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1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Ste 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899 IMAGING OF THE SPINE ISBN: 978-1-4377-1551-4 Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Rights Department: phone: (+1) 215 239 3804 (US) or (+44) 1865 843830 (UK); fax: (+44) 1865 853333; e-mail: [email protected]. You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier website at http://www.elsevier.com/permissions. Notice Knowledge and best practice in this fi eld are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our knowledge, changes in practice, treatment and drug therapy may become necessary or appropriate. Readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of the practitioner, relying on his or her own experience and knowledge of the patient, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the publisher nor the editors assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of the material contained in this book. The Publisher Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Imaging of the spine / Thomas P. Naidich . . . [et al.].—1st ed. p. ; cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4377-1551-4 1. Spine—Imaging. 2. Spine—Imaging—Atlases. I. Naidich, Thomas P. [DNLM: 1. Spine—pathology—Atlases. 2. Diagnostic Imaging—Atlases. 3. Spinal Cord Diseases—diagnosis—Atlases. 4. Spinal Cord Injuries—diagnosis—Atlases. 5. Spinal Diseases— Diagnosis—Atlases. 6. Spinal Injuries—diagnosis—Atlases. WL 17 I31 2010] RD768.I45 2010 617.5′60754—dc22 2009053174 Acquisitions Editor: Rebecca Gaertner Developmental Editor: Jennifer Shreiner Publishing Services Manager: Tina Rebane Project Manager: Norm Stellander Design Direction: Steve Stave Working together to grow libraries in developing countries Printed in China www.elsevier.com | www.bookaid.org | www.sabre.org Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contributors Krisztina Baráth, MD Mary Elizabeth Fowkes, MD, PhD Senior Staff Neuroradiologist, Institute of Assistant Professor, Division of Neuropathology, Neuroradiology, University Hospital Zurich, Department of Pathology, Mount Sinai Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland New York, New York David Mark Capper, MD Sosikhan Geibprasert, MD Department of Neuropathology, Institute of Lecturer, Neuroradiology, Mahidol University; Staff, Pathology, Ruprecht-Karls University, Neuroradiology, Ramathibodi Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany Bangok, Thailand Francis Michael Castellano, MD Ronit Gilad, MD Neuroradiology Fellow, Department of Radiology, Resident, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill, New York, New York Chapel Hill, North Carolina Mauricio Castillo, MD Yakov Gologorsky, MD Professor and Chief of Neuroradiology, Department of Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, Mount Sinai Radiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel School of Medicine, New York, New York Hill School of Medicine and University of North Carolina Hospital, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Serap Gultekin, MD Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Cynthia T. Chin, MD Gazi University School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Radiology and Neurosurgery, Ankara, Turkey University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California Victor M. Haughton, MD Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Tanvir Fiaz Choudhri, MD Wisconsin; Radologist, University of Wisconsin Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Hospitals and Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin Surgery, and Co-Director, Neurosurgery Spine Program, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Michael Christian Hollingshead, MD New York, New York Neuroradiology Fellow, Department of Radiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, David L. Daniels, MD Chapel Hill, North Carolina Professor of Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sundar Jayaraman, MD Bradley Neil Delman, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Associate Professor of Radiology and Director of State University of New York-Upstate Medical Radiology Quality and Performance Improvement, University, Binghamton; Attending Radiologist, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Wilson Regional Medical New York, New York Center, Johnson City, New York Girish Manohar Fatterpekar, MBBS, DNB, MD David M. Johnson, MD Assistant Professor of Radiology, James J. Peters Associate Professor of Radiology and Neurosurgery, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Mount Fletcher Allen Health Care, University of Vermont, Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York Burlington, Vermont v vi Contributors Spyros S. Kollias, MD Joy S. Reidenberg, PhD Professor of Radiology (Neuroradiology), Department Professor, Center for Anatomy and Functional of Medical Radiology, and Chief of Neuro-MRI, Morphology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Institute