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IMMUNOLOGY CONTENTS Vol 80, No 1, September 1993 Anti-CD14 antibodies reduce responses of cultured human endothelial cells to endotoxin 1 M. Rodrigues, R. S. Nussenzweig & F. Zavala: The I. Corrales, A. J. L. Weersink, J. Verhoef & relative contribution of antibodies, CD4* and CD8* K. P. M. van Kessel: Serum-independent binding of T cells to sporozoite-induced protection against malaria lipopolysaccharide to human monocytes is trypsin H.-M. Vordermeier, D. P. Harris, R. Lathigra, sensitive and does not involve CD14 E. Roman, C. Moreno & J. Ivanyi: Recognition of D. Kaiserlian, A. Lachaux, I. Grosjean, P. Graber & peptide epitopes of the 16,000 MW antigen of J.-Y. Bonnefoy: Intestinal epithelial cells express the Mycobacterium tuberculosis by murine T cells CD23/FceRII molecule: enhanced expression in 3 J. L. Young & D. C. Hooper: Characterization of enteropathies autoreactive helper T cells in a murine model of J. Verwilghen, V. Corrigal, R. M. Pope, R. Rodrigues & autoimmune haemolytic disease G. S. Panayi: Expression and function of CD5 and S. A. Lauer, U. Hempel, A. Gries & K.-H. Frank: CD28 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Amino acid sequence of the region of f2-glycoprotein | L. Draberova & P. Draber: Cross-linking of Thy-1 (gpl) which mediates binding of autoantibodies to the glycoproteins or high-affinity IgE receptors induces cardiolipin-gp! complex in humans mast cell activation via different mechanisms S. H. M. Jeurissen: The role of various compartments A. MclI. Mowat, A. K. Hutton, P. Garside & M. Steel: in the chicken spleen during an antigen-specific A role for interleukin-1« in immunologically mediated humoral response intestinal pathology K. Yoshida, T. K. van den Berg & C. D. Dijkstra: Two T. Abe, H. Sugaya, K. Ishida, W. I. Khan, I. Tasdemir functionally different follicular dendritic cells in & K. Yoshimura: Intestinal protection against secondary lymphoid follicles of mouse spleen, as Strongyloides ratti and mastocytosis induced by revealed by CR1/2 and FcRylII-mediated immune administration of interleukin-3 in mice complex trapping X. Zhu, W. Ertel, A. Ayala, M. H. Morrison, D. H. Crawford & D. Catovsky: /n vitro activation of M. M. Perrin & I. H. Chaudry: Chloroquine inhibits leukaemic B cells by interleukin-4 and antibodies to macrophage tumour necrosis factor-« mRNA CD40 transcription A. C. Lankester, C. J. M. van Noesel, S. Picot, F. Peyron, A. Donadille, J.-P. Vuillez, G. M. W. van Schijndel & R. A. W. van Lier: Surface G. Barbe & P. Ambroise-Thomas: Chloroquine-induced expression of immunoglobulin isotypes on primary inhibition of the production of TNF, but not of IL-6, is human B cells: no evidence for glycosyl- affected by distribution of iron metabolism phosphatidylinositol linkage K.-U. Kim, O.-J. Kwon & D.-M. Jue: Pro-tumour M. R. Greenwood, L. Tasker, P. H. Cobbold & necrosis factor cleavage enzyme in macrophage S. Marshall-Clarke: Non-oscillatory free Ca**+ response membrane/particulate of single B cells and WEHI-231 cells after cross-linking H. Ohtsuka, T. Imamura, M. Matsushita, S. Tanase, of antigen receptors with anti-immunoglobulin H. Okada, M. Ogawa & T. Kambara: Thrombin P. Lane, W. Gerhard, S. Hubele, A. Lanzavecchia & generates monocyte chemotactic activity from F. McConnell: Expression and functional properties of complement factor H mouse B7/BB1 using a fusion protein between mouse J. Marcinkiewicz & B. M. Chain: Differential regulation CTLA4 and human y1 of cytokine production by nitric oxide M. G. Steele & H. B. Herscowitz: Suppression of A. Thanhauser, N. Reiling, A. Bokle, K.-M. Toellner, murine IgM, IgG, IgA and IgE antibody responses by M. Duchrow, D. Scheel, C. Schliiter, M. Ernst, alveolar macrophages H.