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Imaging apparatus and reproducing apparatus which changes frame rate based on zoom operation PDF

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Preview Imaging apparatus and reproducing apparatus which changes frame rate based on zoom operation

US 20130343732A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0343732 A1 Suzuki (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 26, 2013 (54) IMAGING APPARATUS AND REPRODUCING Publication Classi?cation APPARATUSWHICHCHANGESFRAME RATE BASED ON ZOOM OPERATION (51) Int- Cl H04N 9/87 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA, (52) US, Cl, TOKYO (JP) CPC ..................................... .. H04N 9/87 (2013.01) USPC ........................................................ .. 386/353 (72) Inventor: Toshihiko Suzuki, Yokohama-shi (JP) _ (57) ABSTRACT (73) Ass1gnee: CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA, Tokyo (JP) An imaging unit outputs a Video signal at a frame rate higher than a standard frame rate. During a Zoom operation period or (21) APP1- NOJ 13/954,888 a period including the Zoom operation period and periods before and after the Zoom operation, a Video signal from the (22) Filed: Jlll- 30: 2013 imaging unit is recorded in a recording medium at a high _ _ recording frame rate. Other than this period, a Video signal is Related U's' Apphcatlon Data recorded in the recording medium at the standard frame rate. (63) Continuation of application NO 13/605,065, ?led on The recording frame rate and Zoom operation information is Sell 6, 2012, HOW pat NO_ 8,508,627’ which is a Con_ recorded as metadata in the recording medium. During repro tinuation of application NO 12/778,017, ?led on May duction, based on a set reproduction mode, thinning process 11, 2010, now Pat' No_ 8,264,573 ing is carried out on a Video signal recorded during a Zoom operation, and the processed signal is output at the standard (30) Foreign Application Priority Data frame rate. In this Way, it is possible to change a frame rate in VieW of a photographer’s intention and assure compatibility May 20, 2009 (JP) ............................... .. 2009-121535 With existing VieWing and reproduction environments. ( START ) l V S1 ZOOM OPERATION? DETERMINE ZOOM SPEED 1 SET RECORDING FRAME RATE 1 CONTROL RECORDED FRAMES 1 UPDATE FILE MANAGEMENT DATA Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 1 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 S2:0E52522:25 Eom3mm wwww ZPmw55 i5émi55n%z imm". ................................................... 526E5.0258555Em5Qa2wmEm UE5ES Z26O2.E23E85mmEm5Om% mm HnN“ m 2w3Fmm2mmmy. 55:65522555:8 *n<<_M.<.... mmm3#m2%6D_:5AAA. 1ll2_ a Jmma. H3“6m.o52w42z2m 58w8 wmw<= wmozwzammm?w "w"omm H“Em3Hz;2 ?:5 m5m5 66E65Av550552252588:8% mmNi. Eow>>vww au6E5U25:5 %w n5u5 “HwHSE m2 8m wHn#,5 8 5 Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 2 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 T....... _._.__. 2i0 mNGE ONGE QmnEOOmm mus-4E“ Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 3 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 FIG.3 ZOOM OPERATION? G DNEE DTU0ZFA0RPC EOD R OGRAENA E MEMME@ Wm MED8 .EmE.NTDEM “0““MMM%yUy2 345 EAS C N E MR MA 5m. 56 RECORDING COMPLETED? Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 4 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 FIG.4 RECORDING FRAME RATE A = ZOOM LOW HIGH SPEED Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 5 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 VIDEO DATA PHOERATDIEORN METADATA LIST Date 2008/01/01 [Year/month/day] METADATA PORTION Time 12:00:00 [hour:minute:second] Zoom X1 [X1, .......... ..X20, .......... ..] Zoom Speed 1 [1, 2, 3, .......... ..] DATA a REC Frame Rate 24 0 P [60 l, 60 P,12 0 P, 24 0 P, ....... .. ] PORT'ON ‘3 Shutter 1/100 [1/100, 125, 250, .......... ..] Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 7 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 EGE 5 as or 6: gs Us 5 s s 2 “2 a: E02 __ __ Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 8 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 FIG.8 READ METADATA ~S11 RECORDED AT DIFFERENT RECORDING FRAME RATES? D SPECIAL CTION EFFECTS ~S13 SET MODE) CONTROL ~S14 DISPLAYED FRAMES CONTROL “#515 OUTPUT AUDIO N516 S 1 7 REPRODUCTION COMPLETED? Patent Application Publication Dec. 26, 2013 Sheet 9 0f 16 US 2013/0343732 A1 SPECIAL CHANGE IN zOOM REPRODucTION EFFECTS MAGNIFICATION I_INEAR CONSTANT MODE 1 sMOOTHING MODE ZOOM SPEED DYNAMIC GRADUAI. CHANGE IN zOOM MODE 2 SHOOTING SPEED AT THE BEGINNING AND MODE RAPID CHANGE AT THE END SOFT RAPID CHANGE IN zOOM MODE 3 LANDING SPEED AT THE BEGINNING AND MODE GRADUAL CHANGE AT THE END SLOW ALL THE FRAMEs MODE 4 MOTION REOORDED AT HIGH MODE RATE ARE REPRODucED REPRODucED WITHOUT MODE 5 SKIP MODE FRAMEs REcORDED BY ERRONEOus zOOM OPERATION

changed Without photographer' s intention. [0013] In addition, the technique [0021] FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a schematic con?guration of . instructions from an operation unit 52 operated by a user, setting values, or an
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