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Author Index AIBA S., MANOME H., YOSHINO Y. & TAGAMI H. In vitro BUTTNER M. see FISCHER T. treatment of human transforming growth factor-B,-treated monocyte-derived dendritic cells with haptens can induce the CAPOZZI M. see BERGAMINI A. phenotypic and functional changes similar to epidermal CARLSEN H. see FARSTAD LN. Langerhans cells in the initiation phase of allergic contact CARLSON R.W. see PEDRON T. sensitivity reaction, 68 CARLSSON R. see DAHLENBORG K. AKAIKE T & MAEDA H. Nitric oxide and virus infection, 300 CARRASCO-MARIN E. see ALVAREZ-DOMINGUEZ C. AKAMATSU T. see HOSOI K. CEPPARULO M. see BERGAMINI A. ALBERT S.E. see KAPASI K. CEREDIG R. see MARTENSSON L-L. ALMEIDA L.C, see PANUNTO-CASTELO A. : CERNA H. see DRABEROVA L. ALVAREZ-DOMINGUEZ C., CARRASCO- MARIN E., LOPEZ- CHABY R. see PEDRON T. MATO P. & LEYVA- COBIAN F, The contribution of both CHALLA A. see GAGRO A. oxygen and nitrogen intermediates to the intracellular killing CHANDAWARKAR R.Y. see MENORET A. mechanisms of Clq-opsonized Listeria monocytogenes by the CHEERS C. see MANNERING S.I. macrophage-like IC-21 cell line, 83 CHEN D. see GONG J. ANDERSON B.E. see WALSH W.E., JR CHEN H. see GONG J. ANDRASSY K. see RADSAK M. CHEN M. see JIU J. APOSTOLOPOULOS V. see GONG J. CHOW D.A. see WANG H. ARNON R., TARRAB-HAZDAI R. & STEWARD M. A CHRIST A.D. see ROBERTS A.I. mimotope peptide-based vaccine against Schistosoma mansoni: CIAVARRA R.P., GREENE A.R., HORETH D.R., BUHRER K.., synthesis and characterization, 555 VAN ROOIJEN N. & TEDESCHI B. Antigen processing of ASADA A., ZHAO Y., KOMANO H., KUWATA T., MUKAI M., vesicular stomatitis virus in situ. Interdigitating dendritic cells FUJITA K., TOZAWA Y., ISEKI R., TIAN H., SATO K., present viral antigens independent of marginal dendritic cells but MOTEGI Y., SUZUKI R., YOKOYAMA M. & IWATA M. fail to prime CD4* and CD8* Tc ells, 512 The calciurmn-independent protein kinase C participates in an COELHO A.L.J. see FERNANDES K.S.S. early process of CD3/CD28-mediated induction of thymocyte CRANE LJ., WALLACE C.A., MCKILLOP-SMITH S. & apoptosis, 309 FORRESTER J. V. Control of chemokine production at the AZUMA M. see MOGI S. blood—retina barrier, 426 CRETIN N. see TRIPONEZ F. BABLITZ B. see VELAZQUEZ J.R. CROCKER P.R. see FLOYD H. BAILEY M. see HAVERSON K. BARJA-FIDALGO C. see FERNANDES K.S.S. DA COSTA A.O. see DE ASSIS M.C. BARJA-FIDALGO T.C. see DE ASSIS M.C. DAHLENBORG K., POUND J.D., GORDON J., BORREBAECK BASSAGANYA-RIERA J. see WATERS W.R. C.A.K. & CARLSSON R. Signals sustaining human BAUMKRUKER T. see ELBE-BURGER A. immunoglobulin V gene hypermutation tn isolated germinal BECKERS J. see DANG Y. centre B cells, 210 BENDIGS S. see LIPFORD G.B. DANG Y., BECKERS J., WANG C.-R. & HEYBORNE K. D. BERGAMINI A.. BOLACCHI F., BONGIOVANNI B., Natural killer 1.1* «B T cells in the periimplantation uterus, 484 CEPPARULO M., VENTURA L., CAPOZZI M.., DE ASSIS M.C., DA COSTA A.0O., BARJA-FIDALGO T.C. & SARRECCHIA C. & ROCCHI G. Granulocyte-macrophage PLOTKOWSKI M. C. Human endothelial cells are activated by colony-stimulating factor regulates cytokine production in interferon-y plus tumour necrosis factor-« to kill intracellular cultured macrophages through CD14-dependent and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 271 -independent mechanisms, 254 DE BOER H.A. see BE GROOT N. BERZOFSKY J.A. see NAKAGAWA Y. DE GROOT N., VAN KUIK-ROMEIJN P., LEE S.H. & DE BLAIR P.J. see SOTSIOS Y. BOER H. A. Increased immunoglobulin A levels in milk by BLUMBERG R.S. see ROBERTS AI. over-expressing the murine polymeric immunoglobulin receptor BOLACCHI F. see BERGAMINI A. gene