-D. Flad & A. J. Ulmer: Pentoxifylline: a potent N. A. Enane, K. Frenkel, J. M. O’Connor, K. S. Squibb inhibitor of IL-2 and IFN-y biosynthesis and & J. T. Zelikoff: Biological markers of macrophage BCG-induced cytotoxicity activation: applications for fish phagocytes M. Perretti, A. Ahluwalia, R. J. Flower & S. Manzini: Endogenous tachykinins play a role in IL-1-induced Brief communication neutrophil accumulation: involvement of NK-1 receptors M. Petersen, J. D. Williams & M. B. Hallett: Cross- E. J. U. von Asmuth, M. A. Dentener, V. Bazil, linking of CD11b or CD18 signals release of localized M. G. Bouma, J. F. M. Leeuwenberg & W. A. Buurman: Ca?*+ from intracellular stores in neutrophils iv Volume Contents Vol 80, No 2, October 1993 of a serum component(s) modified by B cells to the mechanism for macrophage activation by liposomes 161 Editorial M. de La Fuente, I. Bernaez, M. Del Rio & A. Hernanz: 162 J. Zwirner, E. Felber, R. Burger, D. Bitter-Suermann, Stimulation of murine peritoneal macrophage functions G. Riethmiiller & H. E. Feucht: Classical pathway of by neuropeptide Y and peptide YY. Involvement of complement activation in mammalian kidneys protein kinase C I. Yokoyama & F. Waxman: Clonal variations in D. H. Strickland, T. Thepen, U. R. Kees, G. Kraal & complement activation and deposition of C3b and C4b P. G. Holt: Regulation of T-cell function in lung tissue on model immune complexes by pulmonary alveolar macrophages A. Vakeva, P. Laurila & S. Meri: Co-deposition of C. Laudanna, P. Melotti, C. Bonizzato, G. Piacentini, clusterin with the complement membrane attack A. Boner, M. C. Serra & G. Berton: Ligation of complex in myocardial infarction members of the f, or the £2 subfamilies of integrins by K. L. Simpson, J. M. Houlihan & C. H. Holmes: antibodies triggers eosinophil respiratory burst and Complement regulatory proteins in early human fetal spreading life: CD59, membrane co-factor protein (MCP) and A. Hartnell, D. S. Robinson, A. B. Kay & decay-accelerating factor (DAF) are differentially A. J. Wardlaw: CD69 is expressed by human expressed in the developing liver eosinophils activated in vivo in asthma and in vitro by H. U. Lutz, M. Nater & P. Stammler: Naturally cytokines occurring anti-band 3 antibodies have a unique affinity G. Levy Polat, J. Laufer, I. Fabian & J. H. Passwell: for C3 Cross-linking of monocyte plasma membrane Fea, Fey M. Vajdy & N. Lycke: Stimulation of antigen-specific or mannose receptors induces TNF production T- and B-cell memory in local as well as systemic D. A. Rathjen, A. Ferrante & R. Aston: Differential lymphoid tissues following oral immunization with effects of small tumour necrosis factor-a peptides on cholera toxin adjuvant tumour cell cytotoxicity, neutrophil activation and G. F. Hoyne, M. G. Callow, M.-C. Kuo & endothelial cell procoagulant activity W. R. Thomas: Presentation of peptides and proteins by 300 C. Philippe, P. Roux-Lombard, B. Fouqueray, J. Perez, intestinal epithelial cells J.-M. Dayer & L. Baud: Membrane expression and P. R. Walker, R. Smerdon, J. Haron & T. Lehner: shedding of tumour necrosis factor receptors during Mapping major and minor T-cell epitopes in vitro and activation of human blood monocytes: regulation by their immunogenic or tolerogenic effect in vivo in desferrioxamine non-human primates S. J. Brett, L. Dunlop, F. Y. Liew & J. P. Tite: K. Sugita, J. D. Dasgupta, Y. Nojima, K. Agematsu, Influence of the antigen delivery system on S. F. Schlossman & C. Morimoto: Protein kinase immunoglobulin isotype selection and cytokine A-mediated phosphorylation of the T-cell surface production in response to influenza A nucleoprotein antigen CD27 