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Preview Impact of agr dysfunction on virulence profiles and infections associated with a novel methicillin

Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Impact of agr dysfunction on virulence profiles and infections associated with a novel methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) variant of the lineage ST1-SCCmec IV Fabienne Antunes Ferreira1, Raquel Rodrigues Souza1, Bruno de Sousa Moraes1, Ana Maria de Amorim Ferreira2, Marco Antônio Américo1, Sérgio Eduardo Longo Fracalanzza1, José Nelson dos Santos Silva Couceiro1 and Agnes Marie Sá Figueiredo1* Abstract Background: Anovelvariantof theST1-SCCmecIV methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) lineage, mostly associated withnosocomialbloodstream infections (BSI), has emerged inRio de Janeiro.Bacterial biofilm has been considereda major virulence factor incentral venous catheter-associated BSI. The mechanisms involved in biofilm formation/accumulation are multifactorial and complex. Studies have suggested that biofilm production was affected in vitro and vivo foragr-nullmutants of S. aureus. Results: The impact of naturally occurring inhibition of agr signaling on virulence profiles and infections associated withtheST1 variantwas investigated. agr dysfunction was detected ina significant percentage (13%)of the isolates withconcomitant increase inbiofilmaccumulation in vitro and in vivo, and enhanced ability to adhere to and invade airway cells. The biofilmformedby these ST1 isolates was ica-independent and proteinaceous innature. In fact, theimproved colonization properties were paralleled by an increased expression of thebiofilm-associated genes fnbA,spa and sasG. The transcription of sarA,a positive regulator ofagr,was two-times reduced for the agr-dysfunctionalMRSA. Remarkably, the agr inhibition was genetically stable. Indeed, agr-dysfunctionalisolates succeed to colonize and cause both acute and chronic infections inhospitalized patients, and alsoto effectively accumulate biofilmin a mouse subcutaneous catheter implant model. Conclusion: The ability of agr-dysfunctional isolatesto cause infections inhumans and to form biofilm in the animal model suggests that therapeutic approaches based on agr-inactivation strategies are unlikely to be effective incontrollinghuman-device infections caused by ST1 isolates. The increased biofilm accumulation associated with theacquisition ofmultiple antimicrobial resistant traits might have influenced(atleast inpart)theexpansion ofthis USA400 related clone in our hospitals. Keywords: MRSA, ST1-SCCmecIV,USA400, agr,Biofilm, Virulence factors *Correspondence:[email protected] 1DepartamentodeMicrobiologiaMédica,InstitutodeMicrobiologiaPaulode Góes,UniversidadeFederaldoRiodeJaneiro,RiodeJaneiro,RJ,Brazil Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2013Ferreiraetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page2of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 Background production, host cell adhesion and invasion as well as Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus othermechanismsinvolvedintheestablishmentandcourse aureus (CA-MRSA) lineage ST1- SCCmec IV was first ofstaphylococcaldiseaseswereaffectedbyknockoutofthe reported in the 1980s among aborigines in Australia agr locus [26-28]. Despite the improvements achieved in (WA-1 clone) and in the USA (MW2/USA400 clone) staphylococcal virulence, most of the investigations have where cases of fatal infections were reported in Michigan, been carried out using relatively few laboratory construc- Minnesota and North Dakota [1-3]. Nowadays, CA-MRSA tionsorclinicalisolates[28].Inaddition,thoseresultshave infections have been described in different countries not been validated using current clinical isolates of MRSA. involvinganumberofgeneticallydistinctlineages[4,5]. In this paper we characterized the biofilm formed by Many CA-MRSA isolates (including USA300, USA400 USA400-related (ST1-SCCmecIV) MRSA emergent in Rio and USA1100) carry lukSF encoding for Panton-Valentine deJaneiro,investigatedtheadhesiveandinvasiveproperties leukocidin (PVL). Despite the controversy regarding the of naturally agr-dysfunctional isolates and analyzed role of the PVL, this leukocidin has been linked to severe the impact of the agr inhibition on S. aureus infections skin infections and necrotizing pneumonia [6-8]. In the associated with the