Impact of Stoichiometry of Yb Ti O on its Physical Properties 2 2 7 K. E. Arpino,1,2 B. A. Trump,1,2 A. O. Scheie,1,3 T. M. McQueen,1,2,3,4 and S. M. Koohpayeh1,3,∗ 1Institute of Quantum Matter, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 21218 USA 2Department of Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 21218 USA 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 21218 USA 4Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 21218 USA (Dated: February 1, 2017) A series of Yb Ti O doped samples demonstrates the effects of off-stoichiometry on 2+x 2−x 7−δ Yb Ti O ’s structure, properties, and magnetic ground state via x-ray diffraction, specific heat, 2 2 7 and magnetization measurements. A stoichiometric single crystal of Yb Ti O grown by the trav- 2 2 7 7 eling solvent floating zone technique (solvent = 30 wt% rutile TiO and 70 wt% Yb Ti O ) is 2 2 2 7 1 characterized and evaluated in light of this series. Our data shows that upon positive x doping, 0 the cubic lattice parameter a increases and the Curie-Weiss temperature θ decreases. Heat ca- CW 2 pacity measurements of stoichiometric Yb Ti O samples exhibit a sharp, first-order peak at T = 2 2 7 n 268(4)mKthatissuppressedinmagnitudeandtemperatureinsamplesdopedoffidealstoichiome- a try. ThefullentropyrecoveredperYbionis5.7 JK−1 ≈ Rln2. Ourworkestablishestheeffectsof J dopingonYb Ti O ’sphysicalproperties,whichprovidesfurtherevidenceindicatingthatprevious 2 2 7 0 crystals grown by the traditional floating zone method are doped off ideal stoichiometry. Addi- 3 tionally, we present how to grow high-quality colorless single crystals of Yb2Ti2O7 by the traveling solvent floating zone growth method. ] l e - I. INTRODUCTION ground state described it in widely varying and conflict- r ing fashions: either as lacking8,17–23 or having7,11,24–27 t s long-rangemagneticorder,withstatic24,26 toslowlyfluc- . Materials with the pyrochlore structure (A B O ) are t 2 2 7 tuating dynamic16–19,21,23,25,28 spins. a a topic of extensive study in the field of magnetism as m ideal hosts for prototypical geometric frustration includ- Experimental inconsistencies in both the Yb2Ti2O7 - ing both classical and quantum spin-ice and spin-liquid samples themselves and the measured low-temperature d behavior.1–5 In this structure type, the A and B metal transition to the ground state hinder identification of n ionseachformasublatticeofacorner-sharingtetrahedra; the true ground state. While powder samples are gen- o the two sublattices are inter-penetrating. Ising-like (uni- erally white, the color of crystals varies from deep red c [ axial) spin interactions on either of these geometrically to translucent yellow-gray.29,30 Yb2Ti2O7 has a transi- frustrated tetrahedra sublattices can give rise to spin-ice tion to the presumed ground state at T ∼ 250 mK 1 behavior.1,3 In the case of Yb Ti O , the magnetic be- which appears to vary considerably between samples. v 2 2 7 havior originates in the Yb3+ (4f13) ions which make The specific heat signatures of powders generally have 1 2 up the A sublattice. In an ideally stoichiometric sample a sharp, intense peak around T = 260 mK,21,24,28,31,32 8 ofYb Ti O ,themagneticbehaviorofthisYb3+ sublat- while those of single crystals grown by the traditional 2 2 7 8 ticeisisolatedfromanyinterferingmagneticinteractions floating-zone method have peaks which occur at lower 0 originating in the interpenetrating B sublattice because temperatures (T ∼ 150 to 200 mK) and are reduced 1. 3d0 Ti4+ has no valence electrons. in height by an order of magnitude.11,21,24,28,33 Simi- 0 Yb Ti O ’smagneticinteractionsmaybedescribedby larly, low-temperature magnetization measurements ex- 2 2 7 7 hibittransitionsatahighertemperatureinpowdersam- ananisotropicexchangeHamiltonianwhoseexchangepa- 1 ples than in single-crystal samples (T = 245 mK com- rameters have been experimentally ascertained by mul- v: tiple groups.6–10 Based on the determined exchange pa- pared to T = 150 mK, respectively).25 These differences i suggest a systematic material discrepancy between sin- X rameters, the ground state of Yb2Ti2O7 has been pre- gle crystal and powder samples, and indicate a better dicted to lie near phase boundaries between ferromag- r and more consistent method of crystal growth is needed. a netic and antiferromagnetic states in theorized phase diagrams,6,9–15 and it has been suggested that the quan- Off-stoichiometry likely plays an important role in tumfluctuationsresultingfromproximitytothesephase understanding these differences: in similar pyrochlores, boundaries could potentially make Yb Ti O a quan- physical properties have been shown to be highly de- 2 2 7 tum spin liquid candidate.6 Yb Ti O has been consid- pendentonsamplestoichiometry.34–37 InYb Ti O , one 2 2 7 2 2 7 ered a quantum spin ice candidate due to a finding that