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Imaging ambipolar diffusion of photocarriers in GaAs thin films D. Paget, F. Cadiz, A.C.H. Rowe Physique de la mati`ere condens´ee, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau, France F. Moreau Physique des interfaces et des couches minces, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau, France S. Arscott, E. Peytavit 2 Institut d’Electronique, de Micro´electronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), 1 CNRS UMR8520, Avenue Poincar´e, Cit´e Scientifique, 59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France 0 2 Imagesofthesteady-stateluminescenceofpassivatedGaAsself-standingfilmsunderexcitationby n atightly-focussedlaserareanalyzedasafunctionoflightexcitationpower. Whileunipolardiffusion a of photoelectrons is dominant at very low light excitation power, an increased power results in a J decreaseofthediffusionconstantnearthecenteroftheimageduetotheonsetofambipolardiffusion. 2 Theresultsareinagreementwithanumericalsolutionofthediffusionequationsandwithaphysical 1 analysis of the luminescence intensity at the centre of the image, which permits the determination of theambipolar diffusion constant as a function of electron concentration. ] l l PACSnumbers: a h - I. INTRODUCTION s e m Ambipolar diffusion is the term used to describe the . t diffusion of electrons and holes in semiconductors when a m their respective concentrations are such that the elec- trostatic coupling between the two populations can no - d longer be neglected. From a practical viewpoint, this GaInP r n phenomenon must be accounted for when designing any o bipolar device. After the initial work on electrostatic z c coupling between electrons and holes1, significant the- GaAs [ oretical and experimental work has been published on GaInP 1 ambipolar diffusion in bulk materials2,3 as well as in v heterostructures4,5. The majority of recent studies con- FIG. 1: Principle of the experiment: A thin, self-supported 4 sider undoped material so that the ambipolar diffusion (3µm) GaAs sample is excited by tightly-focused above 7 constant is only related to hole diffusion6–8 or to exci- bandgap light (red arrows and top, left inset). An image of 5 tonic transport9. The dependence of the ambipolar dif- thebandgapemissionismonitored(bluearrowsandtop,right 2 inset). Since the surface recombination is quenched by thin 1. fusion constant, Da =(Dnσp+Dpσn)/(σp+σn), on the GaInP films above and below the GaAs, this image reveals unipolar diffusion constant D (D ) of electrons (holes) 0 n p thediffusion of carriers within theGaAs. andof their partialconductivities σ (σ ) has neverbeen 2 n p 1 detailed experimentally. Furthermore, the effect of the : electric field induced by spatial separation of electrons v electron concentration. and holes has never been evaluated precisely. i X Here we present an optical investigation of ambipo- ar lar diffusion of photoexcited carriersin a thin slab of p+ GaAs(3µmthickness)passivatedonbothsidesby50nm thickGaInPlayers(seeFig. 1). Thesampleisexcitedat II. AMBIPOLAR DIFFUSION OF CARRIERS its center by a tightly-focused laser alongthe z direction IN A THIN SEMICONDUCTING SLAB such that steady-state imaging of the luminescence in- tensity enables us to monitor the diffusion profile of mi- A. Coupled diffusion equations nority carriers10. The resulting profiles are interpreted using two distinct and complementary approaches: i) a numerical resolution of the coupled diffusion equations Inphoto-excitedp+ GaAsthedrift-diffusionequations for electrons and holes, and ii) a simple qualitative es- for electrons and holes are timate of the electron concentration at the center which yieldsthepowerdependenceoftheluminescencethereby ∂n permitting Da to be evaluated as a function of photo- ∂t =g−K(NA+δp)n+∇~ ·hµnnE~ +Dn∇~ni (1) 2 and aa 1 bb 1 ∂δp Experimental results Calculations =g−K(N +δp)n+∇~· −µ (N +δp)E~ +D ∇~δp ∂t A h p A p i fawonhldleorwNeiAnδgpisdiistshcteuhsecsoiocnoncn)ecnwetnirlatlrtbaioetnioansosfuoamfcecpdehpotttooorbgseewnfeuhrlialcytheido(innhizot(elh2edes). Units)Signal (Arb 0.1 edcbba dcabb 0.1Signall (Arb. Units) K is the bimolecular electron-hole recombination coef- e ficient and µn and µp are the electron and hole mobil- 0.01 f 0.01 ities respectively. Non-radiative bulk recombination is neglected for the purposes of this discussion. The terms 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 involvingtheelectricfield(E~)inEqs. 