JournalofTropicalEcology(2016)32:498–509.©CambridgeUniversityPress2016 doi:10.1017/S0266467416000493 Impact of sedimentary processes on white-sand vegetation in an Amazonian megafan ∗ ∗ † ‡ ∗ CarlosL.O.Cordeiro ,DilceF.Rossetti ,Roge´rioGribel ,HannaTuomisto ,HiranZani , CarlosA.C.Ferreira# andLuizCoelho# ∗NationalInstituteforSpaceResearch(INPE),Sa˜oJose´dosCampos12227-010,Brazil †JardimBotaˆnicodoRiodeJaneiro,RiodeJaneiro22460-030,Brazil ‡UniversityofTurku,Turku,FI-20014,Finland #NationalInstituteforAmazonianResearch(INPA),Manaus,69067375,Brazil (Received20January2016;revised1September2016;accepted2September2016) Abstract: Amazonianwhite-sandvegetationhasuniquetreecommunitiestoleranttonutrient-poorsoilsofinterestfor interpretingprocessesofadaptationinneotropicalforests.PartofthisphytophysionomyisconfinedtoLateQuaternary megafanpalaeo-landforms,thuswepositthatsedimentarydisturbanceisthemainecologicalfactorcontrollingtree distributionandstructuringinthisenvironment.Inthisstudy,wecharacterizethetopographictrendofonemegafan palaeo-landformusingadigitalelevationmodelandverifyitsrelationshiptotheforestbymodellingthecanopyheight withremotesensingdata.Wealsocomparethecompositionandstructure(i.e.canopyheightanddiameteratbreast height)oftreegroupsfromtheouterandinnermegafanenvironmentsbasedontheintegrationofremotesensing andfloristicdata.Thelatterconsistoffieldinventoriesoftrees(cid:2)10cmdbhusingsix(500×20m)plotsinva´rzea, terrafirmeandigapo´ fromtheoutermegafanand20(50×20m)plotsinwoodlandsandforestsfromtheinner megafan.Theunweightedpairgroupmethodwitharithmeticmean(UPGMA)andthenon-metricmultidimensional scaling(NMDS)wereappliedforclusteringanddissimilarityanalyses,respectively.Themegafanisasand-dominated triangular wetland with a topographic gradient of < 15 cm km−1, being more elevated along its axis. The outer megafanhasahighernumberoftreespecies(367),tallercanopyheight(meanof14.1m)andhigherdiameterat breastheight(meanof18.2cm)thanthewhite-sandforest.Thelatterrecords89treespecies,meancanopyheight of8.4cmandmeandiameteratbreastheightof15.3cm.Treesincreaseinfrequencyclosertochannelsandtoward themegafan’saxis.Thefloodedandnutrient-poorsandymegafansubstratefavouredtheestablishmentofwhite-sand vegetation according to the overall megafan topography and morphological heterogeneities inherent to megafan sub-environments. KeyWords:Amazonian,megafan,openvegetation,sedimentarydynamics,white-sandvegetation INTRODUCTION biologicalinteractions(Nakaetal.2006),particularlyfor advancingtheknowledgeonhowlineagediversification Studies focusing on Amazonian white-sand vegetation and community assembly occur in the tropical flora areofecologicalinterest(Adeneyetal.2016,Anderson (Fine & Baraloto 2016). Despite this importance, the 1981, Higgins et al. 2011, Moulatlet et al. 2014, ter cause for the distribution of the white-sand vegetation Steege et al. 2006, Tuomisto et al. 2003), because withinthevastnessoftheAmazonianlowlandsremains of the high proportion of endemic species adapted largelyunknown,withthemainhypothesesincludingsoil to these nutrient-poor sandy soils (Anderson 1978, properties (Anderson 1981), heritage from past glacial 1981; Lisboa 1975). The habitat endemism in white- dryclimates(Pessendaetal.2001)andburningbyman- sand forests is a characteristic of great relevance for madefires(Lisboa1975). TheNegro-BrancoRiverbasinshavethelargestareas of white-sand vegetation in the Amazonian lowlands, ∗Correspondingauthor.Email:[email protected] which is in great part confined to triangular-shaped Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ Impactofsedimentaryprocessesonwhite-sandvegetation 499 palaeo-landforms associated with Late Pleistocene- the south-central part of the State of Roraima, district Holocene megafans (Rossetti et al. 2012a, b, 2014a, b; of Caracara´ı, northern Brazil (Figure1a, b), where it Zani & Rossetti 2012). These features record fan-like encompasses (cid:3)1000 km2, with maximum length and sedimentary deposits developed on large flat areas by width of 45 km and 25 km, respectively. Climate in downstreambifurcatingdistributarydrainagenetworks this region is tropical, with monthly temperatures of (Hartley et al. 2010), a drainage pattern no longer 26°C to 33°C (Radambrasil 1976), average annual existinginAmazonianareas.Thebest-knownAmazonian rainfallof1800mm,awell-defineddryseasonbetween megafan is the Virua´ megafan, which is represented by DecemberandMarch,andawetseasonbetweenJuneand triangular-shapedresidualsandydepositslocatedatthe September. easternmarginoftheBrancoRiverinnorthernAmazonia Geologically, the Virua´ megafan is included in the (Rossetti et al. 2012a, Zani & Rossetti 