in the mammary gland epithelial cells of transgenic mice, BONGIOVANNI B. see BERGAMINI A. 218 BORKEBAEFCK C.A.K. see DAHLENBORG K. DEARMAN R.J. & KIMBER I. Role cf CD4* T helper 2-type BOUBELIK M. see DRABEROVA L. cells in cutaneous inflammatory responses induced by fluorescein BRACIAK T.A., GALLICHAN W.S., GRAHAM F.L., isothiocyanate, 442 RICHARDS ©.D., RAMSAY A.J., ROSENTHAL K.L. & DENBURG JA. see VELAZQUEZ i.R. GAULDIE J. Recombinant adenovirus vectors expressing DIAZ-SANCHEZ D. Pollution and the immune response: atopic interleukin-5 and -6 specifically enhance mucosal immunoglobin diseases ~ are we too dirty or too clean?, 11 A responses in the lung, 388 DIETZ A.B. see MATASIC R. BRANDTZAEG P. see FARSTAD LN. DRABER P. see DRABEROVA L. BRIGHTBILL H.D & MODLIN R. L. Toll-like receptors: DRABEROVA L., CERNA H., BRODSKA H., BOUBELIK M., molecular mechanisms of the mammalian immune response, | WATT S.M., STANNERS C.P . & DRABER P. Soluble isoforms BRODBECK W.G., KUTTNER-KONDO L., MOLD C. & of CEACAMI containing the A2 domain: increased serum levels MEDOF M. E. Structure/function studies of human decay- in patients with obstructive jaundice and differences in 3-fucosyl- accelerating factor, 104 N-acetyl-lactosamine moiety, 279 BRODSKA H. see DRABEROVA L. BROLIN R.E. see ROBERTS A.1. EBERT E.C. see ROBERTS A.1. BUHLER L. see TRIPONEZ F. EDIRIWICKREMA.C.P., TONKONOGY S.L. & BUHRER K. see CIAVARRA R.P. HAMMERBERG B. Natural killer cell-dependent 583 584 Author Index immunoglobulin G2a anti-bovine serum albumin (BSA) response HAYDAY A.C. see SMITH A.L. elicited by high molecular weight dextran—BSA conjugates HEEG K. see LIPFORD G.B. associated with dextran-mediated macrophage—natural killer HEY BORNE K.D. see DANG Y. ; i interaction, 474 HOLAN V., ZAJICOVA A., KRULOVA M., PLSKOVA, J., FRIC EIBENSTEINER P., SPITZAUER S., STEINBERGER P., J. & FILIPEC M. induction of specific transplantation immunity KRAFT D. & VALENTA R. Immunoglobulin E antibodies of by oral immunization with allogeneic cells, 404 atopic individuals exhibit a broad usage of Vy-gene families, 112 HOLDER M. see GAGRO A. EIVAZOVA E.R., MCDONNELL J.M., SUTTON BJ. & HONTECILLAS R. see WATERS W.R. STAINES N. A. Specificity and binding kinetics of murine lupus HOPKINS J. see RHIND S.M. anti-DNA monoclonal antibodies implicate different stimuli for HORETH D.R. see CIAVARRA R.P. their production, 371 HOSOI K., MATSUURA S., TSUMURA K., WEI W., PARVIN ELBE-BURGER A., MOMMAAS A.M., PRIESCHL E.E., M.N., TADA J., AKAMATSU T., KANAMORI N. & FIEBIGER E., BAUMKRUKER T. & STINGL G. Major SUZUKI K. Expression of kininogens in the connective tissue- histocompatibility complex class H-— fetal skin dendritic cells are type mast cells of the rat, 531 potent accessory cells of polyclonal T-cell responses, 242 HOSSAIN M.S., TAKIMOTO H., NINOMIYA T., YOSHIDA H., ENOMOTO 8. see MOGI S. KISHIHARA K., MATSUZAKI G., KIMURA G. & NOMOTO K. Characterization of CD4— CD8- CD3* T-cell FARSTAD LN., CARLSEN H., MORTON H.C. & receptor-xB* T cells in murine cytomegalovirus infection, 19 BRANDTZAEG P. Immunoglobulin A cell distribution in the HUANG Y.-M. see YANG J.-S. human small intestine: phenotypic and functional characteristics, HUANG Y.-Y. see ZHOU L. 354 FEKNANDES K°-S.S., COELHO A.L.J., LOPES BEZERRA L.M. IKING-KONERT C. see RADSAK M. & BARJA-FIDALGO C. Virulence of Sporothrix schenckii ISEKI R. see ASADA A. conidia and yeast cells, and their susceptibility to nitric oxide, IVA.NCIC D. see WALSH W.E., JR 563 IWATA M. see ASADA A. FIEBIGER E. see ELBE-BURGER A. FILIPEC M. see HOLAN V. JARRETT O. see FLYNN J.N. FISCHER T., BUTTNER M. & RZIHA H.