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13 iblical erspectives Immortality or Resurrection? A Biblical Study on Human Nature and Destiny Samuele Bacchiocchi Foreword by Clark Pinnock iblical erspectives 4990 Appian Way Berrien Springs Michigan 49103, USA BOOKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR THE CHRISTIAN AND ROCK MUSIC is a timely symposium that defines the biblical principles to make good musical choices. THE SABBATH UNDER CROSSFIRE refutes the common arguments used to negate the continuity and validity of the Sabbath. IMMORTALITY OR RESURRECTION? unmasks with compelling Biblical reason- ing the oldest and the greatest deception of all time, that human beings possess immortal souls that live on forever. THE MARRIAGE COVENANT is designed to strengthen your Christian home through a recovery of those biblical principles established by God to ensure happy, lasting, marital relationships. THE ADVENT HOPE FOR HUMAN HOPELESSNESS offers a scholarly, and comprehensive analysis of the biblical teachings regarding the certainty and imminence of Christ’s Return. FROM SABBATH TO SUNDAY presents the results of a painstaking research done at a Vatican University in Rome on how the change came about from Saturday to Sunday in early Christianity. THE SABBATH IN THE NEW TESTAMENT summarizes Bacchiocchi’s exten- sive research on the history and theology of the Lord’s Day and answers the most frequently asked questions on this subject. WINE IN THE BIBLE shows convincingly that the Bible condemns the use of alcoholic beverages, irrespective of the quantity used. CHRISTIAN DRESS AND ADORNMENT examines the Biblical teachings regarding dress, cosmetics, and jewelry. An important book designed to help Christians dress modestly, decently, and reverently. DIVINE REST FOR HUMAN RESTLESSNESS offers a rich and stirring theo- logical interpretation of the relevance of Sabbathkeeping for our tension-filled and restless society. Translated in 15 languages. HAL LINDSEY’S PROPHETIC JIGSAW PUZZLE refutes with compelling logic the senselessness of the predictions made by writers like Hal Lindsey. It received the 1987 Associated Church Press Award. WOMEN IN THE CHURCH shows why Scripture supports the participation of women in various church ministries but precludes their ordination to the representative role of elder or pastor. THE TIME OF THE CRUCIFIXION AND THE RESURRECTION examines the time element of the Crucifixion/Resurrection as well as the meaning of Christ’s death. GOD’S FESTIVALS IN SCRIPTURE AND HISTORY. Vol. 1: The Spring Festivals; Vol. 2: The Fall Festivals examine the historicaldevelopment and theological meaning of the ancient Feasts of Israel. Each of the above books costs $20.00, mailing expenses included. To order them, call (616) 471-2915 or mail your prepaid order to: BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES 4990 Appian Way. Berrien Springs, MI 49103, USA Web Page: http://www.biblicalperspectives.com E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Cover layout by Gilbert Gurubatham Resurrection picture by Lou Skidmore Séance picture by John Steele ©Copyright 2001 by Samuele Bacchiocchi To purchase a copy of this book call (616) 471-2915 or mail your prepaid order ($20.00, postpaid) to BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES 4990 Appian Way Berrien Springs Michigan 49103 Phone (616) 471-2915 Fax (616) 471-4013 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Web site: http://www.biblicalperspectives.com DEDICATED to my caring wife, Anna, whose loving support motivates me to greater service for the Lord TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ............................................................................................ 8 Introduction ............................................................................................ 9 1. The Debate over Human Nature and Destiny ................................. 15 Two Basic Views of Human Nature and Destiny ................................ 17 Classical Dualism ............................................................................ 17 Biblical Wholism ............................................................................. 18 Implications of Dualism ...................................................................... 23 Doctrinal Implications ..................................................................... 23 Practical Implications ...................................................................... 25 Implications of Biblical Wholism ........................................................ 28 Positive View of Physical and Spiritual .......................................... 28 Concerned for the Whole Person ..................................................... 28 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 30 Notes to Chapter 1 ............................................................................... 31 2. The Old Testament View of Human Nature .................................... 33 Human Nature at Creation .................................................................. 35 Creation, Fall, and Redemption ....................................................... 35 The Meaning of “Living Soul” ........................................................ 39 Human Nature as Soul ......................................................................... 45 Human Nature as Body and Flesh ....................................................... 53 Human Nature as Heart ....................................................................... 57 Human Nature as Spirit ....................................................................... 60 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 70 Notes to Chapter 2 ............................................................................... 72 3. The New Testament View of Human Nature ................................... 76 Human Nature as Soul ......................................................................... 79 Human Nature as Spirit ....................................................................... 93 Human Nature as Body ....................................................................... 103 Human Nature as Heart ....................................................................... 108 Scholarly Support for Wholistic View ............................................... 