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image ISION OMPUTING Index to Volume 16 (1998) No 1 (January 1998) pp 1-66 No 6 & 7 (July 1998) pp 389-514 No 12 & 13 (December 1998) No 2 (February 1998) pp 67-148 No 8 (August 1998) pp 515-592 pp 817-960 No 3 (March 1998) pp 149-224 No 9 & 10 (October 1998) pp 593-— No 14 (December 1998) pp 961- No 4 (April 1998) pp 225-294 726 1034 No 5 (May 1998) pp 295-388 No 11 (November 1998) pp 727-816 Article index Number 1 Number 2 Segmentation of MR images with Computing three dimensional project Automatic target recognition for naval intensity inhomogeneities invariants from a pair of images trac control using neural networks J.C. Rajapakse, F. Kruggel 165 using the Grassman—Cayley G. Pasquariello, G. Satalino, Contour matching: a curvature-based algebra V. la Forgia, F. Spilotros 67 approach G. Csurka, O. Faugeras 3 Fast corner detection J.S. Park, J.H. Han 181 Relation between 3D invariants and 2D M. Trajkovic, M. Hedley 75 Recognition of handprinted Chinese invariants Proper scale for modeling visual data characiers by constrained graph S.J. Maybank 13 F. Solina, A. Leonardis 89 matching Planar homologies as a basis for Accurate 3D measurement using a P.N. Suganthan, H. Yan 191 grouping and recognition structured light system Statistical models of face images— L. Van Gool, M. Proesmans, R.J. Valkenburg, A.M. Mcivor 99 improving specificity A. Zisserman 21 Estimating pose uncertainty for surface G.J. Edwards, A. Lanitis, C.J. Taylor, Using geometric properties for registration T.F. Cootes 203 automatic object positioning A.J. Stoddart, S. Lemke, A. Hilton, A method for encoding region B. Boufama, R. Mohr, L. Morin 27 T. Renn 111 boundaries based on transition points On the correspondence problem Model-based articulated hand motion A.J. Pinho 213 for wide angular separation of tracking for gesture recognition non-coplanar points C.-C. Lien, C.-L. Huang 121 Number 4 N. Georgis, M. Petrou, J. Kittler 35 An ane-invariant active contour model A low-cost system using sparse vision Derivative computation by multiscale (Al-snake) for model-based for navigation in the urban filters segmentation environment S. De MA, B. Li 43 H.H.S. Ip, D. Shen 135 M. Smith, D. Lee, P. Probert 225 On modelling, extraction, detection and The deictically controlled wheelchair Classification of deformable contours Number 3 J.D. Crisman, M.E. Cleary, from noisy images A content-based image retrieval system J.C. Rojas 235 K.F. Lai, R.T. Chin 55 C.-L. Huang, D.-H. Huang 149 A stereo vision-based aid for the PII: S0262-8856(98)00170-X 1036 ision Computing 16 (1998) 1035~—1045 visually impaired perception: non-linear contrast transform through imperfect N. Molton, S. Se, J.M. Brady, D. Lee, detection and geometry-driven grouping P. Probert 251 diusion C.F. Olson 627 Color and three-dimensional vision- H. Neumann, L. Pessoa, Surface matching for object recognition based assistive telemanipulation E. Mingolla 423 in complex three-dimensional S. Chen, Z. Kazi, R. Foulds, Recent progress in modeling neural scenes D. Chester 265 mechanisms of form and color vision A.E. Johnson, M. Hebert 635 PLAYBOT A visually-guided robot for W. D. Ross, E. Mingolla 447 Computation of a cross-section physically disabled children Towards a method for parametrizing structure: a projection-based J.K. Tsotsos, G. Verghese, models of early vision using approach S. Dickinson, M. Jenkin, A. Jepson, psychophysical data M.J. Kim, J.H. Han 653 E. Milios, F. Nuflo, S. Stevenson, E. Claridge, !.R. Billups 473 Direct parametric object detection in M. Black, D. Metaxas, S. Culhane, Psychophysical analyses of contour tomographic images Y. Ye, R. Mann 275 processing in humans: the case for M. Kamath, S. Chaudhuri, qualitative tests U.B. Desai 669 G.W. Humphreys, L. Free, Projection for pattern recognition Number 5 |.D. Gilchrist 499 C.-S. Fuh, H.-B. Liu 677 The FERET database and evaluation The Fourier slice theorem for range procedure for face-recognition data reconstruction algorithms Number 8 C.-S. Fuh, S.-S. Lin 689 P. J. Phillips, H. Wechsler, J. Huang, Tracking of complex driving The forward and inverse models in time- P.J. Rauss 295 manoeuvres in trac image resolved optical tomography imaging Character extraction from documents sequences and their finite-element method using wavelet maxima M. Haag, H.