IMPACT OF AASHTO LRFD SPECIFICATIONS ON THE DESIGN OF PRECAST, PRETENSIONED U-BEAM BRIDGES A Thesis by MOHSIN ADNAN Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE December 2005 Major Subject: Civil Engineering IMPACT OF AASHTO LRFD SPECIFICATIONS ON THE DESIGN OF PRECAST, PRETENSIONED U-BEAM BRIDGES A Thesis by MOHSIN ADNAN Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Approved by: Co-Chairs of Committee, Mary Beth D. Hueste Peter B. Keating Committee Member, Terry Kohutek Head of Department, David V. Rosowsky December 2005 Major Subject: Civil Engineering iii ABSTRACT Impact of AASHTO LRFD Specifications on the Design of Precast, Pretensioned U- Beam Bridges. (December 2005) Mohsin Adnan, B.S., NWFP University of Engineering and Technology Co-Chairs of Advisory Committee: Dr. Mary Beth D. Hueste Dr. Peter B. Keating Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is currently designing its highway bridge structures using the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, and it is expected that TxDOT will make transition to the use of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications before 2007. The objectives of this portion of the study are to evaluate the current LRFD Specifications to assess the calibration of the code with respect to typical Texas U54 bridge girders, to perform a critical review of the major changes when transitioning to LRFD design, and to recommend guidelines to assist TxDOT in implementing the LRFD Specifications. This study focused only on the service and ultimate limit states and additional limit states were not evaluated. The available literature was reviewed to document the background research relevant to the development of the LRFD Specifications, such that it can aid in meeting the research objectives. Two detailed design examples, for Texas U54 beams using the LRFD and Standard Specifications, were developed as a reference for TxDOT bridge design engineers. A parametric study was conducted for Texas U54 beams to perform an in-depth analysis of the differences between designs using both specifications. Major parameters considered in the parametric study included span length, girder spacing, strand diameter and skew angle. Based on the parametric study supplemented by the literature review, several conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made. The most crucial design issues were significantly restrictive debonding percentages and the limitations of approximate method of load distribution. iv The current LRFD provisions of debonding percentage of 25 percent per section and 40 percent per row will pose serious restrictions on the design of Texas U54 bridges. This will limit the span capability for the designs incorporating normal strength concretes. Based on previous research and successful past practice by TxDOT, it was recommended that up to 75% of the strands may be debonded, if certain conditions are met. The provisions given in the LRFD Specifications for the approximate load distribution are subject to certain limitations of span length, edge distance parameter (d ) e and number of beams. If these limitations are violated, the actual load distribution should be determined by refined analysis methods. During the parametric study, several of these limitations were found to be restrictive for typical Texas U54 beam bridges. Two cases with span lengths of 140 ft. and 150 ft., and a 60 degree skew were investigated by grillage analysis method. v DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my grandfather Saeed Ahmed Khan, my parents Nuzhat Mufti and Ahmed Zia Babar and my wife Zubia Naji. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My utmost gratitude is to Almighty God, who has been very kind to me during all these years. It is a pleasure to thank many who made this thesis possible. Firstly, I would like to gratefully acknowledge the guidance and support that I received from my advisor, Dr. Mary Beth D. Hueste. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my M.S., and without her common-sense, knowledge and perceptiveness I would never have finished. I appreciate the contribution of Dr. Peter Keating and Dr. Terry Kohutek for their helpful review of this document. I am grateful to my father-in-law Dr. Ahmed Riaz Naji as he has been a continual source of guidance and support during my M.S. I wish to acknowledge the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) who funded this research through the Texas Transportation Institute. I also wish to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Department of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University. I greatly benefited from very many technical discussions with Mr. Mohammad Safiudin Adil, a graduate student at Texas A&M University. Finally, and most importantly, I am forever indebted to my parents Nuzhat Mufti and Ahmed Zia Babar, and my wife Zubia Naji for their understanding, endless patience, encouragement and love when it was most required. I am also grateful to Tashfeen, Farhan and Hassan for their love and support. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................iii DEDICATION ..............................................................................................................v TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................vii LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................ix LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................xii 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1 1.1 Background and Problem Statement.............................................................1 1.2 Objectives and Scope....................................................................................3 1.3 Research Methodolgy....................................................................................3 1.4 Organization of Thesis..................................................................................7 2. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................9 2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................9 2.2 AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications..............................................9 2.3 Code Calibration and Application of Reliability Theory............................21 2.4 Development of Vehicular Live Load Model.............................................28 2.5 Vehicular Live Load Distribution Factors..................................................30 2.6 Debonding of Prestressing Strands.............................................................46 2.7 Refined Analysis.........................................................................................57 3. PARAMETRIC STUDY OUTLINE AND ANALYSIS PROCEDURES..........67 3.1 General........................................................................................................67 3.2 Bridge Geometry and Girder Section..........................................................68 3.3 Design Parameters.......................................................................................70 3.4 Detailed Design Examples..........................................................................72 3.5 Verification of Design Approach................................................................73 3.6 Design Loads and Distribution....................................................................75 3.7 Analysis and Design Procedure...................................................................85 viii Page 4. PARAMETRIC STUDY RESULTS.................................................................123 4.1 Introduction...............................................................................................123 4.2 Live Load Moments and