and tile I MAGES, ICONOCLASM, C AROLINGIANS Thomas F. X. Noble I n [he year 726 c. E., the BYLantine emperor Leo III issued an edict declaring images to be idols, forbidden by Exodus, and ordering all such images in churches co be destroyed. Thus was set 011' the first wave of Byzamim: iconoclasm, which ran its "iolene course umJ ;8;, when the underlying issues were temporarily resolved at [he Second Council of Nicaca. In 815, a second great wave of iconoclasm was set 0([, only to end in 842, when (he icons were rescored to [he churches of the East and the iconoclasts excommunicated. The iconoclast concroversies have long been undcrsrood as marking major hssures between the \Vcsrcrn and Eastern churches. In Images, Iconoclasm. alId rill: Carolinglans, Thomas F. X. Noble reveals (hat the lines of di\~sion wcrc not so dear. It is traditionally maintained that the Carolingians in the 790S did not understand the basic issues involved in the Byzantine dispute. Noble contends that there was, in fact., a signihcant Carolingian controversy about visual an and, if its tics to Byzantine iconoclasm were tenuous, they were also complex and deeply rooted in central concerns of the Carolingian court. Furc.hcrmore, he asserts that the Carolingians made distinctive and original contributions to the whole debate over religious an. Imagr$. Iconoclasm, alld dll! ClirolillbrillllS is the first book to provide a comprehensive study of the \Vesrern response co Byzantine iconoclasm. By comparing art-texts with laws, leners, poems, and other sources, Noble reveals the power and magnitude of the key discourses of the Carolingian world during its most dynamic and creative decades. 11w P' 'r ... _ of"'" ""-..... ~ Or' _ &-"" I. ..; .... ... s.~ .. "'" I"'~ A. .. of do< U. .. .....,.ofN. .... D ..... r.. All ~........J.. F. ..... b<;,t......., .... """ ... """'"'" of .......... ~itO.OWIY W'-_ 01 "'~ "'>01< ""T"' ~ io -, ..... t.,. -, ....... _ wm.. ~ _ '"' poIoIobn r..Ni.hN~ U. .... ....,.of ............... .... PhOloddplo ......." ".,.. ... _ •• ", ""7" "" .... ..,..",. ... '. . ,S~" CONTENTS Introduction [ CHAPTER ONE An, Icons, and Their Critics and Defenders Before the Age of Iconoclasm [0 CHAP T ER TWO Byzantine Iconoclasm in the Eighth Century 46 CHAPTER T H REE An and An Talk in the West in the First Age of Iconoclasm [[[ CHAPTER FO U R The Franks and Nicaea: Opus CaroN Rtgii [58 CHAPTER F[VE Tradition, Order, and