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IMMUNOLO Author index Abbate, C. see Marshall, J.D. Caron, G. see Mcllroy, A. Abo, T. see Bakir, H.Y. Carvalho, C.R. see Rodrigues, C.M. Ackerman, A.L. see Shen, H. Casolaro, V. see Keen, J.C. Agar, S.L. see Reichstetter, S. Cervantes-Barragan, L. see Secundino, I. Akdis, C.A. see Taylor, A. Charbonneau, B. see Lees, J.R. Akdis, M. see Taylor, A. Chen, R. see Keen, J.C. Alldridge, L.C. see Smyth, T. Chen, Y.H. see Carmody, R.J. Alvarez-Vallina, L. see Cuesta, A.M. Chevailler, A. see Mcllroy, A. Apostolopoulos, V. see Pouniotis, D.S. Chiang, B.-L. see Lee, J.-H. Ariga, H. see Kikuchi, T. Chiyo, M. see Shimozato, O. Ashman, R.F. see Lenert, P. Chung, Y.J. see Kang, H.-K. Askenase, P.W. see Campos, R.A. iianferoni, A. see Keen, J.C. Atherton, S.S. see Li, H. Jody, V. see Shen, H. Averbeck, M. see Humrich, J.Y. ‘ohn, M. On the logic of positive selection, 452 ollins, L.V. see Brisslert, M. Bakir, H.Y., Tomiyama-Miyaji, C., Watanabe, H., Nagura, vompte, M. see Cuesta, A.M. T., Kawamura, T., Sekikawa, H. and Abo, T. Reasons why sone, RE. see Li, X. DBA/2 mice are resistant to malarial infection: expansion of vonstant, S. see Yurchenko, V. CD3"™ B220* yé T cells with double-negative CD4~- CD8 Dresswell, P. see Shen, H. phenotype in the liver, 127 Juesta, A.M., Suarez, E., Larsen, M., Jensen, K.B., Sanz, L., Balderas-Carrillo, O. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Compte, M., Kristensen, P. and Alvarez-Vallina, L. Bassam, S.E., Pinsonneault, S., Kornfeld, H., Ren, F., Menezes, Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency through linkage of J. and Laberge, S. Interleukin-16 inhibits interleukin-13 antigen to filamentous bacteriophage coat protein III domain ], production by allergen-stimulated blood mononuclear cells, 502 89 Batenburg, J.J. see Tacken, P.]. Daneri-Navarro, A. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Becker, I. see Secundino, I. Davison, T.F. see Withers, D.R. Bedford, P.A. see Maroof, A. Dejaco, C., Duftner, C., Grubeck-Loebenstein, B. and Schirmer, Blanchard, S. see Mcllroy, A. M. Imbalance of regulatory T cells in human autoimmune Blaser, K. see Taylor, A diseases, 289 Blom, A.M. see Wooster, D.G. Delneste, Y. see Mcllroy, A. Bokarewa, M. see Brisslert, M. Denner, J. see Langhammer, S. Borrebaeck, C.A.K. see Larsson, K. Dey, N. see Campos, R.A. Brianceau, P. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. Doria, G. see Nasta, F. Brisslert, M., Bokarewa, M., Larsson, P.. Wing, K., Duftner, C. see Dejaco, C. Collins, L.V. and Tarkowski, A. Phenotypic and functional Duluc, D. see Mcllroy, A. characterization of human CD25" B cells, 548 Brown, A. see Smyth, T. Ebert, E.C. CD2 activation of human lamina propria Bryant, C.E. see Smyth, T. lymphocytes reduces CD3 responsiveness, 71 Bukrinsky, M. see Yurchenko, V. Edelson, R.L. see Shen, H. Bunce, C. see Ierna, M.X. Ehlin-Henriksson, B., Mowafi, F., Klein, G. and Nilsson, A. Epstein-Barr virus infection negatively impacts the Calva, E. see Secundino, I. CXCR4-dependent migration of tonsillar B cells, 379 Campos, R.A., Szczepanik, M., Itakura, A., Lisbonne, M., Dey, Endl, E. see Wingender, G. N., Leite-de-Moraes, M.C. and Askenase, P.W. Interleukin-4- dependent innate collaboration between iNKT cells and Fanger, M.W. see Shen, L. B-1 B cells controls adaptative contact sensitivity, 536 Farnfield, B.A. see Smyth, T. Cantorna, M.T. see Froicu, M. Flores-Romo, L. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Carmody, R.J., Maguschak, K. and Chen, Y.H. A novel Florio, G. see Keen, J.C. mechanism of nuclear factor-KB regulation by adenoviral Florquin, S. see Leemans, J.C. protein 14-7K, 188 Frémaux, I. see Mcllroy, A. 578 © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, immunology, 117, 578-582 IMMUNOLO Author index Abbate, C. see Marshall, J.D. Caron, G. see Mcllroy, A. Abo, T. see Bakir, H.Y. Carvalho, C.R. see Rodrigues, C.M. Ackerman, A.L. see Shen, H. Casolaro, V. see Keen, J.C. Agar, S.L. see Reichstetter, S. Cervantes-Barragan, L. see Secundino, I. Akdis, C.A. see Taylor, A. Charbonneau, B. see Lees, J.R. Akdis, M. see Taylor, A. Chen, R. see Keen, J.C. Alldridge, L.C. see Smyth, T. Chen, Y.H. see Carmody, R.J. Alvarez-Vallina, L. see Cuesta, A.M. Chevailler, A. see Mcllroy, A. Apostolopoulos, V. see Pouniotis, D.S. Chiang, B.-L. see Lee, J.-H. Ariga, H. see Kikuchi, T. Chiyo, M. see Shimozato, O. Ashman, R.F. see Lenert, P. Chung, Y.J. see Kang, H.-K. Askenase, P.W. see Campos, R.A. iianferoni, A. see Keen, J.C. Atherton, S.S. see Li, H. Jody, V. see Shen, H. Averbeck, M. see Humrich, J.Y. ‘ohn, M. On the logic of positive selection, 452 ollins, L.V. see Brisslert, M. Bakir, H.Y., Tomiyama-Miyaji, C., Watanabe, H., Nagura, vompte, M. see Cuesta, A.M. T., Kawamura, T., Sekikawa, H. and Abo, T. Reasons why sone, RE. see Li, X. DBA/2 mice are resistant to malarial infection: expansion of vonstant, S. see Yurchenko, V. CD3"™ B220* yé T cells with double-negative CD4~- CD8 Dresswell, P. see Shen, H. phenotype in the liver, 127 Juesta, A.M., Suarez, E., Larsen, M., Jensen, K.B., Sanz, L., Balderas-Carrillo, O. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Compte, M., Kristensen, P. and Alvarez-Vallina, L. Bassam, S.E., Pinsonneault, S., Kornfeld, H., Ren, F., Menezes, Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency through linkage of J. and Laberge, S. Interleukin-16 inhibits interleukin-13 antigen to filamentous bacteriophage coat protein III domain ], production by allergen-stimulated blood mononuclear cells, 502 89 Batenburg, J.J. see Tacken, P.]. Daneri-Navarro, A. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Becker, I. see Secundino, I. Davison, T.F. see Withers, D.R. Bedford, P.A. see Maroof, A. Dejaco, C., Duftner, C., Grubeck-Loebenstein, B. and Schirmer, Blanchard, S. see Mcllroy, A. M. Imbalance of regulatory T cells in human autoimmune Blaser, K. see Taylor, A diseases, 289 Blom, A.M. see Wooster, D.G. Delneste, Y. see Mcllroy, A. Bokarewa, M. see Brisslert, M. Denner, J. see Langhammer, S. Borrebaeck, C.A.K. see Larsson, K. Dey, N. see Campos, R.A. Brianceau, P. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. Doria, G. see Nasta, F. Brisslert, M., Bokarewa, M., Larsson, P.. Wing, K., Duftner, C. see Dejaco, C. Collins, L.V. and Tarkowski, A. Phenotypic and functional Duluc, D. see Mcllroy, A. characterization of human CD25" B cells, 548 Brown, A. see Smyth, T. Ebert, E.C. CD2 activation of human lamina propria Bryant, C.E. see Smyth, T. lymphocytes reduces CD3 responsiveness, 71 Bukrinsky, M. see Yurchenko, V. Edelson, R.L. see Shen, H. Bunce, C. see Ierna, M.X. Ehlin-Henriksson, B., Mowafi, F., Klein, G. and Nilsson, A. Epstein-Barr virus infection negatively impacts the Calva, E. see Secundino, I. CXCR4-dependent migration of tonsillar B cells, 379 Campos, R.A., Szczepanik, M., Itakura, A., Lisbonne, M., Dey, Endl, E. see Wingender, G. N., Leite-de-Moraes, M.C. and Askenase, P.W. Interleukin-4- dependent innate collaboration between iNKT cells and Fanger, M.W. see Shen, L. B-1 B cells controls adaptative contact sensitivity, 536 Farnfield, B.A. see Smyth, T. Cantorna, M.T. see Froicu, M. Flores-Romo, L. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Carmody, R.J., Maguschak, K. and Chen, Y.H. A novel Florio, G. see Keen, J.C. mechanism of nuclear factor-KB regulation by adenoviral Florquin, S. see Leemans, J.C. protein 14-7K, 188 Frémaux, I. see Mcllroy, A. 578 © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, immunology, 117, 578-582 Author index Froicu, M., Zhu, Y. and Cantorna, M.T. Vitamin D receptor is Kang, A.H. see Sakurai, Y. required to control gastrointestinal immunity in IL-10 Kang, H.