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Illustrative disclosure for IFRS 9 PDF

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Illustrative disclosures Guide to annual fnancial statements IFRS® October 2016 kpmg.com/ifrs Contents About this guide 2 Independent auditors’ report 5 Consolidated fnancial statements 12 Financial highlights 13 Consolidated statement of fnancial position 14 Consolidated statement of proft or loss and other comprehensive income 16 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 18 Consolidated statement of cash fows 20 Notes to the consolidated fnancial statements 22 Appendices I New standards or amendments for 2016 and forthcoming requirements 150 II Presentation of comprehensive income – Two‑statement approach 152 III Statement of cash fows – Direct method 154 IV Example disclosures for entities that early adopt Disclosure Initiative (Amendments to IAS 7) 155 V Example disclosures for entities that early adopt IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2014) 158 VI Other disclosures not illustrated in the consolidated fnancial statements 220 Keeping in touch 226 Acknowledgements 228 Notes Basis of preparation 22 Other information 118 1. Reporting entity 22 37. Operating leases 118 2. Basis of accounting 22 38. Commitments 119 3. Functional and presentation currency 22 39. Contingencies 119 4. Use of judgements and estimates 22 40. Related parties 120 41. Subsequent events 123 Performance for the year 24 5. Operating segments 24 Accounting policies 124 6. Discontinued operation 31 42. Basis of measurement 124 7. Revenue 33 43. Correction of errors 125 8. Income and expenses 34 44. Signifcant accounting policies 126 9. Net fnance costs 36 45. Standards issued but not yet effective 142 10. Earnings per share 37 Employee benefts 39 11. Share‑based payment arrangements 39 12. Employee benefts 42 Income taxes 47 13. Income taxes 47 Alternative performance measure 54 14. Adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (adjusted EBITDA) 54 Asets 5 15. Biological assets 55 16. Inventories 59 17. Trade and other receivables 60 18. Cash and cash equivalents 61 19. Disposal group held for sale 62 20. Property, plant and equipment 64 21. Intangible assets and goodwill 67 22. Investment property 72 23. Equity‑accounted investees 73 24. Other investments, including derivatives 75 Equity and liabilities 76 25. Capital and reserves 76 26. Capital management 80 27. Loans and borrowings 81 28. Trade and other payables 84 29. Deferred income/revenue 85 30. Provisions 86 Financial instruments 88 31. Financial instruments – Fair values and risk management 88 Group composition 109 32. List of subsidiaries 109 33. Acquisition of subsidiary 110 34. NCI 114 35. Acquisition of NCI 116 36. Loan covenant waiver 117 2 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures About this guide hT is guide has been produced by the KPMG International tS andards Group p( art o f KPMG IFRG Limited ) and the viesw epx ressed herein are those o f the KPMG International tS andards Group. It is intended to help preparers in the preparation and presentation o f n� ancial statements in accordance iw th IFR S by illustrating one possible of rmat of r n� ancial statements of r a c� titious multinational corporation involved in general business. hT is hypothetical corporation t( he G‘ roup )’ has been applying IFR S of r some time – i.e. it is not a r� st - time adopter o f IFR.S For more inof rmation on adopting IFR S of r the r� st time, see hC apter6� .1 in the 1t3 h edition 20161/ 7 o f our publication Insights into IFRS. Standards covered T his guide re� ects standards and interpretations that have been issued by the IA BS as at 1 5 August 2016 and that are reuq ired to be applied b y an entity iw th an annual period beginning on 1 J anuary 2016 c‘( ur rently ef f ective reuq irements .)’ W ith the ex ception o f Appendices I V and V , the early adoption o f st andards or amendments to standards that are ef f ective f or annual periods beginning af ter 1� J anuary 2016 f‘( orthcoming reuq irements )’ is not� illustrated. T his guide does not illustrate the reuq irements o f IFR S 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, IFR S 4 Insurance Contracts, IFR S 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources, IFR S 1 4 Regulatory Deferral Accounts, IA S 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Beneft Plans, IA S 2 7 Separate Financial Statements, IA S 2 9 Financial Reporting in Hyperinfationary Economies or IA S 43 Interim Financial Reporting. IA�S 43 reuq irements are illustrated in our Guide to condensed interim fnancial statements – Illustrative disclosures. IFR S and its interpret ation change over time. Accordingly, this guide should not be used as a substitute f or ref erring to the standards and other relevant interpretative guidance. Preparers