-H. Nagel 517 solutions W.L. Hwang, F. Chang 307 Multi-agent visual surveillance of F. Gao, H. Niu, H. Zhao, H. Euclidean skeletons dynamic scenes Zhang 703 G. Malandain, S. Fernandez- P. Remagnino, T. Tan, Projective and illumination invariant Vidal 317 K. Baker 529 representation of disjoint shapes Hierarchical shape fitting using an A CAD-based computer vision system S. Startchik, R. Milanese, iterated linear filter J.H.M. Byne, J.A.D.W. T. Pun 713 A. Baumberg 329 Anderson 533 Object recognition in compressed A statistically-based Newton method for imagery pose refinement Number 11 W. B. Seales, C.J. Yuan, W. Hu, Arthur Pece, Anthony Worrall 541 Recognition and localization of generic M.D. Cutts 337 Iso-surface extraction in nD applied to objects for indoor navigation using An ecient iterative pose estimation Tracking feature curves across scale functionality algorithm Marta Fidrich 545 D. Kim, R. Nevatia 729 S.H. Or, W.S. Luk, K.H. Wong, Query by dialog: an interactive Function from visual analysis and I. King 353 approach to pictorial querying physical interaction: a methodology Simulation of worn-out cloth textures by A. Del Bimbo, M. De Marsico, for recognition of generic classes of doubly stochastic L-systems S. Levialdi, G. Peritore 557 objects M.-L. Dai, K. Ozawa 363 Reading order of Chinese newspaper M. Sutton, L. Stark, K. Bowyer 745 A multi-stage approach to the dense articles using a block-growing Functional features for chopping estimation of disparity from stereo method extracted from observations and SEM images C.-F. King, K.-C. Fan, C.-C. Han 571 interactions A.J. Lacey, N.A. Thacker, Stereo inverse perspective mapping: L. Bogoni 765 S. Crossley, R.B. Yates 373 theory and applications Understanding object motion M. Bertozzi, A. Broggi, Z. Doric, E. Rivlin, A.R osenfeld 785 A. Fascioli 585 The function of documents Numbers 6 & 7 D. Doermann, E. Rivlin, Edge-finding in human vision: a multi- A. Rosenfeld 799 stage model based on the perceived Numbers 9 & 10 structure of plaids Complete description of multiple M.A. Georgeson 389 line segments using the Numbers 12 & 13 Simulation of neural contour Hough transform Machine-printed character recognition mechanisms: representing V. Kamat-Sadekar, S. Ganesan 597 revisited: re-application of recent anomalous contours Genetically fine-tuning the Hough advances in handwritten character F. Heitger, R. von der Heydt, transform feature space, for the recogntion research E. Peterhans, L. Rosenthaler, detection of circular objects A.F.R. Rahman, M.C. Fairhurst 819 O. Kubler 407 J.Y. Goulermas, P. Liatsis 615 An object-oriented descriptive language A neural architecture of brightness Improving the generalized Hough to facilitate advanced handwritten Index Image and Vision Computing 16 (1998) 1035-1045 103 form processing P.H. Lewis, R.J. Wilkins, S.R. Griths, Recognition of handwritten Chinese C. Cracknell, A.C. Downton, H.C. Davis, W. Hall 921 characters by elastic matching L.Du 843 Content-based trademark retrieval C.H. Leung, W.C. Tam, Adaptive page segmentation for color system using a visually salient Y.S. Cheung 979 technical journals’ cover images feature Towards robust metric reconstruction W.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Chen 855 Y.S. Kim, W.Y. Kim 931 via a dynamic uncalibrated stereo Text identification for document On-line legal aid: Markov chain model head image analysis using a neural for ecient retrieval of legal documents M.J. Brooks, L. de Agapito, network R. Ghosh-Roy, |.0. Habiballah, D.Q. Huynh, L. Baumela 989 C. Strouthopoulos, T.J. Stonham, M.R. Irving 941 Edge image quality assessment: a new N. Papamarkos 879 Automated real-time visual inspection formulation for degraded edge Copyright protection of digital images by system for high-resolution imaging embedded unperceivable marks superimposed printings M.L. Calvo, A. Manzanares, M. Barni, F. Bartolini, V. Cappellini, F. Torres, J.M. Sebastian, R. Aracil, M. Chevalier, A. Piva 897 L.M. Jimenez, O. Reinoso 947 V. Lakshminarayanan 1003 The detection of duplicates in document FIRST: Fractal Indexing and Retrieval image databases Number 14 SysTem for Image Databases D. Doermann, H. Li, O. Kia 907 Ascale selection principle for estimating M. Nappi, G. Polese, G. Content-based navigation in an open image deformations Tortora 1019 hypermedia environment T. Lindeberg 961 Author index Anderson, J. A. D. W. 533 Csurka, G. 3 Griths, S. R. 921 Aracil, R. 947 Culhane, S. 275 Cutts, M. D. 337 Haag, M. 517 Baker, K. 529 Habiballah, |. O. 941 Barni, M. 897 Dai, M.-L. 363 Hall, W. 921 Bartolini, F. 897 Davis, H. C. 921 Han, C.-C. 571 Baumberg, A. 329 de Agapito, L. 989 Han, J. H. 181, 653 Baumela, L. 989 De Ma, S. 43 Hebert, M. 635 Bertozzi, M. 585 De Marsico, M. 557 Hedley, M. 75 Billups, |. R. 473 Del Bimbo, A. 557 Heitger, F. 407 Black, M. 275 Desai, U. B. 669 Hilton, A. 111 Bogoni, L. 765 Dickinson, S. 275 Hu, W. 337 Boufama, B. 27 Doermann, D. 799, 907 Huang, C.-L. 121, 149 Bowyer, K. 745 Downton, A. C. 843 Huang, D.-H. 149 Brady, J. M. 251 Du, L. 243 Huang, J. 295 Broggi, A. 585 Duric, Z. 785 Humphreys, G. W. 387, 499 Brooks, M. J. 989 Huynh, D. Q. 989 Byne, J. H. M. 533 Edwards, G. J. 203 Hwang, W. L. 307 Calvo, M. L. 1003 Fairhurst, M. C. 819 Ip, H. H. S. 135 Cappellini, V. 897 Fan, K.-C. 571 Irving, M. R. 941 Chang, F. 307 Fascioli, A. 585 Chaudhuri, S. 669 Faugeras, O. 3 Jenkin, M. 275 Chen, S. 265 Fernandez-Vidal, S. 317 Jepson, A. 275 Chen, S.