crystalhasbeenfoundtobeYb-doped,or“stuffed”(hav- the predominant spin exchange is ferromagnetic along ing Yb on the Ti-site), despite having been made from the local axis of the tetrahedra6–8; however, recent re- purely stoichiometric powder.38,39 Additionally, Chang ports indicate the ground state is not that of a quan- et al. observed diminished intensity of EXAFS data tum spin ice.9,14 A number of experimental and theo- for those crystals with lower heat capacity peaks in a retical investigations into the true nature of Yb Ti O ’s study of three crystals and concluded that Yb deficiency 2 2 7 2 is responsible for broadening the heat capacity peak.11 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length was obtained via On this basis, it has been generally assumed that all theTSFZtechnique40,41usingafour-mirroropticalfloat- Yb Ti O single crystal are non-stoichiometric, and this ingzonefurnace(CrystalSystemInc. FZ-T-4000-H-VII- 2 2 7 off-stoichiometry explains the discrepancy that has been VPO-PC) equipped with four 1-kW halogen lamps as observed between crystal and powder data. However, to the heating source. The feed and seed rods, attached our knowledge, the correlation between the stoichiome- to the upper and lower shafts respectively, were sintered try and physical properties of Yb Ti O which underlies rods of stoichiometric Yb Ti O powder (above). The 2 2 7 2 2 7 this assumption has not be systematically investigated. seed rod had been used in a previous Yb Ti O growth; 2 2 7 In this paper, we report the structural and phys- any residual crystalline material at its top (the crystal ical properties characterization of a polycrystalline growth base) was sanded flat. The ∼0.2 g solvent pellet Yb Ti O doped series to elucidate the effects of usedwascomposedof30%rutileTiO and70%stoichio- 2+x 2−x 7−δ 2 off-stoichiometryonstructure,heatcapacityandentropy, metric Yb Ti O by mass. The solvent pellet was first 2 2 7 andmagneticsusceptibility. Additionally,acolorlesssin- melted and joined to the feed and seed rod in the op- gle crystal of apparently stoichiometric Yb Ti O grown tical furnace before beginning the growth. During the 2 2 7 by the traveling solvent floating zone (TSFZ) technique growth, themoltenzonewaspassedupwardsatarateof is characterized alongside the doped series. The low- 0.5mm/h. Rotationratesof3and6rpmwereemployed temperaturespecificheatoftheseriesdisplaysadramatic in opposite directions for the feed rod (upper shaft) and change in breadth, height, and temperature of the tran- the growing crystal (lower shaft), respectively. Crystal sition upon doping, while the single crystal has a single, growth was carried out at a power level of 64.2%, which notably sharp peak at T = 268(4) mK. remained fixed throughout the growth, under a dynamic oxygen atmosphere with a pressure of 1 atm and a flow rateof10mL/min. Onlyonezonepasswasperformedin II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES acrystalgrowth. AdditionalclearYb2Ti2O7 singlecrys- talsofsimilarsizeweregrownusingthesameparameters, indicating reproducibility. A. Synthesis Synthesized powders having target stoichiometries Yb Ti O (x = 0.08, 0.02, 0.01, 0.00, -0.01, B. Characterization 2+x 2−x 7−x/2 and-0.02)werepreparedfromprecursorsYb O (99.99% 2 3 AlfaAesar)andrutileTiO (99.99%AlfaAesar)inlarge Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were taken 2 (∼20 g) batches to minimize mass error. Prior to use, using a Bruker D8 Focus X-ray diffractometer operating precursors were dried at 1200 ◦C overnight. Amounts of with Cu Kα radiation and a LynxEye detector. Diffrac- precursorsusedwerecalculatedonthebasisofmetalion tion data was analyzed using the Bruker TOPAS soft- stoichiometries under the assumption that oxygen con- ware (Bruker AXS). For consistency, all the refinements centration, either excess or deficient, would be corrected reported in this paper were done on scans ranging from by heating in ambient atmosphere (Yb Ti O ). 2θ = 5 to 120 ◦ with silicon added to the sample as an 2+x 2−x 7−δ Precursors were combined and intimately ground in a internal standard. The use of a silicon standard is espe- porcelain mortar and pestle, then loaded into an alu- cially important in cubic materials such as this one, as mina crucible and heated under ambient atmosphere to cubic materials have only one internal lattice parameter 1200 ◦C and held at temperature for 12 h. The material which can convolute with the measurement parameters. wasremoved,intimatelyground,thenpressedintoapel- Uncertainties and error bars reported for lattice param- let and reheated in an alumina crucible under ambient eters reflect the statistical error unless otherwise noted. atmosphereto1350◦Candheldattemperaturefor10h. Site-mixing and doping were individually tested for by This step was repeated several times until powder x-ray holding all other parameters