2012). The north-east of Solimo˜es Basin. The megafan deposits Virua´ megafandepositsarehighlightedbyseveraltypes consist of moderately to well-sorted and very fine- of white-sand vegetation (i.e. grasslands, shrublands to medium-grained quartzose sands, although coarse- and forests) in sharp contact with the surrounding grained sands and silty or muddy deposits are locally areas of rain forest (Cordeiro & Rossetti 2015). Recent present. Radiocarbon dating from superficial deposits publications stated that the vegetation in the Virua´ recorded latest Pleistocene and Holocene ages ranging megafan reflects soil propertiers (Damasco et al. 2013, from 36607–38161 cal y BP to 634–695 cal y BP Mendonc¸a et al. 2014). This proposition neglects the (Rossetti et al. 2012a). Sediment sources are from entire sedimentary history of the residual megafan neighbouringPrecambrianrocksoftheGuianaShield. deposits preserved in this region, thereby offering only A remarkable characteristic of the Virua´ megafan is apartialunderstandingofthefullprocessesthatmightbe the vast expanse of white-sand vegetation that is in involvedintheoriginofthiswhite-sandvegetation. sharpcontrastwiththesurroundingforests.Thewhite- Inthiswork,wecharacterizethephysicalenvironment sand vegetation varies from grasslands, shrublands, of the Virua´ megafan by modelling its topography and woodlands to forests developed on poorly drained and canopy height based on a digital elevation model. We poorly structured soils (Mendonc¸a et al. 2014). The also compared the composition and structure of the surrounding forests consist of terra firme and alluvial megafanwhite-sandforestwiththatoftheneighbouring forest (Cordeiro & Rossetti 2015) developed on well- rainforestusingfieldinventoriesintegratedwithremote drained and well-structured Oxisols (Mendonc¸a et al. sensing data. The aim was to determine how and to 2014). whatextentthemegafanpalaeo-landforminfluencedthe distribution of contemporaneous plant species in this area. We considered if topographic gradients resulting METHODS from the overall megafan morphology and variations ofdepositionalsub-environmentsaffecttreecomposition The present study was based on botanical data and structure. Associating the sedimentary processes from the outer and inner megafan, integrated with responsible for the geomorphological evolution of the the characteristics of the physical environment. The physicalenvironmentwithplantecologyanddistribution botanical data comprised field inventories along 26 in Amazonian areas is not novel (Damasco et al. 2013, transects,plottedusingapreviouslypublishedvegetation Higgins et al. 2011, Tuomisto & Ruokolainen 1997), map(Cordeiro&Rossetti2015)tocomparethetreesof but relating floristic dissimilarities to late Quaternary white-sandforestsanddenseforestsintheinnerandouter sedimentary dynamics of megafan depositional systems Virua´ megafan,respectively(Figure1c).Fivevegetation within this region is a novel hypothesis, tested here by typeswereconsidered:twotypes(woodlandsandforests) the integration of topographic and floristic data. Thus, from the inner megafan and three types (va´rzea, terra the hypothesis tested is that sedimentary disturbances firme and igapo´) from the outer megafan. Sampling in imposedbythegeologicalevolutionoftheVirua´megafan the outer megafan comprised six 500 × 20-m (1ha) isthemainecologicalfactorcontrollingthedistribution plots, each subdivided into a total of 20 subplots (25 andstructuringofwhite-sandplantcommunitiesinthis × 20 m). All vascular plants with a diameter at breast environment. height (dbh) (cid:2) 10 cm at 1.30 m above ground were inventoried, with 10 plots in the white-sand forest and 10plotsinthewoodland(Figure1).Eachplotmeasured STUDYSITE 50 × 20 m (0.1 ha), totalling 1 ha for each vegetation category. The plot sizes and dbh cut-off limits varied in The Virua´ megafan consists of sedimentary deposits thefunctionsofthedifferentphysiognomies.Allvascular having a conical geometry and a topographic gradient plants with dbh (cid:2) 5 cm were inventoried in the white- averaging 26 cm km−1. This megafan is located in sandforest,whereasinthewoodland,thedbhlimitwas Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 500 CARLOSL.O.CORDEIROETAL. Figure1. Locationmapofthestudyareainthesouth-centralpartoftheStateofRoraima,northernAmazonia(a).LocationoftheVirua´megafan inthecentralsouthernpartoftheStateofRoraima(b).VegetationmapoftheVirua´megafan(fromCordeiro&Rossetti2015)onanAdvanced SpaceborneThermalEmissionandReflectionRadiometer(ASTER)image(band1),withlocationofthe26plotsusedforthefloristicinventories(c). 