1and2arerespon- Dcistance (µmr) Distance (µm)1.0 sible for the electrostatic couplingbetweenelectrons and 0.9 holes. InthiscaseE~ istheinternalelectricfieldresulting z 0.8 from the spatial distribution of electrons and holes. It is 00..77 given by the Poisson equation 2 m 0.6 ∇~ ·E~ = q(δp−n) (3) r 0.013 mW 0.5 ǫ 0.4 where ǫ is the permittivity and q the absolute electronic 0.3 z charge. By equating Eqs. 1 and 2 in steady-state,an in- 0.2 dependentexpressionforthe electricfieldintermsofthe 2 m 0.1 diffusion constants and concentration gradients can be 11..44 mmWW 00.00 obtained. Using this one may re-write the drift-diffusion equation for electrons in the form: FIG. 2: (a) The normalized luminescence cross section for a 0=g−K(N +δp)n+∇~ · D ∇~n−D′∇~(n−δp) (4) lightexcitationpowerof0.013mW,0.096mW,0.24mW,0.49 A h a a i mW,and1.4 mW (curvesatoerespectively). Curvefisthe laser profile. (b) Self consistent calculations under the same where conditions. Inbothcasestheshapeoftheprofileatlowpower Dnµp(NA+δp)+Dpµnn and large r yields a diffusion length of 21.5 µm. The effect D = (5) a µ n+µ (N +δp) of an increase of light intensity is to decrease the diffusion n p A length near r=0 dueto ambipolar diffusion, while theslope istheusualvalueoftheambipolardiffusionconstantand ofthelogarithmicplotremainspracticallyunchangedatlarge ′ Da =Dpµnn/(µnn+µp(NA+δp)) gives the magnitude rwhereu=n/NAissmall. (c)Calculatedspatialdependence ofthecorrectionduetothelocaldeparture(δp−n)from of the normalized electronic concentration. The top frame charge neutrality. The spatial distributions of electron shows the low power case (curve a of the right panel), while and hole concentrations are finally calculated using Eq. the bottom frame shows the high power case (curve e of the right panel). 2, Eq. 4 and Eq. 3. Since ambipolar diffusion will be evaluated by varying theincidentlightpowerandhencethephotoelectroncon- centration, the effect of Fermi blockade on the diffusion B. Power dependence of the luminescence at the constants should also be accounted for. In this case the center. diffusion constantdepends onthe electronconcentration via the position of the quasi-Fermi level, E , when the Fe photo-electron concentration becomes comparable with Itisshownherethatsimpleestimatesoftheelectronic theeffectivedensityofstatesoftheconductionband(i.e. concentration at the center of the image (r = 0) can be when the electron gas becomes weakly degenerate). The used to qualitatively investigate the unipolar and am- electron diffusion constant is then written bipolar diffusion regimes. For relatively low powers it is F (E /k T) assumedthattheeffectofdegeneracyontheEinsteinre- Dn =2Dn0F−11//22(EFFee/kBBT) (6) lationis weak,so thatthe lowconcentrationvalue Dn0 of the diffusion constant can be used. As will be verified a where F (φ) = ∞xn(exp(x−φ)+1)−1dx and D0 = posteriori,atthecenter(r =0)itisreasonabletoassume n R0 n µ k T/qisthelowconcentration(non-degenerate)value charge neutrality (n = δp) so that Eq. 4 only contains n B of the electron diffusion constant. Here k is the Boltz- the generation, recombination and ambipolar diffusion B mann constant and T is the temperature. The Fermi terms. Secondly, since the diffusion length is larger than energyisrelatedtotheelectronconcentrationinthecon- the Gaussian width σ of the laser spot, diffusion domi- duction band by n= ∞xnρ(φ)(exp(φ−E )+1)−1dφ natesbulk andsurfacerecombinationandis thusthe de- R0 Fe whereρ(φ)isthedensityofstatesintheconductionband termining factor for the steady-state photoelectron con- at energy φ. centrationatthecenter. Assumingthatdiffusionparallel 3 20 and power are u=n/NA and ηP(1−R) P p= = . (10) πhνdD0N P∗ n A 1155 aa Here P∗ =πhνdD0N /[η(1−R)] is a power. The solu- e n A nc tion of this equation is e c es 4u=p(1+β)−1+ 8p+[1−p(1+β)]2 (11) n p mi u 10 Asseenfromtheaboveapproximations,andusingEq. 