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f ats, ELECTRONIC COMPUTER PROGRAMMING INSTITUTE, LB-M Data Processing and Computer Programming Course L.B.M, SYSTEM /960 - COBOL STUDY UNIT COBOL 1 LESSON 1-5 INDEX TO INSTRUCTIONS, 18M SYSTEM 360 lastraction Foret Lesson Opeetian Cade a oa: ca : a ee cones ae -— —- Rx wove s BF oh el —— ae a Re ee ES er = ASSEMBLER ANO MACRO INSTRUCTIONS IBM. DATA PROCESSING AND COMPUTER PROGRAMMING COBOL IBM SYSTEM 360 LESSON C-1 TABLE GF CONTENTS CLI Acknowledgement 2.2 Inmeduetion fe COBOL C13 COBOL forthe 360 ELECTRONIC COMPUTER PROGRAMMING INSTITUTE 1.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ‘The following is an extract from COBOL-41 EXTENDED, published by. the conference on Data Systems Lan- wuages (CODASYL), ane printed by the U.S, Government Printing Clee: COBOL System developed in 1959 Dy a comnlttee composed of gov eament users-and compater man= ufacturers, The exganizations participating in the original evel his publication opment were based on the Air Material Command, United States Air Force Bureau of Stindarde, Department of Commerce David Taylor Model Rasia, Bureau of Ships, U.S. Navy Electronic Data Processing Divisien, MinneapoliasHonaywell Regulator Company Burroughs Corpe-ation Interaational Business Machines Corporation Radio Corporation of Ameica Sylvania Electzic Products, Inc. Uhivac Division of Sporry-Rand Corporation In Addition to che organizations Listed above, the following organt- Lesson €1 zations participated in the work of the Moiatensnee ‘(llstate Insurance Company Bendix Corporation, Computer Division Control Data Corporation DuPont Company | General Electric Gompary General Motore Cozporatinn Tockhead Alera it Corporation National Cash Register Company Philee Corporation ‘This manasl is the reault of cone tributions made by 211 of the above mentioned organs! ranty, oxpress or implied, is made by any contributes oF by the com~ mittee as to the accuracy and functioning of the programming system and language. Moreover, no Fesponsibility is assumed by ay contributor, or by the committee, in connection therewita No ware tions It is reasonable to assume that a number of improvements ané adeli~ tions will be made to COBOL, Every effort will be made leineure ‘that the improvements and correc tions will be made in an orderly fashion, with cue recogiitior of eaisting agers’ inveatmenta inpro- gramming, Howevez, tis pro tection can be sositively ascuzed only by inaividual imslementors, Provedures have heen establighed for the mainteaance of COBOL, Inquiries concerning the proced- ures and methods for proposing Changes saould be direcied to the Executive Gommittse of the Con ference on Data Systems Tan- guages, The authors and copyright holders of the copyrighted matoriel used bezels: MATIC (Trade- mark of the Sperzy-Rand Corps ovation), Programming for the UNIVAC Tané TT, Data Automation ems 1968, 1599, Spenry-Rand Corporation; IBM Commeretal Traneletor, Form No, F28-8013, copyrighled i989 by IBM; FACT, DSO 2745269-27E0, copyrighted 1360 by Minneapolie-Honeywell; have speciffcally authorized the ase of this material, in whole or in part, in the COBOL specifications. Such authorization extends tn the reproduction and use of COBOL specifications ix manials o= cimilar publications, Prouramming Any organization intecusted In re- Producing the COBOL wepart ard initial specifieations in in pert, using ideas taker from thie Feport or utiizing this xaport ae the basis for a9 instauetion manual other pumpose is free to do so. However, all auch ozgani= Zallons are vequeated tu reprat this section a8 part of the intro- Guetion to the document, ‘Those using a sor! passage, as ina book "COBOL" ia acknowledyn, the source Sut mene not quote thie cntize section requested to mention 1.2 INTRODUCTION To Copal What ie COBOL? COROL{COmmnon Business Oriented Lazgnaze} repre sents a joint effort made by the mama facturers and users of data proces. sing systems te develop = common Programming language which, with Lesson C1 mogifications, could be weed on any cumpuler regardlaas ofmanufacturer oF model. Those of you wao are fame iliac with 5/360 assembly language know that, ingenaral, aprogrem wr! ten in this language can be assembled Pope 2, and ren oa ary model 36U a6 long as. tke input/output unite, Zestures, and