should also consider applicable legal and regulatory reuq irements. T his guide does not consider the reuq irements o f an y particular uj risdiction – e.g. IFR S does not reuq ire the present ation o f separate n� ancial st atements f or the parent entity. oC nseuq ently , this guide includes only consolidated n� ancial� statements. What’s new in 2016? T his guide includes an updated illustrative auditors ’ report, as a result o f the adoption o f the f olloiw ng re vised and ne w International tS andards on Auditing I( S As,) hw ic h are ef f ective f or audits o f n� ancial st atements f or periods ending on or af ter 1 5 eD cember 20 16: – IS A 07 0 R( evised ) F orming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements; – IS A 07 1 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report ; and – IS A 27 0 R( evised ) The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information. Appendi x I pro vides a comprehensive list o f ne w reuq irements under IFR S , distinguishing betw een those that are ef f ective f or an entity iw th an annual period beginning on 1 J anuary 2016, and those iw th a later ef f ective� date. © 2016 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Appendices Notes Primary statements Auditors’ report INTRODUCTION About this guide | | 3 hT e Group has no transactions that ow uld be aef f cted by the nelw y eef f ctive standard or amendments to standards ; thereof re, these ne w reuq irements are not illustrated in this guide. oN te 1 4 includes a ne w illustration o f an alternative earnings measure A( duj sted IBE ADT ) presented by the Group, hw ich may be considered an additional subtotal under IA S 1 hw en certain criteria have been met. hT e Group has included a reconciliation o f this measure iw th subtotals or totals reuq ired by IA1�S Presentation of Financial Statements. oN te 54 has been signic� antly epx anded to describe managements’ current assessment o f the possible impacts that the application o f IFRsS ,9 1 5 and 16 iw ll have on the Groups’ consolidated n� ancial statements in the period o f initial application. Appendices I V and V provide illustrative disclosures of r the early adoption o f Disclosure Initiative (Amendments to IAS 7) and IFR S 9 Financial Instruments, respectively. hT e amended standard and ne w standard are eef f ctive of r periods beginning on or atf er 1 aJ nuary 201 7 and 1 aJ nuary 201,8 respectively. T his guide is part o f our suite o f publications – Guides to fnancial statements – Need for judgement and specic� ally f ocuses on compliance iw th IFR S . Although it is not ehx austiv e, this guide illustrates the disclosures reuq ired b y IFR S f or one hypothetical corporation, largely iw thout regard to materialit y. T he preparation and presentation o f n� ancial st atements reuq ire the preparer to ex ercise uj dgement, in terms o f the c hoice o f accounting policies, the ordering o f notes to the n� ancial st atements, ho w the disclosures should be t ailored to re� ect the entity’ s specic� circumst ances, and the relevance o f disclosures considering the needs o f the users. pS ecic� guidance on materialit y and its application to the n� ancial st atements is Materiality included in paragraphs 213–9 o f IA S 1 . Materiality is relevant to the presentation and disclosure o f the items in the n� ancial st atements. Preparers need to consider hw ether the n� ancial statements include all o f the inf ormation that is relevant to understanding an entity’ s n� ancial position on the reporting date and its n� ancial perf ormance during the reporting period. Preparers also need to tak e care not to reduce the understandability o f an entity’ s n� ancial st atements by obscuring material inf ormation iw th immaterial inf ormation or by aggregating material inf ormation that is dif f erent by nature or uf nction. Individual disclosures that are not material to the n� ancial st atements do not have to be presented – e ven i f the y are a minimum reuq irement o f a standard. Preparers need to consider the appropriate level o f disclosure based on materiality f or the reporting period. Investors continue to as k f or a stepu- p in the uq alit y o f business reporting , so Step-up in the entities should be careuf l not to become buried in compliance to the e x clusion of quality of fnancial relevance. In preparing its n� ancial st atements, an entity needs to k eep in mind its iw der responsibilities f or reporting this inf ormation in the most meaninguf l statements w ay. For more inf ormation, see our Better Business Reporting w ebsite. © 2016 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Appendices Notes Primary statements Auditors’ report INTRODUCTION 4 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures References and Reef rences are included in the letf h- and margin o f this guide. Generally, the