“Imbibe! rescues barman Jerry Thomas, an American hero, from the dustbin of history. We drinkers and readers are in the debt of his scribe, Dave Wondrich, who proves an engaging and intellectually curious guide to the barroom netherworlds where ‘bottle conjurers’ and other ne’er-do-wells ‘carved their deeds in ice.’” —John T. Edge, author of Southern Belly: The Ultimate Food Lover’s Companion to the South “David Wondrich has drunk his way through two centuries of American cocktails and other mixed drinks. He emerges to tell us, with clarity and wit, what he encountered, how it was made, and how to make it now. In his re-creations of the drinks of yesteryear, he stops at nothing, even growing his own snakeroot to make Jerry Thomas’s Bitters. Thomas was called ‘the Professor’ in his day. If this title belongs to any living expert on the cocktail, it belongs to Wondrich.” —Lowell Edmunds, author of Martini, Straight Up “David Wondrich is such an envy-producing polymath that it drives me to drink. Brilliant historian, beautiful writer, former punk rocker, absinthe maker, mixological marvel, and perhaps, yes, even wizard. Plus he can grow an amazing beard. There are few people in the world I rely on to be so authoritative and so entertaining all at once, and to mix an amazing cocktail at the same time. And those few people are David Wondrich.” —John Hodgman, author of The Areas of My Expertise BOOKS BY DAVID WONDRICH Esquire Drinks Stomp and Swerve Killer Cocktails Imbibe! Punch A PERIGEE BOOK Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) LLC 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 USA • Canada • UK • Ireland • Australia • New Zealand • India • South Africa • China penguin.com A Penguin Random House Company Copyright © 2007, 2015 by David Wondrich Parts of this book have appeared, in greatly altered form, in Esquire, Imbibe, and the Whisky Advocate. Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader. PERIGEE is a registered trademark of Penguin Group (USA) LLC. The “P” design is a trademark belonging to Penguin Group (USA) LLC. Revised Perigee hardcover edition ISBN: 978-0-399-17261-8\ eBook ISBN: 978-0-69818185-4 The Library of Congress has cataloged the first Perigee hardcover edition as follows: Imbibe! : from absinthe cocktail to whiskey smash, a salute in stories and drinks to “Professor” Jerry Thomas, pioneer of the American bar / David Wondrich.—1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0 1. Cocktails. 2. Drinking customs. 3. Thomas, Jerry, 1830–1885. I. Title. TX951.W5663 2007 641.8'74—dc22 2007027096 PUBLISHING HISTORY First Perigee hardcover edition / November 2007 Revised Perigee hardcover edition / April 2015 The recipes contained in this book are to be followed exactly as written. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained in this book. While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers, Internet addresses, and other contact information at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after publication. Further, the publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content. Most Perigee books are available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. Special books, or book excerpts, can also be created to fit specific needs. For details, write: [email protected]. Version_1 FOR MARINA CONTENTS PRAISE FOR IMBIBE! BOOKS BY DAVID WONDRICH TITLE PAGE COPYRIGHT DEDICATION PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION FOREWORD BY DALE DEGROFF INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 “PROFESSOR” JERRY THOMAS: JUPITER OLYMPUS OF THE BAR Who Reads an American Book?—An American and a Sailor, Too—In Realms of Gold—The Sporting Fraternity—Mixing Excellent Drinks—Epilogue CHAPTER 2 HOW TO MIX DRINKS, OR WHAT WOULD JERRY THOMAS DO? I. How They Used to Do It: The Archaic Age (1783–1830)—The Baroque Age (1830–1885)—The Classic Age (1885–1920) II. How to Do It Now: Bar Gear—Sugar—Twists—Cherries and Olives—Eggs—Ice—Glassware III. Spirits: Applejack (Also Known as Apple Whiskey)—Arrack—Brandy—Champagne—Cordials and Absinthe—Gin—Rum—Tequila—Vermouths—Vodka—Whiskey IV. Quantities A Note on the Recipes CHAPTER 3 PUNCHES I. A Large Glass of Punch: Brandy Punch (Including Curaçoa Punch, West Indian Punch, Barbadoes Punch, and Tamarind Punch)—Vanilla Punch—Pisco Punch—Cold Whiskey Punch—Hot Whiskey