-Y. 855 Fidrich, M. 545 Jimenez, L. M. 947 Chen, W.-Y. 855 Foulds, R. 265 Johnson, A. E. 635 Chester, D. 265 Free, L. 499 Cheung, Y. S. 979 Fuh, C.-S. 677, 689 Kamat-Sadekar, V. 597 Chevalier, M. 1003 Kamath, M. 669 Chin, R. T. 55 Ganesan, S. 597 Kazi, Z. 265 Claridge, E. 473 Gao, F. 703 Kia, O. 907 Cleary, M. E. 235 Georgeson, M. A. 389 Kim, D. 729 Cootes, T. F. 203 Georgis, N. 35 Kim, M. J. 653 Cracknell, C. 843 Ghosh-Roy, R. 941 Kim, W. Y. 931 Crisman, J. D. 235 Gilchrist, |. D. 499 Kim, Y. S. 931 Crossley, S. 373 Goulermas, J. Y. 615 King, C.-F. 571 PII: $0262-8856(98)00171-1 1038 Index Image and Vision Computing 16 (1998 1035 1045 King, |. 353 Nevatia, R. 729 Shen, D. 135 Kittler, J. 35 Niu, H. 703 Snaith, M. 225 Kruggel, F. 165 Nuflo, F. 275 Solina, F. 89 Kubler, O. 407 Spilotros, F. 67 Olson, C. F. 627 Stark, L. 745 La Forgia, V. 67 Or, S. H. 353 Startchik, S. 713 Lacey, A. J. 373 Ozawa, K. 363 Stevenson, S. 275 Lai, K. F. 55 Stiehl, H. S. 387 Lakshminarayanan, V. 1003 Papamarkos, N. 879 Stoddart, A. J. 111 Lanitis, A. 203 Park, S. J. 181 Stonham, T. J. 941 Lee, D. 225, 251 Pasquariello, G. 67 Strouthopoulos, C. 879 Lemke, S. 111 Pece, A. 541 Suganthan, P. N. 191 Leonardis, A. 89 Peritore, G. 557 Sutton, M. 745 Leung, C. H. 979 Pessoa,L . 423 Levialdi, S. 557 Peterhans, E. 407 Tam, W. C. 979 Lewis, P. H. 921 Petrou, M. 35 Tan, T. 529 Li, B. 43 Phillips, P. J. 295 Taylor, C. J. 203 Li, H. 907 Pinho, A. J. 213 Thacker, N. A. 373 Liatsis, P. 615 Piva, A. 897 Torres, F. 947 Lien, C.-C. 121 Polese, G. 1019 Tortora, G. 1019 Lin, S.-S. 689 Probert, P. 225, 251 Trajkovic, M. 75 Lindeberg, T. 961 Proesmans, M. 21 Tsotsos, J. K. 275 Liu, H.-B. 677 PunT., 71 3 Luk, W. S. 353 Valkenburg, R. J. 99 Rahman, A. F. R. 819 Van Gool, L. 21 Malandain, G. 317 Rajapakse, J. C. 165 Verghese, G. 275 Mann, R. 275 Rauss, P. J. 295 von der Heydt, R. 407 Manzanares, A. 1003 Reinoso, O. 947 Maybank, S. J. 13 Remagnino, P. 529 Wechsler, H. 295 Mclivor, A. M. 99 RennT., 1 11 Wilkins, R. J. 921 Metaxas, D. 275 Rivlin, E. 785, 799 Wong, K. H. 353 Milanese, R. 713 Rojas, J. C. 235 Worrall, A. 541 Milios, E. 275 Rosenfeld, A. 785, 799 Mingolla, E. 423, 447 Rosenthaler, L. 407 YanH., 1 91 Mohr, R. 27 Ross, W. D. 447 Yates, R. B. 373 Molton, N. 251 YeY,. 2 75 Morin, L. 27 Satalino, G. 67 Yuan, C. J. 337 Se, S. 251 Nagell, H.-H. 517 Seales, W. B. 337 Zhang, H. 703 Nappi, M. 1019 Sebastian, J. M. 947 Zhao, H. 703 Neumann, H. 423 Seung Park, J. 181 Zisserman, A. 21 Keyword index 3-D data reconstruction model, Model-based, Object Artificial neural network Structured lighting, Range tracking, Snake 135 Segmentation, Classification, image, Multistripe laser Affine invariant Automatic Target triangulation, Fourier slice Correspondence matching, Recognition 67 theorem 689 Curvature, Deformable model, Segmentation, Classification, 3D object recognition Model-based, Object tracking, Automatic Target Surface matching, Point Snake, Active contour 135 Recognition 67 correspondences 635 Agents Assistive robotics 3D reconstruction Visual surveillance, Dynamic Color image, Human—machine Correspondence problem, Stereo scenes 529 interface, Planning, Stereo vision, matching, Geometric Algorithm evaluation Telemanipulation 265 invariance 35 Image databases, Face Attributed relational graph matching recognition 295 Self-organising Hopfield neural Active contour Appearance-based vision network, Constrained homo- Affine invariant, Correspondence Functional knowledge, CAD- morphism, Handprinted Chinese matching, Curvature, Deformable based vision 533 character recognition 191 PI]: S0262-8856(98)001 72-3 Index Image and Vision Computing 16 (1998) 1035-1045 1039 Automated Geometric properties, Functional moment matrix, Surface model, Inspection, Printings, Real- features 765 Enforced consistency, Visual time 947 Classification front-end, Scale-space 961 Automatic object positioning Automatic Target Recognition, Invariants, Twisted cubic, Object Geometric properties 27 Artificial neural network, recognition, Projective Automatic Target Recognition Segmentation 67 geometry 13 Artificial neural network, Clustering PLAYBOT, Visually-guided robot, Segmentation, Classification 67 Optical disks, Markov chain, Physical disability 275 Document management, Robotics, Visual analysis, BCS/FCS Document retrieval 941 Physical interaction, Generic \llusory contours, Segmentation, Color recognition, GRUFF-I 745 Grouping, Persistence, search, BCS/FCS, Illusory contours, Constrained homomorphism Form, Color 447 Segmentation, Grouping, Handprinted Chinese character Bias field Persistence, search, Form 447 recognition, Attributed relational Brain imaging, Magnetic Color image graph matching, Self-organising resonance images, Image Human—machine interface, Hopfield neural network 191 segmentation, Intensity Planning, Stereo