3cm.Thevegetationtypesintheinnerandoutermegafan methodtobetterordinatetheplantcommunityaccording were compared using only trees with dbh (cid:2) 10 cm. tothenormalizeddifferencevegetationindex(NDVI)(cf. Tree heights were visually estimated for all vegetation Rouse et al. 1973) or the digital elevation model (DEM) categories. fromtheShuttleRadarTopographyMission(SRTM).The The comparison of the floristic groups from the NDVIwasextractedfromadvancedspace-bornethermal inner and outer megafan, important to demonstrate emissionandreflectionradiometer(ASTER)imageswith the differences in vegetation types between these ahighprocessinglevel(L3),positionalaccuracyof±0.1 two environments, was achieved using two methods: pixelanddigitalnumbersexpressedinsurfacereflectance the unweighted-pair group method with arithmetic and corrected for atmospheric influence. The DEM- mean (UPGMA) for clustering analysis, based only SRTMcomprisedtheinterpolated30m-resolutionmodel the floristic composition from field data; and the non- freely available in the TOPODATA database (Valeriano metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) method of the & Rossetti 2012). The DEM and NDVI values were R-package ‘MASS’ (Venables & Ripley 2002), applied extractedfromeachsampledcommunityandplottedin based on the combination of field and remote sensing twoseparateNMDSgraphics,togetherwiththefloristic data. Compositional dissimilarities between sites were composition based on the presence and absence of tree calculatedusingtheBray–Curtisdissimilarityindexbased speciesconsidering10woodlandplots,fiveinforest,two onpresence-absencedata(Legendre&Legendre1998). inva´rzea,oneinigapo´andfourinterrafirme.Theseplots ThedendrogramproducedbytheUPGMAwasanalysed accountedforthehighfrequencyofrarespecies,diluted by three R-packages: ‘vegan’, ‘MASS’ and ‘cluster’. In usingonlyabundancedata,reflectingthepotentiallyhigh addition to the UPGMA, we also applied the NMDS influenceofafewcommonspecies(Figueiredoetal.2014). Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ Impactofsedimentaryprocessesonwhite-sandvegetation 501 TheKolmogorov–Smirnov(KS)testwasappliedtodetect canopyheightwas: differences in the NDVI and DEM values among forest y=β +β x classes. 0 1 To analyse the influence of the megafan deposits on thedistributionofplantcommunities,wecombinedthe where, y is the estimated canopy height; β0 is the botanical data acquired in the field and modelled from interceptionpoint;β1isthelineslope;andxistheNDVI remotesensingdatausingregionalmegafantopography. reflectancevalueand/orthetopographicDEMvalue.The Thisprocedurewasbasedonthepreliminaryassumption resulting map selected 948 sample points, distributed that topographic variation in this region results from regularlyineach1-kmintervalwithinthemegafan,and sediment accumulation within an overall fan-shaped interpolated through the kriging (Hengl et al. 2007) in morphology. These data were preprocessed to improve Arcgis10.0software. the information potential by application of the kriging interpolation(from(cid:3)90mto(cid:3)30m).Aslightsmoothing was used to reduce artefacts and distribute spatial RESULTS randomness (Valeriano et al. 2006). The topography of themegafanpalaeo-landformwasalsocharacterizedby Characterizationofthemegafantopography surfacetrendanalysis(cf.Davis1986,Jonesetal.1986, Swan&Sandilands1995),obtainedbytheapplicationof The Virua´ megafan encompasses an area of approxim- polynomialregressionsusingtheMDE-SRTM.Amaskto ately 1016 km2 that is 45 km in length and 25 km extractonlyimagefractionsofsoilandopenvegetation in width. This palaeo-landform (Figure1c) comprises a (i.e. grassland and shrubland) was applied. Within this triangular morphology that is primarily flooded during mask, we randomly selected 706 altimetric points to the greater part of the year. The topography of this ensure sample spatial independence. Three polynomial area, based on the analysis of the topographic trend equationsofthefirsttothethirddegreeusingArcgis10.1 surface, indicated the third-order polynomial model as softwarewasperformedinthetrendsurfaceanalysis.The themostrepresentativeoftheVirua´megafantopography statisticalsignificanceofthecomputedsurfaceswasbased (Figure2a). This model was selected because it showed onthehighestcoefficientofdetermination(R²),withaP thehighestR2 (0.75)relativetotheothermodels,with value<0.05. R2 = 0.61 and 0.72 for the first- and second-order Theinfluenceoftheouterrainforestandofthechannels polynomial models, respectively. The P value for all (modernandpast)onthedistributionofthewhite-sand modelswas<0.001.Thethird-orderpolynomialmodel forest was realized by the extraction of all patches of indicatedthatthemegafansurfaceisextremelyflat,but