110 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 116 Notes to Chapter 3 ............................................................................... 117 -6- Table of Contents 6 4. The Biblical View of Death ................................................................ 122 A Historical Glimpse of the Belief in the Survival of the Soul ........... 123 The Nature of Death ............................................................................ 133 Old Testament Descriptions of Death .............................................. 138 New Testament References to Death ............................................... 140 Death as Sleep in the Old Testament ............................................... 140 Death as Sleep in the New Testament .............................................. 142 Lazarus Had No Afterlife Experience .............................................. 143 Paul and the Sleeping Saints ............................................................ 143 The Significance of the “Sleep” Metaphor .......................................... 145 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 148 Notes on Chapter 4 ............................................................................... 150 5. The State of the Dead ........................................................................ 155 The State of the Dead in the Old Testament ........................................ 157 Translations and Interpretations of Sheol ........................................ 157 The Condition of the Dead in Sheol ................................................. 161 The Medium of Endor ...................................................................... 167 The State of the Dead in the New Testament ....................................... 170 The Meaning and Nature of Hades .................................................. 170 Jesus and Hades ............................................................................... 171 The Rich Man and Lazarus .............................................................. 173 Jesus’ Use of Current Beliefs ........................................................... 176 Jesus and the Thief on the Cross ...................................................... 177 Resurrection Body at the Parousia ................................................... 184 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 189 Notes to Chapter 5 ................................................................................ 190 6. Hell: Eternal Torment or Annihilation? .......................................... 195 The Traditional View of Hell ............................................................... 197 The Witness of the Old Testament ....................................................... 199 The Witness of the Intertestamental Literature .................................... 201 The Witness of Jesus ............................................................................ 204 The Witness of Paul ............................................................................. 211 The Witness of Revelation ................................................................... 212 The Metaphorical View of Hell ........................................................... 220 The Universalist View of Hell ............................................................. 222 The Annihilation View of Hell ............................................................. 225 The Language of Destruction in the Bible ........................................... 229 The Moral Implications of Eternal Torment ........................................ 237 The Judicial Implications of Eternal Torment ..................................... 240 The Cosmological Implications of Eternal Torment ............................ 243 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 244 Notes to Chapter 6 ............................................................................... 246 Table of Contents 7 7. The Consummation of Redemption ................................................. 252 The Second Advent .............................................................................. 253 Dualism and the Neglect of the Advent Hope ................................. 253 The Manner of Christ’s Coming .......................................................... 255 The Purpose of Christ’s Coming .......................................................... 259 The Resurrection .................................................................................. 260 The Resurrection of Believers .......................................................... 260 The Resurrection of Unbelievers ...................................................... 261 The Resurrection of the Body .............................................................. 263 Characteristics of the Resurrection Body ............................................. 265 The Meaning of the Resurrection of the Body ..................................... 271 The Final Judgment ............................................................................. 276 The Necessity of the Final Judgment ............................................... 277 The Scope of the Final Judgment ..................................................... 278 The Standard of the Final Judgment ................................................ 279 The Seventh-Day Adventist View of the Final Judgment .................... 283 Evaluative and Executive Phases ..................................................... 284 A Glimpse at the Pre-Advent Phase of the Final Judgment ............. 284 A Glimpse at the Post-Advent Phase of the Final Judgment ........... 286 The Scope of the Post-Advent Judgment ......................................... 287 The World to Come .............................................................................. 289 New Earth Fulfills Old Testament Promises ................................... 289 Annihilation or Renewal of Present Earth? ..................................... 290 The Biblical View of the New Earth ............................................... 291 A Preview of Life in the New Earth .................................................... 294 Conclusion ............................................................................................ 301 Notes to Chapter 7 ................................................................................ 