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Preview Image, Language, Brain: Papers from the First Mind Articulation Project Symposium

Preface The chapters in this volume,1 now extensively revised for publication, were first pre- sented in Tokyo 16–17 November, 1998, at the first symposium of the Mind Articu- lation Project, a joint MIT/JST (Japan Science and Technology) research project conductedundertheauspicesofJST’sprogramofinternationalcooperativeresearch (ICORP). The Mind Articulation Project, codirected by two of the editors of these proceed- ings (Yasushi Miyashita and Wayne O’Neil), arose largely through the e¤orts of thethirdeditor,AlecMarantz.Thisfirstsymposium,ajointundertakingofthethree of us, brought together eleven linguists and cognitive neuroscientists (in addition to Marantz, Miyashita, and O’Neil): Noam Chomsky and Edward Gibson (both of MIT), Robert Desimone (NIMH), Richard Frackowiak (University College London), Angela Friederici (Max Planck Institute/Leipzig), Masao Ito (RIKEN), Willem Levelt (Max Planck Institute/Nijmegen), Jacques Mehler (CNRS), Helen Neville (University of Oregon), David Poeppel (University of Maryland at College Park), andHiroshi Shibasaki(Kyoto University). One goal of the symposium was to examine the recent attempts to unify linguistic theory and brain science that have grown out of the increasing awareness that a proper understanding of language in the brain must reflect the steady advances in linguistic theory of the past forty years. How can the understanding of language provided by linguistic research be transformed through the study of the biological basis of language? How can our understanding of the brain be transformed through the same research?The best modelof suchinteraction betweencognitive science and neurobiology is research on vision. Abilities such as visual awareness, attention, and imagerygenerationarethefirsthighercognitiveabilitiestohavebeenfirmlylocalized in the brain. Key findings on these matters have been enhanced by the recent explo- sion of noninvasive brain-monitoring techniques that have been most successfully applied intheinvestigation of the functionalanatomy ofthevisual system. Thelong-termgoalsoftheprojectare,ontheonehand,tointegratelinguisticsand brain science in the way that has been attempted in the study of the visual system, viii Preface and,ontheotherhand,toformulateacognitivetheorythatmorestronglyconstrains visual neuroscience. The chapters in this volume explore some of the topics just sketched, addressing thegoalsbothofthesymposiumandoftheproject.Thus,somechaptersexaminethe currentstatusofthecognitive/neurosciencesynthesisinthestudyofthevisualsystem. Other chapters address whether and how linguistics and neuroscience can be inte- grated, given the paradigm of cognitive neuroscience emerging from work on vision. Still other chapters, though focused on vision, are primarily concerned to illustrate ‘‘how integrative brain mechanisms can be studied’’ through the use of the various noninvasive brain-imaging techniques (seechapter 8). For example, in chapter 11, Reynolds and Desimone integrate these approaches and propose that attentional modulation depends on two interacting neural mecha- nisms: one, an automatic competitive mechanism within a cortical area, and the other, feedback from outside a cortical area that biases the competition in favor of the neuronal population activated by the attended stimulus. They present a simple computational circuit that provides a good fit to the data and makes easily testable predictions. Miyashita begins chapter 12, on the neural mechanism of visual imagery, by quoting Alain: ‘‘Create an image of the Pantheon in your mind. Can you count the columnsthatsupportitspediment?’’Thebasicneuralcircuitofimagerygenerationis drawn in comparison with the cognitive model of Stephen Kosslyn. Two predictions ofthecircuitweredirectlytestedbyneurophysiologicalapproachesinanimalmodels: activation of internal representation of objects in the inferotemporal cortex and its executive control by the prefrontal cortex. Asforthechaptersonlanguage,wewillnot comment onallofthem,but letusat least note that Levelt and Indefrey’s reanalysis (in chapter 4) of fifty-eight reports of brain-imaging experiments on word production from the point of view of an inde- pendently arrived at theory of lexical access in speech production reveals a remark- able convergence between the theory and the experimental data. This convergence leadsthemtowonderabout‘‘howmuchmorecanbeachievedifaprocessingtheory is used beforehand to guide the planning of functional brain-imaging studies of lan- guage?’’ And in chapter 6, Friederici presents ‘‘a tentative model of the neuronal dynamics of auditory language comprehension’’ according to which ‘‘early syntactic processing is independent of lexical-semantic information [, which] only comes into play when thematic roles are assigned. If initial syntactic structure and thematic structure map well, comprehension has taken place adequately.’’ Her results have clear implications forpsycholinguistic models of language comprehension. Finally, consider the research by Poeppel and Marantz on the perception of the sounds of language, presented in detail in chapter 2. The preliminary results of this Preface ix work, firmly based in the theory of phonology, suggest that the interface between the sounds of language and the cognitive system of language is embedded in the articulatory-perceptual system. Part of auditory cortex thus appears to be language dedicated, a surprising result ifsupported by furtherresearch. In chapter 1, Chomsky expresses some caution, however. Commenting on the work of the pastfifty years, he points out thatalthough there has been intensive and often highly productive inquiry into the brain, behavior, and cognitivefacultiesofmanyorganisms[,t]hegoalthathasarousedthemostenthusiasmisalso likelytobethemostremote,probablybyordersofmagnitude:anunderstandingofthehuman brainandhumanhighermentalfaculties,theirnature,andthewaystheyenterintoactionand interaction. From the outset, there has been no shortage of optimistic forecasts, even declarations by distinguished researchers that the mind-body problem has been solved by advances in com- putation, or that everything is essentially understood apart from the ‘‘hard problem’’ of consciousness. Such conclusions surely do not withstand analysis. To an objective outside observer—say,ascientistfromMars—theoptimismtoomightseemratherstrange,sincethere isalsonoshortageofmuchsimplerproblemsthatarepoorlyunderstood,ornotatall. Chapter 5, by Gibson, is in part an illustration of Chomsky’s last point. Working on problems of complex sentence processing that Chomsky, together with George Miller (in Miller and Chomsky 1963), addressed over thirty-five years ago, Gibson reports progress that results entirely from behavioral studies, and not at all from brain-imaging technology. Thus,theconclusiontoChomsky’spaperservesasafittingandchallengingendto this prefatory essay as well: Exactly how the story unfolds from here depends on the actual facts of the matter.... A pri- marygoalistobringthebodiesofdoctrineconcerninglanguageintocloserrelationwiththose emergingfromthebrainsciencesandotherperspectives.Wemayanticipatethatricherbodies of doctrine will interact, setting significant conditions from one level of analysis for another, perhapsultimatelyconvergingintrueunification.Butweshouldnottaketruismsforsubstan- tivetheses,andthereisnoplacefordogmatismastohowtheissuesmightmovetowardreso- lution.Weknowfartoolittleforthat,andthehistoryofmodernscienceteachesuslessonsthat Ithinkshouldnotbeignored. To say that the chapters of this volume originated at the first Mind Articulation Projectsymposiumistopresupposethattherewillbeatleastasecondsymposium,at which time we hope to know better how far we have traveled along the path toward the unification of the brain and cognitivescience, ifat all. Wayne O’Neil (MIT) Yasushi Miyashita(University of Tokyo) x Preface Note 1. This volume contains one paper not presented at the symposium, the paper by Kensuke Sekihara, David Poeppel, Alec Marantz, and Yasushi Miyashita, and lacks a paper that was presented,apaperbyHelenNeville. Reference Miller, George A., and Noam Chomsky. 1963. In Handbook of Mathematical Psychology, volume 2,ed.R.DuncanLuce,RobertR.Bush,andEugeneGalanter,419–491.NewYork: JohnWileyandSons. Introduction: Mind Articulation Alec Marantz, Yasushi Miyashita, and Wayne O’Neil Sincethetermmindarticulationmayseemvagueorevenopaquetosome—suggesting anumberofinterrelatedtopics—weturnfirsttoanexplicationoftherelevantmean- ings the term has for the Mind Articulation Project. Perhaps foremost is the notion of ‘‘articulating the mind’’—that is, investigating the functional anatomy of the mind and the brain, figuring out what the functional pieces of the mind are and how they work in the brain. We ‘‘articulate the structure of the mind’’ by identifying specialized modules of computational machinery. For example, there seems to be aspecial moduleof mind devoted to recognizing faces. For linguists, mind articulation also suggests the ‘‘articulating’’ or ‘‘speaking’’ mind, the study of language in the minds and brains of humans. Since language is a uniquely human mental capacity, mind articulation is then the investigation of what makes us human, of what makes all humans the same. Among the complex mental capacities of humans or of any species, language is perhaps the best understood; the cognitive models that linguists and psycholinguists have developed for language are the richest cognitive models for any cognitive function. Studying the articulating mind in the articulating brain allows highly developed cognitive theories to help us understand the brain as acomputationalmachine. Human Brains/Animal Brains The capacity for language is unique to humans—a product of our genetic endow- ment. However, humans are genetically quite close to other primates, the genetic distancebetweenahumanandachimpanzeebeingsmall.Theevidencesuggeststhat the specialized human capacity for language involves a small number of genes that haveane¤ectonthefunctionalstructureofthebrainandperhapsalsoonthemotor and perceptual systems. The nature of the genetic basis for language provides a spe- cial role foranimal studiesin theMind Articulation Project. Since other species lack human language, investigations of the articulating mind must use humans and mustfindmethodstoinvestigatethehumanarticulating brain—methodssuchasthe various noninvasive brain-imaging techniques employed in the research reported on 2 Marantz,Miyashita,andO’Neil in many