constant from a sample’s diffraction (XRD) patterns showed the precursors were best fit and intentionally varying the Yb and Ti occu- fully reacted. The obtained powders were white. pancies to plot the Rwp as a function of site-mixing or Sinteredrods(rigid,polycrystallinesamples)werepre- doping; errors were estimated from the resulting plot via pared by compacting and pressing synthesized powders Hamilton R-ratio tests and visual inspection of the fits. intotheformofcylindricalrods(ofapproximately6mm Physical property characterization was performed us- in diameter and 70-80 mm in length), and then sinter- ingaQuantumDesignPhysicalPropertiesMeasurement ing at higher temperatures in a four-mirror optical float- System(PPMS).Magnetizationdatawerecollectedusing ingzonefurnace(CrystalSystemInc. FZ-T-4000-H-VII- theACMSoptionatT =2-300Kunderµ H =0.2Tand 0 VPO-PCequippedwithfour1-kWhalogenlamps)under converted to magnetic susceptibility using the approxi- 2 atm O . These polycrystalline rods were sintered by a mation χ=M/H. Curie-Weiss analyses were performed 2 singlepasszoneheatingbelowthemeltingpoint: apower by adjusting χ to achieve the most linear (χ−χ )−1 0 0 levelof62%wasusedforallbutthex = 0sample,which in for the temperature range T = 2-30 K. Heat capacity was heated at 68% lamp power. datawerecollectedatconstantpressureintwoways: us- A pure, stoichiometric single crystal approximately 5 ing the semiadiabatic pulse technique (2% heat rise) for 3 T =0.1-2Kandusingalargeheatpulse(100-200%heat rise from the base temperature, or a 100-200 mK pulse) in the T = 0.1-0.4 K range of the peak. In the semiadi- abatic pulse method, C is assumed to be constant over p a single short measurement and is extracted by fitting a 2τ heat flow model to the temperature-heat curve. In the large heat pulse method, C is not assumed to be p constant over a longer measurement, but have distinct values in a series of δT bins. Removing the constant-C p assumptionisknowntobebetterabletocaptureheatca- pacity accurately in a first-order transition. Differences in the data between the two methods result from apply- ing heat pulses of different sizes over a transition with considerable latent heat and hysteresis. For consistency, temperatureandheatcapacitynumbersweretakenfrom heatingtracesforthelargeheatpulsedata,whichshowed some hysteresis between heating and cooling traces (the peak in the cooling curve appeared approximately 5 mK lower than in the heating curve). The entropy was calculated by integrating heat capac- FIG.1: Thecubiclatticeparameteraofthesynthesizedpow- ity divided by temperature of the sintered series up to T der (blue diamonds) and sintered rods (black circles) of the =2KandsinglecrystaluptoT =300K.Forallsamples, Yb Ti O seriesisshown,alongwiththatofthegrown 2+x 2−x 7−δ the heat capacity was assumed to be zero at T = 0 K in single crystal (red triangles, x estimated by Rietveld refine- order to place the entropy on an absolute scale, though ment) and literature values (gray squares).29,43–45 Samples onlyentropyformeasuredtemperaturesisplottedinFig- with impurity phases are depicted as hollow symbols: the ure 4. This assumption does not affect ∆S. In the range x = 0.02 and x = 0.08 synthesized powder samples have a of T = 5 to 30 K, the magnetic entropy was isolated secondary Yb2TiO5 phase, and all x = −0.02 samples have a secondary phase of TiO . Error bars are contained within by subtracting the heat capacity of isostructural, non- 2 the symbols. magneticLu Ti O toremovethelatticecontribution.29 2 2 7 Below T = 5 K, no lattice contribution was subtracted because the heat capacity of Lu Ti O becomes negligi- 2 2 7 of peaks such as the (111) in XRD patterns rule out a bly small (e.g., C < 0.01 J K−1 (mol magnetic ion)−1 disordered fluorite structure which is possible for some up to T = 2 K, which is less than our Yb Ti O mea- 2 2 7 A B O materials.43 surement error). As the Debye temperatures of the two 2 2 7 The cubic lattice parameters a of synthesized powders pyrochlores should be more than 99.5% similar due to and sintered rods Yb Ti O samples are plotted atomic masses and stoichiometry42, the heat capacity of 2+x 2−x 7−δ in Figure 1, along with those of single crystal samples. Lu Ti O was not scaled before subtracting it from that 2 2 7 Stoichiometric (x = 0) samples agree with most litera- ofYb Ti O . Theentropycurvesareonlynegligiblydif- 2 2 7 ture values29,43–45, although some studies found the lat- ferent for data taken by different heat-pulse techniques. tice parameter at ambient temperatures to be notably lower, around 10.025 ˚A.38,46 As noted in II, cubic lat- tice parameters are especially sensitive to experimental III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION parameters. XRD patterns show secondary phases in the synthe- A. Structure sized powder samples at higher targeted levels