305 FOREWORD by Clark H. Pinnock Let me welcome another splendid book from Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi. In the tradition of Oscar Cullmann, Dr. Bacchiocchi has dem- onstrated in a much fuller way the contrast between the primitive Christian hope for the resurrection of the dead and the Hellenistic expectation of the survival of the immortal soul. In this fine new book, he offers a thorough biblical study of human nature as an indivisible unity and draws out implica- tions for our destiny and many other matters. Anthropological dualism has done such a serious harm in weakening our blessed hope of Christ’s appearing and in distorting our understanding of the world to come. It has also fostered many false dichotomies including a negative view of the body in contrast to the soul and a concept of salvation as interior experience rather than total transformation. Worst of all, it has given rise to the sadistic teaching that God makes the wicked suffer unend- ing conscious torment in hell, which has been such a burden to the Christian conscience and such unnecessary offense to many seekers. A large number of scholars agree with the author as regards human nature but no one has so courageously drawn out many of the necessary implications. This book is much needed in order to combat the persistent but mistaken opinion among Christians that the soul is an immortal substance, a belief which is both unbiblical and harmful. I congratulate Dr. Bacchiocchi and thank him for this decisive volume. Clark H. Pinnock, Ph. D., Professor of Theology McMaster Divinity College Hamilton, Ontario, Canada INTRODUCTION Why write a book on the Biblical view of human nature and destiny? Isn’t this a dead issue that theologians have settled long time ago? What is the point of investigating this question again? Do people really care about what the Bible teaches about the make-up of their nature and God’s plan for their destiny? The truth of the matter is that the question of human nature and destiny is far from being a dead issue. In recent years, numerous Bible scholars, philosophers, and scientists have reexamined the traditional dualistic view of human nature, consisting of a material, mortal body, and a spiritual, immortal soul. They have found such a view to be contrary to Scripture, reason and science. A close reexamination of the basic Biblical terms for man (body, soul, spirit, flesh, mind, heart) has led many scholars to conclude that in the Bible there is no dichotomy between a mortal body and an immortal soul that “comes apart” at death. Both body and soul, flesh and spirit are an indivisible unity, part of the same person who ceases to exist at death until the resurrection. Reading these scholarly studies, one almost gets the impression that Christianity is coming out of a stupor and is suddenly discovering that for too long it has held to a view of human nature derived from Platonic dualism rather than from Biblical wholism. The massive scholarly assault on the traditional dualistic view of human nature eventually will filter through the rank and file of Christian denominations. When this happens, it will cause intellectual and personal crisis to Christians accustomed to believing that at death their souls break loose from their bodies and continue to exist either in the beatitude of paradise or in the torment of hell. Many Christians will be sorely disappointed to discover that their beliefs in the after life are a delusion. -9- Introduction 10 There is no question that Biblical scholarship is bound to cause a great deal of existential anxiety to millions of Christians who believe in going to heaven at death with their disembodied souls. Any challenge to traditionally held beliefs can be devastating. The purpose of this study is not to intensify such anxiety, but to encourage all Christians committed to the normative authority of the Scripture to reexamine their traditional beliefs and reject them if proven to be unbiblical. The Christian hope for a better tomorrow must be grounded on the unmistakable teachings of God’s Word, not on ecclesi- astical traditions. Reasons for Writing this Book. Two major reasons have motivated me to undertake this research. The first is the awareness that in spite of the massive attacks by Bible scholars against traditional dualism, the belief in conscious existence after death is gaining greater popular acceptance. Ac- cording to a recent Gallup Poll, 71 percent of Americans believe in some form of conscious life after death.1 The increase in this belief can be attributed to such factors as the polished image of mediums and psychics, the sophisticated “scientific” research into near-death experiences, and the popular New Age channeling with the alleged spirits of the past. Methods such as these are very successful in making people believe Satan’s lie that no matter what they do, they “shall not die” (Gen 3:4) but become like gods by living for ever. The second reason for undertaking this study is that most scholarly studies on this area are technical in nature and limited in scope. They are written in a technical language, making use of original Hebrew or Greek words that most lay readers do not understand. Their scope is also limited, often dealing exclusively either with the question of human nature (Biblical anthropology) or that of human destiny (Biblical eschatology). Biblical scholars seldom have attempted to show the correlation between the Biblical teaching on the make-up of human nature and its teaching on the nature of human destiny. The awareness of the growing popular acceptance of the belief in conscious existence after death and the scarcity of popularly written books addressing this issue from a Biblical perspective convinced me of the need to write this book. My goal is twofold. On the one hand, I attempt to unmask with Biblical reasoning the oldest and possibly the greatest deception of all time, namely, that human beings possess immortal souls that live on forever. This deceptive teaching has fostered a whole spectrum of erroneous beliefs that have adversely affected Christian thought and practice. On the other hand, I endeavor to show how the Biblical wholistic view of human nature enhances our appreciation of our physical life, this present world, redemption, and our ultimate destiny.

Samuele Bacchiocchi CHRISTIAN DRESS AND ADORNMENT examines the Biblical teachings E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].
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