of Neuroradiology, University of Zurich, New York, New York Zurich, Switzerland Jose Conrado Rios, MD Timo Krings, MD, PhD Neuroradiology Fellow, Department of Radiology, Professor of Neuroradiology, Tornonto Western Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Nadja Saupe, MD Department of Radiology, University Hospital Balgrist, Pierre L. Lasjaunias, MD, PhD† Zurich, Switzerland Professor of Neuroradiology, University Paris Sud, University Hospital Bicetre, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, Paris, France Marta Martínez Schmickrath, MD Staff Neuroradiologist, La Paz Hospital, Madrid, Spain Patrick A. Lento, MD Associate Professor, Departments of Pathology, J. Keith Smith, MD, PhD Internal Medicine, and Medical Education, Mount Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Kenneth Michael Lury, MD Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Medical Maria Vittoria Spampinato, MD University of South Carolina, Charleston, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Medical South Carolina University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina Kenneth R. Maravilla, MD Professor, Radiology and Neuroradiology, and Director, MR Research Laboratory, University of Evan Gary Stein, MD Resident, Neuroradiology Division, Department of Washington, Seattle, Washington Radiology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Michel Guy André Mittelbronn, MD New York, New York Institute of Brain Research, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany Jeffrey Stone, MD Associate Professor of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Thomas Paul Naidich, MD, FARC Rochester, Minnesota Professor of Radiology and Neurosurgery, Irving and Dorothy Regenstreif Research Professor of E. Turgut Tali, MD Neuroscience (Neuroimaging); Director of Professor and Director, Division of Neuroradiology, Neuroradiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Gazi University School of New York, New York Medicine, Ankara, Turkey Matthew F. Omojola, MB, FRCPC Cheuk Ying Tang, PhD Professor, Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Assistant Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Radiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Director, Neurovascular Imaging Research, Omaha, Nebraska Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute, Irina Oyfe, BS, MS Eng Departments of Radiology and Psychiatry; Director, Post Processing Analyst, Department of Radiology, In Vivo molecular Imaging SRF, Mount Sinai Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York Medical Center, New York, New York Paola Carmina Valbuena Parra, MD Armin K. Thron, MD Institute of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Professor, Department of Radiology, University Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany Aman B. Patel, MD Carrie L. Tong, MD Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery and Faculty Lecturer, Department of Radiology, Mount Radiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Sinai School of Medicine; Attending Radiologist, New York, New York Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern, New York Sumit Pruthi, MD, DNB Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Donald J. Weisz, PhD University of Washington; Attending, Children’s Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington New York, New York †Deceased. Preface Over the years, the imaging of spinal disease has evolved decompressing spinal stenosis and disc disease. Three from plain fi lm diagnosis and polytomography to advanced fi nal chapters address the brachial plexus, the sacral computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance plexus, and peripheral nerve compression at the carpal (MR) imaging (I). Year by year, what is considered to be tunnel. The congenital malformations of the spine will “modern imaging” morphs from advanced techniques to be presented in a companion volume on pediatric basic diagnostic tests to quaint old studies. Year by year, neuroimaging. cruder and more invasive procedures are replaced by In successive chapters, this text also provides strategies safer, faster, and more precise methods for detecting and for effi ciently analyzing spinal images and includes sample characterizing spinal disease. reports to illustrate one way to convey key fi ndings to the Through all of these changes, however, the constants clinicians and achieve “useful reporting” of our studies. of medical diagnosis have remained the anatomy, physiol- The increasingly sophisticated imaging techniques ogy, and pathology of the spinal column and cord. The require of us increasingly sophisticated knowledge of human body has evolved more slowly than the techniques how to perform the studies effectively, how to recognize used to display it, so the anatomy, physiology, and pathol- their limitations, and how to interpret them to under- ogy of the spine remain the foundation of all medical stand the state of the patient in health and disease. diagnosis. For this volume, therefore, the editors have