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Impacts of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (September - OTA Archive PDF

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Preview Impacts of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (September - OTA Archive

Impacts of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria September 1995 OTA-H-629 GPO stock #052-003-01446-7 Recommended Citation: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Impacts of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, OTA-H-629 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1995). F oreword P enicillin, the first antibiotic, and the more than 100 other anti- biotics now available to physicians are the primary weapons in mankind's battle against bacterial diseases. They revolu- tionized medicine, providing cures for formerly life-threaten- ing diseases and preventing many previously inevitable deaths from infected wounds. They still do, but within a short time of each antibi- otic's introduction into medicine, some bacteria became resistant to it, and the antibiotic lost its effectiveness against some diseases. Cur- rently, few bacteria are resistant to all antibiotics, but many more are resistant to all but one or all but a few antibiotics, and the expectation is that resistant bacteria will continue to emerge and spread. The fear is that many bacteria will become resistant to all antibiotics, plunging humanity back into the conditions that existed in the pre-antibiotic age. OTA's report discusses what is known about the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and describes research and development aimed at controlling those organisms. It concludes that efforts are necessary both to preserve the effectiveness of currently available antibiotics and to develop new antibiotics. It discusses issues that arise in these activities, and it presents options for taking action. This report was requested by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in the 103d Congress (now the House Committee on Com- merce). The Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources in the same Congress endorsed the request for the study. OTA was assisted in this study by an advisory panel of scientists and physicians from academia, industry, and state government chaired by Gail Cassell, Ph.D., of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. OTA gratefully acknowledges the contribution of each advisory panel member as well as that of many other experts who supplied informa- tion for the report and participated in reviews of the report as it was prepared. As with all OTA reports, the final responsibility for the con- tent of the assessment rests with OTA. ROGER C. HERDMAN Director iii A dvisory Panel Gail Cassell, Ph.D. Prabhavathi B. Fernandes, Stuart Levy, M.D. Professor and Chairman Ph.D. Professor of Medicine and of Department of Microbiology Vice President, Drug Molecular Biology and University of Alabama at Discovery Microbiology Birmingham/University Biomolecular Screening Tufts University Medical Station Bristol-Myers Squibb School Birmingham, AL 35294 PO Box 4000 136 Harrison Ave. Princeton, NJ 08543-4000 Boston, MA 02111-1800 Anne Bolmstrom President Winston Frederick, M.D. Robert C. Moellering, Jr., AB Biodisk Infectious Disease Research M.D. Pyramidvagon 7 Howard University Hospital Physician-In-Chief and S-17136 Solna 2041 Georgia Ave., NW, Chairman Sweden Room 5C-43 New England Deaconess Washington, DC 20060 Hospital Robert J. Bywater, Ph.D. Department of Medicine/Room Director, Anti-Infective Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. 6A Assessment Professor 110 Francis Street SmithKline Beecham Animal The Rockefeller University Boston, MA 02215-5553 Health New York, NY 10021-6399 Walton Oaks Barbara Murray, M.D. Dorking Road Stephen Lerner, M.D. Professor of Medicine and of Tadworth Professor of Medicine Microbiology and Molecular Surrey KT20 7NT Wayne State University School Genetics UK of Medicine Infectious Diseases Harper Hospital/Division of University of Texas Medical Barry Eisenstein, M.D. Infectious Diseases School at Houston Vice President, Lilly Research 3990 John R 6431 Fannin Labs Detroit, MI 48201 Houston, TX 77030 Lilly Corporate Center, 0434 Indianapolis, IN 46285 iv Tom O'Brien, M.D. Alexander Tomasz, Ph.D. Craig Townsend, Ph.D. Medical Director Professor and Head/Laboratory Chairman, Department of Microbiology Laboratory of Microbiology Chemistry Brigham and Women's The Rockefeller University The Johns Hopkins University Hospital 1230 York Ave., Box 152 Charles and 34th Streets 75 Francis Street New York, NY 10021-6399 Baltimore, MD 21218 Boston, MA 02115 Richard Wenzel, M.D., M.Sc. Michael Zasloff, M.D., Ph.D. Lone Simonsen, Ph.D. Associate Chairman President, Magainin Research 926 Waverly Way, Apt. A Department of Internal Institute Atlanta, GA 30307 Medicine 5110 Campus Drive The University of Iowa Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Harry Taber, Ph.D. Iowa City, IA 52242 Acting Director, Division of Infectious Diseases NY State Department of Health Wadsworth Center David Axelrod Institute PO Box 22002 Albany, NY 12201-2002 v P roject Staff Clyde J. Behney PRIMARY STAFF David Frankel Assistant Director, OTA The Lancet Michael Gough Project Director Sean Tunis Sandra Handwerger Health Program Director Rockefeller University Elise Berliner ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Congressional Fellow Kathie E. Hanna Churchton, Maryland Charlotte Brown Dwayne L. Smith Word Processing Specialist Research Assistant Judith Hellerstein Northwestern