use of medical device. Our results USA, USA300 has replaced USA400 as the predominant suggestthatstrategiesbasedonagrinactivationapproaches clone in manycommunities [9]. However, USA400isolates may not be effective as an anti-biofilm strategy in the were the main cause of an outbreak of skin infections that management of device-associated infections caused by occurred in rural southwestern Alaska, in 1996–2000 [10]. theseMRSAisolates. Indeed, USA400 was the far most common CA-MRSA clone recovered from three northern remote communities Results of Saskatchewan, Canada [11]. In 2005, a novel variant of Biofilm the lineage ST1-SCCmecIV emerged in Rio de Janeiro city AllsixtyST1isolatestestedwereabletoproducebiofilmon asanimportantcauseof bloodstreaminfections(BSI)[12]. inert surfaces. The majority (58.3% and 25%; respectively) It is intriguing that despite the genetic relationship with exhibited a moderate (BU varying from 0.468 to 0.901) or Australian WA-1 and MW2/USA400, isolates of this strong(BUvaryingfrom1.008to3.615)biofilmphenotypes novel clone were PVL-negative, multiresistant and mostly (Figure 1, top). For 19 randomly selected isolates, the involved in hospital-associated BSI [12]. It is still poorly abilityto accumulatebiofilmonhumanFn-coatedsurfaces understood why isolates of CA-MRSA have become suc- increasedsignificantly(p<0.01top<0.0001)whencom- cessfulsoquickly[13].Nevertheless,forhospital-associated paredwiththatoninertsurfaces(Figure1,bottom). MRSA(HA-MRSA),thebacterialabilitytoproducebiofilm has been recognized as an important virulence factor for Proteinaceousnatureofthebiofilm thepathogenesisofintravenouscatheter-relatedbacteremia Treatment with proteinase Kvirtually disrupted preformed andinfectionsassociatedwiththeuseofmedicalprosthesis. biofilms for 12 ST1 isolates tested. However, the carbohy- In addition, the bacterial ability to adhere to, colonize and drate oxidant metaperiodate almost did not affect the bio- invade host tissues is considered important factor associ- film accumulated by these isolates (Figure 2, top). CLSM atedwithbacterialvirulence,adaptationandspread[14,15]. studiesrevealedthattheagr-dysfunctional08–008accumu- Different surface proteins have been implicated in biofilm lated a denser and compactbiofilm whencompared to the formation/accumulation and host colonization, including heterogeneous film formed by the agr-functional isolate fibronectin-binding proteins A and B (FnBPAB), S. aureus (96/05). Despite the stronger biofilm phenotype displayed surfaceproteinG(SasG)andstaphylococcalproteinA(Spa) by the isolate 08–008, proteinase K could significantly [16-19].Inaddition,extracellularDNA(eDNA)hasalso removethebiologicalfilmaccumulated(Figure2,bottom). beenassociatedwithbacterialbiofilms[20]. It is also well known that virulence in S. aureus is RoleofeDNAinST1biofilm modulated by an intricate regulatory network [21]. The No correlation was detected between the activity of accessorygeneregulator(agr),themajorS.aureusquorum bacterial DNase and the levels of biofilm accumulated sensing system, down-regulates a number of genes by 17 USA400-related isolates displaying strong, moderate encodingforcell-surfaceproteinsinvolvedincolonization orweakbiofilmphenotypes(Figure3,top).Theadditionof processes, and up-regulates (by an indirect mechanism 28U/wellDNaseIintheculturemediadidnotsignificantly involving RNAIII dependent down-regulation of Rot) affect the biofilm formed by these ST1 isolates. However, differentexoproteinsassociatedwithhost-celldamages when this concentration was increased to 56U/well, [22]. Previous works have suggested that inactivation of a significant (p=0.0078) reduction of 31% in biofilm AgrcouldbeveryeffectiveatinhibitingS.aureusinfections accumulation was detected (BU untreated =0.91±0.1 and [23], including those associated with implantable medical treated=0.63±0.078;Figure3,leftbottom).Inaddition,the devices[24,25].Studieshavedemonstratedthatbiofilm concentration of eDNA recovered from the supernatant of Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page3of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 Figure1BiofilmformedbyST1isolates.Top:Percentageofthetotal60ST1isolatesdisplayingstrong,moderateandweakbiofilm phenotypes.WellsshowthedifferentbiofilmphenotypesformedoninertpolystyrenesurfacesbyrepresentativeST1isolates.Bottom:Biofilm formedoninertorfibronectin-coatedsurfacesby19ST1isolates. the strong