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HindawiPublishingCorporation Scienti�ca Volume2012,ArticleID432892,22pages http://dx.doi.org/10.6064/2012/432892 Review Article The Impact of Primary Care: A Focused Review LeiyuShi JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchoolofPublicHealth,624NorthBroadway,Baltimore,MD21205,USA CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoLeiyuShi,[email protected] Received27September2012;Accepted8November2012 AcademicEditors:K.Eriksson,A.P.Giardino,G.Mastrangelo,andP.J.Schluter Copyright©2012LeiyuShi.isisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,which permitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Primarycareservesasthecornerstoneinastronghealthcaresystem.However,ithaslongbeenoverlookedintheUnitedStates (USA),andanimbalancebetweenspecialtyandprimarycareexists.eobjectiveofthisfocusedreviewpaperistoidentifyresearch evidenceonthevalueofprimarycarebothintheUSAandinternationally,focusingontheimportanceofeffectiveprimarycare servicesindeliveringqualityhealthcare,improvinghealthoutcomes,andreducingdisparities.Literaturesearcheswereperformed inPubMedaswellas“snowballing”basedonthebibliographiesoftheretrievedarticles.eareasreviewedincludedprimarycare de�nitions,primarycaremeasurement,primarycarepractice,primarycareandhealth,primarycareandquality,primarycare andcost,primarycareandequity,primarycareandhealthcenters,andprimarycareandhealthcarereform.Inbothdeveloped anddevelopingcountries,primarycarehasbeendemonstratedtobeassociatedwithenhancedaccesstohealthcareservices,better healthoutcomes,andadecreaseinhospitalizationanduseofemergencydepartmentvisits.Primarycarecanalsohelpcounteract thenegativeimpactofpooreconomicconditionsonhealth. 1.Introduction theworld.Forexample,intheUSA,in2008,among954,224 total doctors of medicine, 784,199 were actively practicing Primarycareservesasthecornerstoneforbuildingastrong and305,264werepracticinginprimarycarespecialties(32 healthcare system that ensures positive health outcomes of the total and 39 of actively practicing physicians) [7]. and health equity [1, 2]. In the past century, there has eproportionofspecialistswasover60 ofallpatientcar%e been a transition in healthcare from focusing on disease- physicians. % oriented etiologies to examining the interacting in�uences emajordrivingforcebehindthein%creasingnumberof of factors rooted in culture, race/ethnicity, policy, and medicalspecialistsisthedevelopmentofmedicaltechnology. environment. Such a transition called for person/family- e rapid advances in medical technology continuously focused and community-oriented primary care services to expanded the diagnostic and therapeutic options at the be provided in a continuous and coordinated manner in disposal of physician specialists. e majority of patients, order to meet the health needs of the population. In 2001, signi�cantlyfreedfrom�nancialconstraintsthankstothird- the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a global party insurance payment, have turned to physicians who goalofachievinguniversalprimarycareinthesixdomains can provide them with the most up-to-date, sophisticated establishedbythe1978Alma-AtaDeclaration:�rstcontact, treatment. Hence, the rapid advance of medical technology longitudinality,comprehensiveness,coordination,personor contributestothedemandforspecialtyservicesandprovides family-centeredness, and community orientation. ese six animpetusforfurtherspecialtydevelopment. attributes,agreeduponinternationally,haveprovedeffective inidentifyingbreadthofprimarycareservicesandmonitor- In addition, signi�cantly higher insurance reimburse- ingprimarycarequality[3–6]. ment for specialists relative to primary care physicians However, despite near consensus around the world that also contributes to the current imbalance. Under the primarycareisacriticalcomponentofanyhealthcaresystem, resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS), implemented thereisaconsiderableimbalancebetweenprimaryandspe- forUSMedicarephysicianpayment,primarycarephysicians cialtycareintheUnitedStates(USA)andmanyotherpartsof continue to receive lower payments than specialists for 2 Scienti�ca comparableworkbecausephysicianpaymentsarebasedon satisfy the inclusion criteria were discarded. e resulting historically determined, estimated practice costs as well as referenceswererequiredtoberelatedtoprimarycarequality totalworkeffort[8,9].Moreover,manyinsurancecompanies andoutcomestudies.Articlesfocusingonclinicalprocedures will pay for hospital-based complex diagnostic and inva- wereexcludedsincethefocusofthispaperwasonthegeneral sive procedures using high technology, but not for routine characteristicsofprimarycare.Additionalimportantarticles preventive visits and consultations. Such practices not only were subsequently located by examining the bibliographies encouragemedicalstudents’careerchoicesinsubspecialties of the retrieved articles. e content areas to be reviewed and practicing physicians’ provision of intensive specialty include the following: primary care de�nitions, primary services, but also discourage the provision of important caremeasurement,primarycarepractice,primarycareand primary care services and deter patients from early care- health, primary care and quality, primary care and cost, seekingbehavior. primarycareandequity,primarycareandhealthcenters,and Specialist physicians enjoy other bene�ts as well. �ot primarycareandhealthcarereform. only do specialists earn signi�cantly higher incomes than primary care physicians, but also they are more likely to (cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:18)(cid:15) (cid:49)(cid:83)(cid:74)(cid:78)(cid:66)(cid:83)(cid:90) (cid:36)(cid:66)(cid:83)(cid:70) (cid:37)(cid:70)(cid:277)(cid:79)(cid:74)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:80)(cid:79)(cid:84)(cid:15) e terms “primary care” havepredictableworkhoursandenjoyhigherprestigeboth and “primary healthcare” describe two different concepts. amongtheircolleaguesandfromthepublicatlarge[10,11]. eformer,primarycare,referstofamilymedicineservices Problemstypicallycitedinrecruitingprimarycarephysicians typicallyprovidedbyphysicianstoindividualpatientsandis include longer working hours during the day as well as on person-oriented,longitudinalcare[20].Primaryhealthcare, call, less �nancial reward for service, and less access to the in contrast, is a broader concept intended to describe both highly technological approaches to diagnosis which is an individual-level care and population-focused activities that important part of the medical center approach to patient incorporate public health elements. In addition, primary care [12]. Among factors affecting medical students’ career healthcare may include broader societal policies such as choice, society’s perception of value, intellectual challenge, universalaccesstohealthcare,anemphasisonhealthequity, andlifestylefactors(e.g.,hoursworked)wererankedasvery andcollaborationwithinandbeyondthemedicalsector[20]. importantalongwith�nancialreward[13–15].emedical Primarycareplaysacentralroleinahealthcaredelivery education environment, organized according to specialties system.Otheressentiallevelsofcareincludesecondaryand and controlled largely by those who have achieved their tertiary care, which encompass different roles within the leadershippositionsbydemonstratingtheirabilityinnarrow healthspectrum.Comparedtoprimarycare,secondaryand scienti�c or clinical areas, emphasizes technology