selected a To be useful, the data derived from the imaging studies group of highly skilled physician-authors who know their need to be communicated concisely and effectively to the subject and who can present it concisely and thoroughly. clinicians who care for the patient. Too often, imaging These authors specifi cally include neuropathologists, reports are cluttered with technical details about the study whose contributions underlie our imaging appreciation of but limited in their discussion of the key pathophysiologic neuropathology. data needed to direct patient management toward one This volume, then, is intended to provide a concise but or another path. The generations-long debate: “Who reads thorough review of the imaging diagnosis of spinal disease. the studies better, the clinician or the imager?” is resolved It emphasizes the constant anatomy and physiology of the when it is appreciated that these physicians read the spinal column and cord in the detail that is now required studies for two fundamentally different sets of data. Useful to understand “modern” imaging. It illustrates how pathol- interpretation of the images provides the pertinent posi- ogy affects the spine and reviews which patterns of pathol- tive and negative data clinicians need to make their man- ogy lead to secure imaging diagnosis. It also deliberately agement decisions as well as the detailed physical data includes selected data that we feel may aid us in interpret- imagers need to reach their diagnoses and to understand ing the “modern” imaging of the future. the limitations of their studies. We hope that the readers will enjoy learning about the In successive chapters, therefore, this text addresses spine as much as we have in researching this text and in imaging techniques for the spine, the paraspinal soft making the anatomic and pathologic images that illustrate tissues, the normal anatomy of the spinal column and the text. It is hoped further, that the readers may discern cord, age-related changes of the spine, degenerative defects in our knowledge, be stimulated by them to pursue disorders of the spine, the normal vascularization of their own investigations, and thus join us to the spinal cord, spinal ischemia and vascular malforma- “Perform an act whereof what’s past is prologue; tions, spinal trauma, spinal tumors and cysts, metabolic what to come, [is] in your and my discharge.” William disorders of the spine, infl ammation and infection of the Shakespeare, The Tempest Act 2, scene 1, 245-254. spine, preoperative mapping of spinal pathology, intra- operative monitoring of spinal physiology, vertebro- THOMAS P. NAIDICH plasty-kyphoplasty, and the complications of surgery for vii 11 C H A P T E R IImmaaggiinngg TTeecchhnniiqquueess iinn tthhee AAdduulltt SSppiinnee Jeffrey Stone Imaging of the adult spine is typically accomplished using curvature, effects of gravity, dilution of contrast, or size CT and MRI. Although conventional radiography may play of the thecal sac. It is, however, more sensitive to motion a role in the evaluation of spinal disorders, the sensitivity, and may not permit imaging the patient in the symptom- specifi city, availability, and trends in medical practice atic position. have resulted in a paradigm shift to the use of cross-sec- tional imaging. CT is frequently used to study spinal frac- PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES tures. Multidetector CT (MDCT) is signifi cantly faster than routine CT, so it is very useful for evaluating the unstable MRI relies on the spin of unpaired protons around the or elderly patient who may not be able to hold still for atomic nucleus. The spin of the unpaired proton of hydro- lengthier examinations. MDCT signifi cantly reduces arti- gen is typically utilized due to the abundance of hydrogen facts related to beam hardening, so it also is useful for in the body. Hydrogen protons spin or precess around the evaluating bone adjacent to surgical hardware. axis of the applied magnetic fi eld used in MRI. The fre- MRI is used for evaluation of suspected degenerative quency of precession is proportional to (1) the strength disc disease, infection, tumor, and soft tissue trauma, of the applied magnetic fi eld (typically 0.7 to 3 T for diag- including suspected spinal cord injury or spinal canal nostic MRI) and (2) an intrinsic property of the nucleus hemorrhage. MRI is motion sensitive, so adequate image referred to as the gyromagnetic ratio. The base magnetic resolution can be a challenge in the claustrophobic or fi eld results in a slightly greater number of hydrogen elderly patient. Such patients may require the use of seda- protons becoming aligned parallel with the magnetic fi eld tion. The recent availability of 3-T MRI has presented new (longitudinal magnetization) versus antiparallel and a opportunities for spinal imaging and may allow better resultant net magnetization of the tissue. functional and dynamic imaging of the spinal column. Once the protons are aligned, a radiofrequency (RF) Conventional contrast myelography has seen a