white-sand forest from the vegetation map shown in not horizontal, with trend surface isolines distributed Figure1(seeCordeiro&Rossetti2015formoredetailson radially southwestward from the megafan axis to the the mapping of these patches). The Euclidean distances fringe. The megafan slope is gentle, as indicated by a betweenthepatchesofwhite-sandforestandthenearest topographic variation of less than 15 cm km−1, with channels and between these patches and the nearest altitudes ranging from 53.8 to 40.0 m. The highest rainforestwerecalculated.UsingtheKernelestimation topography was recorded to the north-east, i.e. toward method,eachpatchwasconvertedintopointstoproduce the megafan axis, where the main feeding channel density maps containing the number of patches and capturedsedimentsfromPrecambrianbasementrocksof surfaceareas,whichwereusedtoidentifyhotspotswith theGuianaShield.Althoughthemegafanreliefissmooth, a higher concentration of larger patches (cf. Silverman thisregioncontrolsthemoderndrainage,functioningas 1986). Several visual tests were conducted to select a aheadwaterformodernchannels. radiusof1kmastheminimumsizetoincludeallofthe mainpatchesofthewhite-sandvegetation. The relationship between the white-sand forest and Foreststructure megafan palaeo-landform was also investigated by modelling the relationship of tree heights using NDVI, TheNDVIwasthemostvaluabledataformodellingthe DEM,orboth,inR-softwarewithastatisticalsignificance canopy height in the Virua´ megafan. This explanatory of P (cid:4) 0.05. This procedure followed the application variableappliedaloneprovidedR2=0.68andthelowest of a mask for the rain forests from the outer megafan AIC values (134.10) among all models (Table2). The and Preto Ridge (Figure1c). The best linear regression inclusion of DEM generated only a slight improvement model was selected according to the highest coefficient (R2 = 0.69). In both instances, the P-test was < of determination (R2) and lowest values of Akaike’s 0.0001. The use of only DEM in the model provided information criterion (AIC) (Burnham et al. 2011). The the lowest correlation (R2 = 0.19, P = 0.03), probably equation applied to produce the map of the estimated reflectingtheoccurrenceofwhite-sandforestatdifferent Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 502 CARLOSL.O.CORDEIROETAL. Figure2. TopographiccharacterizationoftheVirua´megafan,northernBrazil,basedonthethirdpolynomialmodelresultingfromthesurfacetrend analysisofthedigitalelevationmodelderivedfromtheshuttleradartopographymission(DEM-SRTM)(a).Distributionoftheestimatedcanopy height(m)alongtheVirua´megafanachievedfromalinearregressionmodelbasedonthenormalizeddifferencevegetationindex(NDVI)(b).The rain-forestmaskshowninaandbcorrespondstorainforestcoveringbasementrocksofPrecambrianagewithinthemegafanthatweredisregarded fromthesurfacetrendanalysisandalsofromtheanalysisoftheestimatedcanopyheight. topographies within the megafan. The parameters for Chrysobalanaceae(12.7%),Fabaceae(7.2%),Clusiaceae the linear model considering β = −12.9, β = 34.4 (6.1%), Annonaceae (5.8%) and Sapotaceae (4.9%). 0 1 andNDVIvaluesproducedamapwithestimatedcanopy Among these trees, the outer megafan recorded 3683 heights (Figure4a), plotting the highest vegetation individuals of 59 families, with the five most common in the eastern/north-eastern part of the megafan. individuals including Fabaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, The canopy height significantly decreased eastward Lecythidaceae, Annonaceae and Sapotaceae. A total of and south-westward from the centre to the fringe 314treespecieswereidentifiedinthisenvironment,with of the megafan, following the topographic gradient the five main species including Eschweilera atropetiolata (Figure2b). Benth.,LicaniamicranthaMiq.,ProtiumapiculatumSwart, The white-sand forest and rain forest were also Pterocarpus rohrii Vahl and Licania heteromorpha Benth. differentiated,withdbhaveraging15.3cmand18.2cm, Theinnermegafanrecordedatotalof3683individuals respectively.Thestatisticaltest-Dindicatedonlyaslight of 59 families, with the five most common individuals difference in this parameter (D = 0.163; P (cid:4) 0.001). including Fabaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Lecythidaceae, Similarly,thecanopyheightaverageswere8.4minthe Annonaceae and Sapotaceae. A total of 89 tree species white-sandforestand14.1mintherainforest(D=0.270; were recorded in this environment, with the five main P(cid:4)0.001).Thus,thewhite-sandforestshowedtreeswith speciescomprisingRuizteraniaretusa(SpruceexWarm.) lowerheightsandsmallerdbhthantherainforest. Marc.