Worship in the Age of Charlemagne 207 CHAPTER StX The Age of Second Iconoclasm 244 C HAPTER SEVEN Art and Argument in the Age of Louis the Pious 287 366 CONCLUSION NOTES 37' BIBLIOGRAPHY 437 481 INDEX 487 AC KNO W LEDGMENTS Introduction n- shalt ...' ..... M"to ,iN-nJ1 '4"'" '-t'. ., ~"7Ii"""" of.""hi"f ,hot, it;~ th< liN. ... aN'" Of rhd, It ,. tht M"h ......t h. or m", it i~ Jo. __ M...Mo Jo.-.urI.. -F. . od", '0. • I. Jo. ~ of EM..,..U 4" ;, ~ "'Jfo.Jt to __ ""J ~nL fur _" m. '-t''' __ sha. Jo. ..1m""". of C"'-' 'N r.hriJti.Jn "'"'"' n.: un"' .... - - bn. . KjIli"5<" .. Cult GO"·' "'''.''1 1"0 1\1".... ,..j,h Ki"jng«·' gI"" ...k e .s '" .ho kc." of. long. .n. "'mctim", hi"" •• ,nd .1 ...... )"> f.....,i!U.,i"ll-~h.p1<' in ,he hi"".i", of of Chri ... ,,y, .nd "f Wes,<'" ",1",,<. Th" b<><tl f"""o<> on one in>p"'n.n, hu, ne· too.. g1c<>ed .nd mi,undc<s[ood ..-gm<m of hi""rid. B<r","«n 790 .nd 840. in differing ,;r<;um".,nca .nd ",""h differing .im, .nd in«mion., C.mlinsi.n ... ritO'. p,oduo;cd hundrtd. of ~ of imdlig<m. 'm«""ing. and n(\1 inf",. "ud,,,, quemly polemicl wri,i,,!: .bo", Ch,i"i." "'. Thi, hook .nd ino<,!"o" O.k.",. .00st t"'U. In .bout 79'>. ThroJ"lf uf with the lid of $C>'"",I of hi' ""I''''''' 00 """",.,,,1 h<vn '0 ",,,. .m po,,,,i .., ,od the of O"rle"ug''''. wri .. ,,,,,,,i. . ,he 0"", c,....J;. Thi. "'., • of ><v< ...1 h",.drtd P"g<S .h. . O>1<n.;bly fotmed • ,«portl< to the dcci.iom of the Sccond Council o( N"". .. of 787 •• rI"" """""bsm. 1IfC'" ....:mbJr hlod pm. ["mpo"''r end B)fZl!ntinc Just .I1e, [0 li40 }om .. of Orlb.n>--<h" he .nd TheoJ"lf "'.". hi""'"", of the .. one ... i. purdy coiocidcntal_l"'t .he fi"i>h;ng to""h", to hi> 0. ntln. i-inurn. Jon. ... '«I.""" [fu,il<. origi ...l ly Ix-g. . n >< ,he of Loui, [h. I''''u. ,n 817 ,nd compkr"" un the ur<kr of Ch •• 1cs the fuM. «<ponded «, .hoc iconocl• • m of Bi.hop Clau_ di", ofTufi~ ~nd to m""h <II< bai.dc.. W,i,ingJ .bo", Ch" "i,n m. or .hour ",hlo, ,·;.. ..1 ,n, Chri", .. , migh' ho.., .00 how ,hey migh' US< ,h.m, kp.n wi,h ,t..: tpologim in ,h. •u . .....: ond ,<n""y.' y", no, un,it 'he <igh'h o;cn,uty did ,h. llrun'i"" w<>dd in 0 «rin. .. di"' ....i o" of ,h. ""ptop'i"~. of Chri,,;'n ~gurol .n. Th. so.ealkd "i"""",u"i, ""n,,,,.,rsy"_ 'MY' ,Iu: ,.;rn,1'$ go< '0 IUI1IC ,h. 1:» .. 1. oft .. ,t..: I,,,,,,.-Iw b«n ailed "one of , .... gr<a"'" poli'ical .nd cultu ..1 c ri<cs of lI,....n';um.""' Mo .... ,h..n .his. ; ...... ··undouh.