arnount of siorage regaired by the program aze present, hen This ix not always the case + we leave the 5/360, Far exareple, ir order to -nest taeir reece mary agers found il necessary to possess several computers: eithes made by ene mana faclurc: or diffezent marafasturers, To puters, a programmer hue lo be cor versal with the aesembly Langs site programe for these come developed far eack con tiea, pragzams written for eae som puter were aot acceptable “2 another, Vo ve able to run a yrogcam we'tten fez one computer 02 anotaer, The pro- bsing the aasem ay tanguaye fox that eemputes, pram aad to be re-we.th his probleme ariece trom lac tact that aacembly languages are mee chine-orieated’ in that tiey met sellact che ehareetertuties ofthe ape- cific computer for waiea they were designed, In other words, when a programmer writes tae coded in- steetions te salve a probiem, his solution will neceaserily be in terms of tae loaic of the computes to beusee rathes then human logic COROT, on the ocher hand, repres seats an altempt to zoliove the prc~ yrammar of the usceastty oTkuowing, for example, the requirements of a move instraction, thereby sowing him to concenteate on the Logica: golution of hie problem, Putiasncther way, COROT ia © ‘oliem=ortented is! eesigraed ir tenon oF the solution of svoblems vataey taan the techaiea! characteristics 0° a given comzut COBOL fe relatively machiae-‘ade- pendent in taut x GUBO_ programmer can pre puters “with very “tie addi geen tor a wide range of com- How dees COROT. work? COROT. ia 3 language complete with a vocabalary of noms, verbs ard adjectives, Pro grams ere written in English and consist of aentences ard pazoararas, For example, the COROT. statenenta required to mavetie contealy of FLDA, to LDU ane aude the coatente of Fue fo FLDD, would be ae sollowe MOVE LDA TO TLDB, ADD FLDG TO FD) Now, we know thataprogcamweit- ten ir a1 assembly langcage must veatuaily he translated ine machine Targuoge a order for i to be eur, COBO!. programs aze no exception to this zele. Zach marnfartnrar of com- putere azs developec an assembly Program, known 6 the ‘compiler’, ich will recognize programe writ ten in COBOL ané transiate them inty Lesson €1 machine ‘anguage iazlzuctions a2- coptablc to che designated compater, This, in brief, is tae cagic or which the COBOL system is built: the Las guage remains the same regardless of the computer lo be used while the compiler changes to adjust lo Une quicements of lne object compater. The programmer creates a aource program which will meet GUBQL re- Poge 3 quirements, If the programwerc tobe mn on 5/360, are of the 360 COBOL, flezs would be need to produce ct program acceptable ta the 360, If the program wore ta be zur on 2 1401, Zor example, then 3 1401 compiler wonld then have ‘a be used, In musnmery, COROL ie a program- ming language which enables taegro- grammer to concentrate on the solucion of problems, The program is waitten in English and is ozganived into centences and pi implement the GOBUL system, com- puter menuacturers neve developed compilers waica w: programe acceptable to their com puters, from swwurce programs written in tac COBOL langage. Advantages deriving froin tae use of COROL, are wrapha, To IL prodace object the jact thet ‘op! codes are the same vagardleea of which computer i2 tobe used urd, that programs wrilten in COBOT. can he teas and understood by almost anyone. 1.3 COBOL FOR THE 260 Although a COZOL programmer aced never imow the ‘op’ codes and formate of macaine instructions, be may bo zoquired to snow tae formate iz which data may be represented ia fig computer, If aig computer uses caly one form of data representation, such 9s BCD, ke aged no: concern himeelf with this problem, vver, hiv computer cecuires different character represeatasion and arithmetic operations, hemast oe, avare of Uhis co that kis daa will be in the covvect format for a given epezatian, how- formate The 360 i9 @ case ir point, Date ally in chavactor format. if numeric data isto be imvelved yrs, it mut in any arithmetic esieulst bo ir the forma: nequized sy the type of arithmetic Saing nerformed, Le, Binary, decimal oz Moating-polnt, The compiler will gonerste the necossary, instructions in che objec’ program to conver: the data to the proper formal but the programme: smust tell the compiler the