intensive tertiary care services are more complex and specialized, procedures,andtertiarycaresettingsalsodeterthechoiceby andthetypesofcarearefurtherdistinguishedaccordingto studentsofprimarycarespecialties[16,17]. duration,frequency,andlevelofintensity.Secondarycareis Perhapsthemostimportantreasonforthisimbalanceis usually short-term, involving sporadic consultation from a the lack of appreciation for the true value of primary care. specialisttoprovideexpertopinionand/orsurgicalorother �elative to disease-speci�c research, primary care-oriented advancedinterventionsthatprimarycarephysicians(PCPs) studies have been relatively few. eir dissemination and are not equipped to perform. Secondary care thus includes recognitionwithinthemedical�eldarealsoproblematic.Pol- hospitalization, routine surgery, specialty consultation, and icymakersandthegeneralpublicalsohavelittleknowledge rehabilitation.Tertiarycareisthemostcomplexlevelofcare, oftheefficacyofprimarycare,itsimpactonindividualand needed for conditions that are relatively uncommon. Typ- populationhealth,anditsroleintoday’shealthcaredelivery. ically, tertiary care is institution-based, highly specialized, eserealitieshaveledtosuper�uouspoliticalcommitments and technology-driven. Much of tertiary care is rendered and the disengagement of related sectors [18, 19]. A WHO in large teaching hospitals, especially university-affiliated 2000reportannouncedthatprimarycarehasfailedtoserve teaching hospitals. Examples include trauma care, burn asthefoundationofcareforallpeople[2]. treatment, neonatal intensive care, tissue transplants, and e objective of this focused review paper is to present open heart surgery. In some instances, tertiary treatment the research �ndings regarding the efficacy of primary care maybeextended,andthetertiarycarephysicianmayassume so that the value of primary care can be better appreciated. long-termresponsibilityforthebulkofthepatient’scare.It Speci�cally, it will demonstrate the importance of effec- has been estimated that 75 to 85 of people in a general tive primary care services in delivering quality healthcare, populationrequireonlyprimarycareservicesinagivenyear; improvinghealthoutcomes,andreducingdisparities. 10 to 12 require referra%ls to sh%ort-term secondary care services;5 to10 usetertiarycarespecialists[21]. %Sinceit%sintroductionin1961,thetermprimarycarehas 2.Methods been de�n%ed in v%arious ways, o�en using one or more of the following categories of classi�cation [4, 22–24]. ese LiteraturesearcheswereperformedinPubMedusingthefol- categoriesincludethefollowing. lowingkeysearchterms:primarycare(alsogeneralpractice, familymedicine)andquality,performance,healthoutcome, (i)e care provided by certain clinicians, the Clinton andhealthequity.esearchwaslimitedtoEnglishlanguage administration’s Health Security Act, for example, journals. e titles and abstracts of all papers identi�ed by speci�ed primary care as family medicine, general the electronic search were inspected. Papers that failed to internal medicine, general pediatrics, and obstetrics Scienti�ca 3 andgynecology.Someexpertsandgroupshavealso traditionalmedicineprofessionals(suchasinpartsofAsia). includednursepractitionersandphysicianassistants. Depending on the nature of the health condition, patients maythenbereferredforsecondaryortertiarycare. (ii)Asetofactivitieswhosefunctionsactasthebound- �erhaps the most comprehensive de�nition of primary aries of primary care—such as curing or alleviating care was given by Star�eld in her landmark book Primary commonillnessesanddisabilities. care: balancing health needs, services and technology [4]; (iii)Alevelofcareorsetting—anentrypointtoasystem Star�eldde�nedprimarycareastheprovisionofintegrated, that also includes secondary care (by community accessiblehealthcareservicesbyclinicianswhoareaccount- hospitals) and tertiary care (by medical centers and able for addressing a large majority of personal healthcare teachinghospitals). needs,developingasustainedpartnershipwithpatients,and (iv)A set of attributes, as in the 197� IO� de�ni- practicing in the context of family and community. She tion—carethatisaccessible,comprehensive,coordi- summarizedthefollowingcharacteristicsofprimarycare(pp. nated, continuous, and accountable—or as de�ned 19–34). by Star�eld [4]—care that is characterized by �rst contact, accessibility, longitudinality, and compre- (i)Integrated care is intended to encompass the provi- hensiveness. sionofcomprehensive,coordinated,andcontinuous servicesthatprovideaseamlessprocessofcare.Inte- (v)A strategy for organizing the healthcare system as a grationcombinesinformationabouteventsoccurring whole—such as community-oriented primary care, indisparatesettingsandlevelsofcareaswellasover which gives priority and resources to community- time,preferablythroughoutthelifespan. based healthcare while placing less emphasis on hospital-based,technology-intensive,andacute-care (ii)Comprehensivecareaddressesanyhealthproblemat medicine. anygivenstageofapatient’slifecycle. (iii)Coordinated care ensures the provision of a combi- De�nitions of primary care o�en focus on the type or nation of health services and information to meet level of services, such as prevention, diagnostic and thera- a patient’s needs. It also refers to the connection peuticservices,healtheducationandcounseling,andminor between, or the rational ordering of, those services, surgery.Althoughprimarycarespeci�callyemphasizesthese includingtheresourcesofthecommunity. services,manyspecialistsalsoprovidethesamespectrumof services.Forexample,thepracticeofmostophthalmologists (iv)Continuouscareisacharacteristicthatreferstocare has a large element of prevention, as well as diagnosis, overtimebyasingleindividualorteamofhealthcare treatment, followup, and minor surgery. Similarly, most professionals (“clinician continuity”) as well as to cardiologistsareengagedinhealtheducationandcounseling. effective and timely maintenance and communica- Hence, according to some experts, primary care should be tionofhealthinformation(events,risks,advice,and more appropriately viewed as an approach to providing patientpreferences)(“recordcontinuity”). healthcare,ratherthanasasetofspeci�cservices[21]. (v)Accessiblecarereferstotheeasewithwhichapatient e World Health Organization (WHO) describes pri- caninitiateaninteractionforanyhealthproblemwith marycareasessentialhealthcarebasedonpractical,scienti�- aclinician(e.g.,byphoneoratatreatmentlocation) callysound,andsociallyacceptablemethodsandtechnology and includes efforts to eliminate barriers such as madeuniversallyaccessibletoindividualsandfamiliesinthe those posed by geography, administrative hurdles, communitybymeansacceptabletothemandatacostthatthe �nancing,culture,andlanguage. communityandthecountrycanaffordtomaintainatevery (vi)Healthcare services refer to an array of services stageoftheirdevelopmentinaspiritofself-relianceandself- that are performed by healthcare professionals or determination.Itformsanintegralpartofboththecountry’s undertheirdirection,forthepurposeofpromoting, healthsystem(ofwhichitisthecentralfunction)andamain maintaining, or restoring health. e term refers focusoftheoverallsocialandeconomicdevelopmentofthe to all settings of care (such as hospitals, nursing community.Itisthe�rstlevelofcontactforindividuals,the homes,physicians’offices,intermediatecarefacilities, family,andthecommunitywiththenationalhealthsystem, schools,andhomes). bringinghealthcareascloseaspossibletowherepeoplelive