of dop- ing. In the x = 0.02 and 0.08 synthesized powder sam- Laboratory x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the ples, a Ti-deficient Yb TiO secondary phase43 was ob- 2 5 Yb Ti O synthesized powders and sintered rods served, indicating the samples have not achieved their 2+x 2−x 7−δ sampleswithtargetstoichiometries x=0.08,0.02,0.01, targeted stoichiometries, likely due to narrow Yb Ti O 2 2 7 0.00, -0.01, and -0.02 were analyzed via Rietveld refine- phasewidth at lower temperatures as predicted in the ments using a cubic pyrochlore model to extract lat- composition-temperature phase diagram.47 Within the tice parameter, metal-ion substitution, and site-mixing. limits of our x-ray diffractometer, this impurity phase Doping was presumed to occur as Yb3+ and Ti4+ ions was not seen in the corresponding doped sintered rod substituting on the other’s Wyckoff positions, with the samples, which were processed at higher temperature overall charge discrepancy accommodated by oxygen va- than synthesized powders. This likely indicates a wider cancies or interstitials. Due to oxygen’s relatively low phasewidth towards positive x doping at higher temper- x-ray scattering factor in this compound, only the occu- atures (above 1350 ◦ C), which facilitated achievement pancy of the metal ions could be reliably modeled. The of the targeted stoichiometries. In the x = -0.02 sam- XRDpatternsshowapyrochlorestructure: thepresence ples, however, both the synthesized powder and the sin- 4 tered rod samples show rutile TiO (∼1-3% TiO by 2 2 mass) as a secondary phase, possibly indicating a lim- ited phasewidth towards negative x doping, consistent with the phase diagram.47 For both the synthesized powder and sintered rod Yb Ti O series, lattice parameter a increases 2+x 2−x 7−δ with x, as expected because Yb3+ is larger than Ti4+. The slope of this trend is lesser for the synthesized pow- der samples, which could result from the samples hav- ing a smaller magnitude of doping than intended (due to incomplete reaction and/or side products) or from site-mixing of the cationsites, which essentially averages FIG.2: TheTSFZtechnique(solvent=30wt%TiO2 and70 the ion size. We observe both these effects in Rietveld wt% Yb2Ti2O7) produces a large single crystal of Yb2Ti2O7 that is clear and colorless. analysis of the synthesized powders: we detail above the presence of additional phases in higher-doped samples of the synthesized powder series (TiO for Ti-rich x < 0 2 TSFZ crystal growth are given in Section II. and Yb TiO for Yb-rich x > 0), and testing for site- 2 5 Using the TSFZ method, the large (40 mm in length, mixing in Rietveld refinement reveals approximately 1% 4 mm in diameter) clear single crystal pictured in Fig- site mixing in synthesized powder samples (site-mixing ure 2 was obtained. The quality and purity of this crys- for these six samples refines in the range of 0.5 to 1.2% talissupportedbyitscolor, steadygrowthtemperature, site mixing with error averaging to 0.35%). In contrast, and Rietveld analysis. As stated above, a stoichiomet- the sintered rod samples show no evidence of site mixing ric crystal of Yb Ti O ought to be colorless due to the 2 2 7 in Rietveld analysis, refining to zero site mixing as the ions and the predicted bandgap.48 It was not necessary clear minimum in the goodness of fit. Note that due to to adjust the lamp power level during the growth: it the atomic numbers of Yb and Ti (70 and 22, respec- waskeptpreciselyat64.2%forthewholecrystalgrowth. tively), it is impossible to robustly distinguish whether The power level of an optical furnace correlates with thex>0sampleshavesite-mixingorYbvacanciesbased the growth temperature, which is highly sensitive to any on laboratory X-ray diffraction data. slight changes in the composition of the molten zone. The steady lamp power during the growth therefore in- dicates an unchanging stoichiometry of the molten zone: B. Single crystal the material leaving the molten zone (the grown crys- tal) is identical in composition to the material entering Initial attempts to grow a single crystal of Yb Ti O the molten zone (the stoichiometric feed rod).40,41 The 2 2 7 at its melting point via the previously reported float- quality and purity of this crystal were analyzed by Ri- ing zone method11,20,27,29,33 from pressed rods of poly- etveld refinement to the XRD data. The lattice param- crystalline, stoichiometric Yb Ti O (no flux/solvent) eter does not change appreciably over the 40 mm length 2 2 7 yielded a single crystal with a number of questionable of the grown crystal: a =10.03066(6) ˚A at the start and features. Firstly,thecrystalwasdarkredincolor,which 10.03104(2) ˚A at the end. Refinements specifically to is unexpected for Yb3+ and Ti4+ ions: Yb3+ absorbs in check for Yb2+xTi2−xO7−x/2 doping and site-mixing in- theUV,whileTi4+hasnovalenceelectronstoabsorbvis- dicate the crystal may be possibly Ti-rich, refining at ible light. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations x = −0.005(9) with no (0.0(4)%) site mixing indicated. of the bandstructure support this analysis by predicting ThepossibilityofsmallamountofexcessTiisconsistent anultraviolet3.34eVbandgap.48Secondly,thecubiclat- with the crystal growth method and the slightly lowered ticeparameterarevealedasignificantgradientalongthe lattice parameter; however, the metal-ion ratio is within growncrystalwhichvariedfroma=10.05147(5)˚Aatthe error of stoichiometric. The crystal therefore appears startofthegrowncrystal,consistentwithextremelyYb- to be of high quality and approximately stoichiomet- stuffed,toa=10.03201(7)˚Atowardstheend,consistent ric based on structural analysis; analysis of the physical with nearly stoichiometric. Finally, XRD analysis of the properties (discussed below) agrees with this conclusion. frozenremnantsofthemoltenzoneshowedevidenceofti- taniumoxidesaswellasYb Ti O withasmallerlattice 2 2 7 parameter(a=10.0280(1)˚A,consistentwithx<0dop- C. Heat capacity and entropy ing). ThesefeaturessuggestthatYb Ti O meltsincon- 2 2 7 gruently,inwhichcasetheTSFZmethodoffersanavenue Low-temperature (T = ∼ 0.1 to 2 K) heat capacity for crystal growth.40,41 Due to the existence of a TiO – measurementstakenonthesinglecrystalandonthesin- 2 Yb Ti O eutectic at T = 1620 ◦ C, it is possible based tered rod series are shown in Fig. 3. The specific heat of 2 2 7 on the phase diagram47 to use a TiO –Yb Ti O flux to the single crystal exhibits a single, large (87(9) J (mol 2 2 2 7 lower the temperature of the molten zone and precipi- f. u.)−1 K −1), sharp peak at T = 268(4) mK with tate out solid Yb Ti O . The specifics of our Yb Ti O no other notable features. This is the only crystal in 2 2 7 2 2 7 5 cific heat at the lowest temperatures compared to the other samples. Our stoichiometric sintered rod sample exhibits a nar- row initial peak at T = 265 mK along with at least one broad feature in the 200<T <250 mK range. Though somewhat obscured by its placement on the logarithmic scale, this initial feature spikes over 1 J (mol f. u.)−1 K −1) higher than the surrounding heat capacity and is less than 10 mK wide. It is close in temperature to the heat capacity peak of our single crystal and is sim- ilar in temperature, breadth, and height to the sharp initial feature of several crystals by Ross et al. which also have an initial sharp feature and broad humps at lowertemperature.28,38 Wehypothesizethatthefeatures below the sharp initial peak in our sample are due to in- cluded off-stoichiometry phases. Note a higher sintering temperature was used for this sample (68% lamp power vs. 62% used for the other rods); any partial melting of thesampleduringthesinteringprocessmayhaveformed non-stoichiometric phases if Yb Ti O is an incongruent 2 2 7 melter as is suggested in Section IIIB. FIG. 3: The specific heat capacity of the single crystal (red) The low, broad peak in heat capacity data of our in- and sintered rod Yb Ti O series (darker colors, la- 2+x 2−x 7−δ termediately doped samples, e.g., the x = 0.02, appears beled) exhibit a peak at T < 300 mK which broadens and mostsimilartothefeaturesofsinglecrystalsintheliter- decreases in temperature as Yb Ti O is doped away 2+x 2−x 7−δ from x = 0. Data taken by the semi-adiabatic method are ature: although there is some variety in the specifics of plottedasfilledcircles,anddatatakenbythelargeheatpulse peak shape for the various single crystal samples in the method are plotted as smaller empty circles. Inset: heating literature(namelythe“sharpness”ofthepeak),allshare traceofthesinglecrystaltakenbythelargeheatpulsemethod adecreasedandbroadenedpeakcenteredatlowerT than showsafirst-ordertransition,asevidencedbyaplateauinthe stoichiometric powder data. Single crystals in the litera- temperature at around T ∼ 270 mK. turehaveabroadpeakofC≤5J(molYb)−1K−1inthe T = 150-200 mK temperature range,11,21,24,28,33 while powders have much larger peaks at higher temperature the known literature whose heat capacity shares these (T ∼260mK)21,24,28,31,32;seetheAppendixforspecifics. attributeswithpowder data21,24,28,32; atableof heatca- Consideringtheseriesofdopedsamplespresentedinthis pacity signatures from the literature is given in the Ap- work, we posit that the crystals in the literature are not pendixforcomparison. Giventhatthereisevidencethat stoichiometric, but instead are doped off-stoichiometry atleastoneliteraturesinglecrystalisoff-stoichiometric38 systematically due to the crystal growth method em- and a general belief that the off-stoichiometry of single ployed. Rossetal. havealreadyfoundoneofthesesingle crystals is the cause of the different heat capacity sig- crystals to be doped at a level of x=0.046(4).38 Our se- nature, this may suggest our single crystal is not doped ries of doping levels illustrates explicitly that the heat off-stoichiometry like literature crystals are presumed to capacity peak decreases in both height and temperature be. A large amount of latent heat is visible in the heat in doped Yb Ti O . 