Immunomodulation in community-acquired pneumonia H.H.F. Remmelts Immunomodulation in community-acquired pneumonia Academic thesis, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands ISBN: 978-90-393-5926-6 Cover and layout: R. Sanders Printed by: Ten Brink, Meppel, the Netherlands Copyright © H.H.F. Remmelts, the Netherlands, 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior admission of the author. The copyright of the articles that have been accepted for publication or that have been published are transferred to the respective journals Publication of this thesis was financially supported by: Raad van Bestuur and Maatschap Internisten en MDL artsen, Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei Ede; Raad van Bestuur and Maatschap Interne Geneeskunde, St. Antonius Ziekenhuis Nieuwegein; Infection & Immunity Center Utrecht; Thermo Fisher Scientific; Pfizer bv; Astellas Pharma B.V. Immunomodulation in community-acquired pneumonia Modulatie van de immuunrespons bij een buiten het ziekenhuis verworven longontsteking (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof. dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 31 mei 2013 des middags te 12.45 uur door Hilde Hilligje Femmigje Remmelts geboren op 16 april 1984 te Kampen Promotores: Prof. dr. D.H. Biesma Prof. dr. G.T. Rijkers Copromotores: Dr. J.J. Oosterheert Dr. W.J.W. Bos Voor mijn ouders Beoordelingscommissie: Prof. dr. J.W.J. Lammers Prof. dr. M.J.M. Bonten Prof. dr. J.W.M. van der Meer Prof. dr. J.G.J. van de Winkel Prof. dr. M.M.E. Schneider Paranimfen: Mw. M.D. Brons Mw. L.J. Schijf Contents Chapter 1 General introduction, aims and outline of the thesis 11 Part I The immune response in community-acquired pneumonia 27 Chapter 2 Pathogen-specific inflammatory response patterns in 29 community-acquired pneumonia Part II Immunomodulation by dexamethasone 49 Chapter 3 Dexamethasone and length of hospital stay in patients 51 with community-acquired pneumonia: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Chapter 4 Dexamethasone downregulates the systemic cytokine 73 response in patients with community-acquired pneumonia Chapter 5 Biomarkers define the clinical response to 87 dexamethasone in community-acquired pneumonia Chapter 6 Changes in serum cortisol levels during community- 103 acquired pneumonia: the influence of dexamethasone Part III Immunomodulation by macrolides 113 Chapter 7 Immunomodulatory effects of macrolides during 115 community-acquired pneumonia: a review of literature Chapter 8 Adjuvant macrolides attenuate the pro-inflammatory 141 cytokine response to heat-killed Streptococcus pneumoniae Part IV Immunomodulation by vitamin D 157 Chapter 9 Addition of vitamin D status to prognostic scores 159 improves the prediction of outcome in community- acquired pneumonia Chapter 10 The role of vitamin D supplementation in the risk 177 of developing pneumonia: three independent case control studies Chapter 11 Summary, general discussion and perspectives 195 Summary for non-doctors (in Dutch) 219 List of co-authors 229 List of publications 235 Acknowledgements (in Dutch) 239 Curriculum vitae 247