1, L e b theluminescenceatthecenterisproportionaltou(1+u). v iti a el R 5 III. EXPERIMENTAL The samples are p+ beryllium-doped GaAs thin films (N ≈1017 cm−3)ofthickness3µmassembledontoSiC A 00 substrates12. Reductionofthe surfacerecombinationve- 10-2 10-1 1 locity is provided by 50 nm thick layers of Ga In P 0.51 0.49 Incident Power ( mW) deposited on each face of the film. The samples are ex- cited by a tightly-focussed laser beam of energy 1.59 eV FIG. 3: Luminescence at r = 0, normalized with respect to in a modified Nikon Optiphot 70 microscope. The laser thelightexcitationpowerasafunctionofincidentpower(red profile, shown in curve f of Fig. 1, is close to a Gaussian squares). Curve a is the adjustment calculated using Eq. 11 profile exp[−r2/σ2] with σ ≈0.93µm. The luminescence and curveb is theresult of the ab-initio calculation. cross sections were recorded using an appropriate filter in order to filter out the excitation wavelength. Curve a was taken using a very low excitation power (13 µW). to the surface can be characterizedby a rate τ , one has d The spatial extent of these profiles is much larger than σ2 =D τ ξ−1 =D τ∗ (7) that of the laser, thus revealing electron diffusion in the a d a d film. At this very low power, diffusion is assumed to be unipolar, and the whole cross section is interpreted whereξisanumericalfactorclosetounity. Atlowpower, using a diffusion length L=21.3µm13, and is nearly ex- using the value of the unipolar diffusion constant, one finds τ∗ ≈6×10−11 s, i.e. about three orders of magni- ponential for r > 12µm. Shown in curves b, c, d and e d of Fig. 2 are the spatial dependences of the normalized tude smaller than the typical photoelectron lifetime τ of p+ GaAs11. crosssectionsforincreasinglyhighpowersupto1.4mW, above which the luminescence spectrum reveals a heat- Aftergenerationoveracharacteristicdepth1/α,where ing of both the electron gas and the lattice. Curves b, c, α is the absorption coefficient, the photoelectrons and d, and to some extent e show little change of the profile holes undergo lateral diffusion as well as diffusion along slope far from the center where the photoelectron con- z. Since the latter does not change the luminescence centration is small, thus revealing that the electron dif- intensity, the one dimensional diffusion along z can be fusionconstantatlargeradiiisclosetoitsunipolarvalue. treatedindependentlyofthelateral,twodimensionaldif- On the other hand at small radii, the slope strongly in- fusion. This permits the computation of quantities av- creasesindicating a reductionof diffusion constantto its eraged along z over the thickness d of the sample. The ambipolar value given by Eq. 5 for large photoelectron average rate of creation of the photoelectron concentra- concentrations. tion is given by Shown in Fig. 3 is the luminescence magnitude at the g =P(1−R)ζ/(hνπσ2d)=ζg∗ (8) center, IPL(0) normalized to the incident power and to a value of 1 at the lowest power value. This signal is close to unity up to about 0.1 mW and reaches values where R is the reflectivity of the sample surface and ζ is a numerical factor close to unity. Considering n to larger than 20 for the maximum excitation power. The be homogeneous as a function z, its value is given by relative excess of carriersatthe center is consistent with n =ηg∗τ∗ where η =ζξ summarizes the above approxi- the decrease of diffusion constant due to the progressive d mations. UsingEqs. 5,7and8,onefindsthatndoesnot onset of ambipolar diffusion. depend on the size of the laser spot σ. It is the solution of the second degree equation IV. INTERPRETATION 2u2+[1−p(1+β)]u−p=0 (9) In order to interpret the above results, the photoelec- whereβ =µ /µ andthereducedvaluesofconcentration tronlifetimeτ wasfirstmeasuredusingtime-resolvedmi- n p 4 crowave conductivity14 and found equal to 30.7 ns. The data,itisreasonabletotakeaconcentration-independent good correspondence with the radiative recombination electronic diffusion constant. time for the nominal doping level13 is further proof that nonradiative surface and bulk recombination processes are negligible. Since L is known at very low excitation B. Luminescence profiles power (curve a of Fig. 2), the value of the unipolar dif- fusion constant can be estimated to be D0 ≈150 cm2/s. n In a separate, complementary approach, the coupled Finally, as found from the literature11 one has β ≈10 so equations, Eq. 2, Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 were solved self- that the relevant quantities describing charge diffusion consistently using a commercial finite element package. are known. Thisyieldsthe electronicconcentrationandthe photolu- minescence intensity at all positions within the sample. ThebottompanelofFig. 