biofilm producer (BU=1.167 ±0.07) isolate 0.004), 89/05 (RQ=1.194±0.1), 08–068 (RQ=2.841±0.816), 08–008 was 182 ng/mL, three-times higher than that 07–135 (RQ=1.867±0.69), 07–058 (RQ=1±0.62), displaying determined for the weaker producer (BU=0.348±0.01) different levels of agr expression (Figure 5, top left), we isolate 117/05 (Figure 3, right bottom). In agreement could not find a negative linear correlation between mecA with these results, we have also detected a moderate and agr expressions (correlation coefficient, r = 0.823). correlation (r=0.59) between bacterial autolysis and Thus,anoverexpressionofmecAcannottobeimplicated biofilm accumulation, when 4 stronger biofilm producers in the inhibition of RNAIII transcription. Because agr is werecomparedwiththesamenumberofweakerproducers positively regulated by SarA, the expression of sarA gene (Figure4). was also analyzed by RT-qPCR. Our data showed a significant (p=0.0052) attenuation of sarA for the agr- agrRNAIIIinhibition dysfunctional isolate 08–008 when compared with the About 13% (8/60) of the USA400 related isolates exhibited agr-functional 96/05 (Figure 6). noapparenthemolyticactivity(Figure5,topright).These8 isolates had almost undetectable agr expression by Animalmodel RT-qPCR (Figure 5, top left). Of significance is the fact Thenaturallyagr-dysfunctionalMRSAwasabletocolonize that 4 out of 8 agr-dysfunctional MRSA were recovered and grow on the surface of implanted catheter fragment, fromBSI(50%).TheRNAIIItranscriptionallevelsforthe8 as well as to accumulate an increased amount of biofilm agr-functional isolates analyzed were significantly lower (2-log CFU/mL) when compared with the agr-functional than that of strain RN6390B (Figure 5, top left). When we isolate (Figure 7, top). The stability of the agr expression correlatedthebiofilmvalues(BU)withthelevelsofRNAIII intheagr-dysfunctionalMRSAwasexaminedbyobserving transcription, we found that the population of clinical the hemolytic activity of individual colonies. No hemolytic isolates with no hemolytic activity showed significant halo was detected before and after passages in mice increase (p=0.01) in biofilm formation/accumulation (Figure7,bottom). (Figure 5, bottom). No significant difference could be detectedinthevaluesofoxacillinMICwhenagr-functional Expressionofagr-regulatedgenes (MIC =128μg/mL)werecomparedwithagr-dysfunctional Total RNA obtained from isolates with significant differ- 90 isolates (MIC = 128μg/mL). Indeed, when we quantified ences (p<0.001) in the RNAIII transcription level (08–008; 90 mecA transcripts for 5 ST1 isolates, 08–008 (RQ=0.06± RQ=0.0001±0.16 and 96/05; RQ=0.53±0.13) was used to Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page4of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 Figure2Proteinaceousnatureofthebiofilm.Top:Effectof1mM/wellsodiummetaperiodateor6U/wellproteinaseKonpreformedbiofilm. WellsshowtheeffectofthesecompoundsonbiofilmspreformedoninertpolystyrenesurfacesbyrepresentativeST1isolates.Bottom:Confocal laserscanningmicroscopy(CLSM)imagesofproteinaseK-treatedand-untreatedbiofilmsstainedwithSYTO9.Thesquareindicatesthesliceof thebiofilmfromwhichtheXYimagewastaken.ThehorizontalbarindicatesthelocationoftheXplanefromwhichthecross-sectionwastaken. Isolate08–008(strongbiofilmproducer,agr-dysfunctional),96/05(moderatebiofilmproducer,agr-functional). analyze the expression of genes that are well known to be Expressionofbiofilm-associatedgenesfnbAB,sasGandspa regulatedbyagr.Asexpected,theagr-up-regulatedhlawas The agr-dysfunctional isolate 08–008, which showed less expressed (p<0.01) in the isolate 08–008 (Figure 8) increased biofilm accumulation in vitro and in vivo, when compared with the isolate 96/05 (RQ=0.05±0.01 and had a significant increase (p=0.02) in fnbA transcripts RQ=0.33±0.05, respectively). Similar pattern of expression (RQ =10.08±0.18) when compared with the isolate fnbA was found for another agr-up-regulated gene, psmα 96/05RQ =4.91±0.19;Figure8).However,nosignificant fnbA (RQ =75.90±0.10 and RQ =0.005±0.12; p<0.001), difference was detected when fnbB expression were ana- 96/05 08-008 except that in this case we also observed a very high lyzed (RQ =0.11±0.04; RQ =0.18±0.05; Figure 8). 