-K., Chung, Y.J., Park, C.U., Jang, Y.-S. and Kim, B.S. knockout mice, 310 Induction of autoimmunity by immunization with hapten- Fujimaki, H. see Hotta, C. modified hen egg lysozyme in hen egg lysozyme-transgenic mice, 368 Garcia-Carranca, A. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Kariyone, A. see Kikuchi, T. Gardiner, C.M. see O’Connor, G.M. Kawamura, K. see Shimozato, O. Garside, P. see Ierna, M.X. Kawamura, T. see Bakir, H.Y. Georas, S.N. see Keen, J.C. Keen, J.C., Cianferoni, A., Florio, G., Guo, J., Chen, R., Roman, Gessner, J.E. see Wingender, G. J., Wills-Karp, M., Casolaro, V. and Georas, S.N. Geubtner, K.A. see Reichstetter, S. Characterization of a novel PMA-inducible pathway of Gil-Cruz, C. see Secundino, I. interleukin-13 gene expression in T cells, 29 Giodini, A. see Shen, H. Kikuchi, T., Uehara, S., Ariga, H., Tokunaga, T., Kariyone, Goeken, A.J. see Lenert, P. A., Tamura, T. and Takatsu, K. Augmented induction of Gonzalez, D. see Matlack, R. CD8°* cytotoxic T-cell response and antitumour resistance by Grubeck-Loebenstein, B. see Dejaco, C. T helper type 1-inducing peptide, 47 Guo, J. see Keen, J.C. Kim, B.S. see Kang, H.-K. Kingston, R. see Maroof, A. Hammerberg, B. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. Klein, G. see Ehlin-Henriksson, B. Hanlon, D.J. see Shen, H. Knight, S.C. see Maroof, A. Harris, H.J. see Smyth, T. Knolle, P.A. see Wingender, G. Hart, O.M. see O’Connor, G.M. Kornfeld, H. see Bassam, S.E. Heeke, D.S. see Marshall, J.D. Kristensen, P. see Cuesta, A.M. Hinson, E.R. see Shen, H. Kumar, A., Zhang, J. and Yu, F.X. Toll-like receptor 3 agonist Holmes, N. CD45: all is not yet crystal clear, 145 poly(I:C)-induced antiviral response in human corneal Hotta, C., Fujimaki, H., Yoshinari, M., Nakazawa, M. and epithelial cells, 11 Minami, M. The delivery of an antigen from the endocytic Kumar, A. see Li, H. compartment into the cytosol for cross-presentation is Kurth, R. see Langhammer, S. restricted to early immature dendritic cells, 97 Kwok, W.W. see Reichstetter, S. Hiibner, J. see Langhammer, S. Humrich, J.H. see Humrich, J-Y. Laberge, S. see Bassam, S.E. Humrich, J.Y., Humrich, J.H., Averbeck, M., Thumann, P., Langhammer, S., Hiibner, J., Kurth, R. and Denner, J. Termeer, C., Kampgen, E., Schuler, G. and Jenne, L. Mature Antibodies neutralizing feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) in cats monocyte-derived dendritic cells respond more strongly to immunized with the transmembrane envelope protein p15E, CCL19 than to CXCL12: consequences for directional 229 migration, 238 Larsen, M. see Cuesta, A.M. Hussey, S.B. see Shen, L. Larsson, K., Lindstedt, M. and Borrebaeck, C.A.K. Functional and transcriptional profiling of MUTZ-3, a myeloid cell line Ierna, M.X., Scales, H.E., Schwarz, H., Bunce, C., Mcllgorm, A., acting as a model for dendritic cells, 156 Garside, P. and Lawrence, C.E. OX40 interactions in Larsson, P. see Brisslert, M. gastrointestinal nematode infection, 108 Lawrence, C.E. see Ierna, M.X. Isibasi, A. see Secundino, I. Lebecque, S. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Islam, S. see Maroof, A. Lee, J.-H., Wang, L.-C., Lin, Y.-T., Yang, Y.-H., Lin, D.-T. and Itakura, A. see Campos, R.A. Chiang, B.-L. Inverse correlation between CD4° regulatory T-ceii population and autoantibody levels in paediatric Jang, Y.-S. see Kang, H.