PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 1()()(3), IW8. pp. 31 1-520 IMMATURE LIFE STAGE DESCRIPTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF CULOPTILA CANTHA (ROSS) (TRICHOPTERA: GLOSSOSOMATIDAE) David C. Houghton and Kenneth W. Stewart Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203, U.S.A.; (DCH) Current address: Department of Entomology, 219 Hodson Hall, 1980 Fol- MN well Avenue, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, 55108, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]). — Abstract. The eggs, larvae of all instars, larval cases, and pupae of Culoptila cantha (Ross) are described for the first time. The distribution of the species is provided. Key Words: Culoptila, Glossosomatidae, Trichoptera, eggs, larvae, pupae, cases, de- scriptions, distribution The primarily Neotropical glossosomatid ined from the Illinois Natural History Sur- genus Culoptila Mosely contains 17 species vey, Champaign, IL (INHS); Montana En- MT from the new world (Morse, in prep.) in- tomology Collection, Bozeman, cluding four from the United States: C. can- (MTEC); and the National Museum of Nat- tha (Ross), C. thoracica (Ross), C. kinimin- ural History, Smithsonian Institution, si Denning, and C. moselyi Denning. All Washington, D.C. (USNM). Literature re- four are found in the Southwest, and C. cords, and databases from the California C cantha and thoracica are also recorded Academy ofSciences (CAS), Clemson Uni- from the East (Flint 1974). versity Arthropod Collection (CUAC), Wiggins 1977, 1996a) provided the only INHS, MTEC, Royal Ontario Museum ( illustration of a Culoptila larva, C. moselyi, (ROM), USNM, the University of Minne- and indicated that its cases are composed of sota Insect Collection (UMSP), and the small uniform rock fragments with partial University of North Texas Insect Collection silk collars on the periphery. There have (UNT) were searched for the distribution of been no reported correlations or descrip- C cantha. tions of the larvae or cases of the other Larvae and pupae were collected from three North American species, or of any rocks using soft-touch forceps and with a Culoptila pupa. two-stage dip net with mesh sizes of 1.00 and 0.15 mm. Measurements for determi- Materials and Methods nation of larval instars were made with an Specimens of C. cantha came primarily Olympus Cue-2 Image Analyzer attached to from a large riffle of the Brazos River lo- an Olympus dissecting microscope. The cated approximately 35 km below Morris length of the head capsule was measured Sheppard Dam in Palo Pinto County, Texas, from the anterior margin ofthe frons to the and were collected from January, 1995, to posterior margin of the coronal suture, and March, 1997. A recent description of this was plotted against the length of the pro- site can be found in Houghton and Stewart thoracic mid-dorsal ecdysal suture to deter- (1998a). Additional specimens were exam- mine instar size range and number (Daly 512 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 1985). Larval illustrations were based on (MTEC); NEW MEXICO: Catron Co: nr. these measurements. Larvae and pupae Glenwood, Whitewater Cr. (INHS); Taos were reared in an aerated 20 L aquarium Co: Rio Grande R. (USNM): OKLAHO- with a MaxiFlow MJ500 power head pro- MA: Marshall Co: nr. L. Texoma (INHS); viding current within an Environmental PENNSYLVANIA: Bradford Co: Susque- Growth Chamber to associate the life stages hanna R. (INHS); SOUTH DAKOTA: Cus- using the metamorphotype method (Milne ter Co: Hot Springs Cr. (CAS); TEXAS: 1938), and to obtain adults. Bell Co (S. R. Moulton II, personal com- Larvae, pupae, and cases of C. cantha munication); Blanco Co: Pedernales R. were studied and illustrated using a drawing (INHS); Brewster Co (S. R. Moulton II, tube attached to a Wild M2A dissecting mi- personal communication); Cooke Co: Wil- croscope and slide mounts of specimens liams Cr. (K. D. Alexander, personal com- viewed under an Olympus CH2 compound munication); Denton