2showsthenormalizedmapsof A. Electronic concentration and luminescence electronicconcentrationsnearthe centerforthe smallest intensity at r=0. andforthelargestpower. Itisfirstverifiedthatatr =0 the relative variation of n as a function z is of the order The normalized luminescence intensity shown in Fig. of40%atsmallpowerandof50%atlargepower. Thisa 3 is given by posteriori justifies the assumption of homogeneous con- centrationasafunctionofdepthtakenSec. IIB.Further- P0(1+u)u moresinceL≫d,thevariationofn(r,z)asafunctionof I (0)= (12) PL P(1+u )u z is quite weak in both cases as soon as r is comparable 0 0 with the thickness (note that the horizontalscale in Fig. where u is the normalized electronic concentration de- 2cismuchsmallerthaninFig. 2a). Fornumericalcalcu- fined in Sec. II, and P is the smallest experimental lation of the photoluminescence profiles as a function of 0 powervalue,correspondingtou=u . ShowninFig. 3is ritisthereforenotabadapproximationtotakez =d/2. 0 ∗ the calculatedpowerdependence ofIPL(0), usingP =2 The calculated luminescence profiles are shown in the mW. Very good agreement is then obtained using Eq. right panel of Fig. 2 after normalization at r = 0 for 11, NA =1×1017 cm−3 anda power-independentvalue, NA = 2.5×1017 cm−3. The overall behavior of the ex- close to unity, of η ≈1.25. This justifies the main physi- perimental profiles is correctly interpreted by the model cal, but not completely trivial, approximations made for described above, although slight differences between the obtaining the expression for n. ab-initio calculations and the experimental results are The calculated power dependences of the reduced val- apparent. This is most evident at high power where the ues of the ambipolar diffusion constant D /D0 and of shape of the profile depends very sensitively on the re- a n theluminescenceintensityu(1+u)areshownversusuin duced concentration, u (i.e. on the exact doping density curvesa,c, andd ofFig. 4. Switching fromthe unipolar and on the incident power). Any small variation in N A to the ambipolar regime is revealed by the decrease in (whoseexactvalueisnotknown)orintheincidentpower the diffusion constant. For the maximum value of u one resultsinalargerelativevariationoftheluminescencein- finds D /D0 ≈0.2. This result is in agreementwith Eq. tensityforlarger. Forexample,theuseofN =1×1017 a n A 5, which gives D ≈ 2D ≈ 2β−1D0 in the limit where yields an r dependence of the normalized luminescence a p n n ≫ N . It is also seen that u increases faster than the profile that is far too strong. Curve b of Fig. 3 shows A light power and that its value at maximum power is of I (0). In the case of the ab-initio calculation,the ratio PL theorderof3N . Thepowerdependenceofthelumines- iscalculatedafterintegrationoverthe wholethicknessof A cence intensity starts to differ from that of the electron the sample and over a lateral radius of the order of that concentration for P ≈0.1 mW. of the excitation spot. Once again, although the quali- Since the electronconcentrationathighpoweris com- tative shapes of the calculated and experimental curves parable with the intrinsic density of states in the con- areinreasonableagreement,therearequantitativediffer- ductionband,theeffectoftheconcentrationdependence ences between the curves. As above, this is particularly of the electron diffusion constant, described by Eq. 6, so at high power where the luminescence intensity de- needs to be evaluated. To first order, taking D of the pends sensitively on u. Undoubtedly better agreement n form D = D0(1 + n/n ), one finds n ≈ 1.2 × 1018 could be obtained by varying several parameter values n n 0 0 cm−3. Eq. 9 becomes a third degree equation includ- (N , β, etc...) but doing so is tedious and not partic- A ing the parameter N /n . Shown in curve b of Fig. 4 ularly revealing from a physical point of view. It is also A 0 is the resulting power dependence of the ambipolar dif- possible that the slight difference is due to photon recy- fusion constant. D only differs from D0 (curve a) for cling which could yield a luminescence profile somewhat n n powers larger than about 0.3 mW. For the maximum larger than that due to carrier diffusion alone15,16. power (P = 1.4 mW) the increase in D gives a value One advantage of the ab-initio calculation is that it n of u slightly smaller than that shownin curve c and cor- can be used to evaluate the assumption of local charge responds to (D − D0)/D0 ≈ 12 %. Given that this neutrality (i.e. n=δp) that is made in all discussions of n n n marginalincreaseisnotunambiguouslyevidentfromthe