-K. patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, 280 Jeannin, P. see Mcllroy, A. Leemans, J.C., Wieland, C.W., Florquin, S., van der Poll, T. and Jerine, L. see Humrich, J.Yy Vervoordeldonk, M.J.B.M. Mice overexpressing p40 in lungs Jensen, K.B. see Cuesta, A.M. have reduced leucocyte influx and slightly impaired resistance Jensen, R. see Lees, J.R. during tuberculosis, 409 Jimenez-Flores, R., Mendez-Cruz, R., Ojeda-Ortiz, J., Munoz- Lees, J.R., Charbonneau, B., Swanson, A.K., Jensen, R., Zhang, Molina, R., Balderas-Carrillo, O., de la Luz Diaz-Soberanes, J., Matusik, R. and Ratliff, T.L. Deletion is neither sufficient M., Lebecque, S., Saeland, S., Daneri-Navarro, A., Garcia- nor necessary for the induction of peripheral tolerance in Carranca, A., Ullrich, S.E. and Flores-Romo, L. High-risk mature CD8°" T cells, 248 human papilloma virus infection decreases the frequency of den- Leite-de-Moraes, M.C. see Campos, R.A. dritic Langerhans’ cells in the human female genital tract, 220 Lenert, P., Goeken, A.J. and Ashman, R.F. Extended sequence preferences for oligodeoxyribonucleotide activity, 474 Kalique, S. see Li, X. Li, H., Zhang, J., Kumar, A., Zheng, M., Atherton, S.S. and Yu, Kémpgen, E. see Humrich, J.Y. F.-S.X. Herpes simplex virus | infection induces the © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Immunology, 117, 578-582 Author index expression of proinflammatory cytokines, interferons and Minami, M. see Hotta, C. TLR7 in human corneal epithelial cells, 167 Mogga, S.J. see Mustafa, T. Li, X., Shen, S., Urso, D., Kalique, S., Park, S.H., Sharafieh, Morkve, O. see Mustafa, T. R., O’Rourke, J. and Cone, R.E. Pherotypic and Mowafi, F. see Ehlin-Henriksson, B. immunoregulatory characteristics of monocytic iris cells, 566 Murioz-Molina, R. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Liang, X. see Qin, H. Murray, C. see Maroof, A. Limmer, A. see Wingender, G. Mustafa, T., Mogga, S.J., Mfinanga, S.G.M., Morkve, O. and Lin, C. see Qin, H. Sviland, L. Immunohistochemical analysis of cytokines and Lin, D.-T. see Lee, J.-H. apoptosis in tuberculous lymphadenitis, 454 Lin, Y.-T. see Lee, J.-H. Myers, L.K. see Sakurai, Y. Lindstedt, M. see Larsson, Lisbonne, M. see Campos, Nagakawa, H. see Shimozato, O. Liu, A.W. see Reichstetter, S. Nagura, T. see Bakir, H.Y. Lockwood, P. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. Nakazawa, M. see Hotta, C. Lopez-Macias, C. see Secundino, I. Nasta, F., Ubaldi, V., Pace, L., Doria, G. and Pioli, C. Cytotoxic Ludwig, H. see Mauel, S. T-lymphocyte antigen-4 inhibits GATA-3 but not T-bet mRNA de la Luz Diaz-Soberanes, M. see Jimenez-Flores, R. expression during T helper cell differentiation, 358 Nilsson, A. see Ehlin-Henriksson, B. Ma, W. see Qin, H. Norbury, C.C. Drinking a lot is good for dendritic cells, 443 MacPhee, I.A.M., Yagita, H. and Oliveira, D.B.G. Blockade of OX40-ligand after initial triggering of the T helper 2 response O’Connor, G.M., Hart, O.M. and Gardiner, C.M. Putting the inhibits mercuric chloride-induced autoimmunity, 402 natural killer cell in its place, 1 Maguschak, K. see Carmody, R.]. O’Rourke, J. see Li, X. Maroof, A., Penny, M., Kingston, R., Murray, C., Islam, S., Ojeda-Ortiz, J. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Bedford, P.A. and Knight, S.C. Interleukin-4 can induce Ola, T.O. and Williams, N.A. Protection of non-obese diabetic interleukin-4 production in dendritic cells, 271 mice from autoimmune diabetes by Escherichia coli heat-labile Marshall, J.D., Heeke, D.S., Abbate, C., Yee, P. and Van Nest, G. enterotoxin B subunit, 262 Induction of interferon-y from natural killer cells by Oliveira, D.B.G. see MacPhee, I.A.M. immunostimulatory CpG DNA is mediated through Olivry, T. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. plasmacytoid-dendritic-cell-produced interferon-% and tumour Onoe, K. see Yanagawa, Y. necrosis factor-%, 38 Martins-Filho, O.A. see Rodrigues, C.M. Pace, L. see Nasta, F. Maruvada, R. see Wooster, D.G. Pal, S., Schmidt, A.P., Peterson, E.M., Wilson, C.L. and de la Maskell, D.J. see Smyth, T. Maza, L.M. Role of matrix metalloproteinase-7 in the Matlack, R., Yeh, K., Rosini, L., Gonzalez, D., Taylor, J., modulation of a Chlamydia trachomatis infection, 213 Silberman, D., Pennello, A. and Riggs, J. Peritoneal Park, C.U. see Kang, H.-K. macrophages suppress T-cell activation by amino acid Park, S.H. see Li, X catabolism, 386 Pastelin-Palacios, R. see Secundino, I. Matsumoto, M. see Smyth, T. Pennello, A. see Matlack, R. Mattson, J.D. see Pticheu-Haston, C.M. Penny, M. see Maroof, A. Matusik, R. see Lees, J.R. Peterson, E.M. see Pal, S. Mauel, S., Steinbach, F. and Ludwig, H. Monocyte-derived Pietersz, G.A. see Pouniotis, D.S. dendritic cells from horses differ from dendritic cells of Pinsonneault, S. see Bassam, S.E. humans and mice, 463 Pioli, C. see Nasta, F. de la Maza, L.M. see Pal, S. Plevin, R. see Smyth, T. McClanahan, T. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. van der Poll, T. see Leemans, J.C. Mcllgorm, A. see Ierna, M.X. Pouniotis, D.S., Apostolopoulos, V. and Pietersz, G.A. Penetratin McIlroy, A., Caron, G., Blanchard, S., Frémaux, I., Duluc, tandemly linked to a CTL peptide induces anti-tumour T-cell D., Delneste, Y., Chevailler, A. and Jeannin, P. Histamine and responses via a cross-presentation pathway, 329 prostaglandin E, up-regulate the production of Th2-attracting Prasadarao, N.V. see Wooster, D.G. chemokines (CCL17 and CCL22) and down-regulate Pucheu-Haston, C.M., Shuster, D., Olivry, T., Brianceau, P., IFN-y-induced CXCL10 production by immature human Lockwood, P., McClanahan, T., de Waal Malefyt, R., dendritic cells, 507 Mattson, J.D. and Hammerberg, B. A canine model of Mendel, I. and Shevach, E.M. Activated T cells express the cutaneous late-phase reactions: prednisolone inhibition of OX40 ligand: requirements for induction and costimulatory cellular and cytokine responses, 177 function, 196 Puente, J.L. see Secundino, I. Mendez-Cruz, R. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Menezes, J]. see Bassam, S.E. Qian, B.-F., Tonkonogy, S.L. and Sartor, R.B. Luminal bacterial Mfinanga, S.G.M. see Mustafa, T. antigen-specific CD4" T-cell responses in HLA-B27 transgenic 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Immunology, 117, 578-582 Author index rats with chronic colitis are mediated by both major Shevach, E.M. see Mendel, I. histocompatibility class If and HLA-B27 molecules, 319 Shimozato, O., Ugai, S.-i., Chiyo, M., Takenobu, H., Qin, H., Zhou, C., Wang, D., Ma, W., Liang, X., Lin, Nagakawa, H., Wada, A., Kawamura, K., Yamamoto, H. and C., Zhang, Y. and Zhang, S. Enhancement of antitumour Tagawa, M. The secreted form of the p40 subunit of immunity by a novel chemotactic antigen DNA vaccine interleukin (IL)-12 inhibits IL-23 functions and abrogates encoding chemokines and multiepitopes of IL-23-mediated antitumour effects, 22 prostate-tumour-associated antigens, 419 Shuster, D. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. Silberman, D. see Matlack, R. Ratliff, T.L. see Lees, J.R. Smith, J.M. see Shen, L. Reichstetter, S., Standifer, N.E., Geubtner, K.A., Liu, A.W., Smyth, T., Harris, H.J., Brown, A., Tétemeyer, S., Farnfield, Agar, S.L. and Kwok, W.W. Cytotoxic herpes simplex B.A., Maskell, D.J., Matsumoto, M., Plevin, R., Alldridge, type 2-specific, DQ0602-restricted CD4* T-cell clones show L.C. and Bryant, C.E. Differential modulatory effects of alloreactivity to DQ0601, 350 Annexin | on nitric oxide synthase induction by Remacle, J.E. see Srahna, M. lipopolysaccharide in macrophages, 340 Ren, F. see Bassam, S.E. Srahna, M., Van Grunsven, L.A., Remacle, J.E. and Riggs, J. see Matlack, R. Vandenberghe, P. CTLA-4 