96/05 08-008 expression of psmα for 96/05 (Figure 8). To verify if SimilarlytofnbA,theexpressionofsasG(Figure8;p=0.03) this amplified expression was a characteristic of this and spa (Figure 8; p<0.001) was also increased in 08–008 MRSA clone, other agr-functional isolates were randomly (RQ =1.13±0.11; RQ =52.8±0.17) compared with sasG spa selected for testing. High level of psmα transcripts 96/05isolate(RQ =0.65±0.14;RQ =0.8±0.20). sasG spa was also detected for the isolates 07–035, 07–059 and 08–068 (RQ =35.71±0.06; RQ =48.90±0.07; Adherenceandinvasion 07 035 07-059 RQ =31.30±0.07). For all virulence genes tested, The naturally agr-dysfunctional isolate 08–008 showed 08-068 the expression of the agr-functional isolate BMB9393 significant increase (p<0.05) in the adherence to human was higher than that of USA400-related isolates, except airway cells, reaching 25.27%±0.4% at 3h30min of incuba- for psmα gene (Figure 8). Accordingly, the RNAIII- tion. In contrast, at the same conditions, the adherence of down-regulated spa gene showed a very significant the agr-functional (isolate 96/05) to airway cells occurred lower expression (p<0.001) in the agr-functional 96/05 in much less extent (4.94%±0.2%). Similarly, invasion was (RQ=0.8±0.20) compared with the agr-dysfunctional also higher for the agr-dysfunctional isolate (6.37%±0.3%) isolate08–008(RQ=52.8±0.17;Figure8). when compared with the agr-functional (1.76%±0.2%) at Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page5of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 Figure3BacterialDNaseactivity,treatmentofthebiofilmwithDNaseIandeDNAassay.Top:DNaseactivitywasdetectedinculture supernatantsof16ST1isolatesbymeasuringthehalosize(cm)producedonDifco™DNaseTestAgar(BD).BU:Biofilmvaluesfor16ST1isolates usinginertpolystyrene.Leftbottom:For16ST1isolates,56U/wellofDNaseIwereaddedtotheculturemediaandtheamountofbiofilm accumulateddetermined.Rightbottom:TheconcentrationofeDNAdeterminedinthebiofilmsupernatant.Isolate08–008(strongbiofilm producer,agr-dysfunctional),96/05(moderatebiofilmproducer,agr-functional). 3h30minincubation(Figure9,top).Likewise,anincreased Discussion invasive ability in the stationary phase was observed The great majority of the USA400-related isolates for the agr-knockout MHC474 (10.6%±0.3%) when (50/60; 83.3%) were able to accumulate strong/moderate compared with the wild type (HC474; 2.8%±0.1%) and biofilms on polystyrene surfaces. The isolates remaining complemented construction CMHC474 (2.3%±0.1%; producedweakbiofilms.Theabilitytoaccumulatebiofilm p=0.0033;Figure9,bottom). increased when the surfaces were covered with human fibronectin,asalsoreportedbyothers[19,29].Inopposition to our results, it was reported that MW2 MRSA had a weak biofilm phenotype [30,31]. Similarly, a slight biofilm accumulation (OD=0.25-0.3) was observed for another USA400 strain called BAA-1683 [32]. In addition, recent data from our laboratory (Ramundo MS & Figueiredo AMS, 2012; unpublished observations) showed that anotherSCCmecIVisolates(ST30CA-MRSA)accumulated much lower amount of biofilm compared with ST1-SCC mecIVisolates. Previousdatafromourgroup[12]havealsodemonstrated thattheST1isolatesfromRiodeJaneirodonotcarrylukSF genes and have acquired a number of antimicrobial resistance traits. Thus, it is possible that the enhanced Figure4AutolysisassaysforUSA400-relatedisolates.07–058, abilityto accumulatebiofilm,associatedwiththebiological 105/05,107/05arestrongbiofilmproducers;07–035,07–042,07–135 cost of acquired resistance and the absence of PVL, moderate;and07–062,117/05weakproducers. might have been the results (at least in part) of the Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page6of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 Figure5agrdifferentialexpressioninUSA400-relatedisolates.Topleft:rnaIIIexpressionwasanalyzedbyRT-qPCRusingΔΔC comparative T method.RQ:Relativequantity,(BSI):bloodstreaminfection,(CT):cathetertip,(P):Pneumonia,(C):colonizationand(PF):prosthesisfragment.Top right:Thearrowindicatesthearrow-tip-likezoneoftheδ-hemolysinactivityonsheepbloodagar.Bottom:Meanbiofilmvalues(BU)forthe populationsformedbyisolatesshowinghemolyticactivityorabsenceofhemolysis. microevolutionary events that accounted for changes resultswerealsoobservedbyothersusingdifferentMRSA in a previously community pathogen, promoting enhanced isolates [33,34]. Some researchers have suggested that the bacterialfitnesstospreadinhospitalsandcausehealth-care bacterial autolysis increases eDNA concentration and, associated diseases. The ica-independent nature of the consequently, enhances the level of biofilm accumulation