-Berti, Licania heteromorpha Benth., Couma utilis (Mart.) Muell. Arg., Sacoglottis guianensis Benth. and Mezilaurus itauba (Meisn.) Taub. ex Mez. Table1 shows Treecompositionintheinnerandoutermegafan theaverageheightsanddensitiesofthetreescomparing the two megafan environments. Considering only trees A total of 7357 tree individuals from 66 families and withdbh(cid:2)10cm,atotalof4353individualsfrom63 362specieswereidentified.Approximatelyhalf(50.2%) familiesand331specieswererecorded,with59families of all trees belonged to six families: Rubiaceae (14.8%), and290speciesoccurringintheoutermloadegafanand Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ Impactofsedimentaryprocessesonwhite-sandvegetation 503 Table1. Treedatafortheinnerandouterenvironmentsstudiedinthe supported UPGMA clustering, white-sand woodland Virua´ megafanareacomparingtheaverageheight(Ah),numberof and forest vegetation from the inner megafan and species and density (number of individuals ha−1) of the white-sand the rain forest from the outer megafan. Interestingly, forest(10plots),woodland(10plots)andrainforest(6plots).Thetrees the NDVI provided the best separation among these intheinnermegafangenerallyhadlowercanopy,lowernumberof speciesandhighertreedensitythanthetreesintheoutermegafan.The classes (Figure4c), consistent with the more uniform sizeofindividualplotsintheinnerandoutermegafanare0.1and1ha, distributionofreflectancevalueswithinindividualclasses respectively. (circle sizes in Figure4a, b) relative to DEM. This Megafan Ah No. Density uniformdistributionisevenmoreevidentcomparingthe environment Plot (m) species (ind.ha−1) graphicrepresentation(Figure4c,d),whichincreasedthe Inner P1F 7.84 18 2020 distancebetweenclassesusingNDVI. P2F 8.92 23 1590 P3F 8.87 23 2390 P4F 3.92 15 490 P5F 7.52 23 2650 Patchesofwhite-sandforest P6F 9.17 23 1810 P7F 8.29 25 2370 Atotalof1369patchesofwhite-sandforestweremapped P8F 10.32 31 1540 in the Virua´ megafan (Figure5a). These patches have P9F 9.07 23 1870 individual areas up to 640 ha (mean of 586 ha), with P10F 8.08 23 2190 75% of the patches smaller than 4 ha and only (cid:3)10% P1A 1.92 10 1160 P2A 2.06 11 1560 of the patches larger than 10 ha. The largest patches P3A 1.96 12 1620 werelocatedinthenorth-east,atthemegafanapex.This P4A 2.22 8 2850 area contained a feeding channel, serving as a conduit P5A 1.81 14 1370 throughwhichsand,sourcedfromhighlandareasofthe P6A 1.99 13 1660 Precambriancrystallinebasementrocks,wastransported P7A 2.89 9 1760 P8A 2.03 4 2320 south-westwardtoformthemegafan. P9A 1.95 10 990 The distribution of the patches of white-sand forest P10A 1.67 14 1210 within the Virua´ megafan is parallel to channel Outer P6I 13.89 69 1125 morphologies (compare Figures 5a). The densities of P2TF – 86 647 these patches varied within the megafan (Figure5b,c), P3V 12.51 56 530 P4TF 15.96 91 613 concentrating to the east/north-east. The central- P1TF – 59 516 southernpartofthemegafan,withahigherconcentration P5V 13.05 58 446 of intermittent and permanent active channels, also showedahighdensityofthesepatches.Nearly90%ofthe patcheswerelocatedlessthan300mfromthechannels, Table2. Linearregressionmodelsforcanopyheightofthewhite-sand withhalfofthepatcheslessthan100mapartfromthese forestintheVirua´megafan,indicatedbythecoefficientofdetermination features. A total of 50% of the patches were located up R2obtainedwitheithernormalizeddifferencevegetationindex(NDVI) to 98 m from the channels, while 75% of the patches orthedigitalelevationmodeloftheshuttleradartopographymission (DEM-SRTM), and both (P = P-test; AIC = Akaike’s information werelocated184mand90%ofthepatcheswerelocated criterion). 333mfromthesefeatures(Figure5d).Atotalof50%of Model R2 P AIC the patches of white-sand forest were located up to 2.7 CanopyHeight(cid:3)NDVI 0.68 <0.0001 134.10 kmfromthenearestrainforest,while75%ofthepatches CanopyHeight(cid:3)NDVI+DEM 0.69 <0.0001 135.10 werelocatedupto5.2kmand90%ofthepatcheswere CanopyHeight(cid:3)DEM 0.19 =0.03 156.52 locatedupto7.8kmfromthenearestrainforest. Considering only the plots of white-sand forest using floristic data, there was no significant relationship 23 families with only 52 species occurring in the inner between the number of tree species and the number of megafan. channels(R2=0.001;P>0.9)ortheareaofindividual The UPGMA analysis indicated that the tree species patches(R2=0.25;P>0.13).Inaddition,thenumberof from the outer and inner megafans formed two major treespecieswasalsonotaffectedbytheproximitytothe clusters (Figure3). The inner megafan presented two rainforestfromtheoutermegafan(R2=0.13;P>0.3). sub-clusters that distinguished all of the plots from forest and woodland, with only one forest plot (P1F) classifiedaswoodland.Therain-forestvegetationshared DISCUSSION a higher proportion of species, indicating a lower floristic distance among the groups. NMDS analysis A comparison of the several tree data derived from the usingeitherDEM(Figure4a)orNDVI(Figure4c)further innerandoutermegafanshowedthemaincontrolexerted Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 504 CARLOSL.O.CORDEIROETAL. Figure3. DendrogramwithclusteringofvegetationtypesintheVirua´megafanandsurroundingrainforestinnorthernBrazil.Thedendrograms considerthetwenty0.1-haplotsonthewhite-sandvegetationfromtheinnermegafanandsix1-haplotsintherainforestfromtheoutermegafan. Thisclassificationisbasedonunweighted-pairgroupmethodwitharithmeticmean(UPGMA)analysisusingBray–Curtisdissimilaritieswith presence-absencedata(P1toP10=floristicplots;TF=terrafirme;V=va´rzea;I=igapo´;W=woodland;andF=white-sandforest).This classificationformedtwomainclusters,onejoiningallparcelssampledintheoutermegafanandtheotherallparcelssampledintheinnermegafan. Observealsothattheinnermegafangroupseparatesintotwosub-groups,onewiththeparcelsfromthewhite-sandforestandtheotherwith theparcelsfromthewhite-sandwoodland.TheonlyexceptionistheparcelP1F,whichwasmisleadinglygroupedinthelattergroup,althoughit correspondstoawhite-sandforestparcel. bythislandformonthecontemporaneousvegetation.For result suggested that the clustering obtained for tree instance, this is shown by the conspicuous separation speciesfromtheinnerandoutermegafandoesnotreflect of tree species in the two major clusters obtained from sampling artefacts, but is associated with differences in the UPGMA analysis, as well as the perfect match the forest structure with spectral responses. The two of these clusters with the inner and outer megafan. plots of woodland superposed with forest (Figure4d) The igapo´, va´rzea and terra firme have moderate reflect the fact that these areas contain tree species similarityintreespeciescomposition,resultinginasingle withanomalouslyhigherdensitiesandheights(Table1) cluster. However, these classes display a higher degree thanthosefromotherplotsofthissameclass.Similarly, of dissimilarity with species from the inner megafan, the two outliers with the highest NDVI values from resultingintheirgroupinginadistantcluster(Figure3). the white-sand forest have higher trees relative to the Notably,thespeciesfromthisenvironmentshowedhigher remaining plots of this group. Contrasts in temporal dissimilarity among white-sand forest and woodland as developmentreflectingdifferencesinsedimentarystages indicated by two subclusters that separated all of the inherentfromthemegafanevolutionmightexplainthese plots.Theonlyexception,representedbyplotP1Fwhich results. ambiguously joined the woodland cluster (Figure3), Thedifferencesintreecompositioncomparingtheinner reflects the low species diversity of this area, although and outer megafan environments are also remarkable its structure is similar to that of the white-sand forest. and help in demonstrating the control exerted by This plot might have been affected by fires, consistent this landform on the contemporaneous vegetation. The with the observed local tree regrowth. Fire disturbance overalldominanceofR.retusa(107)andthehighnumber could have facilitated the colonization of this plot by of S. guianensis and M. itauba in the white-sand forest pioneerandwoodlandtreeslikelyrepresentinganinitial of the inner megafan and near absence of these species stage in white-sand vegetation succession. The success in the outer megafan might reflect adaptation to areas of the NMDS ordination diagrams based on the NDVI initially more exposed to sunlight, where competition values (Figure4) in the confirmation of the UPGMA is likely lower than under the rain-forest environment. Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ Impactofsedimentaryprocessesonwhite-sandvegetation 505 Figure4. DiagramsoffloristicsimilaritiesfortheVirua´megafanandsurroundingrainforestinnorthernBrazilbasedonthenumberoftreespecies andtheirrelationtoremotesensingdata.Ordinationdiagramsofthefirsttwonon-metricmultidimensionalscaling(NMDS)axes(a,b),withbasis ontheirgreatestvariations(firstaxis=50.6%;secondaxis=27.2%)usingdigitalelevationmodel(DEM)(a)andnormalizeddifferencevegetation index(NDVI)(b)values(circle=individualplot;circlesize=NDVIandDEMvalues;andcolouredcircle=unweighted-pairgroupmethodusing arithmeticmean(UPGMA)classification(green=white-sandforest;darkblue=woodland;red=rainforest).DistributionofDEM(c)andNDVI (d)valuesamongthethreeanalysedvegetationclasses(c,d).Observethattheplotswithalltreespeciesformedthreemainclustersusingeitherthe