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image Vision COMPUTING Index to Volume 10 (1992) No 1 (January/February) pp 1-64 No 6 (July/August) pp 329-464 No 2 (March) pp 65-128 No 7 (September) pp 465-520 No 3 (April) pp 129-208 No 8 (October) pp 521-576 No 4 (May) pp 209-264 No 9 (November) pp 577-640 No 5 (June) pp 265-328 No 10 (December) pp 641-712 Author index Chen, Y-S. see Liu, T-Y, 46 Graham, J. see Cootes, T.F., 289 Chen, Y. and Medioni, G., Object Griffin, L.D., Colchester, A.C.F. and Abbood, A. see Ellis, T., 271 modelling by registration of multiple Robinson, G.P., Scale and Amini, A.A. and Duncan, J.S., Bending range images, 145 segmentation of grey-level images and stretching models for LV wall Chipman, L.J. see Ranganath, H.S., 631 using maximum gradient paths, 389 motion analysis from curves and Colchester, A.C.F. see Griffin, L.D., 389 Gros, P. see Quan, L., 319 Cooper, D.H. see Cootes, T.F., 289 Groshong, R. see Snyder, W.E., 523 surfaces, 418 Cootes, T.F., Cooper, D.H., Taylor, Ancona, N. see Caponetti, L., 549 C.J. and Graham, J., Trainable Hanmandlu, M., Rangaiah, C. and AAAsyytaalccehhyee,,, S.NN ..s eess eeeeM iMlHleoernrlg,i na.,P .,I O..2L,.7 ,7 460733 mdeestchroidpt ioonf, pa2r8a9m etric shape Bmrieacstowcgahnsii,nt gi oKn.t,Ke .c,h5 7n8iQ quuaed rfiocrs -b3aDs eobdj ect Bajcsy, R. see Lee, S.W., 643 Dale-Jones, R. and Tjahjadi, T., Four Harrell, C.R. see Zubal, I.G., 37 Baker, K.D. see Du, L., 301 algorithms for enhancing images with Hayat, L., Naqvi, A. and Sandler, M.B., Baker, K.D. see Zhang, S., 313 large peaks in their histogram, 495 Comparative evaluation of fast Baldock, R.A., Trainable models for the Davies, E.R., Procedure for thinning algorithms on a interpretation of biomedical images, generating template masks for multiprocessor architecture, 20 444 detecting variable signals, 241 Hebert, M. and Krotkov, E., 3D Barber, H.B. see Saffer, J.R., 333 de Salabert, A. see Sawyer, G., 589 measurements from imaging laser radars: how good are they?, 170 Barletta, G. see Baroni, M., 485 Delingette, H., Herbert, M. and Ikeuchi, Herbert, M. see Delingette, H., 132 Baroni, M. and Barletta, G., Digital K., Shape representation and image curvature estimation for left segmentation using deformable Herlin, I.L. and Ayache, N., Features ventricular shape analysis, 485 surfaces, 132 extraction and analysis methods for Barrett, H.H. see Saffer, J.R., 333 Denos, M.I. see O'Neill, M.A., 89 sequences of ultrasound images, 673 Barrett, H.H., Gooley, T., Girodias, K., Distante, A. see Caponetti, L., 549 Hill, A. and Taylor, C.J., Model-based Rolland, J., White, T. and Yao, J., Du, L., Sullivan, G.D. and Baker, image interpretation using genetic Linear discriminants and image K.D., 3D grouping by viewpoint algorithms, 295 Hindley, N. see Sawyer, G., 589 quality, 451 consistency ascent, 301 Basille, J-L., Fernandez, P. and Komen, Duncan, J.S. see Amini, A.A., 418 Howarth, R.J. and Buxton, H., E.R., Recursive neighbourhood Duncan, J.S. see Bozma, H.I., 431 Analogical representation of space and time, 467 operations on the linear processor array SYMPATI-2, 625 Eklundh, J-O. see Lindeberg, T., 3 Hsiao, M. see Snyder, W.E., 523 Bedini, L. and Tonazzini, A., Image Eklundh,.J-O. see Pahlavan, K., 654 Hsu, W-H. see Liu, T-Y, 46 restoration preserving discontinuities: Ellis, T., Abbood, A. and Brillault, B., Huang, T.S. see Nguyen, T.C., 689 the Bayesian approach and neural Ellipse detection and matching with Hudacko, T. see Snyder, W.E., 523 networks, 108 uncertainty, 271 Ikeuchi, K. see Delingette, H., 132 Benhabib, B. see Safaee-Rad, R., 532 Fernandez, P. see Basille, J-L., 625 BBiilsbwraos,, GK.. Ks.e e seSen ydHearn,m aWn.d,l u3,6 1 M., 578 Fishaern,d Rr.ecBo.g,n iRteiporn esweinttha tsieonc,o nde-xotrrdaecrti on JJaaiinn,, AR..CK.. sseeee TRiarjuam,a laN.iS,. , A.1P7.9, 191 Johnson, D.G. see Sawyer, G., 589 Boone, K.L. see Snyder, W.E., 523 