vision, Content-based inhomogeneities, Statistical Telemanipulation, Assistive Image database, Image retrieval, modeling 165 robotics 265 Trademark, Zernike Block classification Color quantization moment 931 Document processing, Complex Block classification, Document Content-based image retrieval background, Page segmentation, processing, Complex background, Query-by-visual example, Text extraction, Color Page segmentation, Text Progressive query 557 quantization 855 extraction 855 Content based navigation Document segmentation, Page Color vision Content based retreival, layout analysis, Neural network Computer vision, Deictic control, Hypermedia architecture, classifiers 879 Mobile robot, Shared control, Microcosm 921 Block growing Visual servoing 235 Content based retrieval Style graph matching, Combined decision platform Hypermedia architecture, Document analysis, Reading Character recognition, Multiple- Microcosm, Content based order 571 expert classifiers 819 navigation 921 Boundary coding Complete segment description Content-based retrieval Image coding, Image of multiple line segments Iterated functions systems, segmentation 213 Hough transform, Multiple line Contractive function, Brain imaging segment detection 597 Discrete Fourier transform, Magnetic resonance images, Complex background R*-tree 1019 Image segmentation, Intensity Page segmentation, Text Contour matching inhomogeneities, Statistical extraction, Color quantization, Contour tracking, Curvature, modeling, Bias field 165 Block classification, Document Velocity field 181 Brightness anchoring processing 855 Contour processing Filling-in, Geometry-driven Compressed images Edges and contrast polarity, diffusion, Regularization, Shunting JPEG, MPEG, Object Qualitative testing 499 networks, Neural architecture, recognition 337 Contour tracking ON- and OFF-pathways, Computational model Curvature, Velocity field, Contour Luminance pathway 423 IIlusory contours, Occlusion matching 181 cues, Figure-ground Contractive function CAD-based vision segregation 407 Discrete Fourier transform, Appearance-based vision, Computational modelling R*-tree, Content-based Functional knowledge 533 Early vision, retrieval, Iterated functions Calibration Parametrization 473 systems 1019 Subpixel, Substripe, Structured Computer vision Copyright protection light, Triangulation, Spatial Deformable model, Pattern Security, Image authentication, intersection 99 recognition, image Digital watermarking 897 Calibration methods processing 55 Corner detector Stereo inverse perspective Deictic control, Mobile robot, Feature detection, Multigrid mapping, Geometrical Shared control, Visual servoing, algorithm 75 transform 585 Color vision 235 Correspondence matching Character recognition Image correspondence, Stereo, Curvature, Deformable model, Multiple-expert classifiers, Optic flow, Motion, Disparity, Model-based, Object tracking, Combined decision platform 819 Vergence, Deformation, Scale Snake, Active contour, Affine Chopping selection, Texture, Second invariant 135 1040 dex Image and Vision Computing 16 (1998 1035—]045 Correspondence problem lterated functions systems, Ego-motion Stereo matching, Geometric Contractive function 1019 Self-calibration, Metric invariance, 3D reconstruction 35 Disparity reconstruction, Stereo head, Cross-ratio Vergence, Deformation, Scale Degeneracy, Epipolar equation, Geometry, Illumination invariance, selection, Texture, Second Fundamental matrix 989 Shape-based retrieval, Object moment matrix, Surface model, Elastic matching representation, Projective Enforced consistency, Visual Structural matching, Handwritten invariance 713 front-end, Scale-space, Computer character recognition 979 Curvature vision, Image correspondence, Enforced consistency Deformable model, Model-based, Stereo, Optic flow, Motion 961 Visual front-end, Scale-space, Object tracking, Snake, Active Distance transform Computer vision, Image contour, Affine invariant, Digital topology, correspondence, Stereo, Optic Correspondence matching 135 Skeletonization 317 flow, Motion, Disparity, Vergence, Velocity field, Contour matching, Document analysis Deformation, Scale selection, Contour tracking 181 Reading order, Block growing, Texture, Second moment matrix, Style graph matching 571 Surface model 961 Deformable model Document functionality Epipolar equation Model-based, Object tracking, Information transfer 799 Fundamental matrix, Ego-motion, Snake, Active contour, Affine Document image databases Self-calibration, Metric invariant, Correspondence Duplicate detection, Shape reconstruction, Stereo head, matching, Curvature 135 coding, Document indexing 907 Degeneracy 989 Deformable model Document indexing Extruded shapes Pattern recognition, image Document image database, Planar homologies, Grouping, processing, Computer vision 55 Duplicate detection, Shape Invariants, Projective