«I1y .,n. of •. .., m.;Or ""nR;':" ;n ,h. histoty of ,he CI,ri",." Ch"rch, ... AIII""d. of lif. ..." ,• •f foa«l by ,t..: ""U, ""oAi« .•1 I of """cty w<l< ;""oIvcd in ,h ••u uggIe. The Gglu ...... ";oIon'. N", .... biu" .nd <k:\J><"'«, ", rpri.;nglr. ,hen, a majo< .u,ho,ity """ ..y ,h.., tho wo, ". . 'conod.>,," ""n,rov<J'S)' g,"hly .he ""';0' "",nif. ., .,i"" of .oJ ",,",inuily in early m«liC'r.llllynn,ium. n, llyumine ironoct..m <:In """ coursn, Th. fi", u,,«1 from 7'6 fO 787 .nd .h. """"nJ from Sr) '0 84'_ As "",«I ju" .Ixw<, Th..,dulf wr" .. ,he Opw c.",o '" r"""",d ,,, ,Iu: cvuotcil ,h .. pur.n.nd '" ,h. firs, ph,"", oficnnocluon. DiJ • \"('",«rn CQft'mv<:<>y ""i,,' If """, ~ i, 0 SK'" oi,isl Did i, ,hoke tho (W~n) Chris,:"n Chu• • h '" it< foundori,,,,,1 Don i, ......a !<ignifican, for"" of rh.ngd U,wli)' ,...,.o, •m•, "we. .r.s. '0 ,1tQC q.,..'.,,,. ... . 11 in 'he "'V,i"". Th. \"('. .« m di ...... n ... N'H. ........M ~~"S, ... *.ide .huw." to ,he Ilyun. ,in< n" in even'. It is u". .1 Iy .,Sued ,h" ,h. Carolinsi.n, in ,he 790' ...m ply ,h. did not undo .." ,nd the ha<i< i. ..... invul..-d in 'ho B)"Un,in. dispul<. In ho"h." ,ellinr,. ,he Corol;ngi.", 01< .lIege<! .0 h.v, I.dt<d Gl<'<k 00.:.1<> and b.mior,. "" wdl .. an undct-rutnding of ,h. phil_phial ,nd ,heoIogical ,...di· ,ion. of ,he G.«k Church. In the mild", 'ellinr,. 'he Corolingi.n. Iud poor ,,,n.t.,;"n. of ,he «t~ of II Ni""", pcm'P-' ind«<l. m<r< ex'rac, from ."' ,. .. Iurni""u. docurnen,,_ Corol'ng;.n wri,;ngs W<t(. in .ny C1«, w"hou, d;"'• • n_ ihl. inA""n« "" ,he con,inuing COIl .... of II)""OIin< 'conoct.,m .nd, say wh" "n. .... ill .1:>0<" ,he Nicen. ,h• •u b.eq,«n. wri,ings of nin,h..".,ruty lIyun· dn4. ,in. in»g< ,hcolog'.n, _'" <"h~, unknown o. unrem ..k e<! in rh. \\'. ., _ AI_ ,ho. ,Iooug. '~i"r )-.-u. >S" 1'". . It"",·" .. iJ ,he iam,,,,I .., i, COotmv<:"y ...... "in the grip< of. " of u"",in'n!"""i"• ." "" On< coulJ ,h.n '" ""uld ""'" ..) . ,h ...m e abou, the Wcs'.' T" 'his J.). , ..i ... ""i,hcr. compr.hens;"'. <be.,!"i.,n.,. "'-'pl.",uiQn of ,h. W"" ... n ''''f'O'''' fO lI,....n';n. icorwxlwn o • • ,horough .CCOUn. of C.rolingian rdi<'Ct,on' "n im.gcs.· Th,. book c"ns,;,u,,,, /i", '''''''P'' a ,uch In.,,, wu. ,n f. .... C.rolingi.n ."",m,·.,,), .hou, ..;"ul hill i".ies.o 1M 1I,....,,';n. '0>"0<1 .." , ... «nU<>\u ,00 comple>. Thus .10.", ;,.n 01'P"""n,1)' '0"" .. ·h., ,h. Co"~i"!9.n di ........ i"" ",,,"!Iy i, linked t<>. I <It> not deny ,h.., Th.,-,.!ulf tOOk it .. hi, fi", tool. to ''''I''md '0 ,h. <c«>nd Nice"" """neil. ,,'" 1 do -....en ,h .. hi, reo""n .. is 'on,e<! &:q>ly ;n =r,,1 con«.n, of ,h. C.mling. IOn «>~n ;n [hc )""" b<~n ,00...[ 780 ,nd 800. Goodnl b)' II N;ClCI ,he ,bou, 0,,01;<>19'''' ""~ ,he",,,,I""';II di"i""i..., ""'Y' l'''*'leo>, ,h" ~e impon'nl [0 ,hom ,nd ,h., were fund,mem.lly dilf.rem from m.ny, but0 n,.o.<, .11. o( ,h. pfObkm. [h .. cx<,c;,.ro [he Byunrin. .. V, ...- ..l in thi, "'.y. the 61",/1 becomes I"" ,n i!>COmperent 'n unrompreh.ndin& re.pon", to Brun ,jum ",.n • cunning. •I bei, un6ni>h<il ,nd unpo!iohed, «.temen' o( basic Fr.,nk'oJ, COncc,n,. '0 When the frank.< re,utt...J the ,ubj«t of im,&<" in the 8.0<. tht)' ..., ,'" p..,mp'cd ,,, do '" hr tht llrun"ne' ~nJ. ao in ,\0. 790'- ,=oJ ,Ji";ne<i,, !",[h. EmpelOf MOdu<I II., mild ironol'hoi:><, w''l1< ''l Loui, ,he Pious 1(' .nlO .. hi, ,id..,d 'Uppofl ,nd I'l <lI1'!.io hi, "WO ""i'ln, in ,he r",,- t.o"i, ....,mhled hi. ,t.rolotian" At p.,,, in 81\ 'ht)' produced. b'1\< d,... •. , of m. .. ",b ,h .. seem to '<$pO<Id O1Ily p.n;'II)' to [hc b • ., of Midw:1 II .nd [0 co""'pond only in obl;que waY' with the ,«u.s du" Iud "".cted tho ."cn,ion ofThrodulf .nd ,h. e!u,km'gn.' ,,,h., k<:y .dvi",,,. Oncc win, h"we"." COOt«t fo, the tle:ui><> writt.n .. P,ri, in 8,S io Ix: sough[ .mid, prcoccup-:u;"ns of [0 fi", ye'" ,h. Lou;"he Piou,..,d hi, kC)' ."""i. ... ,0 the fif,..,n 01.., o( ",ign of Ch>rlcm'gn<', hci,. A, jun .bou, ,IK ,ime when Loui.'. ,hrologi.n. werr g,. .h ering in ,he F,::mki,h wo,ld <!>COun,."", . Itorne-gro",," .11 .." ",ion. Chadiu, ofTulin, ,h. Sop,;rn.,,"'" p,oI:>.>hly V"igOlhic. bishop, ,h~n, .".l.rch """«0,,,,,;,1;51, w<:m on ...m p>g< of i""'g< dCSII"qion ,nd ironophobic plOp>g>nd •. Loui. dimoted -"mao of O,le,n ....+ '0 Iud p,,,,W;kd .. ,h. p,ri, delibe .., ion., '0 n: .pond '0 Cbadiu• . He did", by beginning hi' D< "''''' ;",ar;i~~'" byt under .Iiglllly m),>'criouJ <1lO1m"",,ccs laid if ",id., unnni,hed. O[h<l w,;,.". how_ """, look up pens--o. ... ,Im<»< ,.id cudII"b---.>g:oin>< (;l.udi..,: 11""",kmil. ,he.bbo< of Psalmody and Du~!;>I. the chief ..h oolm,n in PaY;'. mo>1 promi. n.mly. AgoIurd 0(1.y on, m ..n ...-hile, ,,~ighed in on his'l",n "'i,h . ,<e>ti .. ,h. . .bou, ,h". ..p ~ f'CS<'". ., ion, Ch,;"i,o .n m.u:h g .." Ct ,Ito", ,,,icul.,ed hy ,he Pari, throl"ll;'n" Throdimi,. 