decrease pulse is applied to tilt the axes of spin away from their in use over the past decade mostly in response to better alignment with the applied magnetic fi eld. This creates a MRI. Myelography is useful in evaluating extrinsic com- net magnetization in the plane perpendicular to the origi- pression of the neural elements in and around the spinal nal axis (transverse magnetization). Once the RF pulse is canal. It is typically performed when there is a contrain- removed, these protons (1) begin to realign parallel to the dication to MRI. The increased use of non-ferromagnetic applied magnetic fi eld in exponential fashion and (2) emit implants and medical devices has reduced the number of a weak signal that can be detected by a receiver coil. The such patients. Contrast myelography may also be consid- time after the RF pulse that 63% of the original magnetiza- ered in a patient whose symptoms or physical fi ndings are tion has returned to its alignment with the applied mag- not explained on CT or MRI. MR myelography is an alter- netic fi eld is a constant that depends on the anatomic native approach to evaluation and can be performed environment of the proton. This constant is referred to as without the injection of a contrast agent. MR myelography T1. The applied RF pulse also causes the precession of the has the advantage of not being dependent on spine individual protons to synchronize with each other. This 3 4 PART ONE ● Introduction synchrony of precession is lost exponentially on removal CT uses x-ray radiation to acquire and reconstruct thin, of the RF pulse. The loss of synchronization results from cross-sectional images of an object. Measurements of the effect of the local environmental on each proton and attenuation are obtained throughout a defi ned thickness from interactions among adjacent protons (spin-spin inter- of the object being imaged, and the data are used to recon- action). Protons lose transverse magnetization exponen- struct a cross-sectional image. Each pixel within the image tially as they return parallel to the magnetic fi eld. The time represents a measurement of the mean attenuation within at which protons have lost 63% of their transverse mag- the voxel (volume of tissue) that extends through the netization is a second constant referred to as T2. thickness of the section. The attenuation measurement The weak signal emitted by the spins as they realign quantifi es the amount of radiation removed from the beam with the main magnetic fi eld can be made detectable as as the beam traverses the voxel. This reduction in beam an “echo” by applying an additional 180-degree RF pulse. strength is expressed as an average attenuation coeffi - The echo is created when the dephased protons come cient. Many rays from many different rotational angles are back into phase. The echo occurs after the 180-degree used to calculate the average attenuation coeffi cient. The pulse at a time equal to the time between the 90-degree CT number, or Hounsfi eld unit (HU), is then calculated by pulse and 180-degree pulse. The echo time (TE) equals normalizing the average attenuation coeffi cient of a voxel the time between the initial RF pulse and the time at to the value of water (water = 0). Voxels that contain which the echo is detectable. Spatial information is material that attenuates the x-ray beam more than water encoded in these echoes by using gradient coils to vary (i.e., muscle, bone) have positive values. Voxels that the magnetic fi eld strength across the applied magnetic contain material that attenuates the x-ray beam less than fi eld. Frequency encoding along an excited slice (x-axis) water (i.e., fat, air) have negative values. The attenuation provides spatial resolution between slices. It is achieved of water is obtained at the time the CT scanner is cali- by applying a magnetic gradient along one direction of the brated. The absolute CT number of materials other than region being sampled. This gradient causes the protons in air or water may vary with changes in x-ray tube potential each slice to precess at a frequency slightly different from and between different manufacturers. A HU may be the protons in the adjacent slice. Phase encoding allows assigned between −1000 and 1000. Only a limited number spatial resolution within a slice. It is achieved by applying of all HU are actually presented on the display monitor an additional magnetic gradient along the tangential axis used for interpretation. The window width is the range of (y-axis) of an excited slice at a time between the RF pulse HU displayed on the monitor, whereas the window level and the sampling of the signal. This new applied pulse represents the central HU of all the numbers within that causes the spins in each row of the selected slice to window width. precess at a slightly different frequency than the spins in CT scanners have quickly evolved from single-row an adjacent row. The raw data collected during scanning detector confi gurations to helical scanners and more of each slice are then used to generate an