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IFRS Guide to annual fnancial statements – Illustrative disclosures for investment funds OCI STATEMENT December 2015 SUBSIDIARY IFRS DISPOSAL kpmg.com/ifrs ASSETS ETRQANSUACTIITONY COSTS FAIRVALUE DIVIDENDS AMORTISED COST PRESENTATION INVESTMENTS LEASES FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT INTEREST OFFSETTING JUDGEMENT ACCOUNTING POLICIES SHARE-BASED PAYMENT PERFORMANCE TRANSACTIONS CARRYING AMOUNT FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK UPDATE CREDIT RISK INVESTMENT ENTITIES REVENUE LOANS BORROWINGS IMPAIRMENT INVESTMENT FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY PENSION PROFIT OR LOSS IFRS ASSUMPTIONS INVESTMENTS FUNDS FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT CASH FLOW DERIVATIVES PRESENTATION REVENUE CONSOLIDATION IFRS A BUCSTINIEVSSE C OMMABINRAKTIOENTS 2015NOTES FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT CASH EQUIVALENTS SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ACCOUNTING POLICIES DERIVATIVES CONTINGENCY RELATED PARTY REDEEMABLE SHARES STRUCTURED ENTITY GOING CONCERN PERFORMANCE MATERIALITY DEBT PROFIT OR LOSS OFFSETTING NET ASSETS TRADING ASSETS HEDGING COMPARATIVE VALUATION UPDATE ASSETS MATERIALITY COST FAIR VALUE NCI MARKET PERFORMANCE BUSINESS COMBINATIONS OPERATING SEGMENTS GOODWILL ESTIMATES OFFSETTINGOCI CASH FLOWS PROFIT OR LOSS LIABILITIESCONSOLIDATION GOING CONCERN UNCONSOLIDATED STRUCTURED ENTITIES FINANCIAL POSITION PRESENTATION DISCLOSURES SIGNIFICANT PROPERTY ACQUISITION ASSUMPTIONS COMPARATIVE EQUITY FINANCIAL POSITION SHARE-BASED PAYMENT EPS UNIT OF ACCOUNT DISCLOSURES HELD-FOR-SALE PENSION Contents About this guide 2 References and abbreviations 3 Independent auditors’ report 4 Financial statements 6 Financial highlights 7 Statement of fnancial position 8 Statement of comprehensive income 9 Statement of changes in net assets attributable to holders of redeemable shares 10 Statement of cash fows 11 Notes to the fnancial statements 12 Appendices I E xample disclosures for an investment fund that is an investment entity and measures its subsidiaries at fair value through proft or loss 58 II E xample disclosures for segment reporting – Multiple-segment fund 67 III E xample disclosures of open-ended fund with puttable instruments classifed as equity 71 IV E xample disclosure of schedule of investments – Unaudited 76 V E xample disclosures of exposure to market risk – Value-at-risk analysis 78 Keeping you informed 80 Contacts 82 Acknowledgements 83 Notes Basis of preparation 12 1. Reporting entity 12 2. Basis of accounting 12 3. Functional and presentation currency 12 4. Use of judgements and estimates 12 Financial risk review and fair value 13 5. Financial risk review 13 6. Fair values of fnancial instruments 27 Performance for the year 34 7. Interest income 34 8. Net gain from fnancial instruments at fair value through proft or loss 35 Income taxes 36 9. Withholding tax expense 36 Assets, liabilities and equity 37 10. Classifcation of fnancial assets and fnancial liabilities 37 11. Financial assets and fnancial liabilities at fair value through proft or loss 38 12. Balances due from/to brokers 39 13. Equity 40 14. Net assets attributable to holders of redeemable shares 41 Other information 43 15. Transfers of fnancial assets 43 16. Involvement with unconsolidated structured entities 4 17. Related parties and other key contracts 45 18. Subsequent events 45 19. Financial risk management 46 Accounting policies 51 20. Basis of measurement 51 21. Signifcant accounting policies 52 22. Standards and interpretations issued but not yet efective 57 2 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures of r investment uf nds INTRODUCTION About this guide hT is guide has been produced by the KPMG International tS andards Group p( art o f KPMG IFRG Limited ) and the viesw epx ressed herein are those o f the KPMG International tS andards Group. It helps entities to prepare n� ancial statements of r investment uf nds or similar n� ancial institutions in accordance iw th IFR.S hT is guide illustrates one possible of rmat of r n� ancial statements based on a c� titious tae- x ex mpt opene- nded singleuf- nd investment company t( he Fund,) hw ich does not of rm part o f a consolidated entity or hold investments in any subsidiaries, associates or oj int venture entities. Appendi x I illustrates eax mple disclosures of r an investment uf nd that is an investment entity and measures its subsidiaries at af ir value through prot� or loss F( PTV L.) In this guide, the investment uf nds’ redeemable shares are classie� d as n� ancial liabilities and the management shares meet the den� ition o f euq ity ; the investment uf nd is outside the scope o f IFR S 8 Operating Segments of( r eax mple disclosures of r a multiple- segment uf nd that af lls in the scope o f IFR S ,8 see� AppendiI�x I.) uO r hypothetical investment uf nd has been applying IFR S of r some time – i.e. it is not a r� stt- ime adopter o f IFR.S For more inof rmation on adopting IFR S of r the r� st time, see hC apter .6 1 in the 12 th dE ition 20151/ 6 o f our publication Insights into IFRS. Standards covered hT is guide ree� cts standards and interpretations that have been issued by the IA BS as at 15 eD cember 2015 and that are reuq ired to be applied by an entity iw th an annual reporting period beginning on 1 aJ nuary 2015 c‘( urrently eef f ctive reuq irements.)’ hT e early adoption o f standards that are eef f ctive of r annual reporting periods beginning atf er 1 aJ nuary 2015 of‘( rthcoming reuq irements )’ has not been illustrated, ecx ept of r the early adoption o f Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28), hw ich is illustrated in Appendi x I. hT is guide of cuses on investment uf nds- pecic� issues, and thereof re does not illustrate disclosures o f a more general nature or disclosures relevant to activities that are not usually carried out by an investment uf nd – e.g. impairment, hedge accounting, employee benet� s etc. For guidance on these areas, see our publication Guide to annual fnancial statements – Illustrative disclosures eS( ptember 2015.) What’s new in 2015? uO r IFRS: New standards – Are you ready? provides a summary o f nelw y eef f ctive and of rthcoming standards. hT e Fund has no transactions that ow uld be aef f cted by these ne w amendments ; thereof re, these reuq irements are not illustrated in this guide. Need for judgement hT is guide is part o f our suite o f publications – Guides to fnancial statements – and specic� ally of cuses on compliance iw th IFR.S Although it is not ehx austive, this guide illustrates the disclosures required by IFR S of r one hypothetical investment uf nd ; of r ease o f illustration, the disclosures here are generally presented iw thout regard to materiality. hT is guide should not be used as a boiler plate template. hT e preparation o f an entitys’ onw n� ancial statements reuq ires uj dgement, in terms o f the choice o f accounting policies, ho w the disclosures should be tailored to ree� ct the entitys’ specic� circumstances, and the materiality o f disclosures in the contetx o f the organisation. Applying the concept of materiality to disclosures An entity needs to consider the concept o f materiality hw en preparing the notes to its n� ancial statements ; it is not appropriate simply to apply the disclosure reuq irements in a standard iw thout considering materiality. An entity does not need to provide a specic� disclosure under IFR S i f the inof rmation resulting rf om that disclosure is not material. Also, an entity has to taek care not to reduce the understandability o f its n� ancial statements by obscuring material inof rmation iw th immaterial inof rmation or by aggregating material items that have dief f rent natures and uf nctions. For eax mple, a standard may provide specic� disclosures of r a material item in the n� ancial statements, but even i f the item is material, this does not mean that all o f the disclosures specie� d in that standard iw ll be material of r that item. An entity applies the materiality concept on a disclosureb- yd- isclosure basis. Step-up in the quality of fnancial statements Investors continue to as k of r a stepu- p in the uq ality o f business reporting so entities should be careuf l not to become buried in compliance to the ecx lusion o f relevance. In preparing its n� ancial statements, an entity needs to ek ep in mind its iw der responsibilities of r reporting this inof rmation in the most meaninguf l aw y. For more inof rmation, see our Better Business Reporting ew bsite. © 2015 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. APPENDICES NOTES PRIMARY STATEMENTS AUDITORS’ REPORT INTRODUCTION Reef rences and abbreviations � | 3 References and abbreviations Reef rences are included in the letf h- and margin o f this guide to identiyf their sources. Generally, the reef rences relate only to presentation and disclosure reuq irements. IAS 1.82(a) Paragraph 28 a( ) o f IA S 1. Insights Paragraph of the 12th Edition 2015/16 of our publication Insights into IFRS. Maoj r changes related to reuq irements that are ne w in 2015. hT e of lloiw ng abbreviations are used otf en in this guide. IBE ADT aE rnings beof re interest, taex s, depreciation and amortisation PE S aE rnings per share oN tes oN tes to the n� ancial statements ICO tO her comprehensive income CT O vO ert- hec- ounter © 2015 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. APPENDICES NOTES PRIMARY STATEMENTS AUDITORS’ REPORT INTRODUCTION 4 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures of r investment uf nds [Name of the investment fund] Independent auditors’ report © 2015 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. APPENDICES NOTES PRIMARY STATEMENTS AUDITORS’ REPORT INTRODUCTION Independent auditors ’ report | 5 a Independent auditors ’ report [Addressee] eW have audited the accompanying n� ancial statements o f [ name of the investment fund ] t( he Fund,) hw ich comprise the statement o f n� ancial position as at 13 eD cember 2015, the statements o f comprehensive income, changes in net assets attributable to holders o f redeemable shares and cash o� sw of r the year then ended, and notes, comprising a summary o f signic� ant accounting policies and other epx lanatory inof rmation. Management’s responsibility for the fnancial statements Management is responsible of r the preparation and af ir presentation o f these n� ancial statements in accordance iw th International Financial Reporting tS andards, and of r such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation o f n� ancial statements that are rf ee rf om material misstatement, hw ether