Punch—Gin Punch—The Collins Twins: John and Tom—Claret Punch—Milk Punch—Mountain Punch—Mississippi Punch (Including El Dorado Punch)—St. Charles Punch (Including Enchantress)—Prince of Wales’s Punch—National Guard Seventh Regiment Punch—Sixty-Ninth Regiment Punch—Hot Milk Punch—General Burnside’s Favorite—Boston Rum Punch—The Herald Punch CHAPTER 4 THE CHILDREN OF PUNCH: COLLINSES, DAISIES, FIZZES, SOURS, COBBLERS, COOLERS, AND A GLANCE AT THE SWIZZLE I. The Lesser Punches: Fixes and Sours (and a Couple of Bostonian Fancies): Brandy, Gin, Santa Cruz, or Whiskey Fix—Brandy, Gin, Santa Cruz, or Whiskey Sour (Including Egg Sour and New York Sour) —Pisco Sour—Moral Suasion—Knickerbocker (Including the White Lion) II. Daisies and Fizzes: The Daisy—Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, or Rum Daisy (Old School)—Gin, Brandy, Rum, or Whiskey Daisy (New School) (Including Tequila Daisy)—Gin, Whiskey, Brandy, or Santa Cruz Rum Fizz (Including Crushed Strawberry Fizz)—Silver Fizz—Morning Glory Fizz (Including Saratoga Brace Up)—New Orleans Fizz, Alias Ramos Gin Fizz III. The Cobbler: Sherry Cobbler (Including Hock Cobbler, Claret Cobbler, and Whiskey Cobbler) —Champagne Cobbler IV. Three Popular Coolers: The Joe Rickey (and the Gin Rickey) (Including the Gin Buck)—Florodora (Including Imperial Style)—Singapore Gin Sling, Alias Straits Sling V. A Glance at the Swizzle: Green Swizzle CHAPTER 5 A HANDFUL OF EGG DRINKS Egg Nogg: Baltimore Egg Nogg—Egg Nogg (Individual)—General Harrison’s Egg Nogg—Texian Egg Nogg—Tom & Jerry—Sherry Flip (Including Port Wine Flip) CHAPTER 6 TODDIES, SLINGS, JULEPS, AND SUCH I. Rum, Brandy, Whiskey, or Gin Toddy, Hot: Apple Toddy—Whisky Skin—Blue Blazer II. Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, or Rum Sling, Cold: Jersey Sunset III. Juleps and Smashes: Joe Redding’s Julep—Prescription Julep—Mint Julep—Pineapple Julep —Brandy, Gin, or Whiskey Smash IV. Sangaree: Port Wine Sangaree (Including Sherry Sangaree, Madeira Sangaree, Porter Sangaree, Ale Sangaree, Brandy Sangaree, and Gin Sangaree) V. Three Yankee Favorites: Hot Spiced (or Buttered) Rum—Stone Fence—Black Strap (Alias the Black Stripe) CHAPTER 7 THE COCKTAIL, PROPERLY CONSIDERED Dr. Stoughton’s Elixir Magnum—What’s in a Name?—American Roots: The Where and the When—The Cocktail in New York and Points South and West—The Cocktail Grows Up—Prequel: The Original Cocktail I. Plain, Fancy, Improved, and Old-Fashioned: Plain Brandy, Gin, or Whiskey Cocktail—Fancy Brandy, Gin, or Whiskey Cocktail (Including Chicago Cocktail, Alias Saratoga Cocktail)—Improved Brandy, Gin, or Whiskey Cocktail—Sazerac Cocktail—Old-Fashioned Whiskey, Brandy, or Holland Gin Cocktail (Including American Farmer) CHAPTER 8 ENTER VERMOUTH I. The Originals: Vermouth, Manhattan, and Martini Cocktails: Vermouth Cocktail (Including Fancy Vermouth Cocktail)—Manhattan Cocktail: Formula #1 (Old Standard); Formula #2 (Reverse); Formula #3 (New Standard)—Martini Cocktail: Formula #1 (Turf Club); Formula #2 (Martinez Cocktail); Formula #3 (Fourth Degree)—Dry Martini Cocktail—Gibson Cocktail II. Other Vermouth Cocktails: Metropole Cocktail—Rob Roy Cocktail—Star Cocktail—Racquet (Club) Cocktail—Saratoga Cocktail—Bijou Cocktail—Weeper’s Joy—Bamboo Cocktail—Princeton Cocktail (Including Zaza Cocktail and Tuxedo Cocktail)—Brooklyn Cocktail—Blue Moon Cocktail —San Martín Cocktail—Presidente Cocktail CHAPTER 9 EVOLVED COCKTAILS, OR WHAT HATH ORGEAT WROUGHT? I. Exotic Blooms: Japanese Cocktail—East India Cocktail—Widow’s Kiss—Absinthe Cocktail and Absinthe Frappé II. The (Other) Fizz: Champagne Cocktail—Jersey Cocktail (Including Soda Cocktail)—Buck and Breck (Including Russian Cocktail)—Prince of Wales’s Cocktail—Morning Glory Cocktail III. Miscegenation, or Crustas, Wet Hens, and Cocktail Punches: Brandy, Whiskey, or Gin Crusta—Coffee Cocktail—Wet Hen—Modern Cocktail—Bronx Cocktail—Jack Rose Cocktail—Clover Club Cocktail —Daiquiri Cocktail—Aviation Cocktail—Ward Eight—Last Word IV. The Stinger CHAPTER 10 BITTERS AND SYRUPS I. Bitters: Jerry Thomas’s Own Decanter Bitters—Stoughton’s Bitters—Boker’s Bitters II. Syrups: Gum Syrup (True)—Gum Syrup (Bartender’s) (Including Rich Simple Syrup)—Pineapple, Raspberry, and Other Fruit and Berry Syrups BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A FEW RECOLLECTIONS OF THE DISTANT PAST INDEX