biofilmformedbyUSA400-relatedisolateswasrevealed [20]. In fact, in our study, we observed a moderate bythedisruptionofbacterialfilmbyproteinaseK.Similar correlation between biofilm accumulation and autolysis. In addition, we detected threefold increase in eDNA for the ST1 MRSA displaying enhanced ability to accumulate biofilm.Indeed,theadditionofDNaseI(56U/Well)caused asignificantreduction(about30%)inbiofilmaccumulation, suggesting eDNA cooperatively contributes to the biofilm architectureofST1isolates. The statistical analysis showed that the group of clinical isolates with no hemolytic activity (agr-dysfunctional) had significant increase in the level of biofilm accumulation whencomparedwithagr-functionalisolates.Thesedataare in agreement with previous studies for agr-laboratory knockouts [27,35,36], which have indicated that some agr mutants can display increased levels of biofilm accumulation. In spite of that, using another S. aureus strainitwasreportedthatinhibitionofagrreducedbiofilm Figure6TranscriptionallevelsofsarAdeterminedbyusing accumulation significantly [24,25]. In fact, agrRNAIII is a ΔΔCTcomparativemethod.(1)USA400-relatedisolates08–008 negative regulator of different surface proteins [22,23], and (agr-dysfunctional)and(2)96/05(agr-functional).(3)BMB9393wasused consistent with this regulation, amplified expression of asacontroland(4)RN6390Bascalibrator.RQ:Relativequantity. genes encoding for biofilm-associated proteins FnBPA, Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page7of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 with the enhanced expression of PSMα were not clarified [39]. Despite the importance of these virulence factors for S. aureus pathogenicity, it is remarkable that among the agr-dysfunctional variants, 4 were recovered from cases of BSI, 2 from colonization, 1 from pneumonia and 1 from infectedprosthesis,showingthatthesevariantswereableto colonizeandcausebothsevereacute(pneumoniaandBSI) andchronic(foreign-bodyinfection)staphylococcaldiseases in humans. These data demonstrated that regardless the reduced virulence of agr-laboratory knockouts in some animalmodels[40],thevirulenceofnaturallydysfunctional agr variants was confirmed for hospitalized patients. In contrast to the assumption that agr-dysfunctional isolates may not be able to initiate infections [41], the isolate 08–008 was able to colonize polyurethane endovenous catheter in a foreign-body mouse model, forming a denser biofilm accumulation when compared with the agr-functionalisolate.Itisimportanttostatethatbecause the ST1 isolates studied were not isogenic, it is possible that factors other than the inhibition of agr might also have accounted for the increased biofilm accumulation observed. Nevertheless, supporting our data, similar increase of the biofilm formed on catheters implanted Figure7Invivobiofilmaccumulationandstabilityofagr in mice was previously reported for an agr laboratory inhibition.Top:Fortheforeignbodyanimalmodel,datawere transformedinpercentageconsideringtheCFU/mLoftheisolate knockout [28]. In opposition to the results obtained by 08–008asthereferencevalue(100%).Bottom:Thestabilityofagr Traber et al. [41], all individual colonies formed by the inhibitionwastestedbyexaminingthehemolyticactivityof agr-dysfunctional MRSA remained non-hemolytic before individualcoloniesoftheisolates08–008before(left)andafter and after passages in mice, strongly suggesting the genetic (right)passageintheanimal. stability of the phenotype. This stability was confirmed for all agr-dysfunctional isolates from our collection. SasG and Spa was found for the agr-dysfunctional variant. Corroborating our findings, while we were finishing BothFnBPAandBhavebeenimplicatedasmajorproteins thismanuscript,wenoticedtheworkbyParketal.[42] for biofilm formation/accumulation in S. aureus [19,33]. that found agr dysfunction in S. aureus significantly However, despite the detection of an enhanced expression associated with persistent bacteremia with eradicated of fnbA, we could not find a significant increase in the foci, even though the predominant MRSA isolates transcription of fnbB-mRNA for the agr-dysfunctional showed SCCmecII, agrII (possible belonging to USA100- ST1-MRSA. Equally, a study from Wolz and collabora- New York/Japan clone) while the isolates studied here tors suggested that fnbB was not significantly affected displayed SCCmecIV, agrIII and clustered in USA400- byagr[36]. MW2/WA-1 