topographic surface features, 156 Jolesz, F.A. see Gerig, G., 349 Boyce, J.F. see Toulson, D.L., 324 Florack, L.M.J., ter Haar Romeny, Bosma, H.I. and Duncan, J.S., Modular B.M., Koenderink, J.J. and Jones, D.G. and Malik, J., system for image analysis using a Viergever, M.A., Scale and the Computational framework for game-theoretic framework, 431 differential structure of images, 376 determining stereo correspondence Brady, J.M. see Shapiro, L.S., 283 Forsyth, D., Mundy, J.L. and Zisserman, from a set of linear spatial filters, 699 Brady, M. see Reid, I., 197 A., Transformational invariance — a Jones-Parry, I.H. see Sawyer, G., 589 Brillault, B. see Ellis, T., 271 primer, 39 Brillault-O’Mahony, B., High level 3D Forsyth, D.A. see Rothwell, C.A., 250 Karssemeijer, N., Stochastic model for structures from a single view, 508 automated detection of calcifications in Gerig, G., Martin, J., Kikinis, R., digital mammograms, 369 Bryson, N. and Taylor, C.J., Boundary detection using Bayesian nets, 308 Kubler, O., Shenton, M. and Jolesz, Kaushal, T.P., Towards visually Burger, P. see Rashid, H.U., 119 F.A., Unsupervised tissue type convincing image segmentation, 617 Buxton, H. see Howarth, R.J., 467 segmentation of 3D dual-echo MR Khan, G.N. and Gillies, D.F., Extracting head data, 349 contours by perceptual grouping, 77 Caponetti, L., Distante, A., Ancona, N. Gillies, D.F. see Khan, G.N., 77 Kikinis, R. see Gerig, G., 349 and Mugnuolo, R., 3D object Girodias, K. see Barrett, H.H., 451 Koenderink, J.J. and van Doorn, A.J., recognition based on a viewpoint- Gooley, T. see Barrett, H.H., 451 Surface shape and curvature scales, analysis, 549 Goutis, C.E. see Koufapaviou, O.G., 479 557 Koenderink, J.J. see Florack, L.M.J., Rajala, S. see Snyder, W., 361 Robust segmentation of noisy images 376 Rangaiah, C. see Hanmandlu, M., 578 using a neural network model, 233 Komen, E.R. see Basille, J-L., 625 Ranganath, H.S. and Chipman, L.J., White, T. see Barrett, H.H., 451 Koufopaviou, O.G. and Goutis, C.E., Fuzzy relaxation approach for inexact Woolfenden, J.M. see Saffer, J.R., 333 Image reconstruction on a special scene matching, 631 purpose array processor, 479 Rashid, H.U. and Burger, P., Xing, X. see Wang, T., 233 Krotkov, E. see Hebert, M., 170 Differential algorithm for the Yao, J. see Barrett, H.H., 451 Kubler, O. see Gerig, G., 349 determination of shape from shading using a point light source, 119 Zhang, J. see Olariu, S., 610 Leavterrasn,s foVr.mF. ,a s Uas em eotfh othde Roaf deoxnt racting Reid, I. and Brady, M., Model-based Zhang, S., Sullivan, G.D. and Baker, recognition and range imaging for a K.D., Relational model construction information about shape in two guided vehicle, 197 and 3D object recognition from single dimensions ,9 9 Robinson, G.P. see Griffin, L.D., 389 2D monochromatic image, 313 Lee, S.W. and Bajecsy, R., Detection of Rohr, K., Modelling and identification of Zhuang, X. see Wang, T., 233 svpieecwusl,a r6i4t3y using colour and multiple characteristic intensity variations, 66 Zisserman, A. see Forsyth, D., 39 Rolland, J. see Barrett, H.H., 451 Zisserman, A. see Rothwell, C.A., 250 Li, $.Z., Object recognition from range Rothwell, C.A., Zisserman, A.., Zubal, I.G. and Harrell, C.R., Voxel data prior to segmentation, 566 Marinos, C.I., Forsyth, D.A. and based Monte Carlo calculations of Lindeberg, T. and Eklundh, J-O., Scale- Mundy, J.L., Relative motion and nuclear medicine images and applied sepxapceer impernitmsa,l s3k etch: construction and pose from arbitrary plane curves, 250 variance reduction techniques, 37 Rye, A.J. see Sawyer, G., 589 Link, K. see Snyder, W., 361 Liu, T-Y., Hsu, W-H. and Chen, Y-S., Safaee-Rad, R., Tchoukanov, I., Smith, Keyword index Shape description via shading images, K.C. and Benhabib, B., Constraints 46 on quadratic-curved features under Adaptive filtering Logenthiran, A. see Snyder, W., 361 perspective projection, 532 Left