T. Ishikawa, S. Kakumu, K. Yoshioka, M. Yamada, L. Song, W. H. Adler, S. Chung, Y. Ho Kim, K. Tanaka, Y. Higashi, M. Takayanagi, A. Okumura, J. TenBrook, G. D. Collins & J. E. Nagel: Concurrent A. Kojima & T. Tamura: Relative immunogenicity of strong tyrosine phosphorylation of a 42,000 MW ERK hepatitis B virus-encoded antigens as targets for and a 100,000 MW protein is associated with IL-2 cytotoxic T-cell response production in human Jurkat T cells M. Makino, D. F. Winkler, J. Wunderlich, A. Rebollo & A. Silva: Intermediate- and high-affinity J. W. Hartley, H. C. Morse & K. L. Holmes: High interleukin-2 receptors expressed in an IL-4-dependent expression of NK-1.1 antigen is induced by infection T-cell line induce different signals with murine AIDS virus P. A. Lando, M. Dohlsten, G. Hedlund, T. Brodin, D. Sansom & T. Kalland: Co-stimulation with B7 Brief communications and targeted superantigen is required for MHC A. Noble, D. Z. Staynov, D. Diaz-Sanchez, T. H. Lee & class I]-independent T-cell proliferation but not D. M. Kemeny: Elimination of IgE regulatory rat cytotoxicity CD8* T cells in vivo increases the co-ordinate D. M. Sansom, A. Wilson, M. Boshell, J. Lewis & expression of Th2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 N. D. Hall: B7/CD28 but not LFA-3/CD2 interactions Y. Hiromatsu, M. Sato, K. Tanaka, N. Ishisaka, can provide ‘third-party’ co-stimulation for human J. Kamachi & K. Nonaka: Inhibitory effects of T-cell activation nicotinamide on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 C. E. M. Pucillo, A. Colombatti, M. Vitale, S. Salzano, expression on cultured human thyroid cells G. Rossi & S. Formisano: Interactions of promonocytic T. Seki, K. Joh & T. Oh-ishi: Augmented production of U937 cells with proteins of the extracellular matrix interleukin-8 in cerebrospinal fluid in bacterial Y. Aramaki, M. Murai & S. Tsuchiya: The contribution meningitis Volume Contents Vol 80, No 3, November 1993 characterization of the rat analogue of human CD59 in kidney and glomerular cells 337 Y. Fujii, A.-L. Li, H. Kohno & N. Yamaguchi: Major F. Kierszenbaum, H. Mejia Lopez & M. B. Sztein: Does histocompatibility complex restriction of maternally interleukin-2 restore lymphocyte responses suppressed induced suppression in young adult mice by Trypanosoma cruzi? S. D. Wainwright & C. H. Holmes: Distribution of Fcy R. Costello, H. Brailly, F. Mallet, C. Mawas & receptors on trophoblast during human placental D. Olive: Interleukin-7 is a potent co-stimulus of the development: an immunohistochemical and adhesion pathway involving CD2 and CD28 molecules immunoblotting study Y. Zhan, A. Kelso & C. Cheers: Cytokine production in R. Appleberg & I. M. Orme: Effector mechanisms the murine response to brucella infection or involved in cytokine-mediated bacteriostasis of immunization with antigenic extracts Mycobacterium avium infections in murine V. Stefanovic, N. Ardaillou, P. Viahovic, S. Placier, macrophages P. Ronco & R. Ardaillou: Interferon-y induces Z.-L. Chang & D. H. Beezhold: Protein kinase C dipeptidylpeptidase IV expression in human glomerular activation in human monocytes: regulation of PKC epithelial cells isoforms S. Kayashima, S. Tsuru, N. Hata & M. Rokutanda: N. M. Hedberg, N. Hunter, C. Soussou & A. E. Knop: Therapeutic effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating Production of an early release, M, 36,000 monokine by factor (G-CSF) on the protection against Listeria stimulated rat macrophages infection in SCID mice C. Moulon, J. Péguet-Navarro, P. Courtellemont, A. Saxon, B. Keld, J. Braun, A. Dotson & N. Sidell: G. Redziniak & D. Schmitt: /n vitro primary Long-term administration of 13-cis retinoic acid in sensitization and restimulation of hapten-specific T cells common variable immunodeficiency: circulating by fresh and cultured human epidermal Langerhans’ interleukin-6 levels, B-cell surface molecule display, and cells in vitro and in vivo B-cell antibody production K. Sato, K. Ohtsuka, H. Watanabe, H. Asakura & Y. Himaya, Y. Kohno, A. Hoshioka, N. Shimojo, T. Abo: Detailed characterization of yd T cells within O. Tarutani, T. Yokochi, N. Maruyama & H. Niimi: the organs in mice: classification into three groups Characterization of a thyroiditis-inducing Y. Sano, E. Dudley, S. Carding, R.