ambipolar transport1. Fig. 5 shows the spatial distribu- 5 1 102 the excellent agreement obtained between the exact nu- mericalandapproximateanalyticcalculationsofD /D0 a n at r =0 shown in Fig. 4. d 0.8 II n 0 c te n 0.6 1 s 0DD/Dna 00..42 aab 10-2ity (rel. Unitts) -4 /n (10)(n-p)/ -0.1 x 0.2 a'' a b 10 (n'-n)//n (%) -0.2 0 1100--22 1100-11 11 Power ( mW) b' -0.3 0 00.11 11 1100 FIG.4: Thecalculateddependenceofthediffusioncoefficient normalized to its unipolar valueas a function of light excita- Distance (µm) tion power. Curve a(b) corresponds to the result calculated without(with)Fermiblockadetakenintoaccount. Alsoshown FIG.5: Estimation of theinternalelectrical field andtheva- are to dependencesof theelectronic concentration u normal- lidity of the local neutrality approximation for an incident ized to the acceptor concentration (curve c) and of u(1+u) powersof0.013mW(curvesa’andb’)and1.4mW(curvesa (curved)whichisproportionaltotheluminescenceintensity. and b). Curves a and a’ show the spatial distribution of the The results of the full numerical calculation (green squares) relative difference between electron and hole concentration. are in excellent agreement with the simplified analytical ap- Curvesbandb’showtherelativedifferencebetweenthespa- proach. Shown for comparison is a straight, dotted line of tial distribution of electrons obtained when n = n′ = δp in slope unity. Eq. 4 and when theelectric field is accounted for. tionoftherelativedifference(n−δp)/natz =d/2forthe lowest (curve a’) and highest (curve a) incident powers. V. CONCLUSION In both cases there is an excess of holes near r = 0 and a compensating excess of electrons at a distance larger than3-4µm. As expected, the relativeexcessofholes at Imagingoftheluminescenceprofilecreatedbyahighly the center is larger at low powers where ambipolar dif- focused excitation and emitted by a 3µm thick p+ fusion is absent. In the presence of ambipolar diffusion, GaAs clearly reveals ambipolar diffusion as the excita- electrons and holes have a tendency to diffuse together tion power is increased. The switching from unipolar and the relative difference drops by a factor of 10. Since to ambipolar diffusion of photocarriersis investigated as the permittivity ǫ in Eq. 3 is small, these observations a function of electron concentration and the results are do not necessarily imply that the term proportional to analyzedusinganumericalresolutionofthecoupledelec- E~ is negligible. In order to validate the assumption of tron and hole diffusion equations, as well as the Poisson ′ local charge neutrality, the electronic concentration n equation. It is found that the effect of the electric field obtainedwhenneglecting the lasttermofEq. 4 iscalcu- induced by ambipolar diffusion can be significant away lated. Shown in curves b and b’ of Fig. 5 is the relative from the center. In contrast, this effect is reduced near value(n′−n)/nforthehighestandlowestpowersrespec- the center so that a simple calculation of the power de- tively. Unsurprisingly,thetermproportionaltoE~ ismore pendenceoftheluminescenceintensitycanbeperformed. importantathigherpower,althoughatworst,assuming The results are interpreted using a single parameter,de- ∗ n = δp introduces an error of the order of 10% into the finedinEq. 10asapowerP ,whichdependsonacceptor resulting concentration profiles. More importantly, the concentration,slabthicknessandunipolarelectrondiffu- erroris smallestat r =0, indicating that the simplifying sion constant. The experimental results at the center assumptions used above to analyze the luminescence in- are in very good agreement with the predictions of this ∗ tensityatthecenterarereasonable. Thisisconfirmedby model, using a reasonable value of P . 1 R. A. Smith, Semiconductors (Cambridge University 2 J. Meyer, Phys. Rev.B 21, 1554 (1980). Press, Cambridge, England, 1978). 6 3 J.YoungandH.VanDriel,Phys.Rev.B26,2147(1982). 10 I.Favorskiy,D.Vu,E.Peytavit,S.Arscott,D.Paget,and 4 H. A. Zarem, P. C. Sercel, J. A. Lebens, L. E. Eng, A. Rowe, Rev.Sci. Instr.81, 103902 (2010). A. Yariv, and K. J. Vahala, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1647 11 J.LowneyandH.Bennett,J.Appl.Phys.69,7102(1991). (1989). 12 S. Arscott, E. Peytavit, D. Vu, A. C. H. Rowe, and 5 K. Gulden, H. Lin, P. Kiesel, P. Riel, G. D¨ohler, and D. Paget, J. Micromech. MicroEng. 20 (2010). K. 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