due to rf aud or error. Auditors’ responsibility uO r responsibility is to epx ress an opinion on these n� ancial statements based on our audit. eW conducted our audit in accordance iw th International tS andards on Auditing. hT ose standards reuq ire that ew comply iw th ethical reuq irements and plan and perof rm the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about hw ether the n� ancial statements are rf ee rf om material misstatement. An audit involves perof rming procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the n� ancial statements. hT e procedures selected depend on our uj dgement, including the assessment o f the rissk o f material misstatement o f the n� ancial statements, hw ether due to rf aud or error. In maik ng those ris k assessments, ew consider internal control relevant to the entitys’ preparation and af ir presentation o f the n� ancial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not of r the purpose o f epx ressing an opinion on the eef f ctiveness o f the entitys’ internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness o f accounting policies used and the reasonableness o f accounting estimates made by management, as ew ll as evaluating the overall presentation o f the n� ancial statements. eW believe that the audit evidence ew have obtained is suc� f ient and appropriate to provide a basis of r our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the n� ancial statements give a true and af ir vie w o f the n� ancial position o f the Fund as at 13 eD cember 2015, and o f its n� ancial perof rmance and its cash o� sw of r the year then ended in accordance iw th International Financial Reporting tS andards. [Name of auditors’ frm] [Date of report] [Address] a. hT is eax mple report has been prepared based on International tS andard on Auditing 07 0 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements. Its of rmat does not ree� ct the legal reuq irements o f any particular uj risdiction. © 2015 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. APPENDICES NOTES PRIMARY STATEMENTS AUDITORS’ REPORT INTRODUCTION 6 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures of r investment uf nds [Name of the investment fund] Financial statements 31 December 2015 © 2015 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. APPENDICES NOTES PRIMARY STATEMENTS AUDITORS’ REPORT INTRODUCTION IlIllulussttrraattivivee d disiscclolossuurreess – P – Friinmaanrcyi asl thaitgehmligehnttss � | 7 PRIMARY STATEMENTS Financial highlights Net asset value per share Dividends per share Class A (in euro) Class B (in euro) Class A (in euro) Class B (in euro) 9.51% 8.93% 0.13 0.23 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 Net asset value (NAV) per share, 2015 NAV per share in euro 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Class A Class B Investments at fair value Thousands of euro 20,000 16,894 15,000 14,511 11,607 10,051 10,000 5,000 2,132 545 435 264 0 (1,234) (784) (212) (2,837) (5,0 00) Equity Derivative Other financial Derivative Securities sold Debt securities investments financial assets assets financial liabilities short 2015 2014 © 2015 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. 126.35 115.38 124.18 114.00 0.67 0.54 0.73 0.50 APPENDICES NOTES PRIMARY STATEMENTS AUDITORS’ REPORT INTRODUCTION 8 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures of r investment uf nds a, b, c tS atement o f n� ancial position 31 December 31 December IAS 1.10(a), 113 In thousands of euro Note 2015 2014 Assets IAS 1.54(i) aC sh and cash euq ivalents 51 17 IAS 1.54(d) aB lances due rf om broek rs 12 4,619 ,3 121 IAS 1.54(d) Receivables rf om reverse sale and repurchase agreements 5 4,744 ,3 09 IAS 1.54(h) tO her receivables 29 64 IAS 1.54(d) oN np- ledged n� ancial assets at af ir value through prot� orl� oss 10,11 26,931 2,4 174 IAS 1.54(d), 39.37(a) Pledged n� ancial assets at af ir value through prot� or loss 10,11 2,691 2,643 Total assets 39,065 ,43 054 Equity IAS 1.54(r) hS are capital 13 10 10 Total equity 10 10 Liabilities IAS 1.54(m) aB lances due to broek rs 12 143 257 IAS 1.54(m) Payables under sale and repurchase agreements 5 2,563 2,243 IAS 1.54(k) tO her payables 103 101 IAS 1.54(m) Financial liabilities at af ir value through prot� or loss 10,11 3,621 1,64 Total liabilities (excluding net assets attributable to holders of redeemable shares) 6,430 ,4 056 IAS 1.6, 54(m), Net assets attributable to holders of redeemable 32.IE32 shares 14 32,625 2,9 979 The notes on pages 12 to 57 are an integral part of these fnancial statements. IAS 1.10 a. An entity may also use other titles – e.g. b‘ alance sheet ’ – as long as the meaning is clear and they are not misleading. IAS 1.60–61 b. An investment uf nd or a similar n� ancial institution usually presents a statement o f n� ancial position shoiw ng assets and liabilities in their broad order o f liuq idity because this presentation provides reliable and more relevant inof rmation than separate current and nonc- urrent classic� ations. IAS 32.E32 c. In this guide, the presentation o f the statement o f n� ancial position of llosw axE mple 7 in IA S 23 Financial Instruments: Presentation. © 2015 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. APPENDICES NOTES PRIMARY STATEMENTS AUDITORS’ REPORT INTRODUCTION

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