reef rences relate only to presentation and disclosure reuq irements. abbreviations IAS 1.82(a) Paragraph 28 a( ) o f IA S 1. [IAS 39.46(a)] Paragraph 64 a( ) o f IA S .93 hT e suq are bracek ts are used only in oN te 4 to the n� ancial statements s( ignic� ant accounting policies ) to indicate that the paragraph relates to recognition and measurement reuq irements, as opposed to presentation and disclosure reuq irements. Insights Paragraph 2..3 60.10 o f the 1t3 h edition 20161/ 7 o f our publication Insights into IFRS. IFRS 7R IFR S 7 as amended by IFR S .9 IFRS 7 IFR S 7 beof re amendment by IFR S .9 hT e of lloiw ng marik ngs in the letf h- and margins indicate the of lloiw ng. In the contetx o f consolidated n� ancial statements, the disclosures in respect o f operating segments ( oN te )5 and PE S s( tatement o f prot� or loss and ICO , and oN te 10 ) apply only i f thep� arent: – has debt or euq ity instruments o( perating segments ) or ordinary shares/ potential ordinary shares PE( )S that are traded in a public marek t – i.e. a domestic or of reign stoc k ecx hange or an overt- hec- ounter marek t, including local and regional marek ts ; or – l� es, or is in the process o f l� ing, its n� ancial statements iw th a securities commission or other regulatory organisation of r the purpose o f issuing any class o f instruments in a public marek t. Maoj r changes related to reuq irements that are ne w in 2016. hT e of lloiw ng abbreviations are used otf en in this guide. GC U aC shg- enerating unit IBE ADT aE rnings beof re interest, ta,x depreciation and amortisation PE S aE rnings per share IU IFR S Interpretations oC mmittee publication IFRIC Update ICN oN nc- ontrolling interests oN tes oN tes to the n� ancial statements ICO tO her comprehensive income © 2016 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Appendices Notes Primary statements Auditors’ report INTRODUCTION Independent auditors ’ report | 5 References and Reef rences are included in the letf h- and margin o f this guide. Generally, the reef rences relate only to presentation and disclosure reuq irements. abbreviations IAS 1.82(a) Paragraph 28 a( ) o f IA S 1. [IAS 39.46(a)] Paragraph 64 a( ) o f IA S .93 hT e suq are bracek ts are used only in oN te 4 to the n� ancial statements s( ignic� ant accounting policies ) to indicate that the paragraph relates to recognition [Name of the Company] and measurement reuq irements, as opposed to presentation and disclosure reuq irements. Insights Paragraph 2..3 60.10 o f the 1t3 h edition 20161/ 7 o f our publication Insights into IFRS. IFRS 7R IFR S 7 as amended by IFR S .9 Independent auditors’ report IFRS 7 IFR S 7 beof re amendment by IFR S .9 hT e of lloiw ng marik ngs in the letf h- and margins indicate the of lloiw ng. In the contetx o f consolidated n� ancial statements, the disclosures in respect o f operating segments ( oN te 5 ) and PE S s( tatement o f prot� or loss and ICO , and oN te 10 ) apply only i f thep� arent: – has debt or euq ity instruments o( perating segments ) or ordinary shares/ potential ordinary shares PE( )S that are traded in a public marek t – i.e. a domestic or of reign stoc k ecx hange or an over t- hec- ounter marek t, including local and regional marek ts ; or – l� es, or is in the process o f l� ing, its n� ancial statements iw th a securities commission or other regulatory organisation of r the purpose o f issuing any class o f instruments in a public marek t. Maoj r changes related to reuq irements that are ne w in 2016. hT e of lloiw ng abbreviations are used otf en in this guide. GC U aC shg- enerating unit IBE ADT aE rnings beof re interest, ta,x depreciation and amortisation PE S aE rnings per share IU IFR S Interpretations oC mmittee publication IFRIC Update ICN oN nc- ontrolling interests oN tes oN tes to the n� ancial statements ICO tO her comprehensive income © 2016 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Appendices Notes Primary statements AUDITORS’ REPORT Introduction 6 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures a Independent auditors’ report To the Shareholders of [Name of the Company] Opinion eW have audited the consolidated n� ancial statements o f [ Name of the Company ] and its subsidiaries t( he Group,) hw ich comprise the consolidated statement o f n� ancial position as at 13 eD � cember 2016, and the consolidated statements o f prot� or loss and other comprehensive income, changes in euq ity and cash o� sw of r the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated n� ancial statements, including signic� ant accounting policies and other epx lanatoryi� nof rmation. In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated n� ancial statements present af irly, in all material respects, the consolidated n� ancial position o f the Group as at 13 eD cember2� 016, and its consolidated n� ancial perof rmance