-J. T helper 1-type JEYARETNAM B. see PEDRON T. cytokine transcription in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of JIU J., CHEN M. & WANG X. Calcitonin gene-related peptide pseudorabies virus (Suid herpesvirus 1) -primed swine indicates inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced interleukin-12 release from efficient immunization, 378 mouse peritoneal macrophages, mediated by the cAMP pathway, FLOYD H., NITSCHKE L. & CROCKER P.R. A novel subset of 61 murine B cells that expresses unmasked forms of CD22 is enriched in the bone marrow: implications for B-cell homing to KAMOHARA H. see YAMASHIRO S. the bone marrow, 342 KANAMORI N. see HOSOI K. FLYNN J.N., HANLON L. & JARRETT O. Feline leukaemia KAPASI K., ALBERT S.E., YIE $.-M., ZAVAZAVA N. & virus: protective immunity is mediated by virus-specific cytotoxic LIBRACH C.L. HLA-G has a concentration-dependent effect on lymphocytes, 120 the generation of an allo-CTL response, 191 FORRESTER J.V. see CRANE LJ. KAWAGUCHI-MIYASHITA M., SHIMADA S., MATSUOKA Y., FRIC J. see HOLAN V. OHWAKI M. & NANNO M. Activation of T-cell receptor-yd~ FRYER J.P. see WALSH W.E., JR cells in the intestinal epithelia of KN6 transgenic mice, 38 FUJITA K. see ASADA A. KENNY E., MASON D., POMBO A. & RAMIREZ F. Phenotypic FUNG J.J. see LEE W.-C. analysis of peripheral CD4* CD8* T cells in the rat, 178 KILROE B. see TIEMESSEN C.T. GAGRO A., MCCLOSKEY N., CHALLA A., HOLDER M., KIMBER I. see DEARMAN R.J. GRAFTON G., POUND J.D. & GORDON J. CD5-positive and KIMURA G. see HOSSAIN M.S. CD5-negative human B cells converge to an indistinguishable KISHIHARA K. see HOSSAIN M.S. population on signalling through B-cell receptors and CD40, 201 KOHSAKA T. see MOGI S. GALLICHAN WS. see BRACIAK T.A. KOIDO S. see GONG J. GAULDIE J. see BRACIAK T.A. KOMANO H. see ASADA A. see also LEE W.-C, KRAFT D., see EIBEINSTEINER P. GENDLER S.J. see GONG J. KRULOVA M. see HOLAN V. GILBERTSON B. see MANNERING §.1. KUFE D. see GONG J. GIRARD R. see PEDRON T. KUTTNER-KONDO L. see BRODBECK W.G. GONG J., APOSTOLOPOULOS V., CHEN D., CHEN H., KUWATA T, see ASADA A. KOIDO §., GENDLER 8.J., MCKENZIE LF. & KUFE D. Selection and characterization of MUC1-specific CD8* T cells LACY P. see VELAZQUEZ JR. from MUC1 transgenic mice immunized with dendritic- LE ¥Y. see TEH C. carcinoma fusion cells, 316 LEE S.H. see DE GROOT N. GORDON J. see DAHLENBORG K. see also TEH C. see also GAGRO A. LEE W.-C., QIAN S., WAN Y., LI W., XING Z., GAULDIE J., GRAFTON G. see GAGRO A. FUNG J.J., THOMSON A.W. & LU L. Contrasting effects of GRAHAM F.L. see BRACIAK T.A. myeloid dendritic cells transduced with an adenoviral vector GRANT E.S. see RHIND S.M. encoding interleukin-10 on organ allograft and tumour rejection, GREENE A.R. see CIAVARRA R_-P. 233 GREENE L.J. see PANUNTO-CASTELO A. LEY VA-COBIAN F. see ALVAREZ-DOMINGUEZ C. LI W. see LEE W.-C. HAMMARSTROM L. see ZHAO Y. LIBRACH C.L. see KAPASI K. HAMMERBERG B. see EDIRIWICKREMA CP, LIESCHKE G.J. see MANNERING S.1. HANLON L. see FLYNN J.N. LINK H. see YANG J.-S. HANSCH G.M. see RADSAK M. LIPFORD G.B., BENDIGS S., HEEG K. & WAGNER H.: Poly- HARKINS K.R. see WATERS W.R. guanosine motifs costimulate antigen-reactive CD8 T celis while HAVERSON K., SINGHA S., STOKES C.R. & BAILEY M. bacterial CpoG-DNA affect T-cell activation via antigen- Professional and non-professional antigen-presenting cells in the presenting cell-derived cyokines, 46 porcine small intestine, 492 LOPES BEZERRA L.M. see FERNANDES K.S.S. Author Index LOPEZ-MATO P, see ALVAREZ-DOMINGUEZ C. OTT G. see NIEDLEMAN J.A. LOU J. see TRIPONEZ PF. OWEN R.L. see THOREUX K. LU J. see TEH C. LU L, see LEE W.-C. PANUNTO-CASTELO A., ALMEIDA I.C., ROSA J.C., GREENE L.J. & ROQUE-BARRERIA M.