and work, and constitutes the �rst element of a continuing (vii)A clinician is an individual who uses a recognized healthcareprocess[25]. scienti�c knowledge base and has the authority to direct the delivery of personal health services to Othersde�neprimarycareasthehealthservicesrendered patients. byprovidersactingastheprincipalpointofconsultationfor patients within a healthcare system [26, 27]. is provider (viii)Accountability is applied to primary care clinicians could be a primary care physician, such as a general prac- and the systems in which they operate. ese clin- titioner or family physician, or (depending on the locality, icians and systems are responsible to their patients health system organization, and the patient’s discretion) a and communities for addressing a large majority of pharmacist, a physician assistant, a nurse practitioner, a personal health needs through a sustained partner- nurse (as is common in the United Kingdom), a clinical ship with a patient in the context of a family and officer(suchasinpartsofAfrica),oranAyurvedicorother community and for (1) quality of care, (2) patient 4 Scienti�ca satisfaction, (3) efficient use of resources, and (4) care (�rst contact, longitudinality, comprehensiveness, and ethicalbehavior. coordination) and three supplementary aspects of primary care (family centeredness, community orientation, and cul- (ix)A majority of personal healthcare needs refer to tural competence). e �rst PCAT-adult questionnaire was the essential characteristic of primary care clini- developedandvalidatedintheUSA[31,32]butitsvalidity cians: that they receive all problems that patients and reliability have been demonstrated in other countries, bring—unrestricted by problem or organ system— such as in Brazil [33] and Spain [34]. Several forms of andhavetheappropriatetrainingtomanagealarge the PCAT exist, varying in length and target population. majority of those problems, involving other prac- For example, while the Primary Care Assessment Tool- titioners for further evaluation or treatment when Adult Edition’s (PCAT-AE) original form includes 74 items appropriate.Personalhealthcareneedsincludephys- assessingadultpatientexperienceswithprimarycare[31,32] ical, mental, emotional, and social concerns that ashort10-itemversion,thePCAT10-AEhasalsobeenused involvethefunctioningofanindividual. andintegratedintoanationalpopulationhealthsurvey[34]. (x)Sustainedpartnershipreferstotherelationshipestab- APCATassessingtheprimarycareexperiencesofchildren lished between the patient and clinician with the has been developed as well [33, 35]. In addition to these mutual expectation of continuation over time. It questionnairestargetingpatients,versionsofthePCAThave is predicated on the development of mutual trust, beendevelopedthatalsosurveyprovidersandadministrators respect,andresponsibility. offacilities,providinganotherperspectiveontheprovisionof primarycare[36]. (xi)A patient is an individual who interacts with a InadditiontothePCATcollectionofsurveyinstruments, clinicianeitherbecauseofrealorperceivedillnessor researchers have used other surveys to measure aspects forhealthpromotionanddiseaseprevention. of primary care provision from the patient and provider perspective in the USA and in international settings. ese (xii)Context of family and community refers to an include the Health Tracking Physician Survey [37], the understandingofthepatient’slivingconditions,fam- InternationalHealthPolicySurvey[38],andtheAmbulatory ily dynamics, and cultural background. Community CareExperiencesSurvey[39].Otherstudieshaveusedclaims refers to the population served, whether they are data[40,41]andmedicalrecordreview[40,42–44]toassess patientsornot.Itcanrefertoageopoliticalboundary the quality, performance, and cost-effectiveness of primary (a city, county, or state), members of a health plan, careinvarioussettings. orneighborswhosharevalues,experiences,language, Medical experts have de�ned standards of practice for religion,culture,orethnicheritage. assessment of providers or facilities in terms of whether they are practicing according to recommended guidelines 2.2. Primary Care Measurement. Measurement enables [38, 44]. For example, a survey �elded in �ve countries assessment of the performance of a healthcare delivery determined that the USA performed well in delivering systemandindividualproviders.Additionally,measurement preventivecareaccordingtoclinicalguidelines[38],hypoth- facilitates efforts to improve accountability, quality, appro- esizingthatthisresultmightbeduetothirdpartyinsurers’ priateuseofresources,andpatientoutcomesandtolowerthe increasing emphasis on quality measurement using tools riskofadverseevents[28].Measurementisalsoincreasingly such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s tied to healthcare �nancing through pay-for-performance (NCQA)HealthcareEffectivenessDataandInformationSet programs. As the USA attempts to emphasize primary (HEDIS). In addition to HEDIS, other indicators, such as care functions through aspects of the Patient Protection the Diabetes Quality Improvement Project [40], have been and Affordable Care Act [29], measurement of primary developed to support measurement of the quality of care care will take on even greater importance. Shi notes that providedinaprimarycaresettingforaparticularcondition. assessments of the quality of primary care patients receive Manymeasuresofperformanceandqualityinthehealthcare should consider the four dimensions of primary care: the setting are disease-speci�c. �iven primary care’s emphasis �rst contact experience, longitudinality, coordination, and on patient-centered and comprehensive care, these disease- comprehensiveness[30]. speci�cmeasuresmaynotbemostusefulfortheprimarycare Researcherscanusevarioustypesofindicatorsdepend- context.Othermeasurementeffortsattempttomovebeyond ingonthegoalofmeasurement[28].Indicatorscanprovide condition-speci�cindicators.Hospitalizationforambulatory some sense of the structure, process, or outcome of care, care sensitive conditions (ACSC), de�ned as �diagnoses for can be used to measure activity, performance, and quality, whichtimelyandeffectiveoutpatientcarecanhelptoreduce and can help determine whether the care is being provided the risk of hospitalization” [45], has been proposed as a according to guidelines speci�ed by an expert body or way to assess access to care and as an outcome measure consensus[28]. of the effectiveness of prior primary care intervention [41]. ePrimaryCareAssessmentTool(PCAT)isacollection However, research has shown that ACSC-related hospital- of questionnaires, developed by Johns Hopkins Primary izations may occur too infrequently and be too difficult to Care Policy Center under the leadership of the late Dr. linkwithpreviousreceiptofprimarycaretoserveasaviable Barbara Star�eld, that assess whether a healthcare provider outcomemeasure[41].Ontheotherhand,increasedaccess or system is achieving the four core functions of primary to healthcare services is accomplished through expanded Scienti�ca 5 insurancecoverage,thusalsoenablinggreater�nancialaccess claimsdataandmedicalchartabstraction.Giventhenature to hospital resources. erefore, studies using preventable ofprimarycarepractice,indicatorsthatarepatient-centered hospitalizationsasoutcomemeasurestoexaminetheimpacts ratherthandisease-speci�carelikelygoingtobeincreasingly of primary care access should consider how that improved