Co: Hickory Cr. microscope. Individuals were prepared for (UNT); Kimble Co: S. Llano R. (S. R. illustration by soaking overnight in 10% Moulton II, personal communication); Me- KOH and by blowing out any degraded vis- dina Co: Medina R. (USNM); Palo Pinto cera with an abdominal EtOH injection Co: Brazos R. (Moulton et al. 1993); (Moulton and Stewart 1996). Voucher spec- UTAH: Summit Co: (R. W. Baumann, per- imens of all life stages have been deposited sonal communication); Washington Co: in the UNT and the USNM. Mill Cr. (CAS); Uintah Co: Green River (ROM); WYOMING: Carbon Co (= Par- Culoptila cantha (Ross) co): N. Platte R. (Ross 1938); Converse Co: Protoptila cantha Ross 1938: 113. N. Platte R. (Ruiter and Lavigne 1985); Na- Culoptila cantha: Schmid 1982: 24. trona Co: N. Platte R. (Ruiter and Lavigne 1985); Platte Co: N. Platte R. (Ruiter and — Type locality. Wyoming: Carbon Co (= Lavigne 1985), Bluegrass R. (CAS); Teton Parco), North Piatt R. Co: Yellowstone National Pk. (Schmid Nearctic distribution (Fig. 1). —UNIT- 1982, CAS). CANADA: NEW BRUNS- ED STATES: ARIZONA: Maricopa Co: WICK: nr. Fredricton (CAS); St. Croix R. Sycamore Cr. (ROM); Coconino Co: nr. (Peterson and van Eeckhaute 1990); SAS- Flagstaff, Oak Cr. (INHS); Mohave Co. nr. KATCHEWAN: S. Saskatchewan R. Hackberry (USNM); Pinal Co: nr. Superor (Schmid 1982). — (INHS); Yavapi Co: Clear Cr. (USNM), Pupa (Fig. 2). Male and female pupae Beaver Cr., Beaverhead Sp., Fossil Cr., 2.5-3.0 and 4.0-5.5 mm, respectively, in Hassayampa R., Josephine Tunnel Sp., Oak body length. Mandible with large preapi- Cr., Page Sp., Sycamore Cr, Red Tank Dr., comesal tooth and many smaller, basomesal Verde R. (INHS); COLORADO: Archulata teeth; two setae laterally near base. Two se- Co: Piedra R. (ROM); Jackson Co (Ruiter tae below each eye and near each mandib- 1990); Mesa Co: Colorado R. (Herrmann et ular base. Labrum dome-shaped; three setae al. 1986. USNM); Moffat Co: Yampa R. arising basally on each side. Pair of anter- (Herrmann et al. 1986, USNM); IDAHO: omesal hook plates on segments III-VIII, Canyon Co: Boise R. (Ross 1938): Franklin segment IV with additional pair of poster- Co: Bear R. (CAS); MARYLAND: Mont- omesal hook plates. All anteriorhook plates gomery Co: Plummer's Island (Ross 1938); similar in structure except hook plates on MAINE: Aroostook Co: Black R. (USNM), segment III each with 5-6 denticles, all oth- nr. Ashland (CAS); Franklin Co: Carrabas- ers with 7-10 denticles. Posterior hook sett R. (Blickle and Morse 1966); MON- plates on segment IV wider, each with 12- TANA: Gallatin Co: Madison R. (CAS, 16 denticles. Abdomen without setae, setal USNM); Madison Co: Madison R. fringes, or anal processes. VOLUME 100. NUMBER 3 513 Fig. 1. Nearctic distribution of Culoptila canlha. Each dot represents the county and approximate location ofa listed record. — mm Larva. Five instars; relative sizes indi- nae (Wiggins 1996a), 2.5-3.0 in body cated by scale on Figs. 3, 4 (see Houghton length, with retractable anal papillae. Live and Stewart 1998a for precise size ranges). color pale red with black sclerites; cream First and second instars obtained only in color with brown sclerites when preserved fine mesh oftwo-stage dip net and not with- in EtOH. Two types of thoracic setae pres- in cases. ent: slender, darkly-pigmented typical setae, Instar I (Fig. 3A): Setae, legs, and anal and very slender, translucent setae. (Trans- prolegs long compared to major body seg- lucent setae and attachment points best ments. Head and thorax disproportionally viewed on slide mount of cleared specimen larger than abdomen. Meso- and metanota under compound microscope.) Live late unsclerotized. Tarsal claws without setae. fifth stadium prepupae darker red in color, Anal claws similar to those of later instars. less active than earlier fifth stadium, and Instars II—IV (Figs. 3B-D): Exhibiting with shortened, thickened abdomen. general Culoptila characteristics (Wiggins Head (Figs. 4A-C): Dark brown with 1996a). Morphological