-C. The Rubino test for leprosy MAEDA H. see AKAIKE T. is a B,-glycoprotein 1-dependent antiphospholipid reaction, 147 MAHMUDI-AZER S. see VELAZQUEZ J.R. PAO W. see WALSH W.E. JR MAJNO P. see TRIPONEZ PF. PARR E_L. see PARR M.B. MANNERING S&.1., ZHAN Y., GILBERTSON B., LIESCHKE PARR M.B. & PARR E. L. Immunity to vaginal herpes simplex G.J. & CHEERS C. T lymphocytes from granulocyte colony- virus-2 infection in B-cell knockout mice, 126 stimulating factor /~ mice produce large quantities of PARVIN M.N. see HOSOI K. interferon-y in a chronic infection model, 132 PEDRON T., GIRARD R., JEYARETNAM B., CARLSON R.W. MANOME H. see AIBA S. & CHABY R. The lipid A region of lipopolysaccharides from MARTENSSON L.-L. & CEREDIG R. Role of the surrogate light Rhizobiaceae activates bone marrow granulocytes from chain and the pre-B-cell receptor in mouse B-cell development, lipopolysaccharide-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCr 435 mice, 262 MARZIN D.J. see TIEMESSEN C.T. PICCINI J.P. see WALSH W.E. JR MASON D. see KENNY E. PLOTKOWSKI M.C. see DE ASSIS M.C. MATASIC R., DIETZ A.B. & VUK-PAVLOVIC S. PLSKOVA J. see HOLAN V. Cyclooxygenase-independent inhibition of dendritic cell POMBO A. see KENNY E. maturation by aspirin, 53 POUND J.D. see DAHLENBORG K. MATSUO H. see NAGATA M. see also GAGRO A. MATSUOKA Y. see KAWAGUCHI-MTYASHITA M. PRIESCHL E.E. see ELBE-BURGER A. MATSUURA §&. see HOSOI K. MATSUZAKI G. see HOSSAIN M.S. QIAN S. see LEE W.-C. MCCLOSKEY N. see GAGRO A. MCDONNELL J.M. see EIVAZOVA E.R. RABBANI H. see ZHAO Y. MCKENZIE LF. see GONG J. RADSAK M., IKING-KONERT C., STEGMAIER S., MCK!LLOP-SMITH S. see CRANE LJ ANDRASSY K. & HANSCH G. M. Polymorphonuclear MEDOF M_E. see BRODBECK W.G. neutrophils as accessory cells for T-cell activation: major MENORET A., CHANDAWARKAR R.Y. & SRIVASTAVA P. K. histocompatability complex class II restricted antigen-dependent Natural autoantibodies against heat-shock proteins hsp70 and induction of T-cell proliferation, 521 gp95: implications for immunotherapy using heat-shock proteins, RAMIREZ F. see KENNY E. 364 RAMSAY A.J. see BRACIAK T.A. MENTHA G. see TRIPONEZ F. RHIND S.M., HOPKINS J. & GRANT E. S. Differential MILNE C.D. see VELAZQUEZ J.R. expression of ovine CD1, 452 MODLIN R.L. see BRIGHTBILL H.D. RICHARDS C.D. see BRACIAK T.A. MOGI S., SAKURAI J.. KOHSAKA T., ENOMOTO S., YAGITA ROBERTS A.I., BLUMBERG R.S., CHRIST A.D., BROLIN R.E. H., OKUMURA K. & AZUMA M. Tumour rejection by gene & EBERT E. C. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B induces potent transfer of 4-1 BB ligand into a CD80* murine squamous cell cytotoxic activity by intraepithelial lymphocytes, 185 carcinoma and the requirements of co-stimulatory molecules on ROCCHI G. see BERGAMINI A. tumour and host cells, 541 RODGERS T.G. see WALSH W.E., JR MOLD C. see BRODBECK W.G. ROQUE-BARRERIA M.-C. see PANUNTO-CASTELO A. MOMMAAS A.M. see ELBE-BURGER A. ROSA J.C. see PANUNTO-CASTELO A. MOQBEL R. see VELAZQUEZ JR. ROSENTHAL K.L. see BRACIAK T.A. MOREL P. see TRIPONEZ F, RZiHA H.-J. see FISCHER T. MORTON H.C. see FARSTAD LN. MOTEGI Y. see ASADA A. SACCO R-.E. see WATERS W.R. MUKAI M. see ASADA A. SAKAMOTO Y. see NAGATA M. SAKURAI J. see MOGI S. NAGATA M., YAMAMOTO H., SHIBASA.KI M., SAKAMOTO SANSOM D.M. CD28, CTLA-4 and their ligands: who does what Y. & MATSUO H. Hydrogen peroxide augments eosinophil and to whom?, 169 adhesion via f, integrin, 4}2 SARRECCHIA C. see BERGAMINI A. NAKAGAWA Y., TAKESHITA T., BERZOFSKY J.A. & SATO K. see ASADA A. TAKAHASHI H. Analysis of the mechanism for extracellular SCHMITT D.A., WALTERSCHEID J.P. & ULLRICH S. E. processing in the