clone. In fact, the bacterial ability to adhere Confirming the agr inhibition detected, the expression toandinvadeepithelialcells,andconsequentlyevadehost oftwo genesup-regulated byRNAIII, hlaand psmα,was defense mechanisms, has already been associated with lower compared with the agr-functional MRSA. Both persistenceinhostcellsanddevelopmentofdisseminated cytolysins (HLA and PSMα) seem to have remarkable infections [43,44]. In the present study, the differential roles in the pathogenesis of S. aureus. HLA has been expression of agrRNAIII in MRSA clinical isolates had associated with lethal pneumonia in USA400 and USA300 a significant impact on adherence and invasion at strains [37,38]. It was also previously found that psmα- 3h30min incubation. The same impact was observed deletedmutantofCA-MRSAexhibitedattenuatedviru- for the agr isogenic knockout, as previously showed by lence in animal models [39]. In this study, we detected others using different cell lines and mostly laboratory asuperiorexpressionofpmsαbytheagr-functionalisolates mutants[26,45]. of USA400-related clone detected in Rio de Janeiro. In Recently, Pozzi et al. demonstrated that high level of fact, it was shown by others that the transcription of PBP2aexpressionbythehomogeneousmethicillin-resistant psmα-mRNA was increased in most prevalent CA-MRSA derivative of the strain 8325–4 induced a proteinaceous lineages, including MW2, compared with other S. aureus biofilm and significant repression of the agr locus [46]. In isolates[39].However,themolecularmechanismsinvolved addition, excision of the SCCmec element from the MRSA Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page8of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 Figure8Transcriptionallevelsofvirulence-associatedgenesdeterminedbyRT-qPCR,usingΔΔC comparativemethod.(1)USA400-related T isolates08–008(agr-dysfunctional)and(2)96/05(agr-functional).(3)BMB9393wasusedasacontroland(4)RN6390Bascalibrator.RQ:Relativequantity. strain BH1CC, with consequent loss ofoxacillinresistance, mutants had lower ability to bind to fibronectin due to had the opposite effect on biofilm and lead to an increase sarA down-regulation of fnbA transcription [36]. Possible of the agrRNAIII transcription. In addition, Rudkin et al. explanationsforthisapparentdivergencecouldbethefact showedthatmethicillinresistancereducedthevirulence thattheagr-dysfunctionalST1studiedshowedonlypartial of HA-MRSA by interfering with agr [47]. The great sarAinhibition,ormaydisplaystrain-dependentvariation majority of ST1 isolates studied had MIC of 128 μg/mL in the genetic background affecting other genes apart to (agr-functional or -dysfunctional), which is compatible thosestudied. with heterogeneous resistance to this drug. Indeed, mecA overexpression was not detected in the agr-dysfunctional Conclusion isolates tested. SarA, a global transcriptional regulator of Isolates of this novel hospital-associated USA400 clone S. aureus, was previously found to be a positive regulator were able to accumulate moderate/strong amount of of agr and of biofilm formation/accumulation [21,48]. biofilms,invitroandinvivo,andcouldefficientlyadhere Thus, aiming to understand the mechanism involved in toandinvadehumanairwaycells.Moreover,agrinhibition agr impairment in these clinical isolates, the level of sarA wasanordinaryphenomenonamongthoseisolates,which transcripts was also examined. It was observed that seems to have impacted the expression of some important sarA expression was significantly diminished in the virulencegenesstudied.Althoughitisdifficulttointerpret agr-dysfunctional compared with the agr-functional in vitro studies in the light of what occurs in an infected MRSA,suggestingthedefectwasupstreamagr.Beeken human host, it follows logical that the enhanced adhesive et al. indicated that sarA repression inhibited biofilm properties combined with the acquisition of multiple drug accumulation due to SarA inhibition of both proteases resistancetraitsbyST1isolatescouldhaveprovidedfitness andnucleasesactivityeitherinthepresenceorabsence advantagesforspreadinginhospitalenvironments.Indeed, of agr mutations [49]. In contrast, the results obtained agr-dysfunctional isolates were recovered from cases of heredemonstratedthat agr-dysfunctional isolates showed hospital pneumonia, bacteremia and infected prosthesis. increased biofilm accumulation, despite the fact that Finally,ourresultsstronglysuggestthatstrategiesforcon- sarA-mRNA transcripts were reduced. In fact, other trollingMRSAbiofilmbasedonagrinhibitionapproaches studies have showed that sarA or agr-sarA laboratory areunlikelytobeeffective,atleastforST1MRSAisolates. Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page9of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 S. aureus RN4220 and RN6390B, a gift from Richard Novick (New York University), were used for hemolytic activity and gene expression analyses; respectively. This study was approved (#1055/09) by the Human Research EthicsCommitteefromFederalUniversityofRiodeJaneiro, RJ,Brazil. Minimalinhibitoryconcentration(MIC) OxacillinMICwasdeterminedusingMüllerHintonplates andperformedinaccordancewiththeClinicalLaboratories StandardsInstitutes(CLSI)guidelines[50]. Invitrobiofilmassay For all 60 isolates, biofilm was tested using 96-well inert polystyrenemicrotiterplates(Nunclon;NuncA/S,Roskilde, Denmark) as previously described [28]. The biofilm unit (BU)wasdefinedasindicatedbyAmaraletal.[14]andthe isolates were classified as non-producers (BU≤0.230), weak (BU>0.230 and ≤0.460), moderate (BU>0.460 and ≤0.920) or strong producers (BU>0.920), as suggested [14]. For 19isolates,biofilmassayswerealsocarriedoutonsurfaces covered with human fibronectin (Merck; Darmstadt, Germany)aspreviouslydescribed[28]. In some experiments, before treatment with crystal violet, the biofilm was treated with sodium metaperiodate (10mM/well;Sigma;St.Louis,MO,USA)orproteinase K (6U/well, Invitrogen; Carlsbad, California, EUA) [27]. Confocallaserscanningmicroscopy(CLSM)wasemployed to record and contrast structural images of the biofilm as described [28]. eDNA was quantified in biofilm su- W Figure9Adherenceandinvasionassaysusinghumanbronchial pernatants using Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer (Invitrogen; epithelialcellline(16HBe14o-).Top:96/05(agr-functional)and Eugene, Oregon, USA), after ethanol precipitation. For 08–008(agr-dysfunctional).Bottom:Invasionassaywasalsodetermined some experiments, biofilms were formed in the presence after3h30minforthewild-typestrainHC474,isogenicagrknockout MHC474(Δagr::tetM)andthernaIII-trans-complementedconstruction of DNase I (28U/well or 56U/well Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CMHC474(Δagr::tetM,pbla-rnaIII). California,EUA). Animalmodel Methods A pair of isolates showing differential agr expression Isolates (08–008, agr-dysfunctional, obtained from BSI and 96/05, Sixty USA400-related isolates were obtained from patients agr-functional, from CT) wasused. The mouse subcutane- locatedindifferenthospitalwardsinRiodeJaneiroaspart ous catheter implant model was described in detail by of standard clinical care. Thirty isolates were recovered Ferreira et al. [28]. Briefly, two intravenous polyurethane from BSI (50%) and 8 from catheter tips (CT; 13.3%). The catheter segments (C-UDLM-953J model; Cook Medical, remaining were from colonization (C; 13.3%), pneumonia Bloominaton, USA) were implanted in the back of each (P; 6.7%),skin/soft tissue infections(SSTI; 5%), urinary anesthetizedyoung-adultBALB/cmalemice.Infectionwas tract infections (UTI; 3.3%) and prosthesis fragment induced 24 h after the implantation procedure by injecting (PF; 1.7%). The infection sites had not been reported a mid-exponential growth phase culture (106 CFU/10 μL) for 4 isolates. The agr-knockout MNY474 (Δagr::tetM) into the lumen of the implanted catheter segment. The and the rnaIII-trans-complemented mutant CMNY474 animal was euthanized after three days post-infection, and (Δagr::tetM, pbla-rnaIII) were previously constructed the catheter segments were surgically removed to assess from the clinical S. aureus isolate NY474 [27]. BMB9393 the biofilm by counting catheter-adherent bacteria by (ST239-SCCmecIII) was used as positive control for CFUdetermination.Threeindependentexperimentswere biofilm and gene expression experiments [27]. The performed. The animal study was approved (#IMPPG013) Ferreiraetal.BMCMicrobiology2013,13:93 Page10of12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/13/93 by The Ethics Committee for Animal Care and Use from Table1PrimersusedinRealTimeqPCR FederalUniversityofRiodeJaneiro,RJ,Brazil. Target Primersequencea Amplicon Reference gene length(bp) DNaseactivity rnaIII F:AATTTGTTCACTGTGTCGATAAT 135 Thisstudy ™ Difco DNase Test Agar (BD; Becton, Dickinson and R:TGGAAAATAGTTGATGAGTTGTT Company, Sparks, USA) was