ventricular shape, Curvature Longuet-Higgins, H.C., A method of Saffer, J.R., Barrett, H.H., Barber, estimation, 485 obtaining the relative positions of four H.B. and Woolfenden, J.M., Surgical Array processor points from three perspective probe design for a coincidence — Image reconstruction, 479 projections, 266 imaging system without a collimator, Automatic planning Data fusion, Spatial databases, 589 Malik, J. see Jones, D.G., 699 Sander, P.T. see Monga, O., 403 March, R., Visual reconstruction with Sandler, M.B. see Hayat, L., 20 Bayesian networks discontinuities using variational Santago, P. see Snyder, W., 361 Machine vision, Edge detection, 308 methods, 30 Sawyer, G., Mason, D.C., Hindley, N., Binocular head-eye systems Marinos, C.1. see Rothwell, C.A., 250 Johnson, D.G., Jones-Parry, I.H., Computer vision, Control of Martin, J. see Gerig, G., 349 Oddy, C.J., Pike, T.K., Plassard, T., attention, 654 Mason, D.C. see Sawyer, G., 589 Rye, A.J. and de Salabert, A., Biomedical image interpretation Medioni, G. see Chen, Y., 145 MuSIP Multi-Sensor Image Ultrasound, Cardiac measurement, Meisels, A. and Versano, R., Token- Processing system, 589 444 textured object detection by pyramids, Schunck, B.G. see Tirumalai, A.P., 191 Boundary following 55 Schwing, J.L. see Olariu, S., 610 Grey-level morphology, Image Miller, P. and Astley, S., Classification of Shapiro, L.S. and Brady, J.M., Feature- junctions, 219 breast tissue by texture analysis, 277 based correspondence: an eigenvector Bus systems Mohr, R. see Quan, L., 319 approach, 283 Reconfigurable meshes, Prefix sums, Monga, O., Ayache, N. and Sander, Shenton, M. see Gerig, G., 349 610 P.T., From voxel to intrinsic surface Smith, K.C. see Safaee-Rad, R., 532 Mugfneuaotluor,es ,R4 .0 3s ee Caponetti, L., 549 SnydPe.r,, LiWn.k,, LKo.g, enBtihlibrroa,n , G.A .,a ndS anRtaajgaola,, CW Ralansgeers finders, Mobile robots, 170 Mundy, J.L. see Forsyth, D., 39 S., Segmentation of magnetic Cardiac measurement Mundy, J.L. see Rothwell, C.A., 250 resonance images using mean field BUlitormaesdoiucnadl, i4m4a4g e interpretation, annealing, 361 Naqvi, A. see Hayat, L., 20 Co-cecurrence matrices Snyder, W.E., Groshong, R., Hsiao, M., Nguyen, T.C. and Huang, T.S., /mage Boone, K.L. and Hudacko, T., Closing Neural network, Image segmentation, blurring effects due to depth 324 gaps in edges and surfaces, 523 discontinuities: blurring that creates Computational! differential geometry ; emergent image details, 689 Sparr, G., Depth computations from Optical flow, Non-rigid motion, 418 polyhedral images, 683 Nobl1e9, J.A., /mages as functions and sets, SSuulllliivvaann,, GG..DD.. sseeee DZuh,a ngL,., S3.0,1 313 CompPuyrtaemri dsv,is ioTne xture, 55 Noble, J.A., Finding half boundaries and Perspective projections, Image junction in images, 219 Taylor, C.J. see Cootes, T.F., 289 sequences, 266 Taylor, C.J. see Hill, A., 295 Binocular head-eye systems, Control O'Neill, M.A. and Denos, M.1., Practical Taylor, C.J. see Bryson, N., 308 of attention, 654 approach to the stereo matching of Tchoukanov, I. see Safaee-Rad, R., 532 Computerized mammography urban imagery, 89 ter Haar Romeny, B.M. see Florack, Texture segmentation, Medical image Oddy, C.J. see Sawyer, G., 589 L.M.J., 376 interpretation, 277 Olariu, S., Schwing, J.L. and Zhang, J., Tirumalai, A.P., Schunck, B.G. and Conic rFeascto nfciogmupruatbelre vmiessihoens ,a lg6o1r0i thms for Jlaeivnel, sRt.rCu.c,tu raRle codvesecrriinpgt ioan bforuondma ry- ContIrnavsatr iaennt,h anCcroesmse-nrtat io, 319 dynamic stereo, 191 Histogram, Modification, 495 Pahlavan, K., Uhlin, T. and Eklundh, Tjahjadi, T. see Dale-Jones, R., 495 Control of attention J-O., Integrating primary ocular Tonazzini, A. see Bedini, L., 108 Computer vision, Binocular head-eye Peropnrao,ce ssP.e,s ,S t6e5e4r able-scalable kernels for ToulSseognm,e ntDa.Lt.i ona ndo f BMoRyc ei,m aJg.eFs., using Cornerss ystems, 654 edge