0' DunS'l, bm In< =klc.s [!un [ho", of Cl.ydi. ... S,ill ",h« ",,;«.--I·I.-.wnu. M,uru,> Eloban.l. anJ W.I.hfrid oo. S, .. '0 mcmion ,he ,h= mm< plOminen, on<>-,",'..". On ." ,,., bu, dOl '"' i" ,e,nu o>ole .pp",.;ng ,ha" ,h.,.. •• I'. ..... d by A&>ba,d .tld CbuJiu •. )'Ct quite diffi:rcnt on k<y po,n" from thooc of joR'" .nd DURpl. The con"" fo' ohio Carolingian l"Il"ouchy io ,h. ,urhukm wOlld of ,hc 8)0> when ,he F. .. nt.. lOugh, ci"il "'.", <ndured foreign .I1"u, .nd "'eou.",d ,he buoy,n, '>p,;m"m ,h" h.d ch" ...... ri=! ,he ",;g" "rCh"Ie""ll'" ,nd ,t.. • .,Iy yeo" of u>u;, ,h. Pi",,, S"nd" d "'Oft.. un Catolinp.n .n hinory "rely discu .. the t«:ot,l<$ .nd • '~UODUCTlO" doo.,mcn" i"" ....... ,ion«l. To. <kgret ,hi, negkc, is ju"i~,blc bca,. .. n»ny of ,h..., Caroling"," , .... ,bot" a"is,iH an ..,.m '0 Iu", voy li,d• •o do wi[h Of' pet ... A.. I >-holl rtp::a.edly -'SI><. Mn''''''<r>ics ,Iu. wn. sp>ricJ by "'me probl<m Iuving '" 00 wi.h an rurnod in[o ""';Or .""cmen .. of or <4< qu>.rd> ,00'" m. ... """'.ml"'. .. ..,. [Iu[ did nO! Iu", Ch,i,,;'n.n .. ,hci. p,im • ...,. .... b- j<d m.uer. Perh.", ,his i. no. '" odd. ThroughoU[ his[ory. h. .[ cd deb ... . ®ou[ .ni. .i c oq>rd<nu.ilKl . • nd .h. ..·, u.l dc;.",,';"n of public .nd pri ..« worlu of .n. Iu"" bttn b)·.prodoctt of o.her kind, of oocw. political. 0' ,di· giou, m(W<men, .. ' On. ,hinl<> imrn¢di1ldy of P""",. .n , imn<:><u.m in ,he ,ix.=.h .oJ ...... nt<"cn.h a n.u.i. .; of.he I"'li.i<>1 iconocl"m of.he Frtn<h Rcvulu<ion; of.he idcologi ..1 iconoclasm of bo.h F..a.. .nd Communi. .....e s ,hei. ..> <I """",",,'<; o. of """1<101"'"'<")' An><ri""," dispu,<o ""'" lUg bumin~ lOr '"'''' ,II .. detm .oJ public .... b.idi .. "'1M """""" b1uphemou. 0' """"ne. The icon"clas.i<" moment in .hese ~m.n" ~rno" .1"",)"> prov;dcs. .ru.'l' ,h ....r tful ~"'<r will, • view of .he "rnJ<> .oJ [. ... in [he "",i.! f..btie wi,,, of. gi ... n place 0' "DIe. In >-hon. I ,h.1I ",~.he .....0."0 look me., problen .. ,n Camlingi,n hiSlory i" ""'Y' .Iu. ........ 1<1 k<m 1",~ly n. ... m.! to n..., ,h. hi""ri.n, ofmh« ,imt>.oJ pU=. i, hmod view. In ,he .... row vi ..... C.rul;"~;'" hi,,,,,;',,, "'"r di.o«w. . ".,.. 'l,i,,~ h. .... I ;nvi .. ,h.m ," rc/Irt. "'j,h DI. on ncgI.'"o:J ,. .... and prohlc"". And I hnp< '0 p<nu>d. '" h .., o,;,ns m .hink in new "'"YO .bou. ,he .ubjec .. of,h", in ..., iga,i .... " Thu. F. . [he I>r-gc il<"" to ,,·hid. 