used to screen 17 USA400- sarA F:TTCTTTCTCTTTGTTTTCGCTG 115 Thisstudy relatedMRSA,asrecommendedbythemanufacturer. R:GTTATCAATGGTCACTTATGCT spa F:TGGTTTGCTGGTTGCTTCTTA 116 Thisstudy Autolysisassay Autolysin activity was measured in 8 selected isolates as R:GCAAAAGCAAACGGCACTAC previously described [51], except that cells were grown hla F:TTTGTCATTTCTTCTTTTTCCCA 169 Thisstudy inTSB1%Glc. R:AAGCATCCAAACAACAAACAAAT psmα F:TATCAAAAGCTTAATCGAACAATTC 176 53 Hemolyticactivity R:CCCCTTCAAATAAGATGTTCATATC Theδ-hemolysin(Hld),encodedbythehldgene,iscodified sasG F:GGTTTTCAGGTCCTTTTGGAT 192 Thisstudy within the rnaIII region and, consequently, the detection of δ-hemolysin is an indicative of agr expression. Sixty R:CTGGTGAAGAGCGAGTGAAA USA400-related isolates were screened for hemolytic fnbpA F:ACTTGATTTTGTGTAGCCTTTTT 185 Thisstudy activity on sheep red blood (5%) agar plates (Plast Labor, R:GAAGAAGCACCAAAAGCAGTA RJ,Brazil)aspreviouslydescribed[52]. fnbpB F:CGTTATTTGTAGTTGTTTGTGTT 118 Thisstudy R:TGGAATGGGACAAGAAAAAGAA Geneexpression rrna16S F:AGAGATAGAGCCTTCCCCTT 84 Thisstudy For RNA preparations, bacterial cells grown in TSB (18h/37°C; 250 rpm) were obtained in the exponential R:TTAACCCAACATCTCACGACA phase (OD = 0.3) and in the stationary phase. mecA F:TCCAGATTACAACTTCACCAGG 162 54 600nm Total RNA was prepared using the RNeasy Mini kit R:CCACTTCATATCTTGTAACG (Qiagen; Maryland, USA) and quantified by the Qubit aFandR:forwardandreverseprimers,respectively,in5´→3´orientation.The 2.0Fluorometer.TheRNAqualitywasanalyzedbyrunning cyclingconditionsforallprimerswereasfollows:Onecycleof48°C/30min RNA-gel electrophoresis. The real-time quantitative PCR and95°C/10min,followedby35cyclesof95°C/30s,55°C/45sand72°C/45s. W Eachrunincludedanontemplateandagene-negativeRNAcontrols. (RT-qPCR) was carried out using Power SYBR Green ™ RNA-to-C 1-Step Kit (Applied Biosystems; Foster city, 0.25% (wt/vol) trypsin (11,000 U/mg; Sigma; St. Louis, T CA, USA) as recommended, using ΔΔCt comparative MO USA), lysed (5 min/37°C) with 0.025% (vol/vol) method.TheprimersandrunconditionsusedforrnaIII, Triton X-100 (Sigma) and plated in TSA. For determining hla, psmα [53], sarA, mecA[54], spa, sasG, fnbA and the CFU of invasive bacteria (CFU), infected monolayers I fnbB genes and for the endogenous control rrna 16S are werewashedtwiceinDMEMandincubated(20min/37°C) listedinTable1.Allprimersdesignedforthisstudywere with 100 μg/mL lysostaphin (500 U/mg; Sigma) to lyse validated as recommended (Guide to Performing Relative adherent bacteria. Monolayers were washed twice and Quantitation of Gene Expression Using Real-Time incubated(5min/37°C)with0.25%(wt/vol)trypsin.The Quantitative PCR; Applied Biosystems). The run was epithelial cells were lysed (5 min/37°C) with 0.025% ™ performed in the Step One Real Time PCR System (vol/vol) triton X-100 and plated. For each aliquot, the (Applied Biosystems). Data were analyzed using the totalCFUinthesupernatantwasalsodetermined(CFU ). S StepOneSoftware2.2(AppliedBiosystems). The CFU of adherent bacteria (CFU ) was obtained by A the formula: CFU = CFU - CFU. The percentages of A AI I Adherenceandinvasionkinetics invasiveoradherentbacteriawerecalculatedconsideringas Bacterial adherence and invasion were investigated using 100%thetotalCFUobtainedbythesumofCFU +CFU AI S human bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE14o- cell line) as foreachaliquot.InadditiontotheUSA400-relatedisolates, described [14], except that monolayers were prepared the wild-type HC474, and the isogenic Δagr::tetM and using Dulbecco´s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM, rnaIII-trans-complemented constructions were also used LowGlucose1X;Gibco,Invitrogen,GrandIsland,USA) forinvestigatingbacterialinvasion. and 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (Gibco, Invitrogen). For determining the colony forming units (CFU) of the Statisticalcalculations total adhered and invasive bacteria (CFU ), infected Student’s t-test (unpaired data) was used to compare the AI monolayers were washed twice in DMEM (to remove means of the biofilm values and of the data from gene non-adherent bacteria), incubated (5 min/37°C) with expression experiments. In addition, correlation coefficient

Results: The impact of naturally occurring inhibition of agr signaling on virulence profiles and .. DNase Test Agar (BD; Becton, Dickinson and.
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