image by fi lling recently to multiple-row or multislice scanning technol- in the k-space. The k-space is a mathematical construct—a ogy. By increasing detectors along the z-axis, multiple matrix that provides a graphical representation of the raw image slices can be acquired simultaneously. Therefore, data obtained within a slice. The amplitude of the signal large volumes of tissue can be rapidly scanned with near- detected at time points during the echo is used to assign isotropic resolution even when the slices are very thin. a specifi c numerical value to each point in the k-space This results in an image that is equally sharp in any plane matrix. By repeating the process for each phase-encoding within the scanned volume. From these image data, mul- gradient applied to the slice being imaged, a matrix con- tiplanar reformatted images and 3D reconstructions can sisting of rows and columns is created with each number be performed at amazingly high resolution and with reduc- representing the signal strength. The data acquired at one tion in artifact. phase-encoding gradient are represented by a single row, and the data obtained at different times of the echo are contained within a single column. 2D Fourier transforma- IMAGING tion is then used to generate an image. Parameters/Protocols MR myelography takes advantage of the intrinsic con- trast between cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF) and soft tissue Protocols for MRI of the spine include T1-weighted (T1W) structures such as the spinal cord, nerves, and fat within and T2-weighted (T2W) imaging in the axial and sagittal the epidural space. Echoplanar imaging (EPI) is especially planes. Coronal imaging may be used to evaluate coronal suited for MR myelography and allows image acquisition imbalances such as scoliosis. T1W images provide excel- in seconds. It decreases the effects of patient motion and lent spatial resolution and are very useful for evaluating is an easy addition to routine imaging protocols. EPI is the bone marrow, ligaments, and soft tissue structures. accomplished by using a rapid series of gradient reversals T2W images are excellent for displaying the spinal cord in the frequency-encoding phase to continuously fi ll k- and the CSF within the spinal canal. Fast spin-echo (FSE) space. The resultant short repetition time (TR) allows very techniques are usually used to obtain sagittal T2W images. rapid acquisition of images in the 100- to 200-ms range. Because FSE techniques are subject to degradation by CSF Whereas EPI is sensitive to chemical shift and magnetic pulsation, however, FSE sequences may not provide excel- susceptibility artifacts, this is not critical when imaging lent axial images of the cervical and thoracic spine. larger structures such as the spinal column. However, Instead, gradient-recalled-echo (GRE) sequences may be these effects may degrade resolution when EPI is used to used for axial imaging of the cervical and thoracic regions. display the spinal cord. The GRE sequences allow for rapid imaging with a very CHAPTER 1 ● Imaging Techniques in the Adult Spine 5 (STIR) techniques may be used instead. The dose of Gd- chelate contrast agent is based on the patient’s weight. A typical lumbar spine protocol employs a spin-echo T1W sagittal sequence and a FSE T2W sagittal sequence. Additional axial FSE T1W and T2W images are obtained from the thoracolumbar junction to include the conus medullaris through at least the S1 level of the sacrum. Axial T2W FSE images are optimal in the lumbar region because CSF pulsation artifact is not as signifi cant a problem as in the cervical and thoracic spine. Additional inversion recovery sequences are useful for trauma and are very sensitive for edema and hemorrhage. At least one of the axial imaging sequences should provide a series of contiguous images to properly assess the facet and liga- mentous structures. Oblique axial images oriented with the disc space may be added. The cervical and thoracic spine are often imaged using sagittal and axial FSE techniques, but a multiplanar gradi- ent-echo axial sequence may substitute for or be used in addition to FSE technique to obtain high resolution and contrast while reducing CSF pulsation artifact. Sagittal images should extend suffi ciently far laterally to include the neural foramen and proximal portions of the exiting spinal nerve. Fast fl uid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) is a T2W spin-echo sequence that suppresses the high signal of CSF. It has the potential advantage of displaying subtle edema or demyelination of the spinal cord, particularly ■ FIGURE 1-1 Sagittal T2W MR image of the cervical and thoracic near the surface of the cord. It is not limited by the CSF spine used for localization. A vitamin B external marker (arrow) has been 12 motion artifacts seen on T2W FSE images and can be placed on the back to allow accurate correlation as to vertebral level on performed rapidly using FSE techniques. Despite these axial and smaller fi eld-of-view sagittal images of the thoracic