DEMorNDVI,butthelatterincreasedthedistancebetweengroups,asbetterillustratedbythediagramd. This interpretation is consistent with previous records areas. For example, Fabaceae are one of the 10 most of this species on white-sand substrates from other important families in Amazonia (ter Steege et al. 2006) Amazonian areas (Habermann & Bressan 2011, ter andChrysobalanaceaecomprisesupto10%ofthetrees Steege & Zondervan 2000). However, L. heteromorpha, inthisregion(Hopkins2007).However,othercommon thesecondmostabundantspeciesintheinnermegafan, familiesinthisregion,suchasLecythidaceae,withnearly isalsocommonintheterrafirmeoftheoutermegafan. half of its species in Amazonia (Mori 1990), were not This occurs because this species has the advantage observedintheinnermegafan. of changing from shrub to tree in areas of open or Theinfluenceofthemegafanpalaeo-landformonthe dense vegetation, respectively (Pereira 2013). Another distributionofthestudiedvegetationisfurthershownby key point concerning the tree composition in the inner thecomparisonofdbhandcanopyheightoftreespecies megafanistheoccurrenceofonlyoneorafewspeciesfrom from the outer megafan rain forest and the white-sand alimitednumberoffamiliespresentintheoutermegafan, forest. Hence, the outer megafan contained tree species primarily including Fabaceae and Chrysobalanaceae. that are more diversified and have a better-structured Thesefamiliesaregenerallywellrepresentedintropical canopy than the inner megafan, as indicated by the regions(Rundel1989),andareparticularlyabundantin higher number of species and higher dbh. These effects SouthAmerica,withthehighestdiversityinAmazonian likelyreflectthegeologicalsettingthatprovidedahigher Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ 506 CARLOSL.O.CORDEIROETAL. Figure5. Channelsandpatchesofwhite-sandforestintheVirua´megafan,northernBrazil.Hydrologicalmap(modifiedfromZani&Rossetti2012) withthepatchesoverthechannelnetwork(modifiedfromCordeiro&Rossetti2015)(a).Mapofthedensityofpatchesbasedonthenumberof patches(b)andareasofthepatches(c)basedontheKernelestimationmethod.Distributionofthepatchesofwhite-sandforestwithinarangeof 600mofdistancefromthechannelsshowingthatmostofthepatches(i.e.(cid:3)50%)arelocatedwithinarangeof100mfromthechannels,withthe highestconcentrationonly10mdistantfromthesefeatures(d). amount of nutrients favourable to the colonization of a thinner trees than the rain forest. The presence of widertreespectrum.Severalcharacteristicsoftheouter this dissimilar vegetation in the study area is related megafan environment might have contributed to this to several geological characteristics directly associated scenario, including: (1) terrain comprising low-grade with the megafan evolution. First, the topographically metamorphicrocksfromthePrecambrianGuianaShield low-lying terrain, caused by slow tectonic subsidence or even the Plio-Pleistocene Ic¸a´ Formation, a context (Rossetti et al. 2014b), might have been more affected that provided a long period for forest development; (2) byseasonalflooding.Second,theVirua´megafanconsists varied lithological composition, which enhanced the ofawidespreadareacharacterizedbytheaccumulationof potential for nutrients, reflecting the highest amount highvolumesofquartzosesandsbydistributarynetworks of chemical constituents from a diversified mineralogy; thatremainedactiveuntiltheLatePleistocene-Holocene and(3)developmentofwell-drainedandwell-structured (Rossettietal.2012a).Poorlydrained,poorlystructured areas of Oxisols. In contrast, the inner megafan is and nutrient-poor soils developed in this terrain would dominated by white-sand forest, which has lower and have constrained the colonization of rain-forest species, Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/ Impactofsedimentaryprocessesonwhite-sandvegetation 507 despitethegeographicproximitytothemegafanpalaeo- alignedparallelandclosetochannelsorpalaeochannels, landform. suggestinganoriginassociatedwiththesemegafansub- Inaddition,sandaccumulationproducedatriangular environments.Consideringthattheriseofgroundwater palaeomorphology with a gentle slope, which further during rainy seasons creates anaerobic conditions in constrained the white-sand vegetation to the megafan the soil that prevents root respiration (Pires & Prance surface, consistent with reports of previous studies 1985),itislikelythatmicromorphologiesassociatedwith (Rossetti et al. 2012a, Zani & Rossetti 2012). The sedimentation in various megafan sub-environments progressive increment in canopy heights toward the would favour the development of the white-sand forest. east/north-eastofthestudyareasupportstheinfluence Channelized systems, such as this one, display many