2 2 7 trace of the long pulse data (Fig. 3 inset). The latent Integrating the heat capacity over temperature with heatandthesharpnessoftheheatcapacitypeaksuggest the lattice contribution removed as described in Section thetransitionisfirstorder;additionally,thereappearsto II allows evaluation of the magnetic entropy, shown in be some hysteresis in the precise temperature at which Fig. 4. The magnetic entropy of the stoichiometric sin- the peak occurs depending on whether the data is taken gle crystal shows a sharp increase at T ∼270 mK corre- upon heating or cooling, with the temperature of the spondingtothetransitionaswellasasignificantincrease peak in the cooling curve being about 5 mK lower. in the T = 2 to 10 K range corresponding to a hump in Our sintered rod Yb Ti O series displays a theheatcapacity,whichindicatessignificantspincorrela- 2+x 2−x 7−δ trend of the heat capacity peak broadening and decreas- tions above the magnetic transition. The total magnetic ing in T and C upon doping. Even slight (x = ±0.01) entropy per mole Yb appears to approach the two-state doping greatly changes the temperature at which the spinentropyRln2. Theentropyrecoveredclearlyexceeds peak is centered, from T ∼ 268 mK to T ∼ 235 and the spin-ice entropy of Rln2−(R/2)ln(3/2), confirming ∼ 194 mK. The peak appears to become increasingly that the magnetic ground state of Yb Ti O cannot be 2 2 7 broader with doping. For the x = 0.08 sample, any fea- thatofaspinice.9,14 Theamountofentropyrecoveredin ture which may be present is so broad we do not observe thetransitionissimilartotheresidualentropyofspin-ice; it as a recognizable peak, but only in the increased spe- however, the lack of plateau observed indicated the exis- 6 atedwiththetransitionextendstoverylowtemperature in doped samples (e.g., T = 60 mK in x = 0.08 sam- ple). This could indicate that measurements of dynamic spins at low temperatures16–19,21,23,25,28 may not be ac- curatemeasurementsofthetruegroundstateiftakenon an inadvertently doped sample, as spin entropy associ- ated with the transition remains to lower temperatures for doped samples such as the traditionally grown single crystals. D. Magnetic susceptibility Magnetization measurements for temperatures rang- ing from T = 2 to 300 K at µ H = 0.2 T were per- 0 formed on the Yb Ti O sintered rod series and 2+x 2−x 7−δ thesinglecrystal. Theinversesusceptibilityisnon-linear over the full range even when including a χ term to ac- 0 count for small, temperature-independent contributions (e.g.,weakdiamagnetismfromcoreelectrons). Suchnon- linearity could result from occupation of excited crystal FIG. 4: Magnetic entropy per mole Yb of the single crys- field levels16,38,46,52; however, when applied over a small tal (red) integrated over T = ∼ 0.1 to 20 K levels off at range at low temperatures to avoid excited crystal field the two-state entropy Rln2 rather than the spin ice limit levels, the Curie-Weiss analysis can approximate a line Rln2−(R/2)ln(3/2). Magnetic entropy of the sintered rod reasonably well. Such an analysis was performed on a Yb2+xTi2−xO7−δ series(darkercolors,labeledininsert)inte- per mole Yb ion basis from T = 2 to 30 K to focus on gratedoverT =∼0.1to2Kshowthatthesharpdecreasein the paramagnetic behavior and to best compare to liter- entropy at the T ∼270 mK transition broadens significantly atureanalysis(Figure 5). AnalysisonapermoleYbion asYb Ti O isdopedawayfromx=0(detailedview 2+x 2−x 7−δ basis is warranted by our initial assumption that substi- in inset). Entropy associated with this broadened transition tutional doping does not change the oxidation state of persists in the doped samples to lower temperatures. the metal elements in this compound. The effective magnetic moments p per mole Yb for eff the series and the crystal (Figure 5b) appear to be tenceofastablespin-ice-likestateabovethetransitionis roughly constant around 3.17, which corresponds to a unlikely. Our results are consistent with Yb2Ti2O7 pow- Curie constant of 1.26 emu K Oe-1 per mole Yb ion. der and crystalline results in the literature,7,24,31 while Thesevaluesaresimilartotheliteraturevalues(p ≈ 3- eff there is some conflicting reports on the total entropy re- 3.5).38,46,53 This result lends support for our initial as- covered for similar spin-ice pyrochlores.35,49,50 Recover- sumption that Ti substitutes for Yb3+ as Ti4+ (Ti• ) Yb ing the full Rln2 magnetic entropy in total is consistent ratherthanTi3+ (Tix ),becausemagneticallyactive3d1 Yb withthegroundstateofYb2Ti2O7 beingaferromagnetic Ti3+ would increase the magnetic response of the