detection and junction analysis, neural nets, 324 Model-based recognition, Junctions, 663 66 Pike, T.K. see Sawyer, G., 589 Uhlin, T. see Pahlavan, K., 654 Correspondence problem Plassard, T. see Sawyer, G., 589 Modes, 283 Quan, L., Gros, P. and Mohr, R., van Doorn, A.J. see Koenderink, J.J., Cross-ratio Invariants of a pair of conics revisited, Invariant, Conic, 319 Versano, R. see Meisels, A., 55 Curvature estimation Viergever, M.A. se Florack, L.M.J., Left ventricular shape, Adaptive Raja, N.S. and Jain, A.K., Recognizing 376 filtering, 485 geons from superquadrics fitted to Curvature scales range data, 179 Wang, T., Zhuang, X. and Xing, X., Surface shape, 557 Data fusion Image analysis Mathematical morphology Automatic planning, Spatial Pattern recognition, Segmentation, Two dimensional feature detection, databases, 589 Image descri tions, 19 Deformable surfaces Image descriptions Mean and Gaussian curvature Range data, Three dimensional Mathematical morphology, Two Typical surface features, Local models, 132 dimensional feature detection, 19 curvature extrema, 403 Deformable templates Image junctions Mean field annealing Flexible shape models, 289 Grey-level morphology, Boundary Segmentation, Magnetic resonance, Depth following, 219 361 Shape, Reconstruction, 683 Image processing Medical image analysis Depth-from-blur Feature extraction, Ultrasound, 673 Segmentation in multidimensions, Multi-component image blurring Image processing systems Statistical classification, 349 (MCB), Point-spread functions Sensor fusion, Nash equilibrium, 431 Medical image interpretation (kernels), 689 Image quality Computerized mammography, Discontinuity detection Medical imaging, Linear discriminant Texture segmentation, 277 Early vision, Variational functions, 451 Medical imaging convergence, 30 Image reconstruction Image quality, Linear discriminant Dynamic stereo Array processor, 479 functions, 451 Sensor fusion, Environment Image restoration Mobile robots modelling, 191 Markov Random Fields, Neural Range finders, CW lasers, 170 networks, 108 Model construction Image segmentation Three dimensional object Early vision Neural network, Co-occurrence recognition, View independent Discontinuity detection, Variational matrices, 324 relational model, 313 convergence, 30 Image sequences Model-based recognition Edge detection Computer vision, Perspective Corners, Junctions, 66 Bayesian networks, Machine vision, projections, 266 Model-based vision 308 Image understanding Genetic algorithms, Flexible Gaps, Morphological techniques, 523 Monocular vision, Three dimensional templates, 295 Steerable-scalable kernels, Linear representation, 508 Models interpolation, 663 Initial segmentation Correspondence problem, 283 Ellipse fitting Neural network model, Refining Modification Kalman fitter, Mahalanobis distance, segmentation, 233 Contrast enhancement, Histogram, 271 Interactive image segmentation 495 Environment modelling Photopic correction, Veiled- Monocular vision Dynamic stereo, Sensor fusion, 191 Michelson contrast, 617 Image understanding, Three Extended Gaussian image Invariance dimensional representation, 508 Object recognition, Viewpoint- Recognition, Shape, 39 Morphological techniques analysis, 549 Pose, Perspective, 250 Edge detection, Gaps, 523 Invariant Morphology Cross-ratio, Conic, 319 Ridge, Trough, 389 Feature extraction Invariant representation Multi-component image blurring (MCB) Image processing, Ultrasound, 673 Shape matching, Optimization, 566 Depth-from-blur, Point-spread Feature matching functions (kernels), 689 Object recognition, Tree search, 578 Junctions Flexible shape models Model-based recognition, Corners, 66 Nash equilibrium Deformable templates, 289 Image processing systems, Sensor Flexible templates Kalman fitter fusion, 431 Genetic algorithms, Model-based Ellipse fitting, Mahalanobis distance, Neural network vision, 295 271 Image segmentation, Co-occurrence