presentation of human immunodeficiency Reversal of ultraviolet radiation-induced immune suppression by virus-1 envelope protein-derived peptide to epitope-specific recombinant interleukin-12: suppression of cytokine production, cytotoxic T lymphocytes, 76 90 NANNO M. see KAWAGUCHI-MIYASHITA M. SCHMUCKER D.L. see THOREUX K. NIEDLEMAN J.A., VAJDY M., UGOZZOLI M.. OTT G. & SHIBASAKI M. see NAGATA M. O'HAGAN D. Genetically detoxified mutants of heat-labile SHIMADA S. see KAWAGUCHI-MIYASHITA M. enterotoxin from Escherichia coli are effective adjuvants for SHIMAMURA MM. see ZHOU L. induction of cytotoxic T-cell responses against HIV-! gag-p55, SHIMIZU A. see ZHAO Y. 154 SINGHA S. see HAVERSON K. NINOMIYA T. see HOSSAIN MLS. SMITH A.L. & HAYDAY A.C. An af T-cell-independent NITSCHKE L. see FLOYD H. immunoprotective response towards gut coccidia supported by yd NOBLE A. Molecular signals and genetic reprogamming in cells, 325 peripheral T-cell differentiation, 289 SOTSIOS Y., BLAIR P.J., WESTWICK J. & WARD S. G. NOMOTO K. see HOSSAIN MLS. Disparate effects of phorbol esters, CD3 and the costimulatory receptors CD2 and CD28 on RANTES secretion by human T O’HAGAN D. see NIEDLEMAN J.A. lymphocytes, 30 OBERHOLZER J. see TRIPONEZ PF. SPITZAUER S. see EIBENSTEINER P. OHWAKI M. sce KAWAGUCHI-MIYASHITA M. SRIVASTAVA P.K. see MENORET A. OKABE M. see ZHOU L. STAINES N.A. see EIVAZOVA E.R. OKUMURA K. see MOGI S. STANNERS C.P. see DRABEROVA L. 586 Author Index STEGMAIER S. see RADSAK M. immunoglobulin Y antibodies in wild-type and #Gal knockout STEINBERGER P. see EIBENSTEINER P. mice, 467 STEIN-STREILEIN J. see ZHANG-HOOVER J. WALTERSCHEID J.P. see SCHMITT D.A. STEWARD M. see ARNON R. WAN Y. see LEE W.-C. STINGL G, see ELBE-BURGER A. WANG C.-R. see DANG Y. STOKES C.R. see HAVERSON K. WANG H. & CHOW D. A. Natural antibody-induced intracellular SUTTON A. see ZHANG-HOOVER J. signalling and growth control in C3H 10T% fibroblast variants, SUTTON B.J. see EIVAZOVA E.R. 458 SUZUKI K. see HOSOI K. WANG X. see JIU J. SUZUKI R. see ASADA A. WANNEMUEHLER M.J. see WATERS W.R. see also ZHOU L. WARD S.G. see SOTSIOS Y. WATERS W.R., HONTECILLAS R., SACCO R.E., TADA J. see HOSOI K. ZUCKERMANN F.A., HARKINS K.R., BASSAGANYA- TAGAMI H. see AIBA S. RIERA J. & WANNEMUEHLER M. J. Antigen-specific TAKAHASHI H. see NAKAGAWA Y. proliferation of porcine CD8x« cells to an extracellular bacterial TAKESHITA T. see NAKAGAWA Y. pathogen, 333 : TAKIMOTO H. see HOSSAIN M.S. WATT S.M. see DRABEROVA L.. TARRAB-HAZDAI R. see ARNON R. WEI W. see HOSOI K. TEDESCHI B. see CIAVARRA R.P. WESTWICK J. see SOTSIOS Y. TEH C., LE Y., LEE $.H. & LU J. M-ficolin is expressed on monocytes and is a lectin binding to N-acetyl-p-glucosamine and XIAO B.-G. see YANG J.-S. mediates monocyte adhesion and phagocytosis of Escherichia XING Z. see LEE W.-C. coli, 225 XU L.-Y. see YANG J.-S. THOMSON A.W. see LEE W.-C. THOREUX K., OWEN R.L. & SCHMUCKER D. L. Intestinal YAGITA H., see MOGI S. lymphocyte number, migration and antibody secretion in young YAMAMOTO H. see NAGATA M. and oid rats, 161 YAMASHIRO S., KAMOHARA H. & YOSHIMURA T, TIAN H. see ASADA A. Alteration in the responsiveness to tumour necrosis factor- is TIEMESSEN C.T., KILRGE B. & MARTIN DPD. J. Interleukin-8 crucial for maximal expression of monocyte chemoattractant fails to induce human immunodeficiency virus-1 expression in protein-| in human neutrophils, 97 chronically infected promonocytic U1 cells but differentially YANG J.-S., XU L.-Y., HUANG Y.-M., VAN DER MEIDE P.H., modulates induction by proinflammatory cytokines, 140 LINK H. & XIAO B.