REPORT N0.316 by Aziz Amoomegar Soil Science Department Agricultural Research Service College of Agriculture and Life Sciences North Carolina State University July 1998 Copies available from: Water Resources Research Institute ofTheUniversityofNorth Carolina North Carolina State University Box 7912 Raleigh, NC 27695-7912 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA is composed of the sixteen public senior insfitutionsi n North Carolina. UNC-WRRI-98-3 16 IMPACT OF WASTEWATER QUALITY ON THE LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE OF SOILS FOR ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Aziz Amoozegar Soil Science Department Agricultural Research Service College of Agriculture and Life Sciences North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7619 The research on which this report is based was financed by the Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina. Contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Water Resources Research Institute, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute their endorsement or recommendation for use by the Institute or the State of North Carolina. The use of trade names does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service or the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute of the products used or mentioned nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned. WRRI Project No. 70140 July 1998 One hundred fifty-five copies of this report were printed at a cost of $1,066.40 or $6.88 per copy. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Special recognition is extended to Mr. Christopher Niewoehner, Agricultural Research Technician, Soil Science Department, for his hard work and dedication to this project. He was instrumental in setting up the field experiments, training other personnel, completing the laboratory analyses, managing the data, and preparing graphs for this report. Both Chris and Ms. Jennifer Engele, a temporary Research Technician, worked long days and visited the research sites at nights for many weeks during the project. Their efforts, along with the efforts of Alex Adams, Brett Martin, and Dean Granthem, undergraduate students who conducted various experiments and analyses, are greatly appreciated. Appreciation is also extended to Mr. Stewart Starr, Mr. George Clark, and Mr. Ken Schneider, the superintendents of Research Stations at NCSU, for their cooperation with this project. Other individuals who must be recognized for assisting with site selection and providing the necessary information about the drip systems are Mr. A1 Peoples, Franklin County Health Department; Mr. Bob Dewees, Department of Public Instruction; Mr. Steven Berkowitz, On-Site Wastewater Section of the North Carolina Department of Environment, and Natural Resources; and Mr. Jack Harmon from Waste Water Systems of North Carolina. The school administrators and maintenance staff at Edward Middle School in Franklin County and Vaughn Elementary School in Warren County should also be recognized for their help with the project. Finally, special thank you to the secretarial and accounting staff at both the Soil Science Department and Water Resources Research Institute and to all the faculty and staff in the Soil Science Department who facilitated the efforts of the research team in this project. *.. 111 ABSTRACT People living in rural areas and around large municipalities with no access to public sewage systems must dispose oftheir wastewater on-site. The most common type of on-site sewage management in North Carolina is the conventional septic system, which is composed of a septic tank (interceptor tank) and a drainfield. It is not uncommon for septic systems to fail. Hydraulic failure within the drainfield area of a young septic system is generally attributed to faulty design, installation, and/or misuse of the system. The quality of wastewater, however, can have a major impact on soil hydraulic properties, particularly on wastewater infiltration from the trenches into the soil. A reduction in the infiltration rate from the trenches of a septic system into the soil may result in surface failure of the system. The overall objective of the research presented here was to assess the effects of various components of domestic wastewater on soil hydraulic properties. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (LJan d infiltration rate (IR) for tap water, well water, and four different simulated wastewaters from washing machine, kitchen sink, bathroom sink and shower (bathroom wastewater without toilet wastes), and a car wash in a clayey soil, a sandy soil, and one saprolite were measured in situ for five consecutive days using three replications. Saturated hydraulic conductivity was measured by the constant-head well permeameter method using 6-cm diameter cylindrical holes. A 15- to 20-cm constant depth of water was maintained at the bottom of the hole and was calculated using the Glover solution. The IR was measured under a 5- to 7-cm of constant head using double-cylinder (ring) infiltrometers. After the measurement phase, soil samples were collected from three depth intervals at three locations in the area between the outer and inner cylinders of each infiltrometer and from three depth intervals at three locations around each 6-cm diameter auger hole for laboratory analysis. In addition, intact core samples (6.5 cm diameter and 10 cm long) were collected from the clayey Lt soil and saprolite and analyzed in the laboratory for and water retention using the five solutions. For selected experiments, a CaC1, solution was applied to the soil and saprolite following the initial measurement of IR or Gtt o determine if the rate of water flow into the soil or saprolite could be improved. kt In general, and IR of the two soils and saprolite for water did not change substantially with kt time. For the simulated wastewaters, however, both and IR decreased for saprolite and sandy soil. For the clayey soil, mixed results were obtained for most cases. Overall, simulated wastewater from washing machines (laundry wastewater) had the most negative impact on soil hydraulic properties. Based on measurement results after addition of CaCl, to the soil and saprolite, it appears that the adverse effect of wastewater application on soil hydraulic properties may be reversible using calcium amendments. Based on the Na content and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of the simulated wastewaters, and considering that the adverse impact of wastewaters on infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity were reversed with the addition of Ca to the soil or saprolite, it appears that in the absence of a biological clogging mat, Na (or a compound containing Na, such as a surfactant in laundry detergent) is the most likely cause for hydraulic failure of a septic system. Considering the reduction in the rate of flow into and through different soils for various components of wastewater, wastewater quality should be considered when determining the loading rates (long-term acceptance rates) for designing septic systems, particularly for laundry, car wash, and other businesses in rural areas. V TABLE OF CONTENTS ... ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................... 111 .................................................................. A8STRACT v ........................................................... LIST OF FIGURES ix ... ........................................................... LIST OF TABLES XIII ............................................. SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS xv RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................... xix ............................................................. INTRODUCTION 1 ............................................................. Objectives 7 .................................................. MATERIALS AND METHODS 9 Soil Characteristics ...................................................... 9 Wastewater Characteristics ................................................ 9 ....... Field Measurement of Infiltration Rate and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity 10 ................................................ Laboratory Measurements 16 .............................................. Assessment of Drip Systems 17 ................................................. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 21 Characteristics of the Soils and Wastewaters ................................. 21 ............................................ Variations Among Replications 21 Site 1 .. Saprolite ....................................................... 24 Infiltration Rate .................................................. 24 .................................... Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity 32 .......................................................... Site2.. Sand 37 .................................................. Infiltration Rate 37 .................................... Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity 42 Site 3 .. Bt Horizon ..................................................... 44 .................................................. Infiltration Rate 44 ..................................... Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity 47 ..................................................... Laboratory Analysis 48 Saprolite at Site 1 ................................................. 48 ............................................... Bt Horizon at Site 3 54 Septicsystems ......................................................... 56 Wastewater Quality ............................................... 56 Soil Water Status ................................................. 57 VaughnElementary School ................................... 57 Edward Best Middle School .................................. 57 vii REFERENCES .............................................................. 63 GLOSSARY ................................................................ 69 .......................................................... Abbreviations 69 Units of Measurement ................................................... 70 ............................................ PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 71 ................................................................. APPENDIX 73 .... Results for the Three Replications for Each Soil-WaterNastewater Combination 73 ... VI11