Focus-of-attention matrices, 324 Left ventricular shape Scale detection, Segmentation, 3 Neural network model Fuzzy relaxation Curvature estimation, Adaptive Initial segmentation, Refining Scene matching, Oversegmentation, filtering, 485 segmentation, 233 631 LineH oaungd h cotnrtaonusrf oremx,t raPcteirocne ptual Neural networks Image restoration, Markoy Random grouping, 77 Fields, 108 Gamma rays Linear discriminant functions Surgical probes, Nuclear medicine, Image quality, Medical imaging, 451 Noise-whitening 3° Template masks, Spatial matched 333 Linear interpolation Gaps Edge detection, Steerable-scalable filter, 241 Non-rigid motion Edge detection, Morphological kernels, 663 Optical flow, Computational techniques, 523 Linear processor array differential geometry, 418 Gaussian derivatives Parallelism, Recursive Nuclear medicine Scale-space, Gaussian kernel, 376 neighbourhood operations, 625 Gaussian kernel Linear spatial filters Surgical probes, Gamma rays, 333 Scale-space, Gaussian derivatives, Stereo correspondence, Stereopsis, 376 699 Object modelling Three dimensional surface Genetic algorithms Local curvature extrema registration, Range image Model-based vision, Flexible Typical surface features, Mean and registration, 145 templates, 295 Gaussian curvature, 403 Object recognition Geons Local shading analysis Range data, Superquadrics, 179 Shape from shading, Point light Radon transform, Shape, 99 Range sensing, Surface Grey-level morphology source, 119 reconstruction, 197 Boun2d19a ry following, Image junctions, Machine vision Viewpoint consistency constraints, Bayesian networks, Edge detection, Pose recovery, 301 High-level vision Viewpoint-analysis, Extended Spatial representation, Spatio- Magnetic resonance Gaussian image, 549 temporal reasoning, 467 Segmentation, Mean field annealing, Feature matching, Tree search, 578 Histogram 361 Optical flow Contrast enhancement, Modification, Mahalanobis distance Computational differential geometry, 495 Ellipse fitting, Kalman fitter, 271 Non-rigid motion, 418 Hough transform Markov Random Fields Optimization Line and contour extraction, Image restoration, Neural networks, Invariant representation, Shape Perceptual grouping, 77 108 matching, 566 Oversegmentation Scale detection Template masks Fuzzy relaxation, Scene matching, Segmentation, Focus-of-attention, 3 Spatial matched filter, Noise- 631 Scale-space whitening, 241 Gaussian kernel, Gaussian Texture Parallel implementation derivatives, 376 Computer vision, Pyramids, 55 Thinning algorithms, 20 Scene matching Texture segmentation Parallelism Fuzzy relaxation, Oversegmentation, Computerized mammography, Linear processor array, Recursive 631 Medical image interpretation, 277 neighbourhood operations, 625 Segmentation Thinning algorithms Pattern recognition Scale detection, Focus-of-attention, 3 Parallel implementation, 20 Image analysis, Segmentation, 369 Magnetic resonance, Mean field Three dimensional model-based vision Perceptual grouping annealing, 361 Range data analysis, Volumetric Line and contour extraction, Hough Pattern recognition, Image analysis, features, 156 transform, 77 369 Three dimensional models Perspective Segmentation in multidimensions Range data, Deformable surfaces, Pose, Invariance, 250 Medical image analysis, Statistical 132 Perspective projection classification, 349 Three dimensional object recognition Three dimensional location Sensor fusion Model construction, View estimation, Quadratic-curved Dynamic stereo, Environment independent relational model, 313 features, 532 modelling, 191 Three dimensional representation Perspective projections Image processing systems, Nash Image understanding, Monocular Computer vision, Image sequences, equilibrium, 431 vision, 508 266 Shading image Three dimensional shape description Photometric stereo Photometric stereo, Three Shading image, Photometric stereo, Shading image, Three dimensional dimensional