'his book i, oddress«l. The no[ f.y,. ~. provide • ,<:lup«. oric~ ...i on '0 how [he book KI""lIy ",000«1 •. m.pce ... Clup,m 4 [0 7 fotm [he h",n of ,he book. Th. 6 .., thrtt r< no[ m'r<ly innoduc,<>I}·.Iw......" . By looking ,n d. .., 1 ., ,h. p<.iod from [h. founh m. ..... ""nlUry '" [he .igluh. [h ... elup"" ....b l ..h [he I> nd ideas .n,,,,,""'. ,,·hieh ,h. Caroling,"ns mod;~cd, ncgIcc=I. Th. <lup .... are long. hu, <~ .dd,. .... . I»,ie .nd ""heren. huNlI. of problenu wi,h,n .p«ific ""I",r.l ..w J chrolIDl"gicol """,. . ,,. n-.. 6", chop«r .urn. u, the .nei.n •• oJ 1>« .mi~ ... Mo:Jitcrran<1n hom._ Iarld boIh of Brun.ine .oJ Frankish .n and of Christi..,il}". I <cvd>1 ....... [fC>' "'''''''''1}". in ')",><>p';" f. .h ion. W}", ki.od, of d'>eul<io,,, .bou. on ,ook pi",. in .he Mo:Jitc'Tanean _ .Id bcfo ...h e "u.b. ... k of>< iconoclasm! \1Vha. <=tI~ Of. ..n ed i",n<. and who, pw:. do 'hC)' occupy wi.hin the larger coma, of~g<,raI an gtn ....l ly. of "'ppon fo' nr oppos"ion '0 .",h .n. and of 'digi",,, p..,.,ica in ,he r. ... , .OJ in ,he We,,! ,,",'Iu. kiNl. of di .." .,i"", of .n ,,,,",,, pl.a in Ih. W. ., bcfQ .. It." outb=k of icon...e!=" .nd ",I. .. , cull .. p""';"", if .n)". an he :ouoc;"o:J w" h WO'ks of.n in.he "",'",,, W"h()tl, h.", .n,i.i"". ing the diKu"ion ,Iu. will follow. fur [h. pU'p<»<> of .hi. "udy I .drnowlo:Jgt ,hot .ny itrug< co~IJ I><.n iron. b", f'O'i, ,ha, ...r ed not inugcs of, !""icul .. . ryl< .•i . .. or 1"<;::l1ion bU! ins'.,.d inug<> th.u did. '" ,h., W<'f< <x. w,,,. p«t«.l to do. ",,,,uhing. Thf)' im.g« '0 which ~uh "'as paid. These a .. hUg< ... bjecu wi,h el>bon. .. compl<. .• nd con«miou> bibliog«lphi ... Ou, .im hore will mon:ly I>< to pid OUt ct,,.in k<y thtmcs.., .. 1><" .. ,,, ",,,Io .., ,n<l p'''' , os"" ;om., bosic Carolingi.n "",i,ion>. In 'urn. ct. . wh" l.n8""SO' ..., .. ..> oJ p~n" ,. ..." " • ..,ibblc '" I>< .cc<pt«.l. r<j«'«.I. 0' mooi6«.1 in ,ho oiginh o:mlt')'. Ch.p<cr 1 Op<n> wi,h .n in'I"",ion of. r. ... 1»,,10 ,i,,,,, in ,he t~"",u, """,nil o"e' lIy"n,i"e i<"""eI"",, E''''Y''ne 'g<=,h" ,I>< llrun'ine irooophi. Ii. following ,he 6,,, phu. "f Byumine ;"on..