x < 0 splayedicestate26,51orcollinearferromagneticstate,11,27 samples, which is not observed. either of which would not have macroscopic residual en- The Curie-Weiss temperature (θ , Figure 5c) tropy. Note that as ∆S = 5.72 J K−1 (mol Yb)−1 for CW for the whole series is small and positive (θ = CW 0.11 K≤T ≤20 K, the assumption that C(T = 0 K) =0 0.7557(5) K for the stoichiometric), suggesting predom- does not qualitatively affect the result that the entropy inantly ferromagnetic interactions. Previous analyses recovered is Rln2 per mole Yb ion. find similar small, positive values for the Curie-Weiss Our doped Yb Ti O samples all appear to re- temperature.11,16,27,31,38,46,53 There is a sharp, notable 2+x 2−x 7−δ cover similar total entropy as the single crystal over the decrease in the Curie-Weiss temperature with increasing transition. While these samples were only measured up x > 0 (corresponding with more Yb3+ ions) down to to T = 2 K, the magnetic entropy at T = 2 K of doped 0.358 K. Presumably, this effect arises from x Yb3+ ions Yb Ti O is comparative to that of the stoichio- substituting on the B sites influencing the interactions 2+x 2−x 7−δ metric crystal (C ∼ 3.5 J K−1 (mol Yb)−1), and it is of the corner-sharing network of Yb3+ on A sites. With reasonable to assume the doped samples approach the the caveat that quantitative comparison of parameters same Rln2 per mole Yb limit as the crystal. The recov- extracted depends considerably on the analysis parame- ery of entropy is broadened out over a range of temper- ters (including linear regression and temperature range atures, especially for the x = 0.08 sample. This broad used), we observe that the Curie-Weiss temperature of recovery of entropy, in conjunction with a lower tran- crystals in the literature appears to generally be lower sition temperature, indicates spin rearrangement associ- than that of powders in the literature (e.g., 0.462 K for 7 decreases upon stuffing (x > 0), that the peak in the heat capacity shifts to lower temperatures and becomes weaker and broader with doping, and that doping does not affect the total magnetic entropy recovered but does resultindynamicspinspersistingtolowertemperatures. The properties of crystals in the literature grown via the traditional floating zone method, specifically lower tran- sition temperatures, broader peaks in the heat capac- ity, and lower Curie-Weiss temperatures, are consistent with our results for off-stoichiometric Yb Ti O . It has 2 2 7 been generally assumed that off-stoichiometry explains the discrepancy that has been observed between crys- tal and powder data based on limited data from a few crystals11,38; our study provides the systematic exper- imental evidence linking stoichiometry to its effects on physical properties. By nature of their structure, pyrochlores have number ofnearlydegenerategroundstates;itispossibleinsucha materialforevenslightdisordertohavesignificantimpli- cations. Suchextremesensitivitytodeviationsfromper- fect crystalline order is expected and observed in related FIG. 5: Curie-Weiss analysis of the magnetic susceptibil- ity of the single crystal (red triangles in b-d) and the pyrochloressuchasHo2Ti2O7,Tb2Ti2O7,andPr2Zr2O7 Yb Ti O sintered rod series (black circles in b-d), where the single ion ground state is not protected by 2+x 2−x 7−δ with literature values (gray squares and triangles in b-c Kramer’s degeneracy.34–37 It is interesting that we ob- denote powder16,31,38,46,53 and crystal samples27,38, respec- serve a similar sensitivity in Yb Ti O despite Yb3+ 2 2 7 tively) shown for comparison. Statistical error bars from having a single ion ground state doublet protected by the fit are contained within the symbols. (a) Curie-Weiss Kramer’s degeneracy; the force which causes such sensi- fits in the T = 2-30 K range appear linear. The fit to the tivity is unknown. It is possible that the sensitivity of crystal data is in red and fits to the sintered rod series are Yb Ti O to disorder is due to proximity of the ground in darker colors used in Figures 3 and 4; the fits are suffi- 2 2 7 state to different phases, as predicted by several phase ciently similar that they overlap. (b) The effective magnetic moment p per Yb3+ ion are randomly distributed around diagrams.6,9–15 eff 3.171(8),withintherangeofliteraturevalues. (c)TheCurie- In-depth analysis of structural disorder is necessary Weiss temperature decreases upon x > 0 doping (stuffing). to shed further light on the mechanisms by which dop- (d)Temperature-independenttermχ0 appearsrandomlydis- ing affects the physical properties in Yb2Ti2O7. Py- tributed. rochlores are known to be susceptible to a variety of structural disorders, ranging from point defects such as cationic site mixing, stuffing, and oxygen vacancies, to the crystal vs. 0.733 K for the powder when similarly extended defects such