shape description, 46 46 shape description, 46 Shadows Three dimensional surface registration Photopic correction Stereo matching, Urban imagery, 89 Object modelling, Range image Veiled-Michelson centrast, Shape registration, 145 Interactive image segmentation, Invariance, Recognition, 39 Three dimensional location estimation 617 Radon transform, Object recognition, Quadratic-curved features, Point light source 99 Perspective projection, 532 Shape from shading, Local shading Depth, Reconstruction, 683 Tree search analysis, 119 Shape from shading Object recognition, Feature Point-spread functions (kernels) Point light source, Local shading matching, 578 Multi-component image blurring analysis, 119 Trough (MCB), Depth-from-blur, 689 Shape matching Morphology, Ridge, 389 Pose Invariant representation, Two dimensional feature detection Perspective, Invariance, 250 Optimization, 566 Mathematical morphology, Image Pose recovery Simulation descriptions, 19 Object recognition, Viewpoint Software phantom, Stratification, 37 Typical surface features consistency constraint, 301 Software phantom Local curvature extrema, Mean and Prefix sums Simulation, Stratification, 37 Gaussian curvature, 403 Reconfigurable meshes, Bus systems, Spatial databases 610 Data fusion, Automatic planning, 589 Ultrasound Pyramids Spatial matched filter Biomedical image interpretation, Computer vision, Texture, 55 Template masks, Noise-whitening, Cardiac measurement, 44 Feature extraction, Image processing, Spatial representation Quadratic-curved features Spatio-temporal reasoning, High- Urban imagery , Three dimensional location level vision, 467 Stereo matching, Shadows, 89 estimation, Perspective projection, 532 Spatio-temporal reasoning Variational convergence Spatial representation, High-level Early vision, Discontinuity detection, vision, 467 30 Radon transform Spectral differencing Veiled-Michelson contrast Shape, Object recognition, 99 Surface reflectance, Specularity, 643 Photopic correction, Interactive Range data Specularity image segmentation, 617 Three dimensional models, Surface reflectance, Spectral Deformable surfaces, 132 differencing, 643 View independence relational model Three dimensional object Geons, Superquadrics, 179 Statistical classification recognition, Model construction, Range data analysis Medical image analysis, Segmentation 313 Three dimensional model-based in multidimensions, 349 Viewpoint consistency constraint vision, Volumetric features, 156 Steerable-scalable kernels Object recognition, Pose recovery, Range finders Edge detection, Linear interpolation, 301 Mobile robots, CW lasers, 170 663 Range image registration Stereo correspondence ViewOpbojienctt- anraelcyosginsi tion, Extended Object modelling, Three dimensional Linear spatial filters, Stereopsis, 699 Gaussian image, 549 surface registration, 145 Stereo matching Volumetric features Range sensing Urban imagery, Shadows, 89 Three dimensional model-based Surface reconstruction, Object Stereopsis vision, Range data analysis, 156 recognition, 197 Stereo correspondence, Linear spatial Recognition filters, 699 Invariance, Shape, 39 Stratification Book reviews Reconfigurable meshes Simulation, Software phantom, 37 Bus systems, Prefix sums, 610 Superquadrics Machine Vision, E.R. Davies, Harcourt Reconstruction Range data, Geons, 179 Brace-Jovanovich, 1990 Depth, Shape, 683 Surface reconstruction K. Liburdy, 63 Recursive neighbourhood operations Range sensing, Object recognition, Linear processor array, Parallelism, 197 625 Surface reflectance Publications received, 461 Refining segmentation Specularity, Spectral differencing, 643 Neural network model, Initial Surface shape segmentation, 233 Curvature scales, 557 Editorials/Comment Ridge Surgical probes Morphology, Trough, 389 Nuclear medicine, Gamma rays, 333 131, 331, 466, 642 712 image and vision computing

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