>d ..m """,i",,<:<1 ,he Op~, Glro/i, '" i, i, imp<""i,,, '0 cxplot. wha, <I .. Throdulf.nd comp>ny "",U h.", f'" 'p<>nd«.l '0. Thi. ch.p,., .." ,nd, ,he discu ..i on begun in Ch,p'" , of how F.. .. , .nd W. .. won: .Iih and dif!i:n:n' in' cult p ....' io: .. .....e ll as in theologicol ,h. <\>o:o,b,i"". AM,h" im!",,,.n, objec,i,'. of rhi. pte, is '" "'mind ",.de" mOK familiar wi,h d. . W. ., ,han ,II<, ,h" r=m "h...J."bip bas d<Cid...Jly ,h. ,educed m'gni,..dt of 'ho Brun,inc" oon"o"''')', ,he .1><",,, quo. ., ion, from Ladntt.fHl flo,,,,,.ky no,...;,], ...f Hling. Brun,i", ico,>od.,n, "-.. '''~''. opi. lOdic .nd tIC\'cr as dcvos['lIing in hulllitlt or lllittcriol 'erml .1 forme,j), bdinnl. '0 Proctding tho Carulingi.>.n "",rlJ wi.h ,hi. n .... undemanding of Byun,ium in mind will help ILl '0 itt ,ha, we .n: not d",ling wi,h ,he bi. ... no and inntp!ico. bit as)'mmttl)" of. ,i";liu,ion') .bock at ono ond of ,he M",li,., ,hOI pruduetxl only. ,ipplo" 'ho o,h. . ond. Fin.lly, ano<f,.,r imp<>".n' objec.i" of tili, ch.p<<< will 1><. dimming of 'ho in'<lke' .... I. p,im.,ily ,heological. a.<p«U of .igh,h«mury ito""",b,m, E.S! ond W. ." For 100 long ",hola", mo.dy Brun,ini ... and ""'" prumin<n,ly 'he R""ion• • mong ,I><m. have goo,en ow.y wi,h both protOpl;" ond """Iop'ic ".ding> .,f ,ho eigh,h "'''''\try ,ha, ptrmi' vi"""lIy ,II undt. ...n dings of w;rt<i io>n, !D h,ve h.:.n p,cscn, rh.n. If one ..... ,," .. ,h" ,ho ..,.rin~ ,h""lugicaI ~jghu of ";,,,h«"I\Iry w,i,.. .. "",h ",k Po"i.",h Nio:phoru, ond Abbot 1"k<>d<:,,,, "f S",dion wen: .I,. .d y p. ...n ' in ,he ...I y and m;,WI< d=Jo ~f ,he .;t;h.h <>:mury, 0' ...., .10. lofty o.<ly e;w"h. «n.ury 'hrology of John of D.m ........... p<,..,.,i", " ,he ,ime of II Ni<=>. ""y ,h.n i, i, '0 po" "'y Throdulf. 'hrology 0' on ugly. Aigiulao bird, W. ,0 ,hall 'I)" imerp'" ,h. hi"ory ' liuk d""" '" rhe ",dt, in which i, ",,,,,lIy Iuppt,>«.I. ,0 Ch'p'e' J p""'ides .. ,1i>C\WKln of rh. \I:'""",n h>d:SIOI,nd ,h. Op~, Car<>li. Tho Angio.S;uon Ik<k (67)-7)5). wh''''' w,i.ingo we .....< 11 known '0 tilo Carolingians, exprc<!<d him"l{ on an ....< . ..1 'im« in. va,icty of Com",". Wo ....1 1 §nd If. ... of hi. inAU<1Kt. Tho p<>pc<. mo<tO,.-or. wi,h "'hom 'ho 6 I~TOOOUCTlO~ ,n h",1<.< .",• ...,j 'HIO • solemn .lIi.""" ,he 71"'" _'. ,1"ply d,,,reskd by B)'z.1n!in< iron<:>d>sm .nd ClIplicit!y objected '" it On num<r<mS occuion,. From G"'8"ry 11 (716-)1) '0 H>d,t.n I (n1-<;l1) 1""1""' W"," frtqu<n,1y .bou, ,I>< ne. inuge crisi, .nd ~cld ... of council, ,~" odd........t 'm'geo--om""s 011.., th'np.. Beginning in ,he 7)00 the ft.nlu .00 the popes .nt.toil",,,, inc ....... ngly ,Iu, inl< .... r<b,;"", wi,h on< .no,h.,. ~ is ",me ..i donee ,he F. .. nl<.