and its consolidated cash o� sw of r the year then ended in accordance iw th International Financial Reporting tS andards I( FR.)S Basis for Opinion eW conducted our audit in accordance iw th International tS andards on Auditing I( AS s.) uO r responsibilities under those standards are uf rther described in the Auditors ’ Responsibilities of r the Audit o f the oC nsolidated Financial tS atements section o f our report. eW are independent o f the Group in accordance iw th the ethical reuq irements that are relevant to our audit o f the consolidated n� ancial statements in [ jurisdiction,] and ew have uf ll� led our ethical responsibilities in accordance iw th these reuq irements. eW believe that the audit evidence ew have obtained is suc� f ient and appropriate to provide a basis of r our opinion. Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in our proef ssional uj dgement, ew re o f most signic� ance in our audit o f the consolidated n� ancial statements o f the current period. hT ese matters ew re addressed in the contetx o f our audit o f the consolidated n� ancial statements as a hw ole, and in of rming our opinion thereon, and ew do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. Impairment testing of goodwill eS e oN te 21 to the consolidated n� ancial statements. The key audit matter How the matter was addressed in our audit hT e Group has recognised goodiw ll in uO r audit procedures in this area included, the amount o f ,3€ 238 thousand 2( 01 :5 among others: ,3€ 04 t�7 housand.) – involving our onw valuation specialist to hT e maoj rity o f goodiw ll has been allocated assist in evaluating the appropriateness o f to the uE ropean paper manuaf cturing and the discount rates applied, hw ich included distribution cashg- enerating unit GC( U ) and the comparing the ew ighted average cost o f iT mber ProductsGC � U. capital iw th sector averages of r the relevant marek ts in hw ich the GC Us operate; – evaluating the appropriateness o f the assumptions applied to ek y inputs such as sales volumes and prices, operating costs, ina� tion and longt- erm grotw h rates, hw ich included comparing these inputs iw th etx ernally derived data as ew ll as our onw assessments based on our nk olw edge o f the client and the industry; a. hT is eax mple report has been prepared based on the of lloiw ng International tS andards on Auditing I( AS s,) eef f ctive of r audits o f n� ancial statements of r periods ending on or atf er 1 5 eD cember 2016: – IAS 07 0 R( evised ) Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements; – IAS 07 1 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report ; and – IAS 27 0 R( evised ) The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information and Related Conforming Amendments. hT e of rmat o f the eax mple report does not ree� ct the legal or regulatory reuq irements o f any particular uj risdiction. © 2016 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Appendices Notes Primary statements AUDITORS’ REPORT Introduction Independent auditors ’ report | 7 hT e annual impairment testing o f goodiw ll is – perof rming our onw sensitivity analysis, considered to be a ek y audit matter due to the hw ich included assessing the eef f ct o f compleix ty o f the accounting reuq irements reasonably possible reductions in grotw h and the signic� ant uj dgement reuq ired in rates and of recast cash o� sw to evaluate the determining the assumptions to be used impact on the currently estimated headroom to estimate the recoverable amount. hT e of r the uE ropean paper manuaf cturing and recoverable amount o f the GC Us, hw ich is distribution GC U ; and based on the higher o f the value in use or af ir – evaluating the adeuq acy o f the n� ancial value less costs to sell, has been derived rf om statement disclosures, including disclosures discounted of recast cash o� w models. hT ese o f ek y assumptions, uj dgements and models use several ek y assumptions, including sensitivities. estimates o f uf ture sales volumes, and prices, operating costs, terminal value grotw h rates and the ew ighteda- verage cost o f capital d( iscountr� ate.) Acquisition of Papyrus eS e oN te 3 to the consolidated n� ancial statements. The key audit matter How the matter was addressed in our audit nO 13 March 2016, the Group acuq ired 6 %5 o f uO r audit procedures in this area included, the outstanding shares in Papyrus i( n addition among others: to the 2 %5 previously held ) of r consideration o f – involving our onw valuation specialists to 2€ ,613 thousand. support us in challenging the valuations hT e accounting of r this transaction is comple x produced by the Group and the methodology due to the signic� ant uj dgements and estimates used to identiyf the assets and liabilities that are reuq ired to determine the values o f the acuq ired ; in particular: consideration transef rred