changes largely lighter dorsum and ocular areas. Frontocly- matter of proportion in successive instars; peus with shallow and broad anteromesal legs, anal prolegs. and setae decreasing in notch; three setae arising from each tento- size relative to body segments, abdomen in- rial region. Scattered setae of various creasing in size relative to head and thorax, lengths around each eye. Three setae arising and sclerites and pigment patterns becom- from each side of anterior margin of la- ing more evident. brum. Many short setae on dorsal surface Instar V (Fig. 4): Typical of Protoptili- of labium. Venter of head capsule brown 514 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 2. Culoptilci canlha. pupa. A, Abdomen with magnifieddetail ofhook plates ofeach segment (dorsal). B, Head capsule with mandibles, antennal bases, and setal arrangement (antero-dorsal). III-VIII = hook plates ofrespective abdomenal tergum; a = anterior; p = posterior with two longer than broad triangular men- translucent seta on either side ofmid-dorsal tal sclerites, each bearing single seta. ecdysial suture on posterior one-third of Thorax (Figs. 4A, C): Pronotum heavily pronotum. Mesonotum largely membra- sclerotized, dark brown, with anterior one- nous, with one large mesal and two smaller third markedly lighter than posterior two- lateral sclerites; sclerites lightly sclerotized thirds. Posterior often, but not always, with and fading over time in EtOH causing in- 2-6 light spots. Midlateral regions each consistent determination of shape among with darkened area. Four and two setae individuals. Mesal sclerite longer than arising from each anterolateral and midla- wide, sinuosly bi-emarginate anteriorly, and teral region, respectively. One typical and evenly rounded posteriorly. Lateral sclerites one translucent setae arrising from postero- sub-triangular, each with posteromesal lateral region. Two typical setae and one notch. SAl each with one typical and one VOLUME 100. NUMBER 3 515 translucent seta. SA2 setae absent. SA3 Discussion each with single typical seta. Metanotum Larva.—We were unsuccessful in incu- largely membranous with pair of sub-tri- angular lateral sclerites. SAl each with sin- bating eggs obtained from live C. cantha gle translucent seta. SA2 and SA3 each females. Therefore, first instars were not positively correlated by rearing. Presumed with single typical seta. Foretrochantin hook-like, bearing two setae. Meso- and first instars were obtained only in the fine mesh of the two-stage dip net samples. metathoracic epistemal sclerites each with C They were abundant following peak can- single seta. Legs similar in length and shape tha emergence and before the appearance of with major setae on all leg segments except later instars, and they formed a distinctive trochanters. Apicoventral margin of each size class (Fig. 3). They displayed the glos- tibia with stout spur. Tarsal claws similar sosomatid characteristics of largely mem- and typical of genus (Wiggins 1996a), each with stout basal seta much shorterthanclaw branous meso- and metanota, a tergal scler- and basal process shorter than adjacent ba- ite on segment IX, a single metanotal SA3 seta, and anal prolegs broadly joined to the sal seta. Abdomen (Fig. 4A): Shape typical of abdomen. The only other glossosomatid family (Wiggins 1996a). Segments I-V known to occur at this site, Protoptila al- with one pair of dorsal, ventral, and lateral exanderi Ross, appears to be univoltine setae. Segments VI and VII each with one with late instar larvae occurring only in pair of dorsal and lateral setae. Segment July (Houghton and Stewart 1998b). VIII with two pairs of dorsal setae, two First and second instar larvae of C. can- pairs oflateral setae, and one pairofventral tha were never found in cases. Two possi- setae. Tergite IX with two pairs of setae ble explanations for this are: (1) first and arising laterally and medially. Lateral scle- second instars are free-living or (2) the kick-netting procedure may have