-G. Adherent dendritic cells expressing TONKONOGY S.L. see EDIRIWICKREMA CP. high levels of interleukin-10 and low levels of interleukin-12 TOSO C. see TRIPONEZ F. induce antigen-specific tolerance to experimental autoimmune TOZAWA Y. see ASADA A. encephalomyelitis, 397 TRIPONEZ F., OBERHOLZER J., MOREL P., TOSO C., YU D., YIE S.-M. see KAPASI K. CRETIN N., BUHLER L., MAJNO P., MENTHA G. & LOU YOKOYAMA M. see ASADA A. J. Xenogeneic islet re-transplantation in mice triggers an see also ZHOU L. accelerated, species-specific rejection, 548 YOSHIDA H. see HOSSAIN M.S. TSUMURA K. see HOSOI! K. YOSHIMURA T. see YAMASHIRO S. YOSHIMURA Y. see ZHOU L. UGOZZOLI M. see NIEDLEMAN J.A. YOSHINO Y. see AIBA S. ULLRICH S.E. see SCHMITT D.A. YU D. see TRIPONEZ F. VAJDY M. see NIEDLEMAN J.A. ZAJICOVA A. see HOLAN V. VALENTA R. see EIBENSTEINER P. ZAVAZAVA N. see KAPASI K. VAN DER MEIDE P.H. see YANG J.-S. ZHAN Y. see MANNERING S.I. VAN KUIK-ROMEIJIN P. see DE GROOT N. ZHANG Z. see WALSH W.E., JR VAN ROOTJEN N., see CIAVARRA R.P. ZHANG-HOOVER J., SUTTON A., VAN ROOJJEN N. & see also ZHANG-HOOVER J. STEIN-STREILEIN J. A critical role for alveolar macrophages VELAZQUEZ J.R., LACY P., MAHMUDI-AZER S., BABLITZ in elicitation of pulmonary immune fibrosis, 501 B., MILNE C.D., DENBURG J.A. & MOQBEL R. ZHAO Y. see ASADA A. Interleukin-4 and RANTES expression in maturing eosinophils ZHAO Y., RABBANI H., SHIMIZU A. & HAMMARSTROM L. derived from human cord blood CD34* progenitors, 419 Mapping of the chicken immunoglobulin heavy-chain constant VENTURA L. see BERGAMINI A. region gene locus reveals an inverted % gene upstream ol a VUK-PAVLOVIC S. see MATASIC R. condensed v gene, 348 ZHOU L., YOSHIMURA Y., HUANG Y.-Y., SUZUKI R., WAGNER H. see LIPFORD G.B. YOKOYAMA M., OKABE M. & SHIMAMURA M. Two WALLACE C.A. see CRANE IJ. independent pathways of maternal cell transmission to offspring: WALSH W.E., JR ANDERSON B.E., [VANCIC D., ZHANG Z., through placenta during pregnancy and by breast-feeding after PICCINI J.P., RODGERS T.G., PAO W. & FRYER J. P. birth, 570 Distribution of, and immune response to, chicken anti-xGal ZUCKERMANN F.A. see WATERS W.R. Subject Index Adherent dendritic cells: Dendritic cells, transforming growth factor-f,: mediate tolerance to experimental autoimmune treatment of, 68 encephalomvyelitis, 397 Dermal hypersensitivity reaction: Anti-o Gal antibodies: activated T helper type 2 cells, 442 in aGal knockout mice, 467 fluorescein isothiocyanate induced, 442 chicken, 467 DNA-reactive antibodies: immunoglobulin Y antibody binds «Gal epitopes, 467 against double-stranded and single-stranded DNA, 37! Antigen processing: epitopes in systematic lupus erythematosus, 371 presentation of human immunodeficiency type 1 envelope Double-positive T cells: protein-derived peptide, 76 phenotypic analysis, 178 Antigen-presenting cells: thymectomy, 178 heterogeneous population in porcine lamina propria, 492 Anti-tumour CD8* T cells: Enterotoxin: role of 4-1 BB iigand, 541 cytotoxic T lymphocyte induction, 154 squamous cell carcinoma, 541 heat-labile enterotoxin as adjuvant against human Atopy: immunoglobulin E antibody formation, 112 immunodeficiency virus, 154 the effects of pollution, 11 heat-labile enterotoxin mutants, 154 Vy gene usage, 112 Eosinophil adhesion: xB T cells, 325 augmented by H,O, 412 effect of H,O,, 412 4-1 BB ligand: via B integrin, 412 generation of anti-tumour CD8* T cells, 541 Experimental autoimimune encephalomyelitis: B cells: tolerance induced by dendritic cells, 397 CD22 role in homing, 342 B-cell receptor signalling: Fetal dendritic cells: CD5 expressien on human B cells, 21 costimulation dependent on FcyR expression, 242 B lymphocytes: B-lymphocyte development, 435 Germinal centre B cells: pre-B-cell receptor, 435 affinity maturation, 210 surrogate light chain, 435 signals sustaining immunoglobulin V gene hypermutation, 210 Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor: Carcinoembryonic antigen: relationship with interferon-y production, 132 CEACAM1 isoforms, 279 role in Mycobacterial infection, !32 expression in jaundice, 279 Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor: presence in human body fluids, 279 effect on macrophage cytokine production, 254 CDI: diiferential patterns between group | and group 2 CD! family upregulates CD14 expression on macrophages, 254 members, 452 Gut-associated lymphoid tissue: human immunoglobulin A cell distribution, 354 ovine expression, 452 CL8ax. cells: yd T cells, 325 role in colitis, 333 CD14 expression on bone marrow cells: H,0,: lipopolysaecharide binding and signalling, 262 augments human eosinophil adhesion, 412 CDI9* B cells: effect on B, integrin, 412 human gui-associated lymphoid tissue, 354 Heat shock proteins: CD22 expression on murine B cells: natural autoantibodies, 364 role in bone marrow homing, 342 role in cancer immunotherapy, 364 Cell adhesion: Herpes simplex virus type 2 immunity: M-ficolin expression on monocytes, 225 in B-cell knockout mice, 126 Chemokines: Herpes virus: effect on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 expression, 140 induces porcine T helper type i cytokines, 378 Cholera toxin: Human B cells: migration of intestinal anti-cholera toxin-secreting cells, 161 CD5 expression, 201 CpG-DNA sequences: signalling through B-cell receptors and CD40, 201 CD8 T cells, 46 Human endothelial cells antibacterial activity: T-cell costimulatory activities, 46 role of inflammatory cytokines, 271 Cytomegalovirus, murine: role of oxygen radicals, 271 T cells and infection, 19 Human immunodeficiency virus type | envelope-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte, 76 Decay accelerating factor: human, 104 Human leucocyte antigen-G: role in the alternative complement pathway, 104 role in allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocyte response, 191 Dendritic cells: in pregnancy, 191 maturation, 53 Human tumour vaccination: effect on organ transplantation, 233 4-1 BB ligand, 541 human, 68 major histocompatability complex expression on fetal dendritic Immunoglobulin gene mapping: cells, 242 chicken genome, 348 role in contact sensitivity, 68 heavy chain constant region, 348 587 588 Subject Index Infections: Nitrie oxide: a coccidia infection, 325 inducible nitric oxide synthase, 300 parasite infection, 325 involvement in macrophage fungicidal activity, 563 Interdigitating dendritic cells: mediates macrophage cytotoxicity in fungal infection, 563 insufficient to prime vesicular stomatitis virus T helper cells, 512 role in microbial pathogenesis, 300 presentation of stomatitis virus, 512 Interleukin-4 and RANTES production: Ophthalmology (blood-retina barrier): eosinop}il maturation, 419 chemokines, 426 Interleukin-8: effect on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 expression, 140 modulation of human iramunodeficiency virus type | expression, Peptide-based vaccine: 140 against Schistosoma mansoni, 555 Interleukin-10: Peripheral T-cell differentiation: immunomodulatory effect on organ transplantation, 233 molecular signals, 289 interleukin-12: T-cell receptor recognition, 289 raannwednaaA SeRaR e OB e lipopolysaccharide-induced release from macrophages, 61 iype 1/type 2 effectors, 289 signalling, 6: Polymorphonuclear neutrophils: Intestinal imtra-epithelial lymphocytes: accessory cells for T-cell activation, 521 antigen recognition. 