati on Darral Haynes Training and Development Manager Leanne Page Project DirectorPeter Murray Assistant Director CEIID PMO Peter York Business Development and Communicati ons Manager Vivien Willmott M B n rd 3 — Project O: Regional P: Organisati onal Structure Q: Skills & Career Paths R: BMW Accommodati o S: Support CEIID T: Relati onship Management a t o en m d t Project B Project Board Executi ve Sponsor Executi ve Director BMWJohn Tondut(Chair) Senior Users Executi ve Director Government ProcureRod Alderton Director Business Planning anCoordinati onDarral Haynes General ManagerBuilding ManagemenAlex Taylor Senior Suppliers Executi ve DirectorCorporate ServicesSue Jones Project DirectorPeter Murray Director Review and ReformMargaret Sharpe 7 > Works Reform Implementation Plan 2009 - 2013 g o e y m ti ons MW prepares a business case on the future directi ons of its Industry Traininm. MW completes the transiti on of its Building Industry Development division tpartment of Commerce by 30 June 2009. MW now develops an Implementati on Plan, for all the recommendati ons in thReform Business Soluti on Plan. MW further develops the business case for the Works Reforms (including likelnd the potenti al benefi ts) as part of the Implementati on Plan. MW undertakes cost and benefi t analyses for the four-year Works Reform, and provides an annual report to the Treasurer. enda hat Brogra hat Bhe De hat BWorks hat Bosts a hat Brogra m TP Tt T Tc Tp m Reco 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: & ) Project Manager Assistant DirectorPolicy & Practi ceAnna Rechichi Director Business Planning Coordinati on Darral Haynes Director Review & Reform Margaret Sharpe d ’ nt ning e m e & d 3 (co Project U: Industry TraiBusiness Cas V: Building Commission transiti on W: Works ReforBusiness CasReporti ng r a o B t c d r e a o oj t B c e r oj P r 8 P

Business Change. 28. Communications Plan. 30. Implementation Schedule. 31. Reporting. 32. Appendix 1: Master Balanced Scorecard. 33 .. becomes a leader in the development of business cases, and the applicati on of supporti ng tools (such as Investment Logic mapping and Value Management).
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