destroyed rites appearing fused to ventral sole plates, each bearing four setae. Anal claws with all early instar cases or caused the larvae to three hooks and two short setae. vacate them. It is not probable that kick- — Case. Third through fifth instar larvae netting would have demolished all small found in typical glossosomatid saddle-cases cases if they had been present, and no composed of small inorganic particles. crushed early instar larvae were found in Cases without the peripheral silk collars crushed cases. Anderson and Bourne (1974) found on Ciiloptila moselyi cases (Wiggins found that Agapetus bifidus Denning con- 1996a) (Figs. 5A, B). Case lengths (n = 15 structed cases as first instars. each) of third, fourth and fifth instars 2.0- Third through fifth instars key to Culop- 2.5 mm, 2.5-3.0 mm and 3.5-4.5 mm, re- tila using Wiggins (1996a). It appears that spectively; approximate particle sizes 0.1- Wiggins' (1977, 1996a) character of "tarsal 0.50 mm, 0.25-1.0 mm and 0.5-2.0 mm, claws with basal seta stout, larger than pro- respectively. All larval cases of similar cess at base of claw" is diagnostic for the shape; some with approximately uniform United States species. Culoptila cantha dif- particles (Type I) (Fig. 5A), and others with fers from Wiggins' (1977, 1996a) descrip- one or two larger side stones (Type II) (Fig. tion of C. moselyi mainly in the placement 5B). — of pronot—al setae. Egg. Obtained from live females, Pupa. Both male and female pupae key bright orange; 0.2 mm in diameter. Gravid to Glossosomatidae using Wiggins (1996b) females with three to six spherical masses although the final couplet: "Segments VIII with 15—20 eggs in each mass. Each egg and/or IX with pair of small hook plates mass enclosed in gelatinous covering. Soft . . ." (emphasis ours) is slightly misleading. and amorphic, without a distinct chorion. The hook plates of C. cantha on segment 516 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 3. Instars I-IV of Culoptila caniha: relative habitus size based on mean prothoracic length. A, First instar. B. Second instar C, Third instar. D, Fourth instar. Scale bar = 1 mm. VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 517 Fig. 4. CuUipiila cantha. fifth instar; relative size based on mean prothoracic length. A. Habitus, with detail of mesothoracic claw and anal prolegs. B, Head capsule (ventral). C. Head and thorax (dorsal). Scale bar = I mm. VIII are slightly longer than those of the within its subfamily Protoptilinae. It differs preceeding segments and it does not have a from Edwards and Arnold's (1961) descrip- pair on segment IX. The abdomen of C. tion of Protoptila area Edwards and Ar- cantha differs from previous glossosomatid nolds in having a pair of setae near each pupal descriptions (Wiggins 1996b, Craft mandibularbase, and from Ross" (1944) de- and Morse 1997) in that it lacks setae. scription of Protoptila lega Ross in having The pupa of C. cantha also differs in the many basomesal teeth notably smaller than finer details from previous descriptions the preapicomesal tooth and in its preapi- 518 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 5. Variation in Culopulumiiiliacases. A, Field-collectedTypeIcasewithuniformsubstratecomposition (ventrolateral). B, Field-collected Type II case with large side stones (ventrolateral). comesal tooth being consicierably shorter an "anterior setal group" on either side of than its apical tooth. Neither of these de- the labrum. Its mandibles, however, look scriptions included the pupal abdomen. It similar t—o those of M. jeanae. C differs from Flint's (1962) description of Case. Wiggins (1996a) described Matrioptila jeanae (Ross) in having hook moselyi cases as being composed of small plates on segment VIII, a wider posterior uniform inorganic particles, and indicated hook plate on segment IV, and in lacking that this attribute could be used to separate — VOLUME 100. NUMBER 3 519 larvae of Cidoptila from Protoptila. whose in Utah (B. J. Armitage, personal