University Monica Finch Jacqueline T. Keller Word Processing Specialist Research Analyst James H. Jorgensen University of Texas Louise Staley CONTRIBUTING STAFF Office Administrator Karen Kaunitz Beth Hadley Jacksonville Baptist Medical Carolyn Swann Senior Analyst Center PC Specialist CONTRACTORS Calvin Kunin Ohio State University Michael J. Bennett Washington, DC David H. Persing Mayo Clinic Rochester Mitchell Burken Philadelphia V.A. Hospital David Relman Stanford University Julian Davies The University of British Barbara Rosenkrantz Columbia Harvard University Susan Feinman Lee Sabath Potomac, Maryland University of Minnesota vi C ontents 1 Summary, Conclusions, Issues and Options 1 Summary 1 Origins of the Antibiotic Era 2 Survey of Antibiotic Resistance 3 Costs of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Diseases 6 Reducing the Impacts of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 8 Conclusions 18 Issues and Options for Prolonging Effectiveness of Antibiotics 19 Issues and Options for Encouraging Development of New Antibiotics 28 2 Introduction 33 The Discovery of Antibiotics 36 Confronting Antibiotic Resistance 45 References 46 3 Antibiotic Use and Resistance in the Community 49 Introduction 49 Populations Susceptible to Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 53 Factors in the Emergence of Bacterial Diseases 57 Changes in Disease Patterns 59 Surveillance of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 61 Conclusions 63 References 65 4 Antibiotic Use in Hospitals 69 Infections Acquired in the Hospital 69 The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections in Hospitals 71 The Uses of Antibiotics in Hospitals 73 Legal Aspects of Antibiotic Use 75 Controlling the Emergence and Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in Hospitals 76 vii Hospital Accreditation and Infection Control Regulations Under Medicare 80 Costs of Controlling the Emergence and Spread of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 93 Conclusions 96 References 96 5 Antibiotic Development 101 Designing New Antibiotics 101 Antibiotics in Current Clinical Use 104 Antibiotics That Inhibit or Block DNA Replication or Protein Synthesis 109 Development of New Antibiotics From Old 110 New Research Tools 113 Antibiotics From New Sources 113 Getting New Antibiotics to Market 118 Patents 120 Pricing of Drugs Developed in Part by Federal Research 121 Conclusions 121 References 122 6 New Technologies for Infection Diagnosis and Control 127 Diagnostic Methods 127 Vaccines 142 Stimulating the Immune System 146 Targeted Delivery of Antibiotics 146 Reducing Infections by Modifying Devices 147 Old Therapies 150 Summary 151 References 151 viii 7 Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry 155 Antibiotic Use in Food Production 158 Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Humans 159 Controversy About Antibiotic Use in Raising Livestock 162 Controversy Over Fluoroquinolones in Food Production 164 References 165 Appendix A: Coverage of Antibiotic Resistance in the Popular Literature, 1950 to 1994 167 Appendix B: Glossary 173 Appendix C: Acknowledgments 181 ix Summary, Conclusions, Issues and 1 Options SUMMARY zImpacts of Antibiotic-Resistant A Bacteria: s more and more bacteria become resis- tant to the effects of antibiotics and as n Difficult-to-treat infections: Many strains of the flow of new antibiotics into medical bacteria are resistant to one or more of the 100 practice slows, it is clear that the pro- antibiotics now in use. Physicians may have to nouncement of the Surgeon General of the try a number of different antibiotics until one United States nearly a quarter century ago that it proves effective. was time to “close the book on infectious dis- n Untreatable infections: Some strains of bacte- eases” was premature.1 Indeed, the popular press ria are resistant to all available antibiotics. and some experts worry that we are headed Currently, infections caused by these bacteria toward an era of infectious diseases akin to the are fairly uncommon, but they are rapidly increasing. Additionally, other bacteria are one that existed before antibiotics were intro- resistant to all but one antibiotic, and they are duced over a half-century ago. expected to become resistant to all antibiotics. This Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) n Antibiotic use increases the spread of antibi- report is a response to congressional requests otic-resistant bacteria: Antibiotic use creates (see box1-1) for a description of the threat posed “selective pressure” that promotes the spread by antibiotic-resistant bacteria to our society. of resistant bacteria. Susceptible bacteria are This report explores the biological bases for the killed or inhibited, and resistant bacteria sur- development of bacterial resistance to antibiot- vive and multiply. As bacteria become resis- ics, describes new antibiotics that are in research tant to increasing numbers of antibiotics, the and development, and outlines a number of strat- remaining effective antibiotics are used more egies to control the proliferation of antibiotic- often—increasing the selection pressure for resistant bacteria. bacteria to become resistant to them. 1 Citations to the literature are not included in this summary. Complete citations are included in other chapters. | 1

Churchton, Maryland. Judith Hellerstein. Northwestern University. James H. Jorgensen. University of Texas. Karen Kaunitz. Jacksonville Baptist Medical. Center .. pointed to the great difficulties in studying this issue. Some Denver, Colo-.
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