and the identic� ation - the methodologies adopted and ek y and measurement o f the af ir value o f the assets assumptions utilised in valuing the tangible acuq ired and liabilities assumed. ex� d assets by comparing iw th marek t uD e to the siez and compleix ty o f the inof rmation and uq oted prices of r similar acuq isition, ew considered this to be a ek y audit assets ; and matter. - the ek y assumptions used to determine the af ir value o f the customer relationship intangible asset, hw ich included recalculating historical customer retention rates and grotw h trends, and reconciling underlying data to customer contracts and relationship databases; – challenging the af ir value o f the contingent consideration, hw ich included assessing uf ture of recast business perof rmance by agreeing amounts to approved of recasts, underlying contracts and comparing of recasts against historical perof rmance and results since the acuq isition date ; and – evaluating the adeuq acy o f the n� ancial statement disclosures, including disclosures o f ek y assumptions, uj dgements and sensitivities. © 2016 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Appendices Notes Primary statements AUDITORS’ REPORT Introduction 8 | Guide to annual n� ancial statements – Illustrative disclosures Valuation of standing timber eS e oN te 15 to the consolidated n� ancial statements. The key audit matter How the matter was addressed in our audit hT e Groups’ biological assets include standing uO r audit procedures in this area included, timber, hw ich is measured at af ir value less among others: costs to sell. – evaluating the Groups’ inputs used in sE timating the af ir value is a comple x process calculating the estimated cash o� sw by involving a number o f uj dgements and comparing iw th historical perof rmance estimates regarding various inputs. uD e to the and the Groups’ plans, as ew ll as our nature o f the asset, the valuation techniuq e understanding o f the industry and the includes a discounted cash o� w model that economic environment the Group operatesi� n ; uses a number o f inputs rf om internal sources – evaluating the historical accuracy o f the due to a lac k o f relevant and reliable observable Groups’ assessment o f the af ir value o f inputs. oC nseuq ently, ew have determined standing timber by comparing previous the valuation o f standing timber to be a ek y of recasts of r yields per hectare, timber prices auditm� atter. and harvestingt/ ransportation costs iw th actual outcomes and industry of recasts ; – involving our onw valuation specialist to assist in evaluating the appropriateness o f the discount rates used, hw ich included comparing the discount rate iw th sector averages of r the relevant marek ts in hw ich the Group operates ; – evaluating the Groups’ estimated costs o f replicating younger standing timber by comparing them iw th marek t inof rmation and uq oted prices of r similar assets ; and – evaluating the adeuq acy o f the n� ancial statement disclosures, including disclosures o f ek y assumptions, uj dgements and sensitivities. Valuation of disposal group held for sale eS e oN te 19 to the consolidated n� ancial statements. The key audit matter How the matter was addressed in our audit In uJ ne 2016, the Group committed to a plan uO r audit procedures in this area included, to sell part o f a manuaf cturing af cility included among others: iw thin the tS andard Papers segment. – challenging the Groups’ uj dgement on the hT is part o f the manuaf cturing af cility has been classic� ation o f the disposal group as heldof- r - classie� d as a disposal group and rw itten donw sale through understanding the status o f the to its af ir value less costs to sell, based on a sales process and revieiw ng correspondence ew ighted estimate o f the discounted uf ture rf om purchasers and prospective purchasers; cash o� w of recasts and costs associated iw th – challenging the Groups’ assumptions replicating the manuaf cturing af cility. uD e to the used as the basis of r allocating the assets high level o f uj dgement involved in estimating and liabilities in the manuaf cturing af cility the af ir value o f the disposal group, and the betew en continuing and discontinued signic� ant carrying amounts o f the assets and operations and reconciling them to the liabilities associated iw th the disposal group, ew underlying accounting records; considered this to be a ek y audit matter. – assessing the inputs in the discounted cash o� w calculation by comparing inputs iw th internally and etx ernally derived data such as the Groups’ budgets and of recasts, and inof rmation of r similar af cilities operating iw thin the industry; © 2016 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Appendices Notes Primary statements AUDITORS’ REPORT Introduction

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