of the chapters that follow: positron emission tomography (PET), func- tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), and event-related (brain) potential (ERP). However, the small genetic di¤erence between humans and other primates suggests that, in evolution, language built heavily on preexistingstructuresandcapacities.Animalmodelsshouldilluminatewhichaspects oflanguagearepartofasharedprimatestructureandwhicharelanguage-particular innovations. Language as aSymbolic ComputationalSystem Linguists study language as a symbolic computational system, internal to the minds and brains of humans. Language connects form and meaning—where form is, at least, the sounds of spoken language or the movements of the body that are the expression of sign languages. As is well known, the units of language do not involve an iconic relation between form and meaning: the sound of the word cat does not soundlikeanyaspectofacat,notitssize,color,shape,orvocalizations.Thesmallest units of language, then, are noniconic symbols. Small pieces of language like words are combined into larger constructions like phrases and sentences. Combinations of words have meanings that are also noniconic. If one considers the hierarchical structureofasentenceasin(1),thereisnothingaboutthestructuralrelationsamong the elements in the sentence that transparently or iconically reflects the meaningful relations among the constituents. For example, there is nothing about the juxtaposi- tion of the and cat to suggest the semantic e¤ect that the definite determiner the has on the common noun cat. (1) a. The man saw the cat. b. the man saw the cat The computational system of language has thestructure shown in (2): (2) Motor commands (forspeech) Syntax (combinatory system) (cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)(cid:131)! Sound interpretation (form) Meaninginterpretation (conceptual system) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131) (cid:131)(cid:131) Acoustic perception Introduction 3 There is a combinatoric engine, called the syntax, that puts the elementary pieces of language together into the kind of hierarchical structure shown in the tree graph (1) for the English sentence The man saw the cat. The units combined by the syntax havefeaturesorpropertiesthatmakethemsubjecttointerpretationbothinformand in meaning. Structures built by the syntax are thus subject to phonological or sound interpretation, either in terms of the sounds or acoustics of language or in terms of the motor commands necessary to produce speech (or sign language). The same structures are subject to interpretation in terms of the meaningful concepts of our mental life. The representations of language interface with nonlinguistic systems, then, at two points or interfaces—with the perceptual and motor systems involved in speech production and perception and with the conceptual system involved in meaningful language comprehension. There is some question about the capacity of nonhumans to use symbols at all, whether iconic or noniconic. But the special nature of human language goes beyond the simple use of symbols. The combination of units in language is recursive: in (1), when we put the and cat together, the result of the combination becomes a unit for further combination, here with the word saw. The recursive nature of linguistic computations gives rise to what Chomsky has called the ‘‘discrete infinity’’ of lan- guage: the potentially infinite use of finite means. In addition, although the units of language have features interpretable in terms of sound (or movements) and in terms of meaningful concepts, the combinatoric system of language combines the units to a large extent independently of their interpretation. Thus, although the units them- selves consist largely of features with concrete interpretations, the computational system of language treats these units as abstract symbols. Compare how computers manipulatecommandsincomputer languages.Such commandsmight beinterpreted as instructions to draw, say, a particular character on the computer screen, but internal to the computations of the computer, the commands are strings of 1s and 0s, manipulated as binary numbers. Similarly, the elements of language are treated internal to the linguistic system according to their internal form—that is, according to their feature structure considered abstractly, independent of their interpretation in sound or meaning. TransformationalGrammar/Articulating Minds The theory of language schematically diagrammed in (2) holds important implica- tions for how language works in the brain and for how brains work at language. Notethatinthisdiagram,thecombinatoricorgenerativeengineoflanguageisinthe syntax, which creates structures subject to interpretation in sound and meaning. Thereisnoindependentcombinatoricengineoneitherthesoundorthemeaningside of the diagram. Theories of language that contain this single generative engine have beencalled transformational.

Recent attempts to unify linguistic theory and brain science have grown out of recognition that a proper understanding of language in the brain must reflect the steady advances in linguistic theory of the last forty years. The first Mind Articulation Project Symposium addressed two main questions: H
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