as antiphase domains (sections of analyzed38). This observation lends additional support A B O occuring as B A O )54, nanoscale phase sepa- 2 2 7 2 2 7 to the hypothesis that crystals grown in the literature rationofdopinglevels34,andstructuralinstabilities55,56. are off-stoichometric.38 High-resolution synchrotron and neutron diffraction on The distribution of χ0 (Figure 5d) appears to be ran- Yb Ti O 38,39,43,45,56,57 can determine the disor- 2+x 2−x 7−δ dom in the range 0.0017 - 0.0022 emu Oe-1 per mole Yb der as a function of doping and synthesis temperature, ion for the series and single crystal, and likely reflects fromwhichthemechanismsbywhichminimaldopinghas the error in the measurement technique rather than any such a large effect can be posited. For example, Ross et sampledependence. Incomparison,weestimateχ0 tobe al.38 observe stuffed Yb ions, which could broaden the approximately 0.005 emu Oe-1 per mole Yb from a sim- transition by producing a local strain field39 that locally ulation of χ−1 as a function of temperature calculated modulates magnetic interactions, giving rise to micro- using the crystal field levels given by Gaudet et al.39 regions with varied transition temperatures. Moreover, the ground state phase diagram could be mapped as a function of disorder, and intentional doping could tune IV. CONCLUSIONS the ground state. In addition to characterizing the effects of doping Here we demonstrate the effect of doping Yb Ti O Yb Ti O on its physical properties, we present a new 2 2 7 2 2 7 on its properties by synthesizing and analyzing a method of growing stoichiometric Yb Ti O single crys- 2 2 7 Yb Ti O series covering a range of stoichiome- tals using the TSFZ method with a solvent mix of 2+x 2−x 7−δ tries. Notably, we show that lattice parameter the a in- Yb Ti O and rutile TiO . This method yields a large, 2 2 7 2 creaseswithdopingx, thattheCurie-Weisstemperature pure, colorless single crystal of stoichiometric Yb Ti O 2 2 7 8 withnoobservablestructuralgradient. Diffraction,mag- fere with low-temperature measurements of the ground netic susceptibility, and heat capacity all support the state. We hope that having access to more pure single quality of this crystal; specifically, the heat capacity crystals of Yb Ti O will advance the ability to accu- 2 2 7 shows a single, sharp, peak at T = 268(4) mK with a la- rately probe and understand this intriguing material. tentheat,indicativeofafirstorderphasetransition. This developmentisespeciallyimportantduetothesuspected off-stoichiometry of floating-zone grown crystals in the Acknowledgments literature. High-quality, undoped stoichiometric crys- talsarenecessarytodeterminethemagneticinteractions of Yb Ti O and its response to applied fields because The Institute of Quantum Matter is supported by De- 2 2 7 dopedsamplesmayhaveexcessinterferingmagneticmo- partment of Energy (DOE), Office of Basic Energy Sci- ments, as indicated broadly by the trends in the Curie- ences,DivisionofMaterialsSciencesandEngineeringun- Weiss temperature with doping. Moreover, the ambigu- der award DE-FG02-08ER46544. The authors acknowl- ous broadened transition edge at lower temperatures in edge helpful input from and conversations with Collin off-stoichiometric Yb Ti O samples could inter- Broholm. 2+x 2−x 7−δ ∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] A.Dabkowska,Y.Qiu,J.R.D.Copley,andB.D.Gaulin, 1 A. P. Ramirez, Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci. 24, 453 (1994). Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 227202 (2009). 2 J. S. Gardner, M. J. P. Gingras, and J. E. Greedan, Rev. 21 R. M. D’Ortenzio, H. A. Dabkowska, S. R. Dunsiger, B. Mod. 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Publication Sample C(J K−1 [mol f.u.]−1) T(mK) FWHM(mK) Ross, 201128 powder 370 268 7 this work single crystal 87 268 10 D’Ortenzio, 201321 polycrystal 73 265 14 Chang, 201424 powder 26 266 23 Blo¨te, 196931 powder 20 210 28 Ross, 201238 crystal: high-T feature 17 266 123 this work x = -.01 10 233 30 Ross, 201238 crystal annealed: high-T feature 9.2 267 39 Dalmas de R´eotier, 200632 powder 9 265 10 this work x = 0 7.5 265 10 Chang, 201424 single crystal 6.8 197 28 Chang, 201211 single crystal A 6.8 197 20 this work x = +.01 6 190 35 D’Ortenzio, 201321 single crystal 4.3 186 31 Ross, 201238 crystal: low-T feature 4.1 195 23 Ross, 201128 single crystal B: high-T feature 4.0 268 21 Ross, 201238 crystal annealed: low-T feature 3.7 195 25 Ross, 201128 single crystal A 3.1 178 38 Ross, 201128 single crystal B: low-T feature 3.1 194 31 this work x = +.02 2.7 160 40 Chang, 201211 single crystal B 2.4 172 40 Yaouanc, 201133 crystal # 2 as grown 1.9 164 55 Yaouanc, 201133 crystal # 1 as grown 1.8 177 52 Yaouanc, 201133 crystal # 2 with heat treatment 1.8 163 41 Chang, 201211 single crystal C n/a n/a n/a this work x = +0.08 n/a n/a n/a