commu- cases have two large side stones. The Type nication; Moulton and Steward 1996). I and II cases of C. cantha (Fig. 5) indicate Examined that the uniformity of case particles is not a good character for separating these two ARIZONA: Yavapai Co., Clear Cr. genera. Often a C. cantha larva found in Cmp., SE Camp Verde, 17-VI-68, Flint and one type of case in the field made the other Menke, 1 (5, 4 9 9 (USNM). COLORA- type case after forced removal and place- DO: Moffat Co., Yampa R., below Maybell, ment in an aquarium. Many individuals 03-VIII-73, R. W. Baumann and A. Brower, with different case types were reared to the 13 (5(5, 199 9 (USNM). MONTANA: adult stage and were confirmed as C. can- Madison Co., Madison R., Norris, Drift, 27- tha. Protoptila alexanderi was found in VI-1978, unknown collector, 5 6 6 small numbers at the Brazos River site, and (MTEC). PENNSYLVANIA: Bradford Co., after examining a series of 12 late instar Susquehanna River, nr. Athens, 05-VIII- cases, we were unable to separate them 1937, J. H. Eddleson, 2 6 6,2 9 9 (INHS). from the variable C. cantha cases. SOUTH DAKOTA: Custer Co., Hot Distribution. Cidoptila cantha is dis- Springs, Hot Springs Ck., unknown collec- tributed throughout the western U.S., with tor. % 6 6 (MTEC). TEXAS: Cooke Co., isolated populations in the northeastern Williams Creek, 1 1 km W. Era, lO-IV-1996, U.S. (Fig. 1). The type locality and many K. D. Alexander, 1 6; same except 09-X- other reported collecting localities were in 1996, 1 (5; Denton Co., Hickory Creek, nr. large river habitats with circumneutral pH Water Research Field Station, 24-V1-1994. (Ross 1938, Peterson and van Eeckhaute R. J. Currie, 1 6 (UNT); Palo Pinto Co.. 1990, Moulton et al. 1993, Wiggins 1996a). Brazos River at Route 4 Br., 10 km SE Gra- However, some adults have been caught ford, 21-1-1995, D. C. Houghton, 14 larvae, near spring habitats in Arizona and at two 3 6 metamorphotypes, 2 9 metamorpho- intermittent northern Texas streams (Fig. 1). types; same except 20-IV-1995. 12 larvae, Herrmann et al. (1986) reported C. cantha 14 pupae, 6 6 metamorphotypes, 4 9 me- from an altitudinal range of 1494-1801 m tamorphotypes; same except 14-X-1995, 12 in Colorado. It has not been reported from pupae; same except 10-11-1996. 21 larvae; the Neotropics (R. W. Holzenthal, J. Bueno- same except 15-111-1996. 13 larvae. 17 pu- Soria, personal communications). pae; same except 15-III-1996. 9 larvae, 14 The apparent absence of C. cantha from pupae. the central and southeastern U.S. despite Acknowledgments heavy collecting at least in the Southeast (e.g. Etnier and Schuster 1979; Harris et al. The authors thank the following institu- 1991; J. C Morse, personal communication) tions and individuals for providing addi- is difficult to explain without a better un- tional collecting records and lending C. derstanding of Cidoptila phylogeny. Cidop- cantha specimens: K. D. Alexander, R. W. tihi thoracica has been reported from North Baumann, R. J. Currie, S. R. Moulton II, Carolina (Flint 1974). Some other Nearctic the CAS (V. F Lee), the INHS (K. R. Zei- MTEC ROM species of Trichoptera exhibiting disjunct ders), the (M. A. Ivie), the (D. distributions include Marilia flexuosa Ul- Currie), and the USNM (N. E. Adams and mer (Odontoceridae) and Neotrichia collata O. S. Flint, Jr.). We thank the following Morton (Hydroptilidae); the former occurs people for assisting us in the field and lab- throughout the American Southwest and In- oratory: J. C. Abbott, G. L. Akin, R. G. terior Highlands, and has been recorded Jones, C. J. Larsen, J. C. Norwood, S. A. from Vermont and Ontario; the latter is Peterson, J. P. Snow and N. L. Witt. The found in the eastern U.S. with a population comments of J. H. Kennedy, S. R. Moulton 520 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON II, and two anonymous reviewers improved notes on larval biology and site records. Ento- earlier versions of the manuscript. mological News 109: 103-109. Milne, M. J. 1938. The "metamorphotype" method in Trichoptera. Journal ofthe New York Entomolog- Literature Cited ical Society 46: 435-437. Moulton II, S. R., and K. W. Stewart. 