38 major histocompatibility complex class II expression, 521 T-cell receptor y6 expression, 38 Porcine cytokines: Intraepithelial lymphocytes: induced by herpes virus, 378 superantigen-induced cylotoxicity, 185 transcription of T helper type 1 cytokines, 378 Porcine immunology: K inminogen: CD8aex cell proliferation in response to bacterial pathogen, 333 de navo synthesis in rat mast cells, 531 Pregnancy: expression in connective tissue mast cells, 531 maternal cell transmission to offspring, 570 rat submandibular gland expression, 531 pathways for maternal leucocyte transmission, 570 Pulmonary immune fibrosis: Lamina propria: role of alveolar macrophages, 501 antigen-presenting cells, 492 porcine, 492 Lamina propria B cells: RANTES secretion: cell-surface markers, 354 effects of costimulation on, 30 human, 354 Recombinant adenovirus vectors: emory phenotype, 354 adenovirus-specific immunoglobulin A induction, 388 Lectins: expression of interleukin-5 and interleukin-6, 388 M-ficolin-mediated cell adhesion, 225 role in mucosal vaccination, 388 Listeria monocytogenes: bacteriacidal activity of oxygen and nitrogen metabolites, 83 Schistosoma mansoni: Lung: minotope vaccine, 555 monocytes/macrophages, 501 Secretory immunoglobulin A: pulmonary immune fibrosis, 501 transport to the mammary gland, 218 Small intestine: Macrophage cytokine production: antigen-presenting cells, 492 effect of CD14, 254 porcine, 492 regulation by granulocyte~macrophage colony-stimulating factor, Sporothrix schencki: 254 susceptibility to nitric oxide, 563 Macrophages: virulence, 563 alveolar, 501 Staphylococcal enterotoxin B: Maternal fetal interface: effect on human intraepithelial lymphocytes, 185 murine, 570 Stomatitis virus: pathways for leucocyte transmission, 570 antigen processing, 512 Monocyte chemoattractant protein type 1 expression: Systematic lupus erythematosus: in human neutrophils, 97 specificity and binding of DNA-reactive antibodies, 371 MUCI carcinoma-associated antigen: anti-tumour activity, 316 MUC1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity, 316 T helper type | cytokine transcription: Mucosal immune response: porcine, 378 age-related decline, 161 T-cell activation: Mycobacterium leprae-specific cell immunity: CD28, 169 Rubino test, 147 cytctoxic T lymphocyte antigen type 4, 169 polymorphonuclear neutrophils as accessory cells, 521 Natural antibody signalling: The hygiene theory: fibroblast, 458 effects of pollutants on the immune response, 11 protein kinase C expression, 458 Thymocyte apoptosis: Natural killer 1.1* «8 T cells (NKT): induced by CD3/CD28, 309 CD1 expression, 484 protein kinase C signalling, 309 phenotype, 484 Tolerance to experimental autoimmune encephaiomyelitis: presence in pregnant uterus, 484 associated with transforming growth factor-B, 397 Natural killer cells: associated with nitric oxide production, 397 enhance anti-bovine serum albumin immunoglobulin G2a associated with apoptosis, 397 antibody response, 474 Toll-like receptors: positive feedback interaction with macrophages, 474 regulators of host responses to infection, Neutrophils: Transplantation immunity: tumour necrosis factor-Ga-induced monocyte chemoattractant corneal allografts, 404 protein type | expression, 97 oral immunization with allogeneic cells, 404 Subject Index Ulitraviolet-induced immune suppression: Virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes: cytokine radiated, 90 line leukaemia virus, 120 interleukin-12, 90 protective immunity, 120 Xenotransplantation: Viral infections: cell-mediated, species-specific accelerated rejection, 548 role of nitric oxide, 300 islet re-transplantation, 548

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