importantinenablingamoreaccurateassessmentofthecare access is being facilitated [46]. Another survey attempting patientsreceive. toidentifygoodindicatorsaskedphysiciansaboutthetypes of patient outcomes that they value as good indicators of 2.3. Primary Care Practice. Many countries place great primarycareproviders’performance;respondentsidenti�ed emphasis on primary care and have developed strong pri- nineteen indicators related to patients’ physical function- marycareinfrastructures[52–54].ExamplesincludeBritain’s ing, physical pain, physical symptoms besides pain, clinical National Health Service (NHS), which established Primary indicators,emotionaldistress,healthbehaviors,andgeneral Care Trusts (PCT) that integrate primary and hospital- qualityoflife. based care and comprise the bulk of the NHS budget [52, Other literature examines the measurement of primary 55]. Canada has a more balanced primary care-specialist care with respect to unique populations, particular models physicianratiothantheUSAwithonly10 morespecialists of care, or atypical settings [39, 47, 48]. One challenge thanprimarycarephysicians,incontrasttoover50 morein is measuring care provided to complex patients (patients theUSA[56].Developingcountries,likeBr%azilandailand, withmultiplechronicconditions),giventhatdisease-speci�c have also implemented national-level strategies to%increase measures are ill-suited for this population [48]. erefore, accesstoprimarycareservices[57,58]. indicatorsofthecontinuityandcoordinationaspectsofpri- Anincreasinglypopularmodelfororientingthehealth- marycareprovisionareparticularlyimportantforassessing caresystemtoprimarycareisthegatekeepermodel,which thequalityofcarethiscomplexpopulationexperiences[48]. requires patients to select a primary care physician (PCP) Given the increasing emphasis on patient-centered medical and then obtain referrals through that PCP to specialists homes(PCMH),measuringtheimpactofmultidisciplinary [59].However,gatekeepermodelsmaymeetresistancefrom teams(incontrasttoindividualproviders)maybettereluci- medicalprofessionalsandconsumersinsomecountries[60]. date the patient experience of care in PCMH settings [39]. erefore, efforts to promote gate keeping in a healthcare However, NCQA standards to assess medical homes may systemshouldconsidergradual,incentive-drivenapproaches notbeappropriateforallpracticesettings;forexample,the [60]. military health system confronts different challenges when In conjunction with acting, in some systems, as gate- establishing medical homes related to deployment and the keepers to more specialized services, PCPs also may serve frequentmovementofpatientsandproviders[47]. aspatients’pointof�rstcontactwiththehealthcaresystem. Finally, the facilitators and barriers to implementing Many countries have expanded access to primary care by quality measurement in primary care were systematically establishingcallcenters,�exiblehours,andclinics.Spain,for reviewed in a study on primary care in Canada [49]. Con- example,hassoughttomakecareaccessiblebothin�nancial tent analysis of the 57 English-language articles published andgeographicterms,byenactinguniversalinsurancecover- between1996and2005identi�edsevencommoncategories ageandstrivingtomakehealthcarefacilitiesavailablewithin of facilitators and barriers for implementing innovations, ��eenminutestoeverypersoninneed[61]. guidelines, and quality indicators. e authors found that successful implementation of quality measures can occur Continuity of care is also promoted through structures but that success depends on the interaction of multiple suchasmedicalhomesorwell-developedhealthinformation factors,includingmeasurementcharacteristics,promotional technology (health IT) systems [59]. In Spain, for exam- messages,implementationstrategies,resources,theintended ple, nearly every resident has an identi�cation card that adopters,andtheintraorganizationalandinterorganizational enablesproviderstoaccesstheirmedicalhistoryandrelevant contexts. Research has also found that the nature of the information at an appointment or emergency [61]. ese relationship between the patient and PCP impacts patients’ countrieshavealsosoughttoraisethestatusofprimarycare perception of the quality of care they are receiving [50] byestablishingthedisciplineasaspecialtywithinmedicine and correlates positively with measures of primary care andinstitutingreformstopaymentsystems[59]. providerperformance[51].However,whilethequalityofcare Team-based models of providing primary care and the patientsreceivemaybeheavilyimpactedbythestrengthof connections of these models with quality are becoming connection patients feel with their providers, research has increasinglyimportantasinsurersusepay-for-performance found that patients generally do not feel well connected to incentives in payment schemes [62]. In order to support theirPCPs[51]. high-functioning teams, the associations between team- In summary, primary care measurement includes tools level job satisfaction and performance should be explored, that assess many aspects of care: the extent to which a a relationship which may be affected by the status and primarycaresettingful�llsthemajorcomponentsofprimary supportenjoyedbythePCPsinasetting[62].Researchalso care;theperformanceoftheproviderorfacility;thequality suggests that the functioning level of primary care teams of care patients receive; how facets of care delivery, such may affect patient outcomes, with those patients cared for as various models of care, team approaches, and different byhighfunctioningprimarycareteamsexperiencingbetter settings, impact care. Tools to collect data include primary health outcomes [63]. Team-based approaches to primary data collection from surveys and secondary analysis using care may also facilitate integration of mental health and 6 Scienti�ca primarycare.Asanexample,theUSA-basedIntermountain Inordertoaddressthesefears,moreresearchisneededon Healthcare’smentalhealthintegrationsystemincludesPCPs, thecapabilitiesandcapacitiesofthecurrentPCPworkforce, psychiatrists, nurses, family members, and other parties to as well as projections about how it will change over time. integrate mental health services into the usual practice of Indeed, a 2011 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) primarycare[64]. report observes that workforce projections are complicated Scopeofpractice,theextentofhealthinsurancecoverage [66].ereportcautionsthatalthoughtheworkforceislikely in a region, ease of coordination with other sectors, and to be strained by the country’s changing demographics and myriadotherfactorsimpactthewayinwhichprimarycare increasing demand under the ACA, other clinicians, such is practiced in a country, region, or individual practice. as NPs and PAs, in addition to new team-based models of Countries that have enacted reforms that build on their care, may change primary care workforce needs in unan- existingprimarycareinfrastructurescanserveascasestudies ticipated ways [66]. Nevertheless, the irregular distribution for the USA, where the ongoing implementation of the of providers in the USA remains a signi�cant issue that is Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) seeks to likelytocontinueinhibitingaccesstoprimarycareservices enhancetheroleofprimarycareintheUShealthcaresystem. amongparticularsegmentsofthepopulationandincertain Currently,incontrasttosomeofitsindustrializedpeers, geographicregions[66]. the US healthcare system is much more heavily skewed