ofthemegafantopographyonthegrowthofthewhite- sub-environments (i.e. sand bars, levees, islands and sand forest. The data presented also suggest that this crevasse splays) that constitute positive reliefs of a few effect most likely reflects the topographic gradient of metresorevencentimetreshigherthanthesurrounding 15 cm km−1 from the megafan apex to the fringe, terrain. Additionally, sands that are exposed at the based on the analysis of the trend surface. According megafan surface formed aeolian dunes that further tothegeometrythattypifiesmegafansystems,proximal imposed topographic heterogeneities to this terrain. areas are slightly higher (Fielding et al. 2012, Hartley Althoughsmooth,thesepositivemorphologies,abundant et al. 2010, Nichols & Fisher 2007), reflecting the in megafans as a result of the unstable nature of aggradation of larger sand volumes, which occurs theirdistributarydrainage(Slingerland&Smith2004), because these areas are located closer to main feeding contributedtothemaintenanceofsomesitesfreefromthe channelsresponsiblefortransportingsedimentintothese influenceofthewatertablelongerthroughouttheyear. systems.Theproximalmegafanareasarealsogenerally Thus, tree colonization was preferentially concentrated the first ones to be abandoned when sedimentation intheseareas,formingwhite-sandforestpatches. ends. Thus, despite the overall similar sandy substrate Therefore, among all factors, hydrology controlled throughout the Virua´ megafan, the higher topography by topographic gradients reflecting the evolution of resulting from increased sediment aggradation, as the various depositional sub-environments of the Virua´ reflected by the longer abandonment time of proximal megafan is perhaps the most relevant factor explaining depositional environments, might have generated more the highest concentration and greater heights of suitableconditionsfortreecolonization.Thesedimentary trees in the proximal megafan areas, opposed to dynamicsoftheproximalmegafanwouldhavelowered distal areas dominated by grass and shrub vegetation. thewaterlevel,initiatingthepedogenicprocessesandthe Publicationshavepreviouslyhighlightedtheimportance establishmentoftreeroots.White-sandforestsgenerally of hydrology on the stratification of the Virua´ white- occurinareaswithgroundwaterlevelsthatare0.4to1.0 sandvegetation(Damascoetal.2013,Gribeletal.2009, mbelowthesurface,enoughtopreventrhizospheresfrom Mendonc¸a et al. 2014). However, the realization that total flooding (Mendonc¸a et al. 2014). In contrast, the thedistributionofvegetationtypesisdirectlydependent megafanfringes,locatedfartherfromthemainsediment on the megafan morphology, as discussed herein, is sources and at a lower elevation, had lower sediment an innovative model. A tenuous hydrological balance aggradation rates and were abandoned at a later stage reflectingmicromorphologiesimposedbyenvironmental during the megafan evolution. Thus, these areas have heterogeneitieswaskeytothedevelopmentofpatchesof lowerelevationsrelativetoproximalmegafanareasand forestintheVirua´megafan.Theinfluenceofsedimentary are,consequently,moreinfluencedbyseasonalflooding. dynamicsonthedistributionofvegetationpatternsalong Such an environmental constraint could explain the the Virua´ megafan, as proposed here, is a useful model preferred development of grass and shrub vegetation toalsoexplainthewhite-sandvegetationthattypifiesthe towarddistalmegafanareas. Negro-Branco River basins in the northern Amazonian The analysis of the numerous patches of white-sand lowland,assuchvegetationtypesinthisregionarealso forest is in agreement with the proposed influence of associated with fan-shaped palaeo-landforms reflecting themegafansedimentarydynamicsontreedistribution. megafan depositional systems similar to the Virua´ This analysis showed that there is no relationship megafan(Rossettietal.2012b,2014b). between the number of tree species of these patches and their areas, nor with their proximity to the surrounding rain forest. However, although there is CONCLUSION also only a moderate relationship between the number of tree species and the number of channels, these Incontrasttopreviousstudiesemphasizingclimateasthe features might be crucial for the development of the mainfactorinfluencingplantdissimilarityinAmazonia, white-sand forest, as reflected by the fact that these the present survey consisting of field floristic invent- patches are not randomly distributed, but are often ories and remote-sensing modelling, integrated with Downloaded from http:/ INPE - Biblioteca do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, on 14 Nov 2016 at 11:39:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/