-H. Lin, thyroglobulin-specific T-cell clone restricted by the H-2 A. C. Hayday & C. A. Janeway: 6 T-cell lines isolated molecule of a low responder mouse strain from intestinal epithelium respond to a B-cell R. A. Metcalfe, N. Tandon, T. Tamatani, M. Miyasaka lymphoma & A. P. Weetman: Adhesion molecule monoclonal M. R. I. Young, J. L. Kut, M. P. Coogan, antibodies inhibit experimental autoimmune thyroiditis M. A. Wright, M. E. Young & J. Matthews: Stimulation R. A. Smerdon, M. Peakman, M. J. Hussain & of splenic T-lymphocyte function by endogenous D. Vergani: Lymphocyte vaccination prevents serotonin and by low-dose exogenous serotonin spontaneous diabetes in the non-obese diabetic mouse J. Greenwood & V. L. Calder: Lymphocyte migration through cultured endothelial cell monolayers derived Brief communications from the blood-retinal barrier P. Borrow, C. J. R. Welsh & A. A. Nash: Study of the A. D. M. Rees, A. Faith, E. Roman, J. Ivanyi, mechanisms by which CD4* T cells contribute to K.-H. Wiesmuller & C. Moreno: The effect of protection in Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis lipoylation on CD4 T-cell recognition of the 19,000 U. Tontsch & O. Rott: Intercellular regulation of major MW Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen histocompatibility complex class I expression in neural M. O. Labeta, J.-J. Durieux, G. Spagnoli, cells N. Fernandez, J. Wijdenes & R. Herrmann: CD14 and tolerance to lipopolysaccharide: biochemical and functional analysis Vol 80, No 4, December 1993 N. Paul-Eugene, C. Amirand, F. OQuaaz, J.-P. Ballini, D. M. Mossalayi, B. Dugas & J.-P. Kolb: Biochemical 511 M. J. M. Jacobs, A. E. M. van den Hoek, L. B. A. van and functional alterations induced by CD23 ligation in de Putte & W. B. van den Berg: Induction of tolerance the human promonocytic cell line U937 by T-cell activation is possible beyond the area of A. R. Rosenkranz, O. Majdic, J. Stéckl, W. Pickl, autoimmunity: down-regulation of immunity directed H. Stockinger & W. Knapp: Induction of neutrophil to foreign protein antigens homotypic adhesion via sialophorin (CD43), a surface D. L. Very, Jr, D. J. Panka, D. Weissman, L. Wysocki, sialoglycoprotein restricted to haemopoietic cells T. Manser & A. Marshak-Rothstein: Lack of T. R. Hughes, S. Meri, M. Davies, J. D. Williams & connectivity between the induced and autoimmune B. P. Morgan: Immunolocalization and repertoires of /pr/ipr mice Volume Contents A. MclI. Mowat, K. J. Maloy & A. M. Donachie: 611 W. M. Gonsalkorale, M. J. Dascombe & Immune-stimulating complexes as adjuvants for I. V. Hutchinson: Cyclic AMP inhibits macrophage inducing local and systemic immunity after oral suppressor function and enhances lymphocyte immunization with protein antigens proliferation G. Gregoriadis, Z. Wang, Y. Barenholz & M. J. Francis: K. Suk, S. D. Somers & K. L. Erickson: Regulation of Liposome-entrapped T-cell peptide provides help for a murine macrophage function by IL-4: IL-4 and IFN-y co-entrapped B-cell peptide to overcome genetic differentially regulate macrophage tumoricidal restriction in mice and induce immunological memory activation R. Uchikawa, M. Yamada, S. Matsuda & N. Arizono: P. D. Mason, J. G. P. Sissons & L. K. Borysiewicz: IgE antibody responses induced by transplantation of Heterogeneity amongst natural killer cells revealed by the nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis in rats: a limiting dilution culture; selectivity against virus- possible role of nematode excretory-secretory product infected and tumour cell targets in IgE production B. Konig & W. KGnig: The role of the A. K. Satapathy, M. K. Das & B. Ravindran: Murine phosphatidylinositol turnover in 12- malaria: anti-erythrocytic antibodies recognize N-acetyl hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid generation from human neuraminic acid residues platelets by Escherichia coli «-haemolysin, thrombin I. N. Bird, J. H. Spragg, A. Ager & N. Matthews: and fluoride Studies of lymphocyte transendothelial migration: K. Hong, T. Harada, T. Nishimura & K. Inoue: Binding analysis of migrated cell phenotypes with regard to ability of complement receptor CR1 to C3 bound on CD31 (PECAM-1), CD45RA and CD45RO the surface of M+ group A streptococci P. W. Canchis, A. K. Bhan, S. B. Landau, L. Yang, G. A. Tennent, M. L. Baltz, G. D. Osborn, S. P. Balk & R. S. Blumberg: Tissue distribution of P. J. G. Butler, G. E. Noble, P. N. Hawkins & the non-polymorphic major histocompatibility M. B. Pepys: Studies of the structure and binding complex class I-like molecule, CD1d properties of hamster female protein S. Lombard-Platlet, P. Bertolino, H. Deng, D. Gerlier & C. Rabourdin-Combe: Inhibition by chloroquine of the Brief communications class II major histocompatibility complex-restricted A. S. Bansal, R. S. Pumphrey, B. K. Mandal, presentation of endogenous antigens varies according S. H. Khoo & P. B. Wilson: Serum measurements of to the cellular origin of the antigen-presenting cells, the soluble CD23 in HIV infection nature of the T-cell epitope, and the responding T cell A. Long, M. O’Connell, R. M. J. Liskamp & S. L. Tonkonogy & S. L. Swain: Distinct lymphokine D. Kelleher: Regulation of CD3 expression in a protein production by CD4* T cells isolated from mucosal and kinase C isozyme-deficient T-cell line systemic lymphoid organs M.-T. Dearden-Badet & J.-P. Revillard: Requirement U. Wiedermann, L. A. Hanson, H. Kahu & for tyrosine phosphorylation in lipopolysaccharide- U. I. Dahlgren: Aberrant T-cell function in vitro and induced murine B-cell proliferation impaired T-cell dependent antibody response in vivo in T. Roger, S. Boudaly, J. Couderc & M. Seman: Mls-1 vitamin A-deficient rats and Mls-2 superantigens do not control susceptibility B. A. Garvy, L. E. King, W. G. Telford, L. A. Morford to collagen-induced arthritis in H; and Hy mice & P. J. Fraker: Chronic elevation of plasma M. M. Gore, R. M. Kolhapure, M. K. Govardhan & corticosterone causes reductions in the number of K. Banerjee: Xenogenic transfer of human lymphocytes cycling cells of the B lineage in murine bone marrow in tolerized mice and induces apoptosis S. Bao, S. Goldstone & A. J. Husband: Localization of 3 A. H. Hajeer, N. Snowden, P. Wilson, S. Drover & IFN-y and IL-6 mRNA in murine intestine by in situ W. E. Ollier: Antibodies to major histocompatibility hybridization complex class II inhibit proliferation, but increase Book reviews production of soluble CD23 in lymphoblastoid B-cell lines Books received for review C. McL. Press, W. R. Hein & T. Landsverk: Ontogeny Editorial acknowledgment of leucocyte populations in the spleen of fetal lambs with emphasis on the early prominence of B cells Author and subject indexes for Volume 80 J. Y. Niederkorn & E. Mayhew: ‘Subthreshold stimulation’ of allospecific delayed hypersensitivity by corneal allografts one

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