interacts with STATS and inhibits Rios-Sarabia, N. see Secundino, I. STAT5-mediated transcription, 396 Rodrigues, C.M., Martins-Filho, O.A., Vaz, N.M. and Standifer, N.E. see Reichstetter, S. Carvalho, C.R. Systemic effects of oral tolerance on Steinbach, F. see Mauel, S. inflammation: mobilization of lymphocytes and bone marrow Stuart, J.M. see Sakurai, Y. eosinopoiesis, 517 Suarez, E. see Cuesta, A.M. Roman, J. see Keen, J.C. Sviland, L. see Mustafa, T. Rosini, L. see Matlack, R. Swanson, A.K. see Lees, J.R. Rosloniec, E.F. see Sakurai, Y. Szezepanik, M. see Campos, R.A. Saeland, S. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Tacken, P.J. and Batenburg, J.J. Monocyte CD64 or CD89 Sakurai, Y., Tang, B., Rosloniec, E.F., Stuart, J.M., targeting by surfactant protein D/anti-Fc receptor mediates Kang, A.H. and Myers, L.K. Molecular characterization bacterial uptake, 494 of an arthritogenic collagen peptide interacting with I-A’, Tagawa, M. see Shimozato, O. 136 Takatsu, K. see Kikuchi, T. Saltzman, W.M. see Shen, H. Takenobu, H. see Shimozato, O. Sanz, L. see Cuesta, A.M. Tamura, T. see Kikuchi, T. Sartor, R.B. see Qian, B.-F. Tang, B. see Sakurai, Y. Seales, H.E. see Ierna, M.X. Tarkowski, A. see Brisslert, M. Schirmer, M. see Dejaco, C. Taylor, A., Verhagen, J., Blaser, K., Akdis, M. and Akdis, C.A. Schmidt, A.P. see Pal, S. Mechanisms of immune suppression by interleukin-10 and Schuler, G. see Humrich, J.Y. transforming growth factor-f: the role of T regulatory cells, 433 Schumak, B. see Wingender, G. Taylor, J. see Matlack, R. Schurich, A. see Wingender, G. Termeer, C. see Humrich, JY. Schwarz, H. see Ierna, M.X. Thumann, P. see Humrich, J.Y. Secundino, I., Lopez-Macias, C., Cervantes-Barragan, L., Tokunaga, T. see Kikuchi, T. Gil-Cruz, C., Rios-Sarabia, N., Pastelin-Palacios, R., Tomiyama-Miyaji, C. see Bakir, H.Y. Villasis-Keever, M.A., Becker, I., Puente, J.L., Calva, E. Tonkonogy, S.L. see Qian, B.-F. and Isibasi, A. Salmonella porins induce a sustained, Tétemeyer, S. see Smyth, T. lifelong specific bactericidal antibody memory response, 59 Sekikawa, H. see Bakir, H.Y. Ubaldi, V. see Nasta, F. Sharafieh, R. see Li, X. Uehara, S. see Kikuchi, T. Shen, H., Ackerman, A.L., Cody, V., Giodini, A., Hinson, E.R., Ugai, S.-i. see Shimozato, O. Cresswell, P., Edelson, R.L., Mark Saltzman, W. and Ullrich, S.E. see Jimenez-Flores, R. Hanlon, D.J. Enhanced and prolonged cross-presentation Urso, D. see Li, X. following endosomal escape of exogenous antigens encapsulated in biodegradable nanoparticles, 78 Van Grunsven, L.A. see Srahna, M. Shen, L., Smith, J.M., Shen, Z., Hussey, S.B., Wira, C.R. and Van Nest, G. see Marshall, J.D. Fanger, M.W. Differential regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis Vandenberghe, P. see Srahna, M. to IL-8 and fMLP by GM-CSF: lack of direct effect of Vaz, N.M. see Rodrigues, C.M. oestradiol, 205 Verhagen, J. see Taylor, A. Shen, S. see Li, X. Vervoordeldonk, M.J.B.M. see Leemans, J.C. Shen, Z. see Shen, L. Villasis-Keever, M.A. see Secundino, I. 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, /mmunology, 117, 578-582 Author index de Waal Malefyt, R. see Pucheu-Haston, C.M. Yagita, H. see MacPhee, I.A.M. Wada, A. see Shimozato, O. Yamamoto, H. see Shimozato, O. Wang, D. see Qin, H. Yanagawa, Y. and Onoé, K. Distinct regulation of Wang, L.-C. see Lee, J.-H. CD40-mediated interleukin-6 and interleukin-12 productions Watanabe, H. see Bakir, HY. via mitogen-activated protein kinase and nuclear factor Wieland, C.W. see Leemans, J.C. kB-inducing kinase in mature dendritic cells, 526 Williams, N.A. see Ola, T.O. Yang, Y.-H. see Lee, J.