geometry, Deformation coding 907 Shadows 21 Scale selection, Texture, Second Document management moment matrix, Surface model, Document retrieval, Clustering, Face image interpretation Enforced consistency, Visual Optical disks, Markov chain 941 Model-based approach 203 front-end, Scale-space, Document processing Face recognition Computer vision, Image Complex background, Page Algorithm evaluation, Image correspondence, Stereo, Optic segmentation, Text extraction, databases 295 flow, Motion, Disparity, Color quantization, Block Feature detection Vergence 961 Classification 855 Multigrid algorithm, Corner Degeneracy Document retrieval detector 75 Epipolar equation, Fundamental Clustering, Optical disks, Markov Navigation, Visual impairment 225 matrix, Ego-motion, Self- chain, Document Feature point selection calibration, Metric reconstruction, management 941 Similarity measure, Geometric Stereo head 989 Document segmentation hashing, Fourier descriptor, Deictic control Page layout analysis, Neural Invariant moment 149 Mobile robot, Shared control, network classifiers, Block Figure-ground segregation Visual servoing, Color vision, classification 879 Computational model, Illusory Computer vision 235 Duplicate detection contours, Occlusion cues 407 Depth from multiple images Shape coding, Document Filling-in Depth from slit image, Stereo indexing, Document image Geometry-driven diffusion, Depth from slit image database 907 Regularization, Shunting Stereo, Depth from multiple Dynamic scenes networks, Neural architecture, images 653 Agents, Visual surveillance 529 ON- and OFF-pathways, Derivative computation Luminance pathway, Brightness Multiscale filters 43 Early vision anchoring 423 Differential geometry Parametrization, Computational Fine-tuning Singularity theory, Scale space, modelling 473 Genetic algorithms, Hough Iso-surface detection, Edge detection transform 615 Topology 545 Image processing, Signal Finger inverse kinematics Digital topology processing, Vision 1003 Model-based, Gesture Skeletonization, Distance Edge finding recognition, Real-time transform 317 Spatial filtering, Spatial implementable hand motion Digital watermarking derivatives, Zero-crossings, tracking 121 Copyright protection, Security, Plaids, Human vision 389 Finite-element method Image authentication 897 Edges and contrast polarity Image reconstruction, Inverse Discrete Fourier transform Qualitative testing, Contour problem, Optical R*-tree, Content-based retrieval, processing 499 tomography 703 Index Image and Vision Computing 16 (1998) 1035 1045 Form Generic recognition Handprinted Chinese character Color, BCS/FCS, Illusory contours, Functional representation, Spatial recognition Segmentation, Grouping, representation, Robot Attributed relational graph Persistence, search 447 navigation 729 matching, Self-organising Form classes GRUFF-|, Computer vision, Hopfield neural network, Forms processing, Form reader, Robotics, Visual analysis, Constrained Form description languages, Form Physical interaction 745 homomorphism 191 image analysis 843 Genetic algorithms Handwritten character recognition Form description languages Hough transform, Fine- Elastic matching, Structural Form image analysis, Form tuning 615 matching 979 Classes, Forms processing, Form Geometric hashing Hierarchical shape reader 843 Fourier descriptor, Invariant Iterated linear filter 329 Form image analysis moment, Feature point Hough transform Form classes, Forms processing, selection, Similarity Fine-tuning, Genetic Form reader, Form description measure 149 algorithms 615 languages 843 Geometric invariance Multiple line segment detection, Form reader 3D reconstruction, Complete segment description Form description languages, Correspondence problem, Stereo of multiple line segments 597 Form image analysis, matching 35 Radon transform, Segmentation, Form classes, Forms Geometric properties Geometric tomography, Non- processing 843 Automatic object positioning 27 destructive testing, Vision-based Formal language Functional features, inspection 669 Texture synthesis, Texture Chopping 765 Human-computer Interface analysis, Texture description, Geometric tomography Singular value decomposition, Parallel rewriting systems, Non-destructive testing, Vision- Pose estimation, Real time L-systems 363 based inspection, Hough vision 353 Forms processing transform, Radon transform, Human—machine interface Form reader, Form description Segmentation 669 Planning, Stereo vision, languages, Form image analysis, Geometrical transform Telemanipulation, Assistive Form classes 843 Calibration methods, Stereo robotics, Color image 265 Fourier descriptor inverse perspective mapping 585 Human vision Invariant moment, Feature point Geometry Edge finding, Spatial filtering, selection, Similarity measure, Illumination invariance, Shape- Spatial derivatives, Zero- Geometric hashing 149 based