spine. inherent advantages, the literature has reported varying sensitivities that may result from (1) variations in the spe- cifi c techniques used to acquire this sequence and (2) the short TR. A 3D low fl ip angle GRE sequence may be used decrease in lesion contrast that occurs with heavily T2W for axial T2W images of the cervical spine. A 2D GRE sequences. Additional FLAIR sagittal images are often sequence may be better for T2W axial imaging of the useful when there is a suggestion of demyelinating disease thoracic spine or if motion artifact is present at either site. such as multiple sclerosis. Both spoiled GRE and steady-state GRE sequences are 3-T MRI has the theoretical advantage of doubling the available. Steady-state GRE sequences provide very good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over imaging on a 1.5-T system “myelographic” effect when used in tissues with long TR (Fig. 1-2). Eight-channel phased-array coils are currently such as CSF. available for high-quality spinal imaging at 3 T. Long echo Phased-array coils may be used in the thoracic and train, high-bandwidth acquisitions provide high resolution lumbar regions to provide high-resolution images. Ante- and can be achieved with shorter acquisition times than rior and posterior neck coils and a large imaging matrix 1.5 T. Conventional T2W FSE sequences usually provide (512 or 256) are typically used to image the cervical spine. high quality images at 3 T. FSE or turbo spin-echo Anterior saturation bands should be employed to reduce sequences are necessary for best image contrast. Free artifacts from respiratory and bowel motion. Imaging of induction decay related artifacts may be reduced by using the thoracic spine should include an external marker a greater number of acquisitions or fl ow compensation to allow identifi cation of the correct spine level (Fig. techniques. However, a challenge inherent to 3-T spine 1-1). imaging is the increase in T1 relaxation time of tissue at Gadolinium (Gd)-chelate contrast enhancement is used the higher magnetic fi eld strength. This increased T1 to evaluate suspected infection, tumor, arteriovenous mal- relaxation time requires increased time for image formation, and diseases of the leptomeninges. It is also acquisition. used to evaluate the postoperative lumbar spine but is MR myelography can be performed using FSE tech- usually not needed in patients with uncomplicated cervi- niques such as rapid acquisition with relaxation enhance- cal spine surgery. At least one of the Gd-enhanced imaging ment (RARE) and 3D fast imaging with steady-state sequences should be obtained with fat suppression to precession (FISP) but is best accomplished using EPI. We better evaluate fat-containing structures such as the bone have modifi ed a single-shot turbo spin-echo technique marrow and epidural space. In the spine, both frequency- described by Demaerel and colleagues to improve resolu- selected and spectrally selected fat-suppression techniques tion (Fig. 1-3).1 Each image is acquired in 8 seconds are susceptible to artifact, so short-tau inversion recovery using the following parameters: TE 199.5 ms, TR 8000 ms, 6 PART ONE ● Introduction ■ FIGURE 1-2 Sagittal T1W images acquired on 1.5-T (A) and 3- T (B) MRI systems and sagittal T2W images acquired at 1.5 T (C) and 3 T (D). These studies were acquired 2 years apart. One can easily see, however, the increased signal-to- noise ratio on 3-T images by compar- ing similar structures on both T1W and T2W images. Note the increased defi nition of the bone marrow, nerve roots (short arrows), and longitudinal ligaments (long arrows). A B C D 256 × 256 matrix, 1 acquisition, 200 × 200-mm fi eld of 2.5-mm thickness for the thoracic and lumbar spine. Sagit- view (FOV), and 20-mm slice thickness. A presaturation tal and coronal reformatted images are usually used for fat pulse is used to improve resolution. interpretation. The 3D reconstructions and oblique refor- CT of the spine is performed in the axial plane using matted images may be reconstructed at the workstation thin contiguous sections. Multislice scanners can image to assist in interpretation. very thin slices very rapidly over substantial lengths of Intravascular contrast is not routinely utilized for spine tissue. The resulting data loads are often very large, par- CT. It may be administered in cases of suspected tumor ticularly if the images are obtained with near isotropic or infection. Intrathecal contrast is typically used when resolution. The most important imaging parameters for CT myelography is performed and allows greater contrast MDCT are section collimation, table feed per rotation, between CSF within the thecal sac and structures of the and pitch. spinal canal. This is useful in the evaluation of spinal Slice thickness is typically 0.625 mm, with axial images cord or nerve compression (Fig. 1-4). Nonionic contrast reconstructed at 1.25-mm thickness for cervical spine and agent that is specifi cally formulated without preservatives CHAPTER 1 ● Imaging Techniques in the Adult Spine 7 