-H. Wills-Karp, M. see Keen, J.C. Yee, P. see Marshall, J.D. Wilson, C.L. see Pal, S. Yeh, K. see Matlack, R. Wing, K. see Brisslert, M. Yoshinari, M. see Hotta, C. Wingender, G., Schumak, B., Schurich, A., Gessner, J.E., Young, J.R. see Withers, D.R. Endl, E., Limmer, A. and Knolle, P.A. Rapid and preferen- Yu, F.X. see Kumar, A. tial distribution of blood-borne xCD3eAb to the liver is Yu, F.-S.X. see Li, H. followed by local stimulation of T cells and natural killer Yurchenko, V., Constant, S. and Bukrinsky, M. Dealing with the T cells, 117 family: CD147 interactions with cyclophilins, 301 Wira, C.R. see Shen, L. Withers, D.R., Davison, T.F. and Young, J.R. Diversified bursal Zhang, J. see Kumar, A. medullary B cells survive and expand independently after Zhang, . SEE Lees, JLR. depletion following neonatal infectious bursal disease virus Zhang, J. see Li, H. infection, 558 Zhang, S. see Qin, H. Wooster, D.G., Maruvada, R., Blom, A.M. and Prasadarao, N.V. Zhang, Y. see Qin, H. Logarithmic phase Escherichia coli K1 efficiently avoids serum Zheng, M. see Li, H. killing by promoting C4bp-mediated C3b and C4b degradation, Zhou, C. see Qin, H. 482 Zhu, Y. see Froicu, M. 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Immunology, 117, 578-582 IMMUNOLOGY Subject index activation-induced deaminase, 558 Chlamydia, 213 histamine, 507 adenovirus, 188 collagen, 136 HLA-B27, 319 adhesion, 301 comparative immunology, 463 HLA-DQ, 350 allergen-specific immunotherapy, 433 complement, 482 horse, 463 allergy, 89, 156, 177, 507, 517 contact sensitivity, 536 HSV-2, 350 alloreaction, 350 corneal epithelium, 11, 167 human, 89, 548 anergy, 22 costimulation, 108, 196, 358, 402 animal models/studies: CpG DNA, 38 immunity type 1 and type 2, 271 cows/pigs/horses/cats/dogs, 177 CpG-DNA, 474 immunomodulation, 262 annexin-1, 340 cross-presentation, 97 immunoregulation, 548 Antennapedia, 329 cross-reactivity, 350 immunotherapy, 41° anterior chamber, 566 CTL, 248 in situ, 220 antigen CTLA-4 (CD154), 396 infection, 213 presentation, 47, 97, 443 cytokine production, 526 infectious bursal disease virus, 558 presentation/processing, 78 cyto2k2, i167n, 27e1,s 454,, 4 63 inflammation, 156, 188, 301, 340, 517 processing, 97, 443 cytotoxic T cells, 47 inflammatory bowel disease, 310 antiviral response, 11 innate immunity, 1, 117 apoptosis, 454, 474 defensin, 213 Int, 329 arthritis, 136 dendritic interferon-4, - atopy, 177 cell, 238 interferon-y, 3 autoantibody, 127 cells, 78, 97, 156, 220, 271, 443, 463, interleukin-4, 53¢ autocrine effects, 271 507 526 interleukin-6, 474 autoimmune disease, 289 DNA vaccine, 419, 502 interleukin-8, 205 autoimmunity, 136, 368, 402 interleukin-10, 433 EMMPRIN, 301 interleukin-12, 196, 409 B-1 B cells, 536 enteric bacterial antigens, 319 interleukin-13, 29 B cells, 379, 474, 548, 558 enterotoxin, 262 interleukin-16, 89 bacterial uptake, 494 eosinophil, 517 interleukins, 22 bactericidal antibodies, 59 Epstein-Barr virus: migration, traffic, intracellular trafficking, 301 bacteriophage, 502 circulation, 379 intranasal, 262 basophils/mast cells, 177 Escherichia coli K1, 482 iris, 566 bispecific protein, 494 extrathymic T cell, 127 isoforms, 145 B220° T cell, 127 bursa, 558 Fe receptor, 494 killer immunoglobulin-like receptor, 1 Fcy receptor, 117 C4b-binding protein, 482 FOXP3, 289 lamina propria lymphocytes, 71 CD2, 71 FOXP3, 280 leucocytes, 409 CDs; 7 lipocortin-1, 340 CD4, 350 GATA-3, 358 lipopolysaccharide, 340 CD45, 145 ydT cell, 127 liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, 117 ( ‘D25 expression, 548 gene conversion, 558 lymphadenitis, 454 CD4" T-cell responses, 319 genetic fusion, 502 lymphocyte, 89 CD4" CD25" regulatory T cells, 280 genital tract, 220 cell granulocyte—macrophage colony- macrophage, 386 cycle entry, 474 stimulating factor, 205 macrophages, 188 surface molecules, 196 granulomas, 454 