< beg>n ..k ing noIice of B)'z.1n,''''' iconocwm in ,I>< 7\'" bue ,he ",,,';'inS ""''''. . convey li"l. ",n. . ,Iu, i ....g o> 'q><tstnted Hgh, .w:ty .n impon.n. 0' im .....' · ing problem h>' ,he F. .. nl<.<. 0". ,>.4: ofClupl<' J. ,i>e<eIi>r<, is '0 ""pl.;n the diff.";ng pe"p<C1iva or the pope> .nd of ,I>< Fr.mlu on B)'z.1min. ,digiou> poli<y in go""..!, .nd on religiou •• n in fM,icul ... in the c.n",,1 decade! of ,h. cigl ..h <cnlUry. Problc1IIJI of rul."h'!' .nd church lI"'"mm.n, wac «i,;cal 10 ,h.,.., perSpec,ives. bu, 10 '00 we<c ""I< I"""',i«> UIO<wed w;,h .... How " ... • n .<lUlIlir used in ,I>< wo,ld. in Rom •• • nd in Byun,ium! In ",h .. ..... yo did ,h. F. .. nim.p"p"1 .lIi,,,,,,, oondi[;"n ,h. p""n.,' ''''00", '0 ''', <0 B,... . ntine iolnocbsm. ",d to One an<'!th ..1 By the end of Clupte. , the 'a'. ... I. poli<ic>l . • nd dc.o[io ...1 K<OC willluvc bttn "'[ wi,h ,ullicicn, ~"io" .nd d ..i ry to",..u """ibic.n und. ....n dillg ofThrodulr. wo,k in his pt..ce .nd lin",. Clupl<t .. 011<" my touling ofth. Opt.. G.,.i; .... i'hin ,he >jlCCilic rom ... t of ,he Carolingi.on COItl! du,ing ,he moot deci,ive. c, ... ,ive, f""'dn"';"" yn" of the reign of Ch. .l om.gne. The d"pte, kgin' wi,h • diocu ..i on of tl>< or 'he 0". .. c..roG th .. depend. h<>vily On the"nial wotk of Ann Freeman h,,' ,h.oh, . .dds ,,, kr findi"S> ""nc pet1peaivd .nd in'<I"tc<.,;vn, ,lut "'. ... wide. vi .... ""ing ..k en in .hi, bool. 111< eh.plc> con.;nua wi,h a lengthy ...m m ..i on of the """text< or the Op~, c"roG. a u ••, i;c th., has ....... been tt. ..< I ..e d in,o. modo.n Iongu;lg< .~d t~ .. h", been Inore d"""..eel t1"", foul. mOfC ol1.n clurxt«izcJ ....n c ...: fully studied. NcXl the ~er cn«mn_ ...... . dclin."ion of ,h.< ''8"_n,, .nd ,I><m .. [Iu. run ,h",,,gh ,h. 0,• . Afte. Chopt. . ~', ":COUnt of .he mojo< "gument< in the 0P"" Ch.p'« \ ,,,rn, [0 ,h. wide, Fr.mkish ""n .... by mc»u,iog ,I><m .. in .he 0,. .. c"roJi "Vin" ,nlU!" cop'lUu,i«. d;pLo ...... la,",' codes. I.". ... poem ...n d """ k. or Carolingion .rt .nd ...h i ..H UI<. 8y ... .ding ,I>< Op'" c"roJi 'gai"" hOlh [I>< imn...Ji ... h.nk,,,, ""or ... ' .n,l . full unde .." nding of ,he ""n_F"nh.h """ , .." . i, will become" possihl<. h>' ,he 6.., ,im<, .o ."pbin ,he cent,..! conee,", of Th<»<l"lr, wo.inll'c Was he I<,Ur 0", of"ep with By..n.i,.. an ..I k in genenl? Did the 0".., r<>Uy aaord bully wit/, wha, ..... , 1nd don. .. Ni· eaea? Doc; the Op~' evince COn""''''" bc~n .h< Caro1insi .... and the vny