retrieval, Object crossings, Plaids 389 Fourier slice theorem representation, Projective Hypermedia architecture 3-D data reconstruction, invariance, Cross-ratio 713 Microcosm, Content based Structured lighting, Range image, Geometry-driven diffusion navigation, Content based Multistripe laser Regularization, Shunting retreival $21 triangulation 689 networks, Neural architecture, Frenet-Serret motion ON- and OFF-pathways, lilumination invariance Trihedron, Object motion, Luminance pathway, Brightness Shape-based retrieval, Object Trajectory 785 anchoring, Filling-in 423 representation, Projective Functional features Gesture recognition invariance, Cross-ratio, Chopping, Geometric Real-time implementable hand Geometry 713 properties 765 motion tracking, Finger inverse lilusory contours Functional knowledge kinematics, Model-based 121 Occlusion cues, Figure-ground CAD-based vision, Appearance- Grossmann—Cayley algebra segregation, Computational based vision 533 Protective reconstruction, model 407 Functional representation Uncalibrated stereovision, Segmentation, Grouping, Spatial representation, Robot Projective invariance 3 Persistence, search, Form, Color, navigation, Generic Grouping BCS/FCS 447 recognition 729 Invariants, Projective geometry, Image authentication Fundamental matrix Shadows, Extruded shapes, Digital watermarkina, Copyright Ego-motion, Self-calibration, Planar homologies 21 protection, Security 897 Metric reconstruction, Stereo Persistence, search, Form, Color, Image coding head, Degeneracy, Epipolar BCS/FCS, Illusory contours, Image segmentation, Boundary equation 989 Segmentation 447 coding 213 GRUFF-I Image correspondence Generalized Hough transform Computer vision, Robotics, Visual Stereo, Optic flow, Motion, Perceptual grouping, Object analysis, Physical interaction, Disparity, Vergence, Deformation, recognition 627 Generic recognition 745 Scale selection, Texture, Second ne 16 (1998) 1035 1045 moment matrix, Surface model, iso-surface detection Object tracking, Snake, Active Enforced consistency, Visual Topology, Differential geometry, contour, Affine invariant, front-end, Scale-space, Computer Singularity theory, Scale Correspondence matching, vision 961 space 545 Curvature, Deformable Image database Iterated functions systems model 135 Image retrieval, Trademark Contractive function, Discrete Model-based approach Zernike moment, Content- Fourier transform, R*-tree, Face image interpretation 203 based 931 Content-based retrieval 1019 Model-based tracking Image databases Iterated linear filter Kalman filter, Optical flow, Face recognition, Algorithm Hierarchical shape 329 Occlusion 517 evaluation 295 Model-based vision Image modeling JPEG Newton method, Pose refinement, Vision architecture, Scale 89 MPEG, Object recognition, Vehicle tracking 541 image processing Compressed images 337 Motion Computer vision, Deformable Disparity, Vergence, Deformation, model, Pattern recognition 55 Kalman filter Scale selection, Texture, Second Signal processing, Vision, Edge Optical flow, Occlusion, Model- moment matrix, Surface model, detection 1003 based tracking 517 Enforced consistency, Visual Image reconstruction front-end, Scale-space, Computer Inverse problem, Optical L-systems vision, Image correspondence, tomography, Finite-element Formal language, Texture Stereo, Optic flow 961 method 703 synthesis, Texture analysis, MPEG Image retrieval Texture description, Parallel Object recognition, Compressed Trademark, Zernike moment, rewriting systems 363 images, JPEG 337 Content-based, Image Luminance pathway Multigrid algorithm database 931 Brightness anchoring, Filling-in, Corner detector, Feature image segmentation Geometry-driven diffusion, detection 75 Boundary coding, Image Regularization, Shunting Multiple-expert classifiers coding 213 networks, Neural architecture, Combined decision platform, Intensity inhomogeneities, ON- and OFF-pathways 423 Character recognition 819 Statistical modeling, Bias field, Multiple line segment detection Brain imaging, Magnetic Magnetic resonance images Complete segment description resonance images 165 Image segmentation, Intensity of multiple line segments, Hough industrial applications inhomogeneities, Statistical transform 597 Stereo vision, Surface modeling, Bias field, Brain Multiscale filters approximation 373 imaging 165 Derivative computation 43 information transfer Markov chain Multistripe laser triangulation Document functionality 799 Document management, Fourier slice theorem, 3-D data Inspection Document retrieval, Clustering, reconstruction, Structured lighting, Printings, Real-time, Optical disks 941 Range image 689 Automated 947 Metric reconstruction Intensity inhomogeneities Stereo head, Degeneracy, Navigation Statistical modeling, Bias field, Epipolar equation, Fundamental Visual impairment, Feature Brain imaging, Magnetic matrix, Ego-motion, Self- detection 