NORMAL APPEARANCE CSF and fat act as natural contrast agents in spinal MRI. They provide excellent contrast for outlining the spinal cord, the thecal sac, and the nerve roots and veins within the neural foramina. CSF has low signal characteristics on T1W images and high signal on T2W images. The spinal cord has intermediate signal on T1W images in part owing to the abundance of myelinated fi ber tracts (lipid) within the cord substance. It has very low signal on T2W images because of the predominance of dense fi ber tracts and low water content (Fig. 1-5). Fat has high signal on T1W images and low signal on T2W images. On contrast-enhanced images, the high signal from the fat may obscure the high signal, resulting from contrast enhancement. Therefore, fat-suppression techniques are commonly used to eliminate the high signal from fat and thereby display the high signal from contrast enhancement in stark relief. These fat suppression techniques aid in detecting enhancement within the epidural space and within the spinal cord. Normal adult bone marrow has intermediate to slightly increased signal intensity on T1W images owing to the presence of fatty marrow. Intermediate to slightly low signal is seen on T2W images in part from the fast imaging techniques used to acquire these images. The facet joints are easily evaluated on both sagittal and axial imaging. Sagittal imaging best illustrates the full articulation between ■ FIGURE 1-3 Frontal projection MR myelogram obtained using 3D the superior and inferior facets, but axial T1W imaging is fast imaging with steady-state precession. This rapid technique uses best to evaluate the integrity of the articular hyaline carti- the natural contrast effects of CSF to produce a myelographic effect. The descending nerve roots (short arrow) are easily identifi ed, including lage. The structures within the neural foramen are easily the CSF-fi lled nerve root sleeve (long arrow). evaluated on parasagittal images. The cartilaginous endplates of the vertebral body are best evaluated in the sagittal or coronal planes using a fat- suppressed 3D spoiled-gradient-echo sequence.2 This technique may detect subtle morphologic abnormalities for safe use in myelography is administered through a of the endplate, including cartilaginous thinning, irregular- standard lumbar puncture or cervical puncture at the C1-2 ity, erosions, defects, and Schmorl’s nodes. These lesions level. Because the dense myelographic contrast will fl ow are the earliest fi ndings seen with degeneration of the through the CSF by gravity before becoming mixed with intervertebral disc and may be a source of axial back pain. and diluted by the CSF, consideration must be given to (1) The normal cartilaginous endplate has slightly hypoin- the relative positions of the puncture site, the site of tense to isointense signal on spin-echo T1W images and expected pathology, and the specifi c curvature of the hypointensity on fast spin-echo T2W images when com- patient’s spine and (2) the volume of contrast adminis- pared with the normal intervertebral disc. High signal is tered versus the volume of the spinal canal. Correct assess- observed within the cartilage on fat-suppressed spoiled ment of both factors will bring the contrast to the site of GRE images. the pathologic process in proper concentration to dem- CT excels at delineating bony detail of the spine and onstrate the lesion. Imaging the patient in the prone or adjacent soft tissues (Fig. 1-6). The bone cortex is very symptomatic position may assist in revealing the cause of dense and easily evaluated. The underlying trabeculae of neural compression. the medullary bone can also be easily identifi ed on CT. CT Postprocessing of the images on a workstation improves clearly displays early reactive or reparative changes such as CT of the spine, because varying the window levels and sclerosis, subchondral cyst formation, and osteophytosis. widths provides optimal image review. Bone is typically Parasagittal images are useful for evaluating the integrity of reviewed with a level of 300 and width of 3000, whereas the neural foramen, facet alignment, and the effect of bone soft tissue is viewed with a level of 50 and width of 350. remodeling (Fig. 1-7). The posterior bony structures of the By manually adjusting the contrast and window levels at spine including the pedicle, lamina, and spinous and trans- the workstation one can accentuate the differences in verse processes are easily defi ned on CT. tissue densities and detect subtle abnormalities such as The spinal cord is diffi cult to evaluate on CT, given the small disc protrusions. Curved plane reconstructions can inherent contrast limitations. The addition of intrathecal display lengths of the spinal column, canal, and cord that contrast during myelography allows evaluation of spinal make interpretation easier in patients with kyphoscoliosis cord size and morphology. It also permits adequate evalu- or other deformities. ation of the intradural nerve roots.

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