1996.Caddisflies Anderson, N. H., and J. R. Bourne. 1974. Bionomics (Trichoptera) of the Interior Highlands of North of three species ofglossosomatid caddisflies (Tri- America. Memoirs of the American Entomologi- choptera: Glossosmatidae) in Oregon. Canadian cal Institute 58: 1-313. Journal ofZoology 52:405-411. Morse, J. C. (In Prep.) ChecklistofWorldTrichoptera. Blickle, R. L.. and W. J. Morse. 1966. The Caddisflies Clemson University Homepage, WorldWideWeb. (Trichoptera) of Maine, excepting the family Hy- droptilidae. Maine Agricultural ExperimentalSta- choptera/trichintro.html/ tion Technical Bulletin 24; 1-12. Peterson, R. H., and L. van Eeckhaute. 1990. Distri- Craft, J. S., and J. C. Morse. 1997. The larva, pupa butions of Stonefly (Plecoptera) and Caddisfly and female ofAs;apelusjocassee Morse (Trichop- (Trichoptera) species in three stream systems in tera: Glossosomatidae). Journal of Entomological New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada, with Science 32:377-385. reference to stream acidity. Canadian Technical Daly, H. V. 1985. Insect Morphometries. Annual Re- Report ofFisheries and Aquatic Sciences I720:iii view ofEntomology 30:415-438. + 42 pp. Edwards, S. W., and C. R. Arnold. 1961. The caddis Ross, H. H. 1938, DescriptionsofNearctic caddis flies (Trichoptera) with special reference to the Illinois flies ofthe San Marcos River. The Texas Journal species. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History ofScience 13:393-415. Survey 21: 101-183. Etnier. D. A., and G. A. Schuster 1979. An annotated . 1944. The caddisflies, or Trichoptera, of II- list ofTrichoptera (caddisflies) ofTennesee. Jour- lionois. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History nal ofthe Tennesee Academy of Science 54: 15- Survey 23: 1-326. 22. Ruiter, D. E. 1990. A new species ofNeotrichia (Tri- Flint, O. S.,Jr. 1962. The immature stagesofMalriop- choptera: Hydroptilidae) from Colorado with ad- tilajeanae(Ross)(Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae). ditions and corrections to the distribution and re- Journal of the New York Entomological Society cords of Colorado Trichoptera. Entomological 70: 64-67. News 101:88-92. . 1974. The Genus CuloptiUi Mosely in the Ruiter, D. E., and R. J. Lavigne. 1985. Distribution of United States, with two new combinations (Tri- Wyoming Trichoptera. University of Wyoming M choptera: Glossosomatidae). Proceedings of the Agricultural Experimental StationPublication5 Entomological Society of Washington 76: 284. 47: 102 pp. Harris, S. C, P E. O'Neil, and R K. Lago. 1991. Cad- Schmid, F 1982. Revision des trichopteres canadiens. disflies of Alabama. Geological Survey of Ala- Les Glossosniomatidae et Philopotamidae (An- bama, Bulletin 142. Tuscaloosa, AL. 442 pp. nulipalpia). Memoires de la Soci'ete Entomolo- Herrmann, S.J., D. E. Ruiter,andJ. D. Unzicker. 1986. gique du Canada 122: 76 pp. Wiggins, G. B. 1977. Larvae of the North American Distribution and records ofColorado Trichoptera. Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera). University ofTo- Southwestern Naturalist 31: 421-457. Hougthotroyn,anDd.cCas,e-abnudildKi.ngW.beShtaevwiaorrt.of19C9u8lao.plLiilfaechains-- driosnf.tloy19PG9re6ensase.,raLTao(rrTvornaitecoh.oopfOtnettrhaaer)i,Noo,2rnCtdahnEaAddimatei.roin4.c0a1UnnpiCpv.aedr-- tha (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) in the Brazos sity of Toronto Press, Toronto. Ontario, Canada. River,Texas. AnnalsoftheEntomologicalSociety 457 pp. ofAmerica 91:59-70. . 1996b. Trichoptera families, pp. 309-359. In . 1998b. Seasonal flight periodicities ofsix mi- Merritt, R. W. and K. W. Cummins, eds. An in- crocaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae, Glos- troductiontotheaquatic insectsofNorthAmerica. sosomatidae) in the Brazos River, Texas with Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, lA.