225 resonance images, Image calibration 989 Neural architecture segmentation 165 Microcosm ON- and OFF-pathways, invariant moment Content based navigation, Luminance pathway, Brightness Feature point selection, Similarity Content based retreival, anchoring, Filling-in, measure, Geometric hashing, Hypermedia architecture 921 Geometry-driven diffusion, Fourier descriptor 149 Mobile robot Regularization, Shunting Invariants Shared control, Visual servoing, networks 423 Projective geometry, Shadows, Color vision, Computer vision, Neural network classifiers Extruded shapes, Planar Deictic control 235 Block classification, Dogument homologies, Grouping 21 Mobility aids segmentation, Page layout Twisted cubic, Object recognition, Visual Navigation, Obstacle analysis 879 Projective geometry, Computer Avoidance 251 Newton method vision 13 Model-based Pose refinement, Vehicle tracking, Inverse problem Gesture recognition, Real-time Model-based vision 541 Optical tomography, Finite- implementable hand motion Non-destructive testing element method, Image tracking, Finger inverse Vision-based inspection, Hough reconstruction 703 kinematics 121 transform, Radon transform, Index Image and Vision Computing 16 1998) 1035 1045 Segmentation, Geometric reconstruction, Inverse Uncertainty, Surface tomography 669 problem 703 registration 111 Pose refinement Object motion Page layout analysis Vehicle tracking, Model-based Trajectory, Frenet-Serret motion, Neural network classifiers, Block vision, Newton method 541 Trihedron 785 classification, Dogument Printings Object recognition segmentation 879 Real-time, Automated, Compressed images, JPEG, Page segmentation Inspection 947 MPEG 337 Text extraction, Color Progressive query Generalized Hough transform, quantization, Block Content-based image retrieval, Perceptual grouping 627 classification, Document Query-by-visual example 557 Projective geometry, Computer processing, Complex Projections vision, Invariants, Twisted background 855 Pattern recognition 677 cubic 13 Parallel rewriting systems Projective geometry Object representation L-systems, Formal language, Computer vision, Invariants, Projective invariance, Cross-ratio, Texture synthesis, Texture Twisted cubic, Object Geometry, Illumination invariance, analysis, Texture recognition 13 Shape-based retrieval 713 description 363 Shadows, Extruded shapes, Object tracking Parametrization Planar homologies, Grouping, Snake, Active contour, Affine Computational modelling, Early Invariants 21 invariant, Correspondence vision 473 Projective invariance matching, Curvature, Pattern recognition Cross-ratio, Geometry, Deformabie model, Model- image processing, Computer illumination invariance, Shape- based 135 vision, Deformable model 55 based retrieval, Object Obstacle avoidance Projections 677 representation 713 Mobility Aids, Visual Perceptual grouping Grossmann—Cayley algebra, Navigation 251 Object recognition, Generalized Protective reconstruction, Occlusion Hough transform 627 Uncalibrated stereovision 3 Model-based tracking, Kalman Persistence Protective reconstruction filter, Optical flow 517 Search, Form, Color, BCS/FCS, Uncalibrated stereovision, Occlusion cues Illusory contours, Segmentation, Projective invariance, Figure-ground segregation, Grouping 447 Grossmann—Cayley algebra 3 Computational model, Illusory Physical disability contours 407 Computer vision, PLAYBOT, Qualitative testing ON- and OFF-pathways Visually-guided robot 275 Contour processing, Edges and Luminance pathway, Brightness Physical interaction contrast polarity 499 anchoring, Filling-in, Geometry- Generic recognition, GRUFF-I, Query-by-visual example driven diffusion, Regularization, Computer vision, Robotics, Visual Progressive query, Content-based Shunting networks, Neural analysis 745 image retrieval 557 architecture 423 Plaids Optic flow Human vision, Edge finding, R*-tree Motion, Disparity, Vergence, Spatial filtering, Spatial Content-based retrieval, Iterated Deformation, Scale selection, derivatives, Zero-crossings 389 functions systems, Contractive Texture, Second moment matrix, Planar homologies function, Discrete Fourier Surface model, Enforced Grouping, Invariants, Projective transform 1019 consistency, Visual front-end, geometry, Shadows, Extruded Radon transform Scale-space, Computer vision, shapes 21 Segmentation, Geometric Image correspondence, Planning tomography, Non-destructive Stereo 961 Stereo vision, Telemanipulation, testing, Vision-based inspection, Optical Character Recognition Assistive robotics, Color image, Hough transform 669 Thresholding, Wavelet Human—machine interface 265 Range image maxima 307 PLAYBOT Multistripe laser triangulation, Optical disks Visually-guided robot, Physical Fourier slice theorem, 3-D data Markov chain, Document disability, Computer vision 275 reconstruction, Structured management, Document