Nextstepsandfuturedirectionshavebeenidenti�edto toward specialty care [56, 58]. Although 51.3 of office strengthentheprimarycareinfrastructureabroadandinthe visits were to primary care physicians in 2008, only about USA.Tostart,therehasbeenincreasinginterestinexploring one-third of practicing physicians specialize %in primary howprimarycareandpublichealthmightbettercoordinate care [65]. A combination of primary care physicians, nurse in order to support population health improvement efforts practitioners(NPs),andphysicianassistants(PAs)comprise [75,76].Areviewofliteratureonthecoordinationofprimary the estimated 400,000 primary care providers in the USA, care with public health suggests that combinatory efforts withphysicianscontributingthelargestportion(74 )[66]. can lead to improvements in the management of chronic ScopesofpracticeforNPsandPAshavebroadenedinmany diseases,controlofcommunicablediseases,andinmaternal states in recent years, enabling these providers to%take on andchildhealth[76].Inaddition,thereisneedforadditional more responsibilities in the provision of care. However, the clari�cationontheuniquerolesofprimarycareandpublic distributionofprimarycareprovidersintheUSAisuneven, healthandthewaysinwhichthesesectorscanworktogether with 5,902 communities designated as primary care health [77]. professionalshortageareas[67]. In the USA in particular, new models of delivering Changes to the Medicare fee schedule (which had pre- carethroughpatient-centeredmedicalhomes(PCMHs)and viously favored specialists in reimbursement rates) [68], accountable care organizations (ACOs) require team-based support for Title VII health professions training programs approaches to care with a heavy emphasis on primary care. [69,70],andtherecentACAaresomeexamplesofpolicies Aspreviouslydiscussed,someexpertssuggestthattheshi that have attempted to strengthen the role of primary care tothesemodelsfordeliveringcarewillrequireanincreased within the US healthcare system. Some experts have sug- supply of primary care providers [58] whereas others note gestedthattheACAandtheagingpopulationwillplacean that little is de�nitively known about how these models of increasedburdenontheprimarycareworkforceintheUSA, care will impact provider productivity [66]. is renewed contributingtoasevereworkforceshortageinthefuture[71]. interestinimprovingprimarycarecapacityhasledtosome Although about one-third of practicing physicians work in recommended initiatives for enhancing the stature of pri- primary care, less than a fourth of current medical school marycareintheUSA,includingincreasingTitleVIIfunding graduates are pursuing careers in primary care �elds, and to better support the education of primary care providers many primary care physicians are projected to retire in thatagreetopracticeinunderservedcommunities[69,70]; comingyears,raisingadditionalconcernsthatthefutureUS addressing salary disparities between PCPs and specialists primary care workforce will be unable to respond to the by changing Medicare’s resource-based relative value scale growingdemandforprimarycare[72].Afactorcontributing to give more equal reimbursement, which also in�uences tothesmallpercentageofgraduatingmedicalstudentsthat private insurance reimbursement rates [78]; exploring the pursueresidenciesinprimarycareisthesigni�cantlylower rolethatotherprimarycareproviders,suchasNPsandPAs, salaries in these �elds, a trend that has continued despite canplayinreducingburdensonprimarycarephysicians[66]. someeffortstoreducethisdisparity[71,73]. Additional research is obviously needed; topics that should Similarly, in order to incentivize providers to accept beexamined includethemethodsandtoolsforconducting patients newly eligible for Medicaid under the reforms, the research on primary care, clinical issues of relevance to the ACA temporarily raises reimbursement for PCPs serving practiceofprimarycare,primarycareservicedelivery,health Medicaid patients to the same level as Medicare reim- systems (including the social and political factors affecting bursements [74]. However, a study found that those states primarycareprovision),andhowtoimprovetheeducation that have a low supply of PCPs serving Medicaid enrollees andtrainingofprimarycareproviders[54]. already have higher reimbursement levels [74]. erefore, thisincreasemayhavelittleeffectinincreasingthesupplyof 2.4.PrimaryCareandHealth. Logically,primarycareisseen PCPsavailabletocarefordisadvantagedgroups,suchasthe as an important medical specialty and healthcare necessity Medicaidpopulation. because it is assumed to have a positive impact on health Scienti�ca 7 outcomes; the USA and most other countries believe that and fewer laboratory and diagnostic tests. Total medical increasingthequalityandquantityofprimarycareservices chargesfortheyearwerealsosigni�cantlyreduced. willleadtobetterpopulationhealth.Anumberofecological Another US study examined the relationship between studieshaveexaminedtherelationshipbetweenprimarycare physician-patient connectedness and measures of physician infrastructure and health outcomes internationally [79–83] performance [51]. 155,590 patients who made one or more as well as in the USA at various levels of geographic units visits to a study practice from 2003 to 2005 in the Mas- [84,85].Studiesconductedinindustrializedcountries,such sachusetts General Hospital adult primary care network asmembernationsoftheOrganizationforEconomicCoop- were identi�ed, and a validated algorithm was used to erationandDevelopment(OECD),doindicatethatstronger connect patients to physicians or practices. Performance primary care systems are generally associated with better measures, including breast, cervical, and colorectal can- populationhealthoutcomesincludinglowermortalityrates, cer screening in eligible patients, hemoglobin A1C mea- ratesofprematuredeathandhospitalizationsforambulatory surement and control in patients with diabetes, and low- care sensitive conditions, and higher infant birth weight, density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement and control in life expectancy, and satisfaction with the healthcare system patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease, were [79,80,82,86].StudiesintheUSAhavealsoindicatedthat usedtoexamineclinicalperformance.eresultsindicated greaterprimarycareavailabilityinacommunityiscorrelated that physician-connected patients were signi�cantly more with both better health outcomes [87] and a decrease in likelythanpractice-connectedpatientstoreceiveguideline- utilizationofmoreexpensivetypesofhealthservices,suchas consistent care. Receipt of preventive care varied more by hospitalizationsandemergencydepartment(ED)visits[88]. whether patients were more or less connected to a primary Experiencesintheinternationalcontextsuggestthatpri- carephysicianthanbyraceorethnicity,whichareoencited marycare-orientedhealthcaredeliverysystemscanproduce asmajordeterminantsofhealthcareusage. betterhealthoutcomes[52–55]inadditiontocounteracting, e role of primary care in referral was studied in a to some extent, the negative impact of poor economic multicountryprojectinEuropeandAustralia[92].estudy conditions on health [57]. Reforms of healthcare systems comparedweightlossachievedthroughstandardtreatment to emphasize primary care generally are associated with in primary care versus weight loss achieved aer referral improvedhealthoutcomes,includingevidencefromseveral by the primary care team to a commercial provider in the countries in Latin