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Imagerie à haute résolution des amas R136 et NGC3603 dévoilent la nature de leurs populations ... PDF

292 Pages·2016·20.74 MB·English
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Preview Imagerie à haute résolution des amas R136 et NGC3603 dévoilent la nature de leurs populations ...

´ UNIVERSITE DE NICE-SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS UFR Sciences Ecole Doctorale des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliqu´ees ` T H E S E pour obtenir le titre de Docteur en Sciences de l’UNIVERSITE de Nice-Sophia Antipolis Sp´ecialit´e: Astrophysique Relativiste pr´esent´ee et soutenue par Zeinab KHORRAMI Laboratoire Lagrange - UMR7293, Observatoire de la Coˆte d’Azur T I T R E A sharpened close-up of R136 and NGC3603: unshrouding the nature of their stellar population Soutenue le 22 Juin 2016 `a l’Observatoire de la Cˆote dAzur Membres du jury : M. Farrokh Vakili Directeur de th`ese M. Thierry Lanz Co-directeur de th`ese M. Mathias SCHULTHEIS Pr´esident du jury M. Fabrice MARTINS Rapporteur M. David MOUILLET Rapporteur Mme Caroline SOUBIRAN Examinateur M. Richard WUNSCH Examinateur M. Pascal CHARDONNET Examinateur In memory of Olivier Abstract The aim of this thesis is to understand the different aspects of the dynamical and stellar evolution of very massive clusters. These newly formed massive clusters are the most important link between the formation of the massive star clusters and their evolution. We chose two young massive clusters, located in the most mas- sive Galactic/extra-Galactic HII regions, NGC3603 and R136 which hosts the most massive stars in the local universe. This thesis contains the photometric analysis of the core of R136 and NGC3603 using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data in the visible and the Very Large Telescope (VLT/SPHERE) in the infrared. Thanks to SPHERE extreme AO system, I detected manyfaintlow-massstarsforthefirsttimeinthecoreofbothclustersinthevicinityof massive bright objects. Comparing the results of the HST and SPHERE photometry analysis, NGC3603 shows no signature of mass segregation in its core for two main reasons: First, the MF slope in the very core is not flatter than the next radial bin. Second, both slopes are similar to the MF values found in previous works for the outer regions. R136 is partially resolved in SPHERE/IRDIS data. The majority (above 90%) of massive stars (brighter than 17 mag in K and 16 mag in J) have visual companions closer than 0.2”. Among them, R136a1 and R136c have visual companions detected for the first time. R136a3 is resolved as two stars (PSF fitting). Consideringthespectroscopicandphotometricerrorsontheextinction(AJ = 1.3±0.5 and AK = 0.4±0.5) and the age (1.8+−01..28 Myr) of the cluster members, we estimate a mass range for each detected star. The generalized histogram of stellar masses (MF) was plotted at different ages with given errors on each stellar mass. We created series of simulated images of R136 from the output of Nbody6 code, to be compared with the HST/WFPC2 data of R136. These numerical simulations are done in order to check the effect of initial binarities, mass segregation and stellar evolution on the dynamical evolution of R136-like clusters at the early stages of their life (4 Myr). The analysis of the bright stellar population (spectroscopic and photometry), shows thatweneedmoreresolutiontogofurtheronstudyingR136whichis7-8timesfurther thanNGC3603. ThespectroscopicanalysisfindverymassivestarsinthecoreofR136 where, for some of them SPHERE data has resolved them visually. Future instruments with higher angular resolution (milliarcsec) like E-ELT (MI- CADO), JWST and VLTI/GRAVITY can resolve the compact core of R136 and similar objects at further distances. The kinematics of the core of these compact clusters can be studied by using astrometric analysis with µarcsec accuracy with GRAVITY in near future. Keywords: Star clusters: individual (R136, NGC3603)- Stars: imaging- Stars: lumi- nosity function, mass function- Stars: massive- Stars: pre-main sequence- Instrumen- tation: high angular resolution- Methods: numerical- Methods: observational R´esum´e Cette th`ese a pour objectif de comprendre les diff´erents aspects de l’´evolution des amas d’´etoiles massives NGC3603 et R136 qui poss`edent les ´etoiles les plus mas- sives connues de l’univers local. L’analyse photom´etrique des noyaux de R136 et NGC3603 utilisant l’imagerie infrarouge de l’instrument SPHERE sur VLT et son syst`eme d’optique adaptative extrˆeme de SPHERE, m’a permis de d´etecter pour la 1i`ere fois un grand nombre d’´etoiles de faible masse et luminosit´e au coeur de ces amas et pour la plupart au voisinage des ´etoiles les plus lumineuses et massives. La comparaison des donn´ees de SPHERE de NGC3603 a` celles du HST montre l’absence de s´egr´egation de masse dans le noyau de cet amas. De plus la pente de la fonction de masse de cette r´egion est la mˆeme que celle de la r´egion