retrieval, Point correspondence lighting 689 Clustering 941 3D object recognition, Surface Reading order Optical flow matching 635 Block growing, Style graph Occlusion, Model-based tracking, Pose estimation matching, Document Kalman filter 517 Real time vision, Human— analysis 571 Optical tomography computer Interface, Singular Real time vision Finite-element method, Image value decomposition 353 Human-computer Interface, lex Image and Vision omputing 16 1998) 1035 1045 Singular value decomposition, watermarking, Copyright Skeletonization Pose estimation 353 protection 897 Distance transform, Digital Real-time implementable hand Segmentation topology 317 motion tracking Classification, Automatic Target Snake Finger inverse kinematics, Recognition, Artificial neural Active contour, Affine invariant, Model-based, Gesture network 67 Correspondence matching, recognition 121 Geometric tomography, Non- Curvature, Deformable model, Regularization destructive testing, Vision-based Model-based, Object Shunting networks, Neural inspection, Hough transform, tracking 135 architecture, ON- and OFF- Radon transform 669 Spatial derivatives pathways, Luminance pathway Grouping, Persistence, search, Zero-crossings, Plaids, Human Brightness anchoring, Form, Color, BCS/FCS, Illusory vision, Edge finding, Spatial Filling-in, Geometry-driven contours 447 filtering 389 diffusion 423 Self-calibration Spatial filtering Robotics Metric reconstruction, Stereo Spatial derivatives, Zero- Visual analysis, Physical head, Degeneracy, Epipolar crossings, Plaids, Human vision, interaction, Generic recognition, equation, Fundamental matrix, Edge finding 389 GRUFF-I, Computer vision 745 Ego-motion 989 Spatial intersection Robot navigation Self-organising Hopfield neural Calibration, Subpixel, Substripe, Generic recognition, Functional network Structured light, Triangulation 99 representation, Spatial Constrained homomorphism, Spatial representation representation 729 Handprinted Chinese character Robot navigation, Generic recognition, Attributed relational recognition, Functional Scale graph matching 191 representation 729 Image modeling, Vision Shadows Statistical modeling architecture 89 Extruded shapes, Planar Bias field, Brain imaging, Magnetic Scale selection homologies, Grouping, Invariants, resonance images, Image Texture, Second moment matrix, Projective geometry 21 segmentation, Intensity Surface model, Enforced Shape coding inhomogeneities 165 consistency, Visual front-end, Document indexing, Document Stereo Scale-space, Computer vision, image database, Duplicate Depth from multiple images, Image correspondence, Stereo, detection 907 Depth from slit image 653 Optic flow, Motion, Disparity, Shape-based retrieval Optic flow, Motion, Disparity, Vergence, Deformation 961 Object representation, Projective Vergence, Deformation, Scale Scale space invariance, Cross-ratio, selection, Texture, Second Iso-surface detection, Topology, Geometry, Illumination moment matrix, Surface model, Differential geometry, Singularity invariance 713 Enforced consistency, Visual theory 545 Shared control front-end, Scale-space, Scale-space Visual servoing, Color vision, Computer vision, Image Computer vision, Image Computer vision, Deictic control, correspondence 961 correspondence, Stereo, Optic Mobile robot 235 Stereo head flow, Motion, Disparity, Vergence, Shunting networks Degeneracy, Epipolar equation, Deformation, Scale selection, Neural architecture, ON- and Fundamental matrix, Ego-motion, Texture, Second moment matrix, OFF-pathways, Luminance Self-calibration, Metric Surface model, Enforced pathway, Brightness anchoring, reconstruction 989 consistency, Visual front- Filling-in, Geometry-driven Stereo inverse perspective mapping end 961 diffusion, Regularizatio 423 Geometrical transform, Search Signal processing Calibration methods 585 Form, Color, BCS/FCS, Illusory Vision, Edge detection, Image Stereo matching contours, Segmentation, processing 1003 Geometric invariance, 3D Grouping, Persistence 447 Similarity measure reconstruction, Correspondence Second moment matrix Geometric hashing, Fourier problem 35 Surface model, Enforced descriptor, Invariant moment, Stereo vision consistency, Visual front-end, Feature point selection 149 Surface approximation, Industrial Scale-space, Computer vision, Singular value decomposition applications 373 Image correspondence, Stereo, Pose estimation, Real time vision, Telemanipulation, Assistive Optic flow, Motion, Disparity, Human-computer interface 353 robotics, Color image, Human-— Vergence, Deformation, Scale Singularity theory machine interface, Planning 265 selection, Texture 961 Scale space, Iso-surface Structural matching Security detection, Topology, Differential Handwritten character recognition, Image authentication, Digital geometry 545 Elastic matching 979

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