America and Asia [83]. However, given community.Inthisparallelgroup,nonblinded,randomized that these reforms typically included multiple components, controlled trial, 772 overweight, and obese adults were attributingchangeinpopulationhealthtoanyoneaspectof recruited by primary care practices in Australia, Germany, thereformisdifficult[83].Increasingprimarycareavailabil- and the UK to receive either 12 months of standard care, ityinlow-andmiddle-incomecountriesalsocorrelateswith as de�ned by national treatment guidelines or 12 months improvedhealth;however,manyofthesestudiesarelimited of free membership in a commercial program; analysis was tochildandinfanthealthoutcomes[81].Additionally,much by intention to treat amongst the population who com- oftheresearchinthissettingconsistsofobservationalstudies pleted the 12-month assessment. e results showed that ratherthanmorerigorousresearchdesigns,andstudiesmay the participants referred to community-based commercial also use different de�nitions of what constitutes a “primary providerslostmorethantwiceasmuchweightovertheyear caresystem”or“program”[81]. as compared to those who received standard care. ese InareviewofUSprimarycareanditsrelationshipwith results indicate that referral to a commercial weight loss health outcomes, Star�eld et al. [89] note that there may program that provides regular weighing, advice about diet be several mechanisms of primary care that explain this andphysicalactivity,motivation,andgroupsupportcanoffer positiveassociationwithpopulationhealth:(1)betteraccess aclinicallyusefulearlyinterventionforweightmanagement tohealthservices;(2)improvedqualityofcare;(3)emphasis in overweight and obese people and can be delivered on a onprevention;(4)theidenti�cationandearlymanagementof largescaleaswell.However,italsodemonstratesthatprimary conditions;(5)thecombinedimpactofmanycharacteristics carephysiciansandteamshavelimitsinthescopeandquality ofsolidprimarycaresystems;(6)reductioninunnecessary of interventions they can provide; in this case, the primary specialistcare[89,90]. care team provided better care through the referral to an Primarycareandhealthserviceusewerealsostudiedin outsidecompanythanthroughtheteam-managedcareseen theUSAusinganinteractionalanalysisinstrumenttochar- asstandard. acterizepatient-centeredcareintheprimarycaresettingand eimpactofprimarycareoutreachwastestedinaCana- examine its relationship with healthcare utilization [91]. A dian study [93] using a randomized, controlled trial design totalof509adultpatientsatauniversitymedicalcenterwere to evaluate the impact of a provider-initiated primary care randomizedintogroupsreceivingcarebyfamilyphysicians outreach intervention as compared with usual care among orgeneralinternists.AnadaptationoftheDavisObservation older adults at risk of functional decline. e sample was Code was used to measure patient-centered practices; the comprisedof719patientsenrolledwith35familyphysicians main outcome measures of the study were the patients’ use in�veprimarycarenetworksinHamilton,Ontario,Canada. of medical services and accrued charges over one year. e e12-monthintervention,providedbyexperiencedhome resultsindicatedthathigheramountsofpatient-centeredcare carenursesfrom2004to2006,consistedofacomprehensive were related to a signi�cantly decreased annual number of initialassessmentusingtheResidentAssessmentInstrument visits to specialty providers, less frequent hospitalizations, forhomecare,collaborativecareplanningwithpatients,their 8 Scienti�ca families,andfamilyphysicians,healthpromotionactivities, (A1C) level in a primary care-based diabetes disease man- andreferraltocommunityhealthandsocialsupportservices. agement program (DDMP) [96]. A total of 217 patients e primary outcome measures were quality adjusted life withtype2diabetesmellitusandpoorglucosecontrolwere years (QALYs), use and costs of health and social services, enrolled.eresultsshowedthatpatientsintheintervention functionalstatus,self-ratedhealth,andmortality.eresults group had signi�cantly greater improvement in A1C level forthemeandifferenceinQALYs,overallcostofprescription than the control group that received no additional disease drugsandservices,andchangesover12monthsinfunctional managementsupport.Inmultivariateanalysis,nosigni�cant statusandself-ratedhealthwerenotstatisticallysigni�cant. differences in A1C level improvement were observed when erefore,theresultsofthisstudydonotsupportadoptionof strati�edbyage,race�ethnicity,income,orinsurancestatus, thisparticularpreventiveprimarycareinterventionforthis andnointeractioneffectwasobservedbetweenanycovariate targetpopulationofhigh-riskolderadults. andinterventionstatus.Laborinputsweresimilarregardless Another study conducted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, of age, race�ethnicity, sex, or education and may re�ect examined the role of nurses in primary care [94]. is thenondiscriminatorynatureofprovidingalgorithm-based studyevaluated�ndingsfromatrialtreatmentforbehavioral diseasemanagementcare. problemsin163clinicallyreferredchildrenfromsixprimary eroleofprimarycareinpreventivecarehasalsobeen careofficesinPittsburgh.Participantswererandomizedtobe studied. In a study conducted in Spain on physical activity treatedineithertheon-site,nurse-administeredintervention promotion by general practitioners, researchers sought to (PONI) in primary care or enhanced usual care (EUC) assess the effectiveness of a physical activity promotion characterizedbyon-sitediagnosticassessmentandfacilitated program at 11 Spanish public primary care centers using referraltoalocalmentalhealthprovider.emainoutcomes 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up measurements [97]. ey were measured by standardized rating scales. e results recruited 4,317 individuals (2,248 intervention and 2,069 showedthatchildrenrandomizedtothePONIintervention control), and ��y-six general practitioners (�Ps) were ran- weresigni�cantlymorelikelytoaccesstheirassignedtreat- domly assigned to intervention or standard care (control) ment, received more direct treatment, adjunctive services, groups.eprimaryoutcomemeasurewasthechangeinself- andalongerdurationoftreatment,andhadgreaterlevelsof reportedphysicalactivityfrombaseline.eresultsindicated siblingparticipationthanchildrenassignedtoreceiveEUC. thatgeneralpractitionerswereeffectiveatincreasingthelevel ese �ndings indicate that a psychosocial intervention for ofphysicalactivityamongtheirinactivepatientsduringthe behavioral problems delivered by nurses in a primary care initialsixmonthsofaninterventionbuttheeffectleveledoff settingisfeasible,improvesaccesstomentalhealthservices, at12and24months.Onlythesubgroupofpatientsreceiving andhassomeclinicalefficacy.Optionsforenhancingclinical repeat prescriptions of physical activity maintained gains outcomesmayincludemultifacetedcollaborativecareinter- overthelongterm. ventionsinthepediatricpractice. Many people suffering from mental health issues also e impact of primary care on chronic disease man- receivehealthservicesinaprimarycaresetting[98].Inthe agement is the subject of much research. For example, a USA,anevaluationofaDepartmentofVeteransAffairs(VA) USA-based study examined the impact of a multifaceted program establishing primary care clinics in underserved intervention on cholesterol management in primary care communities found that while these clinics did improve practices [95]. e study used a practice-based trial to test access to more general health