major histocompatibility complex, 136 cellular activation, 248 malaria, 127 cervical cancer, 220 hapten modification, 368 MAPK, 526 chemokine receptor, 238 hen egg lysozyme, 368 mast cells, 108 chemokines, 238, 379, 507 herpes simplex virus 1, 167 mechanism, 329 chemotaxis, 205, 409 high-density microarray, 156 membrane translocating, 329 © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, immunology, 117, 583-584 Subject index memory B-cell response, 59 phagocytosis, 443 suppressor cells, 289 meningitis, 482 phosphatase, 145 surfactant protein D, 494 mercuric chloride, 402 plasmacytoid dendritic cells, 38 systemic lupus erythematosus, 280 metalloproteinase, 213 poly(1:C), 11 MHC class polymorphism, 145 [97 porins, 59 cell, 386 II, 319 prostate cancer, 419 cells, 22, 196, 310 mice, 310 prostate-specific helper 1 cells, 47 migration, 238 antigen, 419 lymphocyte, 29 mitogen-activated protein kinase, 205 membrane antigen, 419 regulatory cells, 433 monocytes, 463, 494, 566 prostatic acid phosphatase, 419 T-cell monokines, 379 protein activation, 396 mucosa, 108 kinase C, 29 epitope, 136 murine, 409 structure, 145 tolerance, 433 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 409 Th2, 402 myeloid cell line, 156 real-time PCR, 280 Th1/Th2, 108 receptor, 301 cells, 358 natural killer, 1 receptor-binding, 262 tolerance, 22, 229, 368, 566 cells, 38 receptors, | tolerance/suppression/anergy, 248 T cells, 117 recombinant EtxB, 262 Toll-like neutralizing antibodies, 229 regulatory T receptor, | NF-kB, 167 cells, 566 receptor 3, 11 N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl- lymphocyte, 289 transcription factors, 188 phenylalanine, 205 reproductive, 213 transcriptional regulation, 29 NIK, 526 retroviruses, 229 transforming growth factor-B, 433 nitric oxide, 340 rodent, 196 transgenic mice, 368 OmpC, 59 Salmonella typhi, 59 rats, 319 OmpF, 59 secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine, transmembrane envelope protein, 229 oral tolerance, 517 419 Trojan, 329 outer membrane protein A, 482 signal tuberculosis, 454 ova, 517 transducer and activator of tumour immunity, 47 OX40-ligand, 402 transcription-6, 536 type 1 interferons, 11 transduction, 526 papilloma virus, 220 signalling, 205, 238 vaccination, 78 parasitic helminth, 108 skin (dermatology) immunology/disease, vaccine, 229 penetratin, 329 177 Vu14° natural killer T cells, 536 peptide, 47 somatic cell therapy, 289 vitamin D receptors, 310 peritoneal, 386 STATS, 396 PGE), 507 suppression, 22, 386, 433 © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, /mmunology, 117, 583-584 IMMUNOLOGY Immunology An official journal of the British Society for Immunology Editor: MIKE KEMENY Associate Editors: P. CRESSWELL, J. GORDON, W. R. HEATH, K. HEEG, N. HOGG, F . Y. LIEW, M. MIYASAKA, S. J. ONO & J. TROWSDALE Editorial Board A. Akbar London S. Davis Oxford S. Hedrick San Diego F. Powrie Oxford D. Altmann London C. Dayan Bristol H. Hengartner Zurich C. Reis e Sousa London P. Askenase Connecticut T. Defrance Lyon T. Hussell London C. Rudd London P. Beverley Compton D. Diaz-Sanchez Los Angeles L. Klavinskis London D. M. Sansom Birmingham J. Blackwell Cambridge M. Dustin New York N. Klein London J. Savill Edinburgh M. Bonneville Nantes T. Elliott Southampton J. Lamb Middlesex K. G. C. Smith Cambridge C. G. Brooks Newcastle-upon-Tyne [. Evans London P. Lydyard London R. M. Steinman New York J. Cambier Denver L. Flores-Romo Mexico City G. G. MacPherson Oxford F. Stevenson Southampton R. Chicz Boston A. Gagro Zagreb H. Maeda Kumamoto B. Stockinger London R. Coffman Berkeley P. Garside Glasgow D. Maskell Cambridge S. Todryk Dublin A. Cooke Cambridge S. Ghosh Connecticut A. Mellor Georgia V. 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