Shears................................................................125 4.3 Service Load Design.................................................................................141 4.4 Ultimate Limit State Design......................................................................166 5. GRILLAGE ANALYSIS...................................................................................183 5.1 Introduction...............................................................................................183 5.2 Problem Statement....................................................................................184 5.3 Verification of Finite Element Analysis....................................................184 5.4 Calibration of Grillage Model...................................................................189 5.5 Grillage Model Development....................................................................194 5.6 Application of HL-93 Design Truck Live Load........................................200 5.7 Grillage Analysis and Postprocessing of Results......................................202 5.8 LRFD Load Distribution Factors..............................................................204 5.9 Summary of Results and Conclusion........................................................204 6. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................207 6.1 Summary...................................................................................................207 6.2 Design Issues and Recommendations.......................................................209 6.3 Conclusions...............................................................................................215 6.4 Recommendations for Future Research....................................................221 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................222 APPENDIX A PARAMETRIC STUDY RESULTS...............................................227 APPENDIX B DETAILED DESIGN EXAMPLES FOR INTERIOR TEXAS U54 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGE GIRDER DESIGN USING AASHTO STANDARD AND LRFD SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................................275 APPENDIX C ILLUSTRATIONS OF DERHERSVILLE BRIDGE USED FOR THE VERIFICATION OF FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS MODEL IN SECTION 5..................................................................406 VITA ..........................................................................................................410 ix LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Reliability Indices for LRFD Code, Simple Span Moments in Prestressed Concrete Girders (Nowak 1999)..........................................27 Figure 2.2 Reliability Indices for AASHTO Standard (1992), Simple Span Moments in Prestressed Concrete Girders (Nowak 1999)......................27 Figure 2.3 Grillage Bending Moment Diagram for Longitudinal Member (Hambly and Pennels 1975)....................................................................61 Figure 2.4 Principle Modes of Deformation (a)Total, (b) Longitudinal Bending, (c) Transverse Bending, (d) Torsion, (e) Distortion (Hambly 1991)......62 Figure 3.1 Typical Girder Bridge Cross Section......................................................68 Figure 3.2 Typical Section Geometry and Strand Pattern of Texas U54 Beam (Adapted from TxDOT 2001).................................................................69 Figure 3.3 Beam End Detail for Texas U54 Beams (TxDOT 2001)........................72 Figure 3.4 HL93 Design Truck (AASHTO 2004)...................................................77 Figure 3.5 HS20-44 Design Lane Load (AASHTO 2002).......................................77 Figure 3.6 HS20-44 Design Truck Load (AASHTO 2002).....................................78 Figure 3.7 Placement of Design Live Loads for a Simply Supported Beam...........81 Figure 3.8 Definition of d (for This Study).............................................................83 e Figure 3.9 Various Choices for Web and Flange Lengths, and Thicknesses for Texas U54 Beam to Calculate the Reduction Factor, φ ..................92 ω Figure 3.10 Neutral Axis Location...........................................................................103 Figure 4.1 Comparison of Live Load Distribution Factor for Moment.................129 Figure 4.2 Comparison of Live Load Distribution Factor for Shear......................130 Figure 4.3 Comparison of Undistributed Live Load Moment...............................131 Figure 4.4 Comparison of Undistributed Live Load Shear Force at Critical Section..................................................................................................134 Figure 4.5 Comparison of Distributed Live Load Moment...................................135 Figure 4.6 Comparison of Distributed Live Load Shear Force at Critical Section..................................................................................................138 Figure 4.7 Comparison of Undistributed Dynamic Load Moment at Midspan.....139 x Page Figure 4.8 Comparison of Undistributed Dynamic Load Shear Force at Critical Section.....................................................................................140 Figure 4.9 Maximum Span Length versus Girder Spacing for U54 Beam............143 Figure 4.10 Comparison of Initial Concrete Strength (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.).....152 Figure 4.11 Comparison of Final Concrete Strength (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)......156 Figure 4.12 Comparison of Initial Prestress Loss (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)...........157 Figure 4.13 Comparison of Final Prestress Loss (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)............162 Figure 4.14 Comparison of Factored Design Moment.............................................169 Figure 4.15 Comparison of Factored Design Shear at Respective Critical Section Location (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)..........................................171 Figure 4.16 Comparison of Nominal Moment Resistance (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)...................................................................................................174 Figure 4.17 Comparison of Nominal Moment Resistance (Strand Diameter 0.6 in.)...................................................................................................175 Figure 4.18 Comparison of Camber (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)................................176 Figure 4.19 Comparison of Transverse Shear Reinforcement Area (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)...................................................................................181 Figure 4.20 Comparison of Interface Shear Reinforcement Area (Strand Diameter 0.5 in.)...................................................................................182 Figure 5.1 Illustration of the Finite Element Model Used for Verification...........186 Figure 5.2 Comparison of Experimental Results vs. FEA Results........................189 Figure 5.3 Grillage Model No. 1............................................................................190 Figure 5.4 Grillage Model No. 2............................................................................191 Figure 5.5 Location of Longitudinal Member for Grillage Model No. 1...............191 Figure 5.6 Grillage Model (for 60 Degree Skew).................................................195 Figure 5.7 Calculation of St. Venant’s Torsional Stiffness Constant for Composite U54 Girder..........................................................................197 Figure 5.8 T501 Type Traffic Barrier and Equivalent Rectangular Section..........198