original format of the Bote 1d the format in waich the re~ sull ds te be stored, Ttwoulé be useful, therefore, if we stop for a moment 19 review the orgeniuation af 360 stor: and ite deta formats and also to learn the terms whith are used tu describe taese formats to tae compl ‘The basic bullding Siock of storage ie called a ‘ayte’, Zach byte has ite pwn uddress with uddresses slarting at zero end contining to the last instailed byle, Consequently, a byte ia the smallest addressable wnit of slorage in the 369, Bytes ere grouped into Sixed-leng:h fields of 2, 4 02 & bytes for binary azarations, ard vor- inble-length Helds for decimal op: Each byte consists of 9 mugnetic bite, One bil functions az a parity bit e remaining 8 bite areusedto zopreten’ the contonte ef tho byle, hile Then data is read it is converted to the internal cade of che machine which {4 The Litended Sinazy Goded stexchange Code (ERCDIC). Jn this format, the leftmost 4 ite of the by Decisal faxction aa x zona portion and Pegs 4 the rightmost 4 bite asamumerie por- tion, In EBCDIC, then, the combination of the zone and the mumer‘c portions indicate the ch. cter atored in the byte. The zone codes used for alpha- etic and aumeric characters are shown below = Gedo Gaaracte 118 Letters A= 1 1102 Letlere TR ig Trettere § — 2 nu Digits 0- 9 ‘The coding for letters ofthe alpha~ bet and the digite 0-9 is given below « enepic | BESDIC Gade Code Character qivu opat jw iii colo 8 Tipo onto B iio coll T Ton 011 ¢ 1110 C100 1 2190 9190 DB | 1110 cioT ¥ aioe qual E 1110 6110 ¥ i100 aly Fr 119 0111 x 400 alll re} 110.190 Y Lop 1009 # vio uo) A i100 1087 1 i 114i eoo9 6 } 1101 oaey 5 111i ooul 1 | ar ara x 112 00 2 orem. | ok ants aol) 3 iim cco | 0M nuit goo 4 Tint 0161 N 1111 v10r 5 1ini 9210 ° ql 110 4 1101 old 2 ql our 7 tol 1c00 2 1211 1900 & 111 1eat R Ti 1008 3 200 CT Pee 5 The programmer describes = field which Is in EBCDIC sa being in “DISPLAY’ format. Tae compiler re- cognizes the COBOL ward ‘DISPLAY’ to mean that the data is coded in EBCDIC, one character to a byte. In 2 COBOL program much of the data (eames, addressos, account aumbars, etc.) will be converted as it is read te ERCDIC ané its changed. However, data on which eal- calations are to be performed maybe converted to a computational format, vefore the format never calculations are made, The two types of aritimnetic which will concera ns in this text are binary and decimal, Let's take binary arita- metic first, In FECDIG, the lezimost 4 bite af each byte served to identity the category of the character, i.e. alphabetic -- and if ea, which of the three groupe -- rightmost 4 oils or numeric, ‘The Proceeding from left to right -- have a value of 8. 4, 2 and 1 respectively. Once the eate- gory hae been idontitied, we add the place values of those bite whien are ter represented by the code, For example, the zone ILI indicstes a digit. If a byte contained 1111 0021, we see that the 2 bit and the 1 bit are on giving ue a value of decimal 3, Howevor, if a byte contained 1100 0011, the zone would identify it ae belonging to the group of letters AL, and the numeric portionwonld identi it ac the third letter ofthe group -'C", ) to arrive al the charse- A byte of binary data, on the other hand, does rot consain u zone portion, Instead, each bil in the ayta partici- vates ae a binary value, The place values assigned ty cach bil -- going from left to right -- are 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2ané | ag illusteated below: Place Value we 6438, Bit oo 0 The sum of the place values of those bits which are on, indicates the value contained in the byte.In the pre- cecing example, the value atored in the byte had a decimal value of 40 (32 +8). The COBOL word ‘COMPU TTATIONAL is uacd to dasezibe data, in the binary format, The compiler underetands that data contained ia —— or to be stored in -- afield described as COMPUTATIONAL should be ir the Lesson C1 binary format, If the data is to be stored and ie not alzeady in binary format, tae compile will produce the necessary inatructions in the object program to convert the dula prior 0 storing it, Decimal arithmetic, on che other hand, ia performed on data whichis in che “packed” formst, In shiv format, ‘vo digita cecupy each byt except far Pege 5.

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