suivante et similaire aux valeurs de la MF correspondant aux r´egions ext´erieures de l’amas connues jusqu’ici. L’amas R136 est partiellement r´esolu par SPHERE/IRDIS dans l’IR. La majorit´e de ses´etoilesmassivesontdescompagnonsvisuels. Enprenantcomptedesmesuresspec- troscopiques et photom´etriques et leurs erreurs sur l’extinction et l’ˆage des membres del’amas, j’aiestim´eunegammedemassespourchaque´etoileidentifi´ee. LaMFa´et´e calcul´ee pour diff´erents ˆages ainsi que les erreurs sur les masses stellaires. J’ai simul´e des s´eries d’images de R136 graˆce au code Nbody6, et les ai compar´ees aux observa- tions du HST/WFPC2. Ces simulations permettent de v´erifier l’effet de la binarit´e initiale des ´etoiles de l’amas, la s´egr´egation de masse et l’´evolution des ´etoiles sur l’´evolution dynamique propre a` R136. Ces analyses d´emontrent l’importance d’une r´esolution angulaire encore plus fine pour mieux comprendre la nature physique de R136, qui se trouve a` une distance 7-8 fois plus loin que NGC3603. Les ´etudes spec- troscopiques ont trouv´e des ´etoiles super massives dans le noyau de R136, alors que notre pr´esent travail avec SPHERE r´esoud clairement certaines d’entre elles comme multiples visuelles. Mots-cl´es: Lesamasstellaires: individuel(R136,NGC3603)-Etoiles: ´etoilesmassives - Imagerie-: fonction de masse-luminosit´e, fonction de masse - Etoiles : pr´es´equence principale Etoiles: s´equenceprincipale-Instrumentation: hauter´esolutionangulaire M´ethodes: num´erique M´ethodes : observationnelle ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Itismygreatpleasuretowritetheacknowledgementsafterallthehardworkwritingmythesis. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Farrokh Vakili, for his continuoussupportduringmyPh.Dstudy,withhispatience,motivationandconsiderablefreedom fordevelopingmyideas. IwouldliketocordiallythankThierryLanz,whohasbeenatremendous mentorforme. IamreallygratefultoThierryforencouragingmyresearchandforallowingmeto growasaresearchscientist. IamgladthatIstartedmydoctoraljourneyunderthesupervisionof Olivier Chesneau. He was a prolific scientist, full of energy, who helped me taking the first steps onmyproject. HisuntimelydeparturewasatragiclossandweallmissOlivieratOCA. Besides my supervisors, I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee: Dr. Mathias Schultheis, Dr. Fabrice Martins, Prof. David Mouillet, Dr. Richard Wunsch, Prof. Caroline SoubiranandProf. PascalChardonnet,fortheirinsightfulcomments. I am also grateful to many collaborators for their contributions to this thesis. I would like to thank Djamel Mekarnia for his help on using IDL photometric packages and Marcel Carbillet for teaching me how to work with CAOS. I am grateful to Armando Domiciano De Souza and Florentin Millour for teaching me how to handle interferometric data (AMBER and MATISSE) andcreateOBs. IamreallythankfultoMartinVannier,whowasagreatofficemateandfriend,for numerousdiscussionsonscientificmatters. My deepest gratitude goes to Richard Wunsch and Jan Palous for the joyful collaboration on cluster’s formation and evolution, and all their support during my visits to Prague. I am really thankful to Andreas Kuepper, Pavel Kroupa and Sambaran Banerjee for the helpful discussions and comments on Nbody6 simulations. I also want to thank Maud Langlois and Hans-Martin Schmid for their help on IRDIS and ZIMPOL data reduction. I thank Michael Meyer for his helpfulcommentsanddiscussionsonR136andhissupportduringmyvisittoETH-Zurich. IthankChrisEvansforprovidingMADcatalogandreduceddataonR136,andAaronDotter forusefuldiscussionsonthebolometric-correctionsandzero-points. Inparticular, IwouldliketothankWolfgangBrandnerforhisusefulcommentsonNGC3603 SPHEREresultsandalsoarrangingmyfirstobservationaltriptoParanaltoachieveanexceptional experienceoffivenightsobservationswithNACO. I thank Antti Tamm and Jaan Einasto for their warm hospitality on Tartu Observatory during mymobility. I want to express my deep acknowledgement to all my colleagues, officemates and friends at OCAfortheirsupports. I would have difficulty to complete all the administrative work without the help of Pascal Chardonnet,PinaBarbaro,EmmanuelLosero,GildasTchibozofromIRAPandallthesecretaries in Lagrange. I appreciate the help of directors of OCA and Lagrange during my PhD: Farrokh Vakili, Thierry Lanz and Philippe Stee, and also people in the computational center especially ArielleWillmandAlainMiniussi. A special thanks to my dear family, my mother and father, my amazing sister Zahra, Amir, Sama, Human and my parents-in-law. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my family, for allofthesacrificesthattheyhavemadeonmybehalf. At the end I would like to express appreciation to my beloved Samir for his constant love, supportandfaithinmethroughallthosehardtimestogether.

Docteur en Sciences companions detected for the first time Besides my supervisors, I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee: Dr.
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