services, without a spe- the hypothesis that a multifaceted intervention consisting cialtymentalhealthcarecomponent,theydidnoteffectively of guideline dissemination enhanced by a computerized expand access to mental health services [99]. Research is decision support system (CDSS) would improve primary mixed on whether psychotherapy and counseling in the care physician adherence to the ird Adult Treatment primary care setting is cost-effective but it does suggest Panel(ATPIII)guidelinesandimprovethemanagementof that patients may be more open to these strategies than cholesterol levels. A total of 61 primary care families and to antidepressant prescriptions, and psychotherapy may be internal medicine practices in North Carolina enrolled in more effective in treating depression than counseling [98]. thetrial;29receivedtheirdAdultTreatmentPanel(ATP Researchhasfoundthatwhilecounselinginprimarycareis III) intervention and 32 received an alternate intervention associatedwithshort-termimprovementandpatientsatisfac- (JNC-7). e ATP III providers received a personal digital tion,thereislittleevidenceofitseffectiveness,incomparison assistant providing the Framingham risk scores and ATP tousualcare,intreatingdepressioninthelongrun[100]. III-recommended treatment. ey examined 5,057 baseline Anoverviewoflow-andmiddle-incomecountriesfound and 3,821 follow-up medical records. e study reports the that 14 countries, including China, with comprehensive positive effect on screening of lipid levels and appropri- primary care (de�ned as 80 skilled birth attendance ate management of lipid level test results and concludes rates) experienced health gains compared with countries thatamultifactorialintervention,includingpersonaldigital with more selective primary>car%e approaches. ese health assistant-baseddecisionsupport,mayimproveprimarycare improvementsseemedto“dependonprogressiontocompre- physicianadherencetotheATPIIIguidelines. hensive primary care with a reliable referral system linking In a US study that focused on diabetes disease man- to functioning facilities” [101, p. 958]. However, the study agement, researchers used a randomized, controlled trial lookedatcountriesasawholeandsocouldnotaccountfor to examine the relationships among patient characteristics, within-countryvariation,andadditionally,thestudyde�ned labor inputs, and improvement in glycosylated hemoglobin countriesashavingcomprehensiveprimarycarebasedonly Scienti�ca 9 upontheirskilledbirthattendancerates,andotherprimary and lower perceived �exibility in selecting a PCP [5, 107]. careattributeswerenotconsidered. Levelofaccesstoprimarycareimpactsotherfacetsofquality In the USA, a growing body of research has focused as well. For example, improved access to primary care may on the impact of primary care supply, infrastructure, and alsoimprovethecontinuityofcareforpatientswithdepres- models of care on health outcomes. A review of studies sion [108]. An evaluation of a PCP access program found assessing the relationship between supply of PCPs and thatbetteraccessledtoreducedemergencydepartmentuse various outcomes, such as all-cause and disease-speci�c in the long term [109]. Family-centered primary care may mortality, life expectancy, low birth weight, and self-rated also lower rates of nonurgent emergency department visits health,foundcorrelationsatthestate,county,andMSAlevels andhospitalizationsforcertainpopulations[110].However, [84]. Research also indicates that local supply of PCPs per arelationshipbetweenothermeasuresofqualityofprimary capita,usingradiiaroundzipcodestode�neserviceareas,is care and urgent hospitalizations has not been established associatedpositivelywithpatientreceiptofpreventivehealth [110,111]. servicesandthatthislocalprimarycareavailabilitymediates, e structure of the primary care delivery system may tosomeextent,theimpactofsocioeconomicfactorsonthe alsoaffectlevelsofaccessandquality.Forexample,oneNew receipt of preventive care [102]. In addition, according to �ealand study comparing nonpro�t and for-pro�t primary one study, Medicaid-enrolled children who have access to carepracticesfoundthatthenonpro�tpracticesinthestudy high quality, family-centered primary care have both lower offeredincreasedaccessatalowercostinadditiontooffering nonurgentandurgenthospitalizationrates[103]. a more expansive array of services and instituting written policies related to quality management [112]. In the USA, However,methodologicalchallengesexistinconducting patientsmayexperiencedifferinglevelsofqualityofprimary research linking PCP supply to population health. When caredependingoninsurancetype.Inananalysiscomparing doing these analyses, the ratio of primary care to specialist qualityofprimarycareacrossvariousmanagedcaremodels physicians may be a more appropriate measure than just (i.e.,managedindemnity,pointofservice,staff-modelHMO, physiciansupply[85].Forexample,whileacorrelationexists etc.),managedindemnitymodelsperformedbestonquality between the PCP supply and health outcomes, there is no of primary care measures, followed by point of service association between specialist supply and health outcomes andnetwork-modelHMOstructures[113].emotivations [89,90].erefore,usingameasureofphysiciansupplyper withinthedeliverysystemcanaffectpatientcareaswell;in capita,withoutconsiderationofthebalanceofprimarycare a study of the impact of pay-for-performance initiatives on andspecialistphysicians,mayskew�ndings. thequalityofprimarycarereceivedbypatientswithchronic In response to this policy-relevant research, next steps conditions, researchers found a positive quality association have included proposals to increase the supply of primary forpatientswithtwoofthethreeconditionsstudied[114]. carephysiciansintheUSA.Findingssuggestthatincreasing US Medicare recipients have a choice between private the supply of PCPs by just one unit per 10,000 physicians managed care plans (through the Medicare Advantage pro- might improve health outcomes by 0.66 to as much as gram)andthetraditionalgovernment-managedfeeforser- 10.8 ,dependingontheoutcomeconsidered[84]. vice (FFS) plan. Research indicates that while most quality Further research is needed on which%models of care performance measures are superior in the traditional FFS prod%uce the best health outcomes. While past research has program, enrollees in some private plans may have better indicatedteam-basedcareproducesbetteroutcomesinsome �nancial access to care [115]. Research has also sought to settings, few studies have examined the use of teams in identifythemostappropriatesitefordeliveringprimarycare primarycarepractice[104]. to low-income populations in the USA; these studies have Otherissueswillalsocontinuetoaffecttherelationship mixed �ndings, with vaccination rates higher in hospital betweenprimarycareandhealth.Manyexpertsbelievethat outpatient settings but fewer delays in receiving care in primarycarewillhavetochangepracticemodelstoimprove physicians’offices[116].Structuralfeaturesofprimarycare patient outcomes and physician job satisfaction, as demon- practices,suchashavinganelectronichealthrecord(EHR) strated in many of the previously mentioned researches. and holding regular meetings devoted to discussing quality However,othershavealsoarguedthatinordertorevitalize issues, can also be associated with higher performance on primary care in the USA, major system-level change is HealthcareEffectivenessDataandInformationSet(HEDIS) needed,especiallyinthewaythatprimarycarephysiciansare measures [117]. Much research has examined EHRs and compensatedrelativetospecialists[105]. other health IT systems in hospitals or acute care settings, but these tools can facilitate quality improvement efforts in primary care settings as well [118]. Researchers have also 2.5. Primary Care and Quality. Ease of access, the clinical found that health IT infrastructure facilitates provision of qualityofthecare,interpersonalaspectsofcare,continuity, care for chronic conditions in line with the Chronic Care and coordination all are important elements to consider Model [119]. However, there remain signi�cant challenges whenassessingprimarycarequality[106]. in the implementation of IT due to lack of reimbursement Research exploring access has found that factors can by insurance plans and the learning curve experienced by impede or facilitate access, such as the availability of aer- practitionerswiththenewtechnology[120]. hours care, the length of office wait time, travel time to an Anothercomponentofprimarycarequalityiscontinuity, appointment,lackofaspeci�cPCPatthesiteofprimarycare, de�ned as person-focused care over time. e following 10 Scienti�ca factors may affect the extent to which continuity can be primarycareintervention[130].However,aer12months, achieved:appointmentwaittimelength,theinsurancestatus there was no difference between the two groups [130]. of patient, and aer-hours care availability [5]. A review In Canada, a small-scale preventive primary care outreach of studies conducted in 6 countries regarding primary care program targeting the elderly included home care, collab- qualitysuggeststhatbettercontinuitymaydecreasehospital- orative planning between patients, families and physicians, izationsandEDvisits,loweringhealthcarecosts[121]. and referral to appropriate social support and community Inordertofacilitatequalityimprovementintheprimary resources;theprogram,however,hadnosigni�cantpositive care context, information is needed on appropriate bench- �ndings and no relationship with the functional status and marksthatcanbeusedtoevaluateperformanceinprimary self-ratedhealthofparticipants[93]. care-speci�csettings.�esselletal.[122]identifyAchievable Medical, contextual (speci�c to the medical encounter), BenchmarksofCare(ABCs)for54qualityindicatorsbased andpolicyevidenceisneededtofurtherresearchonquality on data collected through the Practice Partner Research inprimarycare[131].Cross-countrycomparisonsmayelu- Network(PPRNet)demonstration.Twenty-�veto99 ofthe cidatehowbroadersystems-levelfactorsimpactprimarycare PCPs participating in the PPRNet demonstration met the quality.Futurestudiesshouldbeundertakentoexaminepri- ABCs [122]. A New �ealand effort identi�ed 28 ev%idence- marycarereforms;how�nancingmechanismsimpactPCP based, population-focused indicators that may be used to cooperation and workforce issues; the relationship between assessqualityofprimarycarein�vecategories:smokingces- balance of primary and specialty care; the patient’s role; sation, prescribing practices, chronic disease management, community-oriented care; equity in access and outcomes preventive health, and quality of data [123]. Furthermore, [132]. manyoftheseindicatorsarealreadyavailablefromthedata In the USA speci�cally, Friedberg et al. [133] catego- routinelycollectedinhealthITsystems[123]. rize the focus of proposed policy interventions intended Patientevaluationsofthequalityofcarethey receivein to strengthen primary care and improve healthcare quality primary care settings can be appropriate complements to into three categories: (1) supply of PCPs; (2) the set of othermeasuresofquality[106].Patientassessmentsmaybe functions and services provided by a usual source of care; particularly useful for evaluating the quality of access, the (3)theorientationofthehealthsystem.Basedonareviewof practitioner-patient relationship, continuity, and coordina- theevidence,theseauthorssuggestthatpolicyprescriptions tion [106]. �hile �ndings from patient assessments, com- shouldfocusonreorientingthehealthsystemintheUSAto monlyconductedthroughquestionnaires,mayinformqual- emphasize and reward primary care provision and support ity improvement efforts, it is not clear that the information providers’capacityforpracticingprimarycarethroughsuch gleanedfrompatientsassessmentscanbesuccessfullytrans- interventions as health IT, the Chronic Care Model, and lated into actual improvements in the quality of care [106]. team-based approaches to delivering care [133]. Although One study found that patient-reported satisfaction with experts disagree over whether the current supply of PCPs quality of care among the elderly was not a good predictor impacts the overall quality of healthcare, some policy pre- oftheeffectivenessofthecarethesepatientsreceived[124]. scriptionsforemphasizingprimarycareintheUSAfocuson However,ratingsofcoordinationofcaredidhavearelation- increasingPCPsupplybymakingthecareermoreattractive shipwithsurvivaltimeamongthehigherutilizers[124]. throughbetterwages[134]andthroughfundingofTitleVII Studies conducted in the international setting have Section747,whichsupportsworkforcedevelopment[69,70]. assessedhowemphasisonprimarycarequalitymayimpact GrumbachandMoldalsoproposecirculatingaprimarycare health outcomes, and whether specialists or PCPs provide versionofanagriculturalextensionagenttodisseminatethe better quality of care for chronic conditions. e results latestknowledgeandclinicalguidelines,improvethequality weremixed.Improvementsinhealthoutcomesfordiabetes of care provided by PCPs, and strengthen the country’s type 2 patients in Norway may re�ect special emphasis on primary care infrastructure [135]. In addition, increased collaboration between primary care and public health may improving diabetes care in primary care practices [125]. improve quality and health outcomes by refocusing family Research in Taiwan has found that patients with a PCP or medicine on population or community health rather than a usual source of care (USC) experience superior primary just individuals [136]. In addition to these proposals, some care quality, including better access, coordination, family point out that more policy actions should be devoted to centeredness,continuity,andculturalcompetence[126,127]. distributing primary care resources more fairly and evenly In Britain, an evaluation comparing the quality of diabetes [137].Low-income,deprivedcommunitiesareburdenedby care provided in specialist diabetes clinics to that provided highermorbidity and mortality ratesand, therefore, should by primary care clinics found no long-term difference in receivemorehealthservices[137]. the rates of improvement in HbA1c, cholesterol, and blood pressureovertime[128].Incontrast,aDanishstudyfound that patients suffering from asthma or rhinitis experience 2.6. Primary Care and Cost. One consequence of having superiorcarequalityfromrespiratoryspecialistsasopposed many specialists is the possibility that specialist care has to PCPs [129]. In a study in Canada looking at asthmatic contributedtoincreasingthevolumeofintensive,expensive, patientsparticipatinginaninterventiondesignedtoimprove and invasive medical services and therefore the costs